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        검색결과 1,826

        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With increases in senior citizens and changes in family structure, the need for long-term care system for elderly is increasing, however, the capacity and environment of Korean facilities are very limited. Health and nutritional status of long-term care residents are worse than free-living elderly. In this study, general food service management and health care practices in long-term care systems were investigated. Questionnaire were sent to the directors of all 162 long-term care facilities in Korea and 81 returned the complete answers. The results showed 1) There are slow but steady increase in long-term care systems in Korea, however, the capacity is far from adequate. Less than 10,000 elderly were resided in the facilities. Most of the systems were free-nursing homes and supported by the goverment. Staffing structure revealed that most of the facilities had a director, a secretary, nurses, but only 21% of the systerm hired a dietitian. It showed the shortage of nurses, physical therapists, and dietitians. Therefore, food purchasing, menu planning, food delivery, and the other food service management processes are handled by non-professionals, such as director, secretary, or cooks. Modified fool frequency questionnaire were used to get the frequencies of each food items used in menu and a menu-analysis was made on the one-day menu provided by the facilities. The results showed relatively satisfactory in nutrients content and food frequencies., however, this was about what was used in menu, not what was eaten by the residents. Therefore this results did not tell that the food intake status of individuals. In most facilities general health checkup was done on a regular basis, and had residents with various chronic degenerative diseases, such as hypertension, neuralgia, stroke, arthritis, diabetes. But the items checked on health checkup included weight, height, blood and urine tests, X-ray test, which suggested that the checkup lists should be revised to accomodate the health problem of the aged today.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To observe trends over time in the consumers' preference for food purchasing, a content analysis of food advertising in Women's Dong-A was conducted with the five-year intervals from 1968 to 1995. Advertisements for food were classified with the types of foods represented, the types of food products sold, and the types of promotional statements. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The percentages of advertisements for Ingredients &Condiments group; Fats, Sugars & Desserts group; and Beverages group were peaked in the 1970s; advertisements for Protein foods, Dairy products, and Fruits & Vegetables began to increase in early 1980s; and advertisements for Starch & Cereals stabilized over time. 2. The percentages of advertisements for products classified as Fresh, Frozen and Bottled foods increased linearly; and Canned, Dry products (whether ready-to-eat or required reconstitution) decreased. 3. The percentages of promotional statements about General Health Nutrition and Contains specific nutrients were all very high, although they may decrease in recent decade; promotional statements about Minimizes or Eliminates Certain substances increased linearly over time. 4. The advertisements of Consumer-related statement were very high over time. The proportion of statement about Taste was 60.6% of all advertisements.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate college students' dietary behavior and consciousness of Korean traditional food during in 1996. 490 students in junlanamdo were asked to fill out the questionaries. The data was analyzed SAS package. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The average height and weight were 172.8 cm, 63.8 kg for male and 160.9 cm, 49.2 kg for female. Students' living their own home were 52.6% and self lodging students were 24.9%. 2 Eating type of college students appeared that they prefered to cooked rice at breakfast, dinner and lunch. 85.3% of college students prefer Korean food. Male have a meal for hunger and female for pleasure (p<0.002). 3. The standard of food choice were taste of food. Majority of college students(85.9%)) think that the Korean traditional food should be succeeded and developed. However, they want the taste of Korean traditional food to be changed for their preference (58.2%). Opinion of students on traditional food to be improved are the cookery (38.8%), the sanitation (26.7%), the presevation (24.7%), the taste (6.7%) and the nutrition (3.1%).
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed with survay in the field and literature. The result were; 1. In Vietnam, They took their meal in three times a day. They have taken Nuoc nam (fish sauce) with sliced red pepper, half a lime, etc... in every day every night. Fish Sauce was prepared with small fish (generally fresh- water fish), the same amount of salt, and stored in 8 months, and made filltered fluid. It's Nuoc mam. They have gained protein sauce from it. 2. Their basic menu were composed with rice, soup, food with marine products and meat (generally pork), various vegetables, tropical fruit. 3. Food of cereals were Com Trang (white rice), Pho (rice noodle), Chao (rice gruel), Banh Trang (rice paper), Banh mi (bread) etc... Food of meat were Ho sua, Banh bao chien (barbecued little pork), Suon Nuon (grilled pork), Cha Lua (sausage of pork) etc..., Thit be nhung (grilled beef, Dog meat, Chicken, Duck, Frog. Food of fish were generally fresh-water fish, Ca Chien (grilled fish), Canh chua (soup with sour taste), Ca chem chung (steamed fish with fragrant vegetable), Lobster, Crab, Oyster, Cuttlefish, Shellfish, etc... Food of vegetables were Doa Hanh (Kimchi with a welsh onion), Rau xao hon hop (roasted vegetables), Goi Tom (salad), Canh he dau hu (soup) etc..., and They took much food of trophical fruit, Tra (Tea), Coffee, Lua Moi (distilled liquor). 4. For example, Their Daily meal were composed of Sup Bong Ca (Soup), Heo Sua, Banh Bao Chien (barbecued little Pork), Top Hap (steamed shrimp), Cua (steamed Crab), Luon Um (bioled a fresh-water eel), Lau Thap Cam, Hai Sam Sac Nam Dong Co, Trai Cay.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Additives in plastics are capable of migrating from the packaging materials into the foodstuffs, thereby presenting a source of contamination and a potential health risk to the consumer. The migration from packaging materials into foodstuffs is first of all regulated by examining the amounts of global and specific migrated components. Besides, there is worldwide still a need for practical methods for measuring and monitoring migration from polymers, especially for the testing of migration into fatty foodstuffs. Therefore, these studies were undertaken to investigate the safety status of domestic plastic packaging materials with respect to migration. Another objective of this study was to examine the applicability of ethanol as an alternative fatty food simulant substituting for olive oil and n-heptane. The evaporation residues for various domestic plastic samples determined as described in Korean food laws were in the level from 4.3 to 14.5 mg/l, which were much lower than the limit value of 150 mg/l. The global migration values into 95 % ethanol showed to be comparable to those into n-heptane, while the olive oil migration values were comparably higher than those into ethanol or n-heptane and moreover they were not reproducible. The kinetic migration behavior of additives in polyolefin samples into 95% ethanol showed a Fickian diffusion process. The results of these studies on global migration and kinetic testings demonstrate that the ethanol could be successfully substitute for the olive oil and n-heptane as an alternative fatty food simulant, at least in contact with polyolefins.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Well-balanced meal is very important in its quantity and quality. Especially on the quantity field it becomes difficult for a foodservice operation to decide proper portion for individuals uniformly. These study was focused to setting up a proper portion by each food service operation. The results obtained were: 1. Individual consumption size from dormitory food service of college: cooked rice 282 g, soups 161 g, pot stewes 162 g, stir fries 53 g, stews 32 g, kimchies 47 g, fresh and boiled salads 43 g, one course dishies 477 g, pan broiles 44 g, meunieres 124 g. Individual consumption size from industry foodservice (white collar worker): cooked rices 228 g, soups 205 g, pot stewes 251 g, stir fries 20 g, stewes 76 g, kimchies 57 g, fresh and boiled salads 36 g, one course dishies 423 g, pan broiles 63 g, meunieres 38 g. 2. Proper portion of meal based on a statistical data is as follows: at college foodservice - cooked rices 280~290 g, soups 155~170 g, pot stewes 170 g, stir fries 60 g, stewes 35 g, kimchies 40~60 g, fresh and boiled salads 50 g, one course dishies 480 g, pan broiles 50 g, meunieres 130 g and at industry foodservice (white collar worker) - cooked rices 220~250 g, soups 210 g, pot stewes 250 g, stir fries 20 g, stewes 80 g, kimchies 60 g, fresh and boiled salads 40 g, one course dishies 430 g, pan broiles 70 g, meunieres 40 g.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        온도 및 기주종류별 담배거세미나방의 난 및 유충발육에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 담배거세미나방 난과의 부화율은 온도에 관계없이 천연기주에서 100% 부화하였으나, 인공 사육용 갱지에서 약 65-87%로 온도가 높아질수록 부화율은 낮아지는 경향이었다. 난기간은 , 및 에서 각각 약 4.4일, 3.9일 및 3.0일 이었으며, 기주간에는 차이가 없었다. 유충발육기간동안 유충무게는 와 의 경우 발육초기에는 고구마 잎을 식이한 유충이 무거웠으나 중기이후에는 콩잎과 들깨잎을 식이한 유충이 무거웠다. 하지만 의 경우 유충발육 12일까지 고구마잎에서 사육된 충이 다른 기주에서 사육된 충보다 무거웠는데, 이는 가 와 32에 비해 저온으로 유충의 발육속도가 상대적으로 느렸기 때문으로 여겨졌다. 유충의 사망률은 온도별로는 에서 가장 높았고, 에서 가장 낮았다. 하지만 기주별 사망률은 일정한 경향이 없었으며, 유충발육이 진행될수록 사망률이 증가하는 경항이었다. 유충기간은 에서 약 23.6-30.4일, 에서 18.6-22.3일 및 에서 약 14.5-18.0일로 온도가 높아질수록 유충기간이 ?아졌으며, 기주별로는 콩잎에서 가장 짧았고 다음이 들깨잎 및 고구마잎 순 이었고, 인공사료에서 가장 길었다. 난과 유충의 발육임계온도는 각각 평균 약와 였다.
        1997.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contents of articles on food safety and policy in the Donga and Chosun Ilbo from January 1960 to June 1996 were analyzed for the evaluation of subjects and trends in mass media. Among the total of 490 articles, those on cereals were most frequently appeared (20.0%), followed by the articles on sea foods (10.6%) and meats (10.0%). Articles on fats and oils were the least (2.0%) in frequencies. The proportions of articles classified based on the 10-year interval were 28.0% in the 60's, 28.0% in the 70's, 20.6% in the 80's, and 23.4% in the 90's. Major contents of articles were the safety of imported foods, food contaminations by agricultural chemicals, heavy metals and harmful additives.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Retrospective study on the comparison of outbreaks of food poisoning for food hygiene in Korea and Japan. The average value of morbidity rate by year in Korea during the period of 1971 to 1992 was 2.9 per 100,000 population, and that of Japan was 29.1. The mean value of mortality rates in case of food poisoning by year in Korea was 2.33%, and that of Japan was 0.07%. When compared the rates of morbidity and mortality between Korea and Japan during the same period, the morbidity rates of Japan were much higher than those of Korea (p$lt;0.0l). However, mortality rate of patients in Korea were much higher then those of Japan (p$lt;0.01). Resulting from comparative observation of food poisoning by preparing facilities between Korea and Japan. The highest list the places where the outbreaks occurred was home-made foods accounted for 48.8% of the total cases in Korea and that of Japan was restaurants accounted for 33.0%. Causative foods in Korea, the most common incrimination vehicles were seafood, meat and animal products and grain and vegetables, including mushroom. However, in the case of the common incrimination vehicles Japan were unknown and other foods, seafood, vegetables and meat and animal products etc.. Food poisoning of pathogenic substance in Korea were 60.9% of bacterial food poisoning of the total cases showing that Vibrio species, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus app., pathogenic E. coli, Clostridium app. and other app. were 33.3%, 26.2%, 16.3%, 5.3%, 0.4% and 18.5%, respectively. On the other hand, in Japan, major causes were Vibrio app. (45.7%), Staphylococcus app. (23.7%), Salmonella app. (16.8%), pathogenic E. coli (3.8%), Clostridium app. (0.2%) and other app. (9.6%).
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to investigate food consumption patterns and nutrient intakes of college students, divided into subgroups of normal weight men (no.=140), normal weight women (no.=101), and underweight women (no.=155) by body mass index. Frequency of food eaten, nutrient intakes from each meal, percentages of RDAs, and nutrient densities were analyzed using 24-hour recall records. It was very interesting in these results as follows. Normal weight men ate on the whole more frequently than other groups. Underweight women had higher intakes of nutrient than did normal weight women. However normal weight women consumed food of greater nutrient density than did other college students. Consequently, it is desirable to suggest nutrient density of food than learn RDAs for adequate diet in nutritional education programs.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Algeria is located at the Mediterranean coast of north Africa, 90% of its population is concentrated in the coastal area which is mainly devoted to agriculture. Highland steppe and vast desert climate have determined its food culture. Long arab domination has influenced food of Algeria which has also undergone certain impact of Spanish, Turkish and French occupation. A variety of agricultural products, vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs have determined cooking method and food combination of Algeria. It use neither pork nor alcohol. Its main food consists of bread made from wheat flour and couscous cooked with semoule, Mechuwi, roast lamb and chorba, mixed soup are also typical foods of this region. For climatic reason lamb and chicken are prefered. Energy efficient method is applied to cooking through using oil for saute and water for boiling. Under european influence, Algerian salad used dressing for leaf vegetables, root and other kind vegetables were boiled. Serving with cake and cookies as dessert may possibly be the influence from the French occupation. The cake and cookie are made of wheat flour or other grain flour and take a specific form to be fried sweet with honey. Herbs and spices are widely used in cooking which are easily cultivated in household: mint, basil, rosemary, bayleaf, thyme, sage, fennel, marjoram, coriander, celery. Garlic, onion, piment, red pepper, cinammon are also widely used in an ordinary cooking. Reasonable food combination and economic cooking method could be subject of Algerian food study.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to collect information in terms of the frequency and amounts in frequently consumed dishes. We conducted the secondary analysis from '93 Korean National Survey. Mainly informations about 2-day food records were used to investigate dish intakes and to compare different food patterns by area. Amounts of total daily intakes of dishes per capita are 1,741.46g in nationwide, 1,722.03g in large city, 1,712.46g in small city, 1,808.73g in rural. The dish consumed in largest quantities per capita per day is the rice which amounts is 481.67g, 27.66% of total intake. Fruits and cabbage were consumed in large quantities too. Kimchi made of cabbage have the highest number of frequencies. Number of frequencies in rice, fruits, and milk showed high, too. Dish groups are classified by the cooking method. Some dishes in several dish groups have small number of frequencies and small amount of quantities. Some dishes in the top list are not included in the 30 dishes list. There should be some studies about validity and reliability of the dish list, using individual dietary assessment methods.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to collect information in terms of the frequency and amounts in frequently consumed foods. We conducted the secondary analysis from '93 Korean National Nutrition Survey. Mainly informations about 2-day food records were used to investigate food intakes and to compare different food patterns by area. Amounts and frequencies of food intakes are on the list by the order of contributing amounts and frequencies. Amounts of total daily intake of food per capita are 1,054g in nationwide, 1,076g in large city, 1,049g in small city, 1,017g in rural. The major foods consumed in large quantities were rice, kimchi, milk, in nationwide, large city, and small city and rice, kimchi, Korean radish in rural. The intake frequency of kimchi, rice, and basic seasonings as garlic, green onion, salts, soy sauce et al, were higher than other foods in all area. However, there are need for further researches to investigate individual dietary intake and seasonal variation of intakes. Also, food consumption patterns for different groups considering age, sex, area should be studied.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The contents of articles on nutrition in life cycle, health and disease in the Korean daily newspapers were analyzed for the evaluation of the trends in nutrition information in mass media. Among 922 articles pressed from January 1960 to June 1996, articles on nutrition in life cycle were most frequently appeared, which is followed by articles on nutrition in disease, health foods and other related food and nutrition informations. There was a deep contrast in that the proportion of articles on nutrition in life clyle decreased from 58% in the 60's to 33% in the 90's, and those of nutrition in disease, and health foods increased from 23% and 5% in 60's to 34% and 18% in 90's, respectively.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the important changes and the trends in Korean newspaper articles related to 1) food habits and food consumption patterns 2) nutrition, health and diseases 3) food safety and policy. The method used in this study was content analysis of the articles pressed in Donga ilbo and Choseun ilbo from January 1960 to June 1996. Among the total 1814 articles, those on nutrition, health and disease were 922 (50.8%), food safety and policy were 490 (27%) and food habits and consumption patterns were 402 (22.2%). The articles related to food habits and consumption patterns dealt with four contents, food habits reformation, changes in food consumption patterns, nutritional status and food habits. The frequencies of food habits content were highest (51.1%) and especially increased in 1980's and 1990's as the concerns on health and pursuit of convenience were increased. Most of contents related to food habits were health and longevity diet (44%) and eating out (27.5%). The percentile of food habits reformation, the changes in food consumption patterns and nutritional status were 20.1%, 18.4% and 10.0%, respectively. The contents of food habits reformation were most interested in 1960's when food shortage and poverty prevailed. Nowadays, the major subjects of food habits reformation were changed to the problem of wastage and the use of our agricultural foods. The frequencies of change in food consumption patterns were gradually increased from 1960's (7 item) to June 1996 (34 items). And the most of contents related to nutritional status were focused on suffering from food shortage especially in 1960's.