
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 145

        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As Maud Gonne had been regarded as one of the most important factors in Yeats’s life and literature, this study aims to analyze her images reflected in the poet’s poems which were published in 1910s and 1920s. Maud Gonne is presented as a political icon of that time in Ireland in Yeats’s poems. Unlike his early poems, where Maud Gonne is idealized as a goddess, a heroic figure of unbounded nobility and courage, Yeats presents her as a tragic warrior who devotes herself to political activities for violence and destruction in this period. At the same time, Yeats shows his holding back of approving Gonne’s political role of female warrior. The number of poems related to Maud Gonne also is decreased when Yeats realizes that Maud Gonne devoted herself too much on the political matters.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, many of literary works in English has been produced from the so-called Third World. The notion of "contemporary poetry, however, remains strikingly provincial in the anglophone Western World. Also, even though the conceptions of American poetry have expanded to include minority writers of the Third World, the story of the glottalization of English poetry remains largely untold. Why is postcolonial poetry so much less visible in modern literary world? The term postcolonial has often been criticized for erasing cultural and historical differences, so it can be useful in highlighting similarities and differences among various cultures still grappling with their colonial histories. Yeats has been placed in many literary and hermetic societies. For the constituencies of Yeats studies, the claiming Yeats as postcolonial can help renew attention to a poet who, often charged with antifeminism and reactionary politics, has been losing ground to postmodernism, antiformalism, and ethnic writing. Yeats's postcolonization can strengthen the claim of Irish studies to be a player in the vibrant field of postcolonial studies. If we define the Easter Rising is the crucial moment, "Easter, 1916" would qualify as postcolonial. If postcoloniality is construed not as after decolonialization but as since colonization, then Yeats is more easily swept whole into the postcolonial canon, but so would be all kinds of Irish literature since the early 20th century, perhaps stretching the term postcolonial beyond use. So, we can have difficulties in defining Yeats as a postcolonial poet.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 일생에 걸쳐 그의 문학과 그의 신비주의적 관심을 함께 연결시키려고 노력해왔으며 이는 사후의 세계와 우주의 섭리, 천국과 지옥의 실체 등 인간이 인식하지 못하는 것들에 대한 지적 호기심이며 창조적 탐구의 과정이었다. 이런 신비한 것에 대한 관심의 직접적인 접촉은 물론 블레이크적인 접근이었지만 그 뿌리를 거슬러 올라가면 크게 몇 가지로 분류되는데 이는 철학적 접근, 밀교적 접근, 아일랜드의 신화전설, 낭만주의적 접근, 신학적 접근, 그리고 이 논문에서 언급된 고대 기독교적 접근 등이 그것이다. 기독교적 접근이라고 분류되는 것은 성경에 기초한 교조적인 해석이 아니라 어느 정도 신비주의적으로 기독교의 전통에 따라 보이지 않는 것들, 즉 사후의 영적 경험과 천국과 지옥의 존재의 증명 시도를 의미한다. 예이츠의 기독교 신비주의에 영향을 끼친 두 신학자는 스웨덴보리와 보엠이 있다. 예이츠는 스웨덴보리로부터 주로 사후의 세계에 대해 영향을 받고 있다. 비록 스웨덴보리가 기독교의 교리에서 벗어나지 못했다는 약점에도 불구하고 사후세계의 존재인식과 인간과 신, 혹은 우주가 통신한다는 개념들은 예이츠의 인간영혼의 불멸성과 거대기억의 이론에 직접적인 근거가 된다. 그의 중심사상은 자연계와 영계의 통신이며 이는 우주와 개인, 신과 인간, 사후의 세계와 현세, 귀신과 사람간의 연결이며 합일이다. 영적인 세계는 천당이나 지옥이 아니라 그 중간의 세계이며 죽은 영혼들이 윤회로 다시 태어나거나, 혹은 최종의 목적지에 도달하기 전 잠시 머무는 임시영역이다. 예이츠는 이 영역에서 아니마 문디가 정화되고 거대기억이 형성된다고 보았다. 따라서 이 영적인 세계에서는 우주와 인간의 영혼이 서로 통신하며 실제로 교류할 수 있다는 것이다. 보엠은 좀 더 인간에 관심을 가지고 있다. 그의 인간과 신의 합일사상이 블레이크의 신성인간이며 예이츠의 황금새벽의 이상형이다. 우주의 질서와 조화를 강조한 보엠은 예이츠에게 시적 상상력이 신성과 같은 단계이며 시인은 마치 영매처럼 우주와 영혼, 즉 인간의 세계와 신의 세계를 볼 수 있는 능력을 가진 견자(seer)이며 연결할 수 있는 통신자(correspondences)라는 것을 말해주고 있다.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠에게 있어 아니마 문디, 혹은 세계영의 사상은 여러 가지 역할을 하고 있으며 그중 가장 중요하고 기본적인 것은 역시 작품의 배경으로서의 역할일 것이다. 특히 그의 연극작품들에 나타나고 있는 아니마 문디는 아일랜드적 배경들과 함께 작품과 관객(혹은 독자)들에게 공통적인 감정을 이입시켜 연결하게 해준다. 그의 연극적인 배경이 되는 신화적 요소들과 현실과 환상이 공존하는 공간적 배경들, 삶과 죽음의 세계와 그 중간의 세계가 윤회적으로 나타나는 시간적 배경들은 모두 작가와 그의 독자들에게 모두 친숙한 세계이다. 이런 소재들과 사건들을 다루면서 예이츠는 그의 민족주의적 연극이 관객들에게 줄 수 있는 메시지를 스스로 조절할 수 있었으며, 관객들이 작가의 의도를 알아차리는 데는 별 문제가 없어 보인다. 이 글에서는 예이츠의 연극 열 편에 등장하는 켈트적인 신비와 상징을 중심으로 아일랜드인들이 모두 공유하는 집단적인 대기억들이 조국의 문화적 동질성을 회복시키며 정치적 종교적 분열을 치료하여 민족적인 통일을 이루어내기 위하여 직접적으로 또 간접적으로 사용되었다는 것을 밝힘으로써 세계영의 사상이 이론에 치우친 허황된 개념이 아니라 국민들의 의식속에 실재로 존재하고 있다는 것을 밝히고자한다. 물론 공연을 염두에 두고 쓰여졌으며 민족주의적인 메시지를 담고있다는 목적이 뚜렷하고 또 무대공연의 제약이 있기에 시에서처럼 심오한 의미를 전달하기는 어렵지만, 이들 연극에서 신비한 과거의 세계가 원형으로 사용되어 현재와 미래를 동일시하게 해주고 있음을 잘 알 수 있다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아일랜드의 신화와 전설에 대한 예이츠의 관심은 민족문학에 대한 보존과 기록의 단순한 물리적 의무감에 머물지 않고 그의 평생에 걸친 관심이며 시정신의 기초가 되는 세계령의 사상으로 승화하고 있다. 아일랜드 지방에서 그가 수집한 신화와 전설들이 지역적인 한계에서 벗어나 유럽문화의 기본이 되는 그리스와 로마의 사상을 대치할 수 있는 보편성을 지니고 있으며 세계의 큰기억에 융합되어 역사의 흐름을 조관하는 에너지가 되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 예이츠의 초기 소설들은 직접적으로는 신화와 전설에 그 이야기의 바탕을 두고 있다. 또한 작가의 신앙, 역사, 그리고 특히 그의 신비종교적인 관심에 비추어 현실에서 벗어나 미지와 신비의 가치를 추구하지만 결국 인간적인 한계로 인해 실패하고야 만다는 이야기를 주로 다룬다. 장미, 여명, 십자가 등 풍부한 예술적, 종교적 상징의 사용과 함께 인간과 (보통의 인간이 아니라 예지의 능력이 있거나 영웅적인 인간들) 귀신(ghost)과 정령들(spirit)이 함께 어울려 신의 세계와 인간의 세계에 대한 구분이 확실하지 않은 배경에서 진행되는 이 작품들은 기독교와 신비종교, 물질의 세계와 영적 세계, 고유성과 전체성 등의 대립을 통해 발생한 에너지를 바탕으로 천상의 빛을 찾으려는 시도로 보인다. 신화의 세계를 경험한 노인들의 경험담이라는 형식을 통해 예이츠는 사라져 가는 아일랜드의 신화를 저장하여 큰기억으로 만들려고 하였으며, 동시에 그가 신봉하였던 영적인 세계를 표현하려고 시도했다.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        TMGa와 유전체 장벽방전에 기초한 질소함유 활성종을 이용하여 (0001) 사파이어 기판위에 GaN 박막을 저온에서 성장시켰다. III-V 질소화합물 반도체의 에피막 성장에 있어서 암모니아는 유기금속 화학증착법에서 지금까지 알려진 가장 보편적인 질소 공급원이며 충분한 질소공급을 위해 1000˚C 이상의 고온 성장이 필수적이다. GaN 박막을 비교적 저온에서 성장시키기 위하여 질소 공급원으로 암모니아 대신 유전체 장벽방전을 이용하였다. 유전체 장벽방전은 전극사이에 유전체 장벽을 설치하여 arc를 조절하는 방전이며 수 기압의 높은 공정압력보다 훨씬 높으므로 기판표면까지 전달하는데도 이점이 있다. GaN 박막의 결정성과 표면형상은 성장온도, 완충층에 따라 변화하였으며, 700˚C의 저온에서도 우수한 (0001) 배향성을 갖는 GaN 박막을 성장할 수 있었다.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2019.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 유선, 어선 등이 관제대상으로 확대됨에 따라 해당 선박이 VTS(Vessel Traffic Service) 관제사에게 미치는 충돌사고 위험도를 분석하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 VTS 관제사를 대상으로 설문을 하고 소형선박의 범위를 정하여 부산 VTS 관제 구역을 항해하는 일반상선과 소형선박의 침로 등을 3일간 조사하였다. 이를 VTS 관제사 관점에서의 충돌위험 평가모델(CoRI)로 위험도를 구한 결과, 침로 편차에 따른 위험도의 증가․감소 패턴은 비슷하였고, 최댓값과 최솟값은 큰 차이가 없었다. 또한 대부분 VTS 관제사는 선박근접상황에 대해 안전하게 관제할 수 있는 최소 시간으로 3분이 필요하다 응답하였는데, 소형선박의 충돌위험도는 3분의 시간 동안 매우 급격하게 위험도 변화를 보 여 VTS 관제사의 업무량 증가와 집중도 저하 우려가 있다고 판단된다. 본 연구는 소형선박의 관제대상 포함 여부가 VTS 관제사에게 미치는 영향을 충돌위험도로 검토한 것으로, 향후 다양한 사례를 통한 CoRI 모델의 각 지수에 대한 분석과 검증을 통해 관제 대상 선박의 적절한 범위 설정을 위한 방안 마련에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cornus kousa fruit has been used as a medicine for a long time. Therefore, for the purpose of utilizing C. kousa fruit as a health functional food, antioxidant activity was tested by extracting ethanol concentrations to identify optimal extraction conditions. Methods and Results : C. kousa fruits used in this study were washed, dried and pulverized. Then, the samples and solvents by ethanol concentration (0, 20, 40, 60 80 and 100%) were extracted at 80℃ for 90 minutes at 1 : 20 ratio, respectively. Afterwards, it was filtered, concentrated, frozen and dried. Total phenol and flavonoid content, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power and oxygen radical absorbance capacity were measured. The total phenol and flavonoid content is the highest in 60% ethanol extract at 20.08 ㎎·GAE/g, 0.86 ㎎·QE/g. In addition to all antioxidant studies showed the highest activitiy in 60% ethanol extract. Also, when HepG2 cells were treated with ethanol extract at 200 ㎍/㎖ concentrations, the survival rate was more than 90% and cytotoxicity was not observed. Then, HepG2 cells were treated with tBHP to induce oxidative stress, and the cytoprotective effect and inhibitory activity of ROS production were measured. As a result, 60% ethanol extract showed the best activity. Conclusion : When extracting C. kousa fruits with ethanol as solvent, It is expected best to use 60% ethanol to maximize potential as a material for health functional foods.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The Dolwoe is a native plant to Asia and a medicinal plant belonging to the family of cucurbitaceae. It is generally consumed in the form of tea. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of roasting treatment and the extracts of ethanol and water on antioxidant activity and to examine the possibility of raw materials for health functional food. Methods and Results : In this study, each specimen was extracted as water and ethanol by dividing it into Dolwoe leaves that were treated with roasting treatment, or hot air drying. To compare each extract, the total phenol and flavonoids content were measured, and the TEAC experimental method was conducted in which ABTS radical was indexed to trolox to measure antioxidant activity. Also, The degree of reduction of iron ions was measured using the FRAP experimental method to compare the reducing power of each extract. As a result of the experiment, the total phenol content was between 35.54 and 71.52 ㎎·GAE, the ethanol extract of roasted leaves showed more than twice the amount of phenol than the ethanol extract of dried leaves. The total flavonoids content was 5.37 to 28.91 ㎎·QE/g, with roasted leaves ethanol extracts with high total phenol content. In particular, antioxidant activity with TEAC 153.90 ± 1.72 mM·TE/g, FRAP 320.78 ± 1.44 mM·FE/g in ethanol extract of roasted leaves showed high activity in proportion to the total phenol and flavonoids content and hydroxyl radical scavenging was found to be the highest in the ethanol extract of roasted leaves. Conclusion : Total phenol and flavonoid content, antioxidant effects were highest when the Dolwoe leaves were processed for roasting treatment and extracted as ethanol. Therefore, extraction under the following conditions will have a useful effect as a health functional food.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Mountain ginseng adventitious roots are being produced in large quantities by using plant tissue cultivation techniques to overcome the disadvantages of recent cultivation techniques. In this study, we intend to provide basic data on the development of cosmetic products by measuring the antioxidants of mountain ginseng adventitious roots extracted from each ethanol concentration and the activity of tyrosinase and elastase enzyme inhibition. Methods and Results : After drying, the mountain ginseng adventitious roots, it was crushed to less than 0.5 ㎜. for testing. It was then extracted at 70℃ for 180 minutes, adding 10 times its weight to each ethanol concentration (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80%) and filtered. The extract is depressurised and used in experiments after freeze-drying. The total phenols and flavonoids content measurement showed the most content in 80% ethanol extract. However, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, ferric reducing antioxidant power showed the best ability in 60% ethanol extract. In addition, the active measurements of tyrosinase and elastase enzyme inhibition performed to check skin whitening and wrinkles improvement showed the highest activity in the 80% ethanol extract. Conclusion : As a result, the optimum conditions for the use of natural antioxidants and functional foods were maximized when it is extracted with 60% ethanol. It is also expected to be valuable as a natural cosmetics material when extracted with 80% ethanol as a solvent when combined with the results of enzyme inhibition activity.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Invasion of these invasive plants in the ecosystem threatens the habitat of endemic species, reduces biodiversity, and causes a disturbance in the ecological system. Hypochaeris radicata L. (Asteraceae), the most invasive plant in Korea, particularly in Jeju Island, invades farmlands, and autochthonous forests, resulting in the establishment of monocultures and modification of the ecosystem structure. Methods and Results: In this study was, we evaluated the biological activity of 70% ethanolic extracts from different parts of Hypochaeris radicata L. The biological activities of 70% ethanolic extracts of different parts, such as flower, leaf, stem, and root, of H. radicata were investigated. The total polyphenol content was highest in flower extracts (50.82 ± 3.16 ㎎ · GAE/g). In addition, the highest flavonoid content was observed in flower extract (15.19 ± 2.03㎎ · QE/g). The flower extract of H. radicata exhibited stronger DPPH radical-scavenging activities, ABTS radical scavenging activities, and reducing power than the other parts. The flower extract of H. radicata was observed to have the highest tyrosinase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Conclusions: The flower extracts of H. radicata exhibited remarkable antioxidant activity as well as tyrosinase and α-glucosidase inhibitory effects. These activities might be related to the phenolic compounds present in the H. radicata flower extract.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Extraction is the first and the most important step in the recovery and purification of bio-active compounds from plant materials. Many important factors such as solvent, solvent composition, solvent to solid ratio, pH, and temperature significantly influence the extraction efficiency of bio-active compounds. Factorial design of a limited set of variables is advantageous when compared to the conventional method which varies a single parameter per trial. Methods and Results : The objective of this study was to screen independent factors, namely, ethanol concentration (60 – 100%), extraction temperature (40 – 80℃), time (6 – 18 hours), and liquid to solid ratio (10 – 50 ㎖/g) on the recovery of the extract yield, antioxidant capacity, phenolic and flavonoid contents from Dendropanax morbifera leaf using factorial design. Total flavonoid content of extract was determined by colorimetric method with aluminum chloride, while antioxidant activity was screened using the DPPH radical scavenging activity, TEAC and FRAP assays. Full factorial design was employed to determine the significant contribution of the above factors towards antioxidant capacity (TEAC, DPPH and FRAP), and flavonoid contents. Among, all the factors examined, ethanol concentration and extraction temperature are very significant (p < 0.0001), in obtaining higher antioxidant activity, total flavonoid contents. Conclusion : Two level full factorial design screening was successfully employed to determine the significant factors, which are ethanol concentration, temperature, time and liquid to solid ratio in contributing to high antioxidant capacity (TEAC, DPPH and FRAP), and flavonoid content determination from Dendropanax morbifera leaf. From the results obtained, ethanol concentration and temperature was very significant (p < 0.0001), in obtaining higher antioxidant activity and flavonoid contents. Further work on optimization using these significant factors are in progress.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Some of invasive plants, which were introduced from foreign countries, have caused problems in Korea. Invasion of these invasive plants in the ecosystem threatens the habitat of endemic species, reducing biodiversity, and causing a disturbance in the ecological system. Hypochaeris radicata L. (Asteraceae), the most invasive plants in Korea, particularly in Jeju Island, invade farmland, and autochthonous forest, establishing monocultures and modifying the ecosystem structure. This invasive species has become a serious environmental problem because they displace the indigenous plant species. This study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidantive effects of ethanolic extracts from different parts (root, stem, seed and leaf) of the invasive exotic species Hypochaeris radicata L. Methods and Results : The aim of present study was to estimate the total phenolic and flavonoid contents and to investigate in vitro antioxidant potential of ethanolic leaf, root, seed, and stem extracts of the Hypochaeris radicata. Antioxidant activity was assessed by using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) assay, reducing power activity, [2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)] ABTS+ assay and ferrous ion chelating activity. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents were also determined and expressed in gallic acid and quercetin equivalent respectively. The results of the study indicate that the ethanolic extracts of the leaf, root, seed, and stem of H. radicata posses significant scavenging activity against DPPH (21.25% for leaf, 34.98% for root, 60.76% for seed and 45.25% for stem at 250 μg/ml each) and ABTS+ radical scavenging activity (14.85% for leaf, 17.40% for root, 35.91% for seed and 24.70% for stem at 250 μg/ml each), reducing power activity (0.178 absorbance at 300 μg/ml for leaf, 0.211 absorbance at 300 μg/ml for root, 0.447 absorbance at 300 μg/ml for seed, 0.276 absorbance at 300 μg/ml for stem). The free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities may be attributed to the presence of adequate phenolic (gallic acid content is 361.92.98 μg/g in leaf, 356.59μg/g in root, 719.72 μg/g in seed and 512.08 μg/g stem) and flavonoid compounds (219.52 μg/g in leaf, 75.67μg/g in root, 281.39 μg/g in seed and 215.66 μg/g stem). This study revealed that the ethanolic extracts of both leaf, root, seed and stem of H. radicata has demonstrated significant antioxidant activity. Conclusion : In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated that Hypochaeris radicata seed ethanol extracts are rich in phenolics and have a strong antioxidant activity and a radical-scavenging action in all of the tested methods. This suggests that Hypochaeris radicata is a good source of natural antioxidants.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : More than 1250 bamboo species, belonging to 75 genera, are distributed all over the world. Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai is a type of bamboo grass widely distributed in Halla mountain, Jeju Island, which has been used as antidiabetic, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory drugs. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai leaf extracted with different ethanol concentration and demonstrated the potent bioactivities of the extracts suitable to be used as natural antioxidant compounds or pharmaceutical supplements. Methods and Results : Antioxidant and anti-microbial activities of Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai extracts were studied. At first, different ethanol concentrations (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80%) were compared for determining of the best solvent for extraction of phenolic compounds from Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai. Forty percent Ethanol extract with 990.01±28.9 (mg of gallic acid equivalents/g sample) were the best solvent in the extraction of phenolic compounds. But, 60% ethanolic extracts were highest antioxidant activity appeared such as DPPH radical scavenging (IC50 21.20±0.42 μg/ml), ABTS radical scavenging (IC50 49.85±1.27 μg/ml) and reducing power. However, 80% ethanol extracts showed the strongest SOD like activity. The anti-microbial capacity was screened against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, and yeast. Sixty percent and 80% ethanol extracts inhibited the growth of Gram positive bacteria; Bacillus cereus was the most susceptible one with MIC of 125 μ g/ml and 250 μg/ml for the 60% and 80% extracts, respectively. Conclusion : The results of this study show that the extract of Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai can be used as easily accessible source of natural antioxidants and as a possible food supplement or in pharmaceutical industry. However, the components responsible for the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of both extracts of Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai are currently unclear. Therefore, it is suggested that further works should be performed on the isolation and identification of the antioxidant components in Sasa quelpaertensis Nakai.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Korean mountain ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) are difficult to clinically apply because of its scarcity and high cost. Advances in plant biotechnology have made it possible to produce mountain ginseng extracts on a large scale using adventitious root cultures in bio-reactors. This study investigated the variations of ginsenoside compounds composition and biological activities of wild ginseng adventitious roots by fermentation process. Methods and Results : Wild ginseng adventitious roots with five days fermentation using four strain of bacteria(Leuconostoc mesenteroides(KACC 15744), Bacillus circulans(KACC 15822), Bacillus licheniformis(KACC 15823), Bacillus subtilis subsp. inaquosorum(KACC 17047)). Ginsenoside contents was analysed by using HPLC. To examine the antioxidant activity associated with biological functions, radical scavenging analyses DPPH, ABTS and SOD-like activity analyses were conducted. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents were evaluated to determine the antioxidant activity increment. The result showed increased total ginsenoside contents by fermentation process. In particular, B. licheniformis showed the highest ginsenoside contents. Regarding ginseng fermented with B. licheniformis, values of 70.6 ± 1.4%, 44.3 ± 1.7%, and 88.4 ± 1.3% were measured using DPPH, ABTS, and SOD-like antioxdiant activity analyses, respectively. The total phenolic contents in ginseng fermented with B. licheniformis was 184.5 ± 0.9 ㎍·GAE/㎖, and the total flavonoid contents was 108.5 ± 1.8 ㎍·QE/㎖ in ginseng fermented with L. mesenteroides. Conclusion : The high activity of β-glucosidase was selected bacteria. The four types of lactic acid bacteria examined, the use of B. licheniformis to ferment ginseng resulted in greatest increase in biological activities and ginsenoside contents.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The Aralia cordata and Dendropanax morbifera, belonging to the family Araliacea, is a perennial herbaceous species. Although its beneficial effects for several chronic diseases are well-known, the role of its effects on chronic intestinal inflammation, colon carcinogenis are limited. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic inflammatory disorders of gastrointestinal tract. It has been reported that IBD is associated with colon cancer which is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed and a major cause of cancer-related mortality. Methods and Results : The present study hypothesized that Araliacea family would exert a protective effect on inflammation and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis mouse model. Effect of Aralia cordata extracts (ACE) and Dendropanax morbifera leaf extracts (DMLE) on pro-inflammatory markers, mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling (MAPKs), activation of nuclear factor κB (NF- κB) in THP-1 human monocyte and HT-29 colon epithelial cell model were investigated. In addition, colon inflammation inhibitory effects of ACE and DMLE on the characteristics of in DSS-induced colitis model. Results showed that ACE, DMLE attenuated the severity of DSS-induced colitis, as assessed by disease activity index scores, shrinkage of colon length, and histopathologic changes and infirmatory cytokine concentration. Furthermore, ACE treatment significantly suppressed the colon carcinogenesis in AOM/DSS induced colon cancer model. The apoptosis induction abilities of the DMLE were studied by analyzing the expressions of Bcl2 family protein, caspase, Annexin V/PI staining and DNA fragmentation. According to our results, DMLE significantly induced cell death in SW-480 cells. Apoptosis was determined by cell morphology and electrophoresis of DNA fragmentations. Furthermore, treatment with DMLE also induced the increase in caspase activity, pro-apoptotic proteins (Bax and Bad) and the decrease in anti-apoptotic proteins (Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL). In addition, DMLE induce cell cycle arrested at the G1/S phase in SW-480 cells and exhibited significant inhibition on the expressions of G1/S phase specific CDK, cyclin and up regulation of CDK inhibitors. Conclusion : Taken together, these results provide evidence that ACE and DMLE prevention colon cancer by regulating inflammation, colitis, and colon carcinogenesis which indicates its benefit for colon health.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The biological activities of Tradescantia pallida grown in Korea have not been well determined, thus the aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using it as a medicinal plant. Methods and Results: To investigate the antioxidant activity, α-glucosidase inhibitory effect and antimicrobial activity of T. pallida, we performed the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity and reducing power assay. This assay for T. pallida leaf extract showed the highest antioxidant activity for the ethyl acetate fraction (RC50= 14.55 ± 0.16㎍/㎖ and Abs = 0.613 at 300㎍). Further, the ethyl acetate fraction exhibited higher α-glucosidase inhibitory effect with an IC50 value of 14.1 ± 0.1㎍/㎖ and showed antimicrobial activity against gram positive bacteria (minimum inhibitory concentration = 1,000㎍/㎖). Conclusions: The ethyl acetate fraction of the crude methanol extract of T. pallida showed remarkable antioxidant activity, α-glucosidase inhibitory effects and antimicrobial activity. These activities might be related to the flavonoid content in the T. pallida leaf extract.
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