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        검색결과 282

        2001.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey several aspects of health and food related behavior of college students in Wonju area. Questionnaires were delivered personally to 430 students. The 37.9% of subjects were self-boarded and 27.4% lived in their home in Wonju area. They spend 230,000 won in average per month. Male students spent money more than female students and self-boarding students spent money more than other residental type students. The 90% of subjects thought they were healthy and the 25% of subjects exercised regularly. The subjects self-recognized their body as fat were more concerning about their weight control and had more weight control experience. SeIf-boarding students tended to skip their meals and had unbalanced diet. Students who lived in dormitory tended to skip meal less. Female students showed higher scores at balanced diet, snack intake, and left meal than male students. Self recognized their body as medium showed lower scores at overeating and eating irregularly. The amount of consumption of carbonated beverage was the highest among several instant foods. The frequencies of intake of those instant foods were different by gender, residental types, and eating behaviors.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey of consumers' awareness and attitudes about food biotechnology was conducted during May through August of 2001 with a random sample of 750 Korean consumers. More than 70% of the respondents was exposed to some informations related to genetically modified (GM) foods. The greatest benefit of the development of GM foods was thought to be the remedy for the food shortage in the future. More than 90% of Korean consumers wanted GM foods labeled. About 20% of the respondents would buy GM foods voluntarily, whereas over 50% would not until they found out more. More consumers responded that they would not buy herbicide-tolerant GM soybean but buy vitamin-enriched GM soybean. It seemed to be that many Korean consumers do not make decisions of acceptance or rejection of GM foods not on the basis of biotechnology but on the basis of the words) used to describe the products, such as herbicide and vitamin. Only 4% of Korean consumers responded that GM foods were the greatest safety-threatening factor of Korean foods and that the most interested information on food labels was whether the food was produced by biotechnology.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 계룡산국립공원을 방문한 이용객들의 전반적이 이용형태, 이용만족도, 그리고 이용 및 관리 관련 속성에 대한 태도를 파악함으로서 효율적인 공원관리방안 수립에 필요한 기초 정보의 제공에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 응답자 직접기입 방식의 설문조사가 계룔산국립공원의 3개지역 (동학사. 갑사, 신원사)를 방문한 316명의 이용객을 대상으로 실시되었다. 응답자의 사회경제적 특성은 타국립공원에서 실시된 조사결과와 유사한 경향을 보였다. 계룡산국립공원은 휴식 목적의 방문비율이 가장 높았으며, 동반자 유형에 있어서 가족동반 비율이 가장 높게 나타났다. 또한 응답자들은 도착지에서의 이용정보의 질과 제공수단에 불만족을 나타냈으며 응답자들이 현지에서 느낀 혼잡의 정도는 심하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 함께 전반적인 휴양만족도는 비교적 긍정적으로 평가되었다.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to investigate consumers' attitudes toward the foods developed by gene recombination techniques from December, 1999 to April, 2000. The questionnaires were mailed to 1,500 people, and the 1,101 people responded. The consumers were asked about knowledge, acceptance, intention of purchasing, and labeling information. Although the portion of the consumers (88.8%) knowing the genetically modified foods (GMF) was lower than that of the food expert group (98.7%), many consumers had some knowledge on the GMF, which may be influenced by news released from mass media. Seventy-nine percent of the consumers responded that gene recombination technology is necessary in food production, which is similar to the findings on the survey of the expert group. The portion of the consumers responding that these foods are potentially hazard was 88.1 %, which is a little higher than the data (80.9%) from the expert group. The consumers having greater knowledge less worried about a potential hazard of the gene recombinant foods (p<0.01). Although 62.9% of the consumers responded to be willing to purchase those foods, only 16.2% of them responded to purchase the foods with no conditions, which is lower to that from the expert group (23.5%). There was no statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and the intention of purchasing. The ninety point three percent of the consumers wanted the information on gene recombination to be labeled on the foods. The data from this survey suggest that knowledge of the consumers on the GMF are not accurate, so proper strategy for consumer education may need to be developed. In addition, it is necessary to improve safety assessment sys0etn and analytical techniques for genetically modified foods (GMF) and to build pre- and post-market surveillance system for efficient implementation of the GMF labeling.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the consumption pattern, behaviors, and motivational attitudes related to fruit and vegetables. Data were collected from 344 mothers whose children were attending an elementary school and a middle school in Kimcheon. The average vegetable expenses were under 10,000 won per week. The frequency of purchasing vegetables was 2-3 times a week. Housewives usually bought the vegetables at local markets and grand shopping centers. As for buying vegetables, housewives considered the organic vegetables, preference, price, and nutrition in order. In the family, the vegetables were favored by husbands most and by sons least. The average fruit expenses were under 10,000 won per week. The frequency of purchasing fruit was 2-3 times a week. Housewives usually bought the fruit at local markets and grand shopping centers. As for buying fruit, housewives considered preference, price, and nutrition in order. The fruit were favored by all members most and by husbands least. Housewives identified barriers to increasing vegetables and fruit consumption, including preference for other foods, lack of availability, cost, and time and effort to prepare. Several implications for nutrition interventions were suggested. First, a key motivation for these women was eating healthy food when they are pregnant, suggesting a persuasive appeal to use in interventions. Second, review of the women's current behaviors led to an identification of four specific behaviors that had the most potential for increasing overall consumption. Finally, the findings suggested ways in which nutrition interventions could address each of the barriers identified.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전라북도 중등 과학교사들이 가지고 있는 과학에 관련된 태도를 조사 연구하는데 목적이 있으며 전반적인 과학에 관련된 태도뿐만 아니라 과학에 관련된 태도의 범주별 태도 경향, 과학교사들의 배경요인별 과학에 관련된 태도의차이 등을 알아보았다. 과학에 관련된 태도 점수는 100점 척도로 67.6점에 해당한 미온적인 태도로 조사되었다. 범주별 인식경향은 과학에 대한 태도 영역의 지식과 학문성이 가장 낮고 목적과 가치성은 가장 높게 나타났으며 과학적 태도 영역에서는 객관성 범주가 가장 낮게, 개방성 범주가 가장 높게 나타났다. 문항별 특이한 점을 보면 과학을 발전시키도록 지원해 주어야 한다는 생각이 많으면서도 과학발전이 없었으면 인간은 더욱 행복해졌을 것이다 라고 생각하는 이중적인 면을 볼 수 있다. 배경별 과학교사들의 과학에 관련된 태도 경향을 역시 유의도 5%에서 차이가 있는 것을 보면 정규대학 출신 과학교사에 비해 양성소, 부전공, 상치 교사들의 태도점수가 낮게 나타났으며, 지구과학 전공교사가 타 전공에 비해 약간 높았다. 연수 횟수에 따라 태도의 차이를 보이지 않아 방학 때 실시하는 과학교사들의 연수가 과학에 관련된 태도의 변화에 별 영향을 미치지 못하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 과학발전에서 중요한 것으로는 외적인 조건의 향상을 가장 많이 생각하였다.
        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the nutrition and cancer prevention knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and self-reported dietary changes. Data were collected from 903 parents whose children were attending an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, or a junior college in Kimcheon. Thirty-seven percent of the subjects reported that they had made dietary changes for their health. Respondents reported eating more vegetables(33.1%), fruit(24.1%), whole grains(19.9%), and lower-fat meats(14.5%) and less alcohol(17.2%), high-fat meat(16.4%), fats(13.8%), smoked foods(13.8%), snacks/cake/sweets(11.7%), salty foods(9.6%), and refined grain products(6.1%). Those who did not make any dietary changes most often said the reason was that they thought their diets were already healthful and therefore there was no reason to make a change. Eighty-nine percent of the subjects agreed that diet and disease were related and 89.5% knew that diet and cancer were related, yet 8% believed there was nothing a person could do to reduce the risk of getting cancer. In response to open-ended questions about foods that either increase or decrease cancer risk, vegetables, fruit, traditional fermented foods, etceteras, and whole grains were thought to decrease risk, and burned foods, salty foods, additives, high-fat meats/fats, and alcohol were thought to increase cancer risk. In this study, education levels to be the major demographic variable and residential district had an impact on cancer prevention knowledge and attitudes. People at lower educational levels and rural residents should be targeted for education about cancer risk reduction.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to investigate the attitudes of the food specialist to the food developed by gene recombination. The mail survey was distributed to 1,400 food specialists and received 464, a response rate of 33.1%. Respondents were asked about knowledge, concerns of potential hazards, purchasing and labeling of the gene recombination foods. Most respondents (98.7%) have some knowledge on the gene recombination foods. 91.3% of respondents recognized necessity of gene recombination technology. However, they also point out its potential hazards (80.9%). The groups with less knowledge showed their increased worry on the hazard in comparison with ones of having more knowledge(p$lt;0.01). The result indicated that there was negative relationship between knowledge and worry on the gene recombination foods. The groups with more knowledge showed their increased purchasing on gene recombination foods in comparison with ones of having less knowledge(p$lt;0.01). The result indicated that there was positive relationship between their purchase intent for gene recombination foods and knowledge. 68.4% of respondents showed their interest on purchasing the gene recombination foods. In this group, most of them (44.9%) has on condition that low cost (27.0%). In addition, they also have not use the foods for their children (17.9%) if they buy it. Most respondents (85.3%) want labeling on the gene recombination foods.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This nutritional survey was conducted in February 25, 1999, in order to investigate the nutritional knowledge, dietary attitudes and nutrient intakes of dietitians living in Kangwon area. Subjects consisted of 250 dietitians, with 184 in school food service, 14 in hospital food service and 52 in institution food service. Data were analyzed for frequencies, means, t-test, 2-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation using SPSS PC Package. The results obtained are summarized as follows: The average nutritional knowledge score was 10.15 out of possible 15 points, and dietary attitude score was 67.93 out of 100 points. The correlation between nutritional knowledge score and dietary attitude score was lowly(γ=-0.25). Nutrients consumed below the Korean RDA were energy (78.77%), Ca(90.5%), Fe(83.70%) and nutrients consumed above the Korean RDA were protein(110.83%), P(140.21%), vit.A(163.94%), vit.B2(126.37%), niacin(121.12%) and vit C(231.86%). Carbohydrate, protein and fat ratio on energy composition was 63%:17%:20%. The nutrient density among 3 groups of dietitian was not significantly different.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was conducted to investigate the attitudes of public officials related to food hygiene toward food safety. The official groups were divided into four sub-groups based on their area, agency, gender and age. Response of each group to the survey was statistically analysed. The survey's results showed that most of them (87.0%) were satisfied with a domestic level of food hygiene. But, some of them (29.8%) considered unsatisfactoryly on safety of the food they eat. Their response to food safety did not statistically significant between each group of area, agency and age but, in case of gender, female group showed stastically more negative attitude to food safety than male one (P$lt;0.05). All groups chose residues of chemical substances such as pesticides and food additives as the most potential food risk factor followed by foodborne pathogens, heavy metals and animal drug residues. The results are not consistent with the scientific judgement. Therefore, more education and information were needed for these groups. They pointed out food manufacturer as a responsible group for poor food hygiene (48.7%). In addition, food manufacture and processing were selected as main business types with the lowest level in the food hygiene but official, working in the area of the central government and Seoul metropolitan city, pointed out food services establishments as the poorest hygiene one (P$lt;0.01). This result suggested that education and information to let mind of responded groups change, working in this part, and governmental financial support are needed to improve hygiene level of food manufacture and processing (70.3%). They also chose HACCP as the most effective way for improving the level of food hygiene followed by Recall, PL (Product Liability), monitoring, labeling and increasing of number of company with good manufacture and processing (GMP).
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to evaluate the anthropometry, dietary attitudes and the other factors of 201 children in day-care centers according to their parents' income levels. The evaluation was conducted using anthropometric measurements such as height, weight, skinfold thickness, blood pressure, and questionnaire survey which was completed by the children's mothers. The results are summarized as follows: Overall growth of children was normal according to Korean standard. There were no significant differences in anthropometry according to the income levels. The scores of eating habits of children were different significantly according to income levels. That is, the score was the lowest in the low-income group. Children generally prefer one-dish meal or snacks, while the preference levels of kimchi, seasoned vegetable and beans broiled in soysauce were lower than those cf other foods. In the questions to know mothers' nutrition knowledge, we could see that they didn't know well about protein, breast-feeding, weaning and balance in nutrients. Nutrition knowledge score of mothers was significantly lower in the low income group, which shows close relationship with low-score eating habits of their children. The score of nutrition knowledge was affected by the mother's education level. The higher the mother's nutrition knowledge and education level, the better children's eating habits. These findings emphasize the planning and application of nutrition education programs for mothers especially in the low income group.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Survey was carried out to investigate relation between depressive trends, stress and attitudes of food intake in adults. In the assessing of Body Mass Index (BMI), the normal weight was 80.1%, overweight was 19.1%, obese was 0.7% in men, but normal weight was 90.3%, overweight was 9.4%, obese was 0.3% in women (p<0.001). It was represented increasing trends of obesity by the increasing of ages. Women thought their health condition was worse than men (p<0.001) 15.1% of all women tried to weight control. In changes of food intake by stress, 37.8% was increased to eat, 33.7% was reduced in women. It seems that women was significantly influenced by stress than men (p<0.01). In changes of food intake by stress in ages, 39.7% was increased of 20 years but over the 30 years was decreased or no changes of food intake (p<0.0001). All subjects wanted hot and sweet taste when stress-induced eating. 56.1% of men preferred to alcohol and beverages but 33.5% of women preferred to chocolate, cookies and breads of carbohydrate foods at the stressful conditions. But stress-induced eating dose not seems to be helpful for coping with stress in adults. In the distribution of depressive trends, the level of depression was higher in women (50.7%), whereas 34.3% in men (p<0.001). The most of 3li subjects represented attitudes of food intake below 60 scores that was needed improve and counseling of professional nutritionist. It was represented inferior to attitudes of food intake by the increasing of depressive trends and stress in women. It was higher level of overweight and obese in the below 60 scores of attitudes of food intake and higher depressive groups.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to economical status, under-nutrition and over-nutrition coexist in preschool children in Korea. Subjects consumed more than RDA in most nutrients, and children in of the upper income class tended to have more nutrients than those of the low income class. Especially in case of energy, protein, fat, vitamin B2, and P there were significant differences among the different classes. The mean calorie compositions of carbohydrates, protein and fat were 57~59: 16~17: 26~27 and fat calorie percentage was higher than quantity recommended for Korean adults. Energy, protein, Fe, vitamin A, B1 and C intakes were taken mostly from plant food sources. In the upper income class group, intakes of protein and vitamin B2 from animal food sources were higher than in any other income classes. Intakes of iron, vitamin A, B1 and C were largely provided by plant food group. Especially 44-45% of vitamin A were taken from vegetable and fruits group, which indicated that about 50% of vitamin A intake was the form of β-carotene. Also compared with other groups, in the upper income class group, the intakes of energy, protein, Ca, p, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 from cereal and potatoes were significantly lower, and those of Ca and P from milks and meats, fishes & eggs were significantly higher(p〈0.05). The mean fat intake in all subjects was 38~43g/day. Regardless of income class, oleic acid(6.6~8.4g) and linoleic acid(6.7~8.1g) were the most abundant fatty acids contained in the diet. The upper class group consumed significantly more total saturated fatty acids and total monounsaturated fatty acids(p〈0.05). In polyunsaturated fatty acids, there were no differences between 3 different income classes, but intakes of total Ω6 fatty acids in the upper class tended to be higher and those of total o3 fatty acids in low class tended to be higher. Therefore, Ω6/Ω3 tended to be higher in the upper class group. Regardless of income classes, P/M/S and Ω6/Ω3 ratios in all subjects were 0.9~l.3/1.0~1.1/1.0 and 5.2~7.4/1.0, respectively and were in a desirable range. Cholesterol intake of subject was 184-218 mg/day, which was comparable to the value of Korean adult intake.