
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 707

        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The theory of visuo-vestibular conflict is the most commonly accepted to explain motion sickness. Visual, vestibular and proprioceptive afferences are in involved in balance control and this function can be improved by physical and sport activity. The purpose of the present survey was to investigate the relationships between motion sickness susceptibility in elite gymnastic & figure skating player physical activity and especially acrobatic exercise. We quantified vestibular-ocular reflex(VOR) in intensity in 7 figure skating and 7 age matched control subjects. Sensory organization test were by posturography in neuroCom EquiTest and vestibular stimulation consisted of four cycles of sinusodial rotation(.01, 04, .16, .64Hz, 60°/s) and was tested by system 2000 micromedical, Chatham, IL. The results of the study were as follow: The results are as follow. Balance score in condition 5, 6 were significantly higher than control. During sinusodial stimulations, the skaters’VOR, as compared with that of the controls, demonstrated a gain that significantly lower(p<.01), than in control one. Quantitative alterations in VOR parameters observed in gymnastic and figure skaters probably result from vestibular habituation induced by repeated unusual stimulations when practicing.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문에서는 케이블교량 설계기준의 설계하중조합에 대한 신뢰도분석을 수행하였다. 설계기준에서 정의한 하중계수와 저항계수를 적용하여 설계된 실제 케이블교량을 대상으로 주 부재별 통계특성과 설계지배 하중조합을 분석하였다. 신뢰도분석을 통하여 하중조합별로 설정된 목표신뢰도지수를 확보됨을 확인하였고, 교량의 중요도를 상향할 수 있는 저항수정계수의 적용성을 검토하였다. 설계변수들이 신뢰도지수에 미치는 민감도 분석을 통하여 케이블의 신뢰도에 중요한 영향을 주는 요소를 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 설계기준의 안전계수들을 적용한 설계를 통하여 케이블교량의 목표신뢰도지수를 확보할 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pairs trading is a type of arbitrage investment strategy that buys an underpriced security and simultaneously sells an overpriced security. Since the 1980s, investors have recognized pairs trading as a promising arbitrage strategy that pursues absolute returns rather than relative profits. Thus, individual and institutional traders, as well as hedge fund traders in the financial markets, have an interest in developing a pairs trading strategy. This study proposes pairs trading rules (PTRs) created from a price ratio between securities (i.e., stock index futures) using rough set analysis. The price ratio involves calculating the closing price of one security and dividing it by the closing price of another security and generating Buy or Sell signals according to whether the ratio is increasing or decreasing. In this empirical study, we generate PTRs through rough set analysis applied to various technical indicators derived from the price ratio between KOSPI 200 and S&P 500 index futures. The proposed trading rules for pairs trading indicate high profits in the futures market.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals, which are known to reduce serum lipids, oxidative damage, and blood pressure as well as improve blood glucose control. The purpose of this study was to estimate nutrient quality indices of fruits by carrying out a critical analysis of pre-existing methods according to their nutritional compositions. Four methods were used to assess the nutrient indices of 26 fruits, which are frequently consumed by Koreans based on the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2009). Naturally nutrient rich score (NNR), nutrient rich food (NRF), nutrient adequacy score (NAS), and nutrient density score (NDS) were used to calculate nutrient quality indices. The Korean Nutrition Society Food Composition database of fruits based on 100 g edible portions was used. The algorithm of each method included the mean percentage of daily values (Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans, 2010) for particular nutrients based on consumption of 1,900 kcal/day. The relative score indicated that strawberries, kumquat, and lemon had high nutrient quality indices. In addition, mango, lemon, persimmon, strawberry, apricot, and tangerine fruits are rich in antioxidant nutrients such as β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. However, scores of nutrient quality indices did not imply that higher scores of particular fruits are superior. We suggest moderate seasonable consumption a variety of fruits. Our results can be used as a reference for consumers when they choose fruits.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study established the evaluation index system of green logistics of Changjitu in Chinarelated to environment, resource, economics and technology. It derived the weight value of indexes by using AHP method analyzing interviews logistics researchers and surveys. Based on the results, the paper described the problems of Changjitu's green logistics and proposed some development suggestions.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구는 한국에서 매주 발행되는 시사 잡지 커버스토리에 나타난 국제뉴스의 다양성에 관해 살펴보았다. 시사 잡지 커버스토리에 실린 국제문제와 관련한 기사의 다양성을 살펴보기 위해 뉴스 주제, 취재원 그리 고 관점 차원으로 분류하여 심슨의 다양성 지수를 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 <주간조선>은 중국을 긍정적인 논조로 가장 많이 커버 하고 있었고 <시사저널>은 북한을 부정적인 논조로 그리고 <한겨레21> 과 <시사인>은 공통적으로 미국을 부정적인 논조로 가장 많이 보도하였다. 그러나 4개 잡지 모두 유럽권 국가에 대해서는 긍정적인 논조로 국제뉴스를 제공하고 있었다. 심슨 다양성 지수를 활용한 국제뉴스 주 제와 관련한 다양성 분석결과 국가별 다양성은 <주간조선>, 기사 형식 다양성은 <한겨레21>, 뉴스 주제별 다양성은 <시사인>이 각각 가장 높게 나타났다. 취재원 다양성에서는 기고자와 취재원 다양성 모두 <주간 조선>이 가장 높았다. 커버스토리에 나타난 국제뉴스 관련 “국익과 보편적 세계평화와 관련한 이념 지 수”를 산출해 분석 결과 <주간조선>은 보수성향이 강하게 나타났고 <시사저널>은 중도보수, <시사인>은 중도진보 그리고 <한겨레21>은 진보성향으로 조사되었다. 정권별로 이념 지수 변동 추이를 분석해 본 결 과 노무현 정부에서 이명박 정부로 바뀌면서 중도성향이었던 <시사저널>의 보수화 성향이 강하게 나타나 는 등 시간이 지날수록 각 잡지의 이념 양극화 현상이 심화되는 추세를 보였다. 본 연구 결과가 갖는 시사 점은 미국과 동북아 지역에 머물렀던 정치·경제 중심의 ‘이데올로기형’ 국제 보도를 지양하고 고품격 국제 보도를 위해 유럽권 사회·문화를 벤치마킹하
        2014.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present a GUI-based interactive Python program, VIMAP, which generates radio spectral index maps of active galactic nuclei (AGN) from Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) maps obtained at different frequencies. VIMAP is a handy tool for the spectral analysis of synchrotron emission from AGN jets, specifically of spectral index distributions, turn-over frequencies, and core-shifts. In general, the required accurate image alignment is difficult to achieve because of a loss of absolute spatial coordinate information during VLBI data reduction (self-calibration) and/or intrinsic variations of source structure as function of frequency. These issues are overcome by VIMAP which in turn is based on the two-dimensional cross-correlation algorithm of Croke & Gabuzda (2008). In this paper, we briefly review the problem of aligning VLBI AGN maps, describe the workflow of VIMAP, and present an analysis of archival VLBI maps of the active nucleus 3C 120.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과피색의 경우 정량적인 지표로서 주로 Hunter L*a*b* 값을 이용하나 이 값으로 과피색, 과실의 품질을 간접적으로 확인하기에는 어려운 점이 있다. 따라서 본 실험에서는 포도 착색지수로서 제안된 CIRG(Color Index for Red Grapes) 값의 활용도를 평가하여 포도 착색의 객관적인 평가지수로서의 가능성을 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 포도가 착색이 시작되는 시기부터 과립을 채취하여 과피색과 당도, 산도 등의 품질 인자를 측정하여, CIRG 값과의 상관을 분석하고 회귀식을 도출하였다. CIRG 값과 안토시아닌 함량은 CIRG 값이 증가함에 따라 안토시아닌 함량은 지수적으로 증가함을 알 수 있었으며, 결정계수는 ‘캠벌얼리’와 ‘흑보석’ 모두 0.8500 였다. CIRG 값과 당도는 ‘캠벌얼리’가 0.7758, ‘흑보석’이 0.7253으로 높은 결정계수를 나타냈으며, 산도 또한 각각 0.7279, 0.663으로 비교적 높은 결정계수 값을 나타내었다. 따라서 적색포도를 대상으로는 CIRG값이 Hunter L*a*b*값에 비해 과실품질을 추정하는데 있어 보다 높은 신뢰성을 가지고 있는 것을 확인하였다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 고령인구의 증가와 장애인 인구의 증가로 인해 재활훈련기의 수요가 증가하고 있고, 재활훈련기와 사 용자간의 제공받아야 할 서비스에 대한 평가 요소의 요구가 커지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 재활훈련기 디자인 평 가에 있어서 평가 방안을 모색하기 위해 디자인 평가를 위한 기본 요소를 파악하고 이를 통하여 재활의료전문가, 의공학자, 디자이너들의 토의 및 분석, 실험을 통하여 새로운 평가 요소들을 도출하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 첫째, 기존 디자인 평가 요소들을 수집, 분석하여 10가지의 재활훈련기 디자인 평가요소와 44개 의 세부 평가항목을 구축하였다. 이는 앞으로 재활훈련기를 디자인하는데 있어서 중요한 평가 기준이 될 것이다. 둘째, 헬스케어 재활훈련기 디자인 개발 시 고려해야 할 디자인 평가요소로는 사용성, 인지성, 안전성, 학습성, 운동성, 내구성, 경제성, 공간성, 심미성, 환경성의 10가지 디자인 평가요소가 있다. 셋째, 환경성, 공간성, 인지성, 사용성, 경제성, 심미성의 디자인 평가요소는 제품디자인에서 공통적으로 고려해야 할 요소들이고, 학습성, 안전 성, 운동성, 내구성의 요소는 재활훈련기 디자인 평가요소에서 매우 중요하게 고려해야 할 요소이다. 넷째, 재활 훈련기 디자인 평가요소는 제품디자인요소에서 중요하게 고려되는 환경성, 공간성, 인지성, 사용성, 경제성, 심미 성에 학습성, 안전성, 운동성, 내구성을 의 요소를 더해 중요하게 생각한 것이 기존 제품디자인 평가요소와 재활 훈련기 디자인 평가요소의 차이점이다. 본 연구에서는 10개의 재활훈련기 디자인 평가요소와 44개의 세부 평가 항목 구축에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 이는 전체적인 재활훈련기 디자인 평가요소만을 연구한 것으로, 향후연구 에서는 시 제품 제작을 통하여 평가요소들을 실제 재활훈련기 디자인에 적용해 보고, 미진한 점들을 수정 보완 할 예정이다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, conservation and utilization of cultural heritage has been regarded as importance. So, various research papers about maintenance of the remains have been presented in many conferences. But most of researches have focused on introduction about maintenance methods and explanation about maintenance concepts of remains. And even in case of a few papers treated post-evaluation about maintenance of the remains the criteria of the evaluation has tended to somewhat subjective. So, the purpose of this study is to show the objective post-evaluation indexes which was developed by Delphi · AHP methods. This research was proceeded in two stages. First, we arranged the evaluation index in a hierarchy to be made through the analyses about references and researches about maintenance of remains. 304 evaluation articles were elicited through the process. And then, elicited evaluation articles were classified with 'conservation' and 'utilization'. Second step was to figure out importance and validity of hierarchical evaluation articles with twice questionnaire surveys. This research used interval scale to comprehend validity and AHP method to evaluate relative importance of each other articles.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background and Purpose: The Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) is the ratio of blood pressure in the lower legs to that in the arms. The intima-media thickness (IMT) of extracranial carotid arteries determined by B-mode ultrasound is a measurable index of the presence of atherosclerosis. A low ABI and a high carotid IMT are independently related to increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study examined the association between carotid IMT and ABI in patients with ischemic stroke. Materials and Methods: Retrospectively, 116 hospitalized patients with ischemic stroke were recruited. Using a pulse wave velocity ABI device along with carotid duplex sonography, we measured carotid IMT and ABI and investigated the correlation between average values. Results: There was a significant difference in carotid IMT between the normal and abnormal ABI groups (P=0.0262). The group with an abnormal ABI was more than five times as likely to have increased carotid IMT as the group with a normal ABI (age, sex-adjusted OR 5.67 (95% CI 1.85~17.38)). The ABI and carotid IMT showed a weak inverse linear correlation in patients with ischemic stroke (correlation coefficient −0.378 after adjusting for age and sex). Conclusion: Our study suggests that an abnormal ABI is associated with a high carotid IMT in patients with ischemic stroke.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the eating patterns, nutrient intakes, blood levels, and health status of male college students in Seoul according to body mass index (BMI). In this study, we classified subjects into normal weight (n=240), under weight (n=11), and obese (n=46) groups according to BMI. The weight and BMI were significantly higher in the obese group compared to other groups (p<0.0001). The obesity was associated with overeating and frequent eating. The under weight group showed significantly higher consumption of fast food, snacks, and fried foods compared to the other groups (p<0.05). The intakes of milk, meat, fish, eggs, and fried food and preference ratios were higher in the obese group (p<0.05). The male college students in this study showed insufficient intakes of calories, vitamin C, folic acid, and calcium. The plasma LDL-cholesterol levels in the obese group were higher compared to the other groups. In conclusion, intake of nutrients among male college students is found to be insufficient and requires nutritional education. The under weight group showed regular eating habits and increased nutrient intake. The obese group was shown to need more exercise with higher intakes of vegetables and fruits.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the validity of obesity indices among the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and body fat percentage (BF%), and to determine which is the most useful index to predict the risk of chronic diseases of elderly people. This study was conducted as a cross-sectional study at welfare centers in Seoul. The total number of subjects was 261 (68 men and 193 women) with age ≥60 years. The distribution of obesity using 3 obesity indices in the subjects with hypertension, diabetes, or arthritis was BF%>WC>BMI in elderly men and WC>BF%>BMI in elderly women. In elderly women, odds ratios (ORs) for hypertension in BMI and WC quartiles were significantly increased in quartile 2 and 3 (p<0.05). The ORs for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and arthritis in BF% quartiles were significantly increased in quartile 3 and 4 (p<0.05). The BF% was sensitive obesity index for predicting the occurrence of chronic disease in men, and the WC was sensitive index in women. Our results suggested maintaining BMI less than 23.5 kg/m2, WC less than 82 cm, and BF less than 35% in order to prevent chronic diseases in elderly women.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the radical changes and advancements of industrial economy, it is required to secure product competitiveness through technological innovations to overcome uncertain environments and generate a driving force for sustainable growth. So the Korea government introduced the superior product selection system in 1996 and has granted such incentives as priority purchasing and contracts the products of SME whose technological capabilities have passed the screening criteria. After analyzing the ambiguity of the evaluation procurement used in designation of excellent product, this study proposed seven detailed indexes for evaluation.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters on days to 90 kg body weight and ultrasound measured traits (back fat thickness, eye muscle area, retail cut percentage) and predict genetic progress when the weights for selection on the paternal traits of Duroc, which can be incorporated into sire line selection indexes. A simulation program, ZPLAN+, was used for the simulation. Genetic parameters of days to 90 kg body weight (D90KG), back fat thickness (BFT), eye muscle area (EMA) and retail cut percentage (RCP) used in the simulation were estimated from 27,972 heads of farm tested Duroc pigs from 2005 to July, 2012. Parameters of simulation used genetic parameters with parturition rates, ratios of test pigs and replacement rates that were dependent on selection protocols of simulated farms. Different weights of selection for traits of days to 90 kg and backfat thickness were compared. Estimates of heritability were 0.406, 0.355, 0.159 and 0.379 for D90KG, BFT, EMA and RCP, respectively. Genetic correlation of D90KG with BFT, EMA and RCP were –0.043, 0.049 and 0.021, respectively. Genetic correlation of BFT with EMA and RCP were –0.394 and –0.937. And genetic correlation between EMA with RCP were 0.524. Simulation result showed that index weight of 3:1 on D90KG and BFT was effective to shorten days to 90 kg without any significant changes in backfat thickness. Generally the genetic changes were greater as parturition rate and ratios of test pigs increased. Increase in replacement rate had a small effect on genetic changes in negative way. Thus, we recommend that index weight of 3:1 on days to 90 kg and backfat thickness could be utilized for sire line selection.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a cross-sectional study for conscripts with chronic low back pain, where it is designed to investigate general characteristics that conscripts with chronic low back pain carry, and it is also aimed to analyze the correlation as well as discrepancy within pain, depression and body mass index depending on their ranks. In this study, 90 Korean conscripts with chronic low back pain participated. And in order to analyze general characteristics as well as pain, depression and body mass index of the subjects, this study adopted a survey questionnaire upon general characteristics, and it also employed Visual Analogue Scacle(VAS) and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression(CES-D) Scale which have proven their credibility, where BMI values for the subjects were calculated based on 'Asian Pacific standard' Body Mass Index(BMI). From the general characteristics exhibited by the subjects through this study, average age and average height of the subjects were 20.78±1.41 and 175.97±5.34 respectively; and corporals displayed the highest ratio of 42% with the chronic low back pain while 40% of the total subjects experienced the duration of the illness less than 6 to 9 months. Moreover, 57.8% of all subjects were reportedly suffering moderate pain, and 48% exhibited depression while 49% carried BMI value between 18.5 and 22.9kg/m2(normal range). Based on the analysis of correlation among pain, depression, discrepancy of BMI depending on the ranks and each independent variable, it appears that there is no significant difference amongst the ranks, and there is no correlation between independent variables; however, it was obvious that all groups divided by the ranks had a moderate pain(45-74mm), depression(≥16) and BMI value in normal range(18.5-22.9).