
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 642

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop the data driven pavement condition index by considering the traffic and climatic characteristics in Incheon city. METHODS : The Incheon pavement condition index (IPCI) was proposed using the weighted sum concept with standardization and coefficient of variation for measured pavement performance data, such as crack rate, rut depth, and International Roughness Index (IRI). A correlation study between the National Highway Pavement Condition Index (NHPCI) and Seoul Pavement Condition Index (SPI) was conducted to validate the accuracy of the IPCI. RESULTS : The equation for determining the IPCI was developed using standardization and the coefficient of variation for the crack rate, rut depth, and IRI collected in the field. It was found from the statistical analysis that the weight factors of the IPCI for the crack rate were twice as high as those for the rut depth and IRI. It was also observed that IPCI had a close correlation with the NHPCI and SPI, albeit with some degree of scattering. This correlation study between the NHPCI and SPI indicates that the existing pavement condition index does not consider the asymmetry of the original measured data. CONCLUSIONS : The proposed pavement condition provides an index value that considers the characteristics of the original raw data measured in the field. The developed pavement condition index is extensively used to determine the timing and method of pavement repair, and to establish pavement maintenance and rehabilitation strategies in Incheon.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the recent impact of global warming, heavy rainfall and droughts have been occurring regardless of the season, affecting the growth of Italian ryegrass (IRG), a winter forage crop. Particularly, delayed sowing due to frequent heavy rainfall or autumn droughts leads to poor growth and reduced winter survival rates. Therefore, techniques to improve yield through additional sowing in spring have been implemented. In this study, the growth of IRG sown in Spring and Autumn was compared and analyzed using vegetation indices during the months of April and May. Spectral data was collected using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) equipped with a hyperspectral sensor, and the following vegetation indices were utilized: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI, Normalized Difference Red Edge Index; NDRE (I), Chlorophyll Index, Red Green Ratio Index; RGRI, Enhanced Vegetation Index; EVI and Carotenoid Reflectance Index 1; CRI1. Indices related to chlorophyll concentration exhibited similar trends. RGRI of IRG sown in autumn increased during the experimental period, while IRG sown in spring showed a decreasing trend. The results of RGRI in IRG indicated differences in optical characteristics by sowing seasons compared to the other vegetation indices. Our findings showed that the timing of sowing influences the optical growth characteristics of crops by the results of various vegetation indices presented in this study. Further research, including the development of optimal vegetation indices related to IRG growth, is necessary in the future.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the correlation between parents' nutrition quotient (NQ) and the nutrition quotient of Korean preschoolers (NQ-P) of picky eaters (PE) aged five years living in Dobong-gu, Seoul. The questionnaire was conducted online by parents of 187 preschoolers between May 25 and June 5, 2020. PE was defined as an average score of 3 or more on the picky eating questionnaires; non-picky eaters (NPE, n=120) and PE (n=67). The correlation between preschoolers and their parents was assessed using the NQ-P and NQ, respectively. Compared to the NPE, picky eating (p<0.001) was significantly higher, and vegetable preference (p<0.001), NQ-P (p<0.05), moderation dimension (p<0.05), frequency of vegetable intake (p<0.05) of balance dimension, and processed beverages (p<0.01) of moderation dimension were significantly lower in the PE. The correlation between the NQ and NQ-P was related to the diversity (p<0.05), moderation (p<0.05), and environment (p<0.01) of NQ in the NPE and not related to the PE. PEs should increase their frequency of vegetable intake and reduce their intake of processed beverages. To increase the NQ-P of PE, parents should eat a balanced diet. Future studies on the NQ-P of preschoolers aged 3 to 5 are needed.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수달(Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra)은 식육목 족제비과에 속하는 동물이다. 수달은 수계환경 먹이그물의 최상위에 존재하는 포식자로 핵심종(keystone species)이자 건강한 수계환경을 대변하는 지표종(Indicator species)이다. 현대에 이르면서 남획과 서식지 파괴, 환경 오염 등에 의하여 한강 도심 수계에서 사라졌지만, 2016년 다시 발견된 이후 2021년 1월에도 한강의 지류인 청계천, 중랑천과 성내천에서 서식함을 확인하였다. 수달의 서식지 보호와 관리 방안 수립을 위하여 잠재 서식지 평가가 시급하나, 기존의 수달 서식지 관련 연구는 자연형 하천과 저수지 위주로 이루어져 한강 도심 지류와 같이 좁은 공간에 인위적으로 한정된 서식지에 적용하기에는 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 인공하천인 청계천이 수달의 잠재 서식지로 적합한지를 서식지 적합성 지수(Habitat Suitability Index, HSI)를 활용하여 평가하였다. 서식지 적합성 지수는 수달의 서식 환경을 나타내는 지표, 먹이자원, 위협 요소 환경 특성을 종합하여 추정하였다. 그 결과 성북천과 청계천의 합류 지점과 청계천과 중랑천의 합류 지점이 적합한 서식지로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 추정한 HSI는 도심 하천의 수달 서식지 평가가 가능하였으며, 따라서 청계천을 포함한 한강 도심 지류에서의 효과적인 수달 모니터링과 수달 인공 서식지 장소 선정을 위한 기반 자료가 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Forest destruction is an inevitable result of the development processes. According to the environmental impact assessment, over 10% of the destroyed trees need to be recycled and transplanted to minimize the impact of forest destruction. However, the rate of successful transplantation is low, leading to a high rate of tree death. This is attributable to a lack of consideration for environmental factors when choosing a temporary site for transplantation and inadequate management. To monitor transplanted trees, a field survey is essential; however, the spatio-temporal aspect is limited. This study evaluated the applicability of remote sensing for the effective monitoring of transplanted trees. Vegetation indices based on satellite remote sensing were derived to detect time-series changes in the status of the transplanted trees at three temporary transplantation sites. The mortality rate and vitality of transplanted trees before and after the transplant have a similar tendency to the changes in the vegetation indicators. The findings of this study showed that vegetation indices increased after transplantation of trees and decreased as the death rate increased and vitality decreased over time. This study presents a method for assessing newly transplanted trees using satellite images. The approach of utilizing satellite photos and the vegetation index is expected to detect changes in trees that have been transplanted across the country and help to manage tree transplantation for the environmental impact assessment.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we identified the differences in food content watching habits and nutrition quotient in adolescent (NQ-A). A total number of 811 subjects were surveyed to establish their general characteristics, food content watching habits, and NQ-A using a self-administered questionnaire. In addition, the mediating effect of watching motivation between the type of food content watched and the NQ-A score was determined. The classification by the type of the food content mainly watched showed that 405 participants (49.9%) watched the Mukbang content, 244 (30.1%) the Cookbang content, and 162 (20.0%) another contents. Among the content watching motives in the Cookbang content group, information acquisition and enjoyment were predominant, whereas emotional satisfaction had the lowest frequency. Compared to the Mukbang content group, when the Cookbang content group mediated information acquisition motivation, the scores of the total, diversity, balance, and practice of NQ-A score areas increased. Compared to the Mukbang content group, the score in the moderation area decreased when the Cookbang content group mediated enjoyment motivation. If food content with accurate information and interesting content are produced and used for adolescent nutrition education, the education will be highly effective.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        급격한 산업화와 도시화로 인해 해양 오염이 심각해지고 있으며, 이러한 해양 오염을 실효적으로 관리하기 위해 수질평가 지수(Water Quality Index, WQI)를 마련하여 활용하고 있다. 하지만 수질평가지수는 다소 복잡한 계산과정으로 인한 정보의 손실, 기준값 변동, 실무자의 계산오류, 통계적 오류 등의 불확실성(uncertainty)을 내포하고 있다. 이에 따라 국내ㆍ외에서 인공지능 기법을 활용하여 수질평가지수를 예측하기 위한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 해양환경측정망 자료(2000 ~ 2020년)를 활용하여 우리나 라 전 해역 즉, 5개의 생태구에 대한 WQI를 추정할 수 있는 가장 적합한 인공지능기법을 도출하기 위해 총 6가지의 기법(RF, XGBoost, KNN, Ext, SVM, LR)을 실험하였다. 그 결과, Random Forest 기법이 다른 기법에 비해 가장 우수한 성능을 보였다. Random Forest 기법의 WQI 점수 예측값과 실제값의 잔차 분석 결과, 모든 생태구에서 시간적 및 공간적 예측 성능이 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 본 연구에서 개발한 Random Forest 기법은 높은 정확도를 바탕으로 우리나라 전해역에 대한 WQI를 예측 가능할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the assessment of the benthic community health of Jinhae Bay using the Benthic Pollution Index, macrobenthic fauna samples were seasonally collected from 23 different sites between February, 2011 and November, 2012. The macrobenthic community health status was classified as “Poor” or “Very Poor” except for the bay mouth part of Jinhae Bay at the northern part of Geoje Island. A large proportion of functional Group IV and even azoic conditions appeared due to summer hypoxia at sites in sheltered regions of Jinhae Bay. Some of the dominant species recruited after summer hypoxia were Paraprionospio patiens, Sigambra bassi, and Theora fragilis belong to typical opportunistic species. By comparing the BPI values of the macrobenthic communities from other special management areas of Korea, Jinhae Bay was considered to have the lowest condition that was heavily polluted among special management areas.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The community temperature index (CTI) reflects the temperature and environmental preferences of the community. We investigated the distribution patterns of major aquatic insect assemblages (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera; EPT) based on CTI in streams of South Korea. We selected unpolluted 151 study sites at upper streams (less than 3rd) with less than 1.5 mg L-1 of biochemical oxygen demand. Study sites were clustered into six groups based on the similarities of their EPT composition. All three orders showed a continuous decrease in the number of species as CTI increased, especially in Plecoptera. In addition, the functional feeding groups were also significantly changed according the CTI changes. Temperature tolerance range of each group’s indicator species varied according to the CTI of the group. Finally, changes of CTI reflected differences of EPT assemblages according to the differences of environmental condition including temperature. Therefore, CTI can be applied to the evaluation and preservation of stream ecosystems and prediction of community changes due to climate change.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        작물 생육 진단에 있어서 군락 엽면적과 군락 피복은 주한 요소 이다. 최근에는 이러한 측정을 디지털 카메라를 활용하여 RGB 식생지수로 작물 생육을 측정하고 있다. 본 연구는 밀 재배 기간 카메라의 노출 값을 다르게 설정하여 RGB 컬러 식생 지수와 군락 엽면적지수 및 군락피복에 대해 평가하였다. 군락 엽면적, 군락 피복 및 디지털 영상 측정은 출수 16일전부터 출수 후 25일까지 하였다. 일출 후 30분 이내에 촬영하였다. 노출 값은 셔터 속도를3 수준(1/60s, 1/340s, 1/640s)으로 하였다. RGB 컬러 식생지수 분석은 파이썬으로 하였다. 실제 군락 엽면적과 군락 피복간에는 정의 상관관계(r2 =0.94)를 보였다. 군락 피복 이미지의 ExG, GLI, NGRDI, ExG-ExR, MExG, TGI, MNGRD 및 MExG-CIVE는 군락 엽면적 지수와 및 군락 피복과는 정의 상관관계를 보였다. 그러나 CIVE와 ExR은 부의 상관관계를 보였다. 본 연구 결과 1/640s 가 1/60s와 1/320s에 비하여 노출이 높게 설정된 것으로 보였다. 또한, 토양과 녹색 영역을 분리하는데 있어서 너무 어린 시기 보다는 출수 전이 가장 잘 분리되었다. 따라서 야외에서의 다양한 광 조건에서는 과도한 노출보다는 광 간섭을 줄이는 기술과 함께 작물의 생육 시기와 기상환경을 고려하여 노출 값이 설정되어야 할 것이다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ImmunoSEB as an immune-booster additive on the performance of broiler chicks. A total of 1150 broiler chickens were randomly allotted to three treatments on the basis of body weight (10 pens per treatment with 40 broilers in each pen): the control (CON), CON + ImmunoSEB 0.025% in feed (SEB25), and CON + ImmunoSEB 0.050% in feed (SEB50). The experiment was conducted for d 42 in three phases (phase 1, d 0–14; phase 2, d 15–28; and phase 3, d 29–42). There were significant differences in the average daily gain (ADG) and feed intake. The ADG at d 14 in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. The overall ADG in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. During d 0–14, the feed intake of chickens in the SEB50 treatment increased compared to that in the CON treatment. The crude protein and lysine digestibility improved in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments compared to those in the CON treatment at d 28. Superoxide dismutase concentration significantly increased in the SEB50 treatment compared to that in the CON treatment. The interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations were higher in the cecum of chickens in the CON treatment than in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments. A lower population of E. coli was detected in the ileum and cecum of broilers fed the SEB50 diet compared to those of broilers fed the CON diet. The overall result showed the beneficial effects of using ImmunoSEB at a dose of 0.050% in broiler chickens.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내에서 공용중인 교량은 33,177개로 사회기반시설 중 가장 많은 비중을 차지한다. 이러한 교량은 공용하중, 온도, 습도 등에 의해 거더에 신축량이 발생하게 되고, 거더간 유간거리에 대한 안정성을 확보하기 위해 신축이음장치를 설치한다. 신 축이음장치에는 교량의 누수 및 퇴적물 낙하 등을 방지하기 위해 고무지수재를 설치하는 것이 일반적이다. 하지만 이러한 고무 지수재는 다양한 원인에 의해 쉽게 손상이 발생하게 된다. 손상된 고무지수재를 통해 거더의 부식, 교량하부 인명사고 등 다양 한 2차 피해가 발생할 수 있다. 이러한 피해를 예방하기 위해 교량의 유지관리를 수행하고 있지만 고무지수재 특성상 지속적인 교체는 불가피한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존 신축이음장치에 활용되는 고무지수재의 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 초탄 성 형상기억합금을 활용한 새로운 지수재 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 초탄성 형상기억합금 지수재에 대한 유한요소해석을 수행 및 분석하였으며, 복원 효과를 통해 지속 사용 가능한 지수재 연구를 검증하였다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of air voids, binder content, and aggregate gradation on the indirect tensile strength (IDT) and cracking tolerance index (CTindex) of cored asphalt pavements. METHODS : Cored samples were obtained from roads in Incheon city, and several laboratory experiments were performed. First, the cored samples were first to cut into a size appropriate for the IDT test. Subsequently, the air voids of the samples were measured. The damaged sample from the IDT test was loose mixed at 150 ℃ before the binder content was determined, which was conducted via an asphalt extraction test. Finally, the clean aggregates obtained from asphalt extraction process were analyzed in the aggregate gradation test. RESULTS : The result shows that an increase in air voids from 4% to 8% decreases the IDT and cracking tolerance index (CTindex) by 30% and 28%, respectively. Incorporating a binder enhances the ductile behavior of the asphalt mixture, resulting in a higher CTindex. Finally, the contribution of the aggregate grade on the IDT and CTindex is negligible. CONCLUSIONS : The IDT and CTindex are primarily affected by the air voids and binder content. A higher percentage of air voids results in a lower IDT. In addition, a higher amount of binder increases the IDT and CTindex of the cored samples. Meanwhile, the aggregate grade does not affect the IDT.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The "Super-Bus Rapid Transit" (S-BRT) standard guidelines recommend installing physical facilities to separate bus lanes, so as to remove possible conflicts with other traffic when using an existing road as an S-BRT route. Based on a collision simulation, we reviewed the protective performance and installation method of a low-profile barrier, i.e., one that does not occupy much of the width of the road as a physical facility and does not obstruct the driver's vision. METHODS : The LS-DYNA collision analysis software was used to model the low-profile barrier, and a small car collision simulation was performed with two different installation methods and by changing the collision speeds of the vehicle. The installation methods were divided into a fixed installation method based on on-site construction and a precast method, and collision speeds of 80 and 100 km/h were applied. The weight of the crash vehicle was 1.3 tons, and the segment lengths of the low-profile barriers were 2.5 and 4.0 m, respectively. The lowprofile barriers were modeled as precast concrete blocks, and the collision simulation for a fixed concrete barrier was performed by fixing the nodes at the bottom of the low-profile barrier. The low-profile barrier comprised a square cross-section reinforced concrete structure, and the segments were connected by connecting steel pipes with varying diameters to wire ropes. RESULTS : From comparing and analyzing the small car collision simulations for the changes in collision speeds and installation methods of the low-profile barrier, a significant difference was found in the theoretical head impact velocity (THIV) and acceleration severity index(ASI) for the 2.5-m barrier at a collision speed of 80 km/h. However, the differences in the installation method were not significant for the 4.0-m barrier. The occupant safety index with a collision speed of 80 km/h was calculated to be below the limit regardless of the installation method, and the length of the segment satisfied the occupant protection performance. At a collision speed of 100 km/h, when the segment length of the 2.5-m barrier was fixed, the THIV value exceeded the limit value; thus, the occupant protection performance was not satisfied, and the occupant safety index differed depending on the installation method. The maximum rotation angle of the vehicle, which reflects the behavior of the vehicle after the collision, also varied depending on the installation method, and was generally small in the case of precast concrete. CONCLUSIONS : Low-profile barriers can be installed using a fixed or precast method, but as a result of the simulation, the precast movable barrier shows better results in terms of passenger safety. Therefore, it would be advantageous to secure protection performance by installing a low-profile barrier with the precast method for increased safety in high-speed vehicle collisions.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양식장 환경관리를 위하여 여러 나라에서 양식장 환경관리시스템을 구축하고 있으며, 어장환경평가가 그중 하나이다. 2013년에 개정된 국내 어장관리법에는 어류가두리양식장 면허를 연장할 때 어장환경평가를 받도록 명시되어 있다. 어장환경평가는 과학적 분석을 통한 평가를 바탕으로 양식장 환경 개선 조치를 실행하여, 지속 가능한 어업생산 조성, 어장 생산력 증가, 어업인의 소득 증가를 목적으로 한다. 어장환경평가의 평가지표는 저서다모류 군집을 기초로 한 생물지수인 저서동물지수(BHI)와 총유기탄소량(TOC)이며, 두 항목을 점 수화하여 단일등급으로 산출하여 평가에 사용한다. 본 연구는 어장환경평가지표인 BHI와 TOC의 선정 과정과 산출된 평가 등급의 생태학 적 의미를 설명한다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 어장환경평가가 수행된 어류가두리 양식장의 조사 결과 중 일부를 대상으로 저서동물지수(Benthic Health Index, BHI)를 이용하여 양식장의 건강도를 평가하였으며, 평가 결과로 산출된 각 등급의 양식장 환경 특성을 파악하였다. 평가대상 어류가두리 양식장은 동해, 서해, 남해에 위치한 43개 양식장으로, BHI 1등급은 8개 양식장, 2등급은 4개 양식장, 3등급은 12개 양식장, 4등급은 19개 양식장이 포함되었다. 1등급 어류가두리양식장은 사질 퇴적상, 양식강도가 낮은 양식장이 포함되었으며, 2등급 어류가두리양식장은 해수 유통이 원활한 해역에 위치한 양식장이 속하였다. 3, 4등급이 속한 어류가두리양식장은 높은 강도로 양식 활동이 진행되고 있는 대다수의 양식장이 포함되었다. 3등급과 4등급의 양식장은 총유기탄소는 큰 차이가 없었으나, 다모류 군집분석의 결과는 4등급의 양식장에서의 유 기물 농축이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다.
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