
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 56

        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to elucidate the occurrence area and the density of mosquito larvae in Eunpyeong Newtown, Seoul, Korea. Sampling of mosquito larvae was carried out 2 times using a dipping method at 130 points in august, 2014. A total of 1977.6 individuals were collected. Aedini larvae such as Stegomyia albopicta (Skuse) (=Aedes albopictus) or Hulecoeteomyia koreica (Edwards) (=Oclerotatus koreicus) were the most frequently collected than Culex spp. and the Anopheles spp. Mosquito larvae were surveyed in the street inlet (a rain drip box). The positive correlation of the larval density was found with the street inlet point with leaf mold and the depth of water. In the result of spatial statistics analysis, all points larvae collected were clustered and the tendency of spatial autocorrelation was apparent, but points over 20 individuals were dispersed. This result can be assumed that the mosquito larvae are able to occur to stagnant water in all places of this area. To control to mosquito occurrence, we think integrated methods are needed such as biological, ecological, chemical, physical control methods in various aspects.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 김포시에서 모기성충의 계절적 발생소장과 얼룩날개모기류 유충의 발생을 파악하기 위해서 실시되었다. 성충모기는 6지점에서 유문등을 이용하여, 2008년 5월부터 9월까지 조사되었다. 조사결과 8속 16종 48,919마리가 채집되었다. 금빛숲모기(Aedes vexans nipponii)가 43%로 가장 많았고, 중국얼룩날개모기(Anophels sinensis)가 34%, 작은빨간집모기(Culex tritaeniorhynchus)가 14%로 이 3 우점종이 전체의 91%를 차지했다. 얼룩날개모기류의 계절적 발생소장은 작은빨간집모기와 비교하여 다른 피크를 보였다. 얼룩날개모기류 유충은 203지점 중 138지점(63%)에서 확인되었다. 지점당 정량조사 결과에서 평균유충밀도는 연꽃 재배지가 6.9개체로 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 수로가 4.5개체, 미나리꽝이 3.4개체, 유수지가 3.2개체, 휴경논이 3.1개체, 논이 1.8개체, 습지가 1.4개체, 하천이 0.2개체 순이었다. 유충밀도와 용존산소량, 산도, 염분도, 흡밀원(축사, 돈사, 계사) 사이에 유의한 관계성은 없었다. 최근린평균거리분석(ANNA)의 결과에서, 유충 조사지점간 분포패턴은 전체 조사지점간과 4.0개체 이상 확인된 지점간에서 각각 밀집분포와 불규칙분포였다. 하성면에서는 유충이 3.0 개체 이상 확인된 지점간 분산분포를 나타냈다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have gathered rice grain and bran from conventional mills and RPC(Rice Processing Complex) for the survey of stored grain insect pests. Maize weevil(Sittophilus zeamais) is the dominant species among the stored grain insect pests of the rice grain and bran. Under three constant temperatures, 15, 20 and 25℃, developmental periods from egg to adult were 43.0, 37.5 and 29.2 days, respectively. With egg periods being 9.6, 7.3 and 5.2days, and larval periods being 25.2, 21.8 and 19.8days, and adult periods being 126.1, 110.3 and 108.6days, respectively. The adults of Maize weevil feed basically on the same the foods as the larvae but not as restricted in their diets because the larvae need to develop inside whole grains. Feeding of S. zeamais adult usually began 3∼4 days after emergence at 25℃. Then adult feeding ca. one rice a day, reaching a peak of 20∼40days after emergence.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This experiment was conducted to prevent the contamination of parasite egg on vegetables for supporting safety production of leafy vegetables. After the chinese cabbages and soil samples were collected at 5 cities of Gyeonggido during 2007-2008, the existence of parasite egg was surveyed. All collected samples had no parasite egg, so the chinese cabbages produced in Gyeonggi area were assumed parasite egg-free. To examine the characteristics of parasite eggs, the pig roundworms, Ascaris suum, were collected from the intestine of infected pig and the parasite eggs were collected from the uterus of A. suum. The eggs of A. suum developed to embryonated eggs, which can infect humans, in 20℃-30℃, but not 15℃ and 35℃, when cultured at different temperatures. The eggs developed to embryonated eggs after drying for 0-24h when cultured after different drying times. Effect of soakage different salt solution and times showed that the eggs developed to embryonated eggs after soakage at 0-25% salt solution for 0-24h. For eliminating the parasite eggs attached leafy vegetables, it was efficient to soak at salt solution for 5 minutes and washing 5 times with water.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was performed to investigate the seasonal occurrence, developmental characteristics of each nymphal stages with different temperatures (20, 25, 30℃), longevity and fecundity of ussur brown katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis, damaging by outbreaks in the orchard areas of Bitan-ri, Yeongdong, Chungbuk. Paratlanticus ussuriensis occurred from late-March to late-August with peak of mid-May. Newly emerged nymphs appeared from March and do damaged fruit orchards with peak of mid-May when P. ussuriensis existed as 4th and 5th nymphal stages. P. ussuriensis adult occurred from early-June to mid-Aug. with peak of mid-July. Total density of P. ussuriensis was showed highest in mid-May. P. ussuriensis goes through nymphal stages to 7th nymph, the ovipositor began exposed to outside from the 4th instar and the body weight increased heavily from this stage and the wings were observed from 6th instar. Developmental period was longer as increased the nymphal stages. Sex ratio of collected insect was showed as 0.57; females more than males. As increased the temperature, developmental period was to be short. Preoviposition was also to be short as 5.0, 4.3, and 3.4 days at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively, and fecundity increased as 69.0, 87.1, and 104.3 at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively. Longevity of male and female at 25℃ was showed the longest with 35.7, and 32.9 days and showed the shortest with 30.1 and 28.1 days at 30℃, respectively. The difference of developmental period in male and female were showed longer in female without relation of temperature. The eggs laid were frequently distributed 3 to 4 cm from soil surface, and showed the behavior laying eggs intensively when early oviposition period.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the seasonal occurrence, developmental characteristics of each nymphal stages with different temperatures (20, 25, 30℃), longevity and fecundity of ussur brown katydid, Paratlanticus ussuriensis, damaging by outbreaks in the orchard areas of Bitan-ri, Yeongdong, Chungbuk. Paratlanticus ussuriensis occurred from late-March to late-August with peak of mid-May. Newly emerged nymphs appeared from March and do damaged fruit orchards with peak of mid-May when P. ussuriensis existed as 4th and 5th nymphal stages. P. ussuriensis adult occurred from early-June to mid-Aug. with peak of mid-July. Total density of P. ussuriensis was showed highest in mid-May. Paratlanticus ussuriensis goes through nymphal stages to 7th nymph, the ovipositor began exposed to outside from the 4th instar and the body weight increased heavily from this stage and the wings were observed from 6th instar. Developmental period was longer as increased the nymphal stages. Sex ratio of collected insect was showed as 0.57, females more than males. As increased the temperature, developmental period was to be short. Preoviposition was also to be short as 5.0, 4.3, and 3.4 days at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively, and fecundity increased as 69.0, 87.1, and 104.3 at 20, 25, 30℃, respectively. Longevity of male and female at 25℃ was showed the longest with 35.7, and 32.9 days and showed the shortest with 30.1 and 28.1 days at 30℃, respectively. The difference of developmental period in male and female were showed longer in female without relation of temperature. The eggs laid were frequently distributed 3 to 4 ㎝ from soil surface, and showed the behavior laying eggs intensively when early oviposition period.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내에서 육성된 딸기 '매향' 등 6품종을 대상으로 유기재배 방법으로 촉성 및 반촉성 작형에서 재배하여 생육, 수량, 과실 품질 및 병해충 발생 양상 등을 조사하여 유기농 재배에 적합한 딸기 품종을 선발하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 2년에 걸친 시험 결과 두작형 모두에서 '설향'의 수확량이 타품종에 비하여 유의성있게 높았다. '설향'의 재배기간 전체 평균 당도는 12.0˚Bx로 타품종과 비교하여 낮은 경향이었으며 특히 고온기에 당도저하가 두드러졌다. 그러나 촉성 재배의 주요 출하시기인 2월 하순까지는 타품종과 비슷한 당도 변화를 보였다. '설향'의 경도는 평균 279g/Φ5mm로서 기존 촉성재배 대비 품종인 '아키히메'보다 조금 높은 경향을 보였으며, 산도는 '매향'(0.69%)에서 가장 높았다. 촉성 재배시 '선홍'에서 생체중 및 근중이 타 품종에 비하여 유의하게 높았으며, 엽면적은 '설향'이 유의성있게 높았다. 반촉성재배시 품종간 생육 특성은 통계적으로 유의성이 없었다. 병해충 발생양상을 조사한 결과 '설향'의 잿빛곰팡이병 발병도가 높게 나타났다. 재배 및 육묘기 모두 '설향'이 흰가루병에 강한 저항성을 보였으며, 목화진딧물 발생량도 타품종과 비교하여 낮은 경향이었다. 점박이응애 발생량은 '레드펄'에서 낮은 밀도를 보였다. 전체적인 생육 및 병해충 발생양상을 조사한 결과 '설향'이 촉성 유기 재배에 가장 적합한 품종으로 판단되었으며 반촉성 재배시에는 고온기 '설향'의 경도 및 당도가 저하되어 적합하지 않을 것으로 판단된다.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Simultaneous observations of MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) onboard the Aqua and Terra satellites and weather station at ground near the Inchon International Airport (37.2-37.7 N, 125.7-127.2 E) during the period from December 2002 to September 2004 have been utilized in order to analyze the characteristics of satellite-observed infrared (IR) and visible data under fog and clear-sky conditions, respectively. The differences (T3.7-11) in brightness temperature between 3.75μm and 11.0μm were used as threshold values for remote-sensing fog (or low clouds) from satellite during day and night. The T3.7-11 value during daytime was greater by about 21 K when it was foggy than that when it was clear, but during nighttime fog it was less by 1.5 K than during nighttime clear-sky. The value was changed due to different values of emission of fog particles at the wavelength. Since the near-IR channel at 3.7μm was affected by solar and IR radiations in the daytime, both IR and visible channels (or reflectance) have been used to detect fog. The reflectance during fog was higher by 0.05-0.6 than that during clear-sky, and varied seasonally. In this study, the threshold values included uncertainties when clouds existed above a layer of fog.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고구마를 가해하는 됫날개흰밤나방(Aedia leucomelas)의 형태적 특징과 온도에 따른 발육특성 그리고 발생소장 및 고구마 가해양상을 1999부터 2000년까지 실내와 고구마포장에서 조사하였다. 성충은 흑갈색으로 체장은 암컷이 20.2mm,수컷이 18.9mm이었고, 날개 편 길이는 각각 33.7mm, 29.4mm이었다. 난은 납작한 원형이며, 유충은 엷은 황녹색-짙은 회색으로 체장은 3.3-53.5 mm이고, 번데기는 진한 갈색으로 체장은 15.1 mm이었다. 난부터 우화까지의 평균발육기 간은 15, 20, 25, 3 (605% RH, 16L : 8D)에서 각각 108.5, 70:7, 40.2, 29.1일로 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 각 태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도는 난은 10.7C와 67.5일도, 유충은 11.0C와 275.1일도, 번데기는 9.3C와 244.6일도 이었다. 암컷의 수명은 위 조사온도에서 각각 14.6, 12.8, 11.1, 10.3일이었고, 산란수는 각각 43, 189,244,265개로 성충수명은 고온일수록 짧아졌지만 산란수는 증가하였다. 됫날개흰밤나방 유충은 고구마 포장에서 6월 중순부터 10월까지 발생되었는데 9월 상-중순에 발생량이 가장 많았다. 유충의 섭식량은 20-에서 가장 많았고, 25C에서 1령, 2령, 3령, 4령, 5령 유충의 1일 섭식량은 각각 0.4, 3.6, 19.6, 40.7, 78.9 였다.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fog in Taechon which is located in the west coast of Korea is advection fog made by marine atmosphere which is higher than the temperature of sea water and cooled while moving toward land with wind. Huwevcr. the annual mean number of tog days is 15.1, obviously Icss than those of Susan, Kunsan and similar coastal cities. The number of fog occurrence days in April and May increases twice as many as that of the months from November to March. From August it decreases to half as many as that of the months from April to May and then maintains such an extent. So the phenomenon is different from other areas. 1 he characteristics of fog in Taechon arc due to little difference between sea surface temperature and marine air temperature and geographical characteristics of Taechon area.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전남 지방의 단감나무에 기생하는 짝지벌레 중 우점종인 뿔밀깎지벌레의 기주범위 발생소장 및 각 태별 생육특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 기주식물은 총 34과 66종이 조사 되었으며 그 중 나팔꽃, 명아주, 콩, 망초, 들깨, 사철베고니아등 6종이 새로이 조사되었다. 각 태별 발생소장은 난이 5월 상순-6월 하순까지 발생하였으며 최성기는 6월 상순이었고 유충은 6월 중순-10 월 중순까지 존재하고 최성기는 7월 상순-8월 중순이었으나 화학적 방제가 가장 효과적인 시기는 6월 하순으로 추정된다. 산란수는 평균 1,073 177.3개 이었고 부화율은 평균 97.3%로 광주기 및 처리온도에는 크게 반응하지 않았다. 각 태별 기간은 란이 23.4일, 유충이 128.3일, 자성충은 213.3일이었다.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 1965년부터 1988년까지 전국 39개 병해충발생예찰소에서 수집된 이화명나방의 유살성적을 이용하여 그의 지역간 발생상의 특성을 분석하고 대표적 생태종이 분포하고 있는 4개 지역에서 채집된 월동유충의 몇가지 생태학적 특성을 조사한 것으로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 이화명나방의 총유살량이 1969년 이후 전국적으로 크게 감소하였으며 이것은 봄나방 유살량의 감소에 따른 것으로 여름나방외 그것은 큰 변동이 없어 1970년 이후 8월중순부터, 다음해 6월 상순까지의 환경조건이 크게 변화하였음을 알 수 있다. 유살량의 지역간 차는 1960년대에는 컸으나 1970년대에는 크게 감소하였으며 최근 10년간에 다소 증가하고 있으며 그 변동상은 지역적으로 차가 있다. 전체적으로 50% 유살일은 화기와 관계없이 빨라지고 있으나 지역에 따라 그 양상에는 차가 있다. 월동유충을 , tkdxotmqeh 90%에서 가온사육한 결과 지역별 사망율은 수원 21.07%, 이리 43.06%, 진주 63.51%, 광주 27.04%였다. 월동유충의 사망율은 체중에 따라 차가 있어서 39 mg 이하는 45.44%, 40 ~ 49 mg은 37.61%, 50 ~ 59 mg는 37.28%, 60 mg 이상은 30.17%였다. , 상대습도 90%에서 가온하였을 때, 휴면후 평균 유충발육기간은 수원지역은 17.0 1.5일, 이리지역은 22.0 1.8일, 광주지역은 23.2 2.5일, 진주지역은 20.8 2.8일이 걸렸다. 체중별 후면후 유충발육기간은 39 mg 이하가 1806 1.2일, 40 ~ 49 mg이 20.4 3.3일, 50 ~ 59 mg이 21.4 3.2일, 60 mg 이상이 21.8 3.2일이 걸렸다. 이러한 결과로 보아 1970년대 이후의 벼의 재배법의 변화는 이화명나방 발생상에 큰 영향을 미쳤으며 그 영향은 화기에 따라 차가 있었고 휴면상태에 특징을 갖고 있는 생태종의 분포에 따라 차가 있음을 짐작할 수 있다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the temporal and spatial variations of marine meterological elements (air temperature (Temp), Sea Surface Temperature (SST), and Significant Wave Height (SWH)) in seven coastal waters of South Korea, using hourly data observed at marine meteorological buoys (10 sites), Automatic Weather System on lighthouse (lighthouse AWS) (9 sites), and AWS (20 sites) during 2013-2017. We also compared the characteristics of Temp, SST, and air-sea temperature difference (Temp-SST) between sea fog and non-sea-fog events. In general, annual mean values of Temp and SST in most of the coastal waters were highest (especially in the southern part of Jeju Island) in 2016, due to heat waves, and lowest (especially in the middle of the West Sea) in 2013 or 2014. The SWH did not vary significantly by year. Wind patterns varied according to coastal waters, but their yearly variations for each coastal water were similar. The maximum monthly/seasonal mean values of Temp and SST occurred in summer (especially in August), and the minimum values in winter (January for Temp and February for SST). Monthly/seasonal mean SWH was highest in winter (especially in December) and lowest in summer (June), while the monthly/seasonal variations in wind speed over most of the coastal waters (except for the southern part of Jeju Island) were similar to those of SWH. In addition, sea fog during spring and summer was likely to be in the form of advection fog, possibly because of the high Temp and low SST (especially clear SST cooling in the eastern part of South Sea in summer), while autumn sea fog varied between different coastal waters (either advection fog or steam fog). The SST (and Temp-SST) during sea fog events in all coastal waters was lower (and more variable) than during non-sea-fog events, and was up to 5.7℃ for SST (up to 5.8℃ for Temp-SST).
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The detailed characteristics of fog over South Korea were analyzed using the three-years quality controlled (QC) 237 visibility meter data operated by Korea Meteorological Administration. The fog (dense fog: DFog) frequency varies greatly with season and geographic location. The fog frequency at inland is highest in autumn, but at the West Coast in spring and summer. Fog occurs frequently from spring to autumn in the mountainous regions. Unlike the fog, the DFog is mostly prevalent in summer at land, mountain, and coastal regions. The large coefficients of variation of fog and DFog at the three regions and four seasons indicate that the locality of fog over South Korea is very high. The formation and dissipation (FaD) of fog show strong diurnal variations irrespective of geographic location and season, strongest at inland and weakest at sea. Fog usually occurs from night to sunrise and dissipates from early morning to late morning. The maximum FaD time of fog show seasonal variation with the seasonal change in solar elevation angle. The frequency of fog is inversely proportional to the duration time, mostly less than 3 hours regardless of season and geographic location. Also, the duration of DFog is mostly within 1-3 hours.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유기농 답전윤환밭 및 연속밭의 옥수수 8품종(얼룩찰1호, 흑점2호, 일미찰, 흑진주찰, 찰옥4호, 미백2호, 대학찰)과 수수 7품종(황금찰, 앉은뱅이수수, 목탁수수, 소담찰, DS202, 남풍찰, 동안메)에서 나방류 발생 및 수량 특성을 조사하였다. 조명나방 성충은 년 3회 최성기를 보였고 담배나방류 성충들은 3-4회 최성기를 보였다. 또한 조명나방 유충에 의한 옥수수 및 수수의 잎과 줄기 피해율은 시간이 지날수록 증가하는 경향을 보였는데, 수수의 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 8월 중순에 급격히 증가하였다. 미흑찰, 얼룩찰1호, 일미찰, 흑점2호, 미백2호 등 옥수수 품종들에 대한 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 윤환밭과 연속 밭 간 통계적으로 유의한 차이(P=0.05)를 보였고, DS202 품종(83%와 89%)을 제외한 나머지 6종 수수 품종들의 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 연속밭에서 높거나 비슷하였다(50-92%). 옥수수의 나방 유충에 의한 이삭 피해율은 5%(찰옥4호)에서 38%(흑진주찰)였는데, 대학찰 품종은 답전윤환밭(33%)에서 연속밭(14%)에 비해 상대적으로 더 높은 피해를 입었다. 답전윤환 수수 포장에서 소담찰(94%)과 DS202(82%)가 높은 피해율을 보였고, 연속밭에서는 7개 수수 품종 모두 78% 이상의 피해율을 보였다. 흥미롭게도 답전윤환밭 및 연속밭의 옥수수와 수수 품종들에 대한 조명나방 유충에 의한 평균 피해율과 평균 침입공수 간에는 각 정의 상관관계(옥수수 r=0.69윤환밭, 0.95연속밭; 수수 r=0.93윤환밭, 0.97연속밭)를 보였다. 또한 수확 후, 유기농 윤환밭 및 연속밭 포장에서 나방 유충에 의한 옥수수 8품종들과 수수 7품종들의 평균 피해율과 이삭무게 또는 천립중(g) 간에 부의 상관관계(옥수수 r=-0.38윤환밭, -0.49연속밭; 수수 r=-0.70윤환밭, -0.57연속밭)를 나타냈다. 이상의 결과는 유기농 옥수수 및 수수 재배포장에서 나방류의 관리가 수량 확보에 매우 중요하다는 사실을 의미한다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to investigate the aspect of tiller occurrence, growth and yield of sorghum according to planting distance and sowing date. The object of this experiment is to get basic data to inhibit non-productive tillers uneconomical and cumbersome for mechanical harvesting. Also another object was to evaluate optimum planting distance and sowing date in central district area. Total number of tillers was more in 80 ㎝ ridge than 60 ㎝ ridge and it was increased as the planting distance was wider from 15 ㎝ to 30 ㎝ on the each ridge. Ratio of effective tillers was higher in 60 ㎝ ridge than 80 ㎝ ridge and it was decreased as planting distance was wider from 15 ㎝ to 30 ㎝. The lower the planting distance, the more increased total number of tillers, whereas effective tillers was decreased as planting distance was high. Average of total number of tillers of three varieties was higher in sowing date of May 2 (1st sowing date), whereas ratio of effective tillers was the highest in sowing date of May 23 (2nd sowing date). Hwanggeumchal showed the highest total number of tillers (1.2 tillers), while Moktaksusu had the lowest total number of tillers (0.8 tillers) among three varieties. There were no significant difference between planting distance and days to heading and ripening date from seeding. Culm length increased as planting distance was high, but ear length, grains per ear and 1000 grain weight were decreased on the other hand. The highest yield of sorghum per 10a was obtained from 60×20 ㎝ planting distance among 6 planting distances.
        2017.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We analyzed the variation in occurrence time and intensity of attacks by the rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) on several crops. This study aimed to understand how C. suppressalis damages crops and to utilize this basic data for the establishment of environment-friendly control methods like pheromone traps. This study surveyed the changes in occurrence patterns of C. suppressalis, biological characteristics of overwintering larvae, and the efficacy of different types of pheromone traps the years. We found similar occurrence patterns of C. suppressalis in different crops. In addition, occurrence time of the first generation was advanced. Overwintering larvae showed no difference in pupal period and weight compared to the non-overwintering ones. However, the larval period was reduced to 19.1 days in Miscanthus field, in contrast to that in the paddy fields. It was confirmed that larvae of C. suppressalis generally prefer the lower part of the stems of Miscanthus. Efficiency of the emergence trap was confirmed to be greater than that of the delta trap for capturing C. suppressalis adults. However, it is necessary to adjust the control period because of the advancement in occurring time of C. suppressalis in recent years. The larvae of C. suppressalis experience favorable environmental conditions for overwintering in Miscanthus fields. The major Miscanthus fields are generally located in the areas protected for sources of drinking water, owing to which spraying of chemical pesticides is very limited. The results of this study provide important inputs for the development of environment-friendly control methods.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in meat process food and for cooking methods (pan-frying and charcoal fire). The methodology involved liquid-liquid extraction, silica gel cartridge clean-up and determination by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The recovery of 17 PAHs spiked into these samples ranged from 66.6 % to 98.0% and the coefficient of variation was less than 10%, but that of dibenz(a,h)anthracene was 16.39%. The mean concentration of total PAHs in processed samples was ND∼7.2 ng/g, whereas that pan-fried and charcoal-fired samples were ND∼22.1 ng/g and, 12.7∼367.8 ng/g, respectively. Therefore, the concentrations of total PAHs in cooked samples were higher than in original samples and charcoal-fired samples had the highest total PAH levels.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of sowing density, number of seeds sown per hole, andthinning treatment on growth characteristics and disease occurrence in Panax ginseng under direct sowing cultivation in ablue plastic greenhouse. Seedling were grown from 2 or 3 seeds sown, and the healthiest was only retained, while the restwere thinned out at the foliation stage. NO3-N, P2O5, and organic matter content differed significantly between growthconditions in the plastic greenhouse and in conventional shade in the soil. Disease also tended to be higher in the conven-tional shade than in the plastic greenhouse. Plant height and stem length showed an increasing trend with increasing sowingdensity and number of seeds sown per hole. However, these measures noticeably decreased when thinning treatment wasconducted. Growth of the subterranean part of ginseng was not markedly influenced by sowing density, the number of seedssown per hole, or thinning treatment. Root weight, which is an important factor in yield, was significantly affected by thenumber of seeds sown and thinning treatment. Interestingly, root weight tended to be higher in the thinning treatment plotthan the untreated control plot. Damping-off and root rot increased noticeably as the number of seeds sown increased. Dis-ease also tended to be substantially higher in the thinning treatment plot than the untreated control. However, physiologicaldisorder of the plants did not vary with sowing density, the number of seeds sown, or thinning treatment.
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