
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,230

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the arrival of omni-channel retailing, which promotes seamless experience for consumers and zero effort commerce, channel integration has been a big issue in both the domestic and the international retail industry. Some researchers have identified problems that can occur in the process of channel integration, such as cannibalization and channel conflict (Coelho & Easingwood, 2003). However, many studies on channel integration report its positive impact on a firm’s revenue growth through improved trust (Schramm-Klein & Morschett, 2006), higher consumer conversion rates (Neslin et al., 2006), and greater cross-selling opportunities (Berry et al., 2010). Regarding the issue of effectively establishing channel integration in order to bring positive synergy to a company, the present study intends to identify a solution within a company’s internal factors. This study aims to provide a strategic perspective on channel integration formation of domestic fashion retailers by identifying some of the key organizational components that drive a firm’s channel integration in this omni-channel era, when the boundaries between online and offline markets are disappearing. This study predicts that organizational structure and strategic orientation are the key components of a fashion retailer’s channel integration implementation in an omni-channel environment. As shown in previous studies, channel integration has a positive impact on a firm’s performance through active and innovative transformation of the organization’s hardware and software (Cao & Li, 2015; Yan, Wang, & Zhou, 2010). In particular, this study introduces channel (extension) strategies (number of different types of channels in both online and offline markets) into channel integration as one of the crucial variables, in addition to the two existing variables. The data were collected through a survey targeting mid-level executives or above, within a business unit of Korea’s fashion companies with over $10 million revenue. Through this selection, a total of 120 samples were used in the final analysis. Hierarchical regression modeling was used to prove the study’s hypothesis. The revenue size of a parent company and SBU was used as a control variable in the level 1 model; channel strategies in the level 2 model; organizational structure in the level 3 model, and organization strategic orientation in the level 4 model, which was used as an independent variable. Integrated back-end system and integrated human resource management, which are the highest levels of channel integration (Cao & Li, 2015; Oh, Teo, & Sambamurthy, 2012), have been used as dependent variables. The main findings of this study are as follows: In a back-end system integration model, organization strategic orientation was identified as the highest level when the organizational structure becomes more centralized, whereas the system integration level is the highest when the model is competitor-oriented and innovation-oriented. In the human resource management integration model, the human resource management integration level is at its highest when the organizational structure becomes formalized and specialized, and organization strategic behavior becomes more competitor-oriented and innovation-oriented.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With increasing challenges like climate change, companies are confronted with rising expectations from stakeholders, especially consumers. The paper investigates consumers’ reactions towards CSR strategies using a case-study and focus-groups. Results imply that digitally-based strategies at the core of newly found fashion companies are perceived generally positive, although with mixed impressions.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performanceand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedcomprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.comprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비용매 유도 상분리(NIPS) 법으로 제조된 폴리이미드 전구체를 이용하여 탄소분자체 중공사 분리막을 제조하였 으며, 온도변화에 따른 열처리 조건이 탄소분자체 중공사막의 기체 분리 특성에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 열처리 온도 250~ 450°C에서 승온 속도, 안정화 시간을 조정하여 최적화 하였을 때, 중공사 분리막의 단일기체 N2, SF6, CF4 투과도는 각각 20, 0.32, 0.48 GPU이었고, N2/SF6 선택도는 62, N2/CF4 선택도는 42로 가장 높은 값을 나타내었다. SF6/CF4/N2 혼합기체 평가 에서는 0.5 MPa에서 stage cut이 0.2일 때, SF6, CF4 회수율이 각각 99, 98% 이상으로 높게 나타났고, 농축농도는 stage cut 0.8에서 주입농도의 4.5배 이상이었다. 이로부터 제조된 탄소분자체 중공사 분리막은 불화가스 회수용 분리막으로써 우수한 소재임을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IPS(Ideal Production System) is a strategic cost management establishing ideal target cost, innovating cost structure and reduction. However, IPS was commonly used in assembly industry acquiring components and using them to assemble vehicles etc. Applying IPS to steel industry is a new try and not easy because cost elements in flow manufacturing are clustered and obfuscated in a complicated way. This paper proposes ICM (Ideal Cost Management) method adaptive to steel industry. One of the biggest advantages is that ICM could classify and categorize costs in detail according to accounts and manufacturing machines. Based on ICM information, steps of extracting and maximizing ideas are followed effectively. From 2013, ICM was applied successfully to POSCO Pohang Steel Works 38 factories.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PO 필름 공급이 경북 성주지역 참외 산업에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 참외 재배면적, 재배 농가수, 수량 및 소득 등을 분석한 결과, PE 필름은 2010년에 비해 2014년도에는 전국, 경북 성주 지역에서 각각 91.5%, 94.9%, 95.2%로 감소한 반면, PO 필름 보급은 각각 342.5%, 500%, 825% 이었다. 2010년에 비해 2015년 재배면적과 농가수는 각각 8.8%, 11.9% 감소하였다. 수량과 생산량은 각각 38.2%, 25.9% 증가하였다. 조수입은 2010년 3,051 억원에서 2015년 4,020 억원으로 1.3배 증가하였고 소득도 2010년 1,936 억원에서 2015년 4,020 억원으로 2.7배 증가하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합 하면 PO 필름으로 교체되면서, 참외 생산성은 증대되고, 작업 노력 및 유해물질 배출은 감소될 것으로 보여진다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the difference of the effects of public loan programs in fishery industry on management performance from a balanced score card (BSC) perspective depending on the type of loan, scale of fund, period of support and business category, using the financial data of fisheries firms having the balance of loan at the end of 2014. The key factors influencing credit rating change were also analyzed after public loan support. From a integrative perspective, results show that the firms supported by working fund have higher management performance than the firms supported by facility fund. The firms received large scale fund showed higher management performance than the firms received small scale fund. While management performance was decreasing or slowing down over time after financial support, management performance of the firms supported by facility fund improved over time. From a non-financial perspective, the firms received facility fund invested more in education and growing perspective than the firms received working fund. As the size of fund increased, the investment in education, growing, internal process and customer increased. Personnel expenses and employee benefits for education and growing has increased over time. However, the firms with facility fund restricted the expenses of education, personnel expenses and employee benefits as time goes by. Because the effects of public loan on credit rating of fisheries corporations have no statistical significance, it has become known that the financial support of public loan program has no influence on the change of credit rating of fisheries corporations. This study attempted performance analysis from a BSC perspective which combine factors of nonfinancial perspective with factors of financial perspective. Findings from this study suggest the direction of microscopic performance analysis of public loan in fishery industry.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to propose a specialized clothes-sizing system for elderly (aged 60~79) obese women satisfying the following conditions based on the data from the fifth Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (2004): a Rohrer's index of over 1.6, a BMI of over 25, and a WHR of over 0.85. The lower bodies of elderly obese women tends to be shorter and wider than average. Particularly, their torsos from the chest to the waist tend to be more obese than other areas. According to the KS standards, the clothes-sizing system sets up its size intervals as follows: 5cm in stature, 5cm and 3cm in bust, 3cm in waist, and 3cm in hip. Based on the dualistic distribution of each section, the names of the sections indicating high distribution are suggested. For suit tops, 11 sizes are selected as distributed in the 145-155cm stature section and 91-103cm bust section. For casual tops, nine sizes are selected as distributed in the 145-155cm stature section and 90-105cm bust section. For bottoms, 11 sizes are selected as distributed in the 82-97cm waist section and 91-97cm hip section. According to the KS standards, detailed sizes are suggested in the division of basic and reference areas.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With signs of the redevelopment of the domestic sewing industry, national support agencies were established. This study aims to assess the present conditions of the domestic sewing industry and investigate the effectiveness of national sewing industry support policies. According to the results of a survey of 30 sewing companies managers, the biggest factor causing product defects was work being rushed because of tight delivery dates, and the reduction in sales was caused by a lack of orders. Moreover, sewing technicians are aging, and the biggest reason for their decrease in number is that people do not pursue the job because of the common understanding that it is difficult. Managers perceived that the government’s sewing technician training program was not a practical help. They were well aware of the support program to improve the work environment and the sewing equipment support program and showed high satisfaction with these programs, but they complained that the period for equipment rental was fixed. A majority of them thought that the Korean sewing industry environment had still not improved, and were skeptical about its future outlook. They identified its most urgent needs as the expansion of orders and the securing of manpower. The support programs that they wanted urgently included support for employees’ four major public insurances and the enactment of the increase of toll processing fees.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to analyze economical meaning and problems on the industrial differentiation of Korean laver industry. Based on the surveyed data, the export value of korean laver has increased over 28 times for last 20 years($10 million to $300 million) and the separation of farming and processing was an important success factor of rapid growth of korean laver industry. However, the result of the survey shows that the farming profit is 534.1 won out of the total price for a bunch of dried laver, 3,566.3 won. So, farming profit counts for just 15 percent of total price. In contrast, the processing profit is 1,143.5 won and it is 32.1 percent of total price. This means that laver farmers are not being guaranteed their profit properly. This phenomenon is occurred due to lower status of first-hand processors(which produce dried laver) to second-hand processors(which produce seasoned laver) due to advanced payment given by second-hand processors. So, fist-hand processors should provide their product in the price which was designated by second-hand processors. Besides, despite of many business risks caused from climate change and environmental pollution, the market price of raw laver has steadily decreased. For sustainable prosperity of korean laver industry, imbalance on korean laver industry concerning profit sharing is need to be changed. In future, self-processing of dried laver in fishery household and enhancing the role of The Fisheries Cooperative Union in laver industry can be considered.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intended to exploratively depict both the influence of Environmental Turbulence, Market Orientation, and Learning Orientation of IT companies on Marketing Capability which is one of the organizational performance, and the moderating effects of Learning Orientation and Environmental Turbulence of IT companies on the relationship between Market Orientation and Marketing Capability as well as the relationship between Learning Orientation and Marketing Capability based on respective interactions among related variables. Through this study, several factors contributing to the enhancement of organizational performance such as competitor orientation, shared vision, and open-mindedness were highlighted as major ones, with the fact that competitive intensity, market and technological turbulence of environmental turbulence dimension make effects on organizational performance through interaction effect.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Logistics had only been perceived as a supporting means or auxiliary of corporate activity, but is now surfacing as a priority sector for competitiveness in the infinite competition of the global market. This study looks into the current status of logistics and sets forth the improvement tasks by analyzing the problems of the returned goods logistics. In order to improve the manual process of returned goods, the POS system (point-of-sales system) was implemented and DAS (Digital Assorting System) and SORTER System were synchronized for utilization, which cut the prime cost of the once expensive returned goods logistics, and analyzed the efficiency of establishing automated logistics system for efficiency of returned goods logistics in the aspects of one-stop BPR (Business Process Re-engineering).
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is very important for the competitiveness and sustainable management of enterprises that the rapid changes in the managerial environments quickly and accurately are responded. For example, the large-scale investment accompanied by bad alternatives in accordance with misunderstanding of the managerial environments yields the huge cost and effort to modify and improve. In firm management, the quality of products and the productivity are influenced by changes of the endogenous factors yielded in manufacturing process and the exogenous factors as market, etc. These changes include not only changes in 4M (man, machine, material, method) but also those in the market, competitors, and technologies in the process of commodification, i.e., first, such disturbances make dispersion of the process big and odd. By Shewhart chart it can be checked that the process monitored is control-in or out. Business administration executes activities for input stabilization by monitoring changes in 4Ms, comparing with the standards, and taking measures for any abnormality. Second, TRM (technology road map) is to prospect product deployment and technological trend by predicting technologies in the competitive environment as the market, and to suggest the future directions of business. So, TRM must be modified and improved according to DR (design review) stages and changes in mass-production like input material change. Therefore, a role of TRM in input stabilization for reducing cost and man-hour is important. This study purposed to suggest that the environment changes are classified into endogenous factors and exogenous factors in production process, and then, quality and productivity should be stabilized efficiently through connection between TRM and input stabilization, and to prove that it is more effective for the display industry to connect TRM with input stabilization rather than to use TRM separately.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper empirically studies foreign investor investment decision-making factors of game industry. First of all, I couldn´t find many significant results relation to business performance. In terms of safety, The negative(-) relationship could be found between current ration, debt ration and foreign ownership. The growth(growth rate of sales, net profit growth rate) showed positive(+) relationship with foreign ownership. In terms of profitability, Between ROE, ROA and foreign ownership also showed positive(+) relationship . Finally, the R&D investments and weight of export are positive(+) related to foreign ownership. In this results, I can conjecture about foreign investor focus on Safety , Growth , Profitability. especially, can be inferred that R&D and weight of export factors attract foreign investors.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 IPO시점을 전후하여 기업의 혁신 활동과 성과의 변화에 대한 분석을 목적으로 연구개발 투자 비중이 높은 의료 및 의약 분야의 코스닥 IPO 상장 기업을 대상으로 7개의 투입, 산출 모형에 대한 효율성 분석과 비교를 실시하였다. 의약분야 기업의 IPO 전후 3년간의 혁신활동 효율성을 측정하고 차이를 분석하기 위해 DEA모형을 적용하였 다. 본 논문의 주요한 결과는 첫째, 의약분야의 IPO 기업의 창업에서 IPO까지 평균 12.86년 이 소요되었고, 혁신활동은 평균적으로 IPO 이전보다 더욱 활발해져 연구개발 투자액이 증 가되었다. 출원특허의 수는 IPO 이전 3년 동안 8.43개에서 IPO 이후 3년 동안에는 상장기업 평균 16.67로 급증하였으며 기업의 기술 영역도 전후 3년 동안 상장기업 평균 11개에서 22개 기술분야로 크게 확대되는 모습을 보였으나, 재무적 측면에서 성장 추이와 수익성은 IPO 이 전보다 낮아졌다. 둘째, 연구개발 투자와 특허출원 활동에 대한 재무적인 성과는 IPO 이후 효율성이 모두 약화되었으며, 최종적인 성과에 이르기까지 투자와 활동을 분리하여 연구개발 투자에 따른 특허 출원 성과, 특허 출원 활동에 따른 재무적인 성과에 대한 효율성 역시 IPO 이전보다 모두 낮아진 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 특허활동에 따른 재무성과에 대한 효율성은 연구개발 투자에 따른 특허 출원 성과, 연구개발투자와 특허활동에 따른 재무성과에 대한 효 율성에 비해 낮았고, 특히, IPO 이후 특허활동에 따른 재무성과의 비효율성은 규모의 비효율 성으로 인해 발생되었음이 분석되었다. 마지막으로, 본 연구에서 IPO 이후 전체적인 효율성 하락은 IPO를 퉁한 연구개발투자 확대가 시장의 재무적 성과로 이어지지 못하였고, IPO 이 후 전체적인 비효율성은 연구개발투자를 통한 혁신의 결과 도출 단계보다는 혁신활동의 결 과물이 시장의 성과를 이끌어 내는 데 나타나는 비효율성으로 인한 것으로 분석되었다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        T-50 인도네시아 수출은 정부의 정책목표를 구현하고 국내 방산업체들의 해외 수출활동을 촉진시키는 촉매제가 되었다. 방산수출은 국가의 위상을 높이고 경제적 이익을 창출하는 신성장 동력으로서 인정받게 되었으며 정부의 주요 정책 중 하나로 자리매김하였다. 본고는 T-50 인도네시아 수출 성공의 동인(動因)을 정책 네트워크의 관점에서 분석하여 효과적인 방산수출 정책방향을 제시하고자 한다. 정책네트워크 이론(Policy Network Theory)은 방산수출 지원정책을 수립하고 집행하는 과 정에서 각 정책행위자들의 속성과 그들 사이에서 이루어지는 상호작용이 어떤 산출물을 가져 왔는지를 분석하는 데에 유용성과 적실성을 갖았다. T-50 인도네시아 수출에 관한 정책네트 워크는 정책공동체(policy community) 유형으로서 다수의 정부부처와 이익집단인 방산업체, 그리고 연구기관의 전문가들이 공동의 정책목표 달성을 위해 상호 공감대를 형성하여 범정부 조직인 방산물자교역지원센터(KODITS)를 창설하고 이를 중심으로 행위자들이 공식⋅비공식 접촉을 지속하면서 수출 성공을 위한 전략을 모색하였다. 일부 주요 정책행위자 사이에 대 립과 갈등이 존재했으나, 다수의 행위자가 강한 협력의 관계를 형성함으로써 T-50 인도네시 아 수출을 위한 정책결정이 효과적으로 이루어질 수 있었고, 그것은 T-50 수출 성공의 중요 한 동인이 되었다. 시사점으로 협력적 상호작용에 의한 정책공동체 유형이 방산수출 지원정책의 목표 달성에 유용함을 고려, 미국에 대한 훈련기(T-X) 수출 등 대형 방산수출프로젝트 추진시 범정부차 원의 한시적 테스크포스(TF)를 운영할 필요가 있으며 TF에 참여한 기관들이 상호 협력의 관계를 강화할 수 있도록 기관장들간 정기적인 논의의 장 마련 등 제도⋅절차적 보완이 필요 함을 제시하였다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰 상황에서 이전사업경험, 제품속성과 온라인 고객 의견이 신제품 매출성과에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다. 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 제품 성과에 대한 연 구들은 선진국 온라인 쇼핑몰을 중심으로 고객들의 구전효과에 초점을 두고 연구를 진행해 왔으며 상대적으로 기업특성이나 제품속성에 대한 연구는 미흡하였다. 본 연구에서는 중국 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 판매중인 총 407개 TV모델들을 대상으로 기업특성, 제품속성 및 온라인 고객의견이 제품 매출성과에 미친 영향을 살펴보았다. 기업특성에서는 이전TV제조업체들의 제품이 신규 진입기업들의 제품들보다 매출성과가 높았다. 제품속성에서는 경쟁제품 대비 초기 가격수준이 낮을수록 성과가 높으며 가격할인율이 높은 경우에는 오히려 매출성과가 낮았다. 전반적인 제품의 기술경쟁력 수준이 높을수록 판매성과가 높으며 신기능의 특성에 따라 매출성과에 미친 효과는 다르게 나타났다. 제품별 온라인 고객평가 의견수가 많을수록 해당 제품의 매출성과는 높은 것으로 나타난 반면, 온라인 고객평가 점수는 매출성과에 유의 한 영향관계나 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰 상황에서 신제품 매출성과 향 상을 위한 이론적 실무적 의의를 제시하고 향후 연구과제들을 제시하였다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to assess whether the emotional leadership of the CEO of a fashion company has a significant influence on corporate performance. In this study, a survey was conducten on employees of fashion companies from August 1 to 30, 2015, and 350 copies of questionnaires were collected and used for analysis. Factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were employed to analyze the data using SPSS software (ver. 21.0). According to the study results, if a fashion company CEO has higher emotional leadership, it leads to an increase in the job satisfaction and performance of the staff members, and an improvement in new product performance thanks to more investment and development and an expanded R&D staff. Additionally, the higher emotional leadership of the CEO contributes to an increase in operating profits, sales, and market share. Therefore, the importance of organizational culture was confirmed by its regulation effect on the emotional leadership and management performance of a fashion company. According to the results of this study, the emotional leadership of a CEO plays an important role in improving the performance of a fashion company, and future studies are needed to identify how to enhance the corporate performance of a fashion company from various perspectives.