
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 146

        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study was to evaluate the degradability and digestibility of crude protein (CP), rumen undegradable protein (RUP), and individual amino acids (AA) on six by-product feedstuffs (BPF) (rice bran, RB; wheat bran, WB; corn gluten feed, CGF; tofu residue, TR; spent mushroom substrate from Pleurotus ostreatus, SMSP; brewers grain, BG) as ruminants feed. Three Hanwoo steers (40 months old, 520 ± 20.20 kg of body weight) fitted with a permanent rumen cannula and T-shaped duodenal cannula were used to examine of the BPF using in situ nylon bag and mobile bag technique. The bran CGF (19.2%) and food-processing residue BG (19.7%) had the highest CP contents than other feeds. The RUP value of bran RB (39.7%) and food-processing residues SMSP (81.1%) were higher than other feeds. The intestinal digestion of CP was higher in bran RB (44.2%) and food-processing residues BG (40.5%) than other feeds. In addition, intestinal digestion of Met was higher in bran RB (55.7%) and food-processing residues BG (44.0%) than other feeds. Overall, these results suggest that RB and BG might be useful as main raw ingredients in feed for ruminants. Our results can be used as baseline data for ruminant ration formulation.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the antioxidant activity of Kochujang following the addition of Omija (Schizandra chinensis Baillon) by-product extract powder. This study specifically investigated the total levels of phenolics and flavonoids, the activities of DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging, and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power). Our results showed that the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of unmodified Kochujang were 4.06 mg TAE/g and 2.87 mg TAE/g, respectively, and that the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Kochujang with added Omija by-product extract powder were 3.89~5.19 mg TAE/g and 3.11~5.35 mg TAE/g, respectively. As more Omija by-product extract powder was added, the more the total levels of phenolic compounds and flavonoids increased. This study found that DPPH radical scavenging activity in unmodified Kochujang was 25.8% and that in Kochujang with added Omija by-product extract powder was 27.1~39.7% each. These results indicate that Omija by-product extract powder has possibility not only in Kochujang products but also as a functional food with antioxidant activity characteristics. These results also indicate that adding Omija by-product extract powder to Kochujang had significant effects on overall acceptability. Thus, the addition of 5 or 10% of Omija by-product extract powder is desirable for making Kochujang.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        제조물책임법은 제품의 제조, 설계, 표시상의 결함으로 인해 사용자의 생명이나 신체에 피해나 손실이 발생할 경우 제조물의 결함과 그로 인한 피해 사실이 입증되면 제조업자 등이 손해배상책임을 지게 하는 제도이다. 제조물책임법의 시행으로 기업은 제조물책임 사고로 인한 손실을 예방하고 체계적으로 방어할 수 있는 대응시스템을 구축하여 제품안전사고를 본질적으로 근절하기 위한 책무를 다해야 한다. 그렇지만 최근에 발생한 가습기살균제 사고, 휴대폰 배터리의 결함, 정수기 리콜 등에 의한 피해발생으로 제품의 안전을 근원적으로 확보하고 소비자의 생명과 재산을 보호하는 데 제도적으로 미흡한 점이 발견되어 개선 할 필요성이 대두되었다. 이에 국회에서는 제조물책임법의 실효성을 강조하기 위하여 2017년 3월 제조물책임법의 개정을 통해서 피해액의 최고 3배까지 배상토록 하는 징벌적 배상제도, 소비자에게 피해발생 시 입증책임을 제조업체가 지도록 하는 입증책임의 전환 등을 개정하게 되었다. 이러한 변화는 앞으로 기업 책임의 변화를 예상하게 된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 개정된 제조물책임법이 기업에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고 기업이 효과적으로 대응할 수 있도록 대응전략을 제시하고자 한다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현재까지의 저장시설 내 저장해충 방제는 주로 메칠브르로마이드(MB)나 PH3와 같은 고독성 훈증제를 사용하여 왔으나 이와 같은 화학약품의 사용은 인축에 잔류독성이나 생태계 파괴와 같은 부작용을 초래하였다. 따라서 화학약품 의 사용을 최대로 억제하면서 친환경적이고 효과적인 방제방법이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 이산화염소(ClO2) 가스를 이용하여 저장시설 내 대표적 저장해충인 화랑곡나방과 어리쌀바구미의 치사율, 생존율, 부화율, 용화율 및 발육일수 등의 생태적 특성을 조사하여 이산화염소의 저장해충에 대한 효과와 적용 가능성을 검증하고자 하였으며, 연구는 실험실과 야외 운반용 컨테이너 및 실제 저장시설인 미곡처리장에서 진행되었다. 이산화염소 가스를 이용한 저장해충 방제는 기존 훈증제의 사용을 대체할 수 있는 효과적이고 친환경적인 방법으로 저장시설의 규모, 농도, 처리시간, 대상해충 종에 따라 효과적으로 조절이 가능하여 방제효과와 경제성 두 가지 측면을 극대화 할 수 있을 것이라 생각된다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to produce an adsorbent material with biomass by-product that are readily visible in daily life. The biomass by-product used in the study are coffee grounds, oak leaves and chestnut peels. These biomass by-products were produced with dry, carbonization and activation treatments. The equipment for the evaluation of adsorption capacity was the batch type system to measure the concentration of test gases with the odor sensor device. Biomass by-products have been shown to improve the absorption characteristics of adsorbent through carbonization and activation. The adsorbent made with coffee grounds and chestnut peels had superior adsorption capacity to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and complex odor (H2S & NH3) in a comparison with regular activated carbon. The odor sensor device could be used to evaluate the device of adsorption capacity of the adsorbent.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Patent trends on foundation technique and application technologies of rapeseed by-products were analyzed for major producing countries including Korea, USA, Japan, China and Europe, to determine the usability and economical efficiency. To date, patents related to these by-products have been increasing steadily, since the first patent application in 1973. Patent applications in China are overwhelmingly active but those of Korea are steadily increasing. Japan and Europe unions have been slow in applying patents since the mid-2000s. The most number of application is the MB company in Canada, which is actively, doing research to develop technologies related to extraction and purification of useful substances from rapeseed. Most applicants were focusing on one or two of the major field technologies, depending on the company’s main products. Agricultural material section category accounted for more than half of the patent applications followed by technology for separation and purification of useful substances for cosmetics. In the early years of technology development, patent applications were mainly related to technologies on functional protein foods, agricultural materials and separation and purification of useful substances. In recent years, research had shifted on various fields such as cosmetics and medicines technology development is being attempted. In terms of section category, the USA has applied for the most number of patents in all fields except agricultural materials, where China is currently leading, Agricultural development efforts is well supported and encouraged by the Chinese government’s policies. In conclusion, it is suggested that technology development pertaining to separation and purification of useful substances from rapeseed by-products for cosmetics, functional protein foods, medicines and biotic pesticides to enhance value-added utilization of rapeseed by-products.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The new businesses started by the companies usually results in being unsuccessful. The main reasons for that are either aiming targeting wrong customers, unsatisfaction of customers’ requesting quality standards, or taking wrong actions against the competitors in the market. Therefore, companies should aim the targets for the newly developing products based on the fulfilling values for the customers when they start the new businesses, and should take good cares for risk managements at the each step of the new business to prevent the failure in advance. In addition to that, the companies starting new businesses not only need to take the customers attributes (CA) into account, but they also should apply the new technologies as one system to initiate a new business to satisfy the basic wants of the customers. This article suggests the New Product Development Pursuing Model using the Indicative Planning methodology and the Quality Management tools. The New Product Development Pursuing Model would be completed by the following steps as below; 1. Drawing the CTQ (Critical To Quality) for setting up the new product development objectives by : i) using the VOC (Voice Of Customers) obtained by the QFD (Quality Function Deploypment) if the market is mature, ii) applying AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) to information in the QIS (Quality Information System) if the market is unmature to get enough need information of the customers. 2. Risk Management in NPD : The NPD pursuing model consisted of the IP (indicative planning) is suggested not by the process of top-down-way mandatory planning process, but by the tools used in the administrative science and economic fields, namely by governance. The companies could apply innovative methodology for new products development processes to fulfil the customers satisfaction in the fields, through the CA (Contingency Approach) of the NPD (New Product Development) process.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of the quality of bread containing Red Ginseng Jung Kwa by-product, added in ratios of 0, 10, 20 and 30% of flour. It was found in dough and bread containing red ginseng Jung Kwa by-product that dough and loaf volume, specific loaf volume, baking loss, and pH decreased with an increasing amount of red ginseng Jung Kwa by-product. In addition, loaf weight and hardness were also reduced. In particular, hardness appeared to be 2.18 times higher for bread containing 30% Red Ginseng Jung Kwa by-product as compared to the amounts found in the control. For color, increasing the amount of Red Ginseng Jung Kwa by-product reduced the L value, whereas the a and b values were increased. In the sensory evaluation, the highest overall preference score was observed in the bread containing 20% red ginseng Jung Kwa by-product, whereas the lowest score was found in the control (no red ginseng Jung Kwa by-product added). It was concluded that pan bread containing red ginseng Jung Kwa by-product could be prepared with good acceptability, and that its optimum concentrate was found to be 20% of flour.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a model was developed to predict for Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) generated in water supply networks and consumer premises, before and after the introduction of advanced water purification facilities. Based on two-way ANOVA, which was carried out to statistically verify the water quality difference in the water supply network according to introduce the advanced water treatment process. The water quality before and after advanced water purification was shown to have a statistically significant difference. A multiple regression model was developed to predict the concentration of DBPs in consumer premises before and after the introduction of advanced water purification facilities. The prediction model developed for the concentration of DBPs accurately simulated the actual measurements, as its coefficients of correlation with the actual measurements were all 0.88 or higher. In addition, the prediction for the period not used in the model development to verify the developed model also showed coefficients of correlation with the actual measurements of 0.96 or higher. As the prediction model developed in this study has an advantage in that the variables that compose the model are relatively simple when compared with those of models developed in previous studies, it is considered highly usable for further study and field application. The methodology proposed in this study and the study findings can be used to meet the level of consumer requirement related to DBPs and to analyze and set the service level when establishing a master plan for development of water supply, and a water supply facility asset management plan.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insects are attracting the attention of alternative sources of protein. In order to produce high quality insects, studieson the development of safe and nutritious feed sources are needed. Given the cost of rearing insects, agricultural andindustrial by-products were good materials of insect feed. In the current study, Citrus unshiu peel (CP), soybean curdcake (SCC), soybean oil meal (SOM), and brewers dried grain (BDG) were investigated for their effects on larval growthand development of Protaetia brevitarsis. Interestingly, larvae fed on 10% SCC increased their weight by 3.5 times. Forthe larval period, they were significantly shorter than the control. Furthermore, minerals and amino acids were recordedto be high in them. The heavy metals were not detected in any of the investigated groups. These findings provided ascientific basis for the utilization of soybean curd cake as a nutritional feed source to promote larval growth and producequality insects.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Scaffolds of cell substrates are biophysical platforms for cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. They ultimately play a leading-edge role in the regeneration of tissues. Recent studies have shown the potential of bioactive scaffolds (i.e., osteo-inductive) through 3D printing. In this study, rice bran-derived biocomposite was fabricated for fused deposition modeling (FDM)-based 3D printing as a potential bone-graft analogue. Rice bran by-product was blended with poly caprolactone (PCL), a synthetic commercial biodegradable polymer. An extruder with extrusion process molding was adopted to manufacture the newly blended “green material.” Processing conditions affected the performance of these blends. Bio-filament composite was characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Mechanical characterization of bio-filament composite was carried out to determine stress-strain and compressive strength. Biological behaviors of bio-filament composites were also investigated by assessing cell cytotoxicity and water contact angle. EDX results of bio-filament composites indicated the presence of organic compounds. These bio-filament composites were found to have higher tensile strength than conventional PCL filament. They exhibited positive response in cytotoxicity. Biological analysis revealed better compatibility of r-PCL with rice bran. Such rice bran blended bio-filament composite was found to have higher elongation and strength compared to control PCL.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Curcumin have various health-beneficial properties in numerous studies. However, its bioavailability is low due to its limited intestinal uptake and rapid metabolism. This study aimed to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of newly developed sub-micron particle curcumin with increased water dispersibility (Theracurmin® CR-033P). Plasma curcumin levels were measured at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 h after Theracurmin® CR-033P intake using high-performance liquid chromatography. For analyzing pharmacokinetics of Theracurmin® CR-033P, eighteen healthy subjects were recruited and received Theracurmin® CR-033P at a single oral dose containing curcumin 30 mg. Cmax was 28.14 ng/ml, and the area under the curve for 8 h was estimated to be 104.36 ng/ml. Based on the area under the plasma concentration (AUC), the bioavailability of sub-micron particle curcumin was higher 22-, 35-, 28-fold than native curcumin in men, women, and all subjects, respectively. For comparing by formulation, seven healthy subjects were recruited and received two type of treatment: (1) existing dosage form 300 mg (contained curcumin 30 mg) × 3 capsule, (2) high dosage form 300 mg (contained curcumin 90 mg) × 1 capsule + placebo 300 mg × 2 capsule. In the cross-over study, there was no significant differences in Cmax and AUC of plasma curcumin. In conclusion, submicron particle curcumin with increased water dispersibility significantly improved its oral bioavailability and women absorbed curcumin more effectively than men. Different formulation of Theracurmin® CR-033P has shown equivalent to the reference in terms of pharmacokinetics.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to investigate the influences of channel assessments on the usage of multi-channels by product types, and the differences in the usage of multi-channels among product types in buying decision making process for fashion products. Data were collected from 510 consumers in their 20s to 50s with purchasing experiences through multi-channel distribution system and living in Seoul and Kyunggi province; 491 were analyzed after deleting incomplete questionnaires. Factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis by using SPSS 18.0. The results were as follows: 5 factors were extracted for channel assessment: utility, accuracy, risk, price benefit and sharing information. Price benefits, utility and sharing information for online channel tended to influence positively on the usage of online channel and online+offline channels. Accuracy and low perceived risk of offline influenced positively on offline and on+offline channel usages. The usage levels of on-line and off-line channels for cosmetics were significantly lower than the usage levels for clothes and accessories on information search, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase stages. Significant differences were also found in the usage levels of multi-channels (on+off-line) on information search and evaluation of alternatives stages. The usage levels of the multi-channels for clothes were the highest followed by those of accessories and cosmetics in order.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the quality characteristics of the bread containing a honeyed red ginseng by-product (HRG). HRG was added to bread dough at various concentration ranging from 10-30%, after which physicochemical properties of dough and bread containing HRG were determined. The pH, loaf volume, specific loaf volume, volume and baking loss decreased with increasing amount of HRG in bread, whereas loaf weight and hardness were increased. In particular, hardness appeared to be 2.18 times higher in the control without HRG compared to the bread containing 30% HRG. For color, increasing the amount of HRG reduced a and b values, whereas L value was increased. In sensory evaluation, the highest overall preference score was observed in containing 20% HRG, whereas the lowest score was observed in bread with 10% HRG. From a honeyed red ginseng by-product bread with good acceptability has an optimum HRG concentration of 20%.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항(Product by Process Claim)은 물건청구항의 형태를 갖추 고 있으나, 제조방법에 의하여 그 물건을 한정하 는 형식으로 기재된 청구항이다. 제조방법이 기재 된 물건발명 청구항은 특허성 판단시와 보호범위 판단시에 그 해석이 국가별로 다양하고, 한 국가 내에서도 법원에 따라 상이한 경우가 많을 정도로 논란이 되어 왔다. 하지만, 2009년 미국의 CAFC 전원합의체 판결을 시작으로, 2012년 일본 지적 재산고등재판소 판결에서 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 해석을 명확히 정리하였다. 한국의 경우 2015년 1월 대법원 전원합의체 판결이 나오면서 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 특허성 판단의 기준을 마련하였으며, 2015 년 2월 처음으로 대법원 판결로 제조방법이 기재된 물건발명 청구항의 보호범위 판단기준을 제시하였다. 우리나라의 최근 대법원 판례는 기재요건과 관 련하여 명확설의 입장을 취하였고, 특허성과 보호 범위 판단시에 물적 동일설로 입장을 변경하였다. 다만, 보호범위 판단시에 예외적으로 제법 한정설 을 채택하여, 경우에 따라 특허성과 보호범위 해석의 일치여부에 해석이 문제될 수 있을 뿐만 아 니라, 어떠한 경우에 예외가 적용되는지에 대한 명확한 기준이 없으므로 제조방법이 기재된 물건 발명 청구항의 전체적인 법적 안정성을 저해하는 요소가 될 수 있다는 점이 우려된다. 따라서, 보호 범위 판단시에 불명확한 “예외”를 통하여 청구항 의 해석방법을 달리할 것이 아니라, 불합리한 정 도로 넓게 해석되는 경우에는 (동일한 해석방법 에 따르면) 진보성 등의 특허성에 관한 무효사유 가 존재할 가능성이 높으므로, 오히려 무효주장으로 별개로 다투도록 하여 해결하는 것이 효과적일 것이라고 판단된다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연산 오계육은 오래전부터 건강기능 증진 및 치료 효능이 높은 것으로 알려져 왔다. 최근 천 연물 단백질 유래 기능성 펩타이드 효능이 알려짐에 따라, 본 연구는 연산오계 부산물인 내장육 단백질 로부터 고압처리기술과 프로티아제를 이용하여 펩타이드 생산 최적공정과 생성물의 특성을 연구하였다. 내장육의 가수분해는 효소 bromelain 과 내장육을 고압 반응기에 투입을 하여 실시하였다. 최적 공정 조건 확립을 위하여 고압처리기의 압력(30 - 100 MPa), 효소반응 시간 (1 - 5시간), 내장육의 양(10 – 30%)의 범위에서 수행되었다. 효소 반응 후 각 조건에 따른 내장육 단백질의 가수분해도, 생산 펩타이 드들의 아미노산 및 분자량 분포를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 내장육 단백질 가수분해 최적조건으로 압력 90 MPa, 효소반응시간 3–4시간, 내장육의 함량 20%에서 결정 되었다. 최적조건에서 오계 내장육 단백 질의 65% 이상이 가수분해 되었다. 대부분의 가수분해물의 분자량들은 400–1,000 Da 이하의 분포를 보여주어 대부분이 펩타이드로 판단되었다. 생산 펩타이드들은 비극성 소수성 아미노산들 42.3%, 극성 비전하 아미노산들 26.0%, 양 전하 아미노산들 13.3%, 음 전하 아미노산들 18.6% 로 분포되었다. 따라 서 항산화 능력이 뛰어난 비극성 아미노산의 분포를 보아 건강 기능 식품 소재로서 활용할 가치가 높을 것으로 기대를 한다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구의 목적은 산림의 제거대상인 칡덩굴과 산림병해 충으로 고사된 소나무를 이용하여 산림자원의 재활용을 통 한 순환산림의 육림, 자연 영양원을 이용한 우수 묘목의 대 량생산, 수입 원자재의 대체 및 기존 상토의 문제점인 이 끼・잡초・굼벵이 발생저감을 위한 맞춤형 기능성 배양토 의 개발에 있다. 본 연구에 앞서 기존 상토에 활용하고 있는 주요 원부자재인 피트모스, 코코피트와 칡덩굴 분쇄물과 소 나무 톱밥을 상토분석법에 따라 11가지 항목에 대한 이화학 분석(pH, EC, T-N, P2O5, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Cl)을 하였다. 비료성분 분석 중 T-N(총질소) 분석은 중량분석법 으로 하였고, 나머지 비료성분은 용량분석법으로 하였다. 분석결과 큰 차이를 보인 것은 산도와 총질소, 인, 망간, 철의 함량으로 산도의 경우 칡(pH6.82)>코코피트 (pH6.47)> 소나무톱밥(pH5.24)>피트모스(pH4.03) 순이었고, 총질소 는 칡(1.02%)>피트모스(0.86%)>코코피트(0.39%)>소나무 (0.02%), 인산 함량은 칡(46.1ppm)>코코피트(14.05ppm)> 소나무(1.79ppm)>피트모스(0.13ppm)로 나타났으며, 특히 칡덩굴의 경우 총질소와 인산함량에서 월등히 높았다. 인산 의 역할은 작물의 에너지대사 및 호흡작용에 관여하는 요소 로서 결핍시 생장점부위가 억제되고 뿌리의 발근과 분열이 억제되기도 하며 초기생육 뿐만 아니라 생육 전과정에 중요 한 역할을 하는 주요성분이다. 그리고 미량원소 성분인 망 간과 철은 각각 소나무톱밥과 피트모스에서 큰 차이를 보였 는데, 망간 함량은 소나무톱밥(7.74ppm)>칡(1.68ppm)>피 트모스(1.43ppm)>코코피트(1.31ppm)으로, 철의 함량은 피트모스(38.0ppm)>코모피트(1.56ppm)>칡(1.07ppm)>소 나무톱밥(0.36ppm)이었다. 위의 이화학성 분석 자료를 기 초로 칡 분쇄물과 소나무톱밥, 코코피트, 피트모스 외에 보 수력 및 보비력등 상토의 물리성 개선을 위해 이용되고 있 는 펄라이트와 함께 중량비를 기준으로 A~G까지 7개의 배 양토 조성물을 만들었다. 배양토 조성조건은 칡과 소나무톱 밥을 주원료로 하여 중량비를 기준으로 칡은 5%・10%・ 15%・50%, 소나무톱밥은 50%와 60%로 하였고, 부재료인 피트모스와 코코피트는 각각 10%・15%・20%에서, 펄라 이트는 5%내에서 혼합하여 전체 중량비 100%로 만들었다. 위 조성물에 대해 11가지 항목(pH・EC・T-N・P2O5・ K・Ca・Mg・Na・Fe・Mn・Cl)의 이화학분석을 통해 가 장 최적화된 산림부산물 배양토를 만들고자 하였다. 각각 의 배양토 조성비는 A시료(소나무톱밥60%+칡10%+피트 모스10%+코코피트20%), B시료(소나무톱밥60%+칡10%+ 피트모스20%+코코피트10%), C시료(소나무톱밥50%+칡 5%+피트모스30%+코코피트10%+펄라이트5%), D시료(소 나무톱밥50%+칡10%+피트모스20%+코코피트15%+펄라 이트5%), E시료(소나무톱밥50%+칡15%+피트모스10%+코 코피트20%+펄라이트5%), F시료(소나무톱밥50%+칡15%+코 코피트20%+펄라이트5%), G시료(소나무톱밥50%+칡50%)로 하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 A시료에 대한 pH・EC・T-N・ P2O5・K・Ca・Mg・Na・Fe・Mn・Cl에 대한 측정치는 5.09・0.09・0.13・10.63・0.42・0.74・0.5・0.24・3.3 4・4.93・0.05로 나타났고, B시료는 4.81・0.07・0.08・ 6.59・0.37・0.87・0.52・0.2・3.97・5.03・0.04, C시료는 4.6・0.06・0.15・3.72・0.34・0.98・0.51・0.21・6.65・ 4.54・0.03, D시료는 5.03・0.08・0.2・7.64・0.4・0.79・ 0.53・0.23・3.41・4.93・0.05, E시료는 5.23・0.1・0.1 7・14.65・0.48・0.77・0.58・0.27・2.26・4.1・0.06, F시 료 6.03・0.12・0.09・12.14・0.63・0.69・0.65・0.33・ 0.62・4.51・0.06, G시료 6.19・0.1・0.37・23.37・0.29・ 0.81・0.85・0.12・0.6・4.44・0.02로 나타났다. 분석된 결 과를 기초로 일반 시중에서 판매 중인 상토의 산도(pH) 6.0~6.5 기준에서 보면 F와 G시료가 적합하였다. 기존 상토는 피트모스와 코코피트가 주원료이며, 화학 비료를 이용하 여 산도를 조정하고 있다. 하지만 F와 G시료는 주원료만으 로 적정산도를 유지하였고, 특히 칡 분쇄물과 소나무톱밥 50:50 비율로 혼합된 G시료의 경우 pH6.19로 적합하게 나 타났을 뿐만 아니라 총질소(0.37%)와 인(23.37ppm)도 다 른 시료에 비해 높은 수치를 나타내었다. 이러한 자료를 바 탕으로 약 pH6.0의 산도 수준에서 최적의 생장을 보이는 편백을 공시수종으로 하여 ‘15. 5. 16에 편백 종자 파종 및 묘목(1-1)을 식재한 후 생육 상황조사를 실시하였다. 매달 1개월 단위로 1회씩 9월까지 총 4회(6.19, 7.20, 8.20, 9.24) 조사 실시하였다. 실생묘는 5개체를 무작위 추출하였고, 유 묘는 3개체를 무작위 선정하여 조사하였다. 또한 실생묘의 경우 T/R율, 세근폭 및 발근수를 조사하였고, 유묘의 경우 측근 수, 건중량을 측정하였다. 기간 동안 8, 9월에 2차례 복합비료를 500배액으로 200㎖/㎡를 처리하였다. 그 결과 를 보면, 편백 실생묘(1-0)의 경우 T/R율은 기존 상토의 경 우 1.51로 나타났고 배양토는 1.11으로 나타나, 배양토에서 식물이 안정적임을 알 수 있었다. 또한 주근을 제외한 세근 폭을 측정한 결과 기존 상토에 비해 배양토 실생묘가 46.5% 높게 신장했으며, 발근 수는 배양토에서 31.8% 많은 것으로 나타났다. 편백 묘목(1-1)의 경우 측근 수는 배양토에서 46.8% 많은 것으로 나타났고, 24시간 건조시킨 후 뿌리의 건중량을 측정한 결과 기존 상토보다 배양토의 뿌리 건중량 이 32.3% 높은 것으로 나타나 배양토의 경우가 생육이 우수 함을 알 수 있었다. 전체적으로는 기존 상토에 비해 배양토 의 경우 소나무톱밥의 탄닌 성분에 의한 영향으로 육묘상에 이끼발생은 상대적으로 억제되었고 절간 마디가 짧고 뿌리 량이 증대됨을 알 수 있었다.
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