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        검색결과 230

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study investigated the dietary patterns associated with Korean food and the level of proper eating habits according to recognition of the Kimchi cooking method, and aimed to suggest the necessity of dietary education of traditional foods such as Kimchi. Methods: Based on the results of the national dietary survey conducted in 2014 by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea, a total of 1200 subjects were classified into two groups, one that knew how to make Kimchi (53.8%) and another that did not (46.2%). Results: The group that knew how to make Kimchi (FG) showed significantly higher scores in knowledge of how to cook most types of Korean foods and traditional fermented foods than the other group (NG). Moreover, FG showed significantly higher scores in regularity in meals and a higher frequency of Korean foods such as rice, Kimchi, and grilled or stewed food, while it showed significantly lower scores in dietary risk factors than NG. In addition, FG showed significantly higher scores in dietary education interest and number of meals with family during the week than NG. Finally, FG had significantly higher scores in the degrees of practice of all eight items related to proper eating habits. Conclusion: Since recognition of Kimchi cooking has a great influence on maintenance of dietary life, dietary education to improve the cooking ability of traditional foods should be further strengthened.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동아시아 지역 신석기시대 다원커우 (大汶口)문화의 대표적 유물인 삼 족기는 다른 문화권에서는 볼 수 없는 ‘새 모양의 몸체에 세 개의 다리’ 가 달려 있는 독특한 형태의 그릇이다. 본 논문은 이 특별한 삼족기의 형 태에 대하여 그 근원을 고찰 한 것이다. 중국의 미학자 리쩌허우는 그의 저서 『미의 역정』에서 이 삼족기가 세 개의 다리를 가진 것에서 ‘자연계를 모방하지 않은 인류 최초의 형식 창 조’라고 한 바 있다. 그러나 본 논문은 이 삼족기가 새의 모양인 것에 주 목하여 새 혹은 그와 비슷한 대상을 모방했을 가능성과 그 창조의 근원 이 될 수 있는 고대인들의 특별한 관념에 대하여 고찰 하였다. 삼족기의 특징인 세 개의 다리 형식은 북방의 몽골 유목민에서 전래되 어 동북 지역의 훙산 (紅山)문화에서 체계화된 숫자 3에 대한 특별한 관 념에서 비롯된 것으로 보인다. 삼족기는 이 관념이 인근 지역으로 확산 되면서 광범위한 지역에서 시대를 이어가며 제작 되었던 그릇의 한 형식 으로 다원커우 삼족기만의 특징이라 할 수는 없다. 그러나 새 모양의 형태는 다원커우 삼족기만의 특징으로 다원커우문 화의 초기부터 가지고 있었던 새토템의 영향으로 추정된다. 다원커우문 화는 동이족이 이룩한 문화로 고대의 저서 『한시외전 (韓詩外傳)』·『좌 전 (左傳)』·『회남자 (淮南子)』·『산해경』 등에 의하면 초기의 태호족 시기부터 새토템을 가지고 있었으며, 중기의 소호족 시기에 태양 숭배 사상이 더해져서 태양새토템으로 발전하였고, 여기에 숫자 3에 대한 특 별한 관념이 더해져서 세 발 달린 까마귀인 삼족오를 숭배하는 삼족오 신앙을 가졌던 것을 알 수 있다. 관념으로서의 삼족오신앙이 형상으로 표현됨으로써 처음에는 <팽이형토기>에 태양을 실어 나르는 새를 상징 하는 평면적인 도상으로 나타났으며, 이후 입체적인 형태의 <태양신조형 (太陽神鳥型)토기>로 표현되었고, 마침내 삼족오를 닮은 새 모양의 몸 체에 세 개의 다리가 달린 제사용 도기 규 (鬹)가 제작되었는데 이것이 바로 다원커우문화의 삼족기라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 다원커우문화의 새 모양 삼족기는 리쩌허우가 말한 ‘자연계 를 모방하지 않은 인류 최초의 형식 창조’라기 보다는 다원커우인들의 관념 속에 숭배의 대상으로 존재했던 ‘삼족오를 형상화한 관념 대상의 모방’으로 보는 것이 타당할 것이다. 또한 중국의 중원에서는 수·당나라 이후로 이미 사라진 삼족오 도상 이 우리나라에서는 삼국시대에 볏이 뚜렷한 세 발 달린 봉황의 모습으로 더욱 화려하게 발전하여 우월한 민족성을 나타내는 표상으로 널리 사용 되었고 솟대 등의 상징물로 현대까지 계속 사용되고 있는 것은 다원커우 와 우리나라가 하나의 동이족 문화권임을 유추할 수 있다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop the NCS-based cooking practice education method by using the full learning model and to confirm its effect. The study design was a pre-post test of the non-equality control group. The subjects of this study included 28 students in the experimental group and 27 students in the control group. The experimental group participated in the NCS-based cooking practice training using the complete learning model, and the control group received only cooking practice training based on the full learning model. The data were collected during the second semester of 2016 and analyzed by SPSS WIN 23.0. The results of this study were as follows: First, homogeneity test showed that pre - homogeneity such as general characteristics, cooking ability, and knowledge of cooking theory were achieved (p>0.05). Second, the experimental group recognized that its cooking ability was high. With respect to the ability to cook food, the ability to cook, and the ability to prepare food ingredients (p<0.01), personal hygiene management, cooking hygiene management, and cooking safety management abilities were not significant. The mean value the experimental group was high. Third, the final theoretical knowledge score was not significant. The average score in the experimental group (69 points) was 5 points higher than that in the control group (64 points). This was about two times higher than the score of 37 points in the first stage preliminary survey. Finally, the final performance score was significant (p<0.05), and the score in the experimental group (89 points) was 5 points higher than that in the control group (84 points). Therefore, the NCS-based cooking education method is confirmed to be an effective method, especially for improvement of the practical ability, improvement of theoretical knowledge, and achievement of perfect learning standards.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While the air quality of public facilities such as daycare centers is managed by law, the management of air quality in residential buildings is not mandatory. For this reason, air quality in an apartments has not been well surveyed. In this study, we investigated the influence of cooking and ventilation on the indoor air quality in an apartment. Continuous measurements were performed using real-time monitoring instruments from June 9 to 17, 2014 in Seoul, Korea. A CO2 meter was used to measure CO2 concentration and temperature. A portable aerosol spectrometer (0.25-32 μm), a nanoparticle aerosol monitor (10-1,000 nm), and an aethalometer (total suspended particulate, black carbon) were also used. During the measurement period, ventilation and cooking activities were observed 8 and 10 times, respectively. In 5 of the observed cases, both activities were done simultaneously. During the ventilation, CO2 concentration and temperature were decreased; however, particle concentrations were increased. When cooking was done, particle concentration was increased in some cases; however, CO2 concentration and temperature were unchanged. Combined cased CO2 concentration and temperature were decreased and particle concentrations were increased.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This purpose of this study was to investigate cooking characteristics of noodles prepared by adding 0, 2, 4 or 6 percent of Capsosiphon fulvescens to wheat flour containing konjac powder. Water binding capacity was significantly increased with increasing amounts of Capsosiphon fulvescens. Weight and volume of cooked noodles increased significantly in proportion with the amount of Capsosiphon fulvescens. Turbidity of the soup after cooking also increased with the addition of Capsosiphon fulvescens. Brightness(L) and redness(a) were decreased with addition of Capsosiphon fulvescens. Yellowness( b) increased. The color value of cooked noodles was decreased compared with that of wet noodles. Sensory evaluation scores revealed that cooked noodles with 4 percent addition group were highest in terms of color, flavor and overall acceptability. This study validates that addition of Amorphophallus konjac and 4 percent Capsosiphon fulvescens may improve functionality and preference of noodles.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        After being subjected to different cooking methods, small black beans (Rhynchosia nulubilis) were investigated in order to assess the effects of the retained bioactive compounds. Using uncooked, pan broiled, boiled, steamed, and pressure cooked beans, the inhibitory effects of MCF-7 cell migration were evaluated at protein concentrations of 40, 160, and 640 μm/mL, using the Boyden's chamber assay. All protein concentrations (40, 160, and 640 μm/mL) of pan broiled beans showed significant reduction (59.83, 32.48, and 21.37%, respectively) in the rate of cell migration to the lower chambers (p-value less than 0.001). Estimated cell migration rates correlated to the exponential decay between experimentally measured cell migration rates and converted samples. The range of estimated cell migration rate for each 100 mg/mL of cooked sample was as follows: pan broiled (21.16%), boiled (22.48%), steamed (22.48%), pressure cooked (29.52%), and uncooked (35.03%) beans. Our study indicated that selective modifications of cooking methods for small black beans, such as pan broiling, ameliorated the inhibitory effects of MCF-7 cell migration. This suggests that optimized cooking methods increase the nutritional contents of the cooked food.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research analyzedconsumer culture and usage of sugar in modern times based on 12 modern popular Korean cooking books with sugar recipes. Procedures were formed via textual analysis. The outcomes of the study can be summarized in brief statements. According to「Banchandeungsok」,「Booinpilj」, and「Chosunmoossangsinsikyorijebeob」, sugar was utilized in 34 out of 663 or 5.1% of cooked foods during the 1910s to 1920s. According to books such as 「Ganpyounchosunyorijebeob」,「Ililhwalyongsinyoungyangyoribeob」,「Chosun’s cooking of the four seasons」,「Halpaengyoungoo」, 「Chosunyorijebeob」, and 「Required reading for housewife」, sugar was added to 165 out of 998 or 16.5% of cooked foods during the 1930s. According to the books like「Chosunyorihak」,「Chosunyoribeob」, and「Woorieumsik」, sugar was an ingredient in 241 out of 756 or 31.9% of cooked foods during the 1940s. Sugar depicted within the 12 modern popular Korean cooking books primarily functioned as an alternative sweetener, starch, sweet enhancer, preservative, and seasoning. Similar to illustrated sugar from modern popular Korean cooking books, sugar has continually been favored by Korean cooks starting from the 1910s with 5.1% usage, the 1930s with 16.5% usage, and the 1940s with 31.9% usage. Despite its short history, sugar’s culinary importance in Korea has been on the rise ever since the early 1900s. Although sugar is an exotic spice in Korea, it has gained social, cultural, and symbolic recognition as well as practicality within Korean food culture. Thus, it has become more internalized and familiarized as an inseparable sweetness that characterizes current Korean food.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to compare the cooked and antioxidant characteristics with of cooked mixed grain rice with an addition rate (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) of proso millet and various cooking methods. Mixed grain rice with added proso millet was cooked by general and high pressure cooking methods with and without fermented alcohol. All pasting characteristics, except for breakdown viscosity, decreased with increasing the amounts of proso millet. Water binding capacity and swelling power significantly decreased when increasing the amounts of proso millet, however the water solubility index significantly increased. The palatability characteristics of rice with added proso millet showed similar results to rice without proso millet. Total polyphenol contents of rice with 20% proso millet and fermented alcohol added, cooked by general and high pressure cooking methods, were 184.33±2.69 and 179.80±5.22 μg GAE/g, respectively. Total flavonoid contents increased as amounts of proso millet increased. DPPH radical scavenging activities with and without proso millet added were 4.20~7.50 and 2.97~5.19 mg TE/100 g, respectively. ABTS radical scavenging activities with and without proso millet added were 14.36~27.92 and 14.07~15.83 mg TE/100 g, respectively. In this study, cooked and antioxidant characteristics of cooked mixed grain rice with added proso millet were expected to be used as basic data for manufactured processed products.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between conspicuous consumption tendency, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions of college students regarding eating out by limiting conspicuous consumption tendency among several psychological variables to acquire a more precise and concrete influence factor on consumption behavior to eat out. First, as for sensing other people, pursuing individuality and brand orientation among conspicuous consumption tendency of restaurant costumers had significant effects on brand attitudes, whereas the influence of status symbols and pursuing trend factor on brand attitudes was not verified. Second, as for sensing other people, pursing individuality, pursuing trends, and brand orientation factor among conspicuous consumption tendency had significant effects on purchasing intention. Otherwise, the significant effect relationship between status symbols factor and purchasing intentions was not confirmed. Third, as purchase intentions increased, brand attitudes of consumers increased according to existing research. Thus, this study suggests a more departmentalized marketing strategy method to create profits and enhance competitiveness of food service enterprises, and academic implications suggest fundamental data of relevant studies on conspicuous consumption tendency and purchasing behavior of consumers to eat out
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Variations among 15 major waxy cultivars in terms of milling appearance and cooking characteristics at different moisture contents were investigated. Hardness of milled rice kernels increased and 1000-grain weights decreased with the reduction of moisture content. The milled rice kernels showed about two-fold hardness gap between 12 and 16% moisture contents. The 1000-grain weights revealed 6% reduction from 21.4 g to 20.2 g at 16% and 12% moisture contents, respectively. The whiteness of waxy rice which indicated varietal variation also increased with decrease of moisture contents. In most cultivars, the whiteness of waxy rice peaked and stabilized at around 14% moisture content. In milling properties, brown/rough rice ratios were not affected by moisture content, however, milled/brown rice ratios increased with the decrease of moisture contents between 14 - 16%. This implied that the proper moisture content for milling rate of waxy rice is lower than that of non-waxy rice. The chalkiness expression of milled waxy rice varied directly with moisture contents. At 16% moisture content, the rates of translucent and semi-translucent kernels like non-waxy rice were 49.0 - 84.4% while at 14% moisture content, the rates of chalky rice were 88.7 - 99.9%. In terms of cooking properties of milled waxy rice with different moisture contents, lower moisture contents (12 - 13%) were related with higher water absorption rates. The higher volume expansion of cooked milled rice and more soluble solid after cooking in most cultivars showed the possibility of low palatability of cooked waxy rice with lower moisture contents (below 13%).
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