
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 136

        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        聾巖(李賢輔)作爲活動在四大士禍與黨爭以及中宗反正政變的政治社會不安定時期的政治家與文人, 深深陶醉于陶淵明的歸去來思想. 因此對於官職他生活在愛戀與歸去來之間的矛盾中, 在故鄕建立了明農堂, 並繪歸去來圖, 憧憬著陶淵明的歸去來, 在他76歲的晚年實現了歸去來的願望. 聾巖作爲朝鮮江湖歌道的創始者, 他的愛好自然思想對退溪的《陶山十二曲》, 粟谷的《高山九曲歌》, 孤山的《山中新曲》, 松江的長短歌, 蘆溪歌辭, 曹植的《南冥歌》, 宋寅的《水月亭歌》, 宋純的《俯仰亭歌》等有巨大的影響. 朝鮮江湖歌道的詩歌創作者們所具有的歸去來思想主要體現在由於黨爭而在他人的規律下的外在情況下形成的“黨爭之下明哲保身”, 然而李賢輔在政治上也悠然自得如在世俗之外一般憧憬歸去來, 在其詩歌的情緒表現上體現出“致仕客的閒適”. 聾巖居於江湖自然中, 當時的時代精神是將自然的法則與人間的道理融合爲一的性理學, 他以力圖自然貼近於這種時代精神的意志, 通過歸去來表現出來, 爲官時以作漢文詩爲主, 歸隱之後以韓國語的時調表現自身情緒, 可以說對國文詩歌文學傳統的基礎具有重大的意義.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999년 6월 한국 남동 연안역의 울산과 감포 앞바다에 출현한 용승에 의한 냉수출현현상을 3차원 진단 수치모델을 이용하여 조사하였다. 수치실험에 의한 냉수출현은 바람 영향으로 인하여 울산-감포 앞바다의 수심 50-100m 층에서 발생한 상승류의 효과로 나타났다. 이러한 용승현상은 인접한 부산, 울산 및 감포에서 관측한 바람의 2배인 5.0/m/sec 크기의 바람을 모델에 적용했을 때 발생했다. 따라서 용승현상과 같은 특이한 해양현상을 규명하기 위해서는 육지에서 관측한 자료가 아닌 그 해역에 적절한 바람자료를 이용해야 한다.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The underwater sound transmission system(USTS) was experimentally made to monitor the cetacean's appearance by telemetry, and then its system was tested to evaluate its performance from July to October, 2007 at the Kimnyeong berth and the dolphin's breeding ground of Pacific Land in Jeju island, respectively. The results showed that the sweep sound in the trial experiment and the whistle sound of bottlenose dolphin(Tursiops truncatus) were favorably received by telemetry. Therefore, we could confirm the USTS is able to monitor the cetacean's appearance in real time without direct observation at sea within effective range of code division multiple access(CDMA) communication method.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정상적으로 자연 분만한 Cocker spaniel 개 8두를 대상으로 분만 후 자궁의 수복상태를 관찰하기 위하여 육안적 질 분비물의 배출 및 초음파 진단장치를 이용하여 자궁의 형태, 에코 정도 및 크기의 변화상 등을 검사한 바 8두 모두 자궁의 수복이 정상이었다. 분만 후 자궁의 형태는 초음파 종단면에서 착상부가 비착상부에 비해 종대되어 나타나는 염주상을 보였으나 분만 후 25.602.51일 이후에는 착상부와 비착상부가 유사한 크기인 관상으로 관찰되었다
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with the application of knowledge-based engineering and a methodology for the assessment & measurement of reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety of industrial systems using fault-tree representation. A fuzzy methodology for fault-tree evaluation seems to be an alternative solution to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional approach. To improve the quality of results, the membership functions must be approximated based on heuristic considerations. Conventionally, it is not always easy to obtain a system reliability for components with different individual failure probability density functions(p.d.f.), We utilize fuzzy set theory to solve the adequacy of the conventional probability in accounting and processing of built-in uncertainties in the probabilistic data. The purpose of this study is to propose the framework of knowledge-based engineering through integrating the various sources of knowledge involved in a FTA.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper concerns with the relationship between the visual perception of the degree of pucker or wrinkles of garment surfaces and the geometrical parameters of surfaces. In this study, four potentially relevant parameters of the surface profile are considered, namely, the variance (σ2), the cutting frequency (Fc), the effective disparity curvature (Dce) (Defined as the average disparity curvature of the wrinkled surface over the eyeball distance of the observer) and the frequency component of the disparity curvature ( Dcf). Based on the experiments using garment seams having varying degree of pucker (i.e. the wrinkles along a seam line), it was found that, while the logarithm of each of these four parameters has a strong linear relationship with the visually perceived degree of wrinkles, following the Web-Fetchner Law, the effective disparity curvature ( Dce) and the frequency component of the disparity curvature (Dcf) appeared to have stronger relationships with the visual perception. This finding is in agreement with the suggestion by Rogers & Cagenello that human visual system may compute the disparity curvature in discriminating curved surfaces. It also suggested an objective method of measuring the degree of surface wrinkles.
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