
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 449

        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고방오리는 국내에 도래하는 주요 월동 조류이며, 고병원성 조류인플루엔자(HPAI)의 주요매개체로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 국내에서 월동하는 고방오리의 행동권과 서식지 이용을 파악하여 수조류 서식지 보호・관리에 필요한 자료를 제공하기 위하여 이루어졌다. 연구에 이용된 시료는 2015년 월동기에 Cannon-net을 이용하여 포획된 6개체이며, GPS-이동통신 시스템을 기반으로 하는 야생동물위치추적장치(WT-300)를 부착한 후 조사되었다. 행동권은 GIS용 SHP 파일과 ArcGIS 9.0 Animal Movement Extension을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 커널밀도측정법(Kernel Density Estimation : KDE)과 최소볼록다각형법 (Minimum Convex Polygon Method : MCP)을 이용하였다. 고방오리의 행동권은 최소볼록다각형법에 의해서 평균 677.3km²이었다. 커널밀도측정법(KDE)로는 평균 194.7km²(KDE 90%), 77.4km²(KDE 70%), 35.3km²(KDE 50%)로 나타났다. 서식지 이용은 해양수, 내륙습지와 같은 수계지역을 가장 많이 이용하는 것으로 나타났으며, 주간보다 야간에 농경지를 더 많이 이용하는 것으로 나타났다. 연구를 통해 얻은 월동기 행동권과 서식지 이용률 등과 같은 결과는 종 보호와 서식지 관리 및 고병원성 조류 인플루엔자 발병 시 대응을 위한 자료로 널리 활용될 것이라 판단된다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Wintering Waterbird Census of Korea was started in 1999 and monitors 200 major migratory sites in South Korea. Waterfowl counts have been undertaken for more than 20 years since; however, a limited number of studies have analyzed the temporal patterns of waterfowl population. In this study, we analyzed population size changes of wintering whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) at 112 monitoring sites from 2001 to 2018. The average number of whooper swans was 4,296±42.66 and there was a trend for an increase in population size across the survey period. We found that the population in the Nakdong River Estuary, one of the major wintering sites over 18 years (26.22% of the national population), had rapidly decreased (- 0.77% per year). Conversely, the whooper swan population in the Junam Reservoir and Sihwa Lake increased (+1.64%, +0.54% per year, respectively). Estuaries showed the highest dominance of whooper swans among the five different habitat types, accounting for 32.13% of the population. Reservoir/lakes had 30.60% of the total population and reclaimed lakes (18.24%), river (13.11%), and coast (5.93%) followed. The annual distribution of the whooper swan population in South Korea has been affected by various habitat conditions resulting from human activities and urbanization. To better understand the complex factors that can cause rapid changes in wintering waterfowl populations, it is necessary to integrate the data from the bird census program with environmental conditions to conduct in-depth pattern analyses over longer time periods.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동계작물인 보리를 재배한 후 하계작물인 수수, 기장 및 피를 대상으로 하여 조사료 생산량과 그에 따른 사료가치를 분석하여 보리와 적합한 하계작물의 최적의 작물조합을 선정하기 위하여 실시한 결과 다음과 같다. 1. 초장은 하계작물 모두 1차 및 2차 수확할 때보다 호숙기가 가장 컸으며, 수확시기에 따른 수분 함량은 1차 수확할 때 가장 높았고 호숙기에 수확할 때 가장 낮은 함량을 보였다. 2. 보리의 건물수량은 10 a 당 1,343 kg였으며 보리와 하계 작물를 작부체계에 따른 건물수량은 수수의 경우 1차 및 2차 수확보다 호숙기에 수확할 때 10,018 kg으로 가장 많았으며, 기장과 피 역시 출수기와 재생 후 수확 시 보다 호숙기에 수확할 때 건물수량이 더 많았다. 3. ADF 함량은 수수는 1차 및 2차 수확 시 보다 호숙기 때가 낮았지만 기장과 피는 호숙기가 더 높은 ADF 함량을 보였다. NDF 함량은 3작물 모두 1차 및 2차 수확 시 보다 호숙기에 더 많은 함량을 보였으며, 조단백질 함량은 1차 및 2차 수확할 때가 호숙기에 수확할 때보다 함량이 더 높았다. 4. 건물 수량에 대한 조단백질 총생산량은 수수의 경우 1차 및 2차 수확할 때보다 호숙기에 수확할 때 약 761 kg으로 가장 많았으며, 기장과 피는 출수기와 재생 후 수확 할 때가 호숙기 보다 상대적으로 높은 함량을 보였다. 5. 가소화양분총량은 3작물 모두 수확시기에 따른 함량 차이는 보이지 않았다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 남부지역 논에서 사료용 벼와 월동작물은 연계하여 연간 생산성을 비교하기 위하여 수행하였다. 사료용 벼는 국립식량과학원에서 육성된 수원 605호, 영우, 목우 품종을 이용하였으며 월동작물로 호밀(곡우), IRG(그린팜) 그리고 트리티케일(조성)을 이용하였다. 각각의 작물은 표준재배법을 이용하여 재배하였으며 사료용 벼의 수확은 품종별로 출수 약 30일후에 실시하였다. 월동사료작물의 초장은 호밀이 가장 컸으며 파종시기가 늦어짐에 따라 커지는 것으로 나타났다. 건물함량은 이탈리안라이그라스가 가장 낮았으며 트리티케일이 평균 29.4%로 가장 높았다. 건물 수량은 호밀이 가장 높았으며 이탈리안라이그라스와 트리티케일은 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 사료가치는 파종시기에 따른 차이는 없었으나 초종간에는 차이가 있었다. 특히 호밀은 다른 초종에 비해 CP, IVDMD, TDN 및 RFV 수치가 낮게 나타났다. 사료용 벼 출수기는 수원 605호가 가장 빨랐으며 목우가 가장 늦었다. 건물함량은 목우가 유의적으로 낮게 나타났으나 건물생산량은 평균 18,484kg/ha로 품종간의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 사료가치에 있어는 목우의 조단백질 함량이 유의적으로 낮게 나타났으며 TDN 및 RFV 값은 목우가 가장 높았다. 연간 생산성 평가에 있어서는 호밀-수원 605호가 86,741kg/ha로 가장 높은 생초수량을 나타내었으며 건물수량도 26,515kg/ha로 가장 높았다. 트리티케일과 IRG도 수원 605와의 작부체계시 건물 및 TDN 생산성이 높았다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 남부지역에서의 사료용 벼를 이용한 연중 사료작물 생산체계시 수원 605호와 호밀 (곡우) 조합이 가장 우수한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 일본의 유명 소설가 다치하라 마사아키(立原正秋, 1926-1980)의 『겨울의 유산』에 대해 새로운 해석 방법을 시도한 것이다. 이 소설의 주인공은 일본인 어머니와 한국인 아버지 사이에서 태어난 혼혈아로서 한국의 선불교 배경속에서 유년시절을 보낸다. 주인공의 아버지와 어머니는 인간의 근본 숙제 중 하나인 허무와 고독에 대해 스스로 답을 찾지 못하고 각각 자살과 외도라는 방법을 택했다. 주인공 역시 같은 정서를 공유하고 있지만 삶과 죽음의 경계가 따로 있지 않다는 깨달음과, 아들이 아버지가 되고 그 아들이 또 아버지가 되는 과정의 반복에서 가족의 의미를 깨달음으로써 이를 극복하게 된다. 이러한 줄거리 속에 중요한 장치로서 사용되는 것이 선불교의 선문답과 선시이다. 본 논문은 『겨울의 유산』에 언급된 선문답과 선시의 분석을 통해 주인공이 허무를 극복하는 과정을 검토하였다. 그 결과 주인공은 ‘행복과 무상의 경계선’에 대한 화두를 시작으로 ‘남전참묘’, ‘한서도래회피’ 화두를 통해 현실적인 욕망을 극복하고 종국에는 ‘대도무문’이라는 화두로 깨달음을 얻어 무상함을 극복하는 구조로 해석이 가능하다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study aimed to develop a proactive anti-icing system for driving zones at risk during winter. METHODS: An electric low power potable anti-icing system, operated with a battery and solar cell, was designed and fabricated. Potassium acetate was used as the anti-icing chemical. The developed anti-icing system was tested in the laboratory in advance to confirm its function. Potassium acetate was also tested both in the laboratory and outdoor (exposed to the sun) conditions. The anti-icing system was set up on the road for field testing. RESULTS: The 195 m spread distance of the anti-icing system was verified in the field test. CONCLUSIONS: The anti-icing system developed for safe driving on the road will be cost-effective and economical during installation and maintenance compared with currently used snow melting systems on vulnerable driving zones.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, the white reduction system was designed and manufactured to evaluate the performance of a heat exchange system using a wave heat exchanger. The reducing effect of white smoke and the amount of heat recovered from cooling water were investigated experimentally using the cooling and dehumidifying method. The white smoke reduction system consists of two parts; the generating part and the reducing part of white smoke. Experimental conditions on EA(exhaust air) and SW(supply water) were fixed. And the outlet temperature and absolute humidity of EA were measured according to inlet velocity of SA(supply air). The outlet temperatures and absolute humidities of EA gradually decreased as inlet velocities of SA increased. From the experimental results, we can see that the absolute humidity reduction rate of EA was max. 84%, and the heat recovery rate of SW was max. 42%.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chloride-based deicing material is excellent to dissolve ice and snow in economical but they accelerate deterioration of concrete or corrosion steel reinforced concrete. Chlorine ions contained in the chloride-based deicing material currently used act as catalysts for accelerating corrosion when the air-void level is above a concentration level, even if the airvoid retain the proper alkali level. Environment-friendly CMA based deicing material has been difficult to use due to high unit prices in the past, but recently prices have stabilized. As an environment-friendly deicing material agent citric acid, which is a typical organic acid in citrus fruits, plays a role of controlling pH and preventing oxidation. This is effective against reducing steel corrosion and concrete deterioration. In the long term, environment-friendly deicing material is economical considering the damages of structures due to existing chloride-based deicing material. Although environmnet-friendly deicing material has these various advantages, they are inferior in performance to existing chloride-based deicing material. This study suggests proper utilization methods through analyzing the effects of existing chloride-based and environmentfriendly deicing material. Experimental results show that some environment-friendly products a similar level of ice-melting effects of existing chloride, but the effect of chloride-based deicing material is relatively good. This suggests that the performance of ice-melting is inferior only with the use of the environment-friendly deicing material. Therefore, it is necessary to improve deicing methods using with environment-friendly deicing material such as sand and other friction material. Further, it is considered that if the frozen area is predicted in advance and spraying is possible, the environment-friendly deicing material can be used more effectively.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tunnel is the main infrastructure in transportation system especially in Gangwon province which has 90% of its area covered by mountains. Responding to the needs for evaluating the tunnel damage in this region, the temperature inside 10 tunnels, one-way and two-way, were measured in winter by using temperature sensors. The temperatures along the length of tunnel, from the entrance until the exit, were obtained from sensors placed at 2 meters above the road. The measurement results showed the distribution of the temperature along the length of the tunnels since November 2016 until March 2017. The data showed that among all the one-way tunnels, the variation of the temperature at all positions along the length of the tunnels have almost the same gradient of temperature of all months observed. There were no significant changes between the temperatures at those points along the tunnel; whereas the changes at the entrances and the exits of the tunnels were remarkable. It was also noticed that there was the different trend of temperature variation between the one-way and two-way tunnels.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study is to find a way to enhance winter traffic safety. This study has four main contents as follows. Firstly, the characteristic of winter traffic during the snowfall was examined in terms of traffic capacity, travel speed and standard deviation of travel speed. Next, the winter culture including prerequisites for driving and driving skills as well as the standard for snow removal were reviewed. Then, the cases of traffic management in UK, Germany and Japan were reviewed. Finally, the countermeasures to enhance the traffic safety were examined. After that, the variable sectional enforcement for speeding was proposed as a countermeasure to enhance traffic safety by reducing severe travel speed variation. The criteria for the operation of the variable sectional enforcement for speeding were set from 20% to 50% reduction of speed, depending on the amount of snowfall. The sections in which the accidents happened often during the snowfall were considered as the locations to implement the variable sectional enforcement for speeding.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북한의 거듭된 핵실험과 미사일 도발로 인해 한반도의 긴장이 고조되고 있다. 북한 핵에 대한 확실한 핵우산과 북핵의 완전한 폐기를 위해 전술핵 재배치 등 모든 옵션의 가능성을 제한하지 말아야 한다. 스포츠교류로서 2018 평창동계올림픽은 기능주의 입장에서 한반도 통일의 길에 하나의 의미 있는 이벤트라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 신기능주의 입장에서 현재의 북한 핵 위기는 한미동맹의 강화 위에서 풀어가는 것이 가장 올바르고 분명하며 강한 안보를 통해 북한 도발을 응징해야 한다. 지금은 국제사회와 함께 봉쇄와 압박에 매진할 때이다. 유엔의 제재와 미국 등 여러 국가들의 독자 제재에도 불구하고 북한의 계속되고 있는 핵실험과 미사일 도발은 북한에 대한 더욱 강한 압박이 필요하게 만들고 있다. 미국과 중국의 역할과 협력도 더욱 강조되고 있다. 오바마정부의 ‘전략적 인내정책’ 보다 적극적인 트럼프의 한반도 정책을 확실한 한미동맹을 통해 우리는 잘 대응하고 활용하여 북한의 비핵화와 민주평화통일을 이루어 내야 한다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oats (Avena sativa L.), which are known as one of the forage crops of Korea, have good livestock palatability and are popular to cattle farmers because of their high dry matter. However, the cultivation of double cropping in the rice field was reluctant due to the late maturing for farmers to plant rice continuously. 'Hi-early', a winter oats for forage use, was developed by the breeding team at National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2016. It was derived from a cross between ‘517A2-121’(IT133383) and ‘CI7604’ (IT133379). Subsequent generations followed by the cross were handled in bulk and pedigree selection programs at Suwon, Iksan and Jeonju, respectively. After preliminary and advance yield test for 2 years, ‘SO2004015-B-B-23-1-3-7’, designated as a line name of ‘Gwiri92’, were subsequently evaluated for earliness and forage yield during 3 years in four parts such as Jeju (upland), Yesan (upland), Iksan (upland), and Jeonju (paddy), from 2014 to 2016, and finally named as ‘Hi-early’. Cultivar ‘Hi-early’ has the characteristics of medium leaves of green color, thick diameter culm, and medium grain of brown color. Over 3 years, the heading date of ‘Hi-early’ was about 9 days earlier than that of check cultivar ‘Samhan’ (April 26 and May 5, respectively). Average forage fresh yield of ‘Hi-early’ harvested at milk-ripe stage was similar to check cultivar (40.2 tone ha-1 and 40.0 tone ha-1, respectively), and dry matter yield also was similar to check cultivar (14.2 tone ha-1 and 14.0 tone ha-1, respectively). Cultivar ‘Hi-early’ was lower than the check cultivar ‘Samhan’ in terms of the protein content (6.2% and 7.0%, respectively) and total digestible nutrients (61.0%, and 62.5%, respectively), while the TDN yield was more than the check (7.91 tone ha-1 and 7.64 tone ha-1, respectively). Fall sowing cropping of ‘Hi-early’ is recommended only in areas where average daily minimum mean temperatures in January are higher than -6°C, and it should not be cultivated in mountain areas, where frost damage is likely to occur.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we study the effect of cooling dehumidification process and wave heat exchanger on the reduction of white smoke and the efficiency by combination of heat exchanger with numerical analysis method. For this purpose, four types of heat exchange systems combined with 5-stage wave heat exchangers were selected to analyze the heat transfer characteristics of the heat exchange system in the winter condition. As the high temperature exhaust air flowed from HX 1 to HX 5, the final outlet temperatures of the four heat exchange systems(Cases 1, 2, 3 and 4) gradually decreased. The heat transfer rate and dehumidification amount were the best in Case 1 and Case 3, respectively. It can be seen that the heat flow in the heat exchanger is different according to the combination of the four kinds of wave heat exchanger and the fluid flow.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to propose the conditions of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage suitable for the storage of winter Chinese cabbage and to investigate the maximum storage period of Chinese cabbage based on the results of the quality analysis for CA storage. The weight loss rate of Chinese cabbage stored at 194 days in low temperature storage was about 2 times higher than that in CA storage. The trimming loss rate of Chinese cabbage stored at low temperature was 1.5 times higher than that of CA storage after 83 days of storage. Bolting of Chinese cabbage was observed in only low temperature storage. The Chinese cabbage firmness of CA storage was not different in the range of 5.7-6.2 N, while low temperature storage gradually increased after 83 days of storage and was 7.5 N at 194 days. The incidence of mold occurred after 83 days in low temperature storage, while in CA storage it occurred after 153 days. In the quality evaluation, CA storage for Chinese cabbage was rated 1.5-1.9 points higher than the low temperature storage. The maximum storage period of Chinese cabbage at low temperature storage was 83 days and that at CA storage 153 days.
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