
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 810

        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to find out the environmental, service sire and genetic effects for reproductive trait in certain purebred of pigs on Landrace and Yorkshire, and to suggest selection indicator which is to improve genetic capability on reproductive traits. There are five traits used on this analysis which are total number of born (NBT), number of born alive (NBA), piglets weight within litter (LW), average of birth weight on piglets within litter (ABW) and variation of birth weight on piglets within litter (VBW). With these data, the mixed model was established using 10,342 records collected from 2,527 sows of Landrace and 13,817 records collected from sows of 3,056 Yorkshire breeds and the variation of random effects and the genetic parameter were estimated by the REML method including service sire effects, permanent environmental effects and sow genetic effects. Due to characteristics of closed nucleus herd for using data on this study, given that it has been isolated breeding for about 19 years that progressed over 16 generations, genetic analysis was performed on all of these data and partial data of the current genetic group in which animals were born after 2011. The effects of service sire were estimated to be less than about 8% of total variation in all traits considered in the analysis. Permanent environmental effects were estimated about 2~14% of total variation in all traits considered. The heritability, which is the ratio of genetic variance among the total variance, was estimated to be 20~35% for LW and ABW in Landrace and Yorkshire, while it was about 10~14% for NBT. The genetic correlations between NBT and LW were 62~74% and between NBT and ABW were –28~-7%. Therefore, indirect selection for improving litter size could be possible with considering LW. Whereas, the genetic effect of the service sire effects for litter traits would be trivial.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        발정기, 교배 기간 및 발정기를 포함하는 교미 중 붉은 여우 (Vulpes vulpes)의 행동을 실외 번식시설에서 환경 요인과 함께 조사하였다. 여우의 평균 교배 지속시간은 19.95분(n = 13, 범위 = 1.17-35.25분)이었다. 번식기는 1년 미만 여우의 경우, 3월 중순(60.0%)이었고, 1년 이상 여우는 2월 초순(56.6%)으로 나타났다. 교미 지속시간은 암·수컷 모두가 1세 이상 일 때 가장 길었고(24.43 ± 11.08분), 교배는 나이와는 관계없이 이루어졌다. 여우는 발정기를 시작한 후 2일 이내에 두 번 교배하고 두 마리의 수컷과 교배한 암컷의 임신율이 100%였다. 또한, 짝짓기 개체 간 연령이 1년 이상 된 경우 임신율이 87%로 가장 높았다. 여우는 야간보다는 주간 교미를 선호했고 대체로 맑은 날과 부분적으로 흐린 날의 10시부터 12시 사이에 교미를 했다. 수컷여우는 다른 암컷과 최대 5번 교미했으며, 수컷의 교미 빈도가 높아질수록 교미 지속시간이 늘어났다. 교미에 대한 관심은 수컷은 3회, 암컷은 2회 교미 후 줄어들었다. 수컷은 첫 번째와 두 번째의 교미 사이에 최소 4시간 46분의 휴식이 필요했다. 이 연구에서 우리는 여우의 복원에 있어 개체 확보를 위한 번식 프로그램에 적용 가능한 기본적인 자료를 수집하였다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        번식기 조류 조사(Breeding Bird surveys)는 생태계 내 군집 구조와 기능 그리고 생물다양성 보전을 위한 중요한 기초 자료를 제공한다. 최근 기후변화 등에 따른 생물다양성이 급변함에 따라 산림성 조류조사 데이터의 정확성 및 공간적인 확대와 시계열적 모니터링을 위해 음향 센서 등의 활용이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 조류 음성을 녹음한 데이터와 현장 조류조사 자료를 비교 분석하여 번식시기 산림성 조류의 군집 다양성 평가에 음향 녹음 센서의 활용 가능성을 파악하는 것이다. 2013년 5월 2일부터 16일까지 현장조사 및 녹음을 실시하였으며, 조사 대상지는 점봉산지역의 곰배령과 조침령, 그리고 소백산지역의 죽령과 고치령 구간으로 총 4개 권역 48개 지역, 186개 지점이었다. 녹음결과를 이용하여 현장조사에 의한 조류군집지수와의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 녹음에 의한 조류 종의 수와 개체수, 울음소리 횟수는 현장조사에 의한 조류의 종의 수, 개체수와 유의미한 상관관계가 있었지만, 녹음에 의한 조류 종의 수와 음성의 횟수는 현장조사(관측과 청음 병행)에서의 종다양도, 종풍부도와 유의미한 상관관계가 있었지만 종균등도와는 약한 상관관계 혹은 관계가 없음으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 현장에서의 음성녹음 자료를 분석할 경우 조류군집의 종조성과 함께 종다양성을 확인할 수 있었다. 비번식기의 음성녹음에 비하여 번식기의 음성녹음은 녹음결과와 종다양성과의 상관관계에서 보다 신뢰도가 높게 나타났으며 활용가능성이 더 높은 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 출원 예정인 알스트로메리아 유망 교잡 계통 C269의 기내번식체계 조건 구명을 통해 국산묘의 안정적인 보급에 기 여하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 생장점을 MS배지에 치상하 여 초대배양 후, 준비된 근경 생장점은 근경 증식을 위해 6-Benzylaminopurin(BAP)와 Kinetin(KIN)처리를 하였다. KIN 처리구의 경우, 신초 발생량이 많고 조밀하게 생장 했다. 이는 근경 증식을 위한 근경 분리가 힘들어 근경 증식에는 적합하 지 않았다. BAP 처리구의 경우 0.2mg·L-1이하의 농도 배지 에서 키운 근경을 분리하여 증식 시키는 것이 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 뿌리 발근 배지는 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA) 0.25mg·L-1첨가 배지에서 가장 많은 뿌리가 발생되었다. 하 지만, NAA 호르몬 처리에 의한 비정상적인 뿌리 비대가 발생 되었다. 반대로 무처리구에서는 정상적인 뿌리, 세근 및 뿌리 털 발생이 더 좋았다. 순화 과정 중에는 호르몬 처리구 보다 무처리구가 많은 생존률을 보였을 뿐만 아니라 신초 발생 및 지상부 생육도 무처리구에서 왕성하였다. 결론적으로 알스트 로메리아 교잡 계통 C269는 BAP 0.2mg·L-1처리에서 근경을 증식한 후 MS 배지로 옮겨 치상 후 발근을 유도하여 순화를 시키는 것이 효과적인 증식체계로 판단되었다.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, total mercury (THg) variations of Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris) eggs laid on Baengnyeongdo, West Sea of Korea were compared between within- and among clutch in order to ensure statistical representativeness of an egg sampling method. In the ANOVA analysis, the THg variation (59%) among clutches was much higher than within-clutch (27%). This means that the mercury variation of sampled eggs was significantly influenced by the mercury variation among female individuals occupying different nests. In spite of relatively smaller variation of THg in the within-clutch, the THg concentration depending on an egg-laying sequence within a clutch significantly appeared higher in the first-laid eggs rather than the second-laid eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to take one egg from one nest in order to sample more nests in terms of better sampling representativeness. Also, one egg selection from one nest should be consistently applied in order to ensure comparability of mercury concentrations among monitoring sites and monitoring years.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        리를 대상으로 번식울음 특성 및 번식울음에 영향을 미치는 환경요인을 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상지는 세종 시 세종중앙공원 예정지 장남평야이었다. 연구기간은 2017 년 6월 6일부터 8월 13일까지 총 70일간, 1,657시간이었다. 연구대상종은 금개구리와 참개구리이었다. 번식울음은 생물 음향 측정기기(Songmeter SM4)를 장남평야 중앙부 농수로 변에 설치하여 매시간당 10분씩 24시간 녹음하였다. 환경요 인 조사는 국가기후데이터센터(http://sts.kma.go.kr/)의 대전 지역 기상청 자료를 분석하였다. 분석항목은 ① 번식울음 주파수 특성, ② 일별 번식울음 변화 및 기상영향, ③ 일주기 울음 패턴 및 기상영향, ④ 번식울음에 영향을 미치는 환경요 인이었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 번식울음 주파수 특성 분석 결과 금개구리는 1~3kHz 영역에서 고른 분포를 보이 며 3kHz 이상의 영역에서 급격한 하강곡선을 보였다. 참개 구리는 0.5~1.5kHz 사이의 비교적 좁은 주파수 폭 내에서 큰 신호가 발생하고 1.5kHz 이상의 영역에서 완만한 곡선 을 그리며 낮아졌다. 참개구리의 중심주파수 분포의 피크가 금개구리보다 뾰족하였는데 이는 울음주머니(공명기)가 소 리를 증폭시키기 때문에 울음주머니가 없는 금개구리는 이 러한 피크가 형성되지 않아 넓고 평탄한 주파수 분포를 갖 는 것으로 판단되었다. 두 번째, 일별 번식울음 변화 분석 결과 6월 6일부터 8월 13일까지의 조사기간 동안 금개구리는 매일 고르게 8시간 내외의 번식울음 활동을 하였고 이 기간 중 7월 4일(4시간), 7월 11일(1시간), 7월 17일(3시간)에는 울음 시간이 적게 관측되었다. 참개구리는 동일 기간 중 중반부까지 번식울음 활동을 하다가 7월 21일부터는 울음활동이 거의 나타나지 않았다. 일별 번식울음 누적빈도와 일기상요인과의 상관관 계 분석결과 금개구리는 기온과는 유의미한 상관관계를 나 타내지 않았으며 평균 습도(p<0.000), 일강수량(p<0.000) 과 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 참개구리는 평균기온 (p<0.000), 평균습도(p<0.01)와 음의 상관관계를 나타내었 으며, 일강수량과는 유의미한 상관관계를 나타내지 않았다. 세 번째, 일별 번식울음 특성 분석 결과 금개구리는 18시 경 울음을 시작하여 21시까지 급격히 울음빈도가 증가하다 가 21시부터 03시까지 피크를 형성하고 00시에 울음빈도가 최고조에 달하였다. 이후 03시부터 04시까지 급격히 울음 빈도가 감소한 후 05시경 울음을 종료하는 패턴을 나타내었 다. 참개구리는 금개구리보다 늦은 21시경 울음을 시작하여 서서히 증가하다가 01시에 피크를 형성하고 04시까지 다시 감소하는 울음빈도 패턴을 나타내고 있었다. 일주기 번식울 음 패턴과 기상현황을 분석해보면 금개구리와 참개구리의 번식울음은 일몰 이후부터 새벽까지 어두운 기간에 집중적 으로 번식활동을 하고 있어 일사량이 가장 중요한 영향요인 이었고, 전반적으로 참개구리보다 금개구리의 울음빈도가 높게 나타났다. 네 번째, 번식울음에 영향을 미치는 환경요인 분석 결과 금개구리와 참개구리 번식울음은 온도와 습도에 의존적인 것으로 나타났으며 강우량에는 크게 의존하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 온도의 경우 금개구리는 평균 24.8℃(최소 15. 7~최대 31.6℃)에서 참개구리는 평균 22.3℃(최소 15.5~ 최대 29.3℃)에 피크를 형성하는 것으로 통계적 유의성이 인정(t=9.443, p<0.000)되었다. 즉, 금개구리가 참개구리보 다 높은 온도에서 번식울음의 피크를 형성하는 것으로 나타 났다. 습도의 경우 금개구리와 참개구리 모두 습도가 증가 할수록 번식울음 빈도가 증가하는 경향을 나타내었으나 금 개구리(R2=0.64)가 참개구리(R2=0.36)보다 습도가 증가할 수록 좀 더 급격히 울음빈도가 증가하는 경향을 나타내었 다. 즉, 금개구리가 참개구리에 비해 습도에 더 민감한 것으 로 판단되었다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Flammulina velutipes belonging to white rot fungi is one of the commercially important edible mushrooms and is produced in large quantities due to the introduction of a automated and mechanized cultivation system in Korea. Despite the chief item of export among edible mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes has the lowest distribution rate of domestic cultivar, estimated that about 20 percent. As the result that most white cultivars of Flammulina velutipes produced and exported in Korea were introduced from Japan, farmers pay a large amount of royalties. Therefore, we try to develop a new pure domestic cultivars as a substitute for Japanese cultivars. To breed both white and gold superior strains, we selected the crossing mother groups including 10 white strains of ASI 4198 etc. and 7 brown strains of ASI 4049 etc. and mated each of the 17 strains by mon-mon hybridization. 19 white and 14 brown strains were chosen through two selection experiment over 2014 2016. In the third selection experiment this year, we finally selected one white(Fv 16 c 37) and the other gold(Fv 15 a 31) strain. Two selected strains were cultivated in the same environmental conditions. Spawn running period on the sawdust substrate required 30days at 20°C. The cultivation period and optimum temperature were 12±1 days at 14°C for primordia formation, 5 days at 4°C for inhibition phase, and 14±1 days at 7°C for fruiting body development. The length of pilei and stipes in two selected strains and Megumi as a control Japanese cultivar harvested in optimal stage was as follows: 10.5±0.81mm and 139.7±4.23mm in Fv 16 c 37, 10.8±0.43mm and 128..2±7.31mm in Fv 15 a 31, and 10.9±0.41mm and 141.8±4.64mm in Megumi respectively. The Yield of Fv 16 c 37, Fv 15 a 31 and Megumi was 271.2±11.84g, 237.7±9.05g and 270.7±16.87g per 1100ml in bottle cultivation.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are three kinds of Pleurotus eryngii : P. eryngii var. eryngii (P. eryngii), P. eryngii var. ferula (P. ferula : A-Wei-Mo) P. eryngii var. nebrodensis (P. nebrodensis : Bai-Ling-Gu). We bred P. ferula using Di-Mon mating and physiological assay and selected as follow (1) ‘Beesan No.1’ produced high yields, (2) ‘Beesan No.2’ was excellent morphological shape and anti-adipogenic Activit, (3) ‘Ergo’ included high ergothioneine such as anto-oxidant material, (4) ‘GW10-45’ included highest ergothioneine such as anto-oxidant material, (5) ‘Maeksong’ included high ergothioneine and effect of anti-inflammatory. We suggest that there are able to food-medicine materials.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although ear mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) was a world-widely cultivated there was a limited number of commercial cultivars in Korea. Recent increase of import of ear mushroom from China threatens domestic farmhouse. A present study introduced a thermo-tolerant new cultivar of ear mushroom ‘Hyeonyu’, which was made by mating monokaryons obtained from JBAA11 and CAA1 strains. The optimal temperature for growth was 26-36°C. The periods of primordia formation and fruit-body growth were 27 and 15 days, respectively. The average mushroom yield per bag (1kg) was 350g. As a result of RAPD with OPA1 and OPA7 primers, there were polymorphic DNA bands among control, new variety and china variety.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to determine the basic mycelial culture conditions for Poria cocos growth. According to colony diameter and mycelial density, suitable media for mycelial growth were Malt yeast extract, Potato dextrose agar, Yeast extract agar, and Yeast malt agar. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was between 25 and 35oC, and the optimum pH value was between 4 and 7. Carbon and nitrogen sources were fructose and yeast extract. The optimum C/N ratio was about 10 to 1 with 2% glucose. Other minor components for optimal growth were thiamine-HCl and nicotinamide as vitamins, acetic and lactic acid as organic acids, and MgSO4·7H2O and FeSO4·7H2O as mineral salts. Wolfiporia cocos is a well-known traditional medicine in China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries owing to its numerous therapeutic properties. With the aim to determine the morphology and genetic characteristics of W. cocosten strains of W. cocos were cultivated in vitro, and subsequently, rapid amplification of polymorphic DNA was performed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the morphology of fruit bodies of W. cocos in Korea. W. cocos were cultured on PDA agar at different temperatures (12, 16, 20, 24, and 28oC) under 12-hour light (600 Lux) / 12-hour dark photoperiod condition for 1 month. Appearance of fruit body was the highest at 28°C condition in all the strains investigated. Honeycomb-like structure on sclerotia was observed in Andong 01, Andong 02, Andong 03, KFRI 1104, KFRI 1105, KFRI 1106, KFRI 1107, KFRI 1108, and ASI 13007 strains. The KFRI 1103 strain formed cosmos petal-like structure on sclerotia. The average size of basidiospores was recorded as 7.55 μm in height and 3.35 μ in width. This study was carried out to discriminate the geographical origin from Korea and Chinese Wolfiporia extensa. By proximate composition analysis, both were identified as similar, showed oxygen was 45.32-48.07%, carbon was 38.09-40.12%, hydrogen was 6.05~6.78% and nitrogen was 0.16-0.23%. Antioxidant activity was examined by DPPH free radical scavenging activity. No significant differences were found as well for the antioxidant activity between Korean and Chinese product. However, the contents of inorganic components ED-XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer) were significant different in Chinese and domestic W. extensa. The Potassium and iron in Chinese and domestic W. extensa were 47.60±8.78% and 14.5±3.86% as well as 33.14±17.27% and 9.13±4.83%, respectively. From the above resuls, the analysis of inorganic components by ED-XRF may be used for discrimination of the geographical origin of W. extensa.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, is commercially the fifth most important edible mushroom, accounting for the production of 9,732 tons of mushrooms in Korea in 2015. The genus Agaricus has been known for its potential to degrade lignocellulosic materials. Chemical analyses carried out during the cultivation of A. bisporus indicated that the cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin fractions were changed preferentially for both vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. We screened A. bisporus strains for effective biodegradation through extracellular enzyme activity using cellulase, xylanase, and ligninolytic enzymes. The enzyme biodegradations were conducted as follows: mycelia of collected strains were incubated in 0.5% CMC-MMP (malt-mops-peptone), 0.5 Xylan-MMP, and 0.5% lignin-MMP media for 14 days. Incubated mycelia were stained with 0.2% trypan blue. Eighteen strains were divided into 8 groups based on different extracellular enzyme activity in MMP media. These strains were then incubated in sterilized compost and compost media for 20 days to identify correlations between mycelial growth in compost media and extracellular enzyme activity. In this study, the coefficient of determination was the highest between mycelial growth in compost media and ligninolytic enzyme activity. It is suggested that comparison with ligninolytic enzyme activity of the tested strains is a simple method of screening for rapid mycelial growth in compost to select good mother strains for the breeding of A. bisporus.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oyster mushroom is a type of mushroom that is commonly cultivated and consumed in Korea. P. ostreatus ‘Suhan’ is a preferred cultivar for many mushroom farmers because it has a dark pileus and thick stipe. However, as it is very sensitive to environmental conditions, farmers consistently demand an alternative cultivar. To develop a new cultivar, the parental strains KMCC01680 (‘Suhan’) and KMCC00478 (‘Gosol’) were selected from various collected P. ostreatus strains by cultivating genetic resources. P. ostreatus ‘Heuksol’ was developed by the method of Mon-Mon crossing between monokaryotic strains derived from ‘Suhan’ and ‘Gosol’. Thirty strains of 174 crossed strains were initially selected by cultivation experiments. After bulk cultivation tests, ‘Heuksol’ was selected. The nuclear DNA profile of ‘Heuksol’ was similar to those of the parental strains, ‘Suhan’ and ‘Gosol’, when RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) primers and UPF (Universal PCR Fingerprinting) 2, 3, and 4 were used. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 30oC for ‘Heuksol’, but medium-high temperatures were also appropriate, especially 13–20oC. The fruiting body production per bottle (1,100 mL) was approximately 140.8 g. When compared to the control strain ‘Suhan’, the thickness of the stipe of ‘Heuksol’ was greater than that of ‘Suhan’ (13.5 mm vs 9.4 mm). The pileus diameter of ‘Heuksol’ was similar to that of ‘Suhan’ and the pileus thickness of ‘Heuksol’ and ‘Suhan’ was 19.7 mm and 21.8 mm, respectively. ‘Heuksol’ had more a productive stipe number than ‘Suhan’ and the pileus of ‘Heuksol’ was dark gray, even at high temperatures. Therefore, it was suggested that this new cultivar, ‘Heuksol’, could provide an alternative to ‘Suhan’ and contribute to the profit of oyster mushroom farms.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effective estrus detection and artificial insemination (AI) are necessary for profitable management of dairy herd. In current study, 45 crossbred lactating cows have been selected with the complaint of unobserved oestrus for more than sixty days postpartum. All cows had functional corpus luteum as examined by transrectal ultrasonography. Cows were treated with PGF2α analogue and AI was performed with observed oestrus and then single dose of GnRH was administered. Similar synchronization protocol has been repeated after 14 days in cows that did not repose to first treatment. Remaining cows received additional PGF2α after 14 days of second treatment and timed AI was performed following GnRH administration. Among 45 cows, 28.89% showed estrus after first treatment and 78.79% responded to second hormonal intervention. A higher conception rate (88.89% vs 26.66 and 72.72%) was observed in cows after triple administration of PGF2α and timed AI. We noticed a significant differences in body condition score (BCS, 1~5 scale), postpartum period, and daily milk production between cows that either responded of non-responded following first and second hormonal treatment. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between daily milk production and BCS, age and postpartum days, milk production and estrus/BCS, and milk production/BCS/estrus and conception rate. Depending upon the findings we conclude that hormonal intervention with PGF2α and GnRH enhances postpartum ovarian cyclicity and help decreasing the days open of dairy herd. Therefore, this finding might provide an excellent guideline for target breeding system for profitable dairy herd management.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nando Island is reported as one of the biggest breeding colonies of seabirds in South Korea, and is protected as a Natural Monument. This study was conducted between July to November 2015, to investigate the breeding population of Black-tailed gulls and their habitat on Nando Island. We estimated the breeding population of Black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) using nest density. The mean nest density of Black-tailed gulls was 0.51 per 1 m2 (0.51 m-2), and the breeding population was approximately 26,760 individuals. The dominant vegetation was Echinochloa crusgalli and Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens, which served as shelter and nest sites to Black-tailed gulls. The diet of Black-tailed gulls was mainly the fish, Japanese Anchovy Engraulis japonicas (48%). Other species which were found to breed on Nando Island were Streaked Sheawater (Calonectris leucomelas), Temminck’s Cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus), and Swinhoe’s storm petrels (Oceanodroma monorhis).
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although ear mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) is cultivated worldwide, there are a limited number of commercial cultivars in Korea. Recent increase in the import of ear mushroom from China threatens the domestic farming. The present study introduces a new thermotolerant cultivar of ear mushroom, designated ‘Hyeonyu’, developed by mating monokaryons obtained from JBAA11 and CAA1 strains. The optimal growth temperature for Hyeonyu was 26-36?. The periods of primordia formation and fruit-body growth were 27 and 15 days, respectively. The average mushroom yield per bag (1 kg) was 350 g. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with OPA1 and OPA7 primers identified polymorphic DNA bands between the control, the new variety Hyeonyu, and a Chinese variety.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, oyster mushroom is one of the commonly cultivated mushrooms. In 2013, the cultivation areas and products of oyster mushrooms were 60,039 M/T and 201 ha, respectively. Many species of oyster mushrooms are cultivated in various countries. These include Pleurotus ostreatus, P. florida, P. sajor-caju, P. eryngii, P. citrinopileatus, P. salmoneostramineus and P. cystidiosus. P. citrinopileatus is a yellow oyster mushroom famous for its health benefits such as anti-cancer and anti-oxidant effects. Therefore, a cultivar P. citrinopileatus ‘Jangdari’ was developed to improve yield and the ability to grow well at lower temperatures. Two parent strains ‘Gumbit (KMCC02150)’ and ‘KMCC02145’ were selected based on their morphological characteristics. ‘Jangdari’ was developed by the method of Mon-Mon crossing between monokaryons derived from ‘Gumbit’ and ‘KMCC02145’, and finally selected through continuous cultivation tests. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 30oC. The cultivar could grow well at high temperatures, especially 16~24oC. Fruiting body production per bottle (850 mL) was about 90.0 g. Stipe length and thickness of ‘Jangdari’ were similar to those of ‘Gumbit’. ‘Jangdari’ was more resistant to low temperature than ‘Gumbit’, and thus it could be cultivated with oyster mushrooms (P. ostreatus). In addition, while cultivating ‘Jangdari’, it is not required to scrape out the upper side of bottle’s sawdust medium; hence, its cultivation is expected to save energy and time.