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        검색결과 192

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper explores a convergent approach that combines advanced informatics and computational science to develop road-paving materials. It also analyzes research trends that apply artificial-intelligence technologies to propose research directions for developing new materials and optimizing them for road pavements. This paper reviews various research trends in material design and development, including studies on materials and substances, quantitative structure–activity/property relationship (QSAR/QSPR) research, molecular data, and descriptors, and their applications in the fields of biomedicine, composite materials, and road-construction materials. Data representation is crucial for applying deep learning to construction-material data. Moreover, selecting significant variables for training is important, and the importance of these variables can be evaluated using Pearson’s correlation coefficients or ensemble techniques. In selecting training data and applying appropriate prediction models, the author intends to conduct future research on property prediction and apply string-based representations and generative adversarial networks (GANs). The convergence of artificial intelligence and computational science has enabled transformative changes in the field of material development, contributing significantly to enhancing the performance of road-paving materials. The future impacts of discovering new materials and optimizing research outcomes are highly anticipated.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : As evaluation methods for road paving materials become increasingly complex, there is a need for a method that combines computational science and informatics for new material development. This study aimed to develop a rational methodology for applying molecular dynamics and AI-based material development techniques to the development of additives for asphalt mixtures. METHODS : This study reviewed relevant literature to analyze various molecular models, evaluation methods, and metrics for asphalt binders. It examined the molecular structures and conditions required for calculations using molecular dynamics and evaluated methods for assessing the interactions between additives and asphalt binders, as well as properties such as the density, viscosity, and glass transition temperature. Key evaluation indicators included the concept and application of interaction energy, work of adhesion, cohesive energy density, solubility parameters, radial distribution function, energy barriers, elastic modulus, viscosity, and stress-strain curves. RESULTS : The study identified key factors and conditions for effectively evaluating the physical properties of asphalt binders and additives. It proposed selective application methods and ranges for the layer structure, temperature conditions, and evaluation metrics, considering the actual conditions in which asphalt binders were used. Additional elements and conditions considered in the literature may be further explored, considering the computational demands. CONCLUSIONS : This study devised a methodology for evaluating the physical properties of asphalt binders considering temperature and aging. It reviewed and selected useful indicators for assessing the interaction between asphalt binders, additives, and modified asphalt binders and aggregates under various environmental conditions. By applying the proposed methods and linking the results with informatics, the interaction between asphalt binders and additives could be efficiently evaluated, serving as a reliable method for new material development.
        2024.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Composite-based piezoelectric devices are extensively studied to develop sustainable power supply and selfpowered devices owing to their excellent mechanical durability and output performance. In this study, we design a leadfree piezoelectric nanocomposite utilizing (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 (BCTZ) nanomaterials for realizing highly flexible energy harvesters. To improve the output performance of the devices, we incorporate porous BCTZ nanowires (NWs) into the nanoparticle (NP)-based piezoelectric nanocomposite. BCTZ NPs and NWs are synthesized through the solidstate reaction and sol-gel-based electrospinning, respectively; subsequently, they are dispersed inside a polyimide matrix. The output performance of the energy harvesters is measured using an optimized measurement system during repetitive mechanical deformation by varying the composition of the NPs and NWs. A nanocomposite-based energy harvester with 4:1 weight ratio generates the maximum open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of 0.83 V and 0.28 A, respectively. In this study, self-powered devices are constructed with enhanced output performance by using piezoelectric energy harvesting for application in flexible and wearable devices.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        BNKT Ceramics, one of the representative Pb free based piezoelectric ceramics, constitutes a perovskite(ABO3) structure. At this time, the perovskite structure (ABO3) is in the form where the corners of the octahedrons are connected, and in the unit cell, two ions, A and B, are cations, A ion is located at the body center, B ion is located at each corner, and an anion O is located at the center of each side. Since Bi, Na, and K sources constituting the A site are highly volatile at a sintering temperature of 1100℃ or higher, it is difficult to maintain uniformity of the composition. In order to solve this problem, there should be suppression of volatilization of the A site material or additional compensation of the volatilized. In this study, the basic composition of BNKT Ceramics was set to Bi0.5(Na0.78K0.22)0.5TiO3 (= BNKT), and volatile site (Bi, Na, and K sources) were coated in the form of a shell to compensate additionally for the A site ions. In addition, the physical and electrical properties of BNKT and its coated with shell additives(= @BNK) were compared and analyzed, respectively. As a result of analyzing the crystal structure through XRD, both BNKT(Core) and @BNK(Shell) had perovskite phases, and the crystallinity was almost similar. Although the Curie temperature of the two sintered bodies was almost the same (TC = 290 ~ 300 ℃), it was confirmed that the d33 (piezoelectric coefficient) and Pr (residual polarization) values were different. The experimental results indicated that the additional compensation for a shell additive causes the coarsening, resulting in a decrease in sintering density and Pr(remanent polarization). However, coating shell additives to compensate for A site ion is an effective way to suppress volatilization. Based on these experimental results, it would be the biggest advantage to develop an eco-friendly material (Lead-free) that replaced lead (Pb), which is harmful to the human body. This lead-free piezoelectric material can be applied to a biomedical device or products(ex. earphones (hearing aids), heart rate monitors, ultrasonic vibrators, etc.) and skin beauty improvement products (mask packs for whitening and wrinkle improvement).
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지진은 예상하지 못한 위치와 규모로 지반을 흔들어서 막대한 물적 및 인적 피해를 발생시킨다. 따라서 지진으로 인 한 진동을 최소화하고 피해를 방지하기 위하여 다양한 내진 기술 개발 연구가 수행되고 있다. 최근에는 우수한 성능을 나타내 는 다양한 신소재가 개발되고 있으며 이를 접목된 내진 기술 개발 연구가 하나의 트렌드가 되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 반영구적 이고 자동복원이 가능한 신소재를 적용한 새로운 개념의 영구마찰 자동복원 댐퍼를 제안하고 핵심 부재에 대한 물리적 특성 검 증 연구를 수행한다. 영구마찰 자동복원 댐퍼의 핵심은 복원 특성을 나타내는 초탄성 형상기억합금과 폴리우레탄을 부재로 장 착시키고 추가적인 마찰 특성을 나타내는 네오디뮴 영구자석을 사용하였다. 이러한 핵심 부재는 재료실험을 통해 특성을 검증 하였고 도출된 거동 응답 결과를 통해 영구마찰 자동복원 댐퍼의 구조실험 예측 거동을 도출하였다. 우수한 복원 성능을 나타 내는 영구마찰 자동복원 댐퍼는 최대 하중 성능과 에너지 소산 능력이 우수하여 구조물에 적용 시 강한 지진에도 버티면서 발 생된 손상도 회복 시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2022.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 비풀러렌 전자수용체 소재 개발로 태양전지 및 광검출기 등 유기광다이오드 분야의 상당한 진보를 나타내고 있 다. 비풀러렌 소재의 자유로운 구조 개질 가능성을 바탕으로 흡광대역 자유 제어가 가능한 장점으로, 기존 태양전지 에서 구현이 힘들었던 고성능 반투명 태양전지, 실내 저조도 태양전지, 파장선택적 광검출기 등 다양한 응용을 가능 하게 한다. 본 리뷰에서는 유기태양전지를 비롯한 유기광다이오드의 광활성층에 활용되는 유기반도체 소재의 최신 연 구동향에 대해 다루고자 한다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study installed and evaluated the efficiency of a radon barrier membrane, radon mat, and radon well in the removal and reduction of radon gas that originates from the soil and flows indoors. The study aims to present a fundamental and long-term solution to radon reduction in buildings by preventing soil radon, which is the main source of radon gas, from migrating indoors. A radon barrier membrane, radon mat, and radon well were developed and verified, and the radon reduction effect of each system was evaluated. Through applying a special radon gas blocking film with a 5-layer structure, the radon barrier membrane prevents radon gas particles from passing through the polymer deposited on the radon blocking film. The radon mat is a type of radon reduction construction method that induces radon gas generated from the soil under the building to move in the desired direction through the plate-structured pressure reducing panel and discharges radon gas to the outside of the building through an exhaust pipe and fan installed at the edge. In addition, the radon well can also be applied to special structures such as old buildings and historical sites where it is difficult to directly reduce radon concentration within the building foundation, because the intake area can be controlled and, therefore, the method can be applied in a variety of environments and ranges. In the case of Intervention 1 (installing a radon barrier membrane and radon mat), the soil radon was reduced by 24.7%. Intervention 2 (installing a radon barrier membrane, radon mat, and radon well) reduced the soil radon by 45.1%, indicating that the effect of reducing the soil radon concentration was 1.8 times higher compared with installing only the radon barrier membrane and radon mat. The measurement showed that the indoor radon concentration was reduced by 46.5%, following the reduction in soil radon concentration through Interventions 1 and 2, demonstrating the effect of reducing indoor radon gas by installing the radon barrier membrane, radon mat, and radon well. Through the production and installation of prototype systems, this study confirmed the reduction effect of radon concentration in soil and indoor air. These systems achieved a higher efficiency at a relatively low cost than that achieved with the existing radon reduction methods applied in Korea and abroad.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 반도체 특성의 단일벽 탄소나노튜브(semi-SWNTs)와 페로브스카이트(perovskite) 양자 점을 혼합하여 SWNT의 높은 전하 이동 특성과 양자점의 고효율 광전 특성을 동시에 가지는 용액공정 가 능한 기반 고성능 광센서를 개발하기 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 직경이 작은 SWNT를 공액 구조 고분자 반도체를 이용해 선택적으로 분리/분산하는 방법으로 제조하여 포토트랜지스터의 반도체 채널 층으로 활 용하고, 가시광 빛에 높은 흡광도를 가지는 양자점을 다양한 조성과 구조를 가지는 광활성층으로 제조하 여 그 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 이 결과 semi-SWNTs와 페로브스카이트 양자점 모두 단독으로 TFT에 사 용하였을 경우 우수한 트랜지스터 특성과는 별개로 광전효과가 크게 나타나지 않았으며, 두 종류 이상의 반도체 소재를 융합하여 사용할 경우 양자점에 흡수된 빛에 의해 엑시톤이 형성되고 이종 접합 계면에서 전자와 정공의 분리가 쉽게 이루어지도록 유도함으로써 낮은 광량에서도 높은 효율을 가지는 포토트랜지 스터를 개발할 수 있었다. 향후 지속적인 연구개발을 통해 고유연/저가 광 센서 제품 개발과 레이더, 이미 지 센서, 웨어러블 헬스케어 등의 다양한 분야에 하이브리드 반도체 포토트랜지스터가 응용될 수 있을 것 으로 기대한다.
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