
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 151

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, 294 housewives in Siheung, Gyeonggi-do, were surveyed to evaluate the differences in the recognition and use of nutrition labeling according to age and to present data for nutrition education. The younger the age, the more aware the consumer was of the information on the nutrition label. Housewives who were younger than 60 years were more likely to check the nutrition labels. The lower the age, the higher the reliance on the nutritional labeling content of the food, and the higher the recognition level of nutritional labeling. It was found that the lower the age, the easier it was for the consumer to understand the nutritional labeling. Among housewives in their 30s and younger, 89.5 percent said they believed checking nutrition labels would help their health. In the younger age group knowledge and information on nutrition labeling was acquired from the internet, and in the older age group, knowledge was acquired from television, radio, and newspapers. Research conducted on housewives in other regions in the future could provide more detailed information suitable for the population of each region. This would serve as data for nutrition education on the recognition and use of nutrition labeling for a healthy diet.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 유통 농산물 535건을 대상으로 잔류농 약 실태조사를 수행하였다. 서울 등 13개 지역에서 수거 한 농산물 시료를 QuEChERS법으로 추출한 후 d-SPE로 정제하여 LC-MS/MS 및 GC-MS/MS로 분석하였다. 농산 물 15품목 535건 중 14품목 288건에서 잔류농약이 검출 (53.8%)되었으며, 검출된 농산물은 사과 40건, 고추 40건, 감귤 33건, 복숭아 31건, 기타 품목 144건이었다. 이 중 잔류허용기준을 초과한 농산물은 배추 1건으로, diniconazole 이 0.18 mg/kg으로 기준치의 약 2배 검출되었다. 총 검출된 농약은 91종으로 살균제 42종, 살충제 48종, 살선충제 1종 이었으며, dinotefuran 91건, carbendazim 75건, tebuconazole 61건, pyraclostrobin 59건이 가장 빈번하게 검출되었다. 따 라서 상기의 결과를 통해 과일류 및 채소류에 대한 지속 적인 잔류실태조사가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2025년이면 대한민국의 노인 인구가 전체인구의 25%를 차지 하는 초고령사회에 도래하게 될 것이다. 해가 갈수록 출산율은 감소하고 노인수명은 늘어나면서 노인 인구의 비중은 증대되는 것이다. 국민 4명 중 한 명이 노인이 되는 세상이다. 따라서 노 인복지, 노인권익, 노인 일자리, 노인자원봉사 등의 문제는 매 우 중요한 자리를 차지하게 될 것이다. 이와 비례하여 노인여 가복지시설인 경로당의 중요성은 더욱 배가될 것이다. 현재 우 리나라의 경로당은 약 68,000개로 노인 인구 900만 명 중 절반 인 400만 명이 활용하는 것으로 조사되었다. 경로효친사상과 홍익인간 정신을 바탕으로 태동한 경로당은 세계에서 유래를 찾아 볼 수 없는 우리 고유의 노인복지시설이다. 경로당은 어 르신들의 여가선용 및 복지의 중심으로 노인들의 생활공간이 다. 서울시 경로당의 경우 다른 시도 노인들에 비해 경로당 이 용 인원도 비교적 많고, 프로그램도 해가 갈수록 전문화되고 다양화되어 가고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아직도 경로당의 복 지 프로그램이나 시설환경 등은 만족한 상태가 아니다. 서울시 경로당을 중심으로 경로당 이용실태 분석을 통한 발전방안을 모색하여 노인복지에 증진에 기여하고자 하였다. 365일 가고 싶은 경로당의 필요충분조건을 찾아내어 그 조건을 충족하게 함으로써 서울시 노인들이 찾고 기다려지는 경로당 활성화에 기여하고자 설문 수렴을 통해 방안을 찾고자 주력하였다. 시대 는 변하고 환경도 변하고 추구하고자 하는 목표나 이상도 시대 상황에 따라 변화되어 간다. 서울시 경로당은 규모가 협소하여 40평 미만인 경로당이 대부분을 차지하고, 회원들은 통상 경로 당을 주 5회 정도 이용하고 있으며, 집에서 경로당까지의 거리 는 300미터 이내로 접근성이 용이한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 서 울시는 앞으로 경로당 활성화를 위하여 다양한 운영방안들을 적극적으로 수용하고, 맞춤형 프로그램 개발을 통해 경로당의 주 기능인 여가, 복지, 교육, 일자리, 자원봉사 등의 기능이 원 활하게 작동되도록 지속적인 관심과 지원이 필요하다고 판단한 다. 현실적인 경로당의 문제들을 심층 깊게 연구하여 전문화, 다양화된 방안으로 개선되어 노인들의 사랑방인 경로당활성화 에 조금이라도 도움이 되었으면 하는 바람이다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to examine body image distortion among female adolescents and identify related factors. Raw data from the 14th Korean Youth Health Behavior Survey were used. The proportion of participants exhibiting body image distortion was 39.5%, with the ratio being higher among female students of normal weight as compared to underweight female students. Logistic regression revealed that the risk of having a distorted body image was higher among high school females than in middle school females having lower subjective academic performance and household economic status. In addition, the risk of having a distorted body image was higher for students who drank alcohol when compared to students who did not drink, for the group engaging vigorously in physical activity (exercise) more than three times per week as opposed to the group exercising less than three times per week, and for the group consuming less than one serving of fruit per day as compared to the group consuming more than one serving of fruit per day. Taken together, the results of this study indicate that continuous nutrition education needs to be provided so that adolescents can correctly perceive their body images and form desirable eating habits.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of study was to examine the factors influencing fast food consumption in Korean adolescents. The analysis was conducted using cross sectional study data from the 16th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey in 2020. A total 54,948 middle and high school students participated in this study. The subjects in the analysis were 28,353 males and 26,595 females, 28,961 middle school and 25,987 high school students. In total, 56.6% Korean adolescents consumed fast food once or twice weekly and 25.4% consumed fast food more than three times weekly. Logistic regression analysis revealed that fast food consumption was significantly associated with dietary behavior such as lower breakfast intake (OR: 0.930, 95%CI: 0.891~0.970, p<0.001), higher soda drinks consumption (OR: 2.563, 95%CI: 2.452~2.678, p<0.001), and higher sweet drinks consumption (OR: 1.898, 95%CI: 1.818~1.982, p<0.001). For psychological and health behavior factors, fast food consumption was also significantly associated with higher perceived stress (OR: 1.239, 95%CI: 1.163-1.321, p<0.001), higher smoking (OR: 1.300, 95%CI: 1.164~1.453, p<0.001), higher drinking (OR: 1.193, 95%CI: 1.112~1.280, p<0.001), higher depression experience, higher loneliness experience, and lower subjective health, In conclusion, fast food consumption in Korean adolescents was associated with undesirable dietary habits and psychological and health behavior, suggesting that appropriate education programs are necessary to reduce such behavior.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out the estimation on consumption patterns and consciousness of domestic forage for improvement of the quality of domestic forage. Although the cultivated area in South Korea of forage has increased significantly compared to the past, the self-sufficiency rate of domestic forage has increased to around 80% since 2010. Also, livestock farmers prefer to use import forage than domestic due to convenience of use. In Korean beef farms, the ratio of import to domestic forage was higher in domestic forage (import forage 3 : domestic forage 7). In the method of securing domestic forage, purchase of forage (55.6%) was higher than self-cultivation of forage (44.4%). The ratio of use by bailing type was shown in the order of rice staw rice straw (50.5%), domestic hay (15%), imported hay (12.5%), and total mixed ratio (10.7%). The preference of forage was in the order of amount of foreign matter, moisture content, price, feed value in Korean native cattle farm. The result of satisfaction with domestic and import forage showed that the satisfaction of domestic forage price was higher than import forage, while the moisture content and foreign matter of forage were lower than import forage. In addition, in the results of the satisfaction and importance of domestic roughage compared to imported roughage, satisfaction with imported roughage was generally high in all items except for price. As a result, in order to improve the satisfaction of domestic forage in Korean native cattle farm, it is necessary to minimize foreign matter in forage and increase hay production for moisture content uniform in forage.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the nutrient intake of Korean adults by considering the lunch type, categorized as home meals (HM), eating out (EO), and institutional meals (IM). Data was obtained from the 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Totally, 3,786 adults (1,643 men, and 2,143 women) aged between 19-64 years were included in the study. Subjects with daily energy intake of less than 500 kcal or over 5,000 kcal, and those who skipped lunch, were excluded. The percentage of subjects in the HM, EO, and IM were 31.9, 53.6, and 14.4%, respectively. The daily energy intakes of the HM, EO, and IM groups were determined to be 2,185, 2,360, and 2,339 kcal, respectively, in men, and 1,622, 1,731, and 1,741 kcal, respectively, in women. Among the three groups, men in the EO group had more intake of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and riboflavin, and less dietary fiber, and whereas women consumed more fat and less dietary fiber and potassium. In the IM group, the men consumed more dietary fiber, potassium, and thiamine, whereas consumption of carbohydrate, unsaturated fatty acid, sodium, potassium, and thiamine was more in women. Energy contributions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat were all within the AMDR (acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges) for all lunch types, except for the percent of energy provided from saturated fat in EO (7.4% in men, and 8.2% in women). Our results indicate that the dietary habit of frequently eating out increases the fat intake, thereby resulting in increased health risks for adults. Thus, implementation of a nutritional education program to encourage balanced dietary habits is required to improve the nutritional status of individuals eating out.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The petroleum refinery industry handles a variety of complex chemical substances and employs a large number of people around the world. According to previous research, diseases caused by exposure to chemicals were quite common among workers in refineries until the 1980s. More recently, it is unusual for oil refinery workers to suffer from these serious diseases. The objective of this study was to identify the occurrence level of general diseases and any differences in lifestyle habits of workers in refineries in Korea compared with the general population. In this study, we used the results of health examinations from 2014 for workers at a large oil refinery in South Korea. In addition, based on the results of KNHANES from 2014 as representative of the population, hypertension, diabetes, anemia, hyperlipidemia, liver function abnormality, and kidney function abnormality were calculated using the standardized incidence rate. Hypertension showed a low result with an SIR of less than 1, but a high result in the case of abnormal liver function. The workers’ occurrence rates of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, kidney dysfunction, and anemia were lower than those of ordinary salaried employees. however, their occurrence rate for abnormal liver function was markedly higher. In lifestyle habits, the smoking rate of workers was low while the alcohol consumption rate was quite high. This study has improved the understanding of the health status of workers in a large oil refinery in Korea, and has shown the impact of lifestyle habits related to the work environment on chronic diseases.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the recognition and utilization status of food labeling and nutrition labeling, according to the body type recognition of university students. In a total of 351 subjects, the male subjects comprised of 25.8% belonging to the underweight awareness group, 46.3% normal weight awareness group, and 27.9% overweight awareness students. Among the female students, 29.2% belonged to the underweight awareness group, 36.6% were normal body weight, and 34.2% were the overweight group. When purchasing processed foods, the price (4.05 points), expiration date (4.03 points), and gross weight (3.88 points) were the most considered factors of the food labeling content (5 points) for all body shape recognition groups. The food labeling of canned foods was checked most by the underweight awareness group (p<0.05). For bread and snacks, the contents of food labeling were confirmed most by the normal weight awareness group and the overweight awareness group (p<0.001). For beverages, the normal weight awareness group checked more food labels (p<0.01). The underweight awareness group (55.2%) hardly checked the nutritional labeling, and 22.9% of these subjects did not check at all. Our results may provide the necessity to improve the incorrect eating habits of students, by evaluating differences between the cognitive body type and the actual body type by BMI.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대전역광장의 장소적 특성, 기능과 이용현황 등의 조사 분석을 통해 현황특성을 파악하고, 이전 연구들을 토대로 일반적인 역 광장의 기능 형성요인을 도출하여 이를 분석하고 부족한 부분을 전문가 인식조사를 통해 파악하여 대전역광장의 문제점과 이용객들의 만족도를 조사 분석하여 그 결과를 바탕으로 적절한 활성화방안을 도출하고자 수행되었으며, 대전광역시의 가장 큰 관문인 대 전역을 중심으로 하는 원도심 지역 활성화계획에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구결과 대전역광장 이용객들은 대전역광장의 정체성에 대해 낮은 평가를 하고 있었고, 광장의 환경 및 경관 적 측면이나 이용에 필요한 기능적 측면에 있어서도 상당히 부정적인 평가를 하고 있었다. 특히 기존 에 설치된 시설물과 상징 조형물들에 대해서는 그 의미를 이해하기 보다는 부적절한 시설물들로 인 식하고 있었으며 대전역광장을 안전하지 않은 공간으로 인식하여 머물거나 약속의 장소로 전혀 이 용하지 않았으며 대전역을 이용하기 위한 이동공간 정도로 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 개선방향에 대해서는 대전역의 역사적 상징성을 나타 낼 수 있는 공간이면서 휴게공간과 녹지를 포 함한 다양한 편의 시설을 갖춘 이용객 친화적 공간이 되기를 바라고 있었다. 따라서 대전역광장을 이용객들의 외면을 받는 공간이 아니라 기능적인 향상과 더불어 아름다운 경관성과 역사성을 가지 는 대전역광장만의 정체성을 확립하여 이용객들의 휴식과 만남의 중심공간으로 재탄생 될 수 있는 종합적 활성화계획을 수립하여야 한다는 결론을 도출하였다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of chronic diseases according to obesity in the elderly older than age 65 using data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016~2018). The subjects of the survey were 3,245 elderly older than age 65 who participated in the health survey and nutrition survey, 45.8% of the subjects were males and 54.2% of the subjects were female. 37.5% of all the elderly were obese, and the females (42.4%) were more obese than the males (31.8%) (p<0.001). Diabetes, hypertension, and hypertriglyceridemia had a similar prevalence of 24.6%, 63.0%, and 12.7% in males and females, respectively. Hypercholesterolemia was higher in the elderly females (44.2%) than in the elderly males (24.9%) (p<0.001). Through the logistic regression analysis, it was found that the prevalence of chronic diseases was higher in obesity than normal in elderly males and females (p<0.001). The total food intake increased from ‘under weight’ to ‘obesity’ in males (p<0.01) and females (p<0.001). In the case of the elderly males, the higher the degree of obesity, the higher the energy intake (p<0.05), and ‘pre-obesity’ consumed the most energy in elderly females. As a result of this study, the higher the obesity rate of the elderly, the higher the prevalence of chronic diseases.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a survey was conducted among university students (119 men and 134 women) in Chungbuk province using questionnaires to investigate the variables and eating patterns related to the use of food delivery apps. A survey was conducted from March 22, 2019 to April 3, 2019. Of the total respondents, 77.2% reported that they had ordered food at least once using food delivery apps on smartphones. Further, 63.3% of the total subjects had ordered food delivery through smartphone apps once or twice a month, and the most preferred cuisine for food delivery was fast food, followed by Bunsik (Korean street food/snack), western food, and Chinese food. The average satisfaction scorefor food delivery apps was 3.8 points, and the satisfaction score was the highest with the convenient ordering process (4.0), followed by good taste (3.9) and good portion (3.8). The subjects who used smartphone food delivery apps three times or more a month showed a significantly higher frequency of instant food intake (p=0.0132), dining out (p=0.0282), and late-night eating (p=0.0047) than the subjects who ordered food using delivery apps less than three times a month. In conclusion, these study results may be applied as baseline data for dietary education among university students.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 택지개발사업으로 조성된 단독주택용지가 ‘주택의 노후화와 토지이용의 혼재, 비주거시설의 확산, 공실(빈집) 증가 등으로 주거환경이 악화됨에 따라 범죄가 증가할 것이다’라는 가설 아래 진행되었다. 조성된 지 27년이 지난 단독주택용지를 대상으로 1996년 토지이용실태에 관한 연구 자료와 비교·분석하고, 주거환경과 폭력·절도범죄 발생(2006~2018년)과의 관계를 분석․고찰하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 1996년에 비해 2016년 비주거시설이 2배 이상 증가하며 지구 내 집산도로에 접한 주거지 내부로 확산되었고, 업무와 종교, 공실의 비율이 증가하였다. 둘째, 폭력범죄는 통과교통이 발생하는 보조간선과 집산도로에 접한 용도혼재 필지에서 발생비율이 높았고, 제2종근린생활시설 중 주류 판매시설이 밀집한 곳에서 집중되어 발생하였다. 셋째, 절도범죄 중 침입절도범죄율이 높게 나타났고 비주거건축물(39.7%) 보다 주거건축물(60.3%)에서 발생률이 높았다. 넷째, 공실이 있는 건축물에서의 범죄율은 높지 않지만, 공실이 입지한 가로의 인접 건축물과 노상에서 중복적으로 범죄가 발생되었다. 이러한 분석결과는 노후주거지의 주거환경 향상을 위해 주민과 행정 및 경찰이 협력하여 CPTED 사업 추진에 활용할 수 있고, 향후 단독주택용지를 조성함에 있어 ‘안전성’을 확보할 수 있는 가로 및 필지체계 계획과 지구단위계획에 반영할 수 있다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aim to evaluate dietary quality and nutritional status according to the consumption of health functional food using Nutrition Quotient for Korean elderly (NQ-E) for 288 elderly people attending senior welfare centers in Gyeonggi-do. The questionnaire consisted of items about general information, health functional food, and Nutrition Quotient for Korean elderly (NQ-E). Chi-squared test, Fisher's exact tests, and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were performed using the SAS program ver. 9.4. Among the male and female subjects, the female subjects consumed more health functional food. The results of the dietary quality and nutritional status difference according to the intake of health functional food showed significant differences only in the areas of variety and abstinence among nutrition quotient factors for men, while no significant differences were observed in any of the nutrition quotient factors for women. In conclusion, focused-nutrition education program and useful guideline is needed for promoting adequate consumption of health functional foods in elderly.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to compare nutrients intake, health indices, and prevalence of chronic diseases by occupation in middle-aged men, using results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The subjects were divided into two groups by their occupation (Office worker (OW) and Agri-fishery worker (AFW)) and their percentages were 75.5% and 24.5% respectively. In health-related factors, drinking rate was higher in OW (p<0.001), while smoking rate was higher in AFW (p<0.001). Walking and strength exercise were both higher in OW group. In dietary behavior, the rate of skipping breakfast and eating out was higher in OW (p<0.001). Food supplement usage were consumed by OW more than AFW (p<0.001). Daily energy intake was higher in AFW (p<0.05). There were significant differences in nutrient density per 1,000 kcal of minerals and vitamins between the two groups (p<0.05~p<0.001), except calcium, potassium, vitamin A and thiamin. In body weight, BMI, waist circumference and blood pressures, OW was higher than AFW (p<0.05~p<0.001). Whereas, HDL and LDL-cholesterol were higher in AFW (p<0.001). The prevalence of diabetes was higher in AFW (p<0.001). The results of this study can be used as data to establish nutrition and health strategies for occupation in middle-aged men.
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