In this paper, we presented a hybrid composite of graphene quantum dots (GQDs)-modified three-dimensional graphene nanoribbons (3D GNRs) composite linked by Fe3O4 and CoO nanoparticles through reflux and ultrasonic treatment with GQDs, denoted as 3D GQDs-Fe3O4/CoO@GNRs (3D GFCG). In this hybrid, the 3D GNRs framework strengthened the electrical conductivity and the synergistic effects between GQDs and 3D GFCG enhanced the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of the nanocomposite. The results imply that decorating GQDs with other electro-catalysts is an effective strategy to synergistically improve their ORR activity.
본고는 드포(Daniel Defoe)의 『로빈슨 크루소』(Robinson Crusoe, 1719)와 예이츠의 전환기 시를 중심으로 각 작품의 배경이 되는 18세기 초 영국 사회와 20세기 초 아일랜드 사회를 조명한다. 우선 이 연구는 『로빈슨 크루소』가 소설의 발생을 중심으 로 하는 당대 사회적 변화와 이로 인한 세대 및 계층 간의 갈등 구도 속에서 탄생하였다 는 점에 주목한다. 또한, ‘종교적 전통으로의 회귀’에 초점을 맞추어 18세기 초 영국의 사회와 문화 속에서 이 소설이 담당하는 역할과 가치를 고찰한다. 한편 예이츠의 전환기 시는 20세기 초 아일랜드 사회에서의 갈등과 밀접한 관계를 지닌다. 문화운동으로 아일랜드 민족을 통합하려는 예이츠의 시도는 아일랜드 민족에 내재된 언어, 종교, 계층의 다양성으로 인해 오히려 분열의 지속, 심화 양상을 보인다. 예이츠는 전환기 시인 1913 년 9월 (“September 1913”)에서 물질주의에 집착하는 가톨릭 중산층에 대한 경계심을 표현하고 중산층에 대항하여 낚시꾼 (“The Fisherman”)에서 이상적 인간상을 제시한다. 그는 가톨릭 중산층과 영국계 개신교 엘리트 집단 양쪽을 비판하며, 인간애에 기초 한 귀족주의를 지향한다.
본 연구는 일제강점기에 표정(瓢庭) 송병우(宋炳宇, 1874∼1944)가 조영한 익산 함벽정원림을 대상으로 문헌조사, 현장조사 그리고 관련자 인터뷰 등을 통해 원림의 특성과 전환기적 조영 양상을 추적한 것이다. 조선시대 선비들의 삶과 정신세계의 소중한 결정체였던 누정문화가 일제강점기라는 정치·문화적 과도기에 어떻게 계승, 변동되었는지를 살펴봄으로써 전환기적 시대 문화가 지역의 근대 정원문화 담론(談論)에 어떤 역할을 끼쳤는지를 조명하고자 한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 함벽정의 입지와 규모 그리고 기능과 구조를 보았을 때 함벽정 일대는 별서원림으로 서의 성격이 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 함벽정 지붕의 소재인 붉은색 자기와(磁器瓦), 기단·초 석·기둥의 형태, 계단 입구부의 장식성, 공포결구 수법, 사각기둥과 사분합의 문비(門扉) 그리고 화려하고 다채로운 단청과 지붕 합각부의 ‘쌍희자(雙喜字)’ 길상문 등은 일제강점기 지역의 경제 강자가 보여줄 수 있는 전환기적 의장기법의 양상으로 파악되었다. 공간 및 시각구성 그리고 시설 배치 상의 전환기적 설계양상으로는 정자의 규모 및 암대(巖臺)를 활용하여 이루어진 축산(築山), 적극적인 읍경(挹景)의 조망처리기법 그리고 급경사지역에 형성된 5단의 화계(花階)에 적용된 돌쌓기기법을 들 수 있다. 또한 함벽정원림 조성 이후 일제강점기라는 시대상황 아래 일제의 수리사업에 동조와 유지관리 과정에서 행해진 양버즘나무, 왕벚나무 등의 대체식재나 보완식재는 전통식재의 규범 혼란 속에서 나타나는 식재상의 전환기적 양상으로 추찰된다.
This study examined the linguistic backgrounds and dialectal characteristics of Changnyeong and Dalseong regions, which are located in the transitional area between Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do. It was confirmed that the language of each region was not severed but share many commonness based on various characteristics found in the transitional area existing discussions and field surveys, As a result, 19 (18) consonants were realized by elderly people and 19 by young people in Changnyeong and Dalseong regions. In the case of vowels, six by elderly people and Seven vowels by young people. Also, it was investigated that language variations, such as Word-initial Glottalization, palatalization, and umlaut, were more active in the Changnyeong region than Dalseong region. The difference between these three variations can be attributed to the perceptions and attitudes of older speakers.
포인세티아(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Ex Klotzch) ‘Flame’ 은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2015년에 육성한 품종이다. ‘Flame’ 은 단일감응기간이 짧은 적색 포엽의 깊은 열편을 가진 ‘Eckalba’ 와 밝은 적색의 포엽을 가진 국내 육성 품종 ‘Candle Light’를 2013년에 교배하여 획득한 실생 계통을 선발 육성하였다. 2014 년부터 2015년까지 생육 및 개화 특성, 균일성에 대하여 1, 2차 특성검정을 실시하였으며, 2015년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종선발한 후 직무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Flame’으로 명명하였다. ‘Flame’ 품종의 포엽은 밝은 적색을 띠며 열편이 깊다. 초장과 초폭은 중간이나 적심하지 않아도 많은 분지가 발생하여 풍성한 수형을 이룬다. 단일처리후 약 7.5주가 경과하면 완전히 착색되어 출하가 가능하다. 이 품종은 2018년 1월 24일에 국립 종자원에 품종등록(등록번호 6921호)되었다.
평판에 설치된 스터드 주위의 천이 유동에 있어 격자 크기의 영향을 알기 위해 대형 와 모사를 수행하였다. 스터드에서 야기되는 주 유동 방향의 와 구조가 스터드 후류의 천이에 미치는 영향이 매우 크기 때문에 주 유동 방향, 벽면 수직 방향 그리고 횡 방향으로 격자 크기를 2배씩 증가시키거나 감소시키면서 스터드 후류에서 주 유동 방향의 와도를 비교하였다. 그 결과 스터드 후류에서 발달하는 주 유동 방향의 와도는 횡 방향 격자 크기에 매우 큰 영향을 받는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 Δx+min = 7.6, Δx+max = 41, Δy+wall = 0.25, Δz+= 7.6의 격자 크기를 결정하였다. 이러한 격자 구성에 있어 모든 방향으로 격자 크기를 동시에 2배씩 증가시키거나 감소시키면서 스터드에 작용하는 힘의 변화를 비교하여 격자 검증을 실시한 결과 평균 압력 계수와 항력 계수의 비보정 불확실성이 각각 21.6 %와 2.8 % 정도로 추정되었으며, 보정 불확실성은 각각 2 %와 0.3 %로 추정되었다.
This paper examines the new trends of interaction between the legal transformations in China and the international investment treaties, focusing on the legal reforms after the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Party Central Committee Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee of the PRC of 2014 (2014 FPS). It envisages that the 2014 FPS will impose significant influence on the current legal system in China, on the forthcoming Foreign Investment Law of China, and eventually on the negotiation and application of the international investment treaties concluded by China because the CPC Central Committee Decision on Certain significant Issues regarding the Comprehensive Promotion of Law (PCC Decision) has demonstrated the directions of legal constructions and reforms explicitly and comprehensively from the administrative, judicial, social, and jurist perspectives, which constitutes the most inclusive PCC Decision regarding Chinese law and justice.
1970년에 발표된 모리슨의 첫 번째 소설 가장 푸른 눈, 1998년 발표된 7번째 소설 낙원, 2012년에 출간된 집 등은 1940년대에서 1970년대까지 비슷한 시기를 배경으로 삼고 있지만, 각 작품에 등장하는 기독교인들은 매우 상이하게 묘사되고 있다. 가장 푸른 눈에 등장하는 세 명의 기독교인 폴린, 제럴딘, 소우프헤드 등은 모두 아프리카계 미국인으로서의 정체성에서 벗어나 백인들의 삶을 모방한 부정적인 인물들로 비판받는다. 낙원에서는 스튜어드와 디컨 형제가 주축이 된 루비 마을 기독교인들의 경직된 종교관이 비판받지만 한편 회개한 디컨과 미즈너 목사를 통해 기독교인에 대한 희망을 남긴다. 작품 집에서 교회와 목사에 대한 평가는 호의적이다. 로크 목사는 프랭크가 과거를 찾아 정체성을 회복하는 여행을 시작하도록 돕고 고향의 이웃 여인들은 육체적, 정신적으로 죽음의 위기에 놓인 씨를 회복시킨다. 세 작품을 통해 아프리카계 기독교인들이 노예 성향의 백인 모방자에서 당당한 봉사자로 성장하는 모습을 확인하게 된다.
Introduction Over the past 30 years, Chinese textile and clothing manufacturers have successfully established themselves as leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for world markets. This reputable position requires dedicated cost management; however, incremental increases in labor, land prices, rent, and production costs in China threaten and may eventually eliminate their OEM advantage (Yam, Lo, Sun, & Tang, 2003). The worldwide economic and business recession has intensified cost cutting measures as the essential survival tool for maintaining competitiveness. Since the mid-1990s, many Chinese companies have begun to recognize the importance of developing their own global brands and moving up the value-creation ladder (Fan, 2006). One such company is Aimer Group, Ltd., a vertically integrated premium underwear manufacturer. Initially founded in 1993 as an OEM, Aimer quickly transitioned to establish its own brands in domestic markets and, in recent years, has ventured into international markets. Currently, Aimer and its umbrella product lines are among the most recognized underwear brands in China with a manufacturing capacity of 10 million pieces. Their merchandise includes an array of women’s, men’s, teen girl’s and children’s lines as well as custom-made lingerie. According to the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Aimer Group has maintained the highest market share and the largest sales volume in the underwear sector for several years in China’s markets (Aimer, 2011). Objectives The purpose of the study was to investigate the design strategies implemented by Aimer to support their successful branding efforts. Specifically, the researchers seek to find: (a) the core elements in Aimer’s design strategies; (b) Aimer designers’ approach to product development; and (c) How design strategies support Aimer’s overall branding and marketing strategies. Findings will provide valuable implications for other Chinese apparel manufacturers who strive to integrate design innovation in order to remain competitive. Research Method A case study method was implemented which included: on-site visits to Aimer Group’s headquarters, manufacturing facility, and retail stores in Beijing; in-depth interviews with Aimer Groups’ Chairman, senior management, Chief Design Officer, designers, retail store managers, and the general manger of the Beijing manufacturing facility; and a review of the company website and other internal documents, as well as an extensive external search of relevant news reports, social media contents, industry information, and academic literature. A qualitative data analysis method was utilized. Findings Aimer brands have grown and matured along with the Chinese consumers. Until the late 1990s, consumers passively accepted whatever the industry provided for them. Today, 15 years later, consumers have become keenly aware of what they want in underwear and that desire drives the industry’s new product development. Aimer’s design strategies are consumer-centric but also a reflection of its internal strategic direction. Its core elements include the following: (1) Understanding consumer lifestyles: Extensive fashion industry trend analysis, consumer research, and market/sale feedback are just starting points for product development at Aimer. In addition, they use broader consumer lifestyle analysis, including an examination of new technology trends, consumer preferences for jewelry, cosmetics, car and cell phone designs, popular video/computer games, consumers’ financial management behaviors, and societal hot topics as a way of guiding product design. (2) Innovation: Innovation is of paramount importance in Aimer’s product development. They have maintained active partnerships with international suppliers and Research & Development teams to ensure the latest fiber discoveries, fabric developments, and pattern engineering technology are incorporated into new product design. (3) Tradition preserved and reinvented: Aimer brands keep certain essential elements integral to their overall style, reinventing and integrating heritage elements into new designs. By doing so, brand history is enriched and continuity sustained. Aspers (2010) suggests that product development must embrace contextual knowledge: the designer’s general knowledge of fashion and their lifeworld. Each domain is used to interpret fashion. A designer’s lifeworld comprises their inherent values and beliefs, presenting challenges when creating products for consumers who live in different lifeworld. Aimer’s solutions to the challenge include the following: (1) Designers as entrepreneurs: Designers are trained to be entrepreneurs who must think of design not only from creative aspects but also within a business context. The company has established effective protocols for new product design and adoption procedures and standards; meanwhile, designers are provided with weekly sales records as market feedback to guide their future design directions. They are also given opportunities on a regular basis to travel to various international and domestic markets to gain first-hand experience and knowledge of fashion trends and consumers. (2) Teamwork: Designers from various regions of China and internationally are grouped in teams and assigned to work together on brands. This provides ample opportunity for them to interact and learn from each other so that their lifeworld is expanded. Branding literature suggests that consumer’s individual and shared brand experiences affect a consumer-brand relationship (Chang, Long, Chieng, & Hua, 2006) which is of critical importance to brand loyalty. Aimer’s design strategies support its branding and marketing strategies by: (a) contributing to consumers’ positive, consistent, and multi-dimensional brand knowledge as a part of the brand-leveraging process (Keller, 2003); (b) providing value-added product and service features to enhance brand-augmentation (Magrath, 1997); and (c) offering strong and effective design capacity for brand tiering (Magrath, 1997). Implications Based on the findings, implications for Chinese apparel manufacturers who strive to upgrade with design innovation will be discussed.
Gamification is a new concept using elements of game mechanism with clear goals in non-game contexts. This idea has been used successfully in a variety of domains with positive effects of games and game culture. As games have been a powerful tool in persuasion and behavior changes with purposive desings, such gaming effects have brought about a new era, called “Game 3.0”. This paper proposes transitional aspects of Game 3.0 Era, by focusing on gamification concepts and applied game machanism. From previous literature, the structural elements of gamification can be derived from the concepts of play, entertainment game, edutainment, funware, and serious games. Likewise, core elements of gamification comprise participation & engagement (as motivational factors associated with digital games, GameFlow, E-GameFlow), game mechanics, and game dynamics. The various aspects of game eras from Game 1.0 to Game 3.0 are summarized and discussed.
예이츠는 「1913년 9월」에서 중산층의 물질중시와 현실안주를 비난하면서, “낭만적 아일랜드”가 사라진 상황을 안타까워한다. 영웅적인 투사들은 목숨을 걸고 싸우다가 죽었지만, 그는 새로운 아일랜드 창조에 중산층과 강경한 민족주의자들을 오히려 방해요인으로 생각한다. 하지만 ‘낭만적 영웅심’이 사라지게 한 현 상황에 자신도 자유로울 수 없음을 인식하면서, 화자인 예이츠의 분열된 혼란스러움이 재현된다. 「1916년 부활절」에서도 부활절봉기에 대한 화자의 유동적인 마음이 잘 나타는데, 봉기에 수반된 폭력에 대한 찬사라기보다는 폭력에 대한 의구심을 드러낸 양가성을 확인할 수 있다. 이 시들에서 재현된 예이츠의 입장과 태도는 고정되거나 미결정의 상태로 끊임없이 출렁이는 이중성을 드러낸다.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) develops through multistep process, that is, from normal mucosa to hyperplastic area and progressed to dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and finally to invasive carcinoma. The purpose of this study is to investigate the histological types of the transitional area from normal oral mucosa to invasive carcinoma for the baseline data to search intermediate end point markers for early detection of OSCC. For this purpose, we reviewed the 85 patients who were diagnosed as OSCC in the Department of Oral Pathology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, from 2002 to 2008. We classified these histopathologic findings by light-microscopy, according to the histologic pattern of transitional areas. As results, stepwise transformation from normal oral mucosa, to dysplasia and to OSCC was shown in 47 patients. Intermittent lesions were seen in 16 patients, in which normal oral mucosa, dysplasia, and OSCC were alternately arranged. Twenty two patients showed abruptly transformed to OSCC from normal oral mucosa. These preliminary data will be used for searching biomarkers for early detection of OSCC.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in the 2004 Report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change,“ A more secure world: Our shared responsibility” (under the heading “A more effective United Nations for the twenty-first century” stated: “The United Nations was never intended to be a utopian exercise. It was meant to be a collective security system that worked.”However, several authors in recent years have asserted that the victorious powers merely wanted to maintain the status quo and their privileged positions, and never intended the system to work and give up those privileges. This paper, however, argues the contention that the UN was never designed to function effectively, is a myth, and it does not take into account important aspects and innovations that presented decisive new developments that originated with the United Nations. Thus the international court, which had in the interwar period been an institution outside the framework of the League of Nations Covenant, became an integral part of the UN system, making it more closely resemble a government with legislative, executive and judicial functions. Even more prominent, concerning the executive branch, the Security Council, unlike what had been the case with the League Council, opened itself to instigate members to delegate powers for its effective functioning. This was a most significant innovation that would allow for democratic process in the organization and defence of peace. Finally, a new principle in international law, i.e. the concept of a “transitional period”for world organization, was conceived.
A 14-year-old intact female, mixed dog was presented with hematuria and strangury. Mass in the abdominal cavity was seen on radiographs and ultrasound. On the cytological examination in the urethra, clusters of pleomorphic epithelial cell were found. Tissues of the urethra and the urinary bladder were obtained at the time laparotomy and determined the extent of the mass. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder was found in histopathologic characteristics. Urinary diversion after removal of a complete full section of the TCC in bladder wall was performed. Piroxicam, as a medical therapy for TCC, was orally administrated. Surgical operation and chemotherapy were selected with the goal of maintaining and improving quality of life.
Around 1900, Yeats dreamed and put into practice the national theatre that could lead the crowds into a unified nation. And the theatre he imagined was essentially an occult one in which audience’s minds flow into each other and become one Great Mind professed in the doctrines of ‘Magic’ (1901). After the performances of Synge’s In the Shadow of the Glen (1903) and Padriac Column’s The Saxon Shillin’ (1903), Arthur Griffith attacked Yeats for not serving the nationalist’s cause. The ensuing debates around “the national art versus nationalist propaganda” infuriated Yeats, throwing down his hope for the middle and lower-middle classes. The attack and riots that lasted for a week after the performances of Synge’s Playboy of the Western World (1907), and after that the Hugh Lane controversy, deepened his anger towards them. So some poems that is included in from The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910) and Responsibilities (1914) are full of the crowds, who pull down the high aristocratic values, laying them as “one common level.” As Yeats’s hope for the crowds vanished, his early theatre project that wanted mass mobilization into a nation changed into the unpopular theatre and an audience like a secret society. He began his work with the Irish theatre by theorizing that a popular nationalist theatre would be an occult one, but by 1915 he desired a theatre as occult precisely because it was not popular. The major difference between the two was the scale on which they operated, namely the nation versus the aristocratic drawing room.
Kernodle과 Carlton(1992)은 다자유도 동작의 학습에서 동영상 피드백(VF)의 효율을 최대화하기 위해 전이적 정보(TI)와 같이 결합하여 사용되어야 한다고 주장하였다. 그러나 그들의 연구에서 발견된 TI+VF의 학습효과는 동영상 피드백과는 관계없이 전이적 정보에 의한 효과였다고 주장될 수 있었다. 본 연구는 동영상 피드백의 유용성과 학습효율을 조사하기 위해 TI+VF 조건의 학습효과가 무엇으로 기인하였는지 검증하였다. 36명의 피험자들은 왼손으로 공 던지기를 하루 75회씩 2일간 연습하였다. 연습 동안 3회 시행마다 제공된 피드백의 유형에 따라 피험자들은 세 집단에 무작위로 배치되었다, (1)KR, (2)TI, 그리고 (3)TI+VF. 연습단계 24시간 후 실시된 파지검사 결과, 동작 폼의 경우 TI+VF 집단은 가장 우수한 학습효과를 나타냈다. TI 집단 또한 KR 집단보다 더 우수한 학습효과를 나타냈다. 수행결과를 나타내는 던진 거리의 경우 TI+VF 집단은 TI와 KR 집단보다 더 우수한 파지수행을 나타냈지만 그 차이는 유의함에 미치지 못했다. 이 결과는 전이적 정보가 다자유도 동작의 학습을 위해 효과적인 피드백 정보이지만 동영상 피드백이 보강될 때 학습효과는 유의하게 더 커진다는 것을 나타낸다. TI+VF는 동작협응과 수행결과의 학습에 각기 다른 속도로 영향을 미치는 것처럼 보인다. TI+VF의 제공은 동작협응에 대한 학습을 빠르게 향상시키는 반면, 수행결과에는 비교적 느리게 영향을 미친다.