본 연구에서는 기존 율피 중에 존재하는 ellagic acid 정 량 할 수 있는 분석법을 확립하였다. 본 실험에서 사용된 밤과 율피, 율피 가루는 2023년 10월 서울 소재 전통 및 약령시장에서 구입하였다. 실험에서 사용된 밤 품종은 국 내에서 소비되는 품종으로 서산, 옥광, 이평, 석추, 중국산 을 구입하여 사용하였고, 가공된 율피와 율피가루의 원산 지는 공주, 아산지역의 제품을 구입하여 실험을 진행했다. 율피중에 존재하는 ellagic acid의 함량은 100% methanol 에서 0.077 mg/g으로 가장 높게 검출되었고, 50% methanol 과 ethanol에서 0.048 mg/g, 증류수에서는 0.011 mg/g로 확 인되었다. 유기용매에 비율이 낮을수록 ellagic acid의 함 량은 순차적으로 줄어듬을 확인하였다. Waters사의 HPLC 이용하였으며 분석용 컬럼은 Aegispak C18-L을 사용하였 고, 이동상은 A (1.2% phosphoric acid in DW)와 B (methanol)를 이용하여 gradient 를 사용하였다. 유속은 1.0 mL/min, 주입량은 10 μL, 컬럼 오븐은 35oC이였다. 검 량선 작성을 위해 1-50 g/mL 범위에서 상관계수(R2) 0.9999 이상의 직선성을 확인하였다. 검량선내 3개 농도를 이용 하여 정밀도와 정확성을 측정한 결과, 일내 정밀도는 0.09- 0.18%, 정확도는 99.9-105.8%, 일간 정밀도는 0.04-0.23%, 정확도는 99.8-105.9% 범위내로 확인되었다. 국내에 유통 되고 있는 시료 8가지 품종의 정보는 Table 10과 같이 정 리하였고, 확보된 시료를 분석한 결과 총 8개 시료에서 ellagic acid의 함량은 0.0002-0.0936 mg/g로 확인되었다. Ellagic acid의 검출 한계는 3개 시료에서 검출한계 0.016 μg/ mL, 정량한계 0.499 μg/mL로 확인되었다. Ellagic acid 측정 불확도 산출 결과 0.40±0.01 mg/kg (신뢰수준 95%, K=2)로 비교적 낮은 측정불확도 값을 산출하였다. 따라서 본 연 구에서는 율피 중 ellagic acid 정성 및 정량분석을 위해 유효성이 검증된 분석법 확립으로 인하여 율피 중 ellagic acid의 기준규격 설정 및 관리에 참고 자료가 될 수 있고, 향후 ellagic acid를 이용한 건강기능식품 개발에 있어 품종, 지역 및 추출용매에 따른 실험결과를 바탕으로 건강기능 식품 기준규격 관리와 활성 및 독성시험 연구의 근거 자 료가 될 수 있다고 판단된다.
도모익산(domoic acid) 군 독소는 기억상실성 패류중독 (amnesic shellfish poison, ASP)을 유발하는 해양생물독소 이다. 도모익산은 주로 규조류 Pseudonitzchia sp. 에서 생 성되어 이매패류의 체내에 축적되어 독화된다. 우리나라 연안에서는 봄철과 가을철에 Pseudonitzchia sp.의 출현이 보고되고 있으며, 수산물 내 도모익산 군 독소의 함량 기 준을 설정하여 관리하고 있다. WHO와 EFSA에서는 선제 적 안전관리를 위하여 인체노출안전기준안을 제안하여 관 리하고 있다. 본 연구는 도모익산 군 독소의 이화학적 특 성, 분석법, 인체 노출 사례와 국내외 관리 현황 등의 자 료를 검토하여 도모익산 군 독소의 체계적인 모니터링과 안전관리의 기반을 마련하고자 수행되었다.
This study evaluates the analytical performance of a newly developed miniaturized disposable U-tube for an automated blood viscometer and compares it to conventional viscometers. Whole blood viscosity (WBV), essential for circulatory function, exhibits non-Newtonian behavior, posing challenges for measurement at low shear rates. The blood viscometer, based on a scanning capillary tube method, used disposable U-tubes to measure viscosities across a shear rate range of 1s⁻¹ to 1,000s⁻¹. Precision evaluation showed stable coefficients of variation (CV) across different viscosity levels. Repeatability assessment indicated consistent CV values, demonstrating the reliability of the device. The agreement with the LV-III Brookfield viscometer and MCR 92 Rheometer was analyzed using Bland-Altman plots, which revealed minor systematic biases and consistent differences across the measurement range. Correlation analysis using Passing-Bablok regression showed high correlation coefficients (R > 0.96) with regression slopes close to 1. The newly developed miniaturized disposable U-tube exhibits excellent precision, reliable repeatability, and high correlation with established methods, enhancing laboratory productivity and offering potential for clinical applications. Further studies with human blood samples are recommended to confirm its clinical applicability.
펩타이드형 독소인 마이크로시스틴(microcystins, MCs) 과 노둘라린(nodularin, NOD)은 남조류라고도 알려진 시 아노박테리아에 의해 생성되는 2차 대사산물로, 독소에 오 염된 물, 토양 및 비료를 사용함으로써 농산물 내에 축적 되고 이를 사람이 섭취함으로써 건강상 위해가 발생할 수 있다. 최근 MCs과 NOD의 농산물 내 오염에 대한 관심 이 대두되며 국내외에서 여러 분석법을 기반으로 농산물 내 오염 수준을 조사하고 있다. 하지만 아직까지 수행된 연구가 많지 않으며, 특히 펩타이드형 독소 중 MCs의 분 석 연구에 치중되어 있거나 오염 취약 지역에서 재배한 농산물이 주로 오염도 조사에 사용되는 등 연구에 한계가 있으므로 MCs과 NOD의 관리를 위해서는 보다 많은 체 계적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구에서는 체 계적인 모니터링 및 안전관리의 기반을 마련하기 위해 MCs 및 NOD의 이화학적 특성, 독성, 분석법, 오염사례 및 관리현황에 대해 기술하였다.
According to the continued generation of spent nuclear fuel, a reliable safety assessment is highly required with the precise modeling of the migration and retardation behavior of radionuclides to enhance public acceptance and hinder excessive conservativeness during the construction of the repository. In particular, the colloids formed in the repository-relevant condition are known to accelerate the migration of radionuclides. Thus, geochemical behavior and relevant characteristics of colloids are needed to be unambiguously clarified. The objective of the present work is to investigate the fundamental characteristics of colloids contained in the natural groundwater system by using various analytical methods and the tangential flow ultra-filtration (TFUF) system. The granitic groundwater sample from the DB-3 borehole at the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) was taken by an airtight stainless steel cylinder coated on the inside with PTFE to prevent the infiltration of ambient air into the geologic groundwater sample. And then, the groundwater sample was transferred to the inert glovebox filled with Ar gas to monitor the pH and Eh equilibrium of the aqueous sample. For further investigation, the colloid contained in the groundwater sample was concentrated by using the TFUF system equipped with a membrane filter (pore size: 3 kDa). The concentrated groundwater sample was analyzed with various methods such as ICP-MS/OES, IC, DLS/ELS, FE-TEM/SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR, TOC, LC-OCD, etc. In this study, the size of groundwater colloids was determined to be 182.3 ± 52.7 nm with the major constituents of C, S, O, Fe, Al, Si, etc. The amount of organic carbon and the concentrations of organic substances determined by means of the molecular weight fraction with the TOC and LC-OCD provide further detailed information for the colloids in the KURT groundwater sample. The results obtained in this study are expected to be used as preliminary experimental data for modeling the colloid-facilitated migration of radionuclides to improve the reliability of the safety assessment of the geologic repository.
The fabrication of waste forms with high thermal and structural stability is an essential technology for the safe management and disposal of radioactive wastes. In particular, the thermal characteristics of waste forms containing high heat-generating nuclides such as Cs and Sr can be used for the optimized design of the waste form to secure its thermal safety, and they also provide basic design data for the safe management of canisters, storage systems, and repositories. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is actively developing processes and equipment for fabricating various types of high-level wastes into a stable glass or ceramic waste form. In previous research related to the thermal analysis of the waste form, a relatively simple analysis was performed by using the analytic solution of the one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation considering the decay heat properties of the waste. As a specific application study, the optimized diameter of the cylindrical glass waste form was proposed by evaluating the centerline temperature of the waste form. In this study, we extended previous research by introducing a more complicated model, and the main results are summarized as follows. First, an analytical solution was derived by applying the temperaturedependent thermal conductivity expressed in the general form of polynomial function to the onedimensional heat conduction problem previously studied. Second, the two-dimensional axisymmetric steady-state heat conduction problem with a more realistic cylinder model with finite length was modeled and solved by using the finite element method via Matlab’s PDE (partial differential equation) toolbox. Third, thermal analysis was performed on the SrTiO3 waste form, selected as a stable form of strontium nuclide, using the developed analytical and numerical methods. The differences in the temperature distribution and computation time were evaluated through a comparative study of both solutions. Although the problem considered in this study could easily be solved by using commercial CFD software such as ANSYS or SolidWorks, a code-based program was developed to facilitate parametric design study in conjunction with optimization algorithms. The analysis results could be used to evaluate the thermal stability of waste form and to optimize the shape and size of the waste form in consideration of the design constraints of storage systems or repositories.
Several analytical measurement techniques have been developed over the years for ammonia (NH3). However, the field monitoring of NH3 still remains a significant challenge owing to the wide range of possible environmental conditions and NH3 concentration. In this regard, it is imperative to ensure the quality control of techniques to measure the NH3 emission levels reliably. A present study was conducted to compare the five analytical methods for the measurement of atmospheric NH3 via validation tests under laboratory and field conditions. The analytical instruments applied in the present study were based on wet chemistry, gas detection tube, electrochemical sensor, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. The reproducibility and linearity of all the analyzed methods were observed to be high with the relative standard deviation and coefficient of determination (R2) being 10% and > 0.9, respectively. In the case of wet chemistry and high NH3 concentration, the measured NH3 results were found to be close to the actual standard gas levels. Response times of electrochemical sensor showed faster from the instruments utilized more than one year and the high NH3 concentrations. In the field tests, NH3 concentration showed higher in the manure storage tank compared with the pig-pen. In both cases, the NH3 concentration levels measured by gas detection tube were found to be quite different from that of wet chemistry. It was proposed that such differences in NH3 concentration could arise due to the inherent instrumental characteristics and the variations in air velocity during sampling/measurement. The periodic instrumental maintenance, verification, replicate analyses, and suitable consideration of environmental factors should be considered for a more reliable measurement of NH3 concentration under real field conditions.
본 연구는 건강기능식품의 복합제품 개발 및 일반식품 형태의 제품개발 확대에 따라 옥타코사놀의 특이성 및 감도 등이 개선된 분석법을 마련하여 향후 공정시험법에 활용할 수 있도록 하였다. 건강기능식품 중 옥타코사놀의 함량분석을 위해 GC-MS를 이용한 분석법을 확립하고 유통중인 제품을 대상으로 적용성을 검토하였다. 분석법 검증은 특이성, 직선성, 검출한계 및 정량한계, 정확성, 정밀성에 대해 수행하였다. 12.5~200.0 μg/L의 농도범위에서 r2 = 0.999 이상의 우수한 직선성을 확인할 수 있었으며, 검 출한계와 정량한계는 각각 4.5, 13.8 μg/L이었다. 공시료에 표준물질 첨가법을 이용하여 정확성을 검토하였으며 50, 100, 150 μg/L의 농도에서 각각 94, 93, 109%의 회수율을 확인할 수 있었다. 정밀성 결과에서는 시료 채취량을 80 mg, 120 mg, 220 mg으로 각기 달라하여 측정한 결과 상대표준편차는 1.8~2.4%로 확인되었다. 실험실간재현성은 1.0~2.3%로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 확립된 분석법을 적용하여 유통제품 9건에 대해 적용성 검토를 실시한 결과 전체 시료에서 분석이 용이하였으며, 모두 표시기준에 적합함을 확인하였다.
본 연구를 통하여 확립된 GC-MS를 이용한 건강기능식품 중 옥타코사놀 분석법은 향후 공정시험법으로 활용할 수 있으며 국내 건강기능식품의 관리 기반을 강화하는데 기여할 것으로 사료된다.
V-Coupling is used as a mechanical fastener to connect the turbine housing and the bearing housing in a turbocharger. The back plate is located between the turbine housing and the bearing housing, which is compressed by the bolt clamping force of coupling to prevent gas leakage under turbocharger operation. This paper presents the theoretical and analytical methods to predict the sealing performance by calculating the contact pressures on the back plate. The mathematical model was constructed to derive the contact force on the back plate by considering the force transfer mechanism. And, finite element analysis was carried out to predict the contact pressures by applying the bolt load in the coupling system. As a result, the analysis results of the mathematical model are well consistent with the results of the finite element analysis. Therefore, in the early design stage of turbocharger coupling, mathematical model would be helpful to determine the design parameters.
Tritium and 14C are two most important radionuclides released from nuclear facilities to the environment, and 14C contributes dominant radiation dose to the population around nuclear power plants. This paper presents an overview of the production, pathway, species and levels of tritium and 14C in nuclear facilities, mainly nuclear power plants. The methods for sampling and collection of different species of tritium and 14C in the discharge gas from the stack in the nuclear facilities, atmosphere of the nuclear facilities and environment are presented, and the features of different methods are reviewed. The on-line monitoring methods of gaseous tritium and 14C in air and laboratory measurement methods for sensitive determination of tritium and 14C in collected samples, water and environmental solid samples are also discussed in detailed. Meanwhile, the challenges in the determination and speciation analysis of tritium and 14C are also highlighted.
The objective of this study was to optimize analytical methods for ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenone (ZEA) in rice straw silage and winter forage crops using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). Samples free of mycotoxins were spiked with 50 μg/kg, 250 μg/kg, or 500 μg/kg of OTA and 300 μg/kg, 1500 μg/kg, or 3000 μg/kg of ZEA. OTA and ZEA were extracted by acetonitrile and cleaned-up using an immunoaffinity column. They were then subjected to analysis with UHPLC equipped with a fluorescence detector. The correlation coefficients of calibration curves showed high linearity (R2 ≧ 0.9999 for OTA and R2≧0.9995 for ZEA). The limit of detection and quantification were 0.1 μg/kg and 0.3 μg/kg, respectively, for OTA and 5 μg/kg and 16.7 μg/kg, respectively, for ZEA. The recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD) of OTA were as follows: rice straw = 84.23~95.33%, 2.59~4.77%; Italian ryegrass = 79.02~95%, 0.86~5.83%; barley = 74.93~97%, 0.85~9.19%; rye = 77.99~ 96.67%, 0.33~6.26%. The recovery and RSD of ZEA were: rice straw = 109.6~114.22%, 0.67~7.15%; Italian ryegrass = 98.01~109.44%, 1.65~4.81%; barley = 98~113.53%, 0.25~5.85%; rye = 90.44~108.56%, 2.5~4.66%. They both satisfied the standards of European Commission criteria (EC 401-2006) for quantitative analysis. These results showed that the optimized methods could be used for mycotoxin analysis of forages.
본 연구에서는 일시적으로 관절염 증상 완화에 효과가 있는 건강기능식품인 Rosa Canina L.의 지표성분인 hyperoside를 분석하였다. 국내·외 분석법과 저널들을 참고하여 hyperoside의 HPLC 분석법을 확립하였다. Hyperoside의 HPLC 분석법은 이동상과 컬럼에 대한 실험을 통하여 Capcell Pak C18 MG II 컬럼으로 353 nm으로 설정하였다. 시험 분석법 검증은 hyperoside에 대한 직선성, 정확성, 정량한계(LOQ) 및 정밀성을 수행하였다. Hyperoside은 2~60 μg/mL 농도에서 우수한 직선성(R2 = 0.999)을 나타내었다. 정확성의 회수율은 98~99%로 관찰되었으며, LOQ는 0.393 μg/mL으로 나타났고, 재현성에 대한 정밀성은 상대표준편차가 0.6~2.6%로 관찰되었다.
This study presented the analytical safety evaluation of precast modular bridge super-structure, using standardized modular members and robotic construction during the transportation routing and lifting conditions. In order to evaluate the safety performance of the bridge system, linear and nonlinear 3D full scale Finite Element (FE) for 12 m and 16 m standardized modular blocks was developed in ABAQUS and then analytical study was classified into two different structural systems according to steel girder structures: 1) modular bridge block lifting method including the steel girder system; 2) modular bridge block lifting method without the steel girder system. As a result, in analytical study, the results revealed that the maximum stress of each modular member was in maximum allowable stresses, during lifting condition. However, the stress concentration at the connected area was more critical in comparison to the behavior of entire modular blocks both 12 m and 16m, during lifting time.
A simple and sensitive analytical method was developed using gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for determination of Picoxystrobin in agricultural products (apple, hulled rice, mushroom, pepper, soybean, and mandarin). Picoxystrobin residues were extracted with acetonitrile, partitioned with saline water, and then they were cleaned up on a florisil solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge to obtain an extract suitable for analysis by GC-ECD and GC-MS. The method was validated using 6 agricultural product samples spiked with Picoxystrobin at different concentration levels (0.02, 0.05 and 0.5 mg/L). Average recoveries of Picoxystrobin (using each concentration three replicates) ranged 64.0~98.3% with relative standard deviations less than 10%, calibration solutions concentration in the range 0.1~5 mg/L, and limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.005 and 0.02 mg/L, respectively. The result showed that the developed analytical method is suitable for Picoxystrobin determination in agricultural products.
The method based on various mathematical characteristic equations for identifying tensile forces in the cable structure system are used as response data to reflect the properties of the dynamic sensitivity. The vibration tests have been conducted with respect to levels of applied weight for the sagged cable. In this study, a set of natural frequencies are extracted from the measured dynamic data. Next, existing characteristic equation methods based these extracted natural frequencies are applied to identify tensil forces of the sagged cable system. Through several verification procedures, the proposed methods could be applied to a sagged cable system when the initial material data are insufficiency.
Melamine has raised international concerns for its catastrophic health effects from tainted infant formula. This report concerns the developmental validation of a sensitive HPLC/MS/MS and GC/MS methods about melamine and cyanuric acid in human urine and serum. Analytical detection ranges of LC/MS was from 0.2 to 5.0 ng/mL and 2.0 to 60.0 ng/mL about melamine and cyanuric acid, respectively. The limits of quantification and confirmation are 0.2 ng/mL for both analytes in human urine and serum by LC/MS/MS. The range of recovery was 91.6%, and 107.6% for cyanuric acid and melamine in urine, respectively. The range of precision coefficient variation was from 2.0%, to 11.8% for cyanuric acid and melamine in urine. The range of recovery was from 94.9%, to 119.0% about cyanuric acid and melamine in serum, respectively. The range of precision coefficient variation from was 3.7%, and 13.5% about cyanuric acid and melamine in serum. Analytical detection ranges of GC/MS were 5.0 to 100.0 ng/mL about melamine and cyanuric acid, respectively. The limits of quantification and confirmation are 5.0 ng/mL for both analytes in human urine and serum by GC/MS. The range of recovery was from 83.7%, to 114.5% for cyanuric acid and melamine in urine, respectively. The range of precision coefficient variation was 3.5%, and 10.7% for cyanuric acid and melamine in urine. The range of recovery was 94.4%, and 110.7% for cyanuric acid and melamine in serum,respectively. The range of precision coefficient variation from was 3.9%, and 13.8% for cyanuric acid and melamine in serum. Several changes were taken to optimize performance by this method.
A new and improved analytical method involving alkaline pyridine extraction was proposed to quantity chlorophyll contents in syrup and candy type chlorella products. The performance of analytical method was compared with the conventional Korea food standard method which involves acetone extraction. The application of sonication chlorophyll extraction form alkaline pyridine sample was also explored. The analytical procedure was validated by evaluating accuracy, precision and reproducibility. For liquid samples, the pyridine extraction method showed higher accuracy and precision compared to acetone extraction method. The CV values of pyridine extract method and the acetone extraction method were 18.82 and 40.0, and the accuracy to theoretical values were 106.3%and 78.1%, respectively. When sonication extraction method was applied to the pyridine extraction, the precision was improved as indicated by reduced CV values from 18.82 to 11.36. The improved performance of pyridine-sonication extraction was also validated by recovery test of chlorophyll that was previously spiked into the sample matrix. For solid matrix, the pyridine extraction method showed better performance in analysis of chlorophyll in solid food matrix (CV = 7.05) compared to conventional acetone extraction method (CV = 30.0). However, the accuracy to theoretical values of pyridine and acetone extraction methods only showed only 62.7% an 40%, respectively. The relatively low accuracy of pyridine extraction method (62.7%) was improved to 99.4% by applying additional sonication extraction method. The improved performance of applying additional sonication extraction was validated by standard deviation,CV values and accuracy to theoretical values.
The quantification of ammonia concentrations has received a lot of scientific attention. Numerous devices for the quantification of NH3 in the ambient air have been developed to provide more technical possibilities for research in abating NH3 emission from various source processes. For the proper quantification of NH3, a number of sampling methods have been discussed by grouping them into different categories based on the principle of functioning. In general, active samplers employ pumps to draw air in, while passive samplers are exposed to air over a certain period of time to obtain integrated signature of NH3. In case of the former, impingers and absorption flasks can be employed simultaneously with suitable absorbents to capture NH3 passing through them. The methods of analysis include both in-situ and laboratory determination. In the laboratory, colorimetric or ion chromatographic methods are generally used for its quantification. In the field, a number of real time analyzers have been proven to be useful. These real time analyzers can be grouped according to their principle of operation. These analyzers may use the principle of spectroscopy (e.g. DOAS), photoacousticics (e.g. photoacoustic monitor) or Chemiluminescence (NOx analyzer). The automated annular denuder sampling system with on-line analyzer is also suitable for continuous monitoring of ammonia in air.
Analytical method using capillary GC/ECD was developed to determine trace residues of chlorfluazuron, 1-[3, 5-dichloro-5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy)phenyl)-3-(2, 6-difluorobenwyl), in meat, and applied to analyze the residues in domestic and imported meats. The analytical scheme developed does not require column chromatographic cleanup; chlorfluazuron was extracted with diethyl ether and petroleum ether (50: 50), partitioned against acetonitrile, cleaned up with silica Sep-Pak cartridge, identified GC/ECD, and comfirmed by GC/MS. The mean recoveries of the pesticide in meat fortified with standard solution 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/kg were ranged from 82 to 95%. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.001 and 0.005 mg/kg, respectively. Chlorfluazuron residues were not found in domestic samples, but found in imported Australian beef ranging from 0.02 to 0.17 mg/kg, detected by 18% among the samples.