The purpose of this study was to investigate the flavor characteristics of Gondre (Cirsium setidens Nakai) essential oil. The essential oil was isolated from the aerial parts of the plant by the hydrodistillation extraction method and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectroscopy (MS). Seventy-eight (90.28%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from Gondre harvested in May. The major compounds were hexadecanoic acid (44.84%), phytol (15.57%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-2- pentadecanone (5.62%), and tertadecanoic acid (4.77%). Seventy (90.72%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from Gondre harvested in September. The major compounds were phytol (24.18%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (15.59%), tetracosane (8.87%), 2-methyl eicosane (3.55%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-5,9,13-pentadecatrien-2-one (3.12%), dibuthyl phthalate (2.35%), and viridiflorol (2.33%). The flavor components of the essential oil from Gondre harvested in May and September were characterized by higher proportions of aliphatic fatty acids and terpene compounds, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to confirm changes in flavor and taste characteristics of black pepper by combining nonthermal sterilization treatment methods, namely intense pulsed light, cold plasma, and ultraviolet. After treatment, lightness value and hue angle of black pepper were decreased. The difference in chromaticity between samples before and after treatment showed a significant difference of 6.11. The piperine contents before and after the combined nonthermal sterilization treatment were reduced from 28.4±0.25 mg/g to 20.4±1.06 mg/g. The results of an intensity test showed that the color and flavor of the sample became darker and weaker, but hot and pungent were not distinguished after nonthermal treatment. The flavor profile showed that the intensity of cool flavor was decreased, the intensity of nutty taste was increased, and other sensory languages did not show any difference. Although differences in flavor and taste were distinguished in a cooking application, the differences were not significant.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of Doenjang made by seven different traditional soybean paste manufacturers, in Chungbuk province during fermentation. The moisture content of Doenjang declined in the process of fermentation, from 58.07~68.86% to 52.32~63.79%. The salinity increased from 7.47~14.38% to 10.42~17.73%. Sample B was the lowest, and G was the highest. The pH showed a tendency to decline from 5.36~6.22 to 4.30~5.66 except for sample F, which increased 6.33~7.10. In contrast, the total acidity showed a tendency to increase from 0.56~1.77% to 1.11-1.83% except for sample F, which declined 0.71%~0.54%. The lightness declined from 44.33~55.90 to 26.68~49.66. However, the redness and the yellowness generally increased. The content of amino type nitrogen generally increased with the progress of fermentation from 93.33~408.80 mg/kg to 314.07~1,258.13 mg/kg and sample D, with Aspergillus oryzae added, was the highest. The volatile flavor compounds of Doenjang had 10~20 types. Sample D had the fewest number of volatile flavor compounds (10 types of compounds), and sample C had the largest number of it (20 types of compounds). Four types of compounds, ethanol, 3-methyl butanal, ethyl acetate, and 3-methyl butanoic acid, were detected from all samples.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics and volatile flavor components of Doonuri wine, using freeze concentration. The freeze concentration can increase the sugar concentration in grape juice by reducing its water content. In this study, after eight days od fermentation, the alcohol content of freeze-concentrated Doonuri wines was 12.5~14.1%. The pH of the wine was 3.42~3.50 and the total acid content was 0.68~0.94 g/100 mL, respectively. The brghtness of freeze-concentrated Doonuri wines was 19.28~54.42, the redness was 41.98~49.58, and the yellowness was 36.16~42.36. The organic acid analysis of Doonuri wines was that most of the organic acids contain tartaric and malic acid. By using freeze concentration with grape juice, significant increase in the total polyphenol content of Doonuri wines was 122.40~137.26 mg/mL, the total anthocyanin content was 117.06~ 118.40 mg/L and the tannic acid content was 66.23~83.70 mg%. In GC/MS analysis, the volatile flavor component analysis of Doonuri wines identified six alcohols, five esters, two ketones, on acid, two alkanes, and four other compounds.
This study investigated the quality characteristics and volatile flavor components of aronia wine (Aronia melanocarpa (0~100%)). After 12 days of fermentation, the alcohol contents of aronia wines ranged between 9.0~12.0%. The pH level and total acidity of aronia wines were 3.20~3.68 and 0.57~0.76 g/100 mL, respectively. The organic acid analysis of wine containing 100% aronia, revealed malic acid content at 3.70 mg/mL, followed by tartaric acid, lactic acid, and citric acid. As the aronia content increased, both the total polyphenol content and the antioxidant activity (the DPPH radical scavenging activity) also significantly increased. The total polyphenol content was the highest in the wine with 100% aronia (461.33 mg%), and the antioxidant activity showed the highest values in the wine with 100% aronia (91.91%). Volatile flavor component analysis of aronia wines identified 8 alcohols, 12 esters, 4 ketones, and 7 other compounds. In the sensory evaluation, the color, flavor, and taste of wine with 20% aronia showed higher values than other aronia wines. Based on the results of the present study, we suggest that 20% aronia is most beneficial in improving the quality as well as sensory characteristics of the wine.
A comparison of essential oils composition of Aster tataricus L. (gaemichwi), Ligularia fischeri (gomchwi), Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai (miyeokchwi), and Aster scaber (chamchwi) was performed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for the identification of volatile flavor characteristics in chwi-namuls. The essential oils were extracted by the hydro distillation extraction method. One hundred volatile flavor components were identified from gaemichwi essential oil. α-Pinene (11.5%) was the most abundant compound, followed by myrcene (8.9%) and β pinene (7.5%). Ninety-one volatile flavor components were identified from the essential oil of gomchwi. Aromadendrene (14.8%) was the most abundant component, followed by β-caryophyllene (7.6%) and 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethylidene) cyclohexene (7.3%). Ninety-five volatile flavor constituents were detected in the essential oil of miyeokchwi, moreover, spathulenol (15.7%) was the most abundant component. Ninety-six volatile flavor constituents were detected in the essential oil of chamchwi. Epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (21.9%) was the most abundant component, followed by β-caryophyllene (9.5%) and δ terpinene (8.9%). The essential oil composition of gaemichwi was characterized by a higher contents of pinenes. The essential oil composition of gomchwi can be easily distinguished by the percentage of aromadendrene. Spathulenol and epi bicyclosesquiphellandrene were regarded as the characteristic odorants of miyeokchwi and chamchwi, respectively.
We investigated the quality characteristics and volatile flavor components in yenipsambab prepared with various concentrations of lotus leaf powder. Hunter's color L and a values of yenipsambab decreased with increasing content of lotus leaf powder, whereas b value increased. Moreover, addition of lotus leaf powder resulted in increased hardness, adhesiveness, chewiness, and brittleness compared to control. Major volatile compounds of yenipsambab were ethyl benzene, 1,3-dimethylbenzene, 1,2-dimethylbenzene, and 5-hydroxymethyldihydrofuran-2-one.
해바라기박을 이용하여 직화법과 autoclaving법에 의하여 2종의 향미유를 제조하고 이의 특성을 살펴보았다. 직화법으로 얻은 원액의 색상, 향미 등이 상대적으로 autoclaving법으로 얻은 원액에 비하여 강하였다. 대조군으로 사용한 참기름에 비하며 향미유의 향미는 낮은 것으로 확인 되었으나 산가는 0.452, 0.463으로 참기름의 1.987보다 월등히 낮은 것으로 측정되었고 Lovibond color는 3종의 시료유에서 거의 유사하게 나타났다. 이들 향미유와 대조군으로 직접 제조한 참기름을 대상으로 정유성분의 휘발성 향기성분조성 및 함량을 측정해 보았다. 그 결과 총 휘발성 성분 함량은 참기름이 1,300.6 ppm, 직화법으로 제조한 향미유(A type)가 697.8 ppm, autoclaving법으로 제조한 향미유(B type)는 648.2 ppm으로 참기름 의 약 53.65% 및 49.84% 수준의 휘발성 성분을 함유한 것으로 확인되었다. 주요 휘발성 성분은 2-butanone, hexanal, methyl pyrazine 등이었으며, 참기름은 pyrazine류가 전체의 50% 이상을 차지하였으나 향미유에서는 이와 같은 특정성분에 의존하기 보다는 전체적으로 분산되는 경향을 나타내었다.
The changes of the color, texture and volatile flavor compounds of Yu-gwa were investigated that affected by the oxidation during storage to characteristic Yu-gwa quality. Among the proximate compositions, carbohydrate was the most abundant component, and followed by lipid and moisture. Although the change of the color showed different pattern by the packaging materials during the storage period, the value of yellowness(b) increased but that of lightness(L) decreased dramatically after 3 month storage. In the textural properties reported closely related with the moisture content, hardness was fairly affected on the period of the storage rather than the type of packaging materials. The flavor compounds of Yu-gwa were analyzed to evaluate the change of distinct volatile compounds during storage. Of the twenty one separated volatile compounds, major volatiles were aldehydes, alcohols and alkenes. The results also showed that polyethylene(PE) contained less volatiles than polypropylene(PP) by the oxidation process during storage.2,4-Decadienal was gradually increased with the period of the storage, whereas octane and furan were decreased. The results provided that the change of the flavor distribution during the storage, and also the possibility of the volatiles such as hexanal, nonanal and 2,4-decadienal as the indicator for the oxidation process.
Methionine과 xylose를 이용한 Maillard 반응생성물을 첨가하고 autoclaving mothod로 중화요리용 향미유를 제조하였다. 이 향미유와 서울 시내 중국 음식점에서 자장면용 양념자장 3종을 구하여 이들의 휘발성 물질을 GC, GC-MSD로 측정하였다. 향미유에서는 61종, 404.92ppm의 휘발성 물질이 분리 정량 되었고, 양념자장 3종에서는 각각 39종, 42종, 42종이 확인 되었으며, 그 양은 각각 333.52ppm, 330.01ppm, 393.18ppm이었다. 중화요리용 향미유의 주요 휘발성 성분은 diallyl disulfde, pentane, diallyl trisulfide, t, t-2, 4-decadienal 및 zinngiberene이었으며, 이들의 함량은 각각 40.15ppm, 32.32ppm, 19.57ppm, 15.06ppm 및 13.23ppm이었다. 시중 자장시중 3종에서는 pentane, propenal, hexanal, t-2-heptanal, 2, 4-heptadienal, t, t-2, 4-decadienal 및 미확인 물질이었다. 본 실험에서 제조한 향미유는 3종류의 sample과 유사한 향미 물질을 포함하고 있었으며 aldehyde, ethane, alcohol 등의 함량은 낮은 편이었다.
This study was carried out in order to investigate general characteristics, sugars and organic acids contents of Korean traditional soy sauce, and to find out possibility of high quality soy sauce production in a short period through high concentration soy sauce making. In this study, we prepared three different types of soy sauce, low concentration soy sauce (Chungjang), high concentration soy sauce and Kyupjang, high quality traditional Korean soy sauce. pH of soy sauce were 4.46~4.90 and did not show difference among three samples. Titratable acidity, buffering power and total free acid content were the highest value in Kyupjang. Kyupjang showed the highest contents of salt and pure extract. As the ripening period increased, the salt content increased in Chungjang samples, but decreased in Kyupjang. Reducing sugar contents of Kyupjang, high concentration soy sauce and low concentration soy sauce were 1.13%, 0.76% and 0.53%, respectively. Free sugar in soy sauce were analyzed maltose, glucose, galactose and fructose. Total free sugar content was highest in high concentration soy sauce, however, contents of glucose and fructose were higher in Kyupjang than in Chungjang samples. Galactose was the main free sugar in Chungjang, but glucose was in Kyupjang. Among identified volatile organic acid, acetic acid was present in the highest concentration, and volatile organic acid content was highest in the high concentration soy sauce at 150 days. 20 nonvolatile organic acids were detected in Korean traditional soy sauce. Succinic acid, lactic acid and 2,5-pyridine dicarboxylic acid were the main nonvolatile organic acid in soy sauce.
The purpose of this research was to find the most appropriate process for making yacon leaf tea. We applied both green tea and black tea brewing and fermenting methods for producing yacon leaf tea. This research included consumer test and descriptive analysis of professional trained panel on yacon tea tastes and flavors. Both consumer test and descriptive evaluation preferred yacon tea produced by black tea brewing and fermenting methods because it tasted less bitter and had a sweet, delicate taste. According to orthogonal transformation resulting from varimax rotation, first principal component was positively affected by black tea brewing and fermenting methods, while it was negatively affected by green tea brewing and fermenting methods. As a result, the study concluded black tea brewing and fermenting methods were appropriate for producing yacon leaf tea.
대파를 부위별로 분획하여 대파 전체, 잎, 줄기, 뿌리를 동량 처리하여 각각 autoclaving법에 의하여 대두유를 기질로 WOSO를 제조하였다. 이들 4종 WOSO의 이화학적 특성은 큰 차이가 없었으며, 대파 잎향미유의 경우 Lovibond 색상에서 고유의 청색을 상대적으로 강하게 나타내는 특성을 나타내었다. 휘발성 향기성분은 총 35종이 검출되었으며, 주요 향기성분은 methyl propenyl trisulfide와 propenyl prop
깻잎을 이용한 건강 식품을 개발하고자 먼저 깻잎의 주산지인 금산에서 5월 온실재배한 깻잎과 8월 노지재배한 깻잎들의 품질특성과 향기성분을 조사하였다. 시료깻잎 모두 4.0%의 조단백질과 0.8%의 조지방을 함유하고 있었고 플라보노이드의 함량은 온실재배 깻잎 25.2%, 노지재배 깻잎 26.5%로 시료깻잎간에 큰 차이는 나타나지 않았으며 조사포닌 함량도 2.7%와 2.8%로 비슷하였다. 시료깻잎의 효소 활성은 오직 알칼리성 단백질 분해효소 활성만이