우리나라의 식량자급률은 49.3% 정도이며, 이중 쌀, 고구 마, 감자 등은 자급률이 높으나 콩, 보리쌀, 옥수수, 밀 등은 자 급률이 낮다. 또한 1인당 연간 쌀 소비량은 갈수록 감소하고 있 고, 과잉 생산에 의해 쌀 가격의 경쟁력 또한 저하되고 있는 실 정이다. 따라서 기존 쌀 중심의 논 이용 작부체계에서 벗어나 다양한 작물을 재배할 수 있는 밭 이용 작부체계로의 전환이 필요하다. 이 시험에서는 남부지역 밭 재배 콩 - 양파 작부체계 에서의 품종 및 파종(정식) 시기에 따른 작부체계 성립 가능성 및 생산성을 구명하고자 하였다. 경남 창녕군 관내 밭 포장에 서 시험을 수행하였으며 작물 별 재배 기간은 양파는 2022년 10월에서 2023년 6월까지, 콩은 2023년 6월부터 2023년 10 월까지였다. 양파는 로망(조생종), 탱크(중생종), 카타마루(중 만생종)의 3종을, 콩은 선유2호(단기성 두부 및 장류용 콩), 대 찬, 태광(이상 일반 두부 및 장류용 콩)의 3종을 시험품종으로 각각 선정하였다. 또한 콩의 파종 시기는 6월 중순(조기), 6월 하순(적기) 및 7월 상순(만기)의 3시기로, 양파의 정식 시기는 10월 하순(조기), 11월 상순(적기), 11월 중순(만기)으로 각각 설정하였다. 주요조사항목은 시험기간 중 기상 상황, 작물 재 배 전·후 토양 화학성, 작물 생육, 수량 특성 및 경제성 등이다. 콩과 양파의 재배기간 중 평균 기온과 강수량은 평년보다 높아 서 고온, 다우의 기상 특성을 보였다. 시험 포장의 토양 화학성 분석 결과, 콩 재배 시 토양 산도 개량, 양이온 무기성분 함량 증 가 및 질소 축적 등의 효과가 있는 것으로 생각된다. 양파에서 는 조생종인 로망의 수확기가 시험 품종 중 가장 빨랐다. 또한 정식기에 따른 양파 수확기는 모든 시험 품종에서 차이가 없었 다. 반면 중생종인 탱크와 중만생종인 카타마루의 상품 수량 및 경제성(소득)은 로망보다 높았다. 정식기에 따른 양파 상품 수량 및 경제성(소득)은 모든 품종에서 차이가 없었다. 콩에서 는 단기성 품종인 선유2호의 수확기가 태광 및 대찬보다 빨랐 다. 선유2호 및 태광에서는 파종기에 따라서 수확기에 차이가 있었으나, 대찬에서는 모든 파종기에서 수확기가 동일했다. 상품수량 및 경제성(소득)은 대찬이 태광, 선유2호보다 높았 다. 작물 별 파종(정식)기, 수확기에 따른 후작물 재배 포장 준 비 기간과 경제성(소득) 등을 고려했을 때, 콩(품종 : 대찬, 파 종기 : 6월 하순) - 양파(품종 : 탱크, 정식기 : 11월 상순)의 작 부 체계가 본 시험에서는 가장 적절한 것으로 판단된다.
Forage crop cultivation and management are the greatest challenge under warm and dry climatic conditions. In this study, we estimated the productivity of three Sorghum-Sudangrass hybrids (SSH) cultivars in Cheonan, Korea, under different weather conditions during 2021-2023. The selected three cultivars performed well in the first and second cutting time during the experimental period and the plant growth characteristics were slightly different among cultivars. Particularly, the plant height was highest in Superdan cultivars (282 ± 24, 271 ± 30 cm), followed by Dairy mens dream (263 ± 39, 283 ± 29 cm) and Supergreen (270 ± 36, 264 ± 34 cm), for the first and second cuts respectively. The stem diameter slightly decreased in the second cut compared with the first cut of SSH cultivars. The highest stem diameter was found in Superdan cultivars (11.1 ± 1.7 mm), greater than Supergreen (10.2 ± 1.7 mm), and Dairy mens dream (9.5 ± 1.8 mm). Also, the total dry matter yield (DMY) was highest in Dairy mens dream (28,868 ± 6,653 kg/ha) followed by Supergreen and Superdan cultivars. In 2021 and 2023, the highest plant height, stem diameter and DMY were measured in the selected cultivars compared to 2022. The crude protein level was higher in the first cutting of all three cultivars at approximately 9-12%, in the order of Supergreen > Dairy mens dream > Superdan varieties. Moreover, the crude protein content was lowest in the second harvest of all cultivars, but the NDF and ADF levels did not alter in both harvest periods across different cultivars and years. In conclusion, the selected cultivars for SSH forage production could be efficient and recommended in the Cheonan region. However, the choice of cutting time and optimum precipitation should be considered to further increase SSH forage cultivation.
This study was conducted to investigate changes in the productivity of Italian ryegrass seeds according to the timing of harvest after heading in the southern region. The Italian ryegrass variety ‘Greencall’ was sown in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, in the fall of 2022. Four harvest timings were tested (30, 40, 50, and 60 days after heading), with a randomized complete block design and three replicates. Sowing in the test plots took place on October 10, 2022, and harvesting was carried out from 30 days after heading on May 18 to 60 days. The plant height was the longest (99.1 cm) in the plot harvested 30 days after heading and decreased as the harvest was delayed. No significant differences were observed among treatments in terms of lodging resistance, disease resistance, and cold resistance. However, lodging severity increased over time after heading (7∼9). Disease incidence was also higher in plots harvested 50 and 60 days after heading. The length of the spike was shortest (38.76 cm) in the plot harvested 50 days after heading, and the number of seeds per spike was the lowest (42 seeds/spike) in the plot harvested 60 days after heading. The dry matter content of seeds increased with the delay in harvest, while dry matter yield decreased, with the lowest yield observed in the plot harvested 40 days after heading (3,031 kg/ha, p<0.05). The dry matter content of seed straw was highest at 75.73% in the plot harvested 50 days after heading and dropped to 34.99% 60 days after heading due to rainfall. The dry matter productivity of the seed straw was the lowest in the plot harvested 40 days after heading. The feed value of the seed straw also decreased with delayed harvest, with an average RFV (Relative Feed Value) of 91. In conclusion, the optimal harvest timing for fall-sown Italian ryegrass intended for seed production in the southern region appears to be 30 days after heading.
In order to develop a stable production and delicious unique cultivar of beech mushrooms, we generated hybrids using wild resources collected domestically, and we developed excellent strains by identifying the mycelial cultivability of the hybrid strains. The developed strains were cultivated according to the type of spawn and incubation time, and strains with excellent yield and shape were first selected, and second strains with less bitterness and excellent taste were selected through quantitative descriptive analysis. This was verified in farms, and ‘HM6-6’, which had a good reputation in the field, was directly developed cultivars as ‘Maruking’. In addition, the yield was high overall in the 90-day culture of the growth substrate inoculated with solid spawn, and the ‘Maruking’ cultivar, was also best in the 90-day culture. The yield was high overall in the 75-day culture of the liquid spawn, but ‘Maruking’ showed excellent yield when cultured for 70 days.
This study aims to examine total factor productivity (TFP) and its determinants in offshore fisheries under the worsening fishing environment and to propose policy improvement based on the estimation results. We identified a decline in TFP of offshore fisheries from 2012 to 2020 employing the global Malmquist productivity index (GMPI), with the primary cause being the regression of the production possibility frontier due to the reduction of fishery resources. Moreover, utilizing the system generalized method of moments (GMM), we found that the determinants, such as the cessation of operations in Japan’s EEZ, vessel age, fishing experience, and oil prices, contribute to a decrease in the TFP of offshore fisheries. Therefore, this study suggests implementing a total allowable catch (TAC)-centered fishery resource management policy, along with reducing loan interest rates and extending the repayment period for the vessel modernization project. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the TFP of offshore fisheries by providing regular training for fishermen, implementing the tax-free petroleum stockpiling project, and developing alternative fishing grounds.
The AlSi10Mg alloy has garnered significant attention for its application in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), due to its lightweight properties and good printability using L-PBF. However, the low production speed of the L-PBF process is the main bottleneck in the industrial commercialization of L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy parts. Furthermore, while L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy exhibits excellent mechanical properties, the properties are often over-specified compared to the target properties of parts traditionally fabricated by casting. To accelerate production speed in L-PBF, this study investigated the effects of process parameters on the build rate and mechanical properties of the AlSi10Mg alloy. Guidelines are proposed for high-speed additive manufacturing of the AlSi10Mg alloy for use in automotive parts. The results show a significant increase in the build rate, exceeding the conventional build rate by a factor of 3.6 times or more, while the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy met the specifications for automotive prototype parts. This strategy can be expected to offer significant cost advantages while maintaining acceptable mechanical properties of topology-optimized parts used in the automobile industry.
Italian ryegrass (IRG) has become a vital forage crop due to its increasing cultivation area and its role in enhancing forage self-sufficiency. However, its production is susceptible to environmental factors such as climate change and drought, necessitating precise yield prediction technologies. This study aimed to assess the growth characteristics of IRG and predict dry matter yield (DMY) using vegetation indices derived from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing. The Green Leaf Index (GLI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference red edge (NDRE), and optimized soil-adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) were employed to develop DMY estimation models. Among the indices, GLI demonstrated the highest correlation with DMY (R² = 0.971). The results revealed that GLI-based UAV observations can serve as reliable tools for estimating forage yield under varying environmental conditions. Additionally, post-winter vegetation coverage in the study area was assessed using GLI, and 54% coverage was observed in March 2023. This study assesses that UAV-based remote sensing can provide high-precision predictions of crop yield, thus contributing to the stabilization of forage production under climate variability.
Sorghum-Sudangrass hybrids (SSH) is a grass cereal hybrid crop with a high yield potential under different climatic conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth characteristics, dry matter yield and nutrient content of the SSH cultivars such as Dairy Mens Dream, Superdan and Supergreen from 2021 to 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea. Among the three cultivars, Superdan grew significantly taller with a larger stem diameter at both harvest times. In contrast, Dairy Mens Dream had least height and less stem diameter, but the dry matter yield was greater for Dairy Mens Dream than other cultivars. Furthermore, the crude protein content at the first cut was higher than 8.5% compared to the second cut (6.5 – 7.0%). The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content was higher in the second harvest of all cultivars compared to the first harvest of SSH in 2021. The SSH cultivation in 2021 and 2023 had higher ADF and NDF content than in 2022, possibly due to the average precipitation and optimum temperature suitable for SSH production in 2021 and 2023. The selected three SSH cultivars showed significant growth characteristics, dry matter content, and nutritional value. The overall data suggested that all three SSH showed significant productivity and nutritional content in the Jeju region of sub-tropical climatic condition.
Due to climate change and the expansion of cultivation areas through the use of reclaimed land, changes in the selection of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) varieties are anticipated. This study was conducted to compare the growth characteristics before overwintering, productivity, and feed value of eight Italian ryegrass varieties with different maturing stages under the same cultivation conditions. The variety ‘Lm4ho’, a medium-maturing type, showed superior growth characteristics before overwintering, including plant height, leaf length, and leaf width. The heading date was advanced in all varieties, with a greater degree of advancement observed in varieties with earlier heading dates. When harvested at the heading stage of the early-maturing types, the dry matter yield of the medium-maturing types was not significantly different from that of the early-maturing types. However, when harvested at the heading stage of the medium-maturing types, the dry matter yield was higher than that of the early-maturing types. Specifically, ‘Lm4ho’ produced 2,518 kg/ha more than ‘Kowinearly’. The late-maturing variety IR901 and the medium-maturing varieties ‘Lm4ho’ and ‘Kowinmaster’ showed statistically superior dry matter yields. In terms of forage value, including crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN), and relative feed value (RFV), the medium- and late-maturing types outperformed the early-maturing types. Notably, ‘Lm4ho’, ‘IR 901’, and ‘Hwasan 104’ were evaluated as suitable varieties for high-quality forage production. These results suggest that medium-maturing varieties may be suitable for double cropping in the central regions due to climate change. We propose that future breeding of Italian ryegrass should expand from focusing on cold tolerance and early-maturing varieties to include mediumand late-maturing varieties that consider both productivity and quality.
This study was conducted to analyze the productivity and economic feasibility of truss-limited tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) grown at a high density in Cambodia during the rainy season. During the rainy season in Cambodia, due to excessive rain and very high temperature, tomatoes cannot grow well in an open field, leading to a greatly reduced yield. High density truss-limited cultivation (HDTLC) of tomatoes can shorten the growing season and increase yields. In conventional cultivation (control), tomatoes were transplanted at a spacing of 70×40 cm and harvested up to the 4th fruit cluster. In HDTLC, tomatoes were transplanted at a spacing of 20×20 cm or 25×25 cm and harvested up to the 2nd fruit cluster. Plant heights in HDTLC were higher than those in the control at 22 days after transplanting (DAT). At 39 DAT, plant heights did not differ between 25×25 cm and control. At 60 DAT, plant height, stem diameter, leaf length, and leaf width of the HDTLC were lower than those of the control. Fruit length and width were also lower in HDTLC compared to those of the control. However, sugar content was more than 19% higher in HDTLC compared to that in the control. Yield per plant of the control was the highest, but yields per ha in HDTLCs were 99% (20×20 cm) and 38% (25×25 cm) higher, respectively, compared to that of the control. No pesticides were used for disease control in this experiment. However, to ensure yield, it is recommended to observe the disease status of plants and spray pesticides at the appropriate time. The disease index (1: disease-free; 5: all leaves were disease-infected) of late blight (Phytophthora indestans) was significantly higher for 20×20 cm (4.5) and 25×25 cm (3.6) groups compared to the control (2.0). Income with 20×20 cm (5,668 thousand KRW) and 25×25 cm (1,863 thousand KRW) were 4.9 and 1.6 times higher, respectively, compared to that with the control (1,149 thousand KRW). So, we want to spread the HDTLC technology, which transplanting of tomato seedlings at 20×20 cm intervals and harvests up to 2nd fruit cluster, to Cambodian farmers.
본 시험은 마늘 절임에서 분리 동정된 Leuconostoc citreum SK2556 균주에 의한 마늘 발효 배양액 급여가 산란계의 계란 생산성, 계란 품질, 혈액 성상에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 시험 동물은 33주령 산란계(Hy-Line Brown) 180수를 공시하였고, 5주간 사양시험을 실시하였 다. 전체 사양기간동안 산란율은 대조구, FG (발효마늘) 0.3 및 FG 0.5 처리구는 78.02~78.53의 범위로 유의적인 차이가 없었으나, FG 0.1 처리구(75.37±3.22)는 다른 처리구들에 비교하여 감소하였다(P<0.05). 사료섭취량과 사료요구율에서는 유의한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 시험 전기간 Haugh unit에서는 마늘 발효액 FG 0.1이 대조구와 FG 0.5에 비해 유의하게 증가하였다(P<0.05). 혈액 내 Glucose는 모든 마늘 발효액 처리구가 대조구보다 유의하게 낮았다(P<0.01). 간 기능의 이상 여부를 나타내는 알칼리인산분해효소(alkaline phosphatase; ALP)는 FG 0.3 처리구가 대조구보다 유의하게 감소하였다(P<0.05). 본 연구 결과, 산란계 사료 내 마늘 발효 배양액 급여는 계란의 Haugh unit의 향상으로 계란의 신선도를 개선시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 건강 유지에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳐 사료첨가제로서의 이용가능성을 제시하고자 한다.
본 연구는 로즈마리 다단재배 시 층별 환경조건 및 하위선반 보조 광원이 어린순 품질과 생산성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고 자 수행되었다. 정아를 제거한 커먼 로즈마리의 중간부 삽수 10cm를 128공 트레이에 삽목하여 발근시킨 뒤 750, 1,300, 2,000mL의 화분에 이식하였다. 이후 2연동 온실 내 다단선반 (3단)에 배치하여 저면관수 방식으로 재배하였다. 다단선반 층별 어린순 생산성은 3층(최상층)에서 가장 우수하였으나, 여름철 광 과다에 의한 줄기 목질화로 9월 이후 생산성이 급감 하였다. 반면 하위 2개 층은 재배 후기까지 어린순의 생장속도 가 빨랐으나, 줄기 연화 및 엽 상편생장으로 품질이 감소하였 다. 다단선반 3층 여름철 광 과다 문제 해결을 위해 7, 8월 30% 차광 재배시 무차광 대비 단위 면적당 어린순 수확 줄기수 210%, 생체중 162% 증수하였다. 하위층 광 부족 문제를 개선 하고자 보조 광원 설치 재배 시 LED 30W에서 6-9월 어린순 수확량이 보조광원 미설치 대비 168% 증가하였으나, 9월 이 후 오히려 생산성을 감소시켰다. 따라서 로즈마리 다단재배 시 3층(최상층)은 7-8월 30% 차광으로 줄기 목질화를 막고, 하 위층은 6-9월 LED 30W로 일시적 보광을 통해 어린순 생육 을 증대시킨다면 어린순 집약생산이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 로즈마리 다단재배 시 근권부 용적이 어린순 생산성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행되었다. 정아를 제거한 커먼 로즈마리의 중간부 삽수 10cm를 128공 트레이에 삽목 하여 발근시킨 뒤 125, 200, 550, 750, 1,300 및 2,000mL의 용 기에 이식하여 1, 2년생 삽목묘 어린순의 생육특성과 수량성 을 비교하였다. 1년생 로즈마리의 경우 초기 생육(이식 후 30 일)은 용기 550mL 이상에서 처리 간 뚜렷한 차이가 없었으나, 2년생 로즈마리의 경우 용기가 클수록 생육이 비례하는 경향 을 보였다. 1, 2년생 로즈마리의 지하부 생체중은 용기 550mL 에서 7월 25일 조사 시 각각 6.9g, 24.4g, 11월 24일 조사 시 각 각 10.3g, 24.9g으로 가장 낮았고, 용기 750-2,000mL에서 는 처리 간 차이가 보이지 않았다. 반면 지상부 생체중은 1년 생 로즈마리의 경우 용기가 클수록 증가하다가 1,300mL 이 상에서는 통계적 차이가 없었으며, 2년생 로즈마리 역시 용기 가 클수록 생체중이 유의하게 높았다. 어린순 품질은 1년생 로 즈마리의 경우 용기 2,000mL에서 가장 우수하였으나, 2년생 로즈마리의 경우 시기별 품질 차이를 보였다. 단위 화분당 어 린순 생산성은 1,300mL에서 가장 높았으나, 단위 면적당으 로 환산할 경우 750mL에서 가장 우수하게 관찰되었다. 따라 서 로즈마리 어린순 다단재배를 통한 집약생산에 가장 적합한 용기 크기는 750mL로 판단된다.
As part of the KOPIA Paraguay Center rice pilot villages project, conducted from July 1, 2021, to the end of June 2024, this study examined the average yield and value of paddy rice harvested between January and April 2023 in five local rice pilot villages in Paraguay: Santa Rosa, Eusebio Ayala, Coronel Bogado, Santa Maria, and Yaguaron. The CEA-5K-PUNTA variety was planted in late August 2022 and subsequently harvested from January to April 2023. The farmers in the pilot villages received information on common pests, diseases, and weeds, including instructions on timing and the number of applications required for their control. They also received technical guidance on water management and weeding methods. The study found that the average yield per hectare in the pilot villages for the CEA-5K PUNTA variety in the 2022/2023 growing season was 794.50 kg/10a, compared to 477.17 kg/10a for the conventional variety IRGA 424 in the 2019/2020 season, which preceded the project. This indicates a 66.5% increase in yield per hectare for the pilot village farmers compared to the pre-project period (2020/2021). The analysis of paddy rice production value in the pilot villages, using the Difference in Differences method, revealed a 65.1% increase. Moreover, a financial analysis was conducted based on the addition of agricultural inputs to the paddy fields during the period from the end of August 2022 to January-April 2023. The analysis showed that the total cost was US$597.25 per hectare, while the gross income was US$1,685.3 per hectare. As a result, the net profit per hectare amounted to US$1,088.05.
The objective of this study was to compare the feeding effects of imported timothy hay, domestic Italian ryegrass silage (IRGS) and IRG dried by hot-air dry system (IRGHDS) under basic total mixed ration (bTMR) on rumination activity, milk production, and milk composition in lactating dairy cows. Eighteen Holstein dairy cows were divided into three groups: control (bTMR + imported timothy hay), treatment 1 (bTMR + IRGS) and treatment 2 (TMR + IRGHDS) groups. The study was conducted over a total period of 24 days, including a 10 days adaptation period and a 14 days main experimental period. The results indicate body weight was not significantly different between the three groups (p>0.05), and rumination time was significantly higher in the treatment 1 group compared with the control group (p<0.001). Milk fat, protein, and lactose were not significantly different between the three groups (p>0.05), however, somatic cell counts were significantly lower in the treatment 1 group compared with the control group (p<0.001). As a result of the economic feasibility analysis, it is expected that feeding TMR using IRGS and IRGHDS will increase profit by 402.8 won/day and 331.4 won/day per cow compared to imported timothy hay. Therefore, IRGS and IRGHDS can be used as substitutes for imported timothy hay in feeding lactating dairy cows.
We compared the reproductive performance, non-productive performance, and milk composition performance of two groups of lactating cows that were either rice straw or tall fescue. We also compared and analyzed these parameters after the first parturition during the breeding period. The calving interval, artificial insemination, and duration from calving to conception were longer in the rice straw group than in the tall fescue group. The 305-day and peak milk yields were significantly higher in the tall fescue group than in the rice straw group (p<0.01). Milk fat content was significantly higher in the tall fescue group than in the rice straw group (p<0.001), but milk protein content was the same between the feeding groups. The difference in raw milk sales income between rice straw and tall fescue groups tended to increase as the number of lactations increased, but there was no effect of reduced feed costs. Analysis of the milk production and raw milk sales income of the surveyed farms revealed that the average milk production per head was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the tall fescue group than in the rice straw group, and raw milk sales income showed a similar tendency. Overall, these results provide important details to be considered when selecting feed as a way to reduce milk production and heifer raising costs. However, there remains a need for future follow-up studies exploring the relationship between feed choice and the management of heifers.
The experiment was conducted to determine the changes in seed productivity of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) according to nitrogen fertilization levels in the southern region of Korea. Italian ryegrass (IRG) variety 'Green Call' was sown in the fall of 2021 in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do. The experiment consisted of three nitrogen fertilizer levels (100, 120, and 140 N kg/ha) with three replications using a randomized complete block design. Harvesting was done approximately 30 days after heading on May 18th. There was no difference in heading date among treatments, which occurred on April 18th. The longest IRG was observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment, but there was no significant difference. No significant differences were observed in lodging, disease resistance, and cold tolerance among treatments, but lodging was severe in all treatments. The length of the spike averaged 44.95 cm, with no difference among treatments, and the number of seeds per spike was highest in the 120 N kg/ha treatment. Seed yield increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels, averaging 3,707 kg/ha (as-fed basis). DM content of seed and straw averaged 76.95% and 62.19%, respectively, with no significant differences among treatments. The remaining straw after harvesting averaged 6,525 kg/ha on a dry matter basis, with the highest value observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment. Overall, considering the results, the optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate for seed production of Italian ryegrass in the southern region when sown in autumn was found to be 120 N kg/ha.
지구온난화로 인한 물 부족에 대응하고, 작물 생산의 극대화를 위한 효율적인 방법의 하나로 지중점적 관비 시스템이 주목받고 있다. 하지만, 우리나라에서 식량작물에 적용된 지중점적 관비 효과에 대한 이해 및 이와 관련 시스템 개발은 아직 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 지중점적 시스템을 이용한 관수 및 관비처리(SF)가 감자(Solanum tuberosum L.)의 생장 및 수량에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 지중점적 처리를 위해, 경상국립대학교 시험포장(600 m2)에서 점적관(Ø 14.1 ㎜, 1.6 L h-1)을 80 ㎝ 간격으로 40 ㎝ 깊이에 매설하였다. 감자의 표준시비량(N-P-K: 100-88-130 ㎏ ha-1) 중의 일정량을 기비로 시용한 후, 잔여 시비량인 N-P-K: 50-40-40 kg ha-1을 절반씩 괴경형성기(4월 29일)와 괴경비대기(5월 17일)에 각각 나누어 관비하였다. 대조구(CF)는 전량 기비로 시용하였다. 지중점적 관비 처리시 토양 20㎝ 깊이의 수분함량은 대조구 9.6%, 지중점적 처리구 55.1%로 지중점적처리구의 수분함량이 45.5% 더 높았기 때문에, 관비처리가 잘 수행되었다고 판단되었다. 관비 후 생육특성 조사에서 지중점적처리구와 대조구 간 차이가 없었지만, 수량특성 조사에서는 지중점적처리구가 괴경 직경이 56.0 ㎜로 가장 굵었고, 괴경수 또한 11.6개로 가장 많게 나타나 대조구와 약 12~18%의 차이를 보였다. 상서용 수량 또한, 지중점적처리구가 3,402 kg 10a-1로 대조구 대비 약 10% 더 많았다. 따라서, 봄 감자 재배시 지중점적시스템을 이용한 관비처리가 수량 향상에 도움을 주는 것으로 판단되나, 토성에 따른 투수성 등의 차이로 인한 여러 문제점이 존재할 수 있어, 국내의 노지재배 작물에 지중점적시스템을 적용하여 다양한 토성에서의 체계적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
In this study, the biogeochemistry management (BGC-MAN) model was applied to North and South Korea pine and oak forest stands to evaluate the Net Primary Productivity (NPP), an indicator of forest ecosystem productivity. For meteorological information, historical records and East Asian climate scenario data of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) were used. For vegetation information, pine (Pinus densiflora) and oak (Quercus spp.) forest stands were selected at the Gwangneung and Seolmacheon in South Korea and Sariwon, Sohung, Haeju, Jongju, and Wonsan, which are known to have tree nurseries in North Korea. Among the biophysical information, we used the elevation model for topographic data such as longitude, altitude, and slope direction, and the global soil database for soil data. For management factors, we considered the destruction of forests in North and South Korea due to the Korean War in 1950 and the subsequent reforestation process. The overall mean value of simulated NPP from 1991 to 2100 was 5.17 Mg C ha-1, with a range of 3.30-8.19 Mg C ha-1. In addition, increased variability in climate scenarios resulted in variations in forest productivity, with a notable decline in the growth of pine forests. The applicability of the BGC-MAN model to the Korean Peninsula was examined at a time when the ecosystem process-based models were becoming increasingly important due to climate change. In this study, the data on the effects of climate change disturbances on forest ecosystems that was analyzed was limited; therefore, future modeling methods should be improved to simulate more precise ecosystem changes across the Korean Peninsula through processbased models.
Protein is an essential nutrient for humans to sustain life, but it is predicted that it will be challenging to secure protein through the traditional livestock industry in the future. Microalgae has high future value as an alternative protein food source due to resource utilization and sustainability advantages. In order to increase productivity, the culture conditions of microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and Scenedesmus obliquus were examined in this study. The optimal culture conditions of C. vulgaris were mixotrophic culture, 25oC culture temperature, 7.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 3000 Lux light intensity, and 24L:0D light/dark cycle period with red LED. For D. salina, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 20oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 6000 Lux light intensity, and 12L:12D light/dark cycle period with white LED. For S. obliquus, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 30oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 4500 Lux light intensity, and 14L:10D light/dark cycle period with fluorescent light. These findings can be used as important information for increasing the production of microalgae as an alternative protein material resource in the future.