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        검색결과 632

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine the recent Hanbok school uniform design directions to contribute to the distribution of Hanbok school uniforms and the accumulation of Hanbok-inspired fashion design sources. We reviewed 16 academic papers published on Hanbok school uniform designs from 1998 to 2023 and summarized the design features proposed therein. We also analyzed 172 items of Hanbok school uniform designs developed under the Hanbok school uniform promotion project hosted by the Hanbok Advancement Center between 2019 and 2022. We found that the recent Hanbok school uniform design characteristics conformed to the design directions proposed in previous studies in terms of line, color, fabric, and textile pattern. Conforming design characteristics include the following. Overall, silhouettes were straight and moderately fitting to the body. Detailed straight and curved lines from Hanbok were applied. Designs showed traditional Hanbok colors, including white, black, and navy. Machine washable cotton and various blended fabrics were used. Modernized traditional patterns such as Saekdong, cloud, and Gwae were applied to textile designs. In contrast, some characteristics of recent designs deviated from the proposed design directions. Barrel silhouettes were found in casual styles of uniform items, including sweatshirts, hoodies, and jumpers. A wider range of materials, including fleece, quilted fabric, brocade, and Jinju silk, were used. Uniforms had looser silhouettes and were made with modern washable materials to meet students’ preference for casual uniforms.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we analyzed how the revenue water ratio(RWR) is affected by changes in conditions of the water supply area, such as the ratio of aging pipes, maintenance conditions, and revenue water. As a result of analyzing the impact of pipe aging and maintenance conditions on the RWR, it was confirmed that the RWR could be decreased if the pipe replacement project to improve the aging pipe ratio was not carried out and proper maintenance costs were not secured. It was also confirmed that an increase in the revenue water could be operated to facilitate the achievement of the project’s target RWR. In contrast, a decrease in the revenue water due to a population reduction could affect the failure of the target RWR. In addition to analyzing the causes of variation in the RWR, the calculation of estimated project costs was considered by using leakage reduction instead of RWR from recent RWR improvement project cost data. From this analysis, it was reviewed whether the project costs planned to achieve the target RWR of the RWR improvement project in A city were appropriate. In conclusion, the RWR could be affected by variations in the ratio of aging pipes, maintenance conditions, and revenue water, and it was reasonable to consider not only the construction input but also the input related to RWR improvement, such as leakage reduction, when calculating the project cost.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study is to evaluate environmental improvement effects of underground road project, as a case study of ‘Seobu’underground expressway project in Korea. METHODS : The environmental improvement effects of underground road construction were classified into tree sector in this study – air quality, noise, and thermal environment. To evaluate these effects, this study collected and divided environment dataset into before, during, and after ‘Seobu’underground expressway construction, and compared the change of values with entire city. In addition, the quantification method of environmental improvement effects was suggested based on the literature review. RESULTS : The result of this study indicates that there exist significant improvement effects of urban environment after the construction of ‘Seobu’underground expressway. Specifically, the concentration of particulate matters (PM10) and daytime/nighttime noise, and land surface temperature (LST) were improved along the expressway. In addition, the overall environmental benefit of ‘Seobu’ underground expressway was estimated to 1.15 billion won per year. CONCLUSIONS : To promote systematic and consistent underground road project, it is required to establish legislative system for evalauting and supporting urban improvement effects.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일반농산어촌개발사업의 사업내용 중 하나인 농촌중심지활성화사업으로 준공에 이른 농촌 커뮤니티 시설의 주민조직 직접 운영에 따른 운영성과와 농촌 커뮤니티 시설에 미치는 영향요인을 분석 하여 문제점을 도출하고 개선방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 또한 전라북도 농촌중심지활성화사 업으로 준공에 이른 농촌 커뮤니티 시설 중 주민조직에 의해 운영되고 예산이 비슷하며, 비교가 가능한 부안군 보안면, 김제시 금구면, 임실군 강진면을 대상으로 연구를 진행하였다. 설문지는 배포 후 회수하는 방법으로 수집하였으며, 일반현황과 독립변수의 측정지표에 근거한 리커트 7점 척도를 통해 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 설문결과는 설문에 대한 응답자의 일반현황, 빈도, 백분율 분석, 측정 문항의 신뢰 도 분석을 위해 크론바흐의 알파 값 계수법 분석, 세부 측정지표별 설문조사 분석, 연구가설 검증을 위한 다중회귀분석, 세부 운영성과의 차이를 분석하기 위한 일원배치 분산분석과 사후검정을 실시하였다. 연구가설과 리커트 7점 척도를 통한 연구의 결론은 측정문항의 신뢰성이 인정되었으며, 농촌 커뮤니티 시설의 주민조직 직접 운영은 시설의 운영성과에 영향을 미치고 있다. 성공적인 운영과 운영성과를 제 고 및 개선하기 위해서는 다양한 계층들의 이용에 있어 편리하도록 환경관리 및 시설의 설비에 최선의 노력을 기울여야 한다. 또한 시설 운영의 주체인 주민조직의 기능을 강화하여 지역의 공동체 교류공간 이 되도록 주민조직과 지역주민이 직접 관심을 가지고 참여하여 주민조직만의 공간을 확보하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구를 통해 시설의 편리성과 개발의 유연성을 유지하여 다양한 계층의 주민들이 이용함 으로써 운영성과를 높일 수 있는 요인이 된다. 다양한 운영 주체 중 주민조직 직접 운영을 통한 주민들의 역량 강화 및 지역사회 발전과 공동체 의식을 공고히 할 수 있는 발판이 마련될 것이다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        막대한 예산이 투입되는 국가연구를 기획·관리·확산하는 연구관리 담당자들은 매우 중요한 인력이나, 역할에 관한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 연구관리 전문기관 담당자에게 필요한 역량요소를 도출하고 역량의 중요도를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 4가 지 주요요인과 16개의 하위요인을 도출하였고, AHP 기법을 기반으로 설문조사(연구관리 담 당자와 연구자 90명 대상)를 추진하여 우선순위를 도출하였다. 전체 응답자 기준으로 역량의 중요도는 협력적 태도, 소통능력, 연구지식, 목표관리능력과 신의성실 순으로 확인되었으나, 담당자의 경우, 업무와 관련한 역량(규정지식, 판단능력, 정책지식)이 중요하다고 보는 반면, 연구자들의 경우 자신들을 보다 더 지원해 줄 수 있는 역량(협력적 태도, 소통능력)을 보다 더 중시하는 시각차를 볼 수 있었다. 이번 연구는 전문기관 연구관리 담당자의 채용과 역량 개발에 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to IAEA GSR Part.6, Decommissioning is carried out on the basis of planning and evaluation to ensure safety, protection of workers, public, and environment. Then, the decommissioning project of nuclear facility includes a radiation protection plan that reflects the regulatory requirements and international recommendations of each country and the internal regulations of the licensee. The scope of the radiation protection plan covers all radiation activities related to the dismantling and disposal of contaminated facilities subject to decommissioning. Radiation protection applications in the United States, a country with previous experience in decommissioning nuclear facilities, include 10 CFR 20 for NRC management facilities and 10 CFR 835 for facilities under DOE. In this study, we analyzed two cases of decommissioning plans to which NRC regulations are applied. In 1992, Yankee Atomic Electric Company (YAEC), the licensee of Yankee Nuclear Power Station (YNPS), notified NRC of the permanent shutdown of YNPS and submitted decommissioning plan accordingly. This decommissioning plan consists of a total of 9 chapters, and section 3.2 describes the radiation protection of decommissioning workers. The contents of the radiation protection program consist of 16 subsections. Another case is the decommissioning work plan of U.S. Navy Surface Ship Support Barge (SSSB), which used in Virginia to support the refueling of the U.S. Navy’s reactor vessel. This document was developed based on the NUREG-1757 and was revised in 2021 after receiving NRC comment. SSSB’s project radiation protection plan is described in appendix 1, and the contents consist of a total of 28 sections except for reference. In Korea, decommissioning plan is developed in accordance with “Standard Format and Content of the Decommissioning Plan for Nuclear Facilities”. According to this regulation, the radiation protection plan for licensing documents submitted at the time of application for approval of decommissioning execution shall describe the organization and functions for implementing of plan, methods, cycles and procedures for performing radiation protection and radiological monitoring. Also, the safety review guidelines of regulatory body also require radiation protection plans and procedures to ensure ALARA activities during decommissioning. In the case of the final decommissioning plan of Kori-1, which is currently submitted to regulatory body for licensing review, the decommissioning radiation protection plan is divided into 8 sections. Although the classification criteria for the radiation protection plan categories described above facilities are different, it could be seen that the following 7 contents are included in common: (a) ALARA application and organization for implementation, (b) Management of radiation control area, (c) Process of radiation work, (d) Radiation and contamination control, (e) Personnel radiation exposure monitoring, (f) Radioactive material management, (g) Radiation protection training.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KEPCO KPS is the contractor for the full system decontamination (FSD) of Kori Unit 1 and under preparation such as modification, lay out for equipment installation, setting up tie-in/out point for chemical injection and way to pressurize the system, of its successful performance. In this research, KPS introduced how KPS has designed and prepared for the FSD project and how will the chemical decontamination process be implemented. As described in the previous research, chemical decontamination process is planned to be conducted for three cycles and each cycle is consisted of oxidation, reduction, decomposition, and purification. Oxidation and reduction process were conducted at 90°C. Chemical decomposition and purification process were conducted at 40°C due to the damage of IX by the heat. If the decontamination result does not meet the target DF and the dose rate, additional cycle can be conducted. Expected volume of process water for FSD is 200 m3. Three systems have been designated as decontamination targets: reactor coolant system (RCS), residual heat removal system (RHRS), chemical volume control system (CVCS). For the steady flow rate, existed plant equipment such as reactor coolant pump (RCP) will be operated and modifications on some components will be conducted. Due to the limited space for installation, decontamination equipment and other resources are distributed to three different places. KPS designed the layout of equipment installed inside the containment vessel. The layout contains the information of shielding for highly radiated equipment such as IX and filter skid.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the case of nuclear projects, when developing a new reactor type, it is necessary to confirm the reactor type, secure the safety, and especially obtain the construction permit approval of the licensing authority for construction. Schedule management is necessary to carry out nuclear projects, and progress rate management of project progress management is largely composed of three elements: scope management, cost management, and resource management. However, in the case of the small modular reactor (SMR) project currently being carried out, it is difficult to calculate the progress rate including budget and resources due to the nature of the project. Therefore, in the SMR project, it took two years from the beginning to prepare the integrated project master schedule (IPMS) to prepare the draft, and then two revisions were made over a year and a half. In this SMR project, we will consider the entire construction period such as design, purchase and production, construction, commissioning, and operation in terms of scope management. The entire document list was created using the document review and approval sheet created at the beginning of the design. In the PMIS (Project Management Information System), the number of approved documents was calculated by comparing the list of engineering documents. In the purchase production part, the main core equipment such as the primary system nuclear steam supply system (NSSS), the secondary system turbine and condenser, and the man machine interface system (MMIS) are managed. Purchasing and manufacturing management shall be managed so that major equipment can be delivered in a timely manner in accordance with the schedule for delivery of equipment in the IPMS. In order to prevent delays in the start of production, it is necessary to minimize the waiting time for work through advance management tasks such as insurance of drawing, stocking of materials, availability of production facilities, etc. In this way, we decided to carry out the schedule management for the design, purchase and manufacturing part in the SMR project first, and the installation, construction and commissioning part will be prepared for the future schedule management.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The National R&D Innovation Act emphasizes the improvement of the quality of R&D activities. The research institute is making efforts to improve the quality of research and effectively manage research implementation. KINAC has conducted various R&D projects regarding nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security, and their scope and scale have been gradually more widened and increased. It consequently becomes important how to successfully manage research projects and ensure their qualification with the growth and complexity of research in KINAC. Unfortunately, no attempt was made to introduce and apply project management methodologies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to introduce project management standards and guidelines as an initial step towards improving the overall research quality of the institute. Project management is the well-organized application of knowledge and techniques to efficiently and effectively initiate, plan, control, and close projects, in order to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria. There are some guidelines regarding project management, including PMBOK (the Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments), ISO 21500 (Guidance on Project Management), and PMP (Project Management Professionals), etc. They are international standards that consist of processes, guidelines, and best practices for project management. They provide structured processes and approaches to plan, execute, monitor, control, and complete projects. By reviewing the guidelines, the commonly important factors, including schedule, cost, quality, resources, communication, and risk management were introduced to apply to KINAC R&D project implementation. In addition to the management standards, systematic efforts are also continued to enhance the R&D qualities of the institute. These efforts include the implementation of a quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), development of an integrated research achievements management system, regulation development, and distribution of guidebooks for project managers and researchers. These efforts have been evaluated as improving the quality of the research.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ISO 9001:2005 is the international standard for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s quality management. The aim is to ensure that the organization continuously provides products and services that satisfy regulatory requirements. The “process approach” in ISO 9001 is defined as a systematic method of achieving organizational goals by comprehending and managing the interconnected processes as a cohesive system. Recently, KINAC has decided to develop standard processes in the field of R&D and performance management based on the framework of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. The objective of this study is to establish standardized processes for conducting research and development, as well as managing the outputs and performance of R&D activities. It involves identifying, designing, implementing, monitoring, and continually improving processes to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effective management of KINAC R&D and its achievements. Firstly, R&D and the research performance management process were defined, and the processes were categorized by function according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Second, the ISO 9001 requirements were compared to the institute’s existing regulations and documents in order to identify any additional processes and procedures needed to meet the quality management requirements. Finally, the lists of quality documentation were determined for the institute’s QMS. As a result, a total of 30 QMS documents were listed, including 1 manual, 12 quality processes and procedures, and 17 quality instructions. The documents can be categorized into four process groups: the management and planning process group, the R&D and achievements management process group, the analysis and improvement process group, and the support process group. All input and output information of each process are connected and interrelated. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis, and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities. For further study, it is planned to create detailed, high-quality documents that adhere to standard requirements and guidelines.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study analyzes the estimated traffic volumes on roads and railways based on econometrics. METHODS : The accuracy of traffic forecasting was analyzed based on the average difference between predicted and actual values. This study distinguishes itself from existing literature by conducting a comparative analysis categorized by project type. In this study, econometric analyses, including bias and efficiency evaluation, were conducted for 308 projects in Korea. RESULTS : We conducted econometric analysis by dividing the data into project types. This study examines the accuracy of estimates in South Korea's road and railway projects concerning various factors, including project types (mobility-focused or accessibility-focused), implementing agencies, and the performance of preliminary feasibility studies. Notably, it identifies a tendency for overestimation, particularly in railway projects and mobility-focused road projects, such as expressways and national highways, as well as in projects executed by local governments. The mean percentage error (MPE) for the analyzed projects was -46.62%, indicating a significant overestimation bias with resulting inefficiencies. However, our analysis revealed that road projects, particularly those accompanied by preliminary feasibility studies and implemented by the central government, exhibited reduced bias and improved efficiency. The presence or absence of preliminary feasibility studies significantly influenced estimation bias. Interestingly, even when preliminary feasibility studies are conducted, the choice of the implementing agency remains a crucial factor affecting estimation bias. In addition, railway projects continue to demonstrate a notable overestimation bias, warranting further attention. CONCLUSIONS : Considering bias, efficiency, and MPE is advisable when forecasting traffic.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the government has provided support such as entering new markets, expanding sales channels, and supporting manpower, not just in the form of funding, to efficiently and effectively support limited national resources to improve corporate performance. In this study, we tried to find out the effect of government support for companies that have benefited from the Excellent Technology Research Center Project (ATC Project) and the World Class 300 project using propensity score matching. As a result of the analysis, the effect of government support for the ATC project became visible after the appointment period, while the effect of the World Class 300 project was insignificant. This means that when the size of the company is small, the effect of government support is more pronounced. This suggests that in order to maximize the effectiveness of government support, appropriate national policy interventions such as government innovation funding are needed when the size of the company is small. In this study, differences in the timing, performance indicators, and company size of policy support effects were found in the growth stage of a company from a mid- to long-term time series perspective, suggesting that support policies based on this need to be adjusted and redesigned.
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