이 글은 미중 기술패권경쟁이 초래한 반도체 공급망 위기에 대만 당국과 기업들이 어떻게 전략적으로 대응하는지 분석한다. 대만 반도체 산업은 TSMC 같은 기업들의 첨단 기술력이 강점이지만, 지정학적 불안정성은 약점으로 작용하고 있다. 또한 대만 기업들이 미국과 일본 및 유럽연합 등과의 협력을 기회로 활용하고 있지만, 중국의 군사적 위협과 미중 기술경쟁 등의 위협에 직면하고 있다. 이에 대만 당국은 과학기 술정책 추진 체계를 정비하고 연구개발 투자 확대 및 인재 양성에 노력하고 있으며, 기업들 역시 국제협력 강화를 통한 기술 혁신 및 공급망 다변화 전략을 추진하는 등 전략적으로 대응하고 있다. 한국 역시 연구개발 투자 확대와 핵심기술 육성, 글로벌 공급망 다변화 등을 통해 경제안보 및 전략적 자율성을 추구할 필요가 있다.
What are the prospects for the influence of Japanese loanwords in Chinese in the future? For now, other scholars are more conservativeview, but according to the author’s opinion, Japanese loanwords will not enter Chinese in a large scale, nor will they decrease, they will only. The status quo will be maintained. After all, Japanese loanwords have been deeply embedded in Chinese and Taiwanese life. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to study this type of loanwords, because they have had a considerable impact on Taiwanese society impact, and this impact is no longer limited to the use of language, but its impact on culture cannot be underestimated. After all, language and characters are just appearances. The real problem is the transformation of cultural development such as ideas and social structures. Changes, just like the vernacular controversy during the May 4th Movement. At that time, the two factions of innovation and conservatism were competing against each other. Related to language issues, it is actually a social movement for ideological reform. Therefore, the author hopes that this study will not only In addition to dedicating a little effort to language research, I can also contribute a little to the impact of the Harbin-Japanese trend in Taiwan. Come, the levels and content involved. In addition, we can also explore the impact that Japanese culture has had on Taiwanese society. In addition to the changes in people’s living habits and the changes in the use of language in daily life,changecultures because of their special historical background and the way they were introduced.
본고는 설탕을 필수 재료로 하는 오늘날의 ‘과자’가 일제 강점의 역사를 공유하고 있는 한국과 타이완에서 어떻게 전파·대중화되었는지 살펴보고자 한다. 한국의 경우, 근대 이전 설탕을 식재료로 사용하지 않은 역사에도 불구하고 강렬한 단맛에 즉각 반응하기보다 조선인에게 익숙했던 얼음과 결합한 아이스케키가 출시된 이후에야 설 탕맛에 익숙해졌다. 와카시의 일종인 연양갱의 대중화 역시 재래부터 먹어온 우무묵 이 있었기에 향유될 수 있었다. 반면, 청말부터 설탕을 생산·향유해온 타이완의 경우, 현대식 과자 자체보다 신제품을 홍보하고 더 많이 팔기 위해 과자 상인들이 운영을 겸했던 ‘킷사텐’이 거꾸로 식민 모국인 일본 사회에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 덕분에 일본 은 여급을 두는 퇴폐적인 ‘카페에(カフェ―)’에서 벗어나 일본 지식인들이 꿈꾸던 프 랑스식 문화살롱을 실천할 수 있었고, 음료값을 지불할 수 있다면 누구든지 바쁜 일 상 중 가벼운 마음으로 잠깐 들러 휴식을 취하는 현재의 ‘카페(café)’ 형태로 발전하 게 되었다.
In the multilateral trading systems under the WTO, the national security exception plays a crucial role in balancing trade liberalisation against the security interest of a sovereign nation. The proper use of the national security exception is of particular importance in the disputes with mixed political, diplomatic and military elements. The EU has recently accused China of breaching WTO obligations by taking restrictive trade measures against Lithuania, thereby affecting free trade between the EU and China. This paper argues that the allegation would be frustrated by the application of the WTO’s national security exception, as the dispute is rooted in Lithuania’s breach of its commitment to the One-China principle, which is crucial to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Outside the WTO ruling system, a unilaterally imposed international sanction would be insufficient to alleviate the dispute between China and Lithuania and would lead to a deadlock in the multilateral trading system.
「Seqalu: Formosa 1867」, a movie based on Yaochang Chen (陳耀昌)’s historic novel 「Lady the Butterfly」, aired on Taiwan’s public broadcaster in August of 2021 and obtained the highest viewership. Furthermore, Yaochang Chen’s novel series 福爾摩沙三族記, 獅頭花, 苦楝花, and 島之曦 were reprinted, which all became best sellers, creating a big wave of of rediscovering Taiwanese history among Taiwanese. Although this series of events started from a fictional novel, it focused on exploring histry and reconfirmed the tension between literature and reality. The novel 「Lady the Butterfly」 is based on a real event, the Rover incident, where an American merchant ship wrecked off the coast of Formosa in 1867 and left 14 sailors attacked by Taiwanese Aborigiens. The novel won the gold medal at 2016 Taiwanese Literature Awards and has been an object of interpretation in the academia. The author, Chen, emphasized that he writes with an objective to recreate the true history of Taiwan and that his works are not ‘historic novels’, but rather ‘novelized history’. He presents a pluralistic view and emphasizes the convergence of Taiwanese people. Critics of his work also talk about the truthfulness of history, not aesthetics of his work. This paper illustrates what kinds of narrative strategy Yaochang Chen uses to confer his pluralistic view and what kinds of questions he throws at literary and historic narratives through his original way of novel creation.
Among the research of Chinese Characters, there is a long history of the study of “the six categories of Chinese characters,” also a lot of research achievements have been accumulated from the past. Since the Qing Confucian Dai Zhen put forward the theory of “Four Noumenon and Two Uses,” advocated that the Transformed Cognates and Rebus are as the methods of using characters. The debates have been raised once again among different parties. Among them, the one with the most divergent opinions is the usage of “Transformed Cognates.” At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Mr. Zhang Taiyan made a theory from the perspective of the migrating of language. “The transformed Cognates, means that a new character created by changing the tone or the rhythm of the original character,” said Zhang. He clearly stated” a new character created,” regarded that “Transformed cognates” as a practice of creating new characters due to the transfers of sound. Which has always been seen as an important promoter of the theory. However, the subsequent researchers who also sat at the feet of Zhang have two different understandings and interpretations of “the method of using the character” and “the method of creating a character”. This article attempts to sort out the relevant discussion of Mr. Taiyan’s theory and restore the background of the time that Zhang made it. Also discussing the different interpretation perspectives of Zhang’s Transformed Cognates Theory by subsequent scholars in Taiwan. Finally, propose the author’s observations and conclusions.
냉전시기 대만해협은 중국과 중화민국의 국내외 정치적 상황에 따라 그 역할과 성 격을 달리하며 동아시아 냉전지형의 변화과정에 핵심적인 무대가 된다. 중화인민공 화국의 성립 이후 발생한 고령두전투에서 대만해협은 중국과 중화민국 간 세력싸움 의 전선의 역할을 담당한다. 그러나 제2차 세계대전의 종식과 함께 동아시아가 공산 진영과 자유진영으로 분할되면서, 대만해협은 동아시아 냉전 진영을 가르는 분계선 이 된다. 이후, 제1차 대만해협위기에 미국이 본격적으로 참여하며 대만해협은 냉전 지영의 확대를 위한 전장으로 변모하였으나, 무력충돌의 확대로 인해 태평양 지역의 안보와 안전의 위협이 되자 대만해협은 양자 간의 갈등을 안정시키는 진영봉쇄의 울 타리가 된다. 이후, 중동 혁명의 지원과 대만해방이라는 기치를 내건 중국이 제2차대만해협위기를 시작하면서 대만해협은 또 다시 열전의 공간으로 바뀌었고, 중국과 미 국의 회담이 진행되면서 대만해협은 중국과 중화민국간의 선전전이 진행되는 이념 전쟁의 장으로 변모하게 된다.
This article examines the consequences of a significant spent fuel management decision or event in the United States, South Korea and Taiwan. For the United States, it is the financial impact of the Department of Energy’s inability to take possession of spent fuel from commercial nuclear power companies beginning in 1998 as directed by Congress. For South Korea, it is the potential financial and socioeconomic impact of the successful construction, licensing and operation of a low and intermediate level waste disposal facility on the siting of a spent fuel/high level waste repository. For Taiwan, it is the operational impact of the Kuosheng 1 reactor running out of space in its spent fuel pool. From these, it draws six broad lessons other countries new to, or preparing for, nuclear energy production might take from these experiences. These include conservative planning, treating the back-end of the fuel cycle holistically and building trust through a step-by-step approach to waste disposal.
The regulation of digital financial assets has been a topic of discussion for many countries over the last decade. China is among the world leaders in the digitalization and blockchain technologies. Under the “one country, two systems,” two different approaches to the digital financial assets have been implemented in the PRC. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated many investors to diversify their investment portfolios to include digital financial assets, the People’s Bank of China has not changed its prohibitive position on tokens and cryptocurrencies and even launched a campaign against miners and crypto exchanges. Macau and Taiwan have also prohibited initial coin offerings and the transfer of cryptocurrencies due to the risks of money laundering connected with the citizens of mainland China. Macau, Taiwan, and the Monetary Authority of Hong Kong have implemented less stringent regulations of digital financial assets. Comparative analysis demonstrates that Hong Kong acts as an intermediary for China to the digital financial assets.
2017, Red Candle Games released a game called ‘Detention’ in the global gaming platform, ranking number three in sales in just one month. In the game lies a fictional story about members of a school book club who were framed in the 60's under the Martial Law. It based on the historical event called the White Terror throughout the 50’s to the 80’s. White Terror had been a taboo in Taiwan for years, making the investigation of the event, damage, and accountability for a prolonged period of time. Since the termination of the Martial Law in 1987, the restoration of the forbidden history was commenced. Especially since 2016, Transitional Justice has become the core government policy, allowing the creation and execution of many policies in multiple aspects, such as fact-finding, restoration of records, rewriting history, compensation, and redemption of honor. Moreover, since the termination of the Martial Law, literature and personal biography based on the White Terror were created in the private sector. Nevertheless, it did not attract the attention of the general public. However, the release of ‘Detention’ has brought signs of change. ‘Detention’ grabbed the attention of teenagers who were distant with the history that happened 70 years ago. From the beginning of the release of the game, it has stirred up the internet and social media. In 2019, the game was made into a movie ‘Detention’. In addition, in December of 2020, ‘Detention’ made into a eight-series show. This is expected to create a collective memory of the White Terror in Taiwan. This study aims to find out how the White Terror in Taiwan is shown in various forms of narratives, using related concepts such as Assmann’s ‘Collective Memory’ and ‘Traumatic History’. Also, this study analyzes the new form of White Terror narrative of ‘Detention’ series.
1. 감은 대만의 경제 과수 작물 중 하나로 세계 8위의 생산국이다. 1990년 재배면적은 1,650 ha 정도 였으나, 이후 빠르게 증가하여 2010년에는 5.348 ha로 약 20년 동안 3.2배 이상 늘었다. 2. 현재 떫은감의 재배면적은 약 1,000 ha 정도이고, 단감의 재배면적은 약 4,400 ha를 차지하고 있다. 생산량은 2000년까지는 평균 1.5~2.5만 톤 수준이었으나 2010년대 이후에는 평 균 6.7만 톤으로 3배 이상 증가하였다. 3. 최대 주산지는 타이중(Taizhong, 3,413 ha)으로 전체 생산 량의 약 67%를 차지하며, 기타 주산 지역은 자이(Chiayi, 469 ha), 미아오리(Miaoli, 473 ha), 신주(Hsinchu, 274 ha) 등으로 해발 800~1,100 m 이상의 산간 지역에서 재배되고 있다. 4. 대만 감의 출하 시기는 9월~12월 사이이나, 9~10월에 집 중하여 출하되고 있다. 9~10월에는 ‘Syh Jou’, ‘Bovine Heart’ 등 떫은감, 11~12월에는 ‘부유’, ‘차랑’, ‘화어소’ 등 단감 품종이 출하되고 있다. 5. 2010년 이후 감 생산량 증가에 따라 수입량은 줄어들고 있으며, 수출량은 늘어나고 있다. 주요 수입국은 일본, 뉴질랜드이며, 수출은 중국 홍콩 위주의 아시아지역을 대상으로 하고 있다. 6. 대만에서 감의 연구는 초기에는 재배 적지 선정과 떫은 감 품종의 탈삽을 위한 연구가 수행되었으며, 최근에는 조생종 품종 육성을 위한 연구가 수행되고 있다.
Reflecting some significant differences in the dictionaries on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait through the process of distinguishing and analyzing common four-character idioms, this study mainly discusses the heteromorphic phenomenon of the idioms. The research method is to conduct research on the corpus of ancient and modern materials to understand ancient and modern usage of similar idioms. This study lists out eight groups of common idiom variants as examples. It intends to explore the reasons for the formation of individual vocabulary from the perspective of literary theory supplemented by the data content of the classical literature database and modern corpus to show the ancient documents and the modern people’s language use habit. At the same time, it compares similarities and differences between Taiwan’s Mandarin Dictionary (Revised Edition) and the Chinese Dictionary in Mainland China, comparing once again different aspects of the dictionary compilation and basic language education. It also shows the difference between both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the aspects of idiom variants included in dictionaries and the principle of word inclusion in them.
This article explores the territorial extension of the EU environmental law and how the EU uses its market powers to become global regulatory initiatives in the context of environmental protection. The legitimacy and practical influence of the global reach of the EU environmental law is first to be discussed. Taiwan, as a significant trade partner to the EU and also a critical exporting-oriented industrial entity in the world, has been heavily influenced by the EU environmental law development for the sake of gaining market access to the EU. In this regard, this article provides an overview of the EU environmental law. This article will provide a case study on the territorial effects of the EU environmental law on Taiwan and the responsive actions taken by the government and industries in Taiwan. This article recognizes the importance of the EU to achieve legitimate global values in the context of global environmental protection.