
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 633

        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the implementation of the Odor Prevention Act in 2005, the number of odor complaints has continuously increased due to the increased interest in the living environment. The current odor control means is a concentrationbased method for the source of odor. That is why there is a difference between the odor sensitivity and the result of the odor measurement in the odor damage area. The government is considering the introduction of the grid method, which is the odor management method of Germany, as the method of odor investigation in the odor damage area in the second comprehensive Odor Prevention Policy (2019-2028). The grid method is receptor-based odor measurement method that investigators use to judge odors in the field, task that expensive and requires substantial manpower and time. To study an odor measurement method that is suitable for domestic conditions, this study compared the correlation between results based on the odor frequency concept grid method around the livestock facilities and the result of ammonia concentration measured by passive air sampler. The correlation coefficient (R) that is between the frequency of odor per spot for the entire odor and the ammonia concentration that was measured by passive air sampler was 0.65 which is relatively good. Among the entire odor detected by the grid method, the correlation coefficient (R) between the odor frequency selected only for livestock odor and the ammonia concentration was significantly increased to 0.80. In addition, the correlation between odor exposure (ECPexist) and the ammonia concentration for the overall odor was 0.81 (linear) and 0.86 (index). If only the livestock odors were selected, the correlation between odor exposure and the ammonia concentration was very high at 0.96 (linear) and 0.95 (index).
        2019.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we conducted the hot box tests to compare the changes in thermal insulation for the four types of multi-layer thermal screens by the used period after collecting them from the greenhouses in the field when they were replaced at the end of their usage. The main materials for these four types of multi-layer thermal screens were matt georgette, non-woven fabrics, polyethylene (PE) foam, chemical cotton, etc. These materials were differently combined for each multi-layer thermal screen. We built specimens (70×70 cm) for each of these multi-layer thermal screens and measured the temperature descending rate, heat transmission coefficient, and thermal resistance for each specimen through the hot box tests. With regard to the material combinations of multi-layer thermal screens, thermal insulation can be increased by applying a multi-layered PE foam. However, it is considered that the multilayered PE foam significantly less contributes to heat-retaining than chemical wool that forms an air-insulating layer inside multi-layer thermal screens. For the suitable heat-retaining performance of multi-layer thermal screens, basically, materials with the function of forming an air-insulating layer such as chemical cotton should be contained in multi-layer thermal screens. The temperature descending rate, heat transmission coefficient, and thermal resistance of multi-layer thermal screens were appropriately measured through the hot box tests designed in this study. However, in this study, we took into consideration only the four kinds of multi-layer thermal screens due to difficulties in collecting used multi-layer thermal screens. This is the results obtained with relatively few examples and it is the limit of this study. In the future, more cases should be investigated and supplemented through related research.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국어 학습자의 한자계 어휘 습득을 교육내용으로 설정하고, 이에 필요한 학습용 어휘와 한자를 다양한 언어자료(코퍼스)를 활용하여 추출하여 선정한 후, 이를 다시 학습 단계별로 위계화하려는 목표 아래 진행된 두 번째 연구성과물이다. 첫 번째 연구에서 기존 한문교육용 기초한자의 문제점을 제기하였다. 현재의 한문교육용 기초한자는 한문고전적 독해는 물론, 한자계 어휘 습득의 목표에도 부적절하다는 점을 실례를 통하여 확인할수 있었다. 후속 연구인 본 단계에서는 한자계 어휘 습득을 위한 한자어와 한자를 선정하는 이론과 실제를 제시하고, 다양한 코퍼스 자료를 분석하여 추출하였다. 세 번째 단계의 연구에서는 한문고전을 독해 학습에 필요한 한자를 선정하고, 마지막으로 한자의 학습층위별 위계화를 제시하고자 한다. 이와 같은 목표 아래 진행된 본 연구는 연구의 대상을 ‘한자계 어휘 습득’으로 설정하고, 이에 따라 현실 언어 생활에 사용되는 한자어와 이를 구성하는 한자를 추출하기 위해 다양한 코퍼스를 이용하였다. 관련 통계 프로그램을 별도로 설계 제작하였으며, 한국어에 사용되는 다양한 언어 자료에서 높은 빈도를 가진 어휘와 한자를 추출하였다. 추출한 한자어는 모두 3732개(사용된 한자 1794개), 개별 한자는 2600개이다. 이는 순수하게 한국어 언어 생활에 활용되는 한자어와 한자를 추출한 것이므로, 기존의 한문교육용 기초한자와는 그 대상이나 목적이 다르다. 본 연구를 통해 다음과 같은 사실을 다시 확인할 수 있다. 첫째, 한자와 어휘 선정은 교육의 대상과 그 목적을 분명히 해야 한다. 이에 따라 추출 및 선정 어휘와 결과가 달라지기 때문이다. 둘째, 연구 방법에 있어 코퍼스의 특성과 언어의 특성 등을 모두 고려한 별도의 오픈소스 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 셋째, 연구 대상 자료는 사회적 합의를 기초로 객관적이며 대표적 자료를 수집해야 한다. 넷째, 본 연구 결과물과 같은 소논문 형태로는 그 연구의 합리성을 대표하기 어려우므로 관련 연구자들을 중심으로 별도의 연구 프로젝트 플랫폼을 구성하고 공동 개발해야 한다. 다섯째, 한 개인의 연구가 아닌 집단 연구의 결과물로 이용될 수 있도록 저작권을 지닌 공개자료로 제공되어야 한다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중지미수는 기수결과가 발생하지 않은 미수단계에 있을 것을 필수적인 전제로 한다는 지배적인 견해의 이러한 형식적 획일적 처리에 대하여, 본 논문은 약간의 의문을 제기하려고 한다. 본 논문은 특정한 범죄(예컨대 과실치상죄)를 전제로 할 경우 과실에 의하여 기수결과(치상)가 발생하였다고 하더라도, 종국결과(치사)를 고려할 때 그 기수결과(치상)는 종국결과(치사)에로 향하는 과정결과에 지나지 않는다고 평가되는 경우에는 중지미수 성립의 여지를 인정해야 한다는 것이다. 여기에서 핵심적인 것은 ‘범죄결과의 확대’라는 사고관점이다. 즉 ‘자의로 중지행위가 행해지지 않은 단순한 과실치상죄’와 ‘자의로 중지행위가 행하여진 과실치상죄’를 동일하게 처리할 것인가? 하는 문제제기이다. 현행형법은 업무상과실 중과실치시상죄를 하나의 조문에서 “과실에 의하여 사람을 사상에 이르게 한 자는 5년 이상의 금고 또는 2천만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다” 라고 하여, 과실치상과 과실치사가 하나의 조문으로 규정되고 있다. 이는 우리 입법자가 과실범을 파악함에 있어서, 과실 실행행위에서 기수결과(치상)를 거쳐 종국결과(치사)에 이르는 유동적 변화과정 속에서 해당 실행행위와 그 결과에 대한 평가가 확정되어야 한다는 사고에 기반하고 있다고 보고 있다는 점을 보여주고 있다. 그러므로 과실범의 중지미수는 법해석론으로서 인정할 수 있다는 판단구조와 판단기준을 우리가 법관에게 명확히 제시하는 일이 요청된다고 할 것이다. 물론 이때 구체적 사안마다 위험성의 유의미한 감소 소멸이 인정되지 아니할 때에는 중지미수의 성립은 인정되지 아니하고, 자의의 중지행위의 존재는 단지 양형사정에 불과하게 된다. 본고에서는 이에 관한 논의의 필요성을 전제로 논지를 전개하고 있다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낙동강 하구에서 연속관측 자료를 바탕으로 담수의 방류와 수온 및 염분의 시간에 따른 반응을 조사하였다. 낙동강 하구 서쪽 해역에 계류형 센서를 설치하고 2017년 4월 1일부터 2018년 3월 31일까지 10분 간격으로 수온과 염분을 측정하였다. 담수의 방류량은 평상시에 200 m3 s-1 d-1 이하로 유지되었으나, 풍수기에는 500 ~ 1000 m3 s-1 d-1 이상의 많은 양의 담수가 빈번하게 방류되었다. 담수의 방류는 대조기에는 간조를 전후하여 발생하였고, 소조기 동안에는 계속적으로 일어났다. 평상시에 수온과 염분은 소조기 동안 큰 변동 없이 안정 되는 경향을 보이는 반면에, 대조기에는 방류주기에 따라 규칙적인 변동을 나타내었다. 연구기간 동안 염분은 평균 29이었으며, 평상시에 염분 농도는 평균 이상으로 유지되었고 일시적인 감소 이후에도 빠르게 회복되었다. 풍수기에는 약 3개월 동안 평균 이하의 저염환경이 지속되었다. 이러한 결과는 담수의 방류량뿐만 아니라 방류의 지속시간과 대량 방류의 빈도가 낙동강 하구의 표층 수온과 염분의 변동성에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인이 된다는 것을 의미한다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the recent presentation by the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal, about 70% of marine accident occurs from fishing vessel, and 90% of cause of entire marine accidents attributes to human error. As fishing vessels require basic operations, fishing operations, other additional operations and techniques such as fish handling, cultivating excellent marine officer to prevent marine accident and develop industry is very important. A fisheries training ship is still very difficult to satisfy the demand for diversity of fishery training and sense of realism of the industry. As the result of employment expectation by category of business survey targeting 266 marine industry high school graduates who hope to board fishing vessels for the last four years, tuna purse seine was the highest with 132 cadets (49.6%), followed by offshore large purse seine (65 cadets, 22.4%), and tuna long line (35 cadets, 13.2%). The Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology (KIMFT) has replaced old jigging and fish pot fishery training ships and proceeded developing and building multi-purpose fisheries training ships considering the demand of industry and the promotion of employment; however, the basic fishing method was set for a tuna purse seine. As a result of seakeeping model test, it can conduct the satisfiable operation at sea state 5, and survive at sea state 8.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ginseng has a unique production system that is different from those used for other crops. It is subject to the Ginseng Industry Act., requires a long-term cultivation period of 4-6 years, involves complicated cultivation characteristics whereby ginseng is not produced in a single location, and many ginseng farmers engage in mixedfarming. Therefore, to bring the production of Ginseng in line with GAP standards, it is necessary to better understand the on-site practices of Ginseng farmers according to established control points, and to provide a proper action plan for improving efficiency. Among ginseng farmers in Korea who applied for GAP certification, 77.6% obtained it, which is lower than the 94.1% of farmers who obtained certification for other products. 13.7% of the applicants were judged to be unsuitable during document review due to their use of unregistered pesticides and soil heavy metals. Another 8.7% of applicants failed to obtain certification due to inadequate management results. This is a considerably higher rate of failure than the 5.3% incompatibility of document inspection and 0.6% incompatibility of on-site inspection, which suggests that it is relatively more difficult to obtain GAP certification for ginseng farming than for other crops. Ginseng farmers were given an average of 2.65 points out of 10 essential control points and a total 72 control points, which was slightly lower than the 2.81 points obtained for other crops. In particular, ginseng farmers were given an average of 1.96 points in the evaluation of compliance with the safe use standards for pesticides, which was much lower than the average of 2.95 points for other crops. Therefore, it is necessary to train ginseng farmers to comply with the safe use of pesticides. In the other essential control points, the ginseng farmers were rated at an average of 2.33 points, lower than the 2.58 points given for other crops. Several other areas of compliance in which the ginseng farmers also rated low in comparison to other crops were found. These inclued record keeping over 1 year, record of pesticide use, pesticide storages, posts harvest storage management, hand washing before and after work, hygiene related to work clothing, training of workers safety and hygiene, and written plan of hazard management. Also, among the total 72 control points, there are 12 control points (10 required, 2 recommended) that do not apply to ginseng. Therefore, it is considered inappropriate to conduct an effective evaluation of the ginseng production process based on the existing certification standards. In conclusion, differentiated certification standards are needed to expand GAP certification for ginseng farmers, and it is also necessary to develop programs that can be implemented in a more systematic and field-oriented manner to provide the farmers with proper GAP management education.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, for a seismic analysis of an offshore subsea manifold, Response Spectrum Analysis(RSA) and Time History Analysis(THA) were conducted under a various analysis conditions. Response spectrum and seismic design procedure have followed ISO19901-2 code. In case of THA, The response spectrum were converted into artificial earthquake history and both of Explicit and Implicit solvers were used to examine the characteristics of seismic analysis. For the verification, Various seismic analysis methods were applied on a single degree of freedom beam model and a simplified model of the actual manifold. The difference between the results of RSA and THA on the simplified manyfold model evaluated for the analysis of the actual manifold. Because THA is impossible in case of real complex structure such as a manifold, Safety of the actual manifold structure was accessed by using the RSA and the difference between the results of RSA and THA from the simplified model.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The performance of pavements is decreased by reduced bearing capacity, deterioration, and distress due to complex loading conditions such as traffic and environmental loads. Therefore, the proper maintenance of pavements must be performed, and accurate evaluation of pavement conditions is essential. In order to improve the accuracy of the heavy weight deflectometer (HWD), which is a nondestructive evaluation method, the correlation between HWD test results and temperature factors were analyzed in this study. METHODS : The HWD test was conducted five times for one day on airport concrete pavement, and the ambient temperature, surface temperature, and slab internal temperature were collected. Since the slab internal temperature was nonlinear, it was replaced by the equivalent linear temperature difference (ELTD). The correlation between the HWD test results and each temperature factor was analyzed by the coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination. RESULTSAND: The deflection of the slab center, mid edge, and corner, and impulse stiffness modulus (ISM) showed significantly high correlation with each temperature factor, especially the ELTD. However, the load transfer Efficiency (LTE) had very low correlation with the temperature factors. CONCLUSIONS : It is necessary to analyze the effect of aggregate interlocking on LTE according to the overall temperature changes in slabs by conducting seasonal HWD tests. It is also necessary to confirm the effect of seasonal temperature changes on deflection and ISM.
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