
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 667

        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ultra-thin films of amphiphillic squarylium dye were prepared on the hydrophillic substrate by Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) technique. In this study, the photoelectric properties of a amphiphillic squarylium dye LB film was investigated. The visible light(λ = 684nm ) of xenon lamp was illuminated on the amphiphillic squarylium dye LB films and light absorptivity and photoconductivity were observed. The photoconductivity was nearly constant regardless of nominal layer number. The photoelectric properties of the amphiphillic squarylium dye LB films with bottom electrode showed better than that top electrode.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We studied electrochemical characteristics of Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) films by using cyclic voltammetry with a three-electrode system. An Ag/AgCl as a reference electrode, a platinum wire as a counter electrode and LB film-coated indium tin oxide(ITO) as a working electrode were used to study electrochemical characteristics at a various concentration of NaClO4 solution. LB films were reduced from initial potential to -1350 mV, continuously oxidized to l650mV and returned to the initial point. The scan rate was l00mV/s. The monolayer surface morphology of the LB film have been measured by Atomic Force Microscope(AFM). As a result, We comfirmed that the microscopic properties of LB film by AFM showed the good orientation of momolayer molecules and the thickness of monolayer was 3.5-4.lnm. The cyclic voltammograms(CV) of the ITO-coated glass showed the peak potentials for the reduction-oxidation reation. LB films of 4-octyl-4'-(5-carboxypentamethyleneoxy) azobenzene(8A5H) / L-α-phosphayidyl choline, dilauroyl(DLPC) seemed to be irreversible process caused by only the oxidation current from the cyclic voltammogram. The current of oxidatation increased at cyclic voltammogram by increasing 8A5H density in LB films. The diffusivity(D) of LB films increased with increasing of a 8A5H amount and was inversely proportional to the concentration of NaClO4 solution.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thin Ag films deposited onto substrates by DC magnetron sputtering and thereafter annealed ,it temperatures 100-50 are investigated by scanning tunneling and atomic forte microscopy. It is shown that the film surface topography and microstructure are considerably changed as a result of annealing. To provide a quantitative estimation of the surface topography changes of Ag films the surface fractal dimension was calculated. Elasticity and hardness of the films are studied by a nanoindentation technique. The films are found to have value of elastic modulus close to that of bulk silver while their hardness and yield stress are essentially higher.