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        검색결과 374

        2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        경남 진주시에서 도심에 위치한 선학산과 비봉산은 배후녹지로서 가벼운 등산을 겸한 다양한 야외건강 활동을 수용하면서 시민 모두의 휴 양 공간으로 자리매김하고 있으나, 열악한 접근성, 대부분이 사유지로 개발 제한성, 낮은 투자효율성 등을 이유로 상대적으로 공원·녹지 조 성 사업에서 소외되어왔다. 비봉산 및 선학산을 시민들의 건강, 휴식, 유희 등 휴양 활동에 대한 욕구를 충족시켜 주는 도시림으로 개선하는 것이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 시민들의 휴양에 대한 욕구를 충족시켜 주는 도시림 개선에 관한 연구의 일환으로서 도시림의 개선에 따 른 이용행태 및 방문자 만족도 변화에 관한 연구를 수행하고자 하였다. 구체적으로 경남 진주시 도심에 위치한 비봉산 및 선학산을 연구대 상지로 선정하여 2004년부터 2017년까지 도시림 개선에 따른 이용 빈도, 방문자 만족도 등의 변화를 분석하였다. 그 결과 이용 빈도는 2004년과 비교하여 2016년에 선학산과 비봉산 모두에서 증가를 나타냈고 종합만족도도 2004년과 비교하여 2017년에 90% 신뢰수준에서 통계적 유의차를 나타내며 증가를 나타냈다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Scientific analysis and inter-Korean cooperation are needed to reduce North Korea’s environmental pollution and deforestation. Many efforts to reduce North Korea’s environmental issue have a fundamental weakness because they are generally influenced by internal and political conditions. To overcome such a weakness, two approaches may be effective; the first is to use new technology such as Google Earth and the second is to build collaborative governance that is invulnerable to political conditions. This study focuses on building collaborative governance models based on Google Earth data investigation, a previous research’s release of Google Earth database, and literature review of North Korea’s environmental issues. This research’s results are as follows. First, North Korea’s industrial regions suffer from environmental pollution and many other regions experience severe deforestation according to Google Earth-based spatial images. Second, we can discern environmental pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and deforestation using Google Earth-based spatial image. In reality, we are able to identify deforestation and partially soil pollution with Google Earth-based spatial image. Third, there are different environmental problems among North Korea’s local regions. South Korea has to prepare and plan various collaborative governance models depending on North Korea’s local needs on environmental problems.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        영국에서는 지역구분이 필요없고 상대적으로 긴 재현기간에 대해서도 안정적인 확률강우량 추정이 가능한 FORGEX (Focused Rainfall Growth Extension) 기법을 개발하여 강우자료의 지역빈도해석을 수행하고 있으며, 지역빈도해석에 적합한 모집단 성장곡선으로부터 네트워크 최대값(network maximum, netmax) 자료의 분포위치를 고려하기 위하여 영국 강우자료를 이용한 공간상관식(ln Ne)을 유도하였다. 이런 이유 로 영국에서 개발된 공간상관식을 우리나라에 적용할 경우 부정확한 확률강우량을 산정하는 문제점이 발생한다. 이를 보완하기 위하여 본 연구에 서는 우리나라 기상청 산하 유인관측소 지점 중 30년 이상의 긴 강우자료를 보유한 64개 지점의 강우자료를 이용하여 공간상관식을 유도하였다. 지점 간의 합리적인 비교를 위해 1973년부터 2014까지를 기준기간(reference period)으로 정하였고, 강우지속시간, 지점 수, 네트워크 면적 등 3가지 변수를 고려하여 공간상관식을 유도하였다. 유도된 공간상관식을 FORGEX 기법에 적용하여 지역빈도해석을 수행하였고, 기존의 영국식을 이용하여 산정한 확률강우량 값과 비교·분석하였다. 그 결과 우리나라 강우자료를 이용하여 새롭게 유도한 공간상관식은 기존의 영국식 보다 정확 한 것으로 나타났고, 이를 FORGEX 기법에 적용한 결과 영국 공간상관식은 새롭게 개발한 공간상관식보다 확률강우량을 과소 추정하는 것으로 나 타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 기존 FORGEX 기법에서 내포하고 있는 부정확성을 보완할 수 있고, 긴 재현기간에 대한 확률강우량을 보다 정확하게 추 정할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the symptoms and causes of yips and how to cope with them through an in depth approach. I have selected 10 professional golfers comprised of 7 males and 3 female golfers who have overcome yips syndrome as subjects of this study. Methods: I have collected research data through in-depth interviews among individual subjects and withdrawn results through an inductive analysis on the collected data. The confidence and validity of the withdrawn results have been obtained by a triangular verification of three professionals and confirmation of participants and the final results obtained in this manner have been classified into the symptoms of yips, causes of yips and how to cope with yips. Results: The symptoms of yips are comprised of technical symptoms, psychological symptoms, physical symptoms, and situational symptoms. The causes of yips consist of internal and external causes. The methods of overcoming yips in psychological aspect include cognitive restructuring, psychological skills training, positive self-admission while those of overcoming yips in environmental aspect include advice, avoidance, rest, and mass media. The methods of overcoming yips in technical aspect include change in ways of practice and correction of swings among others.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate in-depth causes of slump, symptoms and factors leading professional golfer's bounce-back and present phenomena and psychology in the course of time, provided that it accords to the phenomenon that professional golfers’skill sets are improved after a period of slump is defined as “slump bounce back.” Methods: Subjects of study were 4 male golfers and 5 female golfers. Results were extracted from in-depth interviews. Results: In causes of professional golfer’s slump were from faulty swing, inefficient practice, lack of practice, plateau condition, injury, problems of physical strength, health issues, boredom, criticism from surrounding people, stress from comparing with fellow golfers, pride, uncertain goals, etc., and environmental causes were from financial problem, personal relations, conflict with instructors, change of environment, etc. In symptoms included continuously worsening skills; physical symptoms included insomnia, worsening health, physical exhaustion, hair loss, subjects experiencing negative emotions, psychological isolation, a drop in psychological functions, financial problem, relationship with parents, attitude from surrounding people, etc. As for the factors for depressed golfers to bounce back, it was due to continuous practice, change of methods, improved scores and techniques, physical maintenance, positive change in emotions, training in psychological techniques, financial comfort, parental support and instructor’s help, fellow golfer’s roles, special opportunities, etc.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: This study aimed to investigate the effect of harvest time on the growth, yield characteristics and loganin content in Dipsacus asperoides Wall. Methods and Results: Dipsacus asperoides seedlings were planted within a nursery environment in early May 2015 and harvested in early, middle and late October 2015, and early November 2015. Harvest time did not result significant differences in the plant height, stem diameter, branch length, leaf width and aboveground dry weight moreover, no significant differences were observed in root length, number of roots and root diameter. However, the diameter of lateral roots was greater in the harvests from the late October and period thereafter. The highest values of root dry weight and yield were recorded in early November. Specifically, the yield significantly increased from 205 ㎏/10 a (index: 100) in early October to 358 ㎏/10 a (index: 175) in early November, in terms of root part weight. Loganin contents of D. asperoides differed significantly among harvest times raging from 0.0766% in early October to 0.1704% in late November, thereby showing an increasing trend in later harvest times. Conclusions: These results suggest that the optimum harvest time for D. asperoides is early November, when the yield is the highest. Harvest time significantly affected loganin contents, which constantly increased from early October until early November.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The aim of the present study was to identify an effective physicochemical control method to reduce Fusarium species infestation in adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) before and after harvesting. Methods and Results : We observed that prochloraz emusifiable concentrate and hexaconazol prochloraz emusifiable concentrate strongly inhibited the mycelial growth of 10 Fusarium species. Strong growth inhibitions and cell lysis were observed following treatment with 4% NaOCl solution. The total number of fungi detected were lower follwing treatment with thiophanatemethyl triflumizole wettable powder (1.1 × 104 CFU/g), hexaconazol prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate (1.2 × 104 CFU/g), carboxin thiram dustable powder (1.6 × 104 CFU/g) and prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate (1.7 × 104 CFU/g) than in the non-treated control (7.7 × 104 CFU/g). The reduction of Fusarium fungi varies with the concentration and soaking time of NaOCl solution. Fungal detection was not observed after soaking in NaOCl solution for 24 h and harmful effects were not observed for plant growth by NaOCl after soacking for 6 - 12 h. Conclusion : Soaking seed for 6 - 12 h in 4% NaOCl could be an effective method of disinfectant treatment for the control of Fusarium fungi in adlay seeds.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report a case of psychological support and supervision for a university soccer team. Methods: Psychological support was provided to 32 players in the C university soccer team. 10 or so essential psychological skills including the importance of psychological training, goal setting, strategies to be motivated, enhancing confidence, teamwork, self-regulation, or concentration training were systematized with CAU10 Program, and this was designed properly to the event of soccer. Results: Total 11 sessions were composed of education, practice, and discussion with 80 minutes in each week. To examine the effects of psychological support, SIMS, TEOSQ, and PS test sheets were used. According to the results of the T-Test, it exerted significant effects on the factors of intrinsic motivation (p<.05), confidence (p<.01), and goal setting (p<.05). Conclusion: For field training and supervision, they received training for license grade 2 and then made plans for field training. Submitting an application form for training to Korean Society of Sport Psychology, they got approved. The psychological support team consisted of five trainees and two supervisors. In each team, one or two trainees were arranged, and they were formally appointed as a mental coach by the director, coaching staff, or players. In this case, the soccer team included trainees attending graduate school or having experience to work as a player. Once a week, they were provided with field support, supervision, and irregular field observation and counseling, and also, supervision was done once a week with two grade 1 supervisors. Mainly about preparation for education, ideas to make contents, demonstration for education, or counseling, they were provided with feedback, and this was written as a report for each session. It has been found that field training and supervision have positive effects on grade 2 sport psychology counselor trainees in terms of securing expertise and experience, knowhow, confidence for field support, or contents for psychological support.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of study was to find critical problems which needed urgent solution and give policy priorities on the damaged forest lands close to cities through analysis of public perception. A survey was conducted of forest land users at the entrance of Mt. Bibongsan. And the survey consist of the questions of socioeconomic background on its nominal scale and the questions of cultural value, problem, solutions, maintenance methods and main body to drive related policies for the highly damaged Mt. Bibongsan on 5-point Likert scale.The 86.7 percent of respondents were in the over forties’ age and 65.3 percent visited the forest land more than two times a month. The early five categories’ averaged values were ranging from 3.54 to 3.89. Among the categories, ‘Solutions of the damaged forest land,’ ‘Mt. Bibongsan Restoration method’ and ‘Main body to drive policies’ showed statistical significance in their internal variables from Kruskal-Wallis test. But they did not show exact the ranking between variables and ranking. So thirty variables were reclassified to five categories (F1 ~ F5) by factor analysis. And with using this categories as dependent variables, five regression models were established respectively. The result showed that ‘Problem of Mt. Bibongsan (F1a)’ could be severer by illegal facilities and soil erosion from farming and ‘Solutions of Mt. Bibongsan (F1b)’ took the restoration of forest and destruction of aged houses on hillside as priories. For ‘Historical resources restoration (F2)’, it required to find folk tales and commune with citizen more from restoration of historical resources. To enhance ‘Mt. Bibongsan’s cultural value (F3)’, it was very important to consider citizen’s emotion linked to Mt. Bibongsan. As a ‘Main body to drive policies (F4)’, citizen’s active participation is more effective to policy enforcement. ‘Maintenance policy projects (F5)’ took restoration forest from farmland and forestscape improvement on city-viewed part as urgent projects.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study examined the effect of harvesting time on the growth, yield characteristics, and major beneficial components in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Methods and Results : Although plant height, stem diameter and branch length were not affected by harvesting time, the number of stems was highest when harvested in mid October. There were no differences in root length and thickness, however, the rhizome was thicker when it was harvested at the end of October or early November than when it was harvested in early and mid October. The dried root weight also showed a similar pattern. However, there was a statistically significant increase to 408 ㎏ (16%) in the rhizome weight when in late October and a rise to 455 ㎏ (29%) when harvested in early November. Harvest time had little effect on the content of the major component of S. miltiorrhiza. For example, salvianolic acid content rose from 9.42 to 9.64% with later harvest times, and tanshinone ΠA content was tended to be slightly more increased in mid October which S. miltiorrhiza has 0.22% tanshinon ΠA than in early October. Conclusions : According to these results, the optimum harvest time for S. miltiorrhiza is early November when plant or major component yields are hightest. There were no significant harvest time effects on the major beneficial components.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : A series of studies were conducted to optimize adventitious root induction in vitro from explants of Astragalus membranaceus using various nutrient media supplemented with plant hormones. Methods and Results : Levels of active components were analyzed from adventitious roots induced under different media conditions. Among the different media conditions, Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 1.0㎎• ℓ −1 indole-3-butyric acid resulted in the greatest adventitious root induction rate. The amount of the major active component of the adventitious roots of Ama1, calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside was higher than that of other adventitious root samples. Conclusions : These results suggest that the adventitious roots of A. membranaceus could be used for the commercial production of medicines.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        황기는 콩과에 속하는 다년생 초본으로 단너삼이라고도 불리며 한국을 비롯한 중국, 몽고 등 아시아 지역에서 자생한다. 한국에서는 한약재와 식품을 주 목적으로 재배하며 주 이용부위인 뿌리는 독성이 없어 안정하면서도 다양한 약리효능 때문에 소비가 증대되고 있다. 하지만 황기는 뿌리작물로써 연작장해가 심하고 재배 시 노동력과 비용이 많이 소모되기 때문에 이러한 문제점을 극복하기 위해 기내배양 조건을 구축하고자 하였다. 실험재료는 황기품종인 아성과 풍성을 이용하였다. 각 종자를 기내에서 발아시키기 위해 1% NaOCl에 5분동안 침지하고 다시 70% Et-OH에 3분간 침지하여 표면살균 후 멸균수에서 3회 세척하였다. 종자발아를 유도하기 위해 30g/L sucrose가 함유된1/2MS 배지를 25℃ 인큐베이터에서 16시간의 광조건 3,000룩스(lux) 광량으로 배양하였다. 부정근을 유도하기 위하여 발아된 유식물의 잎, 줄기, 뿌리 절편을 0.5 × 0.5 mm 로 절취하여 3~5 mg/L 3-indolybutyric acid(IBA)가 첨가된 1/2MS 고체배지를 사용하였으며 25℃, 암조건의 인큐베이터에서 3주간 배양하였다. 부정근의 증식은 고체배양 할 때에는 1~5 mg/L IBA가 첨가된 MS 배지에 캘러스를 치상하여 25℃, 암조건의 인큐베이터에서 3주간 배양하였고 액체배양은 0.5 와 1.0mg/L IBA가 첨가된 MS 배지에 부정근 생체를 0.2g으로 정량하여 25℃, 120rpm, 암조건의 진탕배양기에서 배양하였다. 그 결과 캘러스의 유도는 아성뿌리절편에서 IBA 3 mg/L, 풍성뿌리절편에서 IBA 4 mg/L 일 때 가장 높은 유도율을 보였다. 캘러스의 유도율이 가장 우수한 조건에서 얻어진 부정근을 이용하여 고체배양을 실시하였으며, 아성은 IBA 3 mg/L, 풍성은 IBA 5 mg/L에서 높은 증식률을 나타냈다. 액체배지의 증식은 MS액체배지에 IBA 0.5와 1.0mg/L 농도로 수행하였다. 그 결과 IBA 1.0mg/L의 MS배지에서 대조군에 비해 약 2배의 부정근 생산량을 보였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과를 바탕으로 황기의 유효성분 대량생산을 위한 기내배양 시스템을 구축할 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        홍화의 집단교배를 통한 품종 육성 및 유전자지도 작성에 대한 연구가 요구되고 있지만, 이를 위해서는 유전 분리집단 육성이 선행되어야 한다. 홍화의 육종은 주로 자가수분식물의 방법이 적용되어 격리채종 등의 방법으로 이루어져왔다. 현재까지 육종된 청수홍화 (1999년), 진선홍화 (2000년), 의산홍화 (2000년)와 화선홍화 (2002년)는 수집종의 선발 방법을 이용하였으며, 집단교배를 통한 육종은 이루어지지 않았다. 타가교배 방법을 통하여 새로운 품종의 육종은 교배대상 모본과 부본의 자원 선발이 선행되어져야 한다. 본 연구는 홍화 집단교배 및 유전자지도 작성을 위하여 수집자원으로부터 교배대상 모본과 부본 자원을 선발하고자 수행되었다. 대상 자원은 국내·외 지역 재래종과 품종 등 34자원을 수집하여 시험포장에 증식한 식물체를 대상으로 수행하였다. 증식된 자원은 각각 종자를 격리 채종하여 파종 후 개화시기, 두화 수 및 형태적 특성평가를 실시하여 선발하였다. 식재된 자원의 개화시기는 6월 11일에서 7월 1일로 최대 20일 가량의 차이를 보였으며, 개화율은 90% ∼ 100%로 나타났다. 두화 수는 개체 당 8.3개 ∼ 37.7개로 최대 4.5배 가량 차이를 보였다. 모본은 개화시기가 가장 빠르며 개화시작 후 20일 이내에 90%이상 개화가 이루어진 육성품종 의산홍화를 선발하였다. 부본은 한 개체 당 두화 수가 37.7개로 꽃 수가 가장 많으며 초장이 가장 작아 단간의 형태로서 도복에 아주 강한 미얀마 수집자원 MMR-STS-2011-11039를 선발하였다. 선발된 모본과 부본의 잎은 모두 난상피침형이나, 모본에 비해 부본의 잎은 폭이 좁으며 매우 강한 가시가 잎과 줄기에 나타나 형태적으로 현저한 차이가 나타났다. 선발된 자원은 형태적 다양성이 높고 유사도가 낮아 집단교배 및 F1 세대 육종을 통한 유전자 지도 작성 연구에 적합한 자원으로 판단된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study was conducted to development mass production methods for peanut sprouts that is considered as a field of blue ocean among the agricultural products. 'Jopyeong' was the best as a major cultivar for peanut sprouts production. The manual for the production of high-quality peanut sprouts is as following. Germination temperature appropriate for production of high-quality peanut sprouts was 27℃. Peanut sprouts at the growth stage of 8th day, and older plants with advanced growth showed deteriorated merchantable and eating quality. Resveratrol compound was not found in the seeds, but its highest amount was detected from 9-day old sprouts. The best water temperature applicable to high quality peanut sprout production was 25℃. The growth of peanut sprout was inhibited by the high temperatures above 35℃ and low temperatures below 15℃.