A new oak mushroom cultivar ‘K815’ was bred from monokaryotic strains of ‘Jadam-2’ and ‘LE191732-118’. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth of ‘K815’ was 25oC, and the temperature for primordia formation and fruiting body development was 15~20oC. The fruiting body morphology is hemispherical and the fruiting form is sporadic. Total cultivation period of the new cultivar, from inoculation to its first harvest, was 133 days, which was 3 days longer than control cultivar ‘Jadam’ (129 days), with 32 days for spawn running, 89 days for browning, 4 days for primordia formation, and 8 days for fruiting body development. In the fruiting body, the thickness and diameter of pileus of the new cultivar were 32.2 mm and 58.3mm, respectively, and the length of stipe was 35.6 mm. Compared to the control cultivar ('Jadam', 'L808'), the pileus of the new cultivar was thicker and smaller and the length of stipe was shorter. The total number of fruiting bodies of ‘K815’ was 58.9, which was higher than the control varieties and total yield of 2 crop cycle of ‘K815’ was 580 g (per 3 kg substrate), which was similar to the control variety.
This study conducted a marine experiment to improve the fishing system using miniaturized nets for anchovy boat seine to reduce the fleet size. As a result, the miniaturized net for anchovy boat seine properly opened the entrance of the bag net using the buoyancy of the flotation for position indication and the setting force of the ground rope without operating a separate fish detecting boat by attaching a large flotation at the entrances of the inside wing net and the bag net. This also enabled an operation type where the entrance of the bag net is confirmed using a flotation for position indication from a netting boat. The time and the number of people used for net casting and net hauling in the marine experiment were average of five minutes and 25-30 minutes, respectively, and 23-30 people for the existent net, while for the miniaturized large-scale net were average of three minutes and 23-25 minutes, respectively, and 19-25 people. This indicates that the operation time was shortened, the number of fish detecting boats was reduced by one boat, and the number of people for fishing work was decreased by four or five people due to the improvement of fishing operation system according to the reduction of fishing net size. As a result of measuring the shaft horsepower during net towing, the maximum net towing horsepower was 250 HP in comparison to the maximum RPM of the engine (1,200 RPM), indicating that the legal horsepower of 250 HP is enough to conduct net towing and the competitiveness of fishing using the net for anchovy boat seine is ensured through operation cost reduction.
본 연구는 아로마 목걸이를 병용한 비대면 수면 프로그램이 불면증 대학생의 수면의 질, 주간졸 림증, 우울 및 스트레스에 미치는 효과를 확인하고자 비동등 대조군 전후 실험설계로 시도되었다. 대상자 는 경기도 S시 소재 E대학에 재학중인 대학생 가운데 불면증상을 호소하는 대상자에게 중재 전후에 자가 설문으로 구성된 수면의 질, 주간졸림증, 우울, 스트레스를 측정하였다. 아로마목걸이를 병용한 비대면 수 면 프로그램은 실험군(n=21)에게 주 1회, 총 6주 동안 적용하였으며 대조군(n=21)에게 수면책자를 제공하 였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 24.0 프로그램을 이용하여 기술통계, Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, Independent t-test를 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과, 수면의 질(t=-5.87, p<.001), 주간졸음(t=-4.28, p<.001), 우울(t=-4.40, p<.001)에서는 그룹 간 유의한 차이가 나타났으며 스트레스는 유의하지 않았다. 따라서 아로마목걸이를 병용한 비대면 수면 프로그램이 대학생의 수면의 질, 주간졸림증, 우울 증상을 감 소시키는데 유용한 간호중재법으로 활용 가능할 것을 기대된다.
PURPOSES : Basic research to calculate the appropriate gap acceptance for autonomous vehicles at merging section. Research on whether users prefer short or long gap acceptance. METHODS : Using a driving simulator, experience autonomous driving with different gap acceptance in different weather condition, and analyze which gap acceptance is preferred using survey and biometric data. RESULTS : Regardless of the weather condition, long gap acceptance was preferred, and difference was especially clear in rainy or foggy situation. CONCLUSIONS : It was analyzed that users prefer long gap acceptance over short gap acceptance, and that they feel less frustrated due to long gap acceptance when weather condition is poor.
PURPOSES : Evaluation of the effectiveness of changing the form of yellow carpet installation as a way to reduce child pedestrian traffic accidents. METHODS : Through expert opinion, two improvement plans for yellow carpet installation (oblique type, extended type) were derived. The improvement paln was built in virtual reality, and a virtual driving experiment was performed using a driving simulator and eye-trakcing device. The improvement effects of the two alternatives were evaluated by analyzing eye-tracking data and driving behavior. RESULTS : In the case of the oblique type, it was analyzed that it was effective in improving the total gaze time and first gaze position compared to the normal type. In the case of the extended type, it was analyzed that the workload during operation can be reduced. However, neither of them had a significant effect on driving behavior. CONCLUSIONS : Although the change in the yellow carpet installation type did not affect the driver's driving behavior, it had advantages in terms of visual behavior and workload while driving, so it can be considered as an alternative among measures to improve traffic accidents involving children and pedestrians.
We aimed to develop outstanding domestic varieties suitable for both columnar and cylindrical-shape substrates, aiming to replace foreign varieties. and bred a high-quality new strain named ‘Charmjon’, using genetic resources collected from Japan and China. The optimal cultivation temperature for Charmjon’s mycelial growth was found to be 25°C, and its mycelial growth at 15°C and 25°C was superior to the control variety. In terms of mycelial growth characteristics based on the substrate, Charmjon exhibited excellent mycelial strength on PDA medium compared to the control variety. Through columnar and cylindrical-shape substrates cultivation, we assessed the quantity and morphological characteristics of the fruiting bodies. The results confirmed that Charmjon can be produced stably using both cultivation methods, and it showed higher yields and individual weights than the control variety. In addition, the color of the pileus was notably darker, and the shape of the pileus varied depending on the cultivation method. The test of genetic diversity revealed that Charmjon has distinct genetic characteristics compared to the control varieties.
본 연구의 목적은 오수견의 구전적 설화를 중심으로 돌비의 출토 및 현 오수면 원동공원과의 연계성을 통해 오수의 지명적 가치를 분석하는 것이 다. 아울러 오수면에 위치한 의견공원, 김개인 생가 등 풍수적인 물형가치 를 찾아 구전에 합당한 공간을 설정하고, 이 설정이 구전적 오수의견(義犬) 과 부합하는 지리적 형상을 이해하고자 하였다. 오수의견은 구전이나 나름 의 역사성을 갖추고 있는 문헌적 사료(史料)가 있으며 그와 관련하여 오늘 날까지도 이 지역주민들의 사랑을 받고 있는 공간이기도 하다. 그러므로 오수면의 의견스토리가 담긴 공간성은 반려견문화 세계화에 따라서 더욱 그 의미의 확장성을 보일 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 오수면의 정체성과 지 명 그리고 전반적인 인문학적 연구가 더욱 필요할 것이다. 또한 의견의 구 전적 이야기와 합치하는 풍수적 의견물형(義犬物形)을 더하고 구전적 오수 견 이야기의 토대를 돌비출현과 연관 지어 스토리의 완성적 공간을 확장하 였다. 본 연구는 단순히 구전적 이야기로만 전해오던 인간과 반려견(의견) 과의 인격적 애정관계를 통해서 그들 간의 생명관을 고찰함과 동시에 오수 의견 이야기의 실제적 역사로서 그 가능성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 또한 오 수의견 이야기의 주 무대로 알려진 오수면의 지명적 정체성을 알아보고 그 의미를 바탕으로 오수의견과의 연결성 있는 스토리를 찾아보고자 하였다.
The effects of punching treatment on mycelial culture and fruiting body productivity were investigated in a new Lentinula edodes cultivar, “Jadam”, in sawdust medium for the stable production of oak mushroom. As the punching volume and number increased, the weight loss rate and color difference increased and the L value decreased. After spawn inoculation, the sawdust medium temperature and CO2 concentration reached their highest values at 33 and 19 days of incubation, respectively. The O2 concentration showed the lowest value on the 14th day of incubation, which was the opposite pattern to the CO2 concentration. As the punching volume and the number increased, the medium temperature and O2 concentration increased, and the CO2 concentration decreased. Higher punching volumes and numbers resulted in higher temperatures and lower CO2 concentrations. The best fruiting body yield was 5 × 70 mm - 30 (punching diameter × depth - number), and the total yield after three cycles was 644.7 g.
A new spore-less cultivar Lentinula edodes ‘Daedam’ was bred from monokaryotic strains of ‘LE15401-24’ and ‘LE192118-10’. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of ‘Daedam’ on potato dextrose agar was 22~25oC. Total cultivation period of the new cultivar, from inoculation to its first harvest, was 134 days, similar to that of the control cultivar ‘Hwadam’. Total yield of ‘Daedam’ was 222g per 3kg substrate, and was lower than that of control cultivar(266.0g). The fruiting body of ‘Daedam’ had a thick and small pileus and a longer stem compare to control cultivar. As a result of a analyzing the productivity of ‘Daedam’ on the different substrate types, the biological efficiency was 26.7% in the 1.2kg cylindrical substrate(CS), which was higher than that of the 3kg rod-type substrate(RS). 'Daedam' had a similar yield compared to 'Hanacham' in first fruiting body production, but the cultivation period was 40 days shorter. Therefore, 'Daedam' can only harvest fruiting bodies once, it is thought that it can be used as spore-less oak mushroom cultivar for short-term cultivation instead of 'Hanacham' in mushroom farms.
This study was conducted to reduce the phenomenon of the biased cultivation of certain mushroom varieties and to develop a competitive variety of Pleurotus nebrodensis. We have collected and tested characteristics of genetic resources from domestic and overseas varieties since 2015. We bred the domestic variety ‘Boram’. The optimal temperature was 26~29oC for mycelial growth and 15~18oC for fruit body growth temperature. This variety was similar to the control variety (Uram) in terms of the number of cultivation days and yield per bottle. The shape of the new cultivar was round, whereas that of the control group was spatula-like. The yield was 181.1 g/bottle, which was statistically similar to that of the control variety. When incubating the parent and control varieties, the replacement line was clear. Moreover, polymerase chain reaction analysis of mycelial DNA resulted in different band patterns between the parent and control varieties, confirming the hybrid species.
본 연구는 국내 희귀 및 멸종위기야생식물 Ⅱ급인 초령목의 자생지에서의 분포와 생육 특성을 파악하고 보전지위를 평가하 고자 실시하였다. 초령목은 흑산도와 제주도에서 자생지가 확인되었는데, 4개의 개체군으로 구분되었다. 자생지에서 314개체 가 확인되었으며, 이중 약 45.9%(144개체)가 해발고도 401m~500m 범위에 분포하였다. 수고는 평균 2.7(±4.8)m였으며, 흉고직경은 12.6(±13.9)㎝였고 분지는 평균 1.0(±0.5)개로 나타났다. 초령목의 어린나무 개체들은 어미목에서 반경 30m 이내에 54.3%가 분포하였고, 31m~40m 사이에서 25.8%가 분포하였으며, 반경 60m 이내에 대부분(90.1%)이 확인되었다. 초령목의 어린나무 개체들이 일부 성숙목 주변에서도 확인되지 않고, 극히 한정된 지역에서만 출현하는 것은 자생지 환경뿐만 아니라 생육조건과 관계가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 초령목의 종자 산포는 천연하종과 더불어 조류가 관여하는 것으로 추정되는 데, 이는 천연하종의 범위 이상에서 발견되는 자생지는 조류가 쉴 수 있는 물웅덩이가 근처에 존재하는 공통적인 특징을 지녔기 때문이다. 초령목의 지역 및 국가수준의 IUCN 적색목록 평가기준의 범주는 위급(Critically Endangered) 범주에 해당하며 국내 개체군은 “CR B2ab(ⅴ); C2a(ⅰ); D” 범주로 평가되는 것으로 나타났다.
Recently, with the increasing global demand for Ganoderma lucidum as a material for functional beverages, varieties with enhanced functionality are needed. As part of this effort, 10 strains were selected from a collection of 160 G. lucidum strains, based on their quantity and fruiting body characteristics. These included four strains collected in Korea, three in Japan, and three of unknown origin. Approximately 44% of the 1,290 hybrid strains were secured. After two rounds of bag cultivation in oak sawdust, three strains (G-20-4, G-20-5, and G-20-7) were ultimately selected for single-timbered cultivation. Among these, G-20-4 demonstrated the earliest harvesting with a large size and a bright cap. Additionally, this strain exhibited the highest levels of total glucan, β-glucan, total triterpenoid, total polyphenol, and total flavonoid content.
The oyster mushroom is a widely cultivated edible mushroom in Korea. It is a regionally specialized crop in Gyeonggi-do, where 68% of the national production is produced. The present study was conducted to develop a new, highquality cultivar with stable cultivation. ‘Manseon’ is a new variety of oyster mushroom suitable for bottle culture. It was produced by mating monokaryons isolated from ‘HB-18’ and ‘P15159-16’. The optimal temperature for ‘Manseon’ mycelial growth was 26–29 °C on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and for primordia formation and the growth of fruit bodies the optimal temperature was 18–19 °C on sawdust medium. Spawn running required 30 d, primordia formation required 4 d, and fruit body growth in the bottle culture required 4 d. Regarding the characteristics of the fruit bodies, the pilei were round and dark grayish brown, stipe color was white, and stipe shape was short and thick. The yield per bottle was 192.7 g/1,100 cc, which was 9% higher than that of the control strain (Suhan-1ho). The physical properties of springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and brittleness of stipe tissue were 87.9%, 77.4%, 445.1 kgf, and 389.6 kgf, respectively.
The present study investigated the optimum additive ratio of wheat straw pellet as a substitute for beet pulp during oyster mushroom cultivation. The chemical properties across treatments were pH of 4.8–5.5, total carbon content of 45.9–46.5%, total nitrogen content of 1.5–1.7%, and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 27.8–31.0. Mycelial growth was the fastest in a medium containing 20% wheat straw pellet (at 88.2 mm in ‘Heuktari’ and 70.3–79.6 mm in ‘Suhan-1Ho’); however, there were no significant differences in mycelial density among the treatments. The characteristics of fruiting bodies by variety were as follows. In ‘Heuktari’, the valid stipe number per bottle (1,100 cc) was 22.5 and yield was 177.1 g/1,100 cc in the mixed medium containing 10% wheat straw pellet, with the values being comparable to those of controls. In ‘Suhan-1Ho’, the valid stipe number per bottle (1,100 cc) was 14.0 and yield was 151.2 g/1,100 cc in the mixed medium containing 10% wheat straw pellet, with the values being comparable to those of controls.