
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 869

        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When taking X-ray, Some of them are not only absorbed as they pass through the body, but some are scattered and blurred. To prevent this problem, 'X-Ray Grid' was placed between the body and the film. Conventionally, in order to manufacture an X-ray grid, a lead sheet and an aluminum sheet were adhered with epoxy or the like, cut to a predetermined thickness, and formed in a line at a predetermined angle. New grids are actively being developed to solve this problem. In this study, Laser beam was irradiated on a photosensitive glass having high X-ray transmittance to form an oblique lattice type channel. When the photosensitive glass is exposed to Laser beam, Previous studies have shown that laser exposure to photosensitive glass reacts with UV-Laserto form high-precision microstructures. The photosensitive glass exposed by the laser is heat-treated at a high temperature to crystallize the exposed part. When the crystallized patterns are etched with a hydrofluoric acid liquid solution, a structure having a depth is completed. The completed structure is filled with metals with X-ray shielding properties. The angle of incidence can be processed up to 18, which is the angle of incidence of ordinary X-ray, The upper surface line width of theetched pattern is 20um or less and The depth of processing after etching was found to be more than 100um, which means 'the filler can be deposited sufficiently'.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to determine the effects of different processing methods (AD: drying at 50°C for 15 h; ADR: roasting after drying; SAD: drying after steaming; SADR: roasting after steaming and drying) on the quality characteristics, total phenolic content, anthocyanin content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and reducing powder of red radish (Bordeaux and watermelon radish) tea. The pH of red radish tea was the highest with SAD. In terms of the total sugar content, Bordeaux radish tea showed the highest level with AD, ADR, and SAD, and watermelon radish tea showed the highest level with SADR. The a value of Bordeaux radish tea was higher with AD and ADR. The b value of Bordeaux radish tea was increased with steaming and roasting treatment. In terms of measuring the colors of watermelon radish tea, the L value was decreased while the b value was increased with roasting treatment. The total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and reducing powder with ADR and SADR were higher than those in samples prepared by different processing methods. AD and SAD resulted in higher anthocyanin contents than ADR and SADR. In terms of sensory evaluation, the appearance and color were rated higher with AD and SAD, whereas the flavor and taste were ranked higher with ADR and SADR than in the other samples. The results suggest that red radish (Bordeaux and watermelon radish) tea prepared by ADR and SADR processing methods can be utilized as health functional tea material with antioxidant activity.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Palatability and texture analysis of nine Korean rice cultivars were investigated to select the most appropriate rice variety for the cooked-rice processing. The rice cultivars studied consisted of Samkwang, Seonpum, Wolbaek, Andabyeo, Dasan-1, Ilpum, Haiami, Jungsanggold and Chindle. They revealed the moisture, protein, amylose and starch contents of 10~12, 5~6, 12~19, and approximately 90%, respectively. Among the evaluated rice varieties, WB exhibited the lowest amylose content (12.7%) and Jungsanggold the next (17.2%). In the rapid-visco analyzer test, Jungsanggold, Chindle, Wolbaek and Seonpum revealed a low value of final and setback viscosities than other varieties. Using a toyo meter analyzer, Chindle, Haiami, Samkwang were selected as having high toyo palatability values, while Dasan-1, Wolbaek and Andabyeo revealed low values. Toughness and adhesiveness of all nine cooked rice varieties were highest in Jungsanggold, Chindle and Ilpum. Also, palatability of cooked rice was highest in the following order: Chindle (80.03) > Samkwang (76.21) > Jungsanggold (74.08). The results of this study suggest that Chindle may be effectively used to produce processed cooked rice.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate the management characteristics and techniques by comparing and analyzing the process of mixing, sterilization, cooling, inoculation and incubation for bag cultivation of L. edodes. The medium was sterilized after mixing it for 30 minutes, 1 and 2 hours respectively. The general moisture content of the sawdust substrate has been adjusted to 65%, while the case of the L. edodes substrate was 55%. Only 5% of wood chips of 5-8 mm in particle size were mixed to secure the space of the sawdust particles. As a result, mycelial growth was 1.4cm faster and the density was better(+++) than control(++). Wood chips are soaked in advance for a week during winter and 4 days during summer. There is an average number of 1.6x108 (cfu) of microorganisms in the sawdust that has been piled for six months outdoor. In summer, it has to be used immediately after mixing sawdust. High-pressure sterilization should be performed to use as a mushroom spawn, and to improve physical properties, it was great to sterilize the medium at a normal-pressure. There are height and width type for bags to be consumed for bagging. When the height was reduced into 17cm and the width was increased into 13cm, the browning period was shortened by 30 days and the period of mycelial growth was shortened by 25 days. The sterilized medium had an average of 4x103(cfu) of microorganisms at 25°C and 1.3×102 (cfu) at 15°C. After 25 days from inoculation in vitro, the growth condition of sawdust was the best with 13.2 cm, followed by grain spawn and liquid respectively. When inoculated with liquid spawn, the moisture content of substrate should be adjusted to 55% to 50% in advance.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농산물 가공은 농산물을 원물로 판매할 때보다 부가가치를 제고할 수 있는 방안의 하나로, 품질이 상 대적으로 낮거나 상품성이 없는 농산물을 가공을 통해 농가소득을 높일 수 있는 중요한 정책 수단의 하 나로 인식되어 왔다. 정부도 농산물 가공의 중요성을 인식하고 농산물 가공을 적극 장려하고 있다. 하 지만 식품의 가공은 농산물과는 달리 다양한 법적·제도적 규제를 받는다. 이런 법적·제도적 규제를 정확히 알지 못하고 농산물 가공을 시작할 경우 의도치 않게 법을 위반할 수도 있다. 따라서 이 논문에 서는 농산물 가공과 관련된 중요한 법규를 중심으로 농산물 가공을 위해 준수해야 할 법규의 내용을 검 토한다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper suggests a visual debugging plaftorm based on the game engine, Unity3D for massive parallel processing routines implemented in CUDA. In general, it is tiresome to debug or check the accuracy of numerical geometry information results calculated in a parallel way by GPU; usually, developers would pick and check each numerical value by rummaging overwhelming lines of seemingly meaningless numbers. This manual process is less productive and time-consuming. Also, it is not easy to produce some continuous movements of geometry information to check the validity of implemented CUDA codes for realtime geometry processing applications. To solve those problems, this paper presents a way to use Unity3D game engine to visually and interactively debug CUDA implementations. Also, some practical test results are presented with discussions on limitations of Unity3D as a CUDA debugging platform.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We propose a custom analysis technique for the dark field (DF) image based on transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The custom analysis technique is developed based on the DigitalMicrograph® (DM) script language embedded in the Gatan digital microscopy software, which is used as the operational software for most TEM instruments. The developed software automatically scans an electron beam across a TEM sample and records a series of electron diffraction patterns. The recorded electron diffraction patterns provide DF and ADF images based on digital image processing. An experimental electron diffraction pattern is recorded from a IrMn polycrystal consisting of fine nanograins in order to test the proposed software. We demonstrate that the developed image processing technique well resolves nanograins of ~ 5 nm in diameter.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers process and evaluate products every day in an increasing number of diverse presentations of products and brands across shop environments. Although consumers may think to react to attributes of the products and the shop environments, there are many contextual factors that influence consumers’ responses. Both products presentation and shop environments differ in visual complexity and ease of processing. For example, products such as fragrances and eyeglasses considerably diverge depending on the visual presentation across multiple stores. Research on processing fluency (e.g., Reber et al., 2004; Winkelman et al., 2003) shows that the processing of any stimulus can be characterized by a variety of parameters that are nonspecific to its content. This stream of work suggests that any variable that facilitates fluent processing results in increased liking, and other positive evaluations. Recent work on context complexity (Orth and Crouch, 2014) suggests that people process a package more fluently when it is presented in a low rather than high complexity context. Further, research on contextual cues (Zhu and Meyers-Levy, 2009) shows that the extent of feature overlap between a context and a target object determines whether a person interprets the target related or not related to the contextual data. Accumulating research suggests that a deeper understanding of the way consumers process multiple contextual cues promises to shed light on our understanding of many areas of consumer research. Although visual appeal is itself multifaceted (Bloch, 1995), much of the current discussion with respect to visual cues does not consider the interaction of multiple shop environments. Given the importance of processing fluency and context effects, we examine the extent to which consumers positively elaborate cognitive processes in relation to product context complexity. Following research in psychology, fluency is the subjective experience of ease with which a person processes a stimulus (Reber et al. 2004). High fluency elicits a positive reaction. We predict that less complex contexts of the product will be easier to process and produce more favorable evaluations of the product. Further, research on contextual cues (Aggarwal and McGill, 2007; Meyers-Levy and Sternthal, 1993) shows that consumers better overlap contextual cues when cues are moderately congruent rather than low congruent. This suggests that consumers respond more favourably to moderate congruent shop environments. Studies Two studies tested our prediction that product context complexity across shop environments affects consumer’s processing fluency, liking, and product evaluation. In both studies, participants were provided with pictures of real products and shop environments. Images were manipulated to disguise brand names. Participants were recruited online through the platform Prolific Academic. Study 1 tested the hypothesized negative effect of product context complexity on processing fluency, and liking. The final section of the survey asked for personal information, including gender, age, and style of reasoning. These variables had no significant impact on the dependent variables of interest and were excluded from further analysis. In study 1, ninety participants (mean age = 34.20, 63 females) were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions (product context complexity: low vs. high). They viewed one randomly selected picture of cosmetics displayed on counter displays across two different stores. Cosmetics was chosen due to the large variance in products presentation across multiple retailers. In a pretest, 87 participants rated perceived complexity of the display to examine whether the display complexity differs across the two conditions. The manipulation was successful (Mlow = 2.32 vs. Mhigh = 3.68; F(1,85) =24.299, p < 0.001). Running one-way ANOVA with product context complexity as independent variable and processing fluency as dependent variable a significant main effect of the context complexity (M = 5.05 vs. M = 4.37; F (1,87) = 3.913, p < 0.05). To test our prediction that liking is mediated by processing fluency of product context complexity, a mediation analysis was conducted (PROCESS model 4: Hayes, 2014). Bootstrap estimation confirmed that processing fluency mediates the influence of product context complexity on liking (simple slope = 0.44, LLCI = 0.01, ULCI = 0.94). In study 2, our aim was to corroborate and extend study 1 findings by testing product context complexity in congruent and less congruent shop environments. One hundred seventy-seven participants (mean age = 35,31, 80 females) viewed one randomly selected combination of chocolate shop environments. As in study 1, we chose chocolate due to the large variance in products presentation across multiple retailers. Chocolate was displayed on tower displays (products context complexity: low vs. high), and matched with the overall in-store presentation of three chocolate shop environments (shop environment congruence: low vs. moderate vs. high). After processing the pictures, participants were asked to rate processing fluency, liking, and product evaluation. Similarly to Study 1, the final section of the survey asked for personal information, including gender, age, and shopping goal. Again, these variables had no significant impact on the dependent variables of interest and were excluded from further analysis. Two pretests confirmed that our manipulation of product context complexity (Mlow = 1.96 vs. Mhigh = 4.01, F(1,57) = 23.464, p < 0.001) and store processing fluency (Mlow = 3.50 vs. Mmoderate = 4.14 vs. Mhigh = 5.10, F(1,109) = 10.465, p < 0.005) were successful. Running a factorial ANOVA with processing fluency as dependent variable indicated a nonsignificant main effect of product context complexity. Shop environment congruence had a significant main effect (F(2,171) = 6.561, p < 0.005). Contrasts analysis revealed significant differences between the high congruence/context complexity condition and the low congruence/context complexity condition, and between the moderate congruence/context complexity condition and the low congruence/context complexity condition (all ps < 0.005). We then tested the prediction that processing fluency mediates the effects of shop environment congruence on liking and product evaluation through product context complexity as moderator. We used a moderated mediation analysis with the bootstrap PROCESS model 8: Hayes, 2014). There was a significant conditional indirect effect of shop environment congruence on liking though product context complexity in the high context complexity condition, b = -0.280, LLCI = -0.509, ULCI = -0.120. A similar estimation with product evaluation as the independent variable revealed that processing fluency mediated the relationship between significant shop environment congruence and product evaluation though product context complexity in the high context complexity condition, b = -0.375, LLCI = -0.631, ULCI = -0.153). Discussion Our findings demonstrated the influence of product context complexity on processing fluency and product evaluation. The results showed that less context complexity leads to an ease of processing. Study 1 confirmed the negative relationship between product context complexity and processing fluency. Further, study 1 demonstrates a mediation mechanism of processing fluency on liking. This result confirms prior work on processing fluency (Reber et al., 2004). Further. we extend previous work on visual complexity (Orth and Crouch 2014) by demonstrating that low congruence shop environments may influence consumer processing fluency. In study 2, we looked at how consumers respond to complex and less complex presentation of products in congruent and less congruent shop environments. Our results support research on contextual cues (Zhu and Meyers-Levy, 2009) by showing an interesting path of complex contextual cues. Complex contexts may affect consumer’s evaluation of products. This pattern is more pronounced in low congruent shop environments. Consumers may evaluate much less favorably visually complex contexts in low congruence shop environments than in congruent shop environment. Such behavior is due to the extent to which consumers overlap the shop environment and the target product. This research shed light on how consumers combine retail and product cues. By integrating research on processing fluency and contextual cues, our work allows a better crafting product design and retail strategies. Apart from the theoretical contributions, this research provides marketing manager with insights into how to develop easier to process shop environment for consumers. The results suggest that when products are presented with complex contexts, consumers respond less favorably to the visual appearance of their products. For retail managers, the results provide insight into why it might be especially difficult to process more complex settings of the products. The results suggest that to make a shop environment more favorable, managers have to find solutions to reallocate complex contextual cues of the products. This could be done through developing more congruent areas within the store. Given the growing importance of visual strategies in retailing, our research gives managers suitable solutions to allocate in-store resources.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to solve the problem that was occurred during the spline processing in A-IMS tubular shaft. The upper dies were modelled conventional case and modified case. The tubular shafts were modelled as standard case and error case. The error case assumed production error of raw material. The material of tubular shaft was set to SCM 420H as refer to the analysis library. The simulation results were analyzed and compared in terms of metal flow, effective stress, and effective strain characteristics. The crushed and buckling problems were observed at the upper side of tubular shaft body when conventional upper die was applied. However, the crushed and buckling problems were solved when modified upper die was applied.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ptaquiloside는 고사리에 들어 있는 발암성 물질이다. 본 연구는 다양한 조리법에 따라 고사리에 함유된 ptaquiloside 을 측정해 보고자 하였다. 조리법은 가열, 물에 침지, 물 교환 횟수 등이었다. 알칼리 가수분해와 용매분획은 ptaquiloside를 화학적으로 안정한 물질인 pterosin B로 전환시켜 주었다. Pterosin B 함량은 이동상용매로 3 mM ammonium과 메탄올 용매를 사용하여 UPLC-MS/MS로 분 석하였다. 조리과정이 없는 생고사리의 H2O추출물에 함유 된 pterosin B함량은 81 mg/kg으로 검출되어 독성물질 ptaquiloside는 46.4 mg/kg이었다. 5분의 가열 시간 후 고사리의 pterosin B 함량은 약 60%정도 제거시켜주며, 이 중 2/3는 ptaquiloside에서 전환된 pterosin B가 아닌 고사리 고유의 ptersoin B 함량이었다. 12시간 침지를 추가한 고사리는 처리하지 않은 고사리에 비해 약 88%, 또한 매 시간 물교환 작업을 추가시 99.5%까지 제거됨을 알 수 있 었다. 따라서 독성물질 ptaquiloside의 제거는 가열시간과 더불어 침지와 물 교환 횟수도 동시에 이루어져야 함을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기존 온·습도 센서와 여러 가스센서에 의해 측정 및 제어되는 돈사환경제어시스템에 돼지의 체온조 절행동에 근거한 생체정보를 이용하여 외부 환경정보를 보정한다면 보다 정밀한 축사 환경제어를 할 수 있다. 이를 위한 본 연구는 ICT기술을 접목한 스마트돈사의 정밀환경제어를 위한 기초연구로 획득된 이 미지를 바탕으로 돼지의 행동특성을 3가지로 분류하기 위한 영상처리시스템 알고리즘을 제시하고자 한 다. 공시재료는 실험돈사에서 사육되고 있는 육돈용 자돈(F2, 36~40kg) 3마리를 이용하였으며, 영상처 리를 수행하고자 천정에 설치된 카메라를 통해 획득된 이미지를 이용하였다. 영상처리를 위한 프로그램 은 Visual Studio C과 다양한 영상처리를 위해 개발된 오픈 소스 라이브러리인 OpenCV Library를 이 용하여 구현하였다. 행동분류 알고리즘은 각 돼지의 중심점 데이터, 돼지가 차지하는 면적, 돼지 사이 의 거리를 구하고자 전처리를 수행한 이미지를 RGB 색상계에서 YCrCb 색상계로 변환하였으며, 히스토 그램 평활화(Histogram Equalization), cvBlob함수를 사용하여 Labeling 알고리즘을 수행하였다. 영상 처리 결과, 검증 이미지를 대상으로 군집형태 A로 판단된 결과는 면적만 고려한 것과 거리와 면적을 같 이 고려하였을 때 인식률 95%를 나타내었다. 군집형태 B의 경우 면적만을 고려하였을 경우 65%, 면적 과 거리를 모두 고려하였을 경우 95%로 나타났다. 군집형태 C의 경우 면적만을 고려하였을 경우 25%, 면적과 거리를 모두 고려하였을 경우 100%로 나타나 환경정보 보정자료로 활용이 가능한 것으로 판단 되었다.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고성능 복합재료 제조에 사용되는 고온경화용 에폭시 수지 시스템의 성형성을 연구하였다. 테트라글리시딜 메틸렌 디아닐린계 에폭시 수지 시스템의 조성과 화학구조를 여러 가지 분석장비를 이용하여 분석하고 확인하였다. 이 수지 시스템은 보통의 작업온도 조건에서 시간 경과에 따른 점도 상승이 미미한 것으로 나타났다. 유전 경화 모니 터링 방법을 이용하여 선정한 수지 시스템의 경화거동을 연구하였다.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract Y2Ti2O7 nanoparticles (0.3 mol%) have been successfully synthesized by the co-precipitation process. The samples, adjusted to pH7 with ammonia solution as catalyst and calcined at 700~900 ℃, exhibit very fine particles with close to spherical shape and average size of 10-30 nm. It was possible to control the size of the synthesized Y2Ti2O7 particles by manipulating the conditions. The Y2Ti2O7 nanoparticles were coated on a glass substrate by a dipping coating process with inorganic binder. The Y2Ti2O7 solution coated on the glass substrate had excellent adhesion of 5B; pencil hardness test results indicated an excellent hardness of 6H. The thickness of the thick film was about 30 μm. Decomposition of MB on the Y2Ti2O7 thin film shows that the photocatalytic properties were excellent.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the development of processed food for hypoglcemia, it is important to construct model system to confirm factors that reduce the glycemic index in real food. This study was to investigate the relationship between the gel model system and real food the high amylose type of segoami using response surface methodology. The independent variables were concentration (X1; 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) and steaming time (X2; 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 min). The predicted glycemic index (Y1) was analyzed as a dependent variable. The regression of pGI was 0.7343, indicating that the model fits the data well in the prediction test. The predict glycemic index of the gel was in the range of 71.38 ~ 83.78, depending on the gel preparation conditions and predicted optimum condition was 23.7% gel concentration and 43.8 minutes of gelatinization. The predict glycemic index of rice gel were decreased with an increase of gel concentration, rather than the steaming time. In order to confirm the effect on in vitro digestibility in real food, the real food (Garraedduk) was prepared by applying the optimal conditions. As a result, there was no significant difference between the predicted value (77.1) and the experiment value (76.6). This result showed that the in vitro digestibility in real food can be predicted by applying the gel model system.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Even though the red pepper is one of the most important seasoning vegetables in Korea, the volume of usage of domestic red pepper has shrunk due to decrease in consumption. Thus, researchers and government officers need to seek for solutions to extend usage of domestic red pepper of food processing industry which consumes considerable amount of it. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors of the usage of domestic red pepper in food processing companies using cross-tabulation analysis and multiple regression model and to find the implications for promoting the usage of domestic red pepper. The results of studies present that specific characteristics of food processing companies affect the usage of domestic red pepper, including size of sales, shape of company, food product processed by company, human organization for purchase of food material, registered trademark, and support of government. This study also suggests that government needs to offer more supporting programs to sauce industry and improve the system of program to promote the usage of domestic red pepper.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        돌그릇 제품은 특성상 강도가 있으면서도 무겁고 취약하여 가공이 매우 어렵고, 작업환경의 열악, 작업 공간과 작업능률의 비효율성 등의 단점이 있다. 본 연구개발을 통해 각기 다른 2대의 가공기계에서 2공정에 의해 2명이 작업하던 돌솥 본체가공을 1인에 의해 1대의 기계에서 2공정의 작업을 거쳐 가공을 완료 할 수 있도록 하였으며, 작업공간의 효율적 배치와 작업자의 환경 및 안전을 고려한 자동 돌솥 본체 가공 전용 기계를 개발하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A wide spectral coverage from near-infrared (NIR) to far-infrared (FIR) of AKARI both for imaging and spectroscopy enables us to eciently study the emission from gas and dust in the interstellar medium (ISM). In particular, the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI o ers a unique opportunity to carry out sensitive spectroscopy in the NIR (2{5 m) for the rst time from a spaceborn telescope. This spectral range contains a number of important dust bands and gas lines, such as the aromatic and aliphatic emission bands at 3.3 and 3.4{3.5 m, H2O and CO2 ices at 3.0 and 4.3 m, CO, H2, and HI gas emission lines. In this paper we concentrate on the aromatic and aliphatic emission and ice absorption features. The balance between dust supply and destruction suggests signi cant dust processing taking place as well as dust formation in the ISM. Detailed analysis of the aromatic and aliphatic bands of AKARI observations for a number of Hii regions and Hii region-like objects suggests processing of carbonaceous dust in the ISM. The ice formation process can also be studied with IRC NIR spectroscopy eciently. In this review, dust processing in the ISM divulged by recent analysis of AKARI data is discussed.