
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 41

        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to find out the process of changes concerning the cadastral records that consist of the cadastre, the cadastral map and various registers of land in Japanese Colonial Period. The cadastre and cadastral map were the most important part of them and became the basis of cadastral records. These two registers were first made out according to the Project of Colonial Land Survey in the year 1912. As the influx of foreign Weights and Measures was greatly influenced by the foreign concession since 1876, the traditional units of the Weights and Measures had abolished finally. The extortion of sovereignty led a rapid change to the Weights and Measures in 1910. Japan compelled us to change into Japanese System of Measurement. From that time on, Lot(筆地) and Pyeong(坪) were settled down on the registers of land.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the 2nd broadcasting cooking program of Gyeongseong Radio from April 26th 1933, when the 2nd broadcasting for Koreans started, to December 1941. From its opening date, there were continuously regular cooking programs such as ‘Recipes’ and introducing ‘Japchae’. Analysis of names broadcasted in cooking programs included a total of 452 foods (328 types); specifically, 332 Korean foods, 71 Western foods, 24 Japanese foods, 18 Chinese foods, and seven other foods. Korean foods included 35 staple foods, 223 side dishes, 64 deserts, and 11 sauces. Western foods included seven soups, 25 main dishes, and 25 deserts. Main dishes included many deep-fried dishes, while diverse types of desserts were also introduced. In the case of Japanese food, there were many foods combined with Western food. Chinese food included many types of dumplings and fried rice, as well as many dishes using pork. Among people broadcasting cooking programs, there were 11 whose names were shown in the schedule, all of whom were recognized as the best cooking specialists and educators of the time.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        大韓民国映画史の第一歩を刻んだ映画人の一人として知られる崔寅奎 監督。現在韓国での一般的な彼に対する評価は、日本植民地期には、対 日売国(韓国語では ‘친일’) 映画を作り続けたが、解放後、その売国行為 の免罪符として民族の解放をうたいあげる自由万歳(자유만세)等いわゆ る解放三部作映画を作ったとされる 。筆者は、彼の現存する植民地末期三作品のうち、比較的‘売国(친일)’ 性がはっきりしないとされる『授業料(수업료)』をのぞく二作品、すなわ ち『家なき天使(집 없는 천사)』ならびに日本人監督今井正との共同監督作 品である『愛と誓ひ(사랑과 맹세)』の再解釈を通して、彼のこの時代の映画 が持つメッセージの二重性を指摘する。そしてそのメッセージに含まれ る、朝鮮民族の、大和民族と平等な政治的権利獲得を狙う戦略的意図の 存在可能性を指摘する。最後に、植民地期朝鮮映画研究の課題、すなわ ち社会的認知フレーム考慮の必要性について提起する。
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to discuss how ‘milk’ was produced and supplied introduced and spread in the modern Joseon period. Condensed milk and powdered milk were mainly consumed in Joseon during the Japanese colonial period since they could be conveniently preserved for a long time, although raw milk was also produced and consumed. For areas adjacent to farms, milk delivery service was offered while areas with great consumption received an additional supply from different areas by rail. Since no manufacturing plants were operational in Korea, condensed milk and powdered milk consumed in Joseon had to be imported. In the case of condensed milk, when production in Japan increased, extra supply was aggressively sent into their colony, Joseon. The ‘Gyeongseong Milk Association’ founded in 1937 is considered significant in that it led to standardization of the production system and prices as well as pasteurization of milk. In the late Japanese colonial era, milk production and consumption were controlled. As milk was purchased as a war supply, the milk consumption market became distorted and limited
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일제강점기 경성의 공업 분포를 업종별로 나누어 분석한다. 경성은 일제강점기 조선의 중심 도시로, 당시 공업에서 중요한 비중을 차지했다. 일제강점기 공업의 이해를 위해 경성 공업 분석은 매우 중요하다. 경성 공업을 분석한 기존 연구는 공업 분포에 대한 정량적 검증이 이루어지지 않은 채 정성적・기술적인 분석이 대부분이었다. 본 연구는 근대 경성 공업의 정량적 분석을 클러스터 기법의 하나인 AMOEBA (A Multidirectional Optimal Ecotope-Based Algorithm) 기법을 통해 진행한다. 클러스 터 분석 결과 금속과 기계 공업은 용산 일대와 청계천 이남, 방직 공업은 창신동, 청계천 이북에서 클러스터가 나타났으며, 제재업은 청계천 이남, 화학 공업은 용산 일대에서 클러스터가 탐색되었다. 금속과 기계 공업, 제재업 등은 일본인 공장이 우세하였으며, 방직 공업은 조선인 공장이 우세하여 민족별로 업종 집중의 차이가 있었다. 민족별 주거지 차이 외 도심 및 철도 접근성 등 다른 요소 역시 공업의 공간 분포에 영향을 주었다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generally, the outcomes of the historical study in some domain would be a most fundamental and basic reference for understanding the essential and core component of them. Specially in case of social science, the importance of historical research much more emphasized that would be divided into independent academic field. In Korean history including fisheries business and industry, the most remarkable historic event would be the period of Japanese colonial rule that one of the most obstacle should overcome. Though the fisheries business and industry of Korea have considerable own history, the research and study of that not so much have been performed or investigated including the period of Japanese colonial rule. Most of the existing research of fisheries history have merely focused on partial topics like ‘Fishermen’s Association’,‘Fisheries Industry Despoliation’. And the historical study of fisheries business and industry’s overall status and trend in local area except Pusan also not enough. The aims of this study are exploring the fisheries trends and status during the period of Japanese colonial rule in Tongyeong and finding out the overall major fisheries business issues that would be a better understanding the Korean fisheries industry. Achieving that Objectives, over 800 articles of media, the Japanese government-general of Korea, and other historical data were gathered, refined and analyzed. This paper focused on of major fisheries topics and issues that including overall fisheries status, trends, fisheries catches, local fisheries cooperatives and fisheries exhibition during the period of Japanese colonial rule in Tongyeong. The result of this study shows that the status of fisheries in Korea had been deteriorated for exploitation of Japanese imperialism and Japanese fisheries capitalist during that period. Though the level of Tongyeong in fisheries was very high in terms of catches ratio and population of fisherman, the distribution networks of fishermen’s association was not good enough. And the Tongyeong fisheries exhibition in 1922 has positive aspects for considering both composition of organization and educational activity. Even though the results and findings would be a helpful guidelines for understanding the fisheries business trends and status under the rule of Japanese imperialism, more research and study of that should be accomplished.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper deals with architectural activities related to Korean society in Jichang district in North East China, focused on the articles of Manseon-ilbo published there during the Japanese colonial period. Construction-related contents in the area closely connected with topical interest, publicity, and enlightenment as a local media source provide positive grounds about pending issues in colonial situations. This paper handles with articles issued in the 1940's newspapers just before the Pacific War. At that time Japanese enter in the Chinese continent, and construct a stable basis in the intimate association with Germany and Italy, countering against the United State. Among articles regarding architecture, most of contents are based on healthcare and public facilities, and urban planning. Overwhelmingly the most popular articles are about new constructions of educational facilities and residential matters. The shortage of goods and the excessive concentration of population resulted in urban and house problems, which were particularly much more serious in Korea society. Such social atmosphere made all activities regarding building constructions, in particular educational facilities, in civil level rather than the helps of the Japanese colonial government. Thus, through education and house matters we can read a slice of Korean society to survive in the colonial environment of Jichang district.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Though the debate of the establishment time, place and characteristic of the first fisheries cooperatives in Korea has been existed, it is clear that they had been established in the neighborhood of Tongyeong during the period of Japanese colonial rule. But the objective, motive and historical background of the first fisheries cooperatives are still slightly vague. To explain and explore that of fisheries cooperatives, over 1,000 articles of media, about 100 document of the Japanese government-general of Korea and the annals of the Joseon dynasty, many of research paper and others were included and refined. Through the result of that process, three core factors were founded that affect both the emergence of fisheries cooperatives and relationship of the them. The first one is about the royal family’s fishing area where in the neighborhood of Tongyeong. The next one is Kentaro Kashii who was called king or devil of the Korean fisheries industry and the last one is fishermen and their organizations including fisheries cooperatives. Some of the above and the fishing rights conflict that make a guidance for understanding them has not been clearly mentioned. The result of this study shows that the birth of the first fisheries cooperatives were caused by not only the Japanese government-general of Korea but mainly Korean fishermen’s voluntary activity and free will against fishing rights conflict between them. And both of the first fisheries cooperatives had somewhat difference in their constitution of organization and their characteristics but it was a tragic irony that the more exploitation and despoliation were conducted by Japanese government-general and Japanese capitalist the more movement and activity of Korean were frequently and severely occurred. Even though the findings and results of this study would be a proof and helpful material for understanding the establishment and their activity of fisheries cooperatives in Tongyeong, more research and contribution would be need by members of fisheries academic and business world.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일제시기 함경도는 ‘군(郡)’의 숫자가 늘어난 유일한 지역이다. 증설된 네 개의 군은 두 부류로 나눌 수 있다. 2개는 1914년부제(府制)의 실시에 따라 부가 분리되면서 나머지 지역이 군이 된 경우이고, 나머지 2개는 도의 군 면적이 넓고 인구도 많아 증설된 경우이다. 후자의 경우 도 내 군들 사이의 균형과 ‘부원(富源)’의 개발 가능성을 고려했던 것 같다. 또 함경도는 다른 지역에 비해 부와 지정면·읍의 증가가 활발히 이뤄졌다. 이는 도시화의 진전을 의미하는 것으로, 그 배경은 일본의 군사적 점령,1930년대 이후 ‘북선(北鮮) 개발’이다. 이러한 행정구역의 변화와 서로 호응하면서 함경도의 인구 구성도 변화하였다. 함경도의 산업별 인구 비중을 보면 1920년은 전국과 유사하게 농업이 85% 전후를 차지하는 1차 산업 위주의 지역이었으나, 1940년 농업인구의비중은 50%를 넘지 못했다. 대신 광공업과 어업 인구의 성장, 그에 따른 상업과 교통업 인구의 증가가 눈에 띈다. 함경도의인구 증가는 사회적인 요인이 컸는데, 인구 흡수 요인으로 ‘북선 개발’에 수반한 여러 사업의 진전을 꼽을 수 있다. 이에 한국인뿐만 아니라 중국인, 일본인도 일자리를 찾아 모여들었다.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the use of the western building system with the change of the architectural design in the Japanese colonial period focused on the facility built by Joseon Government-General in 1910s. Through the 131 cases of governmental building, the tendency of the use of western building system. After 1910, Japanese Imperialism adopted the western wooden building system which main structure was made with combination of small pieces of timber for building the modern governmental facility because of the political and financial intention. So, all facilities were designed similarly by the structural module and the facade was finished by the feather boarding in the same with the ‘sitamitakei-giyohu’ in Japan. the functional requirements of each facility was not revealed. Such an western wooden building system was used until 1920s with the change of the facade by the mortar coating. But, in 1920s-1930s, the building system have begun to change. The use of the brick system caused some changes although the planing concept was still lasted. On the other hand, the use of the reinforced concrete led to more changes on the overall scheme.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was intended to examine the continuance and transformation of food culture during the enlightenment and Japanese ruling era by analyzing the novel of "Toji". In the novel "Toji", the chaotic political and economic situation is reflected, along with the peoples' hard lives in the latter era of the Choson Dynasty. After the full-fledged invasion of China by the Japanese, the shift to a wartime posture was accompanied by an increased need for food. This led to a rationing and delivery system for rice in the late 1930s. While it was hard for people to obtain even brewer's grains and bean-curd dregs, food distribution officers were well off. Another distinctive feature of the food culture during the enlightenment and Japanese ruling era was that foreign food and recipes were introduced naturally to Korea through the influx of various foreigners. The industry of Choson was held by Japanese monopolistic capital, as a result, Choson had equal to the role as a spending site and was only gradually left destitute. In the Japanese ruling era, there were new type of business including such as patisserie of the types of civilization in the town, and those tempted Korean people. However, the Japanese and pro-Japan collaborators dominated commercial business. Being urbanization through the modernization, it was became patronized fast food in the populous downtown, and the change of industry structure and life style greatly influenced into our food culture. Acceptance the convenient Japanese style fast food such as Udong, pickled radish made was actively accepted with a longing for the advancement civilization. After the enlightenment, many Japanese exchange students went to Tokyo to get advanced civilization and provided urban mood according to their consumption of bread, coffee, Western food, which were considered a part of the elite culture.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the details and characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition promoted by Daily Cho-Sun Company during Japanese colonial period. The main features of Cho-Sun housing plan competition were that the competition held with an application of popular newspaper readers and a judging committee was composed of only Korean architects, especially Park, Gil-Ryong as the president of the board of examiners. Cho-Sun housing plan competition put ideological factors for the improvement of living as like advancing to the cultured(modern) life, respecting for family life, respecting for privacy of family members and so on. First of all, the competition suggested the direction of the improvement of dwelling spaces which focused on making harmonious home life. This study found common characteristics of prizewinning plans of Cho-Sun housing plan competition as the result. First, Cho-Sun housing plan competition introduced a centralized house plan as a model of the improvement of small-sized houses. Second, architectural orders of western or japanese style mingled with ones of korean traditional style in prizewinning plans as entrance hall, western style reception room(parlour), maid's room, bathroom for example. And a manner of seating using chairs was brought into the style of living which would be assumed in the prizewinning plans. Third, traditional way of composing dwelling spaces was maintained, receiving the characteristics of dwelling spaces of japanese style simultaneously, which central corridor was put at the heart of house for improving arrangement of rooms and flow lines. Fourth, lavatory and bathroom were placed inside of the house.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objects of this study were a review on the schedules and the programs of the school athletic meetings( a kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools) and yahak(night school) and citizen's athletic meetings during the Japanese colonial period in Kor
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        그동안 여러 선행연구의 성과를 통하여 1905년 일본이 독도를 자국의 영토로 강제 편입시키기 이전, 일본의 지도와 역사지리교육에서는 독도를 일본의 영토로 인지하지 않았다는 점이 충분히 밝혀졌다고 생각된다. 그러나 일제강점기는 시대적인 특성상, 위와 같은 관점의 연구가 어려운 실정이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 역사는 시기에 따라 분절되는 것이 아니라 여전히 연속성 하에 존재하기 때문에 비록 법제적으로 일본이 독도를 일방적으로 영토화했다고 해도 독도가 울릉도의 속도라는 인식은 갑자기 사라지지 않을 것이다. 이 연구는 일제강점기에 울릉도와 독도 관련의 일본어 자료 속에 독도 인식이 어떻게 나타나고 있었는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 대상 자료는 2017년에 독립기념관에 기증된 김남훈 독도 관련 기증자료 중, 일제강점기의 일본어 역사지리부도와 일제강점기에 일본인 학자에 의해 저술된 울릉도와 독도 관련 연구논문, 시마네 현 마쓰에 시 죽도연구소에서 필자가 직접 수집한 「죽도편입에 관하여」라는 문서군을 주목하고자 한다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저 시바 가즈모리(芝葛盛) 의 『일본역사지도』(1922)에는 죽도(=독도)를 조선의 것으로 적어, 울릉도의 부속섬으로 독도를 인지했음을 드러내었다.  이것은 ‘地名의 巨人’으로 불린 요시다 도고(吉田東伍)의 『대일본지명사서』의 영향이 컸으며, 요시다 도고가 펴낸 『신편 일본독사지도』에 소개된 「한국병합 전후 일본영역도」 의 인식과도 일치하고 있음이 발견된다. 나아가 시바 가즈모리의 관점은 연구 동료인 후지타 아키라(藤田明)의 저술에도 반영되었다. 그런 점에서 시바 가즈모리의 『일본역사지도』 의 독도 관련 기술이 시바 가즈모리의 특수한 사례라고 할 수는 없을 것이다. 독도를 울릉도의 부속 섬으로 인식하는 사례는 일제강점기 일본인 학자의 저술에서도 살펴볼 수 있다. 즉, 다보하시 기요시(田保橋潔), 이마무라 도모(今村鞆) 등의 연구에서는 울릉도를 竹島, 독도를 松島에 비정함으로써 자연히 독도를 울릉도의 부속 섬으로 간주하는 인식을 드러내었다. 히바타 셋코(樋畑雪湖)는 직접적으로 독도를 울릉도의 부속 섬이 라고 단정했다. 한편 일제강점기 울릉도에 거주했던 일본인들이 맑은 날 울릉도에서 독도가 뚜렷이 보인다고 증언한 점, 독도가 竹島라는 이름으로 시마네 현에 일본 영토로 편입되었음에도 불구하고 여전히 일본인은 량코도로, 조선인은 獨島라고 했다는 점은 국가적인 차원에서 일정 지역의 소속과 명칭을 바꾸어도 일상생활 속에서 체감하는 공간 인식은 이전의 방식 과 습관을 계승하고 있다는 점을 확인할 수 있는 부분이다. 1923년 발간된『島根縣誌』나 1945년 일본 마쓰에 재무부 국유지대장에 ‘獨島’라고 기록되었다는 것은, 울릉도의 부속 섬으로서의 독도의 존재감이 일본 측에도 인지되었음을 보여준다. 나아가 정작 독도를 영토 편제한 시마네 현에서는 1926년에 행정구역 개정으로 오키 도사가 폐지되고 오키지청이 수립된 후 독도 관련 행정 조치도 취해야 했지만 1953년까지 방치한 사실이 있었다. 이러한 점은 현재 일본 측에서는 은폐하고 있지만 이것이야말로 일제강점기에 일본이 독도에 무관심했음을 알 수 있는 지표이다. 일제강점기의 한국은 한국병합조약에 의해 ‘영원히’ 일본의 영토가 되었다고 인식되었기에, 일본 측은 굳이 독도를 따로 떼어 내어 일본의 영토로 강조할 필요가 없었다. 그런 상황에서 독도는 그 행정적인 소속 관계와 상관없이 지리적인 특성에 의해 울릉도의 부속 섬이라는 인식이 자연스럽게 일본인들이 펴낸 저술에도 표출되었으며, 일본 측 공식 자료에도 ‘獨島’라는 명칭이 기록되었을 정도였다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 일제 강점기 지리산유람록에 나타난 儒者들의 의식과 특징 등을 규명하고자 하였다. 일제 강점기 ‘지리산 기행문학’에는 전통적 지식인인 유자의 한문 유람록과 근대적 교육의 수혜자인 학생과 지식인의 한글 기행문이 병존한다. 그리고 양자 사이에는 한문 문집과 한글 신문이라는 언어와 매체의 이질성만큼이나 상이한 인식론적 편차가 존재한다. 성리학적 유람 문화의 전통 속에서 쓰인 한문 유람록과 근대적 담론의 영향을 받은 한글 기행문이 상호 변별될 수밖에 없다. 그렇지만 ‘비동시성의 동시성’으로 규정할 수 있을 일제 강점기라는 시대적 특수성에, 분과 학문별 연구 대상의 배타성 등이 작용하면서 이 시기 기행문학에 대한 종합적인 접근은 시도조차 되지 못하고 있는 형편이다. 이에 본고에서는 일제 강점기 지리산유람록에 대한 한문학 분야의 심층적인 연구와 지리산 기행문학에 대한 문학사적인 접근을 기대하면서, 일제 강점기 지리산유람록에 나타난 의미와 특징 등을 試論的으로 논구하고자 하였다. 먼저 시대적 특수성에 주목하여, 지리산 기행문학에 ‘전근대’와 ‘근대’가 교차·공존하는 양상을 살펴보았다. 근대적 관광 인프라와 정보를 바탕으로 형성된 ‘근대적 유람로’와, 근대적 위생관념의 결정판이라고 할 수 있는 선교사 휴양촌에 투영된 유자들의 자정과 은일 의식 등을 통해 ‘비동시성’의 교차 양상을, 그리고 공동체적 관념상과 원근법적 시각상, 성리학적 이념과 수양관을 바탕으로 한 천인합일 의식과 자연을 대상화하는 주체중심주의적 사유 등에 대한 고찰을 통해 ‘비동시성’의 공존 양상을 검토하였다. 그리고 일제 강점기의 지리산유람록에는 산을 매개로 한 求道의식과 尊賢정신, 그리고 성리학적 수양과 성찰적 태도가 면면히 계승되고 있으며, 더불어 민초들을 긍휼히 여기는 애민의식과 비판의식이 도저하게 관류하고 있음을 논구하였다. 그렇지만 근대 문명의 확산과 그 혜택으로 인해 이상향에 대한 동경과, 儒仙 의식과 仙趣 경향은 현저히 약화되어 수사적 차원에서 그치고 있다는 점 또한 규명하였다. 본 논문은 동일한 시간에 상이한 ‘역사적 시간’을 살고 있는 두 주체들 간의 인식론적 편차를 명징하게 드러냄으로써 한문 유람록과 한글 기행문의 공시적 차별성을 파악함으로써 이들의 영향관계와 통시적 (불)연속성을 문학사적으로 탐문할 수 있는 토대를 마련하였다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다.
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