
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4,019

        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        At ship design stage, the maneuverability is generally estimated based on the empirical formula or the computational fluid dynamic (CFD), which is one of the numerical simulation methods. Using the hydrodynamic derivatives derived through these methods can quantitatively estimate the maneuverability of target vessels and evaluate indirect maneuverability. Nevertheless, research on estimating maneuverability is insufficient for ships not subject to IMO maneuverability standard, especially fishing vessels, and even at the design stage, the empirical formula developed for merchant ships is applied without modification. An estimation error may occur due to the empirical formula derived from the regression analysis results of a model test if the empirical formula developed for merchant ships with different hull shapes is applied to fishing vessels without any modification. In this study, the modified empirical formula that can more accurately estimate the fishing vessel's maneuverability was derived by including the hull shape parameter of target fishing trawlers in the regression analysis process that derives Kijima et al. (1990) formula. As a result, the modified empirical formula showed an average estimation error of 6%, and the result improved the average error of 49% of Kijima et al. (1990) formula developed for merchant ships.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study aimed to further understand the experience related to emotional labor among the emergency room (ER) nurses Methods: Data for the study were collected via in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 8 nurses working at ER in tertiary-hospital settings. Conventional content analysis method was adopted. Results: Data analysis revealed 3 categories and 8 major topics on the participants’ experience of emotional labor at ER. The first category ‘the nature of nursing at emergency room’ involves three topics: ‘making quick, smooth interactions with people around ER’, ‘heavy, demanding workloads for ER nurses’, and ‘difficulties embedded in working environment’. The second category ‘rules of emotional expression and management’ includes two topics: ‘norms of emotional expression required for ER nurses’ and ‘work-centered emotional management.’ The last category ‘exhaustion, adaptation, and the sense of reward’ has three topics: ‘burn-out’, ‘recharging and withstanding’, and ‘reeling rewarded’ While experiencing ‘burn-out’ due to the negative effect of emotional labor, participating nurses reported that they also felt the sense of rewarding by restoring positive emotions through proper self-management, positive feedback and social support. Conclusion: The findings show that the nature of ER care required intensive emotional labor from nurses. Thus, it is imperative to provide interventions that assist ER nurses to reduce the negative impact of emotional labor and reinforce its positive influence on their lives, with systemic approaches to reduce the intensity of emotional labor and improve working conditions in ER settings.