In this study, the operating performance of the heat pump dryer using the PF heat exchanger was experimentally studied. The capacity, COP, drain, SMER and operating status of the cooling cycle of the heat pump dryer were investigated according to the temperature, relative humidity and flow rate of the indoor air. Heat pump dryers are refrigerant-air system. For the dryer performance experiment, an air enthalpy calorimeter was used. From the experimental results, as the temperature, relative humidity, and flow rate of the inlet air increased, the capacity, COP, drain, SMER of the dryer increased. The change in the performance of the dryer was most affected by temperature. The P-h diagram of the cooling system showed that the operation status of the dryer was greatly affected by the indoor temperature. In addition, the SMER of the dryer showed a drying performance of about 3.38 kg/kWh or more within all experimental ranges.
목적 : 본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 제8기(2019-2021) 원시자료를 이용하여, 생체지표를 통한 휘발성 실내환 경요인(휘발성 유기 화합물, VOCs)과 백내장의 연관성을 파악하고자 하였다. 방법 : 백내장 의사진단 여부 및 가정 실내공기질 측정에 참여한 만 40세 이상의 성인 총 1,150명을 대상으로 하였다. 일반적 특성에 따른 휘발성 실내환경요인의 농도와 백내장의 유 ‧무에 따른 휘발성 실내환경요인의 농도를 비교하기 위해 복합표본 기술통계 분석과 로지스틱회귀분석을 하였다. p<0.050인 경우 유의한 것으로 판단하였다. 결과 : 대부분의 실내 휘발성 환경오염물질의 생체지표는 백내장을 진단받은 대상자에서 높게 나타났다. 특히 Benzene, Xylene, Acrolein, 1-Bromopropane, 1,3-Butadiene의 생체지표 평균농도(GM)가 백내장 진단받은 대상자들이 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 연령, 성별, 결혼, 알콜, 흡연, 소득을 보정한 복합표본 로지스틱회귀분석에 서, 1,3-Butadiene의 생체지표는 약 2배(OR 1.905(95% CI: 1.001, 3.625))의 위험도로 백내장에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 본 연구는 기존에 밝혀지지 않은 휘발성 실내환경요인과 백내장의 연관성을 파악함으로써, 일부 휘발성 실내환경물질은 백내장의 원인물질로 작용할 수 있는 가능성을 보여주었다.
The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions necessary for the total eradication of mite pests in indoor environments. The study involved the construction of a sterilization experimental setup. For this setup, various sterilization techniques, such as UV-C, ozone, ultrasound, and heat were applied, based on previous research. The experimental procedure consisted of placing mite pests in a chamber and subjecting them to different sterilization techniques. Observations were conducted immediately after the experiment and repeated five days later to assess the extent of eradication. The results showed that UVC, ozone, and ultrasound methods were not successful in completely eradicating the mite pests. In contrast, heat sterilization demonstrated effectiveness depending on the specific temperature and exposure time. To achieve the eradication of mite pests in indoor environments, it is necessary to maintain conditions of short-term high-temperature sterilization above 65°C or sustain temperatures above 50°C for a minimum duration of 90 minutes.
Gwaebultaeng is a cultural property of painting, a large Buddhist painting used for special ceremonies in Buddhism. It is stored in an indoor temple environment, and there is a greater risk of contamination and damage due to environmental factors compared to other cultural properties. In 2021, the treasure Hanging Painting of Anguksa Temple and storage chest stored in Geungnakjeon Hall of Anguksa Temple in Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do were investigated. As a result, one genus and three species fungi, one species bacteria were found on the surface of the painting. In addition, five genera and 11 species fungi, eight genera and 12 species bacteria were confirmed on the surface of the storage chest. Among them, the same three species of Aspergillus genus were identified in both Gwaebultaeng and the storage chest. These results suggest the possibility of introduction and spread from airborne fungi in the indoor air outside the chest. Among the identified microorganisms, one genus and two species fungi in Gwaebultaeng and three genera and four species fungi, four genera and five species bacteria were identified as those that could cause damage to the storage chest. In addition, it was confirmed that one species fungus in Gwaebultaeng and one genus and two species fungi could cause harm to the human body. The results of this study will serve as a basis for careful discussion and management regarding the storage of cultural properties in the future.
The objective of this study is to identify the research trend in the field of indoor environment in Korea. We collected 419 papers published in the Journal of the Korean Society for indoor environment between 2004 and 2018, and attempted to produce datasets using a topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA). The result of topic modeling showed that 8 topics (“VOCs investigation”, “Subway environment”, “Building thermal environment”, “School health”, “Building particulate matter”, “Asbestos risk”, “Radon risk”, “Air cleaner and treatment”) could be extracted using Gibbs sampling method. In terms of topic trends, investigation of volatile organic compounds, subway environment, school health, and building particulate matter showed a decreasing tendency, while the building thermal environment, asbestos risk, radon risk, air cleaners, and air treatment showed an increasing tendency. The results of this topic modeling could help us to understand current trends related indoor environment, and provide valuable information in developing future research and policy frameworks.
The healing environment in hospitals is very important. Three factors must be satisfied to create a healing environment in the hospital. First, chemical elements such as pathogens and pollutants must be controlled. Second, physical factors such as temperature, humidity and airflow must be satisfied. Third, psychological factors must be satisfied. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indoor thermal environment by conducting a questionnaire (Thermal Sensation Vote, TSV) and a Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) measurement. The questionnaires were distributed to 20 medical staff (nurse), 84 inpatients and 113 outpatients. Temperature, humidity, air quality and comfort were evaluated. Measurements were conducted in the waiting room and lobby of the first and second floors of the outpatient area as well as wards on 10th floor. Both south and north-facing wards were divided to analyze the PMV difference by the orientations. The survey results showed high satisfaction values in the outpatient department for temperature satisfaction and comfort. In the inpatient department, air quality satisfaction showed good values. Moreover, the humidity satisfaction level in the nurse station was high. The PMV measurement results showed that the PMV was lower in the ward than in the outpatient area. Comparison of the questionnaire and measurement results showed that the questionnaire results were lower than those of the measurement in the outpatient area. As a result, it is necessary to reduce the gap between questionnaire and measurement results It is also important to create an indoor environment that matches the thermal preferences of the occupant by operating the air handling unit (AHU).
Mold is one of the important bio-aerosols affecting human health in the indoor environment. To manage mold contamination, it is necessary to use an appropriate method for its detection and enumeration. Recently, the impaction method of ISO 16000-18 has been established as one of methods to detect and enumerate molds in air. To investigate the general use of the impaction method for mold detection in domestic indoor environments, the suitability of the method was assessed using different antibiotics, media and air samplers. All of the three antibiotics tested - ampicillin, chloramphenicol and streptomycin - showed inhibitory effects on bacterial colony formation on MEA and DG-18 media, without inhibiting mold growth. Of these three antibiotics, ampicillin was the most effective. There was no statistical difference between MEA and DG-18 media in the measurement of mold concentration. The formation of discriminative colony morphology was more apparent in DG-18 media. No significant difference in the measurement of mold concentration was found between Andersen samplers and MAS- 100NT samplers, which are two major samplers introduced in Korea.
The indoor air quality of residences has been regulated by designating recommended standard levels of pollutants for newly built apartments. But as of yet, no related guideline has been established for dwellings that are already occupied. From a sociological viewpoint, the gap between the rich and poor has been gradually increasing with economic development, and this has extended to the diversification of house types and living environments. Specifically, people who have the lowest income levels may live in temporary houses such as vinyl greenhouses and shanty houses, and their living environment is mostly inadequate as a result. In this study, we surveyed the indoor air quality in normal and socially vulnerable houses after the occupation stage and tried to figure out the main factors influencing indoor air quality. Airborne fungi are detected more frequently in lower living standard houses. Put another way, the concentration of airborne bacteria and the volatile organic compound levels are much higher than in normal dwellings.
The objective of this study is to investigate indoor radon concentrations and identify influencing factors for one of the representative house type in South Korea. We surveyed 3,000 detached houses using alpha track (raduet) between November 2013 and March 2014. The Arithmetic mean radon concentration of the houses studied was 147.9 Bq/m3 (GM=106.4 Bq/m3), and the range was 11.8 to 1,936.6 Bq/m3. The Arithmetic mean radon concentration in living rooms was 134.2 Bq/m3 (GM=98.8 Bq/m3), much higher value compar with the Arithmetic mean radon concentration in bedrooms (153.0 Bq/m3). The year of constructon, basement status, ventilation frequency and heating period in a house were identified as major factors influencing indoor radon concentrations. The indoor radon concentrations in houses that were constructed prior to 1990 and that had basements were higher than those in the comparison groups. On the other hand, houses that were frequently ventilated and had a short heating period showed a tendency toward lower indoor radon concentration.
우리나라의 공동주택은 ‘프랑스・미국・일본’을 거쳐 우리나라에 유입되었으며, 본격적으로 자리잡기 시작한 것은 1977년 12월 31일 주택건설촉진법이 제정되면서 부터라고 할 수 있다.
현재의 공동주택은 외관의 화려함이나 편리성 측면에서 좋은 호응을 얻고는 있으나, 집의 본질인 ‘거주자의 건강하고 쾌적한 삶’에 있어서는 오히려 퇴보 되었다고 할 수 있으며, 이 는 과거의 한옥이 자연에 순응하는 생활방식과 사용재료가 천연재료였다는 점에서 현재의 공동주택과 차이가 있다.
현재 우리나라 공동주택의 특징으로는 단지의 대형화・평면구성의 고정화・실내구성의 화려 함・마감자재의 합성제품화 등이 있으며, 관리상의 특징으로는 입주자대표회의제도와 주택 관리사제도를 두고 있다는 점이다.
공동주택의 실내유해환경과 관련하여 국가의 책무로 볼 수 있는 점은 헌법 제35조‘국민은 누구나 건강하고 쾌적한 상태에서 살아갈 권리를 보장한다’에 근거한 각종 관련법이 있으 며, 이를 구체적으로 실천하는 대표적인 법으로는 주택법이 있다.
공동주택의 증가추세와 국민1인당 의료비 지출간에 관련성이 있다는 점에서 공동주택의 실 내유해환경의 문제가 시사하는 바는 크다고 할 수 있다.
독일의 실존주의 철학자 하이데거는 ‘인간은 주거하기로부터 실존의 의미를 갖는다’라고 한 바 있다. 이에 비추어 현재의 공동주택은 동시에 많은 사람이동시에 거주하기를 하고 있다는 점에서 치열한 실존 현장이라고 하겠다.
현재 우리나라의 공동주택의 관리제도에 있어서 환경법에서는 100세대 이상의 신축공동 주택에 대하여 실내 공기 질 점검제도를 두고 있고, 주택법은 엘리베이터가 설치되는 150 세대이상 또는 300세대 이상의 공동주택에 대하여 입주자대표회의 구성 및 주택관리사에 의한 위탁관리규정을 두고 있음에도 불구하고 공동주택의 실내유해환경문제가 지속적인 사회 문제로 부각되는 것은 제도 및 운영상의 미비점에서 기인한다고 하겠으며, 주요원인 으로는 첫째, 사법상의 집합건물에 관한 법률과 공법상의 주택법에 관한 법률에 의한 관리 운영제도의 미흡, 둘째, 주거환경으로부터 비롯되는 1차 의료영역의 질병예방관리를 관할 하는 보건법과의 연계성 부족, 셋째, 환경법에 서 100세대 이상의 신축공동주택에 대하여 실시하는 점검제도의 형식적인 운영을 들 수 있다.
따라서 본 논문은 우리나라 공동주택이 안고 있는 현행 실내유해환경관리제도의 문제점을 살펴봄으로써 개선방안을 찾는데 그 목적이 있으며, 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 공동주택 중 ‘다중이용시설 등의 실내공기질 관리법’의 저촉 대상이 되는 100세대 이상의 공동주택 을 대상으로 설문하였고, 주택의 변천과정, 외국주거환경관리사례, 실내유해환경과 거주자 의 건강관련성, 공동주택관리제도 및 관련법에 대하여 살펴보았으며, 부족한 점에 대하여 는 차후 보완연구과제로 남겼다.
The torque shear high strength bolt is clamped normally at the break of pin-tail specified. However, the clamping forces on slip critical connections do not often meet the required tension, as it considerably fluctuates due to torque coefficient dependent on lubricant affected temperature. In this study, the clamping tests of torque shear bolts were conducted independently at indoor conditions and at construction site conditions. During last six years, temperature of candidated site conditions was recorded from -11℃ to 34℃. The indoor temperature condition was ranged from -1 0℃ to 50℃ at each 10℃ interval. As for site conditions, the clamping force was reached in the range from 159 to 210 kN and the torque value was from 405 to 556 Nㆍm. The range of torque coefficient at indoor conditions was analyzed from 0.126 to 0.158 while tensions were indicated from 179 to 192 kN. The torque coefficient at site conditions was ranged from 0.118 to 0.152. Based on this test, the variable trends of torque coefficient, tension subjected temperature can be taken by statistic regressive analysis. The variable of torque coefficient under the indoor conditions is 0.13%/℃ while it reaches 2.73%/℃ at actual site conditions. When the indoor trends and site conditions is combined, the modified variable of torque coefficient can be expected as 0.2% /℃. and the modified variable of tension can be determined as 0.18%/℃.
Ventilation devices and room air cleaners can be used to remove indoor contaminants from indoor air. Generally, room air cleaners are rated according to clean air delivery rate (CADR). However, a similar metric for ventilation has not been used to be compared with CADR of room air cleaner. The CADRs and cost-effectiveness metrics (CADR/kw) of ventilation devices and room air cleaners were newly defined and theoretically compared for a child care center. The results indicate that the CADRs of room air cleaner were greater than that of ventilation. A higher collection efficiency for the particles guaranteed a higher CADR for ventilation. Ventilation filter had a performance that exceeds MERV11 should be used to effectively control the indoor particle concentration. The stand alone type air cleaner was found to have the best performance in the cost-effectiveness. The reason for this is that the effective air cleaning ratio of the stand alone type air cleaner is higher than that of the others and the power consumption of the stand alone type air cleaner is lowest.
국내 애완곤충 시장의 발달과 더불어 수서곤충류에 대한 수요 역시 증가하고 있 어, 본 연구는 수서곤충들에 대한 일반인들의 인지도를 알아보고 대상곤충의 서식 특성과 실내사육에 관한 연구를 실시하였다. 대도시(서울, 부산, 광주) 지역의 대학 생 131명을 대상으로 수서곤충들에 대한 인지도 지수들(선호성, 희귀성, 환경적 중 요성, 교육 및 연구용으로의 활용가치, 시장성, 산업적 활용성)에 대한 조사에서 물 방개(Cybister japonicus Sharp)가 평균적으로 높은 지수를 보였다. 물방개류는 달 뿌리풀이나 나도겨풀 등이 우점하고 있는 둠벙이나 계곡형 저수지에서 성충들이 월동하는 것으로 보이는데, 이는 이러한 식생 주변에 새우, 물고기 알이나 치어, 유 기물 등의 먹이가 상대적으로 풍부하게 존재하기 때문으로 보인다. 물방개류 실내 사육 시 수온이 25℃일 때 산란율이 가장 높았고, 28℃이상에서는 산란을 하지 않 았으며 교미행동도 4회 이상 이뤄지는 것으로 관찰되었다. 특히, 검정물방개는 난 기 약 7일, 1령충 약 4일, 2령충 약 15일, 3령충 약 32일로 용기 및 성충기를 제외하 고 60여일 전후의 생활사를 보였다. 물방개 2-3령 충은 갈색거저리 유충과 붕어치 어를 장구벌레나 깔따구 유충 보다 더 선호하는 경향을 보인 반면, 검정물방개 1-3 령 충은 장구벌레를 가장 선호하였고 갈색거저리 유충이나 붕어치어 등은 덜 선호 하는 것으로 나타났다. 물방개류 성충은 제공된 인공사료들 중 멸치분말을 함유한 사료에 가장 강한 선호행동을 보였다. 현재 검정물방개 유충의 생먹이들에 대한 먹 이 선호도를 조사 중이다.
An elementary school is an important public place for children and it is where they spend most of their days. Ten elementary schools of environmental pollutants were measured in the classroom, playground and school zones (June 19 ~ Nov 1, 2012). Dust measurements of some schools were more indoor air. Measurements of black carbon concentrations were higher overall school zones. Also, in the case of formaldehyde, benzene and some environmental standards were exceeded. In the case of outdoor pollutants not statistically significant, but in some cars and vans that were correlated with pollutants. Thus, strategies and actions are necessary that will protect the health of children in schools from environmental pollutants.
The objective of this study is to offer basic scientific data to support policy decision-making for the improved control of nitrogen dioxide(NO₂) and nitrous acid(HONO) in residence. The survey on concentration of NO₂and HONO in 20 houses in Seoul and Daegu was performed from January to February, 2013. Average NO₂concentrations in the kitchen, living room, and room were 25.7 ± 7.7 ppb, 24.3 ± 8.5 ppb, and 19.6 ± 5.6 ppb, respectively. Also, average HONO concentration were 3.6 ± 1.0 ppb, 3.1 ± 0.9 ppb, and 3.1 ± 0.9 ppb, respectively. NO₂and HONO concentration in kitchen were significantly higher than the concentration in the living room and room(p<0.05). Concentration ratios of HONO/NO2 were ranged to 0.070 0.277 for indoor air and 0.004 0.161 for outdoor air. Indoor HONO/NO2 ratios were higher than the outdoor HONO/NO₂ratios.
The objective of this study is to support an environmental policy related to the improved control of indoor airborne fungi in Korea. We reviewed 15 articles published in Korea to analyse the trend of airborne fungi level in indoor environment of various public facilities. The maximum mean concentrations of total airborne fungi in hospital and kindergarten were 1447 CFU/m3 and 1259 CFU/m3, respectively. We concluded that policy determination are urgently required to guide a proper management on airborne fungi in Korea.
Microbial parameters of indoor air containing systematic, random, and accidental error were analyzed statistically by the water quality control guidelines to suggest a guideline of indoor air. Samples were collected from 20 subway stations of Seoul Metropolitan City. Systematic errors resulted from sampling devices were checked and removed by using same devices and flow rate check. Another source of systematic error resulted from different testing personals were assessed and qualified by proficiency test. Increase of replicate sample numbers could minimize random errors and use of geometric mean instead of arithmetic mean gave more statically reliable representative values for microbial parameters. Considerations for the culture media, colony counting results with incubation time, and statement of supplemented statistical data were also suggested.
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) could adversely affect health. The aim of this study was to quantify the contribution of ETS exposure in nonsmokers of entertainment facilities. We simultaneously measured nicotine and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which are known as indicators of ETS, concentrations in indoor internet cafe, billiard, karaoke, bar and restaurant, and estimated exposure level of other harmful agents occurred from tobacco smoking. Mean nicotine concentration (10.57±2.53㎍ /m3 ) of internet cafe was the highest comparing to other facilities, whereas mean concentration of restaurant where was non-smoking area was 0.28±0.08㎍ /m3 . There was statistically not correlated between NO2 and nicotine concentrations in entertainment facilities. Therefore, the use of NO2 concentration as indicator of ETS exposure may not be available. To date, there are no standards about each agent occurred from ETS. Consequently administrative control and regulation, and further researches in relation to ETS exposure should be needed.
The purpose of this study were to investigate the state of indoor environmental factors and energy consumption during winter in residential houses and to analyze factors which influenced this environment. Energy consumptions and indoor environmental factors of this survey were conducted in 21 houses(apartment, 11 and detached houses,10) between December, 2010 and February, 2011 which measured energy consumptions and indoor environmental factors as well as kept records of interviews with residents and other related factors. The results obtained were as follows. Indoor environmental factors which were found to influence apartment houses higher than detached houses. The average gas consumption of detached houses(90.983) was higher than that of apartment houses(76.333). Gas consumption showed positive correlations to temperature and carbon dioxide in the residential houses. The mean concentration of PM10, and CO2 in large family were higher than those of small family. We found that the more gas consumption, the higher concentration of PM10, CO2 and temperature(p<0.01).
연구는 관엽식물 4종을 배지종류, 광도 및 이산화탄소 농도를 달리하여 식물의 광합성 반응을 조사하고, 그 결과에 기초하여 실내환경 조절에 효율적인 식물을 선정하고자 실시하였다. 식물재료로는 싱고니움, 디펜바키아, 쉐프렐라 홍콩, 드라세나를 사용하였으며, 성분과 성질이 다른 두 배지(peatmoss, hydroball)에 각각 재배하였다. 광도는 PPFD 0, 30, 50, 80, 100, 200, 400, 600μmol·m-2·s-1의 수준으로 조절하고, 이산화탄소 농도는 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 700, 1000, 1500μmolCO2·mol-1의 수준으로 처리하였다. 광도 및 엽육내 CO2 농도변화에 따른 관엽식물의 광합성 반응을 조사한 결과, 약광에서의 광합성 능력을 나타내는 순양자수율은 쉐프렐라 홍콩과 디펜바키아에서 높게 나타났으며, 두 실내식물은 고농도의 이산화탄소 환경에서도 다른 두 식물에 비해 높은 광합성율을 기록했다. 드라세나 와네키는 두 조건 모두에서 가장 낮은 광합성 효율을 보였다. 두 배지 처리에 따라서는 각각의 관엽식물에서 엇갈린 광합성 반응이 관찰되었다. 쉐프렐라 홍콩은 피트모스 배지에서 광과 이산화탄소 증가에 따라 하이드로볼 배지에 비해 높은 광합성 속도를 보였지만, 디펜바키아는 그와는 정반대로 하이드로볼 배지에서 더욱 높은 광합성율을 기록했다. 싱고니움의 경우는 광처리에 의해서는 피트모스 배지에서 높은 광합성율을 보였지만 이산화탄소 처리에서는 배지간 차이가 없었다. 가장 낮은 광합성 효율을 보인 드라세나 와네키는 광에 의한 배지간 차이가 없었으며, 이산화탄소 증가시에는 피트모스에서 다소 높은 광합성율을 보였다. 따라서 실험한 4가지 관엽식물 중 광합성 효율이 가장 높았던 쉐프렐라 홍콩이나 하이드로볼 배지에서 높은 효율을 보인 디펜바키아가 실내 공기정화 및 실내 환경조절에 적합할 것으로 판단된다.