The purpose of this study was to derive an optimal mix design for bridge deck pavements that can compensate for the limitations of latexmodified concrete (LMC). To address the limitations of LMC, this paper proposes the incorporation of silica fume into LMC. Concrete mixtures with varying ratios of latex and silica fume were prepared, and tests for compressive strength, flexural strength, and chloride-ion penetration resistance were conducted to compare and analyze the fundamental performance of each mix. Latex contributed to the improvement of the initial pore structure and significantly affected the chloride-ion penetration resistance in the early stages of curing. However, its influence gradually diminished over time. In contrast, silica fume induced additional C-S-H formation and further improved the pore structure through pozzolanic reactions as time progressed, thus exerting a greater impact in the later stages of curing. The L7-SF8 variable demonstrated the best performance in terms of compressive strength and chloride-ion penetration resistance. Given the characteristics of bridge-deck pavements, this variable is considered the most suitable for ensuring long-term durability. Therefore, this paper proposes a mixture of 7% latex and 8% silica fume as the optimal mix design.
This study was conducted to optimize the conditions of a sweet rice paste as a replacement of red bean paste recipe using the central composite design of response surface methodology (RSM). Ten experimental recipes with two reference points (rice flour and sugar), were selected, and the physical and sensory characteristics of a sweet rice paste were measured. In the Rapid Visco Analyzer test, breakdown value was the highest in rice flour (105.73 RVU). Sweetness significantly increased with addition of sugar contents (p<0.0002) and viscosity increased with addition of rice flour contents (p<0.0185). Moisture contents decreased with increasing contents of rice flour and sugar, whereas yellowness and redness tend to increase. In the sensory evaluation test, quadratic models for color (p<0.01865), sweetness (p<0.0399), thickness (p<0.0073), and overall acceptability (p<0.0249) were approved as independent for the rice flour and sugar contents. In conclusion, the optimal mixing ratio of sweet rice paste was determined to be 45.38 g of rice flour and 77.95 g of sugar.
PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop an optimized method of mix design for rapid-set lightweight-formed mortar mix. To achieve this objective, the workability, setting time, and compressive strength of mixes under various conditions of mix design were evaluated. METHODS: The water-bonder ratio, fly-ash substitution ratio, and forming agent injection amount were selected as design variables in the study. The fluidity, setting time, density, and strength of the mortar mix were considered as major evaluation criteria of the mixture, and were subsequently utilized to evaluate the characteristics of the mortar mix under various conditions. RESULTS : The observations made from the mix design process are as follows: 1) the air content and fluidity increase as the forming agent ratio and forming agent ratio increase, respectively; 2) the maximum air content is approximately 20%; 3) the accelerating agent decreases the fluidity of the mortar mix by 15% on average; 4) the forming agent injection ratio and fly-ash substitution ratio yield significant effects on the initial and final set times of the mortar mix; 5) as the forming agent injection ratio and fly-ash substitution ratio increase, the compressive strength of the mortar mix decreases; and 6) the 28-day compressive strengths of the forming agent injection ratio and fly-ash substitution ratio yield the most significant effects. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the governing design variables for the rapid-set lightweight-formed mortar mix are the forming agent injection ratio and fly-ash substitution ratio.
OBJECTIVES: This study is to develop the optimum mixing proportions for cement concrete pavement with using recycled aggregates. METHODS: The mixture varied recycled coarse aggregates content from 50 % to 100 % to replace the natural coarse aggregates by weight. Tests for fundamental properties as a cement concrete pavement were conducted before and after hardening of the concrete. RESULTS: It was found that the variation in the amount of the recycled aggregate affected the compressive and flexural strength development, as well as the chloride ion penetration resistance. As the amount of the recycled aggregate content increased the compressive and flexural strength and the resistance to chloride ion penetration decreased. However, the resistance to freeze-thaw reaction was affected significantly. In addition, the gradation of the aggregate became worse and hence so did the coarseness factor as the recycled aggregate amount increased. CONCLUSIONS : The fundamental properties of the concrete with recycled aggregate does not seem to be appropriate when the recycled aggregate quality is not guaranteed up to a some level and its replacement ratio is over 50%. The optimized gradation of the aggregates should also be sought when the recycled aggregate is used for the cement concrete pavement materials.
도심지내 굴착복구 공사는 시간과의 싸움이다. 서울시의 경우 당일굴착, 당일복구를 원칙으로 하고 있 다. 이로 인해 작업자는 제안된 시간내에 굴착복구 공사를 마무리 하여야 한다. 굴착공정 상 굴착시간과 관로 시공에는 작업시간을 많이 할당 하지만, 되메우는 공정(모래부설 및 다짐, 골재부설 및 다짐)에는 상 대적으로 시간 할당이 적은 편이다. 그러다 보니 되메우는 과정에서 충분한 다짐을 할 시간적 여유가 없 으며, 결국 임시포장으로 마무리 한 다음 추후에 다시 포장공사를 하는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 관 로 주변의 충분한 지지력 확보 및 작업성을 위하여 경량기포 모르타르를 적용하였으며, 최적 작업시간 산 정을 위한 최적배합을 도출하고자 하였다.
최적배합을 설정하기 위한 변수로 물-결합재 비(W/B), 플라이애시 치환율 및 기포 투입 시간을 설정하 였다. 물-결합재비는 60, 65, 70%로 플라이애시 치환율은 결합재 질량 대비 60, 70, 80%, 기포투입시간 은 0, 1, 2초로 설정하였다.
초결시간을 결정하기 위한 모르타르의 응결시험은 KS F 2436“관입 저항침에 의한 콘크리트의 응결 시간 시험방법”에 따라 실험을 수행하였으며, 초결의 응결시간 계산을 위하여 회귀분석에 의한 방법을 사용하였다.
개별 함수별 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 플라이애시 치환율과 기포 투입시간이 초결에 영향을 미치는 것 으로 나타났으며 오히려 W/B비는 미치는 영향이 적은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과의 원인으로는 W/B 비의 경우 최적 플로우를 만족시키기 위하여 고성능 감수제를 배합별로 차별화하여 적용하였다. 게다가 기포 투입량에 따라 유동성이 변하고 이로 인해 초결에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 판단되었다. 또한 플라이 애시의 경우 강도 발현에 영향을 주는데 치환량이 증가할수록 강도 발현이 늦어지기 때문이다. 이러한 결 과는 변수별 컨투어 곡선을 분석해 봐도 알 수가 있다.
그림 2, 3의 경우 W/B비 에 따른 초결 시간 변화가 적은 것을 알 수 있다. 하지만 그림 1을 보면 플라 이애시 치환율와 기포투입시간에 따른 초결 시간 변화가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 초결 시간을 최대한 짧게 만들 수 있는 최적 변수 범위는 플라이애시 치환율의 경우 70% 수준이고, 이에 따른 기포투입시간 은 2초 이하에서는 모두 적정한 것으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to formulate the optimal ratio of tofu ice cream made with crushed tofu and soybean milk. Also, to compare characteristics of tofu ice cream and soybean ice cream. Mix viscosity, overrun and melting down are measured as characteristics of ice cream. The optimal mixing ratio of tofu ice cream was determined by response surface methodology based on overall quality. As a result of optimization, tofu ice cream was made with 65.90% tofu cream (9% solid contents), 4.35% whipping cream, 14.35% canola oil, 15.00% sugar, 0.2% emulsifier and 0.2% guar gum. Soybean ice cream made with three different treated (blanched, steamed, roasted) soybean and each preprocess are treated for 0-20 min. Mix viscosity was enhanced preprocessing time increasing. Also, overrun and melting down was decline preprocessing time increased. As a result of comparison of ice cream overall quality, 15 min roasted soybean ice cream was shown the best quality.
The purpose of this study was to formulate the optimal mixing ratio for Korean vinegared cabbages harvested in fall from Haenam, Hongseong and Gyeongsan regions. The general compositions such as moisture and ash, and hardness were not significant different among 3 cabbages. The vinegared cabbage was made with vinegar, salt and sugar, and stored at 5oC for 5 d. The diffusion of salt, sugar and vinegar to the cabbage was completed within 3 h. The optimal mixing ratio of those components was determined by response surface methodology (RSM) based on overall preference. As a result of analysis, optimal mixing ratio of Haenam vinegared cabbage was 8.94% vinegar, 1.88% salt, and 18.18% sugar, whereas 8.91% vinegar, 2.12% salt, and 17.97% sugar in Hongseong vinegared cabbage, lastly 8.24% vinegar, 2.50% salt, and 18.26% sugar in Gyeongsan vinegared cabbage. Storage characteristics were investigated at different storage times and temperatures using overall preference, texture, and pH. Overall preference and texture were enhanced after 1 wk storage, but vinegared cabbage was spoiled after 3 wk at 20oC. Change in pH was the fastest during 1 wk at all temperatures, and then reached equilibrium.
PURPOSES : This study was conducted to derive the optimum mixing ratio of phosphorescent pigment for the development of phosphorescent line marking.
METHODS: In this study, we utilized a literature review and case study methodology, to describe the domestic and foreign state of practice for the production and mixing of phosphorescent pigment for use in line marking. The optimal mixing ratio was derived by comparing the reduction in luminance over time for the various phosphorescent pigment mixing ratios identified in the literature. In addition, performance and construction characteristics were analyzed using field testing techniques.
RESULTS : The results were as follows: 1) the results of the luminance performance standards tests showed that all of the phosphorescence test specimens satisfied the phosphorescent fire protection standard. As the phosphorescent pigment mixing ratio increased, the luminance value increased, 2) the luminance reduction rate was minimum at the mixing ratio of 50%. However, when compared to a mixing ratio 40%, a small difference was recorded, the luminance reduction rate from the mixing ratio of 40% is judged as being converged. Therefore, in view of the economic efficiency, it was determined that the optimal mixing ratio was 40%, 3) as a result of construction on the field, a mixing ratio of 40% was found to have a higher luminance value than the general line marking for up to three hours after sunset, 4) it was found that the phosphorescent line markings without glass beads spraying had a higher luminance value than the phosphorescent line markings with glass beads spraying.
CONCLUSIONS : Through the results of the basic experiments of the line markings obtained by blending a phosphorescent pigment, the results could be applied to play an important role in the development of phosphorescent line marking paint technology and in establishing application planning for on-site construction characteristics.
PURPOSES : In this study blast furnace slag, an industrial byproduct, was used with an activating chemicals, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3 for carbon capture and sequestration as well as strength development.
METHODS: This paper presents the optimized mixing design of Carbon-Capturing and Sequestering Activated Blast-Furnace Slag Mortar. Design of experiments in order to the optimized mixing design was applied and commercial program (MINITAB) was used. Statistical analysis was used to Box-Behnken (B-B) method in response surface analysis.
RESULTS : The influencing factors of experimental are water ratio, Chemical admixture ratio and Curing temperature. In the results of response surface analysis, to obtain goal performance, the optimized mixing design for Carbon-Capturing and Sequestering Activated Blast- Furnace Slag Mortar were water ratio 40%, Chemical admixture ratio 58.78% and Curing temperature of 60℃.
CONCLUSIONS: Compared with previous studies of this experiment is to some extent the optimal combination is expected to be reliable.
최근 공항포장 현황을 살펴보면, 민간 공항에서는 활주로와 유도로는 아스팔트포장으로 시공하고 계류 장은 콘크리트 포장으로 시공하고 있으며 군용 공항에서는 활주로, 유도로, 계류장 등 항공기가 운항하는 모든 지역을 콘크리트 포장으로 시공하고 있다. 이것은 일찍이 아스팔트 포장이 주축을 이루던 국내공항에서, 주둔 미군에 의해 도입된 콘크리트 포장이 군용 공항에서는 시멘트 수급 활성화 정책과 맞물려 대대적으로 채택·정착된 반면에 민간 공항에서는 변화가 수용되지 못하고 계류장 지역의 채택으로 그치게 되었다. 어쨌든 오랜 기간의 공항포장 시공경험으로 콘크리트 포장의 시공기술은 많은 발전을 거듭하여 현재는 상당한 수준에 달해 있다.
콘크리트 골재의 입도는 시공성, 강도, 내구성, 재료 분리, 필요수량 뿐만 아니라 경제성에도 영향을 미친다. 지금까지 많은 연구를 통해 입도를 최적화하는 모델이 개발되어 왔다. 최근 몇몇 기관 시방서에 서는 최적입도의 이점을 이용하기 위해 채택하여 왔다. 최적입도는 콘크리트의 일부 속성을 강화하기 위해 더욱 양입도의 재료를 만드는 것 등의 방식으로 개선되는 경우가 일반적이다. 더욱이, 입자 형상은 최적입도의 성공적인 사용 가능한 요소로 언급되었다. 특히, 공항포장 콘크리트는 도로포장 콘크리트에 비하여 더 큰 하중이 작용하므로 높은 강도와 고내구성이 요구되어 단위 시멘트량을 높게 사용하고 있지만 현재 다양한 유형의 파손이 다수 발생되어 잦은 유 지보수가 적용되고 있다. 따라서 공항포장 콘크리트가 요구하는 높은 강도와 고내구성을 확보할 수 있는 새로운 탄소배출 저감형 공항포장 콘크리트 개발이 요구된다.
본 논문에서는 고강도·고내구성을 확보할 수 있는 공항포장 콘크리트의 개발을 위한 기초연구로서 재료 측면에서 골재의 최적입도(Optimized Aggregate Gradation)를 적용하였다. 최적입도는 정규입도보다 압축강도와 휨강도가 증진되며 일반적으로 휨강도가 높으면 교통하중 및 환경하중에 의한 횡방향 균열이 더 적게 발생하게 된다. 또한 최적입도를 적용하면 시멘트의 사용량을 줄일 수 있으므로 탄소배출 저감 측면에서도 유리하다.
죽의 기능성 향상을 위하여 2:1:1:1의 배합으로 혼합한 한약재료(가시오가피, 숙지황, 산약, 백복령)와 닭가슴살 등의 재료를 사용해 한방 영양죽을 제조하였다. 한방 닭죽의 DPPH radical 소거능, SOD 유사활성, 맛의 선호도, cost는 수학적인 canonical model과 trace plot을 이용하여 분석한 결과, SOD 유사활성 이외에는 각 성분들이 독립적으로 작용하여 상호작용이 없는 선형 모델을 보여주었다. DPPH radical 소거능, SOD유사활성, 맛의 선호도를 최대로, cost를 최소로 목적 범위를 설정하고, 각각의 canonical 계수를 이용하여 수적 최적화를 통하여 최적 배합비를 구한 결과, 한약 혼합물 101 g, 닭가슴살 38.66 g, 찹쌀 비율 41.34 g의 최적 배합비를 구하였으며, 이 배합비에 따른 맛의 선호도는 6.39, DPPH radical 소거능은 17.25 ㎎VCE/ℓ, SOD 유사활성은 2.25%, cost는 1,382.39 won으로 나타났으며, 여러 결과들 사이에 최적화된 한 값에 수렴하는 desirability는 0.714로 나타났다. 이는 한약혼합물이 많을수록 기능성 면에서는 높게 나타나지만 맛의 선호도면에서는 낮게 나타냈고, 닭가슴살의 경우에도 그 함량이 많을수록 맛의 선호도는 올라갔지만 그에 반해 cost가 높게 올라간 것을 반영한 결과로 사료된다.
노면표시에 도포된 굴절률 1.5 유리알은 야간 우천 시 효과적인 재귀반사를 수행하지 못하여 교통안전에 심각한 문제를 초래하고 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해 습윤상태에서 효과적 재귀반사를 수행하는 굴절률 2.4인 우천형 bead와 건조 시 최적의 재귀반사를 수행해 내는 굴절률 1.9 bead를 혼합한다. 그러나 고성능의 굴절률 1.9와 2.4 bead는 기존 1.5 유리알에 비해 상당한 고가이므로 전량 사용하기에는 상당한 비용이 소요된다. 따라서 현장 설치 시에는 서로 혼합하여 사용하는 것이 바람직하며, 최적 성능과 소요 비용을 고려한 적정 배합비율을 찾아내는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 비율로 혼합된 bead를 국내 고속도로의 길가장자리선에 설치하였을 때 발생되는 각각의 비용 및 편익에 따른 경제성 분석을 수행하였다. 분석 수행결과, 다양한 강수량 변화에도 높은 시인성을 유지하는 대안은 굴절률 2.4가 100% 구성된 차선으로 나타났으며, 경제성이 가장 높게 확보되는 대안은 굴절률 1.5가 80%, 2.4가 20%로 구성된 차선으로 B/C는 약 1.92 수준으로 도출되어 국내 고속도로 길가장자리선의 적용 시 가장 효과적인 대안인 것으로 확인되었다. 아울러 연구의 한계와 몇몇 장래 연구과제가 토의되었다.
The objective of this study was to develop a stock that can be used to make a variety of dishes. For this, stock was prepared with beef, chicken, and pork meat as animal meats as well as anchovy, mushroom, and sea tangle as other ingredients. The qualities of six[only four though] kinds of stocks made with beef only (B), beef and chicken (BC), beef and pork (BP), and beef added with chicken and pork (BCP), and seven kinds of stocks made with anchovy (A), mushroom (M), sea tangle (S), anchovy and mushroom (AM), anchovy and sea tangle (AS), mushroom and sea tangle (MS), and anchovy added with mushroom and sea tangle (AMS) were investigated by sensory evaluation. The most preferred stock made with animal meat was mixed with the most preferred stock made with other ingredients at a 5% level to test the synergistic effects of palatability. As a result, BCP stock and AMS stock obtained the highest scores for overall preference. BCP stock within the range of 30%-65% along with the mixed stock containing AMS (35%-70%) showed synergistic effects for palatability.