
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 79

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 음식물류폐기물의 1일 발생량은 14,143 톤으로 약 30%는 퇴비로 재활용하고 있으며, 그중 석회안정화공법을 통해 제조된 석회처리비료는 작물의 수량 증가, 산성 토양 개량 및 유기물 공급 등의 효과가 있다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 석회처리비료 시용량에 따른 작물 생육 및 토양의 화학적 특성에 대한 영향을 평가하고자 하였다. 처리구는 무처리구(CT), NPK 처리구(NPK). NPK+소석회 처리구(CH), NPK+석회처리비료 처리구 1, 2, 4, 8 및 16배(LTF1, 2, 4, 8 및 16)로 설정하였다. 석회처리비료는 석회소요량 기준으로 처리를 하여 상추 포트 재배실험을 진행하였다. 상추의 생육조사 결과 전반적으로 LTF1 처리구의 생육(수량 5,050 kg ha-1)이 가장 좋았던 반면, 석회처리비료 시용량이 증가할수록 생육이 저하되는 경향이었으며 수량도 LTF16 처리구(1,600 kg ha-1)에서 유의한 수준으로 감소하였다. 시험 후 토양의 pH, EC, OM, 교환성 양이온은 모두 시험 전보다 상승하였고 석회처리비료의 시용량이 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 상추의 질소, 인산 및 칼륨의 양분흡수량은 LTF1 처리구에서 NPK 처리구 대비 각각 6.1, 0.5 및 4.0 kg ha-1 증가했으나, 석회처리비료 시용량이 증가함에 따라 감소하는 경향이었다. 이를 통해 석회처리비료는 석회소요량 기준 2배량 이하로 시용하는 것이 적합하다고 판단되나 석회처리비료의 적정사용량 설정을 위해 연용 포장실험을 통한 추가적인 모니터링이 필요하다고 사료된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, many studies have been conducted to improve quality by applying machine learning models to semiconductor manufacturing process data. However, in the semiconductor manufacturing process, the ratio of good products is much higher than that of defective products, so the problem of data imbalance is serious in terms of machine learning. In addition, since the number of features of data used in machine learning is very large, it is very important to perform machine learning by extracting only important features from among them to increase accuracy and utilization. This study proposes an anomaly detection methodology that can learn excellently despite data imbalance and high-dimensional characteristics of semiconductor process data. The anomaly detection methodology applies the LIME algorithm after applying the SMOTE method and the RFECV method. The proposed methodology analyzes the classification result of the anomaly classification model, detects the cause of the anomaly, and derives a semiconductor process requiring action. The proposed methodology confirmed applicability and feasibility through application of cases.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 온탕침지와 pH교정석회유황합제 처리에 의한 상추 유기종자의 곰팡이와 세균의 소독효과 및 발아율에 미치는 영향을 검정하고자 하였다. 상추종자에 Alternaria sp.가 53.3% 감염되어 있었고 Aspergillus sp.와 Cladosporium sp.은 각각 14.5%와 5.4% 감염되어 있었다. 세균은 형태적으로 Pseudomonas sp., 한 종만 분리되었으며 16.5%가 감염되어 있었다. 상추종자 소독에 효과적인 온탕침지조건을 탐색하고자 온탕의 온도조건(45℃, 50℃, 55℃, 60℃)에 따른 소독효과를 조사하였다. 온탕침지 온도와 처리시간이 증가함에 따라 곰팡이와 세균에 대한 살균효과는 증가하였으나 종자의 발아율은 급격히 감소하였다. 온탕침지 단독처리는 50℃ 온탕에서 20분간 처리할 경우 상추종자의 살균효과와 발아율이 각각 91.1%로 가장 우수하였다. 상추종자 소독을 위한 온탕침지와 pH교정석회유황합제 교호처리는 50℃의 온탕침지 조건에서는 10분간 처리하는 것이 상추종자의 살균효과와 발아율이 각각 100%와 97.6%로 가장 높았다. 본 연구결과는 종자 표면뿐만 아니라 종자내의 곰팡이나 세균을 살균할 수 있는 기술개발에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 생각한다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Corrosion inhibitors including calcium hydroxide have been used to prevent corrosion in the pipes for tap water supply. The corrosion index (i.e., Langelier Index) differs by area and water quality. The corrosion indices of the areas studied differed by more than 2.0. The ‘homogenized’ calcium hydroxide was added to the treated water at the K water treatment plant, in order to increase the value of the corrosion index and the concentration of calcium. As the result, the concentration of calcium was increased while the turbidity and pH changed little. The corrosion rate of the tap water with the 'homogenized' calcium hydroxide could be slowed down pretty much. The results suggested that the technology of 'homogenization' of calcium hydroxide can applied to tap water and desalinated water to prevent corrosion in water pipes even in corrosive pipes.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When there is a significant stripping in asphalt pavement, it is common practice to use a hydrated lime (HL) as an anti-stripping additive (ASA). However, since many asphalt plants do not have facilities for weighing and casting HL, they prefer to use of a liquid-type ASA (LA). Therefore, various brands of LAs which show proper anti-stripping function are currently developed, imported, and marketed in Korea. In addition to the anti-stripping effect, the HL has been known to give a significant age-retarding effect on paved asphalt in the field. Therefore, there was a question about whether or not the LA provides the same anti-aging effect as The HL. This study investigated anti-aging effect of the asphalt mixes which were prepared using both ASAs and short-term aged and long-term aged in the laboratory. The absolute viscosity was measured as an aging index from the binder recovered from the mixes after short-term aging (STA) and long-term aging (LTA) processes. The results showed that there was a significant higher aging found from the LA-added mix than the normal mix without any ASA. On the other hands, the mix with HL showed significantly lower ageing level than the LA-added mix and normal mix. The retardation of age-hardening by using HL was more effectively observed when the STA condition was stronger.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the major sources causing eutrophication and algal blooms of lakes or streams is phosphorus which comes from point and nonpoint pollution sources. HAP (hydroxyapatite) crystallization using granular alkaline materials can achieve the decrease of phosphorus load from wastewater treatment plants and nonpoint pollution control facilities. In order to induce HAP crystal formation, continuous supply of calcium and hydroxyl ions is required. In this research, considering HAP crystallization, several types of lime-based granular alkaline materials were prepared, and the elution characteristics of calcium and hydroxyl ions of each were analyzed. Also, column tests were performed to verify phosphorus removal efficiencies of granular alkaline materials. Material_1 (gypsum+cement mixed material) achieved the highest pH values in the column tests consistently, also, Material_2 (gypsum+slag mixed material) and Material_3 (calcined limestone material) achieved over pH 9.0 for 240 hours (10 days) and proved the efficiencies of long-term ion supplier for HAP crystallization. In the column tests using Material_3, considerable pH increase and phosphorus removal were carried out according to each linear velocity and filtration depth. T-P removal efficiencies were 87.0, 84.0, 68.0% and those of PO4-P 100.0, 97.0, 80.0% for linear velocity of 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 m/hr respectively. Based on the column test results, the applicability of phosphorus removal processes for small-scale wastewater treatment plants and nonpoint pollution control facilities was found out.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OBJECTIVES : The objective of this research is to determine the moisture resistance of the freeze-thaw process occurring in low-noise porous pavement using either hydrated-lime or anti-freezing agent. Various additives were applied to low-noise porous asphalt, which is actively paved in South Korea, to overcome its disadvantages. Moreover, the optimum contents of hydrated-lime and anti-freezing agent and behavior properties of low-noise porous asphalt layer are determined using dynamic moduli via the freeze-thaw test. METHODS: The low-noise porous asphalt mixtures were made using gyratory compacters to investigate its properties with either hydratedlime or anti-freezing agent. To determine the dynamic moduli of each mixture, impact resonance test was conducted. The applied standard for the freeze-thaw test of asphalt mixture is ASTM D 6857. The freeze-thaw and impact resonance tests were performed twice at each stage. The behavior properties were defined using finite element method, which was performed using the dynamic modulus data obtained from the freezethaw test and resonance frequencies obtained from non-destructive impact test. RESULTS: The results show that the coherence and strength of the low-noise porous asphalt mixture decreased continuously with the increase in the temperature of the mixture. The dynamic modulus of the normal low-noise porous asphalt mixture dramatically decreased after one cycle of freezing and thawing stages, which is more than that of other mixtures containing additives. The damage rate was higher when the freeze-thaw test was repeated. CONCLUSIONS : From the root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean percentage error (MPE) analyses, the addition rates of 1.5% hydrated-lime and 0.5% anti-freezing agent resulted in the strongest mixture having the highest moisture resistance compared to other specimens with each additive in 1 cycle freeze-thaw test. Moreover, the freeze-thaw resistance significantly improved when a hydrated-lime content of 0.5% was applied for the two cycles of the freeze-thaw test. Hence, the optimum contents of both hydrated-lime and anti-freezing agent are 0.5%.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the firing method of limestone in Joseon Dynasty, and analyze the physical·chemical properties of lime mortars in Joseon Dynasty. This study was to manufacture and evaluate the firing experiment and mortar of Limestone by each sort in order to reproduce the traditional lime mortars in Joseon Dynasty, and investigate the behavior to improve physical properties according to the firing method of Limestone. This study has found out that there were screening criteria and standard of appropriate firing temperature about the Limestone in Joseon Dynasty. Accordingly, this study was to improve its strength through various additives and mixture. In particular, in case of Limestone, the black and blue Limestone were preferred, and most of domestic Limestones were low grade Limestone including the clay and took ivory white or blue with low whiteness. This study has shown that the low grade Limestone was mined by the surface mining compared with the high grade Limestone as underground mining method, and could be used because it was easy to mine relatively and there was possibility that Natural Hydraulic Lime(NHL) was used with the traditional lime mortars in Joseon Dynasty.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서는 2013년 신나팔나리(Lilium×formolongi)와 아시아틱 나리 간의 교잡종(FA종간잡종 나리) ‘Lime Glow’를 개발하였다. 2002년 연한 노란색 FA종간잡종 나리 ‘FA97-1’과 노란색의 아시아틱 나리 ‘Carthago’를 각각 모본과 부본으로 화주 절단 수분법으로 20화를 인공교배하였고, 교배 후 미숙한2개의 꼬투리를 수확하여 배가 형성된 배주를 기내에서배양하여 잡종을 획득한 후 재배하였다. 육묘한 배양묘로부터 2006년 상향개화형이며 밝은 노란색의 FA종간잡종 나리 ‘FA06-200’ 계통을 개체 선발하였다. 2007년부터 2012년까지 선발된 계통은 자구와 인편번식, 조직배양을 이용하여 번식 및 양구한 후 1, 2차 생육특성검정을 실시하였다. 2013년 3차 생육특성검정 및 소비자 기호도 평가를 수행한 결과 화색 및 화형에 대한 기호도가높은 밝은 노란색(RHS, Y3C)의 절화용 FA종간잡종 나리‘Lime Glow’를 육성하였다. 3배체의 FA종간잡종 나리로초장은 113.6cm로 초장신장성이 우수하였다. ‘Lime Glow’의 화폭은 16.0cm이며 소화수는 본당 5.3개였다.‘LimeGlow’의 자연개화기는 6월 17일로 중생종이었으며 통계적 유의 차는 없었으나 대조품종 ‘Royal Fantasy’의 6월22일에 비교하여 빨랐다. ‘Lime Glow’의 경우 아구수가1개로 분구가 일어나지 않는 특성을 가졌으며 개화구의구근 둘레는 14.8cm로 일반적인 나리에 비하여 소구개화성의 특성을 가지며 대조품종 ‘Royal Fantasy’ 16.5cm에 비하여 작은 구근에서 개화한다. 인편번식 처리 후 인편 생성 능력을 살펴보면 ‘Lime Glow’의 경우 19.5개로대조품종 5.5개에 비하여 높았으며 생성된 자구의 총 무게도 역시 높았다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: It is theoretically well known all over the world, that porous hot mixed asphalt (HMA) with hydrated Lime improves moisture and rutting resistance, and reduces pothole occurrence frequency, as well as the life cycle cost (LCC). METHODS : Addictive in the two different formations of the liquid anti-stripping Agent and powder Hydrated-Lime was applied in this investigation in order to obtain relatively clear results according to their types and conditions. Firstly, the moisture conditions were set, and applied to the porous HMA mixtures with hydrated lime (anti-stripping agent). Next, it was followed by a non-destructive test with the application of three freeze-thaw cycles, which were individually carried out thrice to compare the results of the dynamic moduli. Lastly, the hydrated lime effect related to moisture sensibility to porous HMA has been verified through the analysis of the modulus results regarding the change rate of dynamic modulus per n-cycle. RESULTS: It is clear from this investigation, that the dynamic modulus is inversely proportional to the change in temperature, as the graph representing the rigidity of the thermorheologically simple (TRS) material showed gradual decline of the dynamic modulus with the increase in temperature. CONCLUSIONS: The porous HMA mixture with the anti-stripping agent (hydrated Lime) has been found to be more moisture resistant to freezing and thawing than the normal porous HMA mixture. It is clear that the hydrated lime helps the HMA mixture to improve its fatigue resistance.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The hydrated lime-modified asphalt, which improves moisture resistance, is normally used for pavements to reduce the number of potholes. However, the method of applying the material properties of the lime-modified asphalt mixture for use in pavements is not covered in the Korean Pavement Research Program (KPRP). The objective of this research is to find a method for the design application of lime-modified asphalt’s material properties to the KPRP. METHODS: The section for test design is selected in some conditions which are related to the level of design regarding Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). To define the application methods of hydrated lime in the KPRP, the models of fatigue, rut and international roughness index (IRI) are determined based on the M-EPDG test results from some earlier research results. Moreover, it is well known that dynamic moduli of the unmodified mixture are not different from those of the lime-modified mixture. RESULTS: The performance results of hydrated lime-modified asphalt pavement were not very much different from those of the unmodified pavement, which meant the limited design regulations regarding fatigue failure, rutting deformation and IRI. CONCLUSIONS: The KPRP uses the weather model from the data for previous 10 years. It implies that the KPRP cannot predict abnormal climate changes accurately. Hence, the predictive weather data regarding the abnormal climate changes are unreliable. Secondly, the KPRP cannot apply the moisture resistance of asphalt mixtures. Therefore, a second level of design study will have to be performed to reflect the influence of moisture. It means that the influence on pavement performance can be changed by the application of hydrated lime in asphalt mixture design.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        16 water treatment plants(WTPs) in Jeju province were investigated to evaluate the corrosivity of tap water. In addition, the impacts of lime and carbon dioxide on LI changes at ES WTP were analyzed. The average of LI in Jeju tap was -1.78 which was similar to that of in-land multi-regional WTPs. The recommended process to improve LI of ES WTP which has high corrosivity(i.e., LI = -2.61) was to combine lime and carbon dioxide with the dosages of 20 mg/L and 5 mg/L respectively to meet LI of -1.0 ~ 0. pH was confirmed to be a major water quality parameter that determined LI based on the correlation results among LI and water quality parameters. Precaution on turbidity increase by lime addition should given to minimize particle breakthrough in the distribution system. Turbidity increase can be controlled by the addition of lime prior to filters.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        논의 99Tc 오염 시 소석회와 유기질 비료의 토양 첨가가 쌀알 내 99Tc 농도 저감 대책으로서 유용한지 알아보기 위하여 온실 내에서 두 가지 논토양에 대해 포트실험을 수행하였다. 모내기 15 일 전에 약 20 cm 깊이에 해당하는 상부 토양을 상기 농용 물질과 99Tc로 처리하였다. 처리 효과는 토양 중 농도에 대한 작물체 내 농도의 비로 정의되는 전이계수(TF)로 비교하였다. 대조 작물체의 경우 두 토양에서 현미 TF 값은 4.1×10-4 및 4.3×10-4였다. 각종 유형의 첨가 중에서 한 토양에 대해 60%정도의 TF 값 감소를 나타낸 소석회 저수준 첨가(약 0.6 kg m-2)만이 대책으로서 이용 가능성이 있을 것으로 판단되었다. 다른 한 토양에서는 동 첨가의 효과가 거의 없었으므로 다수의 토양에 대한 평균적인 효과를 알아내는 것이 중요하다. 두 가지 다른 수준의 유기질 비료의 첨가는 모두 TF 값을 증가시켰다. 위보다 더 낮은 수준의 소석회 첨가에 대해 실험을 수행할 필요가 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2년간 '홍로'/M.9 및 '후지'/M.9 품종의 적과를 위한 석회유황합제 및 어유와의 혼합처리 효과를 조사하기 위해 진행하였다. '후지' 1년 차에 있어, 만개 시 석회유황합제 1% 또는 2% 처리는 대조구에 비해 정과 및 액과의 유과수를 감소시켰다. 하지만 2차년도에는 석회유황합제 1% 또는 2% 단용처리에서는 정과 유과수의 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 다만 석회유황합제 1%의 3회 처리에서는 1차년도와 2차년도 모두 유의적인 적과효과를 나타내었다. 석회유황합제 1%의 다중처리는 '홍로'에서 가장 효율적인 적과효과를 나타내었다. 1차년도의 경우, 석회유황합제 1%의 2회 또는 3회 살포가 효과적인 적과효과를 보였으며, 2차년도에서는 석회유황합제 1% 1회처리를 제외하고는 모두 유의적인 적과효과를 나타내었다. 첨가된 어유의 경우 대부분의 경우 석회유황합제의 적과효과를 강화하지 않았다. 본 시험에 사용된 모든 처리구는 과실의 동녹 형성에 악영향을 미치지 않았으며, 또한 '후지' 및 '홍로'의 과실 중량, 경도, 가용성고형물 및 적정산도와 같은 과실품질에 영향을 미치지 않았다.
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