
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 183

        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents an electrochemical immunosensor using a graphene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composite platform for detecting the cardiovascular marker C-reactive protein (CRP). The immunosensor exhibited a linear detection range of 0.20–100 ng/mL CRP with a low limit of detection reaching 0.081 ng/mL. The composite material provided a 3D porous structure that allowed efficient antibody immobilization and minimized steric hindrance. The sensor showed high specificity, with minimal response to interfering substances. Using differential pulse voltammetry, the immunosensor demonstrated exceptional precision, rapid detection, and a direct correlation between CRP concentration and sensor response current. Overall, this work highlights the potential of the graphene/MWCNT composite platform as a robust tool for early CRP detection and cardiovascular disease risk assessment. The immunosensor provides sensitive and selective CRP quantification that could enable timely clinical intervention for at-risk individuals.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Protein is an essential nutrient for humans to sustain life, but it is predicted that it will be challenging to secure protein through the traditional livestock industry in the future. Microalgae has high future value as an alternative protein food source due to resource utilization and sustainability advantages. In order to increase productivity, the culture conditions of microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and Scenedesmus obliquus were examined in this study. The optimal culture conditions of C. vulgaris were mixotrophic culture, 25oC culture temperature, 7.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 3000 Lux light intensity, and 24L:0D light/dark cycle period with red LED. For D. salina, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 20oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 6000 Lux light intensity, and 12L:12D light/dark cycle period with white LED. For S. obliquus, the optimal culture conditions were mixotrophic culture, 30oC culture temperature, 8.0 initial pH, 10% initial inoculation, stirring culture, 4500 Lux light intensity, and 14L:10D light/dark cycle period with fluorescent light. These findings can be used as important information for increasing the production of microalgae as an alternative protein material resource in the future.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2) has been reported worldwide as a major pathogen associated with acute hemorrhagic enteritis. The disease is a major infectious cause of death, particularly in young dogs. The earliest type of CPV-2 was replaced with three main subspecies, CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c, within a few years. Vaccination is carried out regularly, but the emergence of antigenic variants and the influence of maternal antibodies have limited the efficacy of commercial vaccines. New vaccines, such as the subunit vaccine, have been developed for alternative, safe, and effective vaccination. The baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is an excellent eukaryotic expression system with a high-level expression of foreign proteins and the ability of post-translational modification. Therefore, it is used widely to produce recombinant protein and subunit vaccines. In this study, the VP2 protein of CPV-2b cloned in the gateway vector system was generated using a baculovirus expression system in Spodoptera frugiperda (SF9) insect cells. Hemagglutination assay (HA) titers (24) were obtained, and the expression was detected in 6-His tagged VP2 and monoclonal antibody (mAb) against CPV-2 by western blotting. The VP2 protein of CPV-2b expressed in this study may provide a basis for a clinical diagnosis and vaccination applications for CPV-2.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Tetraselmis suecica와 T. tetrathele의 영양물질 증진효과를 가져올 수 있는 배양시스템 구축을 위하여, 발광다이오드 (LED)의 파장별(청색; 450 nm, 황색; 590 nm, 적색; 630 nm) 탄수화물, 단백질, 지질 함량을 측정하였다. 두 종 모두 단백질 비율(42~69%)이 가장 높았으며, 생장속도가 낮았던 황색파장에서 탄수화물, 단백질, 지질의 높은 함량을 보였고, 생장속도가 가장 높았던 적색파장에서는 낮은 함량을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 세포 분열 속도의 감소로 인해 단백질 합성과 함께 세포의 화학적 조성과 효소 활동에 변화를 주어 지질과 탄수화물 함량이 증가한 것으로 생각된다. 따라서, T. suecica와 T. tetrathele의 유용한 생화학적 물질의 증대를 위해 대수생장기 초 기와 중기는 적색 LED 그리고 대수생장기 후기에는 황색 LED를 주사하는 2단계 LED 배양을 제안하였다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Subunit vaccines are being developed as a potential therapy for preventing microbial pathogen infection. In this study, the immunogenicity of recombinant Brucella (B.) abortus Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase (rFe/Mn SOD) protein as a subunit vaccine against B. abortus was investigated in BALB/c mice model. Brucella Fe/Mn SOD gene was cloned into a pcold-TF DNA vector. The bacterial recombinant protein was expressed using the Escherichia coli DH5α strain with a size of 82.50 kDa. The western blotting assay showed that rFe/Mn SOD reacted with Brucella-positive serum, indicating the potential immunoreactivity of this recombinant protein. After the second and third vaccinations, the peripheral CD4+ T cell population was increased significantly in the rFe/Mn SOD-immunized mice group compared to the PBS control group. Moreover, immunization of this recombinant protein increased the CD4+ T cell population from the first vaccination to the third vaccination. Meanwhile, the CD8+ T cells were slightly enhanced after the second vaccination compared to the first vaccination and compared to control groups. Fourteen days after the bacterial infection, the splenomegaly and the number of bacteria in the spleen were evaluated. The result showed that both rFe/Mn SOD and positive control RB51 decreased the bacterial replication in the spleen and the splenomegaly compared to control groups. Altogether, these results suggested that rFe/Mn SOD could induce host immunity against B. abortus infection.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physicochemical properties of the emulsions prepared with four different proteins (pea protein isolate, whey protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, and soy protein isolate) were characterized in terms of particle size, rheological property, and freeze-thaw stability, while the feasibility of the protein-stabilized emulsions as a fat replacer was evaluated. Confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis showed that O/W emulsions were successfully prepared with all the proteins; however, the smallest particle size and excellent syneresis were observed in the WPI-stabilized emulsions. The use of WPI-stabilized emulsions as an alternative for shortening up to 50% level did not lead to differences in the muffin batters’ specific gravity and viscoelastic properties. After baking, the substitution of shortening with the WPI emulsions at up to 50% by weight did not significantly affect the muffins’ specific volume and texture characteristics.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) is known as an important biomarker for fetal abnormality during first trimester and has a pivotal role in follicle development and corpus luteum formation. And also, it is being revealed that an expression of PAPP-A in various cells and tissues such as cancer and lesion area. PAPP-A is the major IGF binding protein-4 (IGFBP-4) protease. Cleavage of IGFBP-4 results in loss of binding affinity for IGF, causing increased IGF bioavailability for proliferation, survival, and migration. Additionally, PAPP-A can be used as a promising therapeutic target for healthy longevity. Despite growing interest, almost nothing is known about how PAPP-A expression is regulated in any tissue. This review will focus on what is currently known about the zinc metalloproteinase, PAPP-A, and its role in cells and tissues. PAPP-A is expressed in proliferating cells such as fetus in uterus, granulosa cells in follicle, dermis in wound, cancer cells, and Sertoli cells in testis. They have common characteristics of proliferation faster than normal cells with stimulating IGFs action and inhibiting IGFBPs. The PAPP-A functions and expression studies in livestock have not yet been conducted much. Further studies are needed to use PAPP-A as a marker for healthy longevity in animal science.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate whether bacterial ghosts (BGs), empty cell envelopes of a gram-negative bacterium, delivering envelope protein domain III (EDIII) of dengue virus (DENV) serotype 2 could induce protective immune responses against dengue infection. In this study, we constructed Salmonella Typhimurium BGs expressing and delivering EDIII (BG-EDIII) and evaluated these ghosts for their immunogenicity studies in C57BL/6 mice. Our results demonstrated that the mice vaccinated once orally with BG-EDIII followed by an intramuscular boosting with a recombinant EDIII protein elicited significantly higher humoral and cell-mediated immune responses compared to the BGs alone vaccinated group (p<0.001). Upon challenge with DENV2, significantly lower viral load and liver damage was observed in BG-EDIII vaccinated group than BGs alone control group (p<0.05). The outcomes of this study revealed the ability of BG- EDIII to stimulate immune response with no observable damage to the vital organs.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Paired box protein, PAX7, is a key molecule for the specification, maintenance and skeletal muscle regeneration of muscle satellite cells. In this study, we identified and characterized the cDNA and amino acid sequences of PAX7 from black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii ) via molecular cloning and sequence analysis. A. schlegelii PAX7 cDNA was comprised of 1,524 bp encoding 507 amino acids and multiple sequence alignment analysis of the translated amino acids showed that it contained three domains including paired DNA-binding domain, homeobox domain and OAR domain which were well conserved across various animal species investigated. Pairwise Sequence Alignment indicated that A. schlegelii PAX7 had the same amino acid sequences with that of yellowfin seabream (A. latus ) and 99.8% identity and similarity with that of gilt-head bream (Sparus aurata ). Molecular phylogenetic analysis confirmed that A. schlegelii PAX7 formed a monophyletic group with those of teleost and most closely related with those of the fish that belong to Sparidae family including A. latus and S. aurata . In the investigation of its tissue specific mRNA expression, the expression was specifically identified in skeletal muscle tissue and a weak expression was also shown in gonad tissue. The cultured cells derived from skeletal muscle tissues expressed PAX7 mRNA at early passage but the expression was not observed after several times of subculture.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The number of vegans has increased rapidly due to religious and ethical beliefs, environmental concerns, health, etc. Also, as interest in healthy and safe food increases, the demand for organic products or nutrition-enhanced products is increasing. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the selection attributes and purchasing behavior for protein-fortified and vegan snacks. It is anticipated that the results would find use as basic data for developing protein-fortified snacks for vegans that can meet consumer needs and derive marketing strategies. A survey was conducted on 140 consumers. According to the analysis of their purchase behavior, the number of people who had purchased high-protein snacks and vegan snacks was higher than those who did not have prior experience. The reasons for the purchase of protein fortified snacks included ‘meal replacement’ at ‘offline-convenient store/supermarket’. Vegan snacks were purchased for ‘ethical beliefs, health, environment’ at ‘offline-vegan restaurant, bakery’. Both snacks showed above-normal preferences. However, it is necessary to improve taste and flavor when developing these products as these were the factors that negatively impacted the preferences. The attributes were factorized into the ‘showing off factor’, ‘sensory factor’, ‘credence factor’, and ‘functional factor’ and the ‘sensory factor’ was considered the most important.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 분리대두단백 효소가수분해물(eHISP)의 짠맛 증진 효과를 알아보기 위하여 된장국과 숙주나물 무침 내 소금의 양을 일정하게 하고 eHISP의 첨가량을 달리 하여 짠맛의 강도 평가와 전반적인 기호도의 차이를 비교 하였다. 된장국의 모든 시료의 NaCl 함량을 0.7%로 동일하게 한 후 대조구와 eHISP 첨가구간의 짠맛증진효과를 평가한 결과, 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% 첨가구에서 각각 21%, 49%, 61%, 70%의 짠맛상승 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 기호도는 0.5%까지는 증가하고 이후 eHISP의 첨가량이 증가하면서 점차 낮게 평가되었다. 숙주나물 무침도 모든 시료의 NaCl의 농도를 0.7%가 되도록 하였으며, eHISP의 첨가량을 0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%로 하였을 때 짠맛 증진 효과는 3%, 10%, 20%, 23%로 나타났다. 숙주 나물무침의 기호도는 1.0%에서 가장 높게 나타났다. eHISP의 첨가량이 증가할수록 된장국과 숙주나물의 명도 값은 감소하였으며, 적색도와 황색도는 감소하는 경향을 나타냈다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand the role of small heat shock protein (sHSPs) in rice plant response to various stresses such as the heat and oxidative stresses, a cDNA encoding a 24.1 kDa mitochondrial small HSP (Oshsp24.1) was isolated from rice by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The deduced amino acid sequence shows very high similarity with other plant small HSPs. DNA gel blot analysis suggests that the rice genome contains more than one copy of Oshsp24.1. High level of expression of Oshsp24.1 transcript was observed in rice seedlings in response to heat, methyl viologen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, salt and heavy metal stresses. Recombinant OsHSP24.1 protein was produced in E. coli cells for biochemical assay. The protein formed oligomeric complex when incubated with Sulfo-EGS (ethylene glycol bis (succinimidyl succinate)). Our results shows that Oshsp24.1 has an important role in abiotic stress response and have potential for developing stress-tolerant plants.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine parvovirus (CPV) remains a leading infectious cause of death in canines, especially in young puppies. Though vaccination is being carried out regularly, immunization failures occur, and puppies may be exposed to infection. Virus-like particles (VLPs) act like a subunit vaccine, mimicking the structure of authentic viruses. Therefore, VLPs have the potential to be used as vaccine candidates. Since Viral Protein 2 (VP2), a major structural protein of CPV, is the crucial antigen for CPV, the purpose of this study was to produce a recombinant VP2 of new canine parvovirus-2a using the baculovirus expression system in SF9 insect cells. The results revealed that recombinant VP2 assembles to form VLPs with antigenic properties similar to those of natural CPV, the recombinant VLP can produce a hemagglutination assay (HA) titer (1:210) in SF9 cells. Expression of the recombinant 6-His-tagged VP2 in SF9 cells was confirmed by western blotting. These findings suggest that the recombinant VP2 expressed in this study could be used as an efficient subunit vaccine against CPV infection.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Viral protein 2 (VP2) of porcine parvovirus (PPV) is responsible for inducing neutralizing antibodies in immunized animals. It is the major viral structural protein. In this study, novel subunit vaccines against PPV based on virus-like particles (VLPs) formed from VP2 proteins (PPV 13-7 Korean strain) were expressed in an insect baculovirus cell system and purified using Ni-NTA affinity column chromatography. These VP2 proteins assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs). They showed antigenic properties similar to those of natural PPV. In addition, they showed high hemagglutination (HA) titers (211 for PPV 13-7 Korean strain). This study provides a foundation for the application of the difference immunization of recombinant protein in the diversity of PPV VP2 genes and in vaccination against PPV in the future.
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