This study was conducted on four types of laver soup prepared using recipes from Gangwon-do (GW), Gyeongsangnamdo (GN), Jeollanam-do (JN), and the media (MD). Salinities, soluble solids, free amino acids, color values, turbidities, and pH values of soups were measured, and sensory evaluations were done. pH values were significantly higher for GW and GN recipes than the JN and MD recipes (p<0.05). The salinities of JN and MD were significantly higher than those of the other soups (p<0.05). Regarding soluble solids, JN had the highest at 2.64oBrix, whereas GW had the lowest at 0.86 °Brix (p<0.05). GW and JN had higher concentrations of valine, phenylalanine, and glutamic acid (p<0.05). JN had significantly higher redness (a) than the other soups but significantly lower lightness (L) and yellowness (b) (p<0.05). Regarding transmittance, GW had a significantly higher value (67.67%T) than the other soups. JN and MD had higher acceptability results than GW or GN in terms of flavor, mouthfeel, and overall acceptability. Sensory intensity evaluations revealed that JN and MD had higher “soy sauce aroma” and “saltiness” and a greater “broth turbidity” than the other soups. These results indicate that the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of regional laver soups differ.
There is a growing global interest in food choices that could affect health. Consumer food choices are dictated by numerous factors such as attitudes, beliefs, desires and preferences stemming from psychological and physiological attributes. The present study aimed to understand consumers’ internal perceptions about cream soup, cream sauce, and tomato sauce using ZMET (Zaltman’s Metaphor Elicitation Technique). The 9 step ZMET interview process was conducted for a sample of 36 consumers (12 consumers for each sauce). A content analysis of the survey results was carried out. From this, 56 concepts of cream soup were derived, and 15 constructs that met with the agreement of more than one-third of the total sample consumers were extracted. These 15 constructs included ‘Soft’, ‘Recollection’, ‘Familiar’, ‘Warm’, ‘Comfortable’, etc. Similarly, for cream sauce, 67 concepts and 20 constructs ‘Silky’, ‘Warm’, ‘Restaurant’, ‘Family’, ‘Memory’, etc. were deduced. A total of 66 concepts and 20 constructs for tomato sauce ‘Sourness’, ‘Sauce Bottle’, ‘Pleasant’, ‘Ingredient’, ‘Cooking’, etc. were derived. The analysis of consumers’ consensus maps through this study provides a deep and useful understanding of consumers and their latent needs. Also, the results of this study indicate that exploring consumers’ internal perceptions is critical to understanding their healthy food choices. This can be used as basic data for formulating marketing strategies.
This study examined the nutrient content of HMR products and recipes by television chefs. Twelve menu items from the soup, stew, and broth category were chosen from HMR products and TV chef’s recipes. The data on the nutrition labeling from the HMR products and TV chef’s recipes were calculated using Can-Pro 5.0. The results of the analysis were the differences between the HMR products and TV recipes per serving size. The energy content of TV recipes 236.1 kcal was significantly higher than the HMR products. On the other hand, HMR products contained significantly higher sodium (926.9 mg) levels than the TV recipes (565.8 mg). In general, HMR products contained more sodium and less energy and protein than TV recipes. The highest sodium content containing products among the 12 menu items was the Spicy soft tofu stew (1,421.4 mg) from HMR products. The results revealed the significant differences in the macronutrient and sodium content between HMR products and the TV chef’s recipe. This study provides supportive data for the need to reduce the sodium content in HMR products. TV cooking programs should focus on the importance of balanced nutrition, how to reduce sodium intake, and how to achieve this without disrupting well-balanced nutrition.
본 연구는 서울시 중학교에 재학 중인 학생 252명을 조사하여 남녀별로 국물음식을 통한 나트륨 섭취량의 차이를 조사하였으며, 실제로 배식받은 양과 섭취 형태에 따른 나트륨 섭취량을 계산하였다
본 연구에서 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다
1. 조사 대상자들의 성별은 남자 116명, 여자 136명, 학년 별로 1학년 86명, 2학년 77명, 3학년 89명이었다.
2. ‘국 없는 날’의 인식 여부에서 ‘국 없는 날’을 알고 있는 학생은 남자 58.6%. 여자 75.7%로 ‘국 없는 날’의 운영 횟수 질문의 응답으로는 1달에 1번으로 정확하게 알고 있는 학생은 남자는 55.2%, 여자는 62.5%로 나타났고, ‘국 없는 날’의 운영 이유로 ‘나트륨을 줄이기 위해서’라고 정확하게 답한 학생은 남자 61.2%, 여자 77.2%로 나타났다. ‘국 없는 날’의 인식 여부는 성별간의 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 여자가 남자보다 더 많이 알고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 학교 급식에서 저감화 나트륨 계획으로 운영되고 있는 ‘국 없는 날’을 정확히 알고 있는 경우는 59.1%의 학생만이 알고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
3. 나트륨 줄이기 교육을 받은 적이 있는 학생은 50명, 나트륨을 줄이기 위한 노력 여부는 노력한 적이 있는 학생도 53 명으로 나타나 전체 252명에서 채 20%를 넘지 않는 것으로 나타났다. ‘국 없는 날’의 운영도 나트륨 줄이기 교육의 일부임에도 불구하고, 나트륨 줄이기 교육 여부에서 남자 17.2%, 여자 22.1%만이 교육을 받았다고 답해 이에 관한 관심이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 인식실태는 ‘국 없는 날’의 운영만으로 나트륨 저감화 교육이 제대로 이루어지지 않는다는 것을 보여준다.
4. 학교 급식에서 제공된 국물음식의 섭취 형태에서 부대찌개는 건더기와 국물을 모두 섭취하는 인원이 71.8%로 가장 높았고, 그 다음으로는 설렁탕 69.8%로 나타났다. 우동은 건더기만 섭취하는 인원이 25.0%로 가장 높은 비율을 나타냈으며, 그 다음으로는 조랭이떡국 22.2%로 나타났다. 국물만 섭취한 경우에는 동태찌개 25.4%, 미소국 25.0% 순으로 나타났다. 북어국은 아예 국물음식을 섭취하지 않음이 36.1%로 가장 높아 선호하지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
5. 학교 점심급식에서 제공된 국물음식에 의하여 섭취하는 나트륨량은 국물음식 섭취행태를 고려한 경우 점심식사 한끼 국물음식 평균 379.6±183.9 mg, 고려하지 않은 경우는 556.8±190.6 mg으로 나타났으며, 메밀소바, 부대찌개, 우동순으로 높게 나타났다. 38가지의 모든 국물음식에서 나트륨 섭취량이 국물 섭취 행태에 따라 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 국물 섭취 행태를 고려한 경우와 고려하지 않은 경우에 나트륨 섭취량이 97.7~411.8 mg의 차이를 보이고 있었고, 평균 차이는 177.2 mg으로 나타났다. 몇 개의 음식에서는 차이가 있었지만 학교에서 제공된 전체 국물음식을 통한 평균 나트륨섭취량은 행태를 고려하던 하지 않던 남녀의 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 결론적으로 국물음식을 섭취 행태에 따라 섭취하는 나트륨 함량이 다르게 나타난 결과를 바탕으로 국물과 건더기, 국물만, 건더기만의 각각의 나트륨 데이터베이스를 이용하여 나트륨 섭취량을 분석하는 것이 필요하다.
This study was to demonstrate the comparison of immunological activity between vegetable soup made by fresh and extruded radish in in-vitro (bone marrow-derived macrophages and dendritic cells, and mouse splenocytes) and invivo models. In cell survival tests, extruded radish added to vegetable soup (EVS) and non-extruded radish added to vegetable soup powder (NEVS) were treated with bone-marrow derived macrophages, dendritic cells, and mouse splenocytes, and showed no cytotoxic effect at a dose below 1000 μg/mL. EVS treated cells had greater cell proliferation and cytokine [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, IL-2, interferon (INF)-γ] production when compared to the NEVS treated group. Cell surface marker (CD 80/86, MHC class I/II) expression in bone marrow-derived macrophages and dendritic cells was evenly increased in the EVS treated group. In in-vivo study, administration of EVS increased for the CD4 and CD8 T cell population in splenocyte and cytokine production (IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α) but not Th2 type cytokines (IL-4). Therefore, adding the extruded radish is a more effective method for vegetable soup to increase immunological activity against immune cells.
Vegetable soup has been reported to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and anti-cancer effects. In this study, five kinds of vegetable soup were developed using a new manufacturing process and compositional changes in raw material, and anti-cancer and immuno-stimulatory activities were evaluated. Cytotoxicity tests based on MTT assay revealed that all vegetable soups had strong inhibitory effects against CT26 mouse colon cancer cells, with soups including Solomon’s seal being most effective based on comparison of IC50 values. Apoptosis in response to vegetable soup was occurred by 3-5 fold on cancer cells compared to normal cells. Mouse splenocytes increased by 266-541% in response to addition of vegetable soup in an in vitro proliferation experiment. In co-culture with splenocytes and CT26 cancer cells, splenocytes increased by more than 280% in every vegetable soup treatment, while cancer cells decreased by about 60% and cytokines such as IFN-γ and IL-12 were secreted from splenocytes in high levels only in response to vegetable soup including Solomon’s seal. In conclusion, all vegetable soups developed in this study had anti-cancer effects, and vegetable soup including Solomon’s seal showed the strongest anti-cancer and immuno-stimulatory effects. These results suggest that functionality of vegetable soup could be increased by changes in manufacturing processes and raw materials composition.
The feasibility of reduction of sodium intake using sun-dried salt and monosodium glutamate (MSG) was studied. Preference test was performed to evaluate the sensory properties of bean-sprout soup and vegetable rice porridge soup. Sun-dried salt and MSG might be a partial substitute for refined salt. There was a significant difference in salt taste strength between sun-dried salt and refined salt. Sun-dried salts 0.45% with MSG 0.07% resulted in the highest taste preference compared to that of sun-dried salts 0.60% without MSG in bean-sprout soup, which resulted in 23.9% reduction of sodium intake. Sun-dried salts 0.38% with MSG 0.04% resulted in the highest taste preference compared to sun-dried salts 0.53% without MSG in vegetable rice porridge soup, which resulted in 25.4% reduction of sodium intake. There seemed to be a synergistic effect on reduced usage of sodium salt when MSG was used in vegetable rice porridge and bean-sprout soup with sun-dried salt.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of sample presenting types on the sensory characteristics of chilled buckwheat noodle soup (Naeng-myeon). Generic descriptive analysis was performed for evaluating only stock (system 1), only noodle (system 2) and stock with noodle (system 3). Eight kinds of commercially available Naeng-myeon were samples of interest. Ten female descriptive panelists participated. ANOVA and regression analysis were used for data analysis. In the training sessions, ten sensory properties were developed for system 1, four were additionally established for noodle. In each system, the 8 products showed significantly different intensities in almost all sensory attributes like darkness of stock, overall flavor, sweetness, saltiness, sourness. When integrating the two systems, sample presenting types showed significant difference for the seven sensory attributes, especially saltiness, sourness, beef flavor tended to be rated more strongly in system 1 than system 3.
쌀 전분을 포함하는 크림수프 배합비에 친수성 콜로이드인 구아검(guar gum)의 첨가가 수프의 품질특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 쌀 전분에 구아검을 일부(10~30%) 대체하여 배합한 크림수프의 페이스트 특성을 신속점도측정기(RVA)를 사용하여 측정한 결과 구아검의 사용에 호화개시온도가 낮아지고 최고점도, trough 점도, 최종점도가 증가하였다. 크림수프의 수분 함량은 쌀 전분에 구아검을 10~30% 수준으로 대체한 크림수프에서 약간 높게 나타났으며 색도는 구아검의 대체수준이 증가함에 따라 명도가 약간 감소하였다. 쌀 전분 크림수프의 점도는 옥수수 전분을 첨가한 수프보다 약간 높은 반면에 감자, 고구마, 밀, 타피오카 전분을 사용하여 제조한 크림수프에 비해서는 다소 낮게 나타났으며, 쌀 전분에 구아검의 부분적인 대체에 의해 점도의 상승효과를 나타내었다. 쌀 전분 크림수프는 쌀 전분에 구아검을 일부 대체한 혼합사용에 의해 크림수프의 외관, 향, 맛, 입안의 감촉 등 관능적 기호성을 향상시킬 수 있음을 제시해 주었다.
환경대기 중의 휘발성유기화합물을 채취할 때 사용하는 샘플링 방법은 백을 이용한 샘 플링 방법과 흡착관을 이용한 샘플링이 대표적이다. 본 연구에서는 실제 대기시료를 이 용하여 두 샘플링 방법을 동시에 진행하여 비교하고자 하였다. 시료의 채취방법에 따른 회수율 정도를 알아보기 위해, 청국장을 조리하면서 발생하는 시료를 채취하는 과정에서 실험을 진행하였다. 그 결과, 유기산의 회수율이 백 샘플링보다 흡착관을 이용한 샘플링 에서 평균적으로 98.6 %의 percent difference (PD)를 나타내는 것을 확인하였다. 카보닐 계열과 방향족은 19.2와 34.3 %로 비교적 적은 차이를 나타냈다. 각 성분 중에서 butyl acetate는 0.50 %로 가장 낮은 수치를 보였고, TMA도 마찬가지로 비교적 낮은 수치를 기록하였다(2.13 %). 이러한 결과는 현장 조건에서 채취방식의 중요성을 확인해 주었다
일반적으로 게임 디자인 시에 웹과 같은 매체를 통해 구하거나 디자이너들이 디자인 툴로 제작한 3차원 기하 모델은 polygon soup 형태가 대부분이다. 따라서 이러한 polygon soup 모델은 일반적으로 완전한 매시로 가정해서 적용하는 여러 기법들을 적용할 수 없다. 이러한 문제를 해결하고 보다 매끈한 곡면을 얻기 위해서 MLS(Moving Least Squares) 방법을 점 단위가 아니라 삼각형 면 단위로 확장한 적분형 MLS 기법이 제안되었다. 그러나 이 기법은 본질적으로 전역(global) 계산의 한계로 인한 계산 속도의 한계가 불가피한 특징이 있었다. 본 논문에서는 분석적 해를 바탕으로 한 전역 계산 속도를 보다 가속화하기 위한 GPU 기반 병렬 기법을 제안하고 또한 기존 논문에서 충분히 논의하지 않았던 적분형 MLS 기법과 일반 MLS 기법의 차이점을 설명한다. 특히 GPU를 통한 가속 결과, 연산 정밀도의 감소없이 CPU 코어 1개로 계산하는 경우보다 평균 250배의 속도 향상을 얻을 수 있었다.
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum amounts of vegetables to use for flavoring chicken head soup base. The effects of the amounts of ginger and onion on the sensory properties of chicken head soup base were examined, and the optimum amounts were determined using response surface methodology. Sensory properties that were evaluated were yellowness, turbidity, bloody flavor, chicken-brothiness, organ meat-like flavor, and sweet taste. The increased amounts of ginger and onion led to a decrease in bloody flavor and organ meat-like flavor. The optimum levels of ginger and onion were determined to be 40g and 50g, respectively. Chicken head soup base prepared with optimum amounts of vegetables contained more arginine, tryptophan, inosine monophosphate (IMP), and hypoxanthine than plain chicken head soup base. It also had less hexanal, which is related to fat rancidity.
Optimum preparation conditions for chicken head soup base were determined in terms of the effects of amount of chicken head and cooking time using response surface methodology based on sensory properties. Sensory properties that were evaluated were yellowness, turbidity, bloody, chicken-brothy, organ meat-like, and fat-like flavor. All values of sensory characteristics increased remarkably with an increase in the amount of chicken head and cooking time. The optimum amount of chicken head and cooking time were determined to be 1800 g and 150 minutes, respectively. Chicken head soup base had less fat, free amino acids, nucleotides, and its derivatives, but had significantly more cholesterol, sodium, and iron than whole chicken soup base. In flavor compound analysis, the amount of hexanal of the chicken head soup base, which is related to fat rancidity flavor, was 11-fold higher than that of the whole chicken soup base.
The principal objective of this study was to determine the optimal mixing condition of two different amounts of cabbage and rice flour for the preparation of a cabbage cream soup. The experimental design was based on the central composite design methodology of response surface, which included 10 experimental points, including two replicates for the cabbage and rice flour. Physiochemical and sensory properties were measured, and these values were applied to the mathematical models. A canonical form and perturbation plot showed the influence of each ingredient on the mixed final product. Water content and pH values increased with increasing quantities of rice flour. Neither cabbage or rice flour affected the L and a values, but the b value increased with greater quantity of both ingredients. Viscosity increased with increasing added cabbage. Sensory evaluation results were significant in the predicted model for flavor (p<0.05), concentration (p<0.01) and overall quality (p<0.01). As a result, the optimum formulations by numerical and graphical methods were calculated as 111.79 g cabbage and 8.99 g rice flour.
The object of this research is to assess both the preference and the recognition on commercial cream soup by gender and age group to design reliable proposals for better product. Of 461 questionnaires handed out to residents at Daegu, Busan and Gyeongju in youngnam area. The data were analysed by chi-square test, t-test and one way ANOVA. The results are summarized as following: (1) the response rate of 78.6 percent liked soup because of it's taste, (2) respondents in ages 20~30's showed higher preference than respondents in ages 40~50's (3) main ingredient is the most important consideration as purchase, (4) vegetable cream soup and mushroom cream soup are shown as highest ranking on the recognition of soup, (5) mushroom cream soup and corn cream soup are shown as highest ranking on the preference of soup.
소뼈의 효과적인 이용을 위하여 사골뼈와 갈비뼈의 가열시간에 따른 칼슘, 인, 마그네슘, 단백질, 총 유리 아미노산, 콜라겐 등의 영양성분 측정과 관능검사를 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 12시간 까지 가열할 경우, 조리시간이 경과할수록 고형물, 칼슘, 인, 마그네슘, 단백질, 총 유리아미노산, 콜라겐 함량은 점점 증가하였으며 12시간 가열에서 가장 높았으며, 이와 같은 영양성분이 사골뼈 보다 갈비뼈에서 조금 높게 용출되었다. 12시간 끓인 시료에 식염 0.8%를 첨가하여 관능 검사를 실시한 결과 색, 향기, 맛, 종합적인 맛에서 갈비뼈 시료가 사골뼈 시료보다 높은 기호도를 나타냈다. 이상의 결과들로부터 사골뼈와 갈비뼈를 12시간 가열함으로써 칼슘과 마그네슘 등 영양성분이 가용화되기 쉬우며, 사골뼈와 갈비뼈의 영양성분과 맛이 우수하므로 다양한 이용과 개발을 시사하였다.