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        검색결과 24

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Among the different types of seaweed that are cultivated in Korea for food, Capsosiphon fulvescensis the filamentous green alga with the highest production value. However, its harvest yield varies significantly from year to year due to its dependence on the natural seeding method. The present study aimed to identify the conditions affecting the formation of cyst-zygotes that can be utilized as artificial seeds during the life cycle of C. fulvescens. Gametangia and zygotes of C. fulvescens were found to be highly developed at temperatures above 15°C, with a maximum gametangial development rate of about 35% observed after 7 days of culture. The formation of zygotes into cystzygotes was induced within 7 days in all temperature conditions, but after 30 days of culturing, cyst-zygotes germinated into filamentous thalli at temperatures above 20°C, while the most stable formation and stabilization were observed at 15°C. Cystzygotes formed at 15°C showed high growth when they were transferred to 25°C conditions, and zoospores matured inside the cells. The production of cyst-zygotes was mostly influenced by temperature, and a gradual increase in temperature was found to be necessary for the formation and growth of cyst-zygotes. The culture conditions facilitating the formation of cyst-zygotes reported in this study can be useful for the production of artificial seeds and breeding technology for the effective cultivation of seaweed.
        2022.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the proper wattage and installation distance for the efficient use of nano-carbon fiber infrared heating lamp (NCFIHL), a heating device advantageous for heating energy saving, when the production of watermelon plug seedlings in the plug seedling nursery in winter season. Six small beds were divided into plastic film, and 700 W and 900 W nano-carbon fiber infrared heating lamps were installed at 100 cm above the bed. 1 lamp at central (control), 60 cm interval (2 lamps), and 40 cm interval (3 lamps) heating lamps were installed in each bed inside the greenhouse. All treatments, except the control, were set to keep the night air temperature at 20℃ after lighting the NCFIHL. The leaf temperature showed a tendency to increase fast as the install distance was narrow. The leaf length and leaf width tended to increase as the installation distance of the 700 W heating lamp was narrow. The compactness was high in 700 W heating lamp with 40 cm of installation distance. Therefore, in consideration of maintaining the set temperature at night, installing 700 W electric lamps at 40 cm was an efficient power and installation distance for watermelon grafted seedlings considering economic feasibility.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this research, the applicability of modified fouling index (MFI) on ultrapure water (UPW) production system was assessed to predict performance of reverse osmosis (RO) process. The practical study on MFI-UF was first performed at a pilot-scale UPW plant (Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea), monitoring water quality parameters (i.e., conductivity, turbidity and TOC) as well as MFI-UF of pretreatment stage for 10 months. While water quality parameters were maintained in a stable manner, the MFI-UF was fluctuated implying the different propensity of RO influent. The increment of fouling potential was intimately related with RO performance, the aggravation of permeate quality. The sensitivity of MFI-UF was also verified by evaluating the fouling potential of reclaimed water in UPW production system.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Streptomyces species have been studied to find potent pest control agents as an alternatives to chemical insecticides.Previously, one of the ethyl acetate extract of Streptomyces isolates cultured on unpolished rice medium showed highlevel of juvenile hormone antagonist and larvicidal activities against pest insects including Aedes albopictus, Plutella xylostellaand Laodelphax striatellus. It has been known that the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites of Streptomyces could beinfluenced by a variety environments such as nutritional composition and growth conditions. In this study, to optimizeculture conditions for stable production of insecticidal compounds from this isolate, binding assay and bioassay-guidedmonitoring were conducted using various culture conditions.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For people who have a food allergy the only way to manage the allergy is to avoid the food allergen. The mackerel is one of the major food allergens, but no immunoassay for the rapid and simple detection of mackerel has been reported. The objectives of this study are to develop and characterize monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to mackerel using thermal stable-soluble proteins (TSSP) as an immunogen and to characterize the MAbs by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA). The mice immunized with mackerel TSSP and showing high titer were used for cell fusion and cloning. The characterization of MAbs produced from hybridoma cells obtained was confirmed by indirect ELISA and western blot. Four MAbs were confirmed to be specific to mackerel without crossreaction to other marine products and livestock products in the both methods. The iELISA and western blot based on the MAbs can sensitively detect 1% mackerel protein in other marine products. These results support that immunochemical methods based on the MAb produced could be used as rapid means to detect low levels of mackerel and to identify mackerel adulterated in food.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고랭지 시금치의 여름철 수경재배에 적합한 품종과 육묘 배지의 선발, 적정 양액조건의 구명 및 시설비가 적게 들고 생산성이 높은 수경재배 방식의 개발을 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 고랭지에서 여름철 수경재배에 적합한 시금치 품종은 '퀸토'로 다른 품종에 비하여 생육이 좋고 수량도 많았다. 시금치의 생육에 적합한 양액의 조건은 pH 6.0, EC 2.0dS·m-1 및 NH4-N의 비율은 30%이었다. 육묘용으로 피트모스와 펄라이트를 7:3의 용적비로 혼합한 상토를 200공 트레이에 채우고 시금치 종자를 파종하여 육묘한 경우 우레탄스펀지나 암면 플러그에서 육모한 것보다 입묘율이 높았다. 이렇게 육묘한 묘로 수경재배를 한 결과 혼합상토로 육묘한 경우의 수량은 암면 및 우레탄스펀지에 비하여 18% 및 24%가 증가하였다. 토양 위에 비닐을 깔아 만든 박막재배 베드에 lcm 두께로 혼합배지(피트 : 펄라이트 = 7 : 3)를 채운 후 스티로폼 정식판을 올려놓고 시금치를 재배할 경우 담액재배에 비하여 초장은 18% 길었고 수량은 9% 증가하였으며, 근권 온도 pH 및 EC는 담액재배와 비슷한 양상으로 변화하였다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        양송이 단위면적당 생산량이 1990년부터 지속적으로 감소하여 1980년대의 절반에 가까운 수량을 보이고 있다. 따라서 수량감소 요인을 분석하고 그에 따른 대책을 마련하기위하여 본 시험을 수행하였다. 그 결과 농가에서 사용하는 배지의 품질이 기계화되는 과정에서 하락하였고, 병해충발생으로 인한 피해 문제가 크게 대두되었다. 양송이 재배농가의 퇴비배지 입상시 배지의 질소함량은 권장량보다 낮고, 입상량은 120~150kg/3.3㎡로 기존 입상량 보다 적으며, 현장에서 질소 수준별 시험에서 질소함량별 퇴비제조에서 질소원 수준이 1.5%가 수확량이 가장 높았으며, 배지량이 증가하면 수량이 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 병해충의 발생으로 후주기 수확을 하지 못해 다수확하지 못하였다. 병해충은 주변의 청결성에 문제가 있는 것으로 나타났는데 주변의 미생물상 및 병해충발생정도는 시기별로 조사한 결과 양송이 농가의 재배사 내외의 미생물상은 일관된 결과는 아니지만 대조지역에 비하여 높은 미생물 밀도를 보이고 있다. 이를 해결하기위한 방법으로 청결하고 위생적 관리를 위해서는 병해충 발생의 오염원이 되고 있는 재배사 주변에 방치되어 있는 폐상배지를 처리하는 것과 재배사 주변의 살균 소독방법의 개발이 매우 시급한 실정이다. 대조지역인 대천해수욕장 주변과 대비하여 버섯재배지역은 수십배 이상의 미생물 밀도를 보이고 있었다. 특히 폐광을 이용한 냉·이용 터널에서 재배사의 냉풍 유도터널 내의 바닥 및 환풍기에 곰팡이균사가 생장하고 있었으며, 재배사 바닥에 곰팡이가 발생되어있는 등의 문제가 발생하고 있었다. 간이시험에서 재배소독약으로는 벤잘코늄액에 대한 살균을 효과를 검정하기 위하여 재배사 공기중 분리세균을 대상으로 0.005% 처리에서도 저지원이 나타났으며, 살균효과가 높은 것으로 조사되었다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 파프리카 재배농가에서 과산화수소를 이용하여 여름철 고온극복에 관한 연구수행 결과이다. 고온기 과산화수소(순도 30%)를 0.3%로 희석하여 5일주기로 살포한 결과 파프리카의 엽이 두꺼워지고 기공저항 속도가 낮아 순조로운 증산작용이 가능하였다. 주당 착과수는 무처리에 비하여 약 2개가 많았다. 또한 과산화수소처리에 따라 엽내 과산화수소량이 증가하는 경향이었고, 항산화효소인 catalase와 peroxidase의 활력이 증가되었다. 여름철 파프리카 재배에서 가장 많이 발생하는 흰가루병 방제를 위하여 농약사용이 불가피한 상황이지만 생산물의 농약잔류 등으로 사용에 많은 제한이 있는 현 상황에서 과산화수소의 주기적인 이용으로 흰가루병을 방제할 수 있고 생산량도 높일 수 있어 금후 파프리카 재배농가의 많은 이용이 기대 된다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Medicinal crops the importance of good agricultural practice (GAP) cultivation is increasing, but the number of GAP-certified farms is decreasing because of the decrease and undeveloped application of medicinal crops. In the case of Artemisia capillaris Thunb., GAP cultivation is difficult because there is no registered application agricultural pesticides. The insect pests that occur mainly in apples are Aphis gossypii. Especially, if the high temperature is continued as in this year, the incidence rate increases rapidly, which greatly affects the growth delay. Therefore, this study was conducted to select the application agricultural pesticides of A. gossypii for the stable production of GAP in A. capillaris. Methods and Results : Three-years-old (Jangsu, Jinan) A. capillaris were used as test materials. The treated medicines (2,000-fold dilution) were acetamiprid wet table powder (WP), clothianidin suspension concentrate (SC), imidacloprid WP and thiacloprid SC. To investigate the phytotoxicity, 2 times of medicine (1,000-fold dilution) was treated. The medicinal effect was confirmed at 3 and 7 days after the treatment of the medicinal stuff, and the phytotoxicity was investigated from symptoms appearing in the stem and leaf. As a result of treatment, in Jinan area, the treatment rate was more than 80% in all treatment chemicals on the 3 day after treatment, but on the 7 day, acetamiprid WP and clothianidin SC remained more than 80%. In the jangsu area, only the imidacloprid WP was less than 80% on the 3 day of treatment, but on the 7 day, acetamiprid WP and imidacloprid WP were maintained more than 80%. In particular, thiacloprid SC had a high control rate of 93% on the 3 day, but as the fell rapidly to 32% on the 7 day, It is considered that the persistence of medicinal effect is low. Conclusion : The results of medicines treatment for A. gossypii control showed that the control efficacy was higher than 80% until the 3 day of treatment, but the efficacy decreased at 7 day. The medicines with high control rate were acetamiprid WP, and the control rate was maintained more than 80% from 3 day to 7 day. Therefore, appropriate conclusions were obtained for the applied medicine.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality food ramie rice cake, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different Split Application and Adapted Fertilizer Culture for Stable Production with Edible Leaf in Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.). Methods and Results : Method of fertilizer application were conducted under three condition compose to standard application (N-P-K-Compost applied at 27-9-27-1,500 ㎏․ 10 a−1), 25% increased application (N-P-K-Compost applied at 34-11-34-1,500 ㎏․10 a−1), 50% increased application (N-P-K-Compost applied at 41-14-41-1,500 ㎏․ 10 a−1) cultivation. Compost and fused phosphate applied at 100% of basal fertilizer in March 25. The split application level of standard application (N-K) applied at 50% of basal fertilizer in March 25, 50% of top dressing were five times application (N-K) in May 4, July 5, September 5, October 5, 20% respectively. Transplanting with Yeongkwang varieties in April 12 by growing pot seedling for 35 days in 2011. Planting density were spaced 60 ㎝ apart in rows 25 ㎝ apart with rice straw cutting covered open cultivation. Plot design randomized block 3 repetition. Conclusion : Organic matter, available phosphate, K2O, CaO, and MgO of soil increased in all plots with the addition of fertilizers culture, specifically in 25% and 50% increased application. Growth characteristics by 50% of top dressing were five times application (N-K) in May 4, July 5, September 5, October 5, compared to standard application (N-K) applied at 100% basal fertilizer, aerial part as a result were so many such amount of growth as number of branch and leaf per plant, etc., Length, width of leaf and leaf colorimetry of aboveground part growth increment rising highest. Green leaf yields compared to standard fertilizer 100% application (1,344 kg․ 10 a−1). 25% and 50% increased application (N-K) applied at 50% basal fertilizer, 50% of top dressing were five times application increased by 9%, 17%. respectively.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality medicinal vegetables, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different green manures crop and application culture stable foliage production in Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg. Methods and Results : Method of application with green manure crop were conducted under four condition compose to control (non application), single cropping in barley, hairy vetch and mixed cropping in hairy vetch (60%) + barley (40%)culture. Sowing dates of green manure crop were October 14 in 2014. Transplanting with Jeonam Yeosu varieties in Junel 28 by growing pot seedling for 45 days in 2015. Method of application were standard application (N-P-K-Compost applied at 20-12-10-600 ㎏․10 a−1). Plants were spaced 10 ㎝ apart in rows 10 ㎝ apart with open cultivation. Conclusions : The utilization effect of nitrogen supplied by green manure crop was highest with the hairy vetch by 21.1% in single cropping and hairy vetch + barley by 29.8% in mixed cropping. Organic matter, available phosphate, K2O, CaO, and MgO of soil increased in plots with the mixed cropping hairy vetch + barley culture. Non application < barley < hairy vetch < hairy vetch + barley in mixed cropping, aerial part as a result were so many such amount of growth as number of leaf per plant, etc., green leaf yields is untreated control plot (1,876 kg․10 a−1) compared to 7% from using barley culture, hairy vetch culture 10% higher and hairy vetch + barley culture increased to 15% of the most.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality medicinal vegetables, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different covering material and weed eliminating on stable foliage production in Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg. Methods and Results : method of weed elimination with covering material were conducted under four condition compose to Non covering(4~6 times by manual weed control), Barley straw cutting covered with 700㎏․10 a−1, Rice straw cutting covered with 500㎏․10 a−1, Rice husks covered with 1,000㎏․10 a−1. Fermented mixed oil cake compost applied at 380㎏․10 a−1, 60% of basal fertilizer in March 14, 40% of top dressing were four times application in April 14 ~July 15. Sowing dates were March 25, 2015. Plants were spaced 15 ㎝ apart in rows 15 ㎝ apart with open cultivation. Conclusions : Rice husks covering < Barley straw covering < Barley straw covering cultivation this order, aerial part as a result were plenty amount of growth. Weed the rates was 12 to 29% lower incidence. Green leaf yields is uncovering control plot (915 kg․10 a−1) compared to 2% from covering rice husks, barley straw and rice straw covering increased to 18%, 20%, respectively.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality medicinal vegetables, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different organic fertilizer and applicated cultivation on stable foliage production in Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg. Methods and Results : method of application with organic fertilizer were conducted under nine condition compose to control(non application), N-P2O5-K2O (20-12-10)㎏․10 a−1, Hyphal incubation compost(HIC) applied at 851㎏․10 a−1, Hangawi organic compost(HOC) applied at 547㎏․10 a−1, Fermented mixed oil cake compost(FMOC) applied at 380㎏․10 a−1, 60% and 40% of basal fertilizer in March 12, top dressing were four application in April 12, May 12, June 13 and July 12, respectively. Sowing dates were March 23, 2015. Plants were spaced 15 ㎝ apart in rows 15 ㎝ apart with open cultivation. Conclusions : chemical fertilizers < hyphal incubation compost < hangawi organic compost < fermented mixed oil cake compost application, top dressing than 60% in order of 40% additional fertilizer, aerial part as a result were so many such amount of growth as number of leaf per plant, etc., Green leaf yields is untreated control plot (875 kg․10 a−1) compared to 12% from using chemical fertilizers, HIC application 18% higher, HOC application 20% higher, and FMOC application increased to 28% of the most.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to reduce seeding expenses, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of rain shelter controlled cultivation and adapted seeding times on the stable seed production of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. Methods and Results: Seed germination was conducted under 10 condition compose to control, water washing, cold storage at 4℃ for 15 days, seed sterilization with a benomyl pesticides, hormone treated seed by submerging in 100 ppm GA3 with the cold storage at 20℃ and 25℃, darkness in a covered petridish and illuminated with a 1,500 Lux lamp. There were three cultivation type, open cultivation with non-woven fabric mulching, cultivation with a vinyl covering and rain sheltered in a plastic greenhouse. Sowing dates were April 27, May 18, June 7 and June 28, 2013. Plants were spaced 10 ㎝ apart in rows 30 ㎝ apart. Mixed oil cake fertilizer, N-P2O5-K2O (12-10-10) was applied at 600 ㎏• 10 a−1. Conclusions: Optimum germination occured in darkness at 25℃ and cold storage after submerging in GA3. The highest seed yields (4.5 ㎏• 10 a−1) occurred in the plastic greenhouse for the April 25 sowing. The highest root yield (17%) was found on April 1, under greenhouse conditions.
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