세계적으로 친환경 해충 방제를 위해 식물 추출물을 사용하는 연구가 화학농약에 대한 의존도를 줄이기 위해 진행되고 있다. 제충국 식물은 살충제용 피레트린의 원료로 널리 알려져 있지만, 한국에서 재배된 식물의 추출물과 효능에 대한 연구는 제한적이다. 본 연구는 한국에서 재배된 본 연구는 한국에서 재배된 두 가지 제충국 품종에서 피레트린을 추출하는 방법을 비교하였다. 또한, 분리된 피레트린 함유 추출물의 주요 식물 해충 에 대한 효능을 조사하였다. 피레트린 함량은 프랑스에서 수입한 '계통' 품종에 비해 '달마시안' 품종에서 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 따라서, 달마 시안 품종의 피레트린 추출물을 이용하여 본 연구에 사용하였다. 추출된 피레트린의 양은 추출에 사용된 에탄올 농도가 증가함에 따라 증가하였으 며, 95% 에탄올을 사용했을 때 가장 높은 수준(6,064 ppm/100 g 꽃 건물중)이었다. 총 피레트린 함량과 피레트린 I/II 비율은 만개기에 수확한 꽃 에서 가장 높았다. 추출물의 in vitro 생물검정에서 복숭아혹진딧물의 LC50 값은 34 ppm, 배추좀나방 유충은 69 ppm, 뿌리혹선충 유충은 0.1 ppm이었다. 이러한 결과는 한국에서 재배된 달마시안 꽃의 에탄올 추출물이 식물 해충 방제를 위한 천연 살충제 개발에 유용할 수 있음을 나타냈 다. 본 연구는 한국에서 재배된 T. cinerariifolium var. 달마시안 꽃 추출물이 국내에서 식물 해충을 효과적이고 친환경적으로 방제하는 데 잠재력이 있음을 보였다.
Background: This study explores the potential of discarded male layer embryos as a sustainable and non-GMO cell source for cultivated chicken meat production. The research aims to identify efficient methods for isolating muscle progenitor cells (MPCs) with high proliferative potential by conducting transcriptome analysis on thigh muscle tissues from both male and female chick embryos. Methods: Transcriptome analysis was performed on the thigh muscle tissues of male and female chick embryos, aged 12-13 days, (n = 4 each), to investigate the gene expression profiles and identify strategies for efficiently isolating MPCs. This approach aims to pinpoint techniques that would allow for the selection of MPCs with optimal growth and proliferation capabilities. Results: Using heatmap, hierarchical clustering, and multidimensional scaling (MDS), we found no significant sex-based differences in gene expression, except for the overexpression of the female-specific gene LIPBLL. The expression of muscle stem cell factors, including PAX3, PAX7, and other myogenic regulatory genes, showed no significant variation. However, to recover MPC-rich cells isolated from male thigh muscle, we found that by the pre-plating 7 stage, myogenesis-related genes, MYHs and MUSTN1 were minimally expressed, while the cell cycle arrest gene CDKN1A sharply increased. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that simple cell isolation directly from tissue is a more scalable and efficient approach for cultivated meat production, compared to labor-intensive pre-plating methods, making it a viable solution for sustainable research and resource recycling.
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of seeding dates on the growth characteristics, dry matter yield and mineral contents of rye cultivated in the paddy field. The field experiment was conceived as a randomized block design performed in triplicate with seeding dates of October 19 (T1), October (T2), November 2 (T3), November 9 (T4), and November 16 (T5). All treatments was harvested on May 22 of the following year. Plant length, stem diameter, dry matter yield, and total digestible nutrient (TDN) yield were higher in rye with early seeding dates (p<0.05), whereas TDN was higher with late seeding dates (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between crude protein and ether extract among the different seeding dates. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were higher with early seeding dates (p<0.05). K and Ca contents were significantly higher at T1 as compared to other treatments (T2, T3, T4 and T5). There was no significant difference in Mg and Na content among T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments. P content was higher in the order T1 > T2 > T3 > T4 > T5 (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in free sugar contents (glucose, fructose and sucrose) by treatments, whereas total free sugar content was the highest in T1 than in the other treatments (p<0.05). Collectively, the results obtained in this study indicate that it is favorable to seed (T1 and T2) soon after harvesting rice to increase dry matter, TDN yield and total free sugar content of rye in the midlands of Korea.
This study investigated the microscopic characteristics and genetic relationships of Ganoderma applanatum fruiting bodies. Basidiospores were brown, ellipsoid, and had one or two large vacuoles and a double wall. The surface of basidiospores was smooth or wrinkled and most had numerous small and shallow holes. The length and width of basidiospores of Ganoderma applanatum isolates GBGA-01, GBGA-02, ASI 50167, ASI 52821, ASI 52822, ASI 52823, and ASI 53399 were on average 7.6×4.8 mm, 7.9×4.6 mm, 7.7×4.9 mm, 8.2×5.3 mm, 7.7×5.0 mm, 8.0×4.9 mm, and 7.9×4.9 mm, respectively. In contrast, the basidiospores of Ganoderma lucidum isolate ASI 7125 were 7.7×5.2 mm. Using the universal ITS1/ITS4 primer set, the ITS region of the isolates were amplified and sequenced. The ITS sequences were very closely related to G. applantum isolate GBGA-01, GBGA-02, ASI 50167, ASI 52821, ASI 52822, ASI 52823 and ASI 53399, but were not the same species. Whereas, G. lucidum isolate ASI 7125 belongs to different group.
Fluorescent bacteria were isolated from sporocarps that browned into various mushrooms during survey at places of the production in Korea. We examined the pathogenicity, biodiversity, and genetic characteristics of the 19 strains identified as Pseudomonas tolaasii by sequence analysis of 16S rRNA and White Line Assay. The results emphasize the importance of rpoB gene system, fatty acid profiles, specific and sensitive PCR assays, and lipopeptide detection for the identification of P. tolaasii. As a result of these various analyses, 17 strains (CHM03~CHM19) were identified as P. tolaasii. The phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed that all strains were clustered closest to P. tolaasii lineage, two strains (CHM01, CHM02) were not identified as P. tolaasii and have completely different genetic characteristics as a result of fatty acids profile, specific and sensitive PCR, lipopetide detection, rpoB sequence and REP-PCR analysis. Pathogenicity tests showed 17 strains produce severe brown discolouration symptoms to button mushrooms and watersoaking of sporophore tissue within three days after inoculation. But two strains did not produce discolouration symptoms. Therefore, these two strains will be further investigated for correct species identification by different biological and molecular characteristics.
Plastics are widely used in industries in human society and because of their structural stability, degradation is a serious global issue. To estimate the degradation of plastic, 31 edible mushrooms were cultured with the selected plastic films (polyethylene [PE], polystyrene [PS], and poly(ethylene terephthalate) [PET]) for 3 months at 25 °C. Measuring the weight of the films showed that four species of mushrooms, namely Porostereum spadiceum, Ganoderma lucidum, Coprinellus micaceus, and Pleurotus ostreatus, exhibited the highest degrees of plastic degradation. In addition, the mushrooms and fungi that exhibited the most significant plastic degradation were cross-cultured to promote this degradation. As a result, cross-cultivation of G. lucidum and Aspergillus niger showed a weight loss of 2.49% for the PET film. For the PS film, Aspergillus nidulans showed a weight loss of 4.06%. Cross-cultivation of A. nidulans and C. micaceus, which showed a weight loss of 2.95%, was noted as an alternative for PS biodegradation, but is harmful to humans. These bio-degradation effects of edible mushroom will contribute to the development of alternatives for eco-friendly plastic degradation.
This paper evaluates the adsorptive removal of sunset yellow (SY) from aqueous solutions using a new magnetic glycodendrimer (MGD). To synthesize the MGD, chitosan dendrons were cultivated on amine-functionalized magnetic graphene oxide. A number of analytical methods were employed to physicochemically characterize the synthesized MGD. Batch adsorption conditions were optimized using the Box–Behnken design. An optimized initial SY content of 633 mg/L, an optimized contact time of 33.37 min, and an optimized pH of 3.72 maximized the MGD adsorption capacity to 485 mg/g. The Langmuir isotherm was employed to describe adsorption equilibrium, while adsorption kinetics was studied via the Lagergren kinetics model. The SY adsorption onto the MGD was thermodynamically found to be spontaneous (ΔG° < 0) and exothermic (ΔH° = – 19.120 kJ/mol), leading to a decreased disorder (ΔS° = – 54.420 kJ/mol) in the solid–liquid interface. The MGD showed reusability and unique magnetic characteristics. It was concluded that the MGD could be a potential alternative for the adsorptive and magnetic removal of SY from an aqueous solution.
The effect of the surrounding vegetation on the seed germination and growth of mountain-cultivated ginseng (MCG, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) was investigated. Seed germination rate and growth were tested for allelopathy effects on four forest tree species after treatment with fallen leaves and leaf extracts. In the case of soil treatment through fallen leaves and crushed leaves, the germination rate was lower in the Quercus myrsinifolia treatments, and the average germination time was slower when Chamaecyparis obtusa was treated. In the case of Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis, which are used in most of the MCG cultivation areas, they did not have a significant effect on seed germination. In the fallen leaves treatments, the stem showed a tendency to lengthen. The hot water extract treatment showed a higher germination percentage than the cold water extract treatment. The extract treatment showed a deficient germination percentage of some MCG seeds. However, in the case of the treatments except for this, the germination percentage was similar to that of the control treatment. However, the Mean Germination Time, germination rate, and germination value were faster and higher than the control treatment. As a result of calculating the allelopathic index (AI) of MCG according to the extract treatment of 4 species, most had a negative effect on germination, and P. densiflora and Q. variabilis extracts showed the most significant effect. The ginsenoside content was higher in the fallen leaves treatment than in the control. The above results will help select and manage MCG plantations.
본 연구는 국내에서 재배되고 있는 절화 장미 품종들에 있 어서 바이러스 감염 여부를 검정하기 위해 실시하였다. 절화 장미의 주산지인 경기도 G시의 장미재배 농장에서 8품종을, 경상남도 C시의 장미재배 농장에서 10품종을, 전라남도 H군 의 장미재배 농장에서 14품종을, 전라북도 J군의 장미재배 농 장에서 9품종 등 총 41품종을 대상으로 ArMV, INSV, TMV, ToRSV, TRSV, TSV, TSWV 등 총 7종류의 바이러스에 감염되었는지를 ImmunoStrip® kit를 이용하여 검정하였 다. 경기도 G시의 장미 재배농장의 ‘Bobos’, ‘Pink Army’, ‘15-712’, ‘18-356’은 TRSV에 감염된 것으로 나타났고, 경상 남도 C시의 장미 재배농장의 ‘Haesal’은 TMV, ‘Querencia’ 는 ToRSV에 감염된 것으로 나타났다. 전라남도 H군의 장미 재배농장의 ‘Deep Purple’은 ArMV와 TRSV에, ‘Lady of Shalott’은 TRSV, ‘Mortimer Sackler’는 TMV와 TRSV, ‘Natal Briar’는 ArMV와 INSV에, ‘Sprit of Freedom’은 INSV, ‘Imogen’은 TRSV, ‘Pink Beauty’는 ArMV, TMV, TRSV에 감염된 것으로 조사되었다. 전라북도 J군의 장미 재배농장의 ‘Amor Zen’, ‘Dignity’, ‘Peach Pangpang’, ‘Yellow Pangpang’ 등 4개 품종은 TRSV에 감염된 것으 로 나타났고, 본 연구에서 조사한 총 41개 품종 중 22개 품 종이 바이러스에 감염되었으며, TRSV에 13 품종이, ArMV와 TMV에 3 품종이, INSV에 2 품종이, ToRSV에 1 품종이 감 염되어 TRSV에 가장 많이 감염된 것으로 나타났다.
Ganoderma applanatum is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms due to the various biologically active components it produces. In order to study for the possibility of artificially cultivating G. applanatum, we investigated the growth status of G. applanatum mycelium using oak sawdust bottle(850 ml). It took approximately 17~27 days for G. applanatum cultivation and 15~16 days for G. lucidum cultivation with sawdust until the mycelial growth was complete. The weight of dried fruiting bodies showed that G. applanatum GBGA-01 weighed 16.0±7.4 g, and G. lucidum ASI 7125 weighed 7.9±2.7g. The thickness of the pileus was measured as 10.6±2.6 mm for G. applanatum GBGA-01, 16.3±8.7 mm for G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 8.6±3.5 mm for G. lucidum ASI 7125. The color of Ganoderma spp. showed that L degree was 55.5±1.1 for the contex of G. applanatum GBGA-01, 47.7±2.2 for the contex of G. applanatum ASI 52823 and 39.6±2.9 for the contex of G. lucidum ASI 7125.
Concentration of nitrogen, one of the major elements, and ratio of two nitrogen forms (NH4 + and NO3 –) in the nutrient solution affect the quality and food safety of fresh vegetable produce. This study was conducted to find an appropriate strength and NH4 +:NO3 – ratio of a nutrient solution for growth and development of a Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longiflora) ‘Caesar Green’, a representative leafy vegetable, grown in a home hydroponic system. In the first experiment, plants were grown using three types of nutrient solution: A commercial nutrient solution (Peters) and two strengths (GNU1 and GNU2) of a multipurpose nutrient solution (GNU solution) developed in a Gyeongsang National University lab. Plants grown with the GNU1 and GNU2 had greater shoot length, leaf length and width, and biomass yield than Peters. On the other hand, the root hairs of plants grown with Peters were short and dark in color. Tissue NH4 + content in the Peters was higher than that of the GNU1 and GNU2. The higher contents of NH4 + in this solution may have caused ammonium toxicity. In the second experiment, eight treatment solutions, combining GNU1 and GNU2 solutions with four ratios of NO3 –:NH4 + named as 1, 2, 3 and 4 were used. Both experiments showed more growth in the GNU2 group, which had a relatively low ionic strength of the nutrient solution. The growth of Romaine lettuce showed the greatest fresh weight along with low tissue NO3 – content in the GNU2-2. This was more advantageous in terms of food safety in that it suppressed the accumulation of surplus NO3 – in tissues due to the low ionic strength of the GNU2 subgroup. In addition, this is preferable in that it can reduce the absolute amount of the input of inorganic nutrients to the nutrient solution.
본 연구는 새만금 간척지와 주산지인 무안에서 재배하였을 때 양파의 생육과 퀘르세틴 등 기능성 성분을 분석하였다. 양파는 중생종 품종인 ‘맵시황’, 중만생 품종인 ‘선파워’, ‘헬시큐’를 사용하였다. 전남 무안에 9월 상순 파종 후 육묘하여 간척지와 무안에 각각 11월 상순에 정식하고 이듬해 6월 초순에 수확하였다. 중만생종 품종인 ‘선파워’와 ‘헬시큐’가 간척지에서 구중 336.5g, 248.3g으로 생육이 우수하였다. 피루브산은 ‘헬시큐’, ‘맵시황’, ‘선파워’ 순으로 높았고 지역 별로는 ‘헬시큐’, ‘맵시황’ 품종이 간척지 재배 시 각각 48.3μmol·g-1, 41.1μmol·g-1으로 무안에서 재배하였을 때보다 높았다. 총 퀘르세틴은 품종 별로 비교하였을 때 ‘헬시큐’가 219.1μg·g-1으로 가장 높았고 ‘선파워’, ‘맵시황’의 순이었으며 재배지역에 따른 차이는 확인되지 않았다. 또한 총 페놀은 총 퀘르세틴 함량과 유사한 경향을 보였으며, ‘헬시큐’의 함량이 853.7μg·mL-1으로 가장 높았고, ‘선파워’는 무안에서 재배할 경우 페놀 함량이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로, 피루브산, 총 퀘르세틴, 총 페놀의 함량은 재배지역 보다는 품종에 따른 영향이 큰 것으로 판단되었다.
The quality and antioxidant characteristics of apios (Apios americana Medikus) according to different harvest periods and steaming treatment were investigated. The quality and antioxidant characteristics of apios were significantly different depending on harvest periods. Total starch contents was higher in 1st harvesting period as 62.32 g/100 g than other harvesting period. The water binding capacity and water solubility index was higher in 1st harvesting period as 228.65 and 11.29% than other harvesting period. The sucrose and total free sugar contents were 3.64~8.67 and 4.49~9.54 g/100 g, respectively. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of apios was the highest 2nd and 4th harvesting period at 4.21 mg GAE/g and 611.11 μg CE/g, respectively. DPPH radical scavenging activity was higher in 1st harvesting period as 84.96 mg TE/100 g than other harvesting period, and decreased as the harvest periods were delayed. ABTS radical scavenging activity and ferric-reducing antioxidant power were 43.81~47.89 mg TE/g and 231.20~264.07 mM/100 g, and increased to 50.58~51.44 mg TE/g and 342.55~384.29 mM/100 g after heat treatment. As a result, it is thought that studies on change of quality and physicochemical characteristics according to cultivation characteristics should be preceded for cultivation stability of apios.
본 연구는 Bacillus subtilis를 활용한 바이오플락 양식 기술(Biofloc technology, BFT)을 이용하여 대농갱이(Leiocassis ussuriensis) 양식의 가능성을 확인하기 위해 90일 동안 생존, 성장지수와 사육수 수질의 변화를 관찰하였다. 대농갱이를 입식하기 전 BFT 수 제조를 위해 실험수조에 사료와 당밀을 첨가한 후 B. subtilis를 접종하여 40일간 수질을 안정화시켰다. 실험결과, 대농 갱이의 생존율은 대조구 92.7±3.2%와 BFT 실험구 95.8±3.3%로 조사되었다. 증체율은 대조구 118.1±9.0%와 BFT 실험구 197.7±15.6%을 보였고, 일간 성장율은 대조구 0.87±0.5%, BFT 실험 구 1.21±0.06%로 나타났다. 사료효율은 대조구가 43.7±2.6%이었고, BFT 실험구는 70.1±4.1%로 측정되어 BFT 실험구의 사료효율이 더 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 실험기간 동안의 수질 변화를 측정한 결과, pH는 대조구와 BFT 실험구 모두 감소되었고, MLSS는 대조구에서 변화를 보이지 않았지만, BFT 실험구에서는 90일째부터 유의한 증가를 보였다. NH4 +-N와 NO2 --N는 대조구 에서 실험 30일째부터 유의한 증가를 보였으나, BFT 실험구에서는 변화를 보이지 않았다. 결론 적으로 B. subtilis를 활용한 BFT 시스템을 대농갱이 양성 과정에 적용한 결과, 수질은 안정화 되는 경향을 보였고, 성장도와 사료효율은 대조구에 비해 높은 것으로 조사되어 긍정적인 효 과가 있는 것으로 확인되었다.
Wolfiporia cocos is an edible fungus commercially cultivated in Asia. To investigate metabolic changes of W. cocos mycelia under both light and dark culture conditions, gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses were performed. In terms of the total amount of sugars, alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, fatty acids, and purines, there no significant differences between the W. cocos mycelia cultivated under light (L) or dark (D) conditions (p < 0.05). However, there were some differences with respect to the production of particular sugars and proteins. The levels of trehalose (L: 17.2 ± 0.3% vs. D: 13.9 ± 1.6%), maltose (L: 0.9 ± 0.1% vs. D: 0.3 ± 0.1%), turanose (L: 0.7 ± 0.2% vs. D: 0.1 ± 0.1%), glutamine (L: 1.6 ± 0.3% vs. D: 0.7 ± 0.2%), and proline (L: 0.3 ± 0% vs. D: 0.1 ± 0%) were all significantly higher under light condition (p < 0.05). In contrast, the levels of galactose (L: 13.7 ± 1.2% vs. D: 17.6 ± 2.0%), aspartic acid (L: 0.6 ± 0.1 % vs. D: 0.9 ± 0.1%), cystathionine (L: 0.6 ± 0.1% vs. D: 0.8 ± 0 %), and malic acid (L: 0.7 ± 0.1% vs. D: 1.2 ± 0.1%) were higher under the dark condition. It is worth noting that the amount of pachymic acid, a pharmaceutically active compound of W. cocos, was 1.68 times greater under the light condition (p < 0.05).
중국 주류 종교는 중국 전통사상의 형성에 영향을 미쳤고 중국 전통 문화 중의 일부분이기도 한다. 그 중에서 중국 가장 영향력이 큰 주류 종교 불교, 특히 중국 불교 중의 남종선(南宗禪)은 중국 전통사상의 형성에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 넓은 의미에서 보면 남종선은 6조혜능(六祖惠能) 이후 중국 선문 종 파의 총칭이자 선문의 정종(正宗)이다. 선종이 중국에 전해진 후부터 유가사 상과 도가현학 등 중국 본토의 전통사상을 흡수하고 중국 전통 사상문화에 대한 포용성이 강하므로 선종의 생명력이 매우 질기다. 수행 방식과 교의에 서 말하자면 남종선은 '명심견성(明心見性, 마음을 맑고 깨끗하게 하여 자기 의 본성을 발견하다)'이라는 돈오(頓悟) 수행 방식을 고취하면서 본성으로 자 족하(本性自足)고 사람마다 불성이 있는 것을 강조한다. 남종선은 중국 사회 민중의 종교적 신앙 요구에 더욱 적합하여 중국 민중들의 마음속에 대신할 수 없는 불교 대표적인 종파가 됐다. 오랜 역사 발전과 변천 속에서 남종선은 중국 전통문화, 사상과 함께 중국 민중의 '이화위귀(以和為貴, 화목을 으뜸으 로 생각하다)'의 성격 특징을 형성시키고, 또한 중국인 마음속의 '수성초연 (隨性超然, 편한대로 하는 초연)'한 독립적인 자아를 불러일으키고 중국 전통 사상 중의 단점을 보완시키며 중국 민중의 사상과 심미에 영향을 주고 중국 사회의 발전에 매우 중요한 역할을 하였다. 남종선은 어느 정도 대중적 기반 을 가지고 있었지만, 현재 중국 사회에서 남종선은 그다지 중시되지 않았고 그 사상적 특징도 잘 발휘되지 못한다는 것은 중국 전통사상과 문화에 매우 불리하다는 것을 뜻한다. 중국 사회의 급속한 발전은 강력한 정신 신앙의 뒷 받침을 떠나서 살아날 수 없고 남종선은 그중에서 불가결한 정신력 중 하나 이다. 본 논문은 창의적으로 남종선을 중국 전통사상에 놓고 고찰하고 중국 사회 전통사상에서 남종선의 전파와 영향에 입각하여 남종선이 중국 전통사 상에서 할 수 있는 중요한 역할을 해석하고자 한다. 따라서 본 논문은 선행문 헌 연구 방식을 통해 남종선의 이념 특색에 힘입어 중국 전통사상의 함의를 높이고, 남종선이 중국 신시대에서 급속히 발전할 경로를 모색하여 중국인의 정신문화생활에 더 잘 봉사할 수 있도록 연구할 것이다.
Korea depends almost entirely on imports for malt, the main ingredient in beer. However, the consumer market for domestic malt has not developed in Korea because of the prejudice that the quality of domestic malt is inferior to that of imported malt. This study aimed to analyze the quality of malt from Gwangmaeg (GM) and Hopum (HP), representative domestic beer barley varieties cultivated under varying nitrogen fertilizer application rates (standard fertilizer application, 50% increase in application, and 50% decrease in application), and use the findings as primary data to promote domestic malt consumption. GM’s crude protein and starch contents were significantly (Ρ<0.05) higher and lower, respectively, than those in HP. With decreased fertilizer application (GM: 14.0±0.8% and HP: 11.4±0.4%), the protein content was significantly lower than that with increased fertilizer application (GM: 15.5± 0.3% and HP: 13.1±1.3%). Although there was no difference in -glucan content, starch content tended to increase, indicating quality improvement. Acrospire length, yield, and enzyme titer, quality indicators of malt, increased with further fertilizer application, whereas friability and Kolbach index increased with decreased fertilizer application. For wort qualities, filtration time decreased from 36 to 34 minutes in GM and 55 to 42 minutes in HP, with the wort extraction rate increasing with decreased fertilizer application. These findings showed that decreased nitrogen fertilizer application improves the qualities of malt and wort.