To have a better understanding of pluripotency, whole gene expression of embryo-derived stem cells (EdSCs) in bovine species was investigated. EdSCs were established from the embryos produced by in vitro fertilization, parthenogenesis and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Then, the microarray was performed and analyzed. Differently expressed genes (DEGs) were also confirmed by Real-time PCR. Among 10,203 DEGs, little difference was found in gene expression among three kinds of EdSCs. Conversely, all EdSCs have an immensely different gene expression when compared with somatic cells, consistent with scatter plat results. To investigate shared pathways for pluripotency in all EdSCs, 2,415 co-DEGs were identified which compared with somatic cells. By KEGG database, there were 54 signaling pathways in co-DEGs and some of them were related with pluripotency maintenance such as TGFβ, WNT and JAK-STAT signaling. In TGFβ signaling, BMP family and SMAD family were involved in co-up-regulated DEGs. In WNT signaling, WNT family and receptors were included in co-up-regulated DEGs, while inhibitors of WNT signaling were associated with co-down-regulated DEGs. In JAK-STAT signaling, STAT3 belonged to co-down-regulated DEGs. These DEGs were also confirmed by Real-time PCR. Taken together, BMP and WNT pathways may be activated and paly central roles to retain pluripotency in bovine EdSCs, whereas the LIF/STAT3 pathway may not be operated well. This study was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2006-2004042, and No. 2015048003 through the Oromaxillofacial Dysfunction Research Center for the Elderly at Seoul National University) and the Technology Development Program for Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA; 111160-04), Republic of Korea.
Odontogenic cells express many genes spatiotemporally through complex and intricate processes during tooth formation. Therefore, investigating them during the tooth development has been an important subject for the better understanding of tooth morphogenesis. The present study was performed to identify the genetic profiles which are involved in the morphological changes during the different stages of rat tooth development using the Agilent Rat Oligonucleotide Microarrays. Morphologically, the maxillary 3rd molar germ at 10 days post-partum (dpp) was at the cap/bell stage. In contrast, the maxillary 2nd molar germ showed the root development stage. After microarray analysis, there were a considerable number of up- or down-regulated genes in the 3rd and the 2nd molar germ cells during tooth morphogenesis. Several differentially expressed genes for nerve supply were further studied. Among them, neuroligin 1 (Nlgn 1) was gradually downregulated during tooth development both at the transcription and the translation level. Also, Nlgn 1 was mostly localized in the dental sac, which is an important component yielding the nerve supply. This genetic profiling study proposed that many genes may be implicated in the biological processes for the dental hard tissue formation and, furthermore, may allow the identification of the key genes involved in the nerve supply to the dental sac.
The aim of the present study was to identify coat color associated genes that are differentially expressed in mature Korean brindle cattle (KBC) with different coat colors and in Hanwoo cows. KBC calves, before and after coat color appearance, were included. Total cellular RNA was isolated from the tail hair cells and used for microarray. The number of expressed coat color associated genes/probes was 5813 in mature KBC and Hanwoo cows. Among the expressed coat color associated genes/probes, 167 genes were the coat color associated genes listed in the Gene card database and 125 genes were the pigment and melanocyte genes listed in the Gene ontology_bovine database. There were 23 genes/probes commonly listed in both databases and their expressions were further studied. Out of the 23 genes/probes, MLPH, PMEL, TYR and TYRP1 genes were expressed at least two fold higher (p<0.01) levels in KBC with brindle color than either Hanwoo or KBC with brown color. TYRP1 expression was 22.96 or 19.89 fold higher (p<0.01) in KBC with brindle color than either Hanwoo or KBC with brown color, respectively, which was the biggest fold difference. The hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that MLPH, PMEL, TYR and TYRP1 were the highly expressed genes in mature cattle. There were only a few genes differentially expressed after coat color appearance in KBC calves. Studies on the regulation and mechanism of gene expression of highly expressed genes would be next steps to better understand coat color determination and to improve brindle coat color appearance in KBC.
돼지의 육질과 관련하여 지방침착의 중요도가 높아짐에 따라 지방대사 또는 지방축적과 관련한 후보유전자 발굴 을 위해 등지방 조직 유래의 cDNA microarray를 이용하여 품종별 지방함량관련 조직의 유전자 발현 양상을 분석하 였다. 그 결과 재래돼지의 등지방 조직에서 SCD (stearoyl-CoA desaturase)와 ELOVL6 (elongation of very long chain fatty acid 6)가 높은 발현을 보였고, 간에서 FMO1 (hepatic flavin-containing mono oxygenase)이 높은 발현을 보였으며, 요크셔는 간에서 FGG (fibrinogen gamma polypeptide)와 C3d (com- plement component c3d), 등지방에서 COL3A1 (type Ⅲ collagen alpha 1)이 높은 발현을 보이는 것을 확인하였다. Real-time PCR을 통해 microarray data의 validation과 품종간 유전자 발현량을 비교하여, 위의 유전자들 중 지방함량에 따른 차등발현 유전자로 SCD, ELOVL6 그리고 FGG를 선정하였다. 선정된 유전자 SCD, ELOVL6, FGG는 지방대사에 관여하며 근내지방 함량에도 영향을 미쳐 향후 육질개선에 유용한 후보유전자로 서 활용가능성을 제시하였다.
Osteoarthritis is one of the commonest causes associated with age-related damage of articular cartilage. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used in osteoarthritic patient. However, long term administration of these drugs results gastrointestinal disorders. Though, most studies have demonstrated in the past that bee venom has therapeutic effect on diseases related to inflammation and pains, but its anti-inflammatory properties have not been so far studied on inflamed chondrocytes (LPS induced) invitro. For the purpose, the study was carried out to determine the effect of bee venom on porcine articular chondrocyte cell using microarray. In this study, we found that 2,235 significantly associated gene (1,404 up-regulated genes and 831 down-regulated genes) that were expressed on inflamed and non inflamed chondrocytes during proliferation. Among the 1,404 up-regulated genes and 831 down-regulated genes, known genes were 372 and 237, respectively. On the other hand, bee venom significantly reduced expression of fetuin involved in acute inflammatory reaction. Our results suggest that this study could be useful database in gene expression profiling of chondrocyte cell treated with bee venom.
국가 간 농림수산물 교역량의 증가에 따른 새로운 병해충의 확산을 방지하기 위한 검역의 중요성이 날로 증대되고 있는 가운데, 형태적 특성에 의한 해충 동정의 한계를 극복하기 위한 방법으로 최근 다양한 분자생물학적 방법을 이용한 종 동정 수단이 개발되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내산 과실에서 발견되는 주요 30여종의 해충에 대한 미토콘드리아 COI 바코드 서열분석과 바코드 서열에 기반 한 종 특이적 PNA probe개발을 통한 microarray system을 구축하였다. 그 결과 6종의 가루깍지벌레와 8종의 깍지벌레, 7종의 나방류, 5종의 응애류, 4종의 잎굴파리에 대한 DNA barcode 서열을 확보하였으며 각 분류군 공통적인 PCR 증폭 방법을 개발하고, PCR 증폭산물을 이용하여 효과적 해충의 동정이 가능함을 확인하였다.
본 연구는 미세유체시스템 내부에 효소가 고정된 PEG 하이드로젤 마이크로 어레이를 이용한 알코올 감지 바이오센서 제작에 대한 방법을 소개한다. 모델 알코올인 에탄올은 알코올 옥시다아제(Alcoholoxidase,AOX)를 포함한 PEG 하이드로젤 마이크로 어레이에 의해 광학적으로 분석되며, 다중의 미세채널구조를 이용하여 동시에 여러 농도의 알코올을 측정할 수 있다. 에탄올과 알코올 옥시다아제와의 효소촉매작용을 통해 H2O2이 생성되며 이는 페록시다아제 (Peroxidase,POD)와 반응하여 무색의 Amplex Red reagent를 붉은 형광을 띄는 resorufin으로 바꿔준다. 결과적으로 형광측정을 통해 에탄올의 농도를 확인할 수 있다. 에탄올의 농도가 높을수록 H2O2의 생성이 많아지고 resorufin의 형광강도가 강해지는 메카니즘을 통해 손쉽게 측정이 가능하다. 여섯줄의 미세유체채널을 포함하는 미세유체시스템 내부에 각각 에탄올에 반응하는 알코올 옥시다아제가 고정된 PEG 하이드로젤 마이크로 어레이를 제조하고 체내의 에탄올 농도인 1.0∼10mM을 반응시켜 형광변화를 통한 동시 측정이 가능한 바이오센서를 제작하였다.
To examine the expression profile of oxidative stress responsive genes in Spodoptera litura, we constructed a cDNA library from S. litura injected with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Using a microarray chip composed of 2,964 cDNAs, we screened gene expression at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h post H2O2 injection. Data were clustered into 15 groups of genes that behave similarly across each time course. Seventy-three genes were identified as being at least 2-fold up- or downregulated after treatment with H2O2 in S. litura. We constructed expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for genes that changed at least 2-fold after treatment with H2O2. The functional classification of these ESTs based on Gene Ontology showed that the ESTs are rich in genes involved in oxidoreductase activity (5.7%), defense (14.3%), cellular process (22.9%), and development (17.1%).
Silencing of Dicer1 by siRNA did not inhibit development up to the blastocyst stage, but decreased expression of selected transcription factors, including Oct‐4, Sox2 and Nanog, suggesting that Dicer1 gene expression is associated with differentiation processes at the blastocyst stage (Cui et al., 2007). In order to get insights into genes which may be linked with microRNA system, we compared gene expression profiles in Gapdh and Dicer1 siRNA‐microinjected blastocysts using the Applied Biosystem microarray technology. Our data showed that 397 and 737 out of 16354 genes were up‐ and down‐regulated, respectively, following siRNA microinjection (p<0.05), including 24 up‐ and 28 downregulated transcription factors. Identification of genes that are preferentially expressed at particular Dicer1 knock down embryos provides insights into the complex gene regulatory networks that drive differentiation processes in embryos at blastocyst stage.
Nuclear factor I-C (NFI-C) null mice demonstrated aberrant odontoblast differentiation, abnormal dentin formation, and thus molar lacking roots. However, the mechanism by which the disruption of NFI-C gene affect the expression of other genes in dental pulp cells remains unknown. In this study, in order to understand this mechanism, the gene expression of pulp cells in NFI-C deficient mice were compared to those of wild-type mice by cDNA microarray analysis. According to the cDNA microarray profile comparison, the disruption of NFI-C gene increased the expression of TGF-β and TGF-β receptor, whereas it decreased the expression of Smad proteins. Interestingly, most of the FGF-related genes were down-regulated in pulp cells by NFI-C gene disruption. Among the cell cycle-related genes, the expression of p16 and p18 were increased by NFI-C disruption, but the expression of cy clin E1 and cy clin D1 were decreased by NFI-C disruption. These results indicate that the disturbance of NFI-C gene suppressed the proliferation of pulp cells and up-regulated the expression of TGF-β and its downstream signaling molecules during root formation, contributing to the formation of short root containing abnormal dentin.
Glycyrrhiza ura lensis (Leguminosae) has long been known as an ant i-i nflammatory agent for gastric 띠cers , arthri t is, and rheumaLism. 1'he f1avonoid glycyr ol isolated from Glycyrrhiza uralensis dramatically inhibits phorbol ester (PMA)-induced NF-kB-dependent transcriptional activity, as determined by luciferase activity in HEK293T cells To in vestigate the global gene expression profiling by glycyrol, we performed high-density oligonucleotide microarrays, Our microarray analysis showed that gl ycY I 이 inhi bited phorbol ester-induced NF-kB-dependent transcriptional activity in inflarnmatory-related gene expression, RT-PCR analysis based on microarry data showed that NF-kB-dependent genes such as CCL2‘ CCL7. CD44, and HSPB8 in addition to NF-kB itself were significantly down-regulated by glycyrol Treatment with glycyrol inhibited ]-kB degradation induced by PMA, suggesting that glycyrol has a potential anti-in flammatory activity by modulating NF-kB-dependent pathways. Also, the microarray data showed that glycyr이 appears to induce gene expression related to p53-dependent apoptosis t hrough ENDO G instead of CAD/DFF and AlF/PDCD8 as down stream apoptosis factor in HEK293T tumor cell s and to induce an added function as oncogenes in connection with apoptoslS
구강암의 발생원인 중 하나인 인간유두종바이 러스(HPV)로 불멸화시 킨 구깅 각화세 포(1 HOK) 외 정상 인긴 구강각화세 포 (NHOK) 의 표지자를 비 교 연구하는 것은 정상과 그 전암냉소의 생화학적 및 세 포회 학적 띤호l을 평가히는 적젤힌 모탤이지띤 떤 구된바 많지 않았다 본 연구는 구강 각화 세 포의 형 질전환을 조절히는 분자적 상태를 연구하기 위 해 익 6000711 의 유전자가 pri nt된 cONA mì croarray를 이용하여 인간 정상 구강각화세 포(NHOK) 와 HPV16으로 불띨회한 각화세 포(J HO K) 간에 유전지 발현을 비교하였다, NHOK외 IHOK세포는 96%의 유전자가 유사한 발현을 보였으며 2배이 상의 발현을 보이 는 경우-는 NHOK가 IHOK에 비해 85개 유전지가‘ IHOK가 쩌OK에 비해 1477H 의 유전자 발현이 u p-regul at i on되 어 총 4%미 만이 발현차이를 보 였고 반복된 hybridì zation 으로부터 얻은 선택된 spot의 Pearson 싱관계수는 074 에서 091로 냐티 났다 NHOK외 IHOK간의 유전자 발현을 기능별로 분석한 결과 몇 가지 주요 발현 유전자 그룹을 확인하였는데 세포부착 및 인식 세포주기 초칠인지 세 포자떨사, 전사인지- 성장인자 및 수용기 , 세포골격 및 세 포외기질 단백 . 신호진달 조절자 및 기 타 그룹으로 분류할 수 있었다 IHOK에서 는 세 포인식 인자 중 endothelin 1, collagen IV, fibronectin , SPR1 이 발현증가 되었고 CK7, POG1"2, F'G1"1"R2가 세 포골격 및 성장인지중에서 upregulation 되었지만 신호전달 인지중 발현증가된 것은 없었고 동일힌 유전자를 나타내 는 cJ ustered gene map을 그릴 수 있었다 따라서 이러힌 Illicroan‘ay를 이 용한 분자학적 표지자 얀구가 구강 임 빌임과정 에서 유전지발현 을 확인히는데 큰 도웅을 줄 수 있을 뿐 아니라 유전자 조절에 의힌 진단 에 후. 치 료의 정획성을 개선시 킬 수 있으리리 여겨진다
Studies to evaluate distribution of markers in normal keratinocyte and their immortalized keratinocyte are appropriate to evaluate the normal and preneoplastic lesion of oral cancers as biochemical and cytochemical changes associate with tumorigenesis being not completely understood. Complementary DNA microarray containing 6000 sequence -verified cDNA elements was used to systematically characterize the variation in gene expression patterns of NHOK cells vs. immortalized keratinocyte by HPV16 E6-E7(IHOK). Examination of gene expression that is 85 clones cDNAs exhibits greater than 2 fold overexpression in NHOK probes relative to IHOK probe, 147 cDNAs reveal greater 2 fold overexpression in IHOK relative to NHOK probe.The high similarity in gene expression (96.5%) between IHOK and NHOK cells suggests that only an additional 232/6720 (3.5%) of the genome is differentially gene activated during HPV16 immoratlized keratinocyte growth and differentiation. Examination of gene expression that differs between NHOK and IHOK cellsapprear to be related to : cell adhesion & recognition, cell cycle regulator, apoptosis, transciption factors, growth factors and therir receptors, cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins, signal transduction modulators and effectors, and miscellaneous. The gene expression of cell recognition factor such as endothelin 1, collagen IV, fibronectin, and SPR1 in IHOK were upregulated. Distinct or duplicated cDNA clones representing the same gene were typically clustered in adjacent rows in the clustered gene map. Therefore the differentially expressed and identified genes should be informative in studying oral epithelial cell carcinogenesis and such studies should foster the research of molecular markers allowing to assess the phenotypeof malignant epithelial tumor.
본 연구에서는 감마선으로 유도된 돌연변이체들에서 공통으로 발현되는 방사선 관련 유전자들의 발현을 연구하기 위하여, B. lentimorbus WJ5 의 방사선 유도 돌연변이체에서 발현되는 유전자를 DNA microarray로 동시에 탐색하였다. DNA microarray는 B. lentimorbus WJ5 genome을 무작위로 절단하여 2,000 단편으로 구성하였으며, 감마선 (60/Co)으로 유도된 7 돌연변이체의 발현을 정량적으로 관찰하였