This study developed an unmanned autonomous moving algae collection device (HAMA-bot) to remove high-density algae concentrated in the waterfront of urban agricultural reservoirs, and analyzed the effect of algae removal after field application to medium-sized urban reservoir. The algae reduction effect (Chl-a) of the study site in the reservoir by the HAMA-bot operation showed an average 18.5% higher in the treatment area compared to the control area before operation, while the average reduction of 24% in the treatment area after operation. In addition, the Chl-a removal rate, which directly analyzed the influent and effluent of HAMA-bot, showed a very high level with an average of 96.9% (94.7~99.2%). Currently, it is optimized for urban reservoirs and manufactured on a small scale, but it is a useful tool that can be applied on a large scale to large dams and rivers, and it is considered that the field applicability would be improved with the optimized scale.
The cost of treating water purification plant water treatment residuals is high, with a low recovery rate and unstable effluent water quality, particularly in plants using lake and reservoir water sources in severe cold regions. Maximizing water resource utilization requires integrating water treatment residuals concentration and treatment effectively. Here, ceramic membrane technology was employed to separate supernatant and substrate after pretreatment. Optimal settling was achieved using 75 μm magnetic powder at 200 and 4 mg/L of nonionic polyacrylamide co-injection. Approximately 65% of the separated supernatant was processed by 0.1–0.2 μm Al2O3 ceramic membranes, yielding a membrane flux of 50 L/m2h and a water recovery rate of 99.8%. This resulted in removal rates of 99.3% for turbidity, 98.2% for color, and 87.7% for color and permanganate index (chemical oxygen demand, COD). Furthermore, 35% of the separated substrate underwent treatment with 0.1–0.2 μm mixed ceramic membranes of Al2O3 and SiC, achieving a membrane flux of 40 L/m2h and a water recovery rate of 73.8%. The removal rates for turbidity, color, and COD were 99.9%, 99.9%, and 82%, respectively. Overall, this process enables comprehensive concentration and treatment integration, achieving a water recovery rate of 90.7% with safe and stable effluent water quality.
In this study, In this study, structural analysis of a fuel tank for an SUV (sports utility vehicle) was performed for crack prevention design. Reservoir tank analysis was conducted for crack prevention design, and improvement measures for weak areas were discovered and reflected in the design. Pressure analysis was performed on the existing model to analyze weak areas. As a result of analysis through various design changes, it was found that the strength problem of the reservoir tank was due to the discontinuity of the rib inside the tank, and to improve this, it was necessary to minimize the discontinuity section.
Small ponds, which exhibit unstable succession pattern of plankton community, are less well studied than large lakes. Recently, the importance of small ponds for local biodiversity conservation has highlighted the necessity of understanding the dynamics of biological community. In the present study, we collected zooplankton from three small reservoirs with monthly basis and analyzed their seasonal dynamics. To understand the complicated zooplankton community dynamics of small reservoirs, we categorized zooplankton species into four groups (LALF Group, Low Abundance Low Frequency; LAHF Group, Low Abundance High Frequency; HALF Group, High Abundance Low Frequency; HAHF Group, High Abundance High Frequency) based on their occurrence pattern (abundance and frequency). We compared the seasonal pattern of each group, and estimated community diversity based on temporal beta diversity contribution of each group. The result revealed that there is a relationship between groups with the same abundance but different occurrence frequencies, and copepod nauplii are common important component for both abundance and frequency. On the other hand, species included with LALF Group throughout the study period are key in terms of monthly succession and diversity. LALF Group includes Anuraeopsis fissa, Hexarthra mira and Lecane luna. However, groups containing species that only occur at certain times of the year and dominate the waterbody, HALF Group, hindered to temporal diversity. The results of this study suggest that the species-specific occurrence pattern is one key trait of species determining its contribution to total annual biodiversity of given community.
Daechung Reservoir has been suffering from severe cyanobacterial blooming periodically due to the water pollutants from the watershed, especially nutrients from nonpoint sources. As a countermeasure, an artificial wetland was constructed to mitigate the pollutant load from the watershed by utilizing the vegetation. We investigated the water quality of the influent and outflow of the wetland during years 2014~2020 to evaluate the performance of pollutant removal through the wetland. Major pollutants (e.g. BOD, COD, SS, T-N, and T-P) were largely reduced during the retention in the wetland while nutrients removal was more efficient than that of organic matters. Pollutant removal efficiency for different inflow concentrations was also investigated to estimate the wetland’s capability as a way of managing nonpoint sources. The efficiency of water treatment was significantly higher when inflow concentrations were above 75th percentile for all pollutant, implying the wetland can be applied to the pre-treatment of high pollution load including initial rainfall runoff. Furthermore, the yearly variation of removal efficiency for seven years was analyzed to better understand long-term trends in water treatment of the wetland. The annual treatment efficiency of T-P was very high in the early stages of vegetation growth with high concentration of inflow water. However, it was confirmed that the concentration of inflow water decreased, vegetation stabilized, and the treatment efficiency gradually decreased as the soil was saturated. The findings of the study suggest that artificial wetlands can be an effective method for controlling harmful algal blooms by alleviating pollutant load from the tributaries of Daechung Reservoir.
Sampling gears for collecting fish are diverse, and the community of fish varies according to the selection and characteristics of the sampling gears. The present study compared the characteristics of fish communities in Yedang reservoir using four sampling gears (kick net, cast net, gill net, and fyke net). The kick net and cast net were inefficient in collecting the number of individuals. However, they increased the species diversity of fish inhabiting the waterfront. Although not many individuals were collected, the gill net mainly collected large fish. The largest number of individuals was collected in the fyke net, and the dominance was high due to the high species selectivity. Through Self-Organizing Map (SOM) analysis, large fish were collected in the gill net, whereas small fish were collected in the fyke net. The characteristics and efficiency of the fish differed depending on the sampling gears. It is expected that researchers will need to use it appropriately according to the characteristics of the sampling gears when investigating the fish community.
The changes in COD, TOC, T-P, and T-N concentrations were investigated for 2 years in the constructed wetland of Sookcheon, which was installed to improve the water quality of Daecheong reservoir in South Korea. In order to evaluate the pollution level of sediments in the wetland, settling velocity of particulate material (4 times) and sedimet material contents (6 times) were measured. COD and TOC concentrations increased slightly as they passed through wetlands, and T-N and T-P concentration tended to decrease. The material content (COD, T-P, T-N) of aquatic plants was higher in floating-leaved and free-floating macrophytes than emergent macrophytes. As a result of measuring the sedimentation rate of suspended materials, most of the suspended materials introduced into constructed wetlands were sedimented at a rapid rate in the first sedimentation site. In addition, sediment pollution of T-P and T-N in constructed wetland was in severe pollution. The sediments containing a large amount of T-P and T-N were eluted by physical and chemical environmental changes, which is likely to act as internal pollution sources in wetlands.
This study was conducted on October 23, 2020 at the Cheongpyeong Reservoir located in Seorakmyeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do, and analyzed the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of fish based on data obtained using fishfinder. The total surface area of fishfinder survey conducted was 782,853 m2, and where the water depth (WD) ranges from 10 m to 12 m is widest which 31.7% of total surface area. As a result of the heat map analysis, fish density was highest at right bank under the Gapyeong-bridge, but there was no specific pattern in horizontal distribution of fish. As a result of vertical distribution of fish analysis, 86.6% of fishes are observed at below 6 m of the fish depth (FD, distance from water surface to fish). As a result of the relative height (RH, water depth-distance from bottom to fish ratio) analysis, there was a tendency that fishes are distributed in near surface area more as the WD increased. This tendency could have various reasons such as water temperature gradient along the water depth, and further studies are required for detailed explanation.
A pump-type eDNA filtering system that can control voltage and hydraulic pressure respectively has been developed, and applied a filter case that can filter out without damaging the filter. The filtering performance of the developed system was evaluated by comparing the eDNA concentration with the conventional vacuum-pressured filtering method at the catchment conduit intake reservoir. The developed system was divided into a voltage control (manual pump system) method and a pressure control (automatic pump system) method, and the pressure was measured during filtering and the pressure change of each system was compared. The voltage control method started with 65 [KPa] at the beginning of the filtering, and as the filtering time elapsed, the amount of filtrate accumulated in the filter increased, so the pressure gradually increased. As a result of controlling the pressure control method to maintain a constant pressure according to the designed algorithm, there was a difference in the width of the hydraulic pressure fluctuation during the filtering process according to the feedback time of the hydraulic pressure sensor, and it was confirmed that the pressure was converged to the target pressure. The filtering performance of the developed system was confirmed by measuring the eDNA concentration and comparing the voltage control method and the hydraulic control method with the control group. The voltage control method obtained similar results to the control group, but the hydraulic control method showed lower results than the control group. It is considered that the low eDNA concentration in the hydraulic control method is due to the large pressure deviation during filtering and maintaining a constant pressure during the filtering process. Therefore, rather than maintaining a constant pressure during filtering, it was confirmed that a voltage control method in which the pressure is gradually increased as the filtrate increases with the lapse of filtering time is suitable for collecting eDNA. As a result of comparing the average concentration of eDNA in lentic zone and lotic zone as a control group, it was found to be 96.2 [ng μL-1] and 88.4 [ng μL-1l], respectively. The result of comparing the average concentration of eDNA by the pump method was also high in the lentic zone sample as 90.7 [ng μL-1] and 74.8 [ng μL-1] in the lentic zone and the lotic zone, respectively. The high eDNA concentration in the lentic zone is thought to be due to the influence of microorganisms including the remaining eDNA.
2020년 3월부터 10월까지 군산시의 중초산 저수지와 북초산 저수지의 어류상 및 군집분석을 하였다. 조사기간 동안 채집된 어류는 중초산 저수지에서 4목 5과 8종 1,895개체, 북초산 저수지에서 3목 5과 7종 171개체였다. 중초산 저수지의 우점종은 참붕어 (661개체, 상대풍부도: 34.7%) 아우점 종은 흰줄납줄개 (660개체, 상대풍부도: 34.7%), 북초산 저수지는 배스 (77개체, 45.0%)와 붕어 (60개체, 35.1%) 순으로 나타났다. 군집분석 결과 중초산 저수지는 우점도 0.697, 다양도 1.483, 균등도 0.713, 종 풍부도 0.928, 북초산 저수지는 우점도 0.801, 다양도 1.304, 균등도 0.670, 종 풍부도 1.167을 보였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 생태계 교란생물인 배스의 영향으로 토착어종의 개체수와 군집의 다양도가 감소한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 외래어종의 지속적인 제거와 유입을 막는 관리가 요구된다.
In this study, a method of leakage detection was proposed to locate leak position for a reservoir pipeline valve system using wavelet coherence analysis for an injected pressure wave. An unsteady flow analyzer handled nonlinear valve maneuver and corresponding experimental result were compared. Time series of pressure head were analyzed through wavelet coherence analysis both for no leak and leak conditions. The leak information can be obtained through either time domain reflectometry or the difference in wavelet coherence level, which provide predictions in terms of leak location. The reconstructed pressure signal facilitates the identification of leak presence comparing with existing wavelet coherence analysis.
A 1,000 m3/d DAF(dissolved air flotation) pilot plant was installed to evaluate the performance of the floating process using the Nakdong River. Efficiency of various DAF operations under different conditions, such as hydraulic loading rate, coagulant concentration was evaluated in the current research. The operation conditions were evaluated, based on the removal or turbidity, TOC(total organic carbon), THMFP(trihalomethane formation potential), Mn(manganese), and Al(aluminum). Also, particle size analysis of treated water by DAF was performed to examine the characteristics of particles existing in the treated water. The turbidity removal was higher than 90%, and it could be operated at 0.5 NTU or less, which is suitable for the drinking water quality standard. Turbidity, TOC, and THMFP resulted in stable water quality when replacing the coagulant from alum to PAC(poly aluminum chloride). A 100% removal of Chl-a was recorded during the summer period of the DAF operations. Mn removal was not as effective as where the removal did not satisfy the water quality standards for the majority of the operation period. Hydraulic loading of 10 m/h, and coagulant concentrations of 40 mg/L was determined to be the optimal operating conditions for turbidity and TOC removal. When the coagulant concentration increases, the Al concentration of the DAF treated water also increases, so coagulant injection control is required according to the raw water quality. Particle size distribution results indicated that particles larger than 25 μm showed higher removal rates than smaller particles. The total particel count in the treated water was 2,214.7 counts/ml under the operation conditions of 10 m/h of hydraulic loading rate and coagulant concentrations of 60 mg/L.
In the membrane process, it is important to improve water treatment efficiency to ensure water quality and minimize membrane fouling. In this study, a pilot study of membrane process using reservoir water was conducted for a long time to secure high flux operation technology capable of responding to influent turbidity changes. The raw water and DAF(Dissolved Air Flotation) treated water were used for influent water of membrane to analyze the effect of water quality on the TMP (Trans Membrane Pressure) and to optimize the membrane operation. When the membrane flux were operated at 70 LMH and 80 LMH under stable water quality conditions with an inlet turbidity of 10 NTU or less, the TMP increase rates were 0.28 and 0.24 kPa/d, respectively, with minor difference. When the membrane with high flux of 80 LMH was operated for a long time under inlet turbidity of 10 NTU or more, the TMP increase rate showed the maximum of 43.5 kPa/d. However, when the CEB(Chemically Enhanced Backwash) cycle was changed from 7 to 1 day, it was confirmed that the TMP increase rate was stable to 0.23 kPa/d. As a result of applying pre-treatment process(DAF) on unstability water quality conditions, it was confirmed that the TMP rise rates differed by 0.17 and 0.64 kPa/d according to the optimization of the coagulant injection. When combined with coagulation pretreatment, it was thought that the balance with the membrane process was more important than the emphasis on efficiency of the pretreatment process. It was considered that stable TMP can be maintained by optimizing the cleaning conditions when the stable or unstable water quality even in the high flux operation on membrane process.
본 연구는 충청남도 보령시에 위치한 보령호를 대상으로 어류상 및 붕어 개체군의 특성을 파악하고자 2017년 10월부터 2018년 6월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 어류상 조사결과, 총 9과 15종 3,506개체가 출현하였으며, 한국고유종은 얼룩동사리 1종 (6.6%), 외래종 및 생태계교란종은 떡붕어, 배스 2종 (13.3%)이 조사되었다. 상대풍부도 분석결과, 빙어 1,706개체 (48.6%), 붕어 1,021개체 (29.1%)로 각각 우점, 아우점하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 생체량 분석결과 붕어가 246,130 g으로 가장 높은 생체량을 보였으며, 동자개 50,610 g, 떡붕어 14,730 g, 메기 11,560 g, 잉어 10,930 g의 순으로 분석되었다. 군집분석 결과 우점도지수 0.87 (±0.2), 다양도 지수 0.78 (±0.5), 균등도지수 0.47 (±0.2), 풍부도지수 0.99 (±0.5)로 분석되었다. 붕어 개체군의 전장 - 체중 상관관계 분석결과 회귀계수 b값은 3.06으로 나타났으며, 비만도 지수 (K) 기울기는 양의 기울기로 분석되었다. 전장빈도분포 분석결과, 당년생은 출현하지 않았으며, 2년생으로 추정되는 170~190 mm 개체는 다수 출현하였고, 4~5년생으로 추정되는 230~280 mm 개체는 낮은 출현을 나타내었다. 보령호의 저수량 추이를 확인하기 위해 연평균저수량과 NDWI 분석을 실시한 결과, 2013년에서 2014년에 급격한 연평균 저수량 변화를 나타내었으며, 웅천천이 유입되는 St. 4에서 수위변동에 영향을 받는 것으로 추정되었다.
The present study aimed to analyze the metaproteome of the microbial community comprising harmful algal bloom (HAB) in the Daechung reservoir, Korea. HAB samples located at GPS coordinates of 36°29’N latitude and 127°28’E longitude were harvested in October 2013. Microscopic observation of the HAB samples revealed red signals that were presumably caused by the autofluorescence of chlorophyll and phycocyanin in viable cyanobacteria. Metaproteomic analysis was performed by a gelbased shotgun proteomic method. Protein identification was conducted through a two-step analysis including a forward search strategy (FSS) (random search with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Cyanobase, and Phytozome), and a subsequent reverse search strategy (RSS) (additional Cyanobase search with a decoy database). The total number of proteins identified by the two-step analysis (FSS and RSS) was 1.8-fold higher than that by one-step analysis (FSS only). A total of 194 proteins were assigned to 12 cyanobacterial species (99 mol%) and one green algae species (1 mol%). Among the species identified, the toxic microcystin-producing Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 (62.3%) species was the most dominant. The largest functional category was proteins belonging to the energy category (39%), followed by metabolism (15%), and translation (12%). This study will be a good reference for monitoring ecological variations at the meta-protein level of aquatic microalgae for understanding HAB.
본 연구는 영산강·섬진강 수계에 위치한 16개 호소에 대해서 어류군집을 조사하고 호소별, 호소 규모별 어류군집 특성을 분석하였다. 조사 방법과 지점수는 환경부의 “생물측정망 조사 및 평가 지침”에 따라 이루어졌으며, 소형호, 중형호, 대형호로 구분하여 어류군집을 비교 분석하였다. 2018년 (7개 호소)에서 2019년 (9개 호소)에 이루어진 조사에서 총 13과 44종의 어류가 채집되었으며, 우점종은 치리 (Hemiculter eigenmanni, RA, 32.9%), 아우점종은 블루길 (Lepomis macrochirus RA, 31.4%)로 나타났다. 호소 규모에 따라 분석한 결과 소형호에서는 평균 (±표준편 차) 11±2.9종이 채집되었으며, 중형호는 14.3±2.1종, 대 형호는 22.7±0.6종으로 호소의 규모가 커질수록 출현 종수가 증가하는 양의 상관성을 나타냈다. 호소 규모별 어류 군집 요인은 총 6개 항목 (총 종수, 총 개체수, 풍부도, 초식 성종 개체수 비율, 육식성종 개체수 비율, 외래종 종수)에서 차이를 보였다 (P<0.05). 호소별 어류군집 유사도 분석 결과 16개 호소가 60%의 유사도에서 5개 그룹으로 구분 되었으며, 군집 유사도는 호소의 규모보다는 호소 간 거리, 수계, 호소의 발달 위치 및 환경유형이 영향을 미치는 것 으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 국내 호소의 어류군집 구조 이해에 도움이 될 수 있으며, 특히 영산강·섬진강 수계의 호소 관리 및 정책 마련에 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
본 연구는 최근 예당저수지의 방문객 증가로 인해 현재 많은 개별사업이 이루어짐에도 불구하고 예당저수지의 체계적인 경관관리 방향 부재의 문제점을 해결하고자 진행되었다. 예당저수지의 경관관리 방향 제시를 위해 예당저수지 방문객이 남긴 블로그 리뷰를 텍스트 마이닝 방법으로 분석하였다. 이후 분석된 경관인식을 바탕으로 예당저수지의 경관관리 방향을 제시하였다. 예당저수지의 경관관리 방향은 형태소 측면, 경관유형 측면, 시각자원관리 측면, 경관과 이용행태 측면을 고려하여 자연성, 경관대상, 시각이미지, 조망점, 이용행태 총 5가지 측면에 대한 경관관리 방향을 제시하였다. 추가적으로 예당저수지의 체계적인 경관관리를 위해 경관관리 우선대상을 선정했다. 텍스트 마이닝 결과 키워드 출현빈도가 높은 곳일수록 방문객의 관심이 높기 때문에 경관관리가 우선적으로 이루어져야 하는 공간으로 보았다. 경관관리 우선대상 선정은 추후 예당저수지를 경관관리 하는데 있어 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 연구를 통해 블로그 데이터를 텍스트 마이닝하여 방문객들이 남긴 리뷰로 예당저수지의 경관인식과 경관관리 방향을 도출할 수 있었다. 연구과정에서 최근은 물론 오래전에 예당저수지를 다녀간 방문객의 경관인식 또한 조사할 수 있었다. 텍스트 마이닝은 텍스트 데이터를 분석하는 방법이기 때문에 데이터만 존재한다면 시간과 공간에 관계없이 과거의 데이터를 분석이 가능한 장점이 있다. 다만 도출된 키워드를 활용해 경관인식을 분석하는 과정에서 연구자의 주관적 분석이 이루어지기 때문에 결과의 객관성이 떨어질 수 있다는 한계점이 있었다. 따라서 통계적으로 유의성을 검증하거나 분석결과에 대해 뒷받침을 할 수 있는 추가적인 분석 과정이 필요하다. 또 본 연구에서는 조사기간에 대해 시계열 분석을 시행하지 않았으므로 향후 연구에서 시계열 분석을 통한 예당저수지의 경관인식 변화를 분석해 볼 필요성이 있다.