
대한안전경영과학회 학술대회

이 간행물 논문 검색


2014년 대한안전경영과학회 추계학술대회 (2014년 11월) 56

2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Risk information may be one of the most important factor for worker's safe behavior because that safe behavior can be oriented by attitude based on risk information. Traditionally KAP(knowledge, attitude and practice) model was useful frame for the change of human behavior. Knowledge is formed by information through experience and education. Worker's health may be prevented by his or her own active safe behavior based on risk information. This paper is to investigate the effect of labor union on the provirion of risk information by labor union. Data for analysis is the third Korean Working Conditions Survey done by Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute in 2011. The sample size is 50,032 economic active person surveyed by household interview survey with structure questionnaire by trained interviewer. The difference of risk information provision among employees was tested by mean difference test. The level of risk information of employees of companies with labor union is higher than that with non labour union. This paper has some implication for the promotion of safe behavior of employees through risk information provision mediated by labor union. Some limitation of this study may be considered because of using the cross sectional survey data.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The average injury rate in sawmilling industry for the last 5 years is 4.99%, which means that more than 200 injuries have occurred in that industry every year. Because the first step in risk assessment is the hazard identification, it is very important to know how to define the hazard and nature of harm. We analyzed 643 accident records of three years(2010-2012) and carried out site survey for the same cases. As a result, the most common types of work at the time of injury in sawmilling industry were removing jammed wood 81(12.8%), wood carrying task 52(8.1%), wood cutting 49(7.6%), travelling table log band saw 41(6.4%), maintenance 37(5.8%) etc. In addition, there were statistically significant differences in some analysis factors such as injured body parts, employment size, and handling material among different working places. Therefore, it is concluded that differentiated prevention efforts are necessary in each workplace.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Despite over eighty percent of industrial accidents were caused by unsafe behaviors, most safety programs still focus on changing workers’ internal status such as thinking and attitude rather than directly changing safe related behaviors. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the basic concepts and procedures of Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) which originated in applied behavior science (ABS), BBS attempts to change safety related behaviors by manipulating antecedents and consequences of workers’ behaviors. Also this paper introduces several case studies conducted globally in various industrial fields. These case studies highlight the procedures of BBS, their impacts on safety performance and accidents rate, and other business results. Based on these results, this paper proposes new guidelines for safety management.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Constructions sites are affected by Diversity workplace, complexity of construction, Change of place, Mobility of workers and so on. In a single establishment, Prime contractors and subcontractors have to conduct their work at the same time. There are a lot of unpredictable risks when the construction is running, coordination between contractors is very important to do a risk assessment under the condition. Large Construction companies were investigated by previous studies. Survey research is applied to the risk assessment. In the writing, Risk assessment of the entire lower level. Because of the low level of risk factors to find. Also, There was a limit to investigate accidents. Confirmed that Effort to derive a risk factors were desperately of the risk assessment. Results were obtained through previous studies. The PCM is several experts should be joined. Experts Site Manager, Supervisor, Safety Manager, Director Contractor, Work team leader is required to participate. Construction plans, Process Planning to the risk find beforehand. And Determines how the operations and the control. Also, Made it into the database. and PCRA can be used in the risk assessment was developed.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Sickness absence is one of the most important indicators for worker's health and occupational safety and health performance. Sickness absence is primarily depended upon sickness but psycho-social factors in workplace may moderate sickness absence. Even though worker is falling into illness, sickness absence can be prevented by job satisfaction. In Korea it is very difficult to find research output about the association of sickness absence with job satisfaction. This study is planned to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on sickness absence. The third Korean Working Conditions Survey done by Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute in 2011 was used to anlayze by logistic regression analysis. The result has shown that job satisfaction has statistically significant effect on sickness absence and simultaneously diminish the effect of symptoms experience on sickness absence. The effect of job satisfaction is greater in short term sickness absence that in long term sickness absence. This study has some limitation because of the cross sectional data of Korean Working Conditions Survey. In future, sophisticated statistical analysis may be done with modelling.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, mammography was conducted with Lorad Selenia from HOLOGIC. The phantoms used were Female rando phantom from THE PHANTOM LABORATORY and ACR phantom from GAMMEX RMI. The dosimeters used were the glass dosimeter reader FDG1000 and PLD from CHIYODA TECHNOL. The shielding used to compare and determine the amount of scattered ray in this study were lead shielding gear with a thickness of 0.25mm from INFAB and a customized bismuth shielding with a thickness of 0.2mm(2 layers of 0.1mm). The conditions were 28kVp, 65mAs for CC view and 30kVp, 85mAs for MLO view. The exposure dose by scattered ray were measured from thyroid, breast on the opposite side and gonad (hereafter called critical organs) without any shieldings for the first experiment, then measured four times each with lead shielding for the next experiment, and measured four times each with bismuth shielding for the third experiment. The average dose for each critical organ without shieldings were 135.75μGy, 649.67μGy and 546.25μGy, With lead shielding, the numbers were 0μGy, 63μGy and 1.5μGy, and 6.25μGy, 12.25μGy and 26.5μGy with bismuth shielding. Therefore, the lead and bismuth shielding have reduced 95.364% and 93.550% of exposure dose. Use of shielding s during mammography reduces the exposure dose on critical organs and other organs of the patient, and despite the similar shielding rate, the new shielding using bismuth is useful in shielding thyroid and gonad considering the mobility of the patient, light weight and thickness of the shielding.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
According to statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare at 2010, patient of breast cancer has been increasing constantly. Radiation therapy is method of treatment for breast cancer. Generally, radiation therapy technique of breast cancer is opposing 2 port. And It is using real wedge, dynamic wedge, FiF(Field in Field) technique, ISC(Irregular Surface Compensating) technique for uniformity dose in breast tissue. But each patient applied different method of surgery. In this study, It is to evaluation the usefulness of radiation therapy technique at each surgery technique. Subjects are tissue loss after breast conserving surgery, non tissue loss after breast conserving surgery, and mastectomy. Each subject applied 4 techniques of radiation therapy. Measurement tool used CI(Conformity Index), HI(Homogeneity Index), and QOC(Quality of Coverage) at suggest RTOG(The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group). Case of tissue loss is useful dynamic wedge technique. Case of non tissue loss is useful FiF technique. Case of mastectomy is useful ISC technique. In the future, this study would use to selection standard of radiation therapy for breast cancer surgery. And selection standard would require additional analyzes of normal organ.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
When scanning PET/CT, dose not unwrinkle gastric folds can be difficult to diagnose gastric cancer. In this study, we use an blowing agent to evaluate the extension the stomach and usefulness of it. The record of 30 patients with local or total uptake of stomach between January and February 2013. Stomach extension was described as the vertical length of the Water drink group was 61.7±9.7 mm, horizontal length was 102.5±17.6 mm, the vertical length of the Blowing agent group was 74.1±10.7 mm, horizontal length was 101.5±14.8 mm in transverse section. Stomach extension was described as the vertical length of the Water drink group was 109.3±18.8 mm, horizontal length was 62.7±18.4 mm, the vertical length of the Blowing agent group was 123.1±23.1 mm, horizontal length was 87.6±14.9 mm in coronal section. SUV results in decrease 35% for water drink group, decrease 56% for blowing agent. When the use blowing agent group extension of stomach was similar or superior than water drink group. Therefore, when using a blowing agent will be able to help clinical.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study was conducted from July 5th to 12th, 2014 on 30 males and females. The examination device used for this study were Discovery XR656(GE Healthcare, Kemath, Germany) DR and SOMATOM definition AS+ CT. T he device was made of foamex (foam PVC). The posture for cubital tunnel view examination requires for patients to bend their elbows more than 60 degrees and turn their forearms 20 degrees externally. The analysis method of cubital tunnel depth(CTD) was to measure the length between the deepest location of groove for ulnar nerve and a line vertical to the line connecting protruding part of medial epicondyle and trochlea medial in order to measure the CTD with and without the assistance device. CTD were measured and compared from VRT images on CT examination of 30 males and females to prove the usability of the assistance device. For statistics, SPSS 18.0 version was used to conduct independent two samples t-test. Differences in CTD between the two sexes were nonexistent but, the differences in CTD according to the use of assistance device were 4.63±0.86mm in temporizing measure, and 6.01±0.27mm with the assistance device for male. For females, the results were 4.58±0.41mm in temporizing measure and 5.94±0.58mm with the assistance device. The results proved that the measured values of CTD are deeper with the use of assistance device. The difference between CTD value from CT of normal person and CTD level measured with X-ray using the assistance device were nonexistent. P<0.05) Use of an assistance device made more accurate and convenient examinations possible compared to examinations without any assistance devices. Use of the assistance device in this study in radiological examinations on Cubital Tunnel Syndrome would provide more accurate and convenient examinations in the future. Keyword : Cubital Tunnel
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We performed the quantitative analysis using MATLAB for slice thickness, spatial resolution, and low contrast resolution with the 50 received images which have suitable judgement by scanning AAPM phantom using GE, PHILIPS, SIEMENS, and TOSHIBA. Slice thickness and spatial resolution were measured by using full width at half maximum(below FWHM). Spatial resolution was confirmed that FWHM interval more than 1.0 mm size. Low contrast resolution was measured that how close by using Roundness Index(below RI) until 6.4 mm size. The spatial resolution 9 images and low contrast resolution 10 images which have disapproved judgement were also had the quantitative analysis. The statistic analysis was judged to have statistically significant differences when p-value is less than 0.05 through SPSS statistics 19.0 and T-test (paired t-test). For slice thickness 5 mm, the average qualitative evaluation group shows 4.98 mm and quantitative evaluation group shows 5.02. For slice thickness 10 mm, the average qualitative evaluation group shows 9.98 mm and quantitative evaluation group shows 9.86. No significant differences (p=0.07, p=0.06) with 5 mm and 10 mm. It confirmed the interval for all FWHM until 1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 mm as approved images on spatial resolution ,and the average distance was 0.102 mm and the minimum distance 0.054 mm. For disapproved images, all interval was not showed under 1.00 mm. For low contrast resolution, spproved image’s RI value shows average 0.81 and minimum 0.77. The disapproved image’s RI average shows 0.70. Statiscally significant differences were presented (all p<0.05) following hole size.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
검사자 실명제를 통하여 검사의 질적 수준을 높이기 위하여 보건복지부령 제 3조 1 항 중 [1. 운용인력기준-방사선사-전속 1인]으로 되어 있으며, 보건복지부령 제 5조 제 2항<개정 2011.6.27 > 중 [다. 유방촬영용 장치-촬영표지-9.촬영자 성명(기호)]에 검사 자인 방사선사를 표시하도록 되어 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 검사자 실명제를 효율성, 신뢰성, 편의성을 보다 높이기 위하여 EMR과 PACS를 이용하여 자동 등록 프로그램 을 개발하여 적용하였다. 2013년 3월~4월까지 특수의료장비를 운용하는 방사선사 총 55명을 대상으로 검사자의 영상 입력 방법에 대해 타당성 및만족도 조사를 시행하였 으며, 프로그램개발은 2013년 4월부터 12월까지 비쥬얼베이직 6.0 Version(VB6)을 이 용하여 의료영상정보시스템(PACS)과 병원정보시스템을 연동하는 프로그램을 구현하 였다. 프로그램 개발은 검사실 등록은 획득서버에서의 [Description Name]을 Text로 변환한 것이며, 방사선사 등록은 인사 D/B에서 ‘RT’로 등록되어 있는 사번과 한글이 름을 연동시켰으며, 검사 후 DICOM 파일을 획득 할 때 DICOM Tag 값인 [0x00081070]에 Value 값을 RIS에서 가지고 온 방사선사 사번이 입력되도록 획득서버 의 "Edit Value", Trim(Right(cmbGisa.Text, 6))]에 직접 입력시켰다. 사용 전후 만족 도를 시행한 결과 편의성, 일치성, 누락에서 모두 개발된 프로그램이 만족도가 통계적 으로 유의한 차이로 높게 나타났다. 본 연구에서 개발한 검사자 자동 등록 프로그램은 실제 검사자를 영상에 보여주게 함으로써 환자의 검사 안정성을 높일 수 있으며, 의료 의 질적 수준을 높일 수 있을 거라 기대한다.
2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The number of CT gradually tends to increase, but radiation exposure includes higher exposure dose of patients than other test methods as the rate of 67% in the whole radiology tests. Exposure dose of patients has increased due to it and the second exposure has been done by scattered rays of other organs except for test sites. Especially, special shielding has not been done in gonad which is very sensitive to radiation in brain and chest CT. So this study tries to research the second exposure dose of the gonad and how to shield it in Chest CT which does not include it. It was intended for 20 male adults who are 30 years old and conduct chest CT. SIEMENS’s SOMATOM DEFINITION AS* was used as CT equipment. For the scanning conditions, The tube voltage is 120kv, the tube current is 90mAs, and the slice thickness is 3mm as the general chest CT conditions. CHIYODA TECHNOL CORPORATION’s FGD1000 was used as Glass dosimeter (PLD). A lead pad of 0.25mmPb was produced as the shielding board. For the research method, the shielding rate was compared by measuring exposure dose of the gonad before and after shielding and the usefulness of the shielding board was evaluated. The average exposure dose of symphysis pubica before shielding was 280.5μGy and the average exposure dose of coccyx was measured as 151.5μGy. The average exposure dose of symphysis pubica after shielding the gonad with a lead pad of 0.25mmPb was 42μGy and the average exposure dose of coccyx was measured as 41μGy.
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