
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,041

        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cereals are the main raw material for sunsik manufacture. As the fundamental processing step, it is very important to confirm the level of the microorganism contamination in the cereals. This study was carried out a micrbiological screening of cereal samples for sunsik from 19 companies located in South Korea. Ten kinds of cereals which were glutinous rice, barley, brownrice, blackbean, blackrice, blacksesame, sorghum, millet, perilla seed, and adlay were investigated. As the results, the contaminations of general bacterial were 3.1~8.6 log(CFU/g). The results of Escherichia coli were 1.0~3.4 log(CFU/g). There was no contamination of Salmonella. spp in any cereal samples except black sesame and mold was detected in barley. The experiment for microbiological contamination during sunsik processing was also investigated in this study. The results of general bacteria were detected as 5.1~8.5, 4.4~7.5,1.0~2.3, 2.4~4.2, 1.0~4.0, 3.4~4.2, 4.3~5.2, and 3.3~5.5 log(CFU/g) during environment of warehousing, washing,steaming, 1st cooling, drying, 2nd cooling, grinding, and packaging process, respectively. The results of coliform were 1.0~2.0 log(CFU/g) during warehousing respectively. Mold was found in warehousing. In case of the instruments, the contaminations of general bacterial were 4.2~7.5, 0.1~2.0, 0.1~3.2, 3.7~4.0, 2.5~3.0, and 3.8~5.2 log(CFU/g) in cereals tanks, washing machines, grinding machines, packaging machines, and workrooms. The results of coliform were 2.4~4.0, 0.0~4.1 log(CFU/g) in cereals tanks and grinding machines, respectively. Mold were only found in cereals tanks, grinding machines, and workings. Therefore, the risk of hazard microorganisms contmination might be decrased as the exhaustive management is applied to the whole sunsik process.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To evaluate the indoor air quality of food manufacturing plants, the presence of viable bacteria and fungi was assessed in the indoor air of the facilities at which 9 food items were manufactured. Air samples were collected from the general zone, low clean zone and clean zone of each factory with an air sampler, in combination with plate counts agar using for bacteria, and dichloran-glycerol agar for fungi. The samples were incubated at 25℃for 4 to 7 days. After culture, the colony forming units (CFU) on each plate were counted and corrected with a positive hole conversion table. The average concentration of bacteria was 2.2 × 10³ CFU/㎥ in the general zone, 1.2 ×10³ CFU/㎥ in the low clean zone and 7.3 × 10² CFU/㎥ in the clean zone. The average concentration of fungal microbes was 2.5 × 10³ CFU/㎥ in the general zone, 2.6 × 10³ CFU/㎥ in the low clean zone, and 2.0 × 10² CFU/㎥in the clean zone. No meaningful differences were detected between the general zone and the low clean zone, but the clean zone had significantly lower concentrations than the other zones. Additionally, the identification of the fungi was performed according to morphological method using a giant culture and slide culture. The fungi were identified as belonging to 18 genera, and the genera Cladosporium(33%), Penicillium(29%) and Aspergillus(26%), predominated. Aspergillus isolates were identified to species level, and A. ochraceus, a mycotoxigenic species, was identified. As part of the effort to control the quality of the indoor air of food manufacturing plants, our results show that continued studies are clearly warranted.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate efficacy of aerosol sanitizer with natural antimicrobial and organic acids against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes. The artificially inoculated pathogens on stainless steel coupon were treated with grapefruit seed extract (GFE), acetic acid,citric acid and lactic acid in model cabinet for 5 min. The number of three foodborne pathogens with individual treatment was reduced by 0.34-3.77 log units, treatment with GEF + organic acid was reduced by 1.72-3.89 log units and treatment with GEF + organic acid + alcohol was reduced by 1.46-5.05 log units. By treatment with GEF + lactic acid + alcohol in scale-up model system for 10 min. Populations of E. coli O157:H7, S. Typhimurium and L. monocytogenes were reduced by 3.42, 2.72 and 2.30 log units from the untreated control respectively. From the above result,aerosol sanitizer with natural antimicrobial agents and organic acid can be used as an environmental sanitation method with satisfying the consumer demand on safe food.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Produce, including leafy vegetables, has been implicated in several outbreaks of food illness. To evaluate microbiological safety of lettuce and it’s cultivation area, a total of 147 samples were collected from lettuce farms and post harvest facility at Icheon, Gyeonggi province. The collected samples were assessed for presence of sanitary indicator microorganisms (Aerobic plate count, coliform count, Escherichia coli) and foodborne pathogens (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus). The population of APC was over 4.0 log CFU from most of the samples. While the numbers of APC, and coliform of lettuce at 62 days after transplanting were 4.18 log CFU/g, and 1.00 log CFU/g, respectively, those of 10 days after transplanting were 5.37 log CFU/g, and 2.87 log CFU/g, respectively. B. cereus was highly detected from soil and balance which were contaminated with 3.5 log CFU/g, and 2.6 log CFU/100 cm2, respectively. The number of E. coli recovered from gloves was 3.5 log CFU/hand. However, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., and L. monocytogenes were not detected. These data suggested that risk management system should be introduced to lettuce farms to enhance safety of lettuce.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 고추재배 농가에 대한 농산물우수관리제도(Good agricultural practices, GAP) 적용을 위한 미생물학적 위해분석을 수행하였다. 경북 청송에 위치한 고추재배 농가 3곳을 선정한 후 재배환 경·도구, 작물, 작업자 및 공중낙하균에 대하여 시료를 수집하였고, 위생지표세균, 병원성 미생물 및 곰팡이를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 일반세균, 대장균군 및 곰팡이는 3 곳의 농가에서 각각 0.7~6.2, 0.2~4.7, 0.4~4.3 log CFU 수준으로 확인되었고 총 90점의 시료 중 4점의 시료(작물 잎 1점, 농업용 수 1점 및 토양 2점)에서 대장균이 검출되었다. 병원성 미생물 Staphylococcus aureus의 경우 B 농가의 작업복에서만 1.0 log CFU/100 cm2로 검출되었고, Bacillus cereus는 B와 C 농가의 재배환경·도구와 작업자에서 1.0~2.5 log CFU 수준으로 확인되었다. 그러나 다른 병원성 미생물의 경우는 모든 시료에 서 검출한계이하의 수준으로 검출되었다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 농가에서 재배되고 있는 고추에 대한 잠 재적인 미생물학적 위해가 확인되었고, 이를 최소화할 수 있는 관리시스템, 예를 들면 GAP와 같은 관리 시스템이 미생물학적 위해로부터 고추의 안전성 확보를 위해 적용되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        N-(fluorodichlomethylthio) phthalimide-silver complexes were prepared and investigated the antimicrobial activity on rubber mat manufactured with waste rubber. We are exposed to harmful bacteria and fungi all the time. We manufactured antimicrobial mat to be imposed to mats that it can prevent generation of bacteria and microorganisms, and restrict their reproduction. Infection of medical devices causes significant morbidity and mortality. For aim of this study, we measured the antimicrobial mat manufactured with N-(fluorodichlomethylthio) phthalimide-Ag complex by CCD, FT-IR and NMR. The effect of mole ratio of N-(fluorodichlomethylthio) phthalimide-Ag complex on antibacterial activity to bacteria and fungi is investigated. Reduction rate is evaluated using the Quinn method. Escherichia Coli is effectively inhibited than Staphylococcus aureus by antimicrobial mat.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 식중독 미생물의 검사에 전통적인 배지법이 다수를 차지하고 있으나 PCR이나 면역 분석법과 같은 신속 검출법들의 사용이 증가하는 추세이다. 그러나 대개 speciesspecific 프라이머를 이용한 PCR에 의한 DNA 증폭산물을 전기영동을 통해 확인하는 방법을 사용하고 있는데 이는 각종 균주에 대해 각기 다른 프라이머를 사용하여야하는 단점이 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 여러 가지 균주를 동시에 신속하게 검지할 수 있도록 PCR-DGGE 기술을 연구하게 되었다. 그 결과 6종(S. typhimurium, P. fluorescens, B. cereus, S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes)의 유해 미생물을 선정하였고 DGGE 상에서 확실한 분리능을 보여 유해미생물의 인공마커로 사용할 수 있음을 보였다. 또한 실제 PCR-DGGE 기법을 사용하기 위하여 채소에서의 유해미생물 검출 감도를 확인한 결과 B. cereus를 제외한 5종(S. typhimurium, P. fluorescens, S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes)의 균들은 모두 101 CFU/g까지 검출할 수 있었고 B. cereus는 103 CFU/g이상 채소에 존재할 때 검출할 수 있었다. 또한 균질화 방법에 따라서 식물 DNA와 유해 미생물 간의 경쟁적 증폭현상이 일어남도 확인할 수 있었다. 이로써 본 연구에서는 유해 미생물의 검지, 인공마커의 제조, 식물 DNA와 유해미생물간의 경쟁적 증폭 현상 방지책과 유해미생물의 검출 감도 확인 및 염기서열을 통한 동정을 통해 PCR-DGGE가 식품에서 유해 미생물의 신속 검지 방법으로써 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 향후 국내 식품소비 패턴이 유기농 채소의 수요와 공급이 날로 증대 되고 있기 때문에 PCR-DGGE 기법이 유기농 채소들의 식중독 균에 대한 database를 구축하여 안전성을 확보하는데 기여할 수 있다고 생각된다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내에는 가루이류와 총채벌레에 방제를 위해 곰팡이(뷰베리아바시아나)를 원료로한 미생물살충제가 등록이 되어 있으나 현재 효과적인 활용 기술에 대한 연구가 부족하여 곰팡이성 미생물살충제의 사용이 미미한 상태이다. 뷰베리아바시아나는 인축에 해가 없고 목표해충만 방제하는 장점이 있으나 사용시 적절한 환경을 조성해 주어야 하고 효과가 늦게 나타나는 등의 단점이 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위해 화학농약 또는 친환경농자재와 함께 활용하는 기술이 필요하다. 본 시험에서는 효과적으로 곰팡이성 미생물살충제를 여러 농자재와 함께 사용할 때 필요한 기술을 연구하였다. 뷰베리아바시아나를 순수분리하여 농자재(화학농약, 친환경농자재)를 처리한 뒤 고체배지에 배양하면서 균사의 생장 억제효과를 조사하였다. 화학살균제의 경우 성분별로 뷰베리아바시아나에 영향이 크게 다르게 나타났는데 만디프로파미드 수화제등 일부는 균사 생장을 완전히 억제하였다. 대부분의 살충제는 균사 생장에 거의 영향이 없었고 피리다벤 수화제의 경우 약간의 억제효과가 발견되었다. 친환경자재에서는 유황이 곰팡이 생육을 상당히 억제하였다. 뷰베리아바시아나를 농자재와 혼용하여 온실가루이에대한 살충력을 검사해 본 결과 살충제를 혼용했을 때 감염률에는 크게 영향 없이 살충효과는 증가했으며 유황과 만디프로파미드와의 혼용에서 가장 낮은 살충력과 감염률을 보여주었다. 온실에서 토마토에 미생물살충제와 살충제를 교호처리한 결과 살충제의 살포횟수가 많아질수록 온실가루이에 대한 방제효과가 높아졌다.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the roles of autolytic enzymes and microorganisms in the ripening process of salted Alaska pollack tripe made with various concentrations of salt i.e, 7.5% and 20% by weight. Salted Alaska pollack tripe treated with antibiotic agents for the inhibition of microbial growth and a control were prepared experimentally, and changes in chemical composition and viable cell counts were investigated, individually, during the ripening process. Just after the preparation of the low salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 7.5% salt, viable bacterial cells occurred at a level of 10(5) CFU/g. In the control, bacterial counts increased rapidly to 10(7) CFU/g by the 14th day of ripening. However, in the sample treated with antibiotic agents, counts were decreased to a level of 10(4) CFU/g by the 3rd day of ripening and increased gradually to 10(6) CFU/g by the 5th day of ripening, and then the same value was maintained there-after. Just after the preparation of the high salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 20% salt, viable bacterial cells occurred at a level of 10(3) CFU/g. In both the samples treated with antibiotic agents and the control, bacterial counts decreased rapidly to 10°CFU/g by the 45th day of ripening and increased gradually there-after. The content of amino type nitrogen was 76.3 ㎎% just after the preparation of the low salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 7.5% salt. Amino type nitrogen content was increased to 283.5 ㎎% by the 5th day of proper ripening in the control, but it was increased to 208.0 ㎎% in the sample treated with antibiotic agents. The difference in amino type nitrogen content was 75.5 ㎎/100 g. The content of amino type nitrogen was 57.2 ㎎% just after the preparation of the high salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 20% salt. Amino type nitrogen content was increased to 198.3 ㎎ by the 60th day of proper ripening in the control, but it was increased to 162.0 ㎎% in the sample treated with the antibiotic agents. The difference in amino type nitrogen content was 36.3 ㎎/100 g. The contents of VBN and TMA-N were 102.1 ㎎% and 20.5 ㎎%, respectively, at the 7th day of ripening in the low salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 7.5% salt. The content of VBN was 60.0 ㎎% and TMA-N was not detected at the 21st day of ripening in the sample treated with antibiotic agents. The control sample was spoiled by the 7th day of ripening but the sample treated with antibiotic agents was not spoiled by the 21st day of ripening. On the other hand, VBN content was 37.2 ㎎% and TMA-N was not detected at the 90th day of ripening in the high salt Alaska pollack tripe made with 20% salt, and the control sample was not spoiled.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하절기 수화발생이 빈번한 대청호에서 2003~2005년(3년)에 걸쳐 분자생태학적 방법의 하나인 DGGE를 이용하여 시간에 따른 미생물 군집구조의 변화를 연구하였다. 조사기간 동안 출현한 식물플랑크톤을 형태학적으로 분류한 결과 Cyanophyceae가 우점하였고, 이중에서 Microcystis, Planktothrix (Oscillatoria), Phormidium 그리고 Anabaena 속이 크게 우점하였다. 분자적 군집분석 방법으로서 16S rDNA
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rice has been the most important staple food in everyday meals of Korean people for thousands of years. Nowadays, it is getting increasingly used as flour ingredients in a variety of processed foods, so that it is consumed in more diversified ways. As a consequence, production volume of rice flour to manufacture rice cakes, noodles,breads, or confectioneries is recently getting increased in Korea. But there are not sufficient research outcomes to guarantee Korean consumers microbiological qualities of rice flour as well as rice. As a preliminary experiment,therefore, the microbiological profiles (aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB), spore-forming aerobic bacteria (SAB),lactic acid bacteria (LAB), yeasts and molds (YM), and Escherichia coli and coliforms) have been monitored for nine retailed white rice samples in this study. AMB counts ranged 10² - 10^6CFU/g for all the nine white rice samples. All the nine rice samples have SAB counts within a narrow range (1.0 × 10²- 2.5 × 10³CFU/g). LAB was detected in two white rice samples (4.0 × 10² and 3.7 × 10³ CFU/g). YM was detected in one white rice sample (2.0 × 10² CFU/g)only. E. coli was not detected from all the nine samples. Coliforms were detected in one white rice sample (4.1 × 10CFU/g) only. All the rice samples were conclusively considered to have various microorganisms, though most of them are harmless and some, such as coliforms, may be harmful.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 염류집적 국화 재배지 토양적응성 인산분 해미생물 탐색하고 선발된 미생물 시용을 통한 염류집 적 국화 재배지 토양에서의 토양 화학성의 변화를 조 사하였으며 이를 통하여 염류 집적 국화 재배지 토양 환경 개선 기술을 개발하고자 수행되었다. 시험에 사용 된 인산분해미생물은 염류집적토양에서 분리된 Pseudomonas putida(KSJ11), Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (KSJ3) 및 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (WP20) 3종류 이었으며 미생물의 제형은 버미큘라이트에 혼합되어 있 는 상용화된 제품을 이용하였다. 시험장소는 광주광역 시 광산구 소재 신우화훼농장의 15년간 작물이 재배되 어 염류집적현상이 나타나는 국화재배지에서 처리구 82 m2에 각각의 미생물 제재 250 L씩 시용하였다. 염 류집적이 이루어진 국화재배온실에 처리된 인산분해미 생물 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(KSJ3; WP20)는 유 효인산을 효율적으로 분해하는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus(WP20)는 염류의 분 해능력이 높았다. 인산분해미생물 시용에 따라 토양내 칼륨, 칼슘 및 마그네슘의 함량의 증가가 A. calcoaceticus(KSJ3; WP20)처리구에서 뚜렷하게 나타났 으며 이러한 변화의 영향으로 판단되는 토양내 전기전 도도도 증가되었다. 또한 인산분해미생물 시용은 선충 밀도의 감소효과를 나타내어 토양환경개선을 위한 재 료로 활용될 가능성을 나타내었다. 결과적으로 염류집 적이 이루어진 국화재배 온실에서의 인산분해미생물 시 용은 처리된 미생물의 종류에 따라 차이를 나타내었지 만 토양의 유효인산량 증가와 양이온의 유용화에는 분 명한 효과를 나타내었다. 따라서 염류집적 토양에서의 인산분해미생물 시용은 토양양분의 효율적인 사용을 가 능하게 할 수 있는 방안이 될 수 있기 때문에 시비량 절감 등의 방법으로 활용할 수 있다고 판단되었다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Glutamate-induced oxidative injury contributes to neuronal degeneration in many central nervous system (CNS) diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and ischemia. Inducible heme oxygenase (HO)-1 acts against oxidants that are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. The EtOH extracts of Viola mandshurica (NNMBS274), Viola patrinii (NNMBS275) and Viola papilionacea Pursh (NNMBS276), origin plants of Violae Herba, showed the potent neuroprotective effects on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Among them, NNMBS275, the extract of V. patrinii possessed the protective effects against glutamate toxicity by inducing the expression of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in the mouse hippocampal HT22 cells. These results suggest that extracts of V. patrinii could be the effective candidates for the treatment of ROS-related neurological diseases. Furthermore, it is suggested that the protective effects of V. patrinii extract due to inducing the expression of HO-1 asAs the exfoliated keratinocytes (EKs) in oral mucosa are aging and degenerating cells, of which cytoplasms are almost replaced by cross-linked keratin materials. Consequently, the EKs become apoptotic with nuclear lysis. A question is arisen what is the biological role of these EKs in oral cavity? Are they simply degrading as aging keratinocytes or do they have some essential function still remained in the exfoliated status? The buccal smear samples from ten healthy adult subjects were observed under scanning electron microscope. On the outer surface of the EKs the features of bacterial adhesion were explored. The microorganisms attached on the surface of EKs were much deformed, shrunken and teared. Only a few microorganisms were found on the EK surface, aggregated focally. The attached microorganisms were gradually fused on the cell membrane of EKs, and subsequently endocytosed. Resultantly, many round endocytotic concave cavities similar size to the cocci were remained on the surface of EKs similar to the sequels of caveolae endocytosis. These data indicate that the degenerating EKs can actively engulf microorganisms attached on their cell surface via the processes of caveolae endocytosis. Therefore, it is presumed that the oral EKs still play a role for endocytotic scavenging of oral microorganisms using the denatured cell bodies themselves, which become highly adherent to oral microorganisms and still function for caveolae endocytosis in mixed saliva environment. an antioxidant/cytoprotective target
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop an appropriated management for safety of children snacks sold around school. Total 598 items as targeted food were collected; 66 biscuits, 320 candies, 57 chocolates, 40 ice creams and 115 beverages. Microbiological hazards such as total aerobic bacteria, Coliforms, Escherichia coli, Bacillus ceruse, Yeasts & molds were measured by analytical method in Korean food code. Total aerobic bacteria and Yeasts & molds were detected in cookies at the level of less than 2.69 and 2.65 log10CFU/g and the detection rates were 54.55 and 62.12%, respectively. Bacillus cereus was detected in 1 snack only at the level of 1.39 log10CFU/g but it was less than Korean microbial standards and specifications (3 log10 CFU/g). Total aerobic bacteria and Yeasts &molds were detected in candies less than 2.86, 3.36 log10CFU/g and the detection rates were 46, 8% respectively. Total aerobic bacteria, Yeast & mold were detected in chocolates at the levels less than 2.52 and 1.87 log10CFU/g and the detection rates were 33 and 22% respectively. Total aerobic bacteria in both ice creams and beverages were detected at the levels less than 3.39 and 1.35 log10CFU/g and the detection rates were 82 and 5% respectively. Coliforms were found in one ice cream (1.39 log10CFU/g) only. The result of this study indicated that all children snacks around school were suitable for microbial standard and specifications in Korean Food Code. However, since most children snacks around school are circulated without proper storage temperature and handing condition, consistent microbial management for children snacks are needed.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inadequate food handling and poor hand hygiene play a major role in the occurrence of foodborne diseases. The objective of this study was to find out if the level of microbial contamination on the hands of food preparers varies by time during their working period. This study focused on the contamination of aerobic plate count,total and fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp. Sampling from left hand and right hand of twenty food preparers was done with glove-juice method at every two hours during their work. Microbiological testing was conducted according to the Food Code of Korea. The microbiological load on the hands was changed over time. Samples taken from their hands before work and at 8 hours showed higher levels of bacteria than those taken at 2, 4, and 6 hours during work and/or after work (p < 0.05). The contamination levels of microorganisms were consistently higher in right hand than in left hand. Poor hand hygiene practices were indicated by the positive results for total and fecal coliforms, E. coli, S. aureus, and Salmonella spp. on the hands of some food preparers. This study indicates food preparers' hands can be a vehicle of pathogen during their work. The results of this study emphasize the importance of hand hygiene education and training targeting the food preparers.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Risk ranking must be determined for various hazards/food combinations to conduct microbial risk management effectively. Risk Ranger is a simple, easy-to-use calculation tool developed in Microsoft Excel and designed to rank the risk (low, medium, and high) for semi-quantitative microbial risk assessment. The user is required to answer 11 questions in Risk Ranger related to 1) severity of the hazard, 2) likelihood of a disease-causing dose of the hazard being present in the meal, and 3) the probability of exposure to the hazard in a defined time. This study determined the risk ranking for twenty three combinations of foodborne pathogens/potentially hazardous foods (PHFs) using a Risk Ranger. In this study, pathogenic E. coli in fresh cut produce salad was scored as 79, which was the highest rank among the 23 combinations of the foodborne pathogens and PHFs. On the other hand, zero risk was obtained with V. parahaemolyticus in sushi, Salmonella in meat products and E. coli O157:H7 in hamburger patties. Although Risk Ranger is very simple method to rate the risk of foodborne pathogens and PHFs combination, the accuracy of result was mainly affected by the availability and accuracy of data in the literature. According to the result of literature review, the data are needed for contamination rate of raw materials, consumption amount/frequency of PHFs, and the effect of processing on pathogen. Risk ranking must be continuously revalidated with new data.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 공기감염성 가축질병 유발의 주요 인자인 부유 세균 및 바이러스 등의 생물학상 인자들에 대한 유형별 공기청정기의 제균 효과를 비교 평가하는 데 있다. 시료 채취 장비에 대한 포집 성능 평가에서는 MS2 바이러스와 Pseudomonas fluorescens 모두 Button sampler보다는 Biosampler에 의한 채취 효율이 유의하게 높았다 (p<0.05). 공기청정기 유형 및 시료채취 방법에 관계없이 MS2 바이러스의 경우 초기 농도 대비 가동 후 5분에 50% 이상, 15분에 70% 이상, 30분에 80% 이상, 그리고 마지막 측정 시점인 60분에는 90% 이상의 제거 효율을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. P. fluorescens 세균의 경우 초기 농도 대비 가동 후 5분에 45% 이상, 15분에 50% 이상, 30분에 70% 이상, 그리고 마지막 측정 시점인 60분에는 75% 이상의 제거 효율을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 유형별 공기청정기의 상대적 제균 효율을 비교해 보면 MS2 바이러스의 경우 이온 발생 방식>전기 집진 방식>습식 방식>건조 방식, P. fluorescens 세균의 경우 전기 집진 방식>이온 발생 방식>건조 방식>습식 방식의 순서로 조사되었다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라의 버섯 생산량은 매년 조금씩 증가하고 있으며, 버섯 생산의 안전성을 저해하는 여러 가지 요인에 의해 농가의 피해는 증가되고 있는 추세이다. 그 중에서도 세균성 병원균에 의한 갈반병은 수확량 감소 및 품질 저하로 커다란 손실을 초래하고 있다. 양송이버섯에 발생하는 세균성병해 중 Pseudomonas tolaasii는 세균성갈반병을 일으키고, Psudomonas agarici는 세균성갈색무늬병을 일으키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 양송이의 세균성갈색무늬병은 Pseudomonas agarici에 의해 일어나며, 갓 표면의 갈변증상에 의해 상품가치의 하락을 초래하여 재배농가에 많은 피해를 주고 있다. 따라서 P. agarici에 대한 길항균을 선발하여 균의 동정 및 배양특성을 조사한 결과를 보고하고자 한다. 길항미생물은 버섯배지로부터 분리한 1800균주 중 디스크 확산 법을 통하여 길항성이 높은 8개의 균주를 선발하여 16s rDNA로 동정한 결과 Alcaligenes faecalis, Enterococcus mundtii, Bacillus safensis 등으로 동정되었다. 이들 중 길항성이 가장 높은 Alcaligenes faecalis을 선택하여 배양특성을 조사한 결과 pH9와 30℃에서 생육이 가장 좋았으며, 탄소원은 Dextrose에서 가장 생육이 좋았고, 질소원은 Yeast extract에서 아미노산은 Proline에서 생육이 가장 좋았으며, 길항성도 높은 것으로 나타났다.