
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17,550

        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyze the requirements of the road traffic safety moderator robot when road repairing. The road traffic safety moderator robot is road traffic safety equipment and to conversions mechanical engineering and IT when road repairing. METHODS: The study used AHP based on the survey from road repair related expert that field engineers, design engineers, public officials and professors. The survey used paired comparison. The survey items were safety, convenience and economics. The safety is classified as visibility or efficiency, the convenience is classified as utility or mobility and the economics is classified as initial investment cost or maintenance $ management cost. The survey alternatives were the road traffic safety moderator robot, traffic regulation by human, traffic regulation by mannequin and traffic signs. The software for AHP is Expert Choice 2000. RESULTS : The results of AHP analyze, the weighted value of safety was analyzed with the highest at 0.488 of survey items. The weighted value of convenience was analyzed at 0.295, the weighted value of economics was analyzed at 0.218. The results of the road traffic safety moderator robot, the weight value of efficiency and utility were analyzed with the highest at 0.284 and 0.259 of alternatives. The weighted value of initial investment cost and maintenance & management cost were analyzed with the lowest at 0.203 and 0.211 of alternatives. The consistency test results of each items, null hypothesis is rejected because the CR values were 0.000 respectively. Therefore, the study results are consistency. CONCLUSIONS : The result of this study, overall value of the road traffic safety moderator robot came off second-best of other alternatives. The road traffic safety moderator robot has been received highest praise by the result of the study as good road traffic safety equipment when road repairing because the weighted values of efficiency and utility were analyzed with the highest of survey items. The efficiency mean securing safety and the utility mean practical assistance when road repairing. The results of this study showed that the road traffic safety moderator robot will effective for traffic safety when road repairing. economics and visibility are that supplementation of the road traffic safety moderator robot because the weighted values of economics and visibility were analyzed with the lowest of survey items. The consistency test results are consistency because the CR values were 0.000 respectively.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The bridge section of the expressway has a worse driving environment than the general section. However, traffic safety countermeasures are focused only on the bridge section. Traffic safety countermeasures on the section before entry to the bridge and the section after exit from the bridge are applied only when the bridge has a long-span section. Accordingly, this study will verify the necessity of extending the application of traffic safety countermeasures to areas that are affected by the bridge. METHODS: This study determines the areas that are affected by the bridge as well as the areas that are affected by locations with frequent traffic accidents and suggests the risk factors by affected areas through canonical discriminant analysis. For the analysis, traffic accident data for 3 years, which occurred on bridge sections in six major expressway lines, were used. RESULTS: The numbers of traffic accidents were 469 before the bridge, 281 on the bridge, and 468 after the bridge. The variables that have impact on the seriousness of accidents are as follows: speeding, excess manipulation of the steering wheel, and failure to secure safety distance for accidents that occurred before the bridge section; speeding, excess manipulation of the steering wheel, and dozing off for accidents that occurred on the bridge; and speeding and failure to secure safety distance for accidents that occurred after the bridge section. CONCLUSIONS : Areas affected by the bridge show higher accident rates than the bridge section; therefore, imposing traffic safety countermeasures on the integrated section of the bridge and the affected areas is required. It is believed that the results suggested in this study could be effectively used in the prevention of traffic accidents by imposing custom-made safety countermeasures for each section.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Daejeon is basically divided into an old downtown and a new downtown, and the recent relocation of the Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government of Republic of Korea from the old downtown and the opening of governmental buildings in the new downtown as well have made this new downtown only densely populated with industrial and business facilities. Such changes in the downtowns have promoted the conditions of the new downtown while, consequently, dragging down the old downtown. Out of concern for those unbalanced developments of the two downtowns, Daejeon is now carrying out several city projects to revive the old downtown. In the light of that, as a part of the project to promote the old downtown, this study aims to conduct an evaluation on landscape of the culture and arts street in Daeheungdong which was built upon those ideas of a theme street project by Daejeon. METHODS: Based on the findings from the questionnaire not only on the components that would design the streetscape of the culture and arts street but also on the public satisfaction with the streetscape, the study defined how those changes in the components affect emotional factors of the pedestrians. In order to achieve the research goal, the study made changes in D/H ratio of the street structural components as well as the roadside trees. In terms of the questionnaire method, the study used the SD scale, and proceeded with its investigation through the frequency analysis, the principal component analysis (the factor analysis) and the structural equation model. RESULTS : According to the results from the factor analysis and the regression analysis, of those three factors, such as the openness, the comfortable sensation and the safety, the openness followed by the comfortable sensation and the safety was determined to have the most positive influence on the total satisfaction. The structural model analysis reported that the D/H and the structural components of the roadside trees and planting have a positive effect on the emotional image, and this emotional image also appeared to be positively related to the total satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS : This study looked into how the changes in the street structural components of the culture and arts street in Daeheungdong would affect the satisfaction with the streetscape, and finally confirmed that the D/H and the planting are what would have a positive effect on this satisfaction. What has been learned from this study will be the basic data to figure out how to promote and improve the culture and arts street in Daeheung-dong as this data will also help designing and developing of those specialized streets in other regions.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to analyse the longitudinal steel strain and stress of continuously reinforced concrete pavement(CRCP) with longitudinal and transverse direction at early age using stress dependent strain analysis method. METHODS : To measure the longitudinal steel strain, 9-electrical resistance and self-temperature compensation gauges were installed to CRCP test section (thickness = 250mm, steel ratio = 0.7%) and continuously measured 10min. intervals during 30days. In order to properly analyze the steel stress first, temperature compensation process has been conducted. Secondly, measured steel strains were divided into stress dependent strain (elastic strain) and stress independent strain (thermal strain) and then stress dependent strain was applied to stress calculation of longitudinal steels. RESULTS: Steel strains were successfully measured during 30days. To verify the accuracy of temperature compensation process, measured coefficient of thermal expansion(COTE,11.46×10-6m/m/℃) of longitudinal steel before paving was compared with that of unrestrained steel. Max. steel stress in the transverse direction shows about 266MPa at 23days after placement. CONCLUSIONS: Steel stresses in the longitudinal and transverse direction have been evaluated. In longitudinal direction, steel stress from the crack was rapidly reduced from 183MPa at crack to 18MPa from 600mm apart the crack. From this observation, stress effective length can be identified as within 600mm apart from the crack. In transverse direction, max. stress point was located near the center of pavement width and stress level(266MPa) is about 66% of yield stress of steel
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The purpose of this study is to verify the causes of surface scaling at L-shoulder concrete structure. METHODS : From the literature reviews, mechanisms of frost damage were studied and material properties including strength, air void, spacing factor and scaling resistance of L-shoulder concrete structure were analyzed using core specimens taken by real fields. RESULTS : The spacing factor of air void has relatively high correlation of surface conditions : lower spacing factor at good surfacing condition and vice versa. If the compressive strength is high, even thought spacing factor does not reach the threshold value of reasonable durability, the surface scaling resistance shows higher value. Based on these test results, the compressive strength also provide positive effect on the surface scaling resistance. CONCLUSIONS: The main causes of surface scaling of L-shoulder could be summarized as unsuitable aid void amount and poor quality of air void structure. Secondly, although the compressive strength is not the governing factor of durability, but it shows the positive effect on the surface scaling resistance.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study was performed to evaluate the possibility of Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) as a testing method that can predict cracking on pavement. METHODS: Three asphalt binders and one kind of aggregate were used in this study, and all asphalt mixtures were produced using Gyratory Compactor followed asphalt mix design. The ITS test was performed for the mixture which are artificially short-term aged using the oven. The ITS properties were analyzed by air void, compaction temperature, asphalt content, and asphalt binder. RESULTS: The results of this study indicated that (1) the compaction temperature did not show relationship with the ITS test; (2) there was no specific trend between the asphalt content and the ITS test; (3) the ITS could reveal the property of kinds of asphalt binders; (4) the asphalt mixture that were produced at optimum temperature suggested by manufacturer did not exhibit optimum result for all asphalt binder. CONCLUSIONS : The possibility of ITS was confirmed from this study for replacement of the Marshall Stability method. However, it needs to perform in further studies of aggregate and compaction property to suggest a new ITS standard value.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        医療観光の発展とともに医療機関のホームページは医療機関の広報だけじゃなく、いろんな情報の伝達など様々な役割を行っている。とくに外国語のホームページの支援は外国人の病院選択の一番重要な要所になった。このような釜山の医療機関の日本語のホームページの現況の把握․分析を通じて構成と内容の問題点․語彙誤謬を取り調べた。その結果、専門科目によるホームページの構成の違い、診療科と医療用語の多様な使い方と誤謬が分かった。例えば、韓方の場合、中国․日本とは違う韓国伝統的な医療に発達してきたため、中国の‘漢方’じゃなく‘韓方’という名で呼ぶべきだということと医療機関で頻繁に使われている;成形‘という用語は日本では使わないということも分かった。その以外にも韓国語の干渉によって発生する医療用語の表記の誤謬など様々な部分での誤謬がみつかった。 より便利な日本人の釜山医療機関の利用のためにこのような問題点の修正․補完が必要だと思う。
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2014.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Microstructural evolution in the thickness direction of an oxygen free copper processed by accumulative rollbonding (ARB) is investigated by electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) measurement. For the ARB, two copper alloy sheets 1 mm thick, 30 mm wide and 300 mm long are first degreased and wire-brushed for sound bonding. The sheets are then stacked and roll-bonded by about 50% reduction rolling without lubrication at an ambient temperature. The bonded sheet is then cut to the two pieces of the same dimensions and the same procedure was repeated on the sheets up to eight cycles. The specimen after 1 cycle showed inhomogeneous microstructure in the thickness direction so that the grains near the surface were finer than those near the center. This inhomogeneity decreased with an increasing number of ARB cycles, and the grain sizes of the specimens after 3 cycles were almost identical. In addition, the aspect ratio of the grains decreased with an increasing number of ARB cycles due to the subdivision of the grains by shear deformation. The fraction of grains with high angle grain boundaries also increased with continuing process of the ARB so that it was higher than that of the low angle grain boundaries in specimens after 3 cycles. A discontinuous dynamic recrystallization occurred partially in specimens after 5 cycles.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 양파를 열처리 법 중에서 열수침지, 증기 및볶음 처리에 따른 이화학적 및 영양학적 특성을 분석한 논문으로 열처리가 양파에 미치는 영향을 비교하고자 하였다.상품을 구매할 때 1차적인 구매요소인 색도 및 경도측정과 추가적으로 pH와 조직관찰 결과로 최적조건 선정 후영양학적 및 미생물 검사를 실시하였다. 열처리를 하지 않은 대조구에 비해 짧은 시간의 열처리에서는 더 진하고 선명한 색을 띠었으나, 장시간동안 처리한 열처리 시료는 색의 침착을 보였다. 원물과 처리구의 색은 열처리 시간에따라 뚜렷한 차이를 나타냈고, 경도는 열처리 시간에 따라짧은 시간에서는 분해효소의 불활성화로 유지 및 증가했지만, 3분 이상 처리하였을 때는 감소 경향을 나타냈고, 볶음처리는 짧은 시간으로도 물성이 연화됐다. 비타민은 열수 및 증기처리 1~2분 처리는 14% 정도 감소했지만 그이상 처리 시에는 23~28% 범위로 큰 감소율을 보였으며,유리당 및 유기산의 경우 열수침지 및 증기처리에서 손실을 보였지만, 볶음처리에서는 유지하거나 증가하는 경향을나타냈다. 특히 유리당에서 열수침지 처리 시 높은 감소율을 나타냈다. Peroxidase activity 변화는 모든 처리구에서75% 이상의 불활성화를 나타냈고, 특히 열수침지 및 증기처리한 모든 시료에서 90% 이상의 불활성화를 나타내며볶음처리보다 높은 불활성화율을 보였다. 미생물 측정한결과 열수 침지 3분 이상 및 볶음처리 210초 이상 처리시 미생물 검출이 안됐으며, 증기처리 시료는 2분 처리만으로 사멸된 것을 관찰했다. 양파의 열처리 조건은 증기처리법으로 2분 동안 처리하는 것이 다른 처리법에서 처리한 시간들에 비해 최적으로 나타났다. 열처리 방법 별 각각의 최적 처리 시간을 가지고 있어, 높은 효율성이나 산업적으로 이용하려면 최적의 전처리 방법과 처리 시간을산정하는 것이 중요하다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        복분자를 개별인정형 건강기능식품 기능성 원료로 개발하기 위하여 지표성분 표준화를 위한 ellagic acid의 분석법 설정과 분석법에 대한 검증(validation)을 실시하였다.그 결과 ellagic acid의 검량선은 R2=0.9999으로 좋은 선형성을 보였으며, 검출한계 0.6µg/mL, 정량한계는 1.9µg/mL였다. 회수율을 측정한 결과에서는 89.0-100.0%로 나왔고, 상대표준편차(RSD)는 0.05-0.14%를 보였으며, 일내와일간 분석에서 RSD는 각각 0.28-1.96%와 0.69-2.49%로나왔다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 복분자 추출물의 지표물질인 ellagic acid의 분석법은 적합한 시험법임이 검증되었다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 탁주 제조에 사용되는 시판 발효제 4종을 선정하여쌀을 원료로 탁주를 제조하고 이들 탁주의 이화학적 특성과휘발성 향기성분을 분석하였다. 제조한 탁주의 알코올 성분은 발효제의 종류에 따라 차이를 보였는데 조효소제를 사용한 경우 알코올 함량이 15.66%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 총산도의 경우 입국을 사용한 탁주에서 다른 시료에 비해 유의적으로 높은 수준을 나타내어 백국균을 사용한 입국이유기산 생성능이 강해 산도가 높아지는 특성을 확인하였다.탁주 4종에서 총 49개의 향기성분이 동정되었으며, esters27종, acids 3종, alcohols 10종, 기타성분 11종이 확인되었다. 전통누룩으로 담금한 발효주에서 가장 많은 종류의향기성분이 동정되었지만, 입국으로 담금한 발효주가 정량적으로 높은 농도의 향기성분을 포함하였다. 화학적 특성에따른 성분들의 상대적 함량은 ester류 46.85%, alcohol류49.05%, acid류 0.62%, miscellaneous 3.48%로 alcohol류가가장 높게 나타났다. 발효과정을 거친 탁주의 향기성분은극미량의 성분들이 상호 복합적으로 영향을 주고, 함량 및종류에 따라 발효과정을 거치면서 다양한 변화를 가져올수 있기에 복합적인 관계에 대한 규명이 필요하다. 향후발효과정 중의 향기 성분 모니터링을 통해 향기성분의 생성과 변화에 대한 체계적인 연구가 필요하리라 여겨진다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        pH의 변화는 10%, 15%, 20% 염도 고추장에서는 숙성기간이 지나면서 약간의 pH의 감소 현상이 일어나기는 했지만, 수치에 큰 변화는 없었다. 그러나 염도가 낮은 3%와6% 고추장은 급격한 pH의 감소를 보여주었다. 호기성 세균수는 숙성기간 동안 큰 변화가 없었지만, pH의 감소 경향과 비슷하게 3%와 6% 염도 고추장에서 생균수가 더 많이 감소했다. 모든 염도에서 B. licheniformis와 B. subtilis가 큰 비중으로 차지하였다. 그러나 염도가 낮은 3%와 6% 염도 고추장에서는 이외에도 다양한 균주가 확인되었다. 호염성 세균수의 변화 추이는 호기성 세균의 생균수 변화 추이와 비슷했다. 호염성 세균도 B. subtilis가 모든 염도에서 전 숙성기간 동안 가장 큰 비중으로 확인되었다. 그러나 호염성 세균에서는 B. licheniformis 대신 Peanibacillus 속이 많은 부분에서 지배균주였다. 이외에도 3% 염도 고추장에서는 숙성 기간 동안 다양한 균주가 확인되었다. 효모는분리 유무가 숙성기간에 따라 다르게 나타났는데, 이는 pH의 급격한 저하에 의해 낮은 pH에도 생육이 가능한 균주만 숙성후기에 분리되는 것으로 판단된다. 20% 이상의 염도에서는 pH보다 고염에 의한 영향으로 효모의 증식이 어려운 것으로 보인다. 모든 염도에서 Candida 속과 S.cerevisiae가 가장 많이 분리되었으며, 이외에도 다양한 균종이 확인되었다. 검출된 휘발성 향기성분은 ester류가 26종으로 가장 많고, 그 다음 alcohol류가 12종, ketone류가 6종등 총 70종이 검출되었다. 이 중 alcohol류의 ethanol, ester류의 ethyl acetate와 3-methyl-1-butyl acetate, ketone류의 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, acid류의 acetic acid 등이 10-40% 정도의 면적비율로 검출되면서 주요한 성분으로 나타났다. 효모의 대사산물이면서 고추장의 고소한 향미를 내는ethanol은 10%와 15%에서 상대적으로 높은 비율로 검출되었고, 과실향에 기여하는 ethyl acetate는 3%, 6%, 10% 염도 고추장에서 상대적으로 높게 나타났으며, 반대로 발효유의 중요한 향기성분인 3-hydroxy-2-butanone은 염도가높아질수록 높은 비율로 검출되었다. 바나나의 향기에 중요한 3-methyl-1-butyl acetate와 초산발효에 중요한 기여를하는 acetic acid는 3%와 6% 염도 고추장에서 매우 높은수치로 검출되면서 고추장의 이취를 내는 것으로 보인다.결론적으로, 일반적인 고추장의 미생물 균총과 휘발성 향미가 달라지지 않게 제조하기 위한 고추장의 최저 염도는10%가 가장 적절할 것으로 사료된다.