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        검색결과 3,028

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        W. B. 예이츠에 대해서는 “쇠퇴”라는 비평적 주제는 『보일러』(1938)라는 책자에서 다루어지는, 계시적 지지에 이르는 그의 마지막 단계의 우생학에 집중된다. 이 글은 예이츠의 초기를 다루는데, 최초의 성공작 『유신의 방랑』(1889)의 영웅적 신화의 전개를 다룬다. 예이츠는 제국적 남성의 코드나 그 반대의 식민적 아일란드적 야만성을 반복하지 않고, 데카당스와 쇠퇴의 두려움에 대항해서 남성의 힘과 신화적 영웅의 미덕을 시로 표현하려한다. 필자는 아일랜드의 모더니즘의 주요 수사법인 나태하고 무력한 남성상으로 이 문제를 극복한다고 본다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 W. B. 예이츠와 왈러스 스티븐스의 노년과 죽음에 대한 태도를 비교한다. 비교는 두 가지로, 먼저, 늙어감의 함축과 암시로 인해 시인 내부에 촉발된 무의식 작용과 대응의 범위를 보여주고, 죽음의 두려움뿐 아니라 노화와 연상되는 감정을 다루는 창조적 상상력에서 찾는 여러 수단들을 보여준다. 본 논지는 시 기법 면에서 놀라운 새로운 통찰을 보이는 시의 기법을 제시한다는 것이다. 예이츠와 스티븐스의 예는 드문 현상이다. 즉, 몸이 쇠퇴하면서, 마음은 나이를 극복하는 새 방법을 동원한다; 죽음이 다가오면, 상상력은 새로운 형태의 창조성으로 대응하는데, 이때 적음이 많음이 되며, 나이는 젊음에는 없는 새로운 표현법을 발견한다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 필자가 편집하고 해설을 한 저서 『W. B. 예이츠의 시』(런던: J. M. 덴트 & 선, 1990)(xvi-li쪽)를 『한국예이츠저널』41호(2013년 여름)에 전재한 것이다. 저자 대니엘 올브라트와 그의 출판사 오리온 출판 그룹의 전재허락에 대해 감사드린다
        2013.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Silicon nanoparticle is a promising material for electronic devices, photovoltaics, and biological applications. Here, we synthesize silicon nanoparticles via CO2 laser pyrolysis and study the hydrogen flow effects on the characteristics of silicon nanoparticles using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometry. In CO2 laser pyrolysis, used to synthesize the silicon nanoparticles, the wavelength of the CO2 laser matches the absorption cross section of silane. Silane absorbs the CO2 laser energy at a wavelength of 10.6μm. Therefore, the laser excites silane, dissociating it to Si radical. Finally, nucleation and growth of the Si radicals generates various silicon nanoparticle. In addition, researchers can introduce hydrogen gas into silane to control the characteristics of silicon nanoparticles. Changing the hydrogen flow rate affects the nanoparticle size and crystallinity of silicon nanoparticles. Specifically, a high hydrogen flow rate produces small silicon nanoparticles and induces low crystallinity. We attribute these characteristics to the low density of the Si precursor, high hydrogen passivation probability on the surface of the silicon nanoparticles, and low reaction temperature during the synthesis.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study was to provide a practical guide to the proper way of lifting a patient using various types of stretcher that rescue crews use by analyzing the load on the lumbar region. The experiment was conducted with working male and female rescue crews. Having mixed groups of gender complete tasks such as lifting, moving, and unloading a patient using four different types of stretcher, we recorded variations of the lumbar bending angle and calculated the load on the lumbar region using 3D SSPP. The data showed, in terms of the lumbar bending angle, it was greater when only females were involved in the work, and there were very significant differences in the angle depending on the types of stretcher used and body sizes of each subject. In the analysis of the load on the lumbar based on the bending angle, NIOSH was over the recommended limit in certain groups. Utilizing the analysis, it is recommended, in the medium and long term, to improve equipments for rescue personnel and to guide them to the proper way of working.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the slouched and upright sitting positions on lumbar joint reposition error (LJRE). Twenty subjects without low back pain were recruited for this study and, using a random number table, were randomly assigned to two groups; the upright sitting position group (UP group) and the slouched sitting position group (SP group). UP group was first asked to sit in an upright position and the SP group to sit in a slouched position as an intervention, and then the LJRE of both groups was measured at the neutral sitting position (lumbar flexion ). The measurement of the LJRE was repeated after one day. The sitting positions were performed for five minutes each and the LJRE was measured using an electronic goniometer. An independent t-test was used to compare the LJRE of both groups after each sitting position and after one day. The results of this study showed that the LJRE after an intervention in the UP group was lower than in the SP group (p<.05) and the LJRE after one day in the UP group was lower than in the SP group (p<.05). The findings of this study indicate that the upright sitting position can be applied to decrease LJRE, compared with the slouched sitting position. These findings also support that the upright sitting position reduces the potential for proprioceptive loss.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to increase the toughness of ZTA(zirconia toughened alumina) ceramics, the present study focused on rearrangement and densification of particles according to the particle size of the parent material. When rough alumina was used for production of ZTA, densification behavior was observed in the specimen sintered at a temperature over 1550˚C. However, it was found that the densification behavior was occurred in the specimen sintered at 1450˚C when fine alumina powder was used. High relative density exceeding 98% was obtained when fine alumina powder was mixed with 15 wt% of 3Y-TZP and sintered at 1600˚C. Also, a hardness of 1820.2 Hv was obtained when a specimen containing 10 wt% of 3Y-TZP was sintered at 1600˚C. In the case of 3Y-TZP containing rough alumina powder that had been sintered the hardness value was around 1720.3 Hv. It was predicted that an improved toughening effect in ZTA could be achieved by using finer alumina powder as the parent material.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Among the various parts of automobile, automotive seat is the most fundamental item that ride comfort can be evaluated as the part contacted at human body. Dynamic stabilities on 3 kinds of models are analysed according to inside beam configuration of rear seat frame in this study. Model 1 has the basic design of straight beam. Model 2 has the beam that is curved slightly from model 1 configuration and model 3 has honeycomb structure. Total deformations and equivalent stresses are investigated when these models are crushed at side. Total deformations due to frequencies are also obtained and critical frequencies on these frequency responses are investigated. By comparing total deformation configurations of model 1,2 and 3, model 1 and 2 apply the damage to passengers but model 3 absorbs the damage. Model 1, 2 and 3 show total deformations of 482.7, 178.9 and 151.62 mm at the critical frequencies of 180, 200 and 150Hz respectively. Because model 3 does not apply the damage to passengers and the total deformation at critical frequency becomes minimum among three models on frequency response, this model becomes most stable among 3 kinds of models when crushed at side.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently imported vehicles are increasing rapidly and related vehicle accidents have also increased. In addition, the number of accident in 2010 was approximately 205,000 cases, about 6,000 billion to repair the vehicle accident was paid. RCAR low-speed crash tests to calculate the imported car insurance repairs, domestic cars and imported car repairs were compared. Average repair cost 2,920,000 won in domestic cars and imported cars are 14,570,000 won, imported cars were approximately five times higher than domestic cars. The results of comparing the total repair cost, imported vehicle repairs to the front of the T-car was the highest, rear repairs to the C-car was the highest. New car value for repairs, parts price, damage in terms of imported cars were higher than that of the domestic cars. In order to avoid the social costs of spending, calculated based on proper repairs on imported vehicles, improvement of excessively high parts prices and the repairman cost are needed.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed restaurant table settings with Gestalt's law of visual perception to obtain basic data for future marketing strategies. The research uses methods that involve applying images of restaurant table settings to Gestalt's law of visual perception, doing content analysis, and conducting a frequency analysis as well as a Chi-square test for classification analysis by visual perception. Results show a significant difference in the laws of visual perception, especially in the laws of nearness and closure, between table settings of different countries and backgrounds, such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Western cultures. In terms of the law of nearness, Chinese dishes were low, while other countries' dishes and Korean dishes showed high figures. In terms of the law of closure, Japanese dishes and western dishes had low values, while other countries' dishes and Korean dishes were high in their closure. Further studies on consumer awareness by visual perception classification need to be conducted.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고도정수처리를 위한 관형 세라믹 정밀여과와 이산화티타늄(TiO2) 광촉매 첨가 PES (polyethersulfone) 구의 혼 성공정에서 주기적 물 역세척 시 유기물질의 영향 및 정밀여과(MF), PES 구 흡착, 광산화의 역할을 막오염에 의한 저항(Rf) 및 투과선속(J), 총여과부피(VT) 측면에서 기존의 질소 역세척 결과와 비교하였다. 휴믹산 농도가 증가함에 따라 급격한 막 오염으로 Rf는 증가하고 J는 감소하여, VT는 휴믹산 농도 2 mg/L에서 가장 높았다. 탁도 처리효율은 물과 질소 역세척 모 두 휴믹산 농도와 상관없이 비슷하였다. 유기물질 처리효율은 물 역세척 경우 최대 휴믹산 10 mg/L에서 최소 71.4%이었으나, 질소 역세척에서는 거의 일정하였다. 물과 질소 역세척 모두 MF 및 PES 구, 자외선의 혼성공정(MF + TiO2 + UV)에서 Rf가 최소이고, J와 VT는 최대였다. 탁도 및 유기물질의 처리효율도 물과 질소 역세척에 상관없이 MF + TiO2 +UV에서 최대였 고, 공정이 MF로 단순화될수록 처리효율도 점차 감소하였다. 하지만 물 역세척에서는 광산화 보다 흡착이, 질소 역세척에 서는 흡착 보다 광산화가 더 주요한 역할을 하였다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper focuses on A. R. Ammons's vision of plants and fungi in the light of ecology and post-modernism. Ammons incorporated ecological and post-modern symbol of plants and fungi including lichen, moss, weed and grass into his poetry. He also recognizes values in the seemingly insignificant, and finds the hidden meanings of the common, the little, the small, the unnoticed, and the lowly. Ammons already disclosed the importance and values of these little things in the ecosystem of nature. While looking at what is lowly, he found the absolute and symbiotic relationship among the lowly, the hidden, and the unnoticed. In general, three kingdoms of classification consist of fungi, plants and animals in scientific terms. In this paper, I chose two kingdoms, which have the symbolic meanings. Ammons values the periphery and the dark over the beautiful, which man prefers. To deconstruct the opposites, he ventures to overturn the artificial or man-made hierarchy of nature. The evidence that Ammons overturned the hierarchy is indicated in that he valued those that are common, unnoticed, lowly, and insignificant in his poetry. This ecological vision of Ammons coincides with the deconstructive strategy of Derrida, in that they both resist aqainst the violent unity by which human reason controls in nature.