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        검색결과 327

        2009.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문에서는 대청댐 하류 금강을 대상으로 댐건설에 따른 유황 변동이 어류서식처 환경에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 분석하였다. 분석에는 RAP을 이용하였고, 대표어종으로는 쉬리, 참마자, 감돌고기를 선정하였다. 분석 결과에 따르면 유량이 감소하는 갈수기에 대청댐의 건설과 더불어 서식처 조건이 향상 하였으나, 용담댐 건설의 영향은 미미한 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 댐건설에 따른 갈수기의 방류량 증가가 본 연구에서 선정한 대표어종들이 선호하는 서식처
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "대양"은 우리 나라에서 재배가 가능한 조숙 양질 다수성 쌀귀리 품종을 육성하고자 미국의 조숙성 쌀귀리 계통인 'LX446-1-84-Q1'을 모본, 대립 겉귀리 계통인 'SO92004-B-3-3-5-7'을 부본으로 인공 교배하여 계통육종법에 의해 계통을 선발한 후 2002년부터 생산력검정시험과 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2007년에 육성된 품종이다. 그 특성은 다음과 같다. 1. "대양"은 잎폭은 넓으며, 이삭형은 산수형이고, 종실은 길고 갈색이다. 2. "대
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼 내염성 유묘검정에서 실용성, 경제성, 정밀성이 우수한 검정체계를 확립하고벼 자포니카 내염성 중간모본 및 품종개발을 위한 내염성 유전자원 및 품종을 선발 이용하고자 본 시험을 수행하였다. 1. 증류수 이용 Yoshida 양액에 NaCl를 첨가한 염처리는 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%로 희석한 바닷물로 Yoshida 양액을 제조한 염처리 보다 유묘 내염성 계통을 선발하는데 효율적이었다. 2. 수돗물로 양액 제조 처리는 증류수로 양액 제조 처리와 유묘 내
        2009.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 금강의 생태계에 영향을 끼쳤을 가능성이 있는 주요 개발 및 관리 활동들을 기초로 하여 생태수 문학적인 하천평가 시나리오 구성을 위한 개념모델을 제시하였다. 또한 생태수문학적 하천평가를 위하여 여러 지원 프로그램과 함께 유역물수지 모델인 KModSim과 하천생태분석 모델인 RAP을 이용한 분석방법을 개발하였다. 용담댐과 대청댐의 건설 및 운영에 따라 예측되는 유황변화를 분석하기 위하여 다양한 시나리오에 따른 수문분석을 실시한 결과에 의하면,
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        상시담수 하에서 발아 및 안정적인 입모를 확보하는 것은 담수직파에서 매우 중요한 일이다. 일반적으로 담수 조건에 서는 유묘생장이 억제되지만, 담수 처리 시 초기생육이 우수한 익산429와 담수 처리 시 생육이 저조하며 생존율이 낮은 Woodrose 2품종에 대해 발아 및 초기생육기간 담수 처리하여 혐기대사와 관련된 ADH활성과 항산화효소들의 변화를 관찰하였다. 1. 담수 처리 시 벼는 유아만 신장하며 뿌리는 신장하지 못했고, 익산429가 Woodrose보다 담수상태에서 생존기간이 길었고 생장도 빨랐다. 그러나 무 처리에서는 Woodrose의 생육이 빨랐다. 2. ADH활성은 담수 처리 시 무 담수에 비해 급격히 증가하였고, 익산429가 Woodrose보다 활성이 오래 유지되었는데, 처리 7일째는 익산429가 무처리에 비해 약 7배, Woodrose는 약 2.5배 증가하였다. 4. SOD, POX, CAT 활성 모두 담수 처리에서 무 담수보다 낮았다. 그러나 SOD는 담수시 무 담수에 비해 크게 활성이 낮지는 않았으며 품종 간에는 익산429의 활성이 무 담수 및 담수 처리 모두 Woodrose보다 높았고 담수 시에도 익산429가 Woodrose보다 높게 유지되었다. POX 활성변화는 담수시 익산429가 지속적으로 증가한 반면 Woodrose는 큰 변화가 없었다. CAT활성은 담수 처리 초기부터 아주 낮은 활성을 보여 처리기간 동안 거의 증가하지 않았으나 무 담수시에는 3일까지 활성이 크게 증가하였다. 따라서 담수 처리 시 발아 및 초기생육기간 동안 담수내성이 약한 품종에서 SOD와 POX의 역할이 크고 ADH활성이 높게 유지되어 에너지를 공급할 수 있는 품종이 담수 시 초기생육에 유리할 것으로 사료된다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hopum is a new japonica rice cultivar developed from the cross between Milyang165 and F1 crossing Milyang165 and Iksan438 at Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, in 2006. This cultivar has a short grain shape and about 141 days growth duration from direct seeding to harvesting in the southern plain including Chungcheong province. This cultivar has short culm and spikelet number per panicle is similar to that of Nampyeongbyeo, while filled grain rate is lower than standard variety. This cultivar has medium size of brown rice and shows moderate resistance to leaf blast, to bacterial blight pathogens of K1, K2 and K3 and stripe virus disease but susceptible to major virus diseases and insect pests. The milled kernel of Hopum is translucent with non-glutinous endosperm. Protein and amylose content of Hopum is about 6.5% and 18.7%, respectively. This cultivar has better palatability of cooked rice than Chucheongbyeo harvested in Gyeongki province. Its milling recovery (76.8%) and percentage of perfect-shaped milled rice (94.7%) were higher than Nampyeongbyeo. The milled rice yield of Hopum was 5.83 MT/ha (15% higher than Juan) under wet-direct seeding, 5.66 MT/ha (8% higher than Juan) under dry-direct seeding, and 6.00 MT/ha (8% higher than Nampyeong) under ordinary transplanting cultivation. “opum”would be adaptable for ordinary transplanting and direct seeding in the southern plain including Chungcheong province.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Manna is a new japonica rice cultivar developed from the cross between Iksan438 and Ilmibyeo by the rice breeding team of Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, RDA, in 2005. This cultivar has a short grain shape and about 97 days growth duration from late transplanting to harvesting under Korean climatic conditions. It is resistant to lodging with average 70 cm of culm length. The milled kernels of Manna are translucent with non-glutinous endosperm. It has about 19% amylose content and good palatability of cooked rice compared with Geumobyeo. This cultivar shows resistance to leaf blast and neck blast but susceptibility to bacterial blight and stripe virus diseases. The milled rice yield potential of Manna is about 5.05 MT/ha under the late transplanting cultivation. Manna would be adaptable for the middle and Honam plain of Korea.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
         A new naked oat cultivar ‘hoyang’(Avena sativa L.) was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2007. It was derived from a cross between ‘ikyonggwiri’and ‘wiri23’ The cultivar, Sikyonggwiri is early heading while the breeding line Gwiri23 has a high yielding potential with large-size grain. Bulk method combined with pedigree selection program was employed in subsequent generations, and the promising line SO96025-B-303- 44-2-5 was selected for agronomic performance in 2002. The line showed both high yield and good husking rate of seed in the Yield Trial tested at Suwon in 2003 to 2004, and was subsequently designated as ‘wiri57’ Gwiri57 was evaluated for winter hardiness, earliness, and yield in four locations, Gimje, Iksan, Jeongeup and Jinju from 2005 to 2007 and was released as Choyang. Choyang headed 11 days earlier and matured 5 days earlier than the check cultivar ‘unyang’in the paddy field condition. The new cultivar Choyang had 97 cm of culm length and 23.4 cm of spike length, 658 spikes per m2, 75 grains per spike, 28.8 g of 1,000-grain weight, and 636 g of test weight. Choyang showed better winter hardiness than that of the check cultivar Sunyang, and similar seed quality to the check cultivar in respect to crude protein (12.9%) and β-glucan content (4.7%). However, it showed higher husking rate than the check cultivar. The grain yield of Choyang in the regional yield trial for 3 consecutive years was averaged 4.67 MT ha-1, which was 38% higher than that of the check cultivar Sunyang. Choyang is recommended for the fall sowing cropping only in the southern area where daily minimum mean temperatures are averaged higher than -4℃ in January, and is not recommended the in mountain area where frost damage is presumable.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new whole crop silage barley cultivar, “oungyang” was developed from the cross between “unong and Milyang55 at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2002. An elite line, YB3882-3B-17-1-3-1, was selected in 1999 and designated as “ilyang111” It showed good agronomic performance in the regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) from 2000 to 2002 and was released by the name of “oungyang”with higher yield and better animal feed quality than that of Olbori. The average heading and maturing dates of Youngyang were May 2 and June 6, which were late by 2 & 1 days than those of Olbori, respectively, in Suwon. Youngyang had longer culm length, 83cm but it had lesser spikes per m2 637 than that of Olbori, respectively, in RYT from 2000 to 2002. The rate of leaf sheath/whole length (culm+leaf) and the rate of the grains/ whole crop weight was similar to Olbori. It showed resistance to BaYMV at the regions of Naju, Jinju, Milyang andt Iksan. however, the response of Youngyang to other environmental stresses (tolerance of cold and wet) was similar to Olbori. The dried whole crop yield potential of Youngyang in the RYT was about 11.67 MT/ha in paddy fields which was about 18% higher than that of Olbori. The grain yield potential was 6.32 MT/ha in paddy fields which was about 5% higher than that of Olbori. Youngyang had lower rate of shattering, higher content of protein and NDF, lower ADF and TDN, and better quality of silage than those of Olbori.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
         A new sprout-soybean cultivar, “oseo”was developed at the Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI) in 2007. Hoseo was selected from a cross between Camp and Nattosan. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials to evaluate the performance of Iksan 57 were carried out from 2003 to 2007. This cultivar has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, grayish brown pubescence, yellow seed coat, grayish brown hilum, rhomboid leaflet shape and small seed size (7.4 g/100 seeds). The maturity date of “oseo”is 12 days earlier than the check variety, “ungsan” It has good seed quality for soybean-sprout and resistance to lodging. This cultivar has resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and necrotic symptom (SMV-N). The average yield of “oseo”was 2.51 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials (RYT) for double cropping carried out for three years from 2005 to 2007.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “aegseolchal”is a new Japonica type waxi rice variety developed and registered by the rice breeding team of Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2007. This variety was derived from a across between Iksan435 which is highly tolerant to lodging and high yield potential, and Iksan425 which is resistance to multiple diseases. This variety has about 120 days of growth duration from transplanting to harvesting in middle, Honam and Youngnam plain of Korea. It is about 80 cm in culm length and tolerant to lodging. It is moderately resistant to blast, and resistance to bacterial blight pathogen races from K1 to K3, but susceptible to other major diseases and insect pests. “aegseolchal”is midium-short grain and the milled rice exhibits high whiteness. The milled rice yield was about 5.37 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. “aegseolchal” would be adaptable to plain areas south of the Chungnam Province of Korea.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Gangbaek’ is a japonica rice variety developed and registered by the rice breeding team of Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2006. ‘Gangbaek’ was derived from a cross between ‘Suweon345’ with good grain quality and ‘DV85’ resistant to bacterial blight, K3a. F1 plants were grown in the greenhouse in winter of 1992/1993 and backcrossed with ‘Suweon345’ as the recurrent parent. Plants resistant to K3a race of bacterial blight (BB) were selected from BC1F1 to BC4F1 and used as parents in the backcrossing processes. This variety has about 120 days growth duration from transplanting to harvesting in west-southern coast and Honam plain of Korea. It is about 69 cm in culm length and tolerance to lodging. In reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses, it shows moderately resistance to blast, and resistance to bacterial blight pathogen, K1, K2, K3 and K3a, but susceptible to other major diseases and insect pests. The milled rice of ‘Gangbaek’ exhibits translucent, relatively clear non-glutinous endosperm and midium short grain. It has lower amylose content of 18.6% and protein content of 6.4% compared with ‘Nampyeongbyeo’. The milled rice yield performance of this variety is about 5.28 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. This cultivar would be adaptable to the bacterial blight-prone area in the south-western coastal and Honam plain of Korea.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수문 모형의 발전이 거듭되면서, 최적 수자원의 관리를 위한 적정한 방법으로 인식되고 있다. 특히 수자원관리에 있어서 토지이용 변화 및 기후 변화에 따른 수문학적 영향 평가에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 이 영향들을 평가하기 위해서는 우선 적용된 수문 모형의 강력한 검증이 요구된다. 그리고 수문모형의 적용 시 많은 지점에서 유량이 미 계측 되었거나, 측정된 자료마저 많은 오차를 포함하고 있는 경우가 있기 때문에 모형의 예측 값을 이용하여 수문분석이 이루어
        2008.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내산 시판 밀가루의 품질 평가를 통하여 국내산 밀의 품질 향상 방향과 향후 개선 방향의 기초 자료로 이용하고자 수입산 밀가루와 비교 평가하였다. 시판되는 국내산 밀가루는 통밀 밀가루 백밀 밀가루의 두 가지 형태로 판매되고 있으며, 통밀 밀가루는 백밀 밀가루에 비해 회분함량과 단백질함량이 높고, 밀가루 색이 어두었으며, 반죽시 높은 가수량을 보였다. 국내산 밀가루의 단백질 함량은 수입산 강력분 정도로 높았지만 침전가와 반죽시간은 중력분과 비슷하였
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “Unmi” is a new japonica rice variety developed by the rice breeding team of Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA in 2007. This variety was developed from a across between Samcheonbyeo with lodging and cold tolerance and HR17870 derived from the cross of Iksan435 (Sobibyeo) and Sangju17 with resistance to diseases and good quality. This variety has about 110 days of growth duration from transplanting to harvesting in northern plain, northern and southern mid-mountainous areas of South Korea. It is about 68 cm in culm length and tolerant to lodging. In reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses, it shows moderate resistance to blast, and to bacterial blight pathogen races from K1 to K3, but susceptible to other major diseases and insect pests. The milled rice of “Unmi” is translucent and has relatively clear non-glutinous endosperm and medium short grain. It has about 17.3% amylose content, 6.3% of protein and similar palatability of cooked rice compared with Odaebyeo. The milled rice yield performance of this variety is about 5.16 MT/ha under the standard fertilizer level of the ordinary transplanting cultivation. “Unmi” would be adaptable for ordinary transplanting in the northern plain, northern and southern mid-mountainous area of South Korea.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “unbora”is a new japonica rice cultivar developed from a cross between Iksan433 resistant to bacterial blight and Miyadamamochi, a waxy line. at Honam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA, in 2006. This cultivar is a short grain shape and about 118 days of growth duration from transplanting “unbora”to harvesting under Korean climatic conditions. The milled rice are snow white and glutinuous. This cultivar shows high resistant reactions to the bacterial blight pathogen race K1~K3 and blast respectively. The milled rice yield of “unbora”is about 5.34 MT/ha under the standard fertilizer level of the ordinary transplanting cultivation. “unbora”would be adaptable for in the middle plain, north middle-mountin plain and Honam plain, and Youngnam plain areas of Korea.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “wangkeumbora”is a new japonica rice cultivar developed from a three way cross of Jinbubyeo, Odaebyeo and Fukei126 at Honam Agricultural Reaserch Institute (HARI), NICS, RDA, in 2006. This cultivar has about 110 days growth duration from transplanting to harvesting under Korean climate condition. The milled kernel of “wangkeumbora”is translucent with non- glutinous endosperm. Amylose content of “wangkeumbora”is about 19.3%. “wangkeumbora”has better palatability of cooked rice compared with “daebyeo”and shows high resistant reaction to the blast, but susceptible to major diseases and insect pests. The milled rice yield of "Hwangkeumbora" is about 5.37 MT/ha under the standard fertilizer level of the ordinary transplanting cultivation. “wangkeumbora”would be adaptable for ordinary transplanting in northern plain, mid-mountainous and southern mountainous of Korea.