
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 488

        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the conventional cylinder-shaped lower bar on the canvas was modified and its performance was tested to improve the opening force of the stow net on anchor. The improved new lower bar used in the test is consisted of 13 flat bars with a length of 1.8 m, a width of 0.075 m and a thickness of 4 mm, and a pipe with a length of 2.0 m and a diameter of 50 mm. A stow net with the improved lower bar and a stow net with an existing lower bar were installed underwater and their trajectories for 21 hours were examined. To confirm their trajectories, GPS loggers were attached to the buoys on the left and right canvases and the buoy of the hauling rope. As a result of the test, the rotation of the gear with the improved bar was smoother than that with the existing bar. As a result of comparing the changes in the interval of the buoys attached to the canvas after the low and high tide, the buoy spacing of the gear with the improved bar is wider than that of the conventional gear; moreover, the larger the interval, the smoother the rotation of the fishing gear was. Therefore, it is considered that using the improved lower bar can enhance the performance of the stow net.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the epoxy resin manufacturing process, carcinogenic ECH (epichlorohydrin), IPA (isopropanol) and Biphenol-A materials has been generally used. After the reaction, byproducts containing ECH/IPA/Water is remained along with final product. But, in the recovery process, ECH and IPA forming an azeotropic mixture with water containing feed solution at any temperature condition, the recovery of high purity ECH is difficult only by distillation. Therefore, pervaporation process could be suitable countermeasure due to its mild operation condition for separation of azeotropic mixtures at the point of energy and cost saving. In this study, Alumina-PVA composite membrane was prepared for pervaporation dehydration of ECH/IPA/Water feed mixtures and pervaporation performance and stability of the prepared composite membrane was identified.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        야생동물의 행동권과 서식지 이용 패턴을 이해하는 것은 동물의 보호를 위해 매우 중요하다. 그 중 특히 이동 철새의 경우에는 종에 따라 다양한 번식지, 월동지, 중간기착지 환경을 갖기 때문에 행동권과 서식지 이용 패턴을 파악하기 매우 어렵다. 천연기념물 제 205-1호로 지정된 저어새 (Platalea minor)는 세계자연보전연맹 적색목록(IUCN Red List)에 등재되어 있는 국제적인 보호종으로, 전 세계 개체군의 대부분이 우리나라 서해 무인도서에서 번식하고 홍콩이나 타이완 등지에서 월동하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 국내 번식지는 칠산도, 납대기섬, 석도, 비도, 남동유수지, 각시암, 수하암, 서만도, 구지도 등으로 알려져 있으며, 칠산도는 국내 최남단 저어새 번식지로 천연기념물 제 389호로 지정되어 있으며, 1991년 저어새 최초 번식이 확인된 이후 점차 번식 개체군이 증가하고 있다. 하지만 저어새 개체군에 관한 구체적인 행동권 및 이동 특성 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 칠산도에서 이소한 저어새의 번식지 및 월동지 행동권 분석을 통해 이동 패턴과 서식지 정보를 파악하여 저어새의 보존 관리방안의 기초 자료로 확인하고자 한다. 칠산도에서 번식하는 저어새의 번식 현황 조사를 위해 2017년 3월부터 6월까지 매월 1회씩 총 4회 조사를 실시 하였으며, 이소한 저어새 4개체를 mist-net을 이용하여 포획 후 각각 개체에 고유번호(nhc1701, nhc1702, nhc1703, nhc1704)를 부여하고 야생동물위치추적장치(WT-300)를 부착하여 방사하였다. GPS 좌표는 4시간 간격으로 송신하도록 하였으며, 매일 2차례 좌표를 수신받았다. 수신된 좌표는 ArcGIS 10.3을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 최소볼록다각형법(Minimum Convex Polygon Method; MCP)과 커널밀도 측정법(Kernel Density Estimation; KDE)를 활용해 행동권을 파악하였다. 연구결과 저어새 4개체의 번식지인 칠산도와 백수 갯벌의 행동권은 평균 60.14 ± 24.91 km2 (MCP), KDE 90%는 28.01 ± 5.54 km2, 핵심서식지로 분류할 수 있는 KDE 50%는 6.18 ± 1.11 km2 으로 나타났다. 월동지 행동권의 경우 평균 39.98 ± 31.65 km2 (MCP), KDE 90%는 19.94 ± 12.36 km2, KDE 50%는 6.43 ± 4.95 km2 으로 나타났다. 번식지와 월동지의 저어새 행동권은 유의한 차이가 발견되지 않았다(MCP; t = -0.761, p = 0.50, KDE 90%; t = -1.138, p = 0.34, KDE 50%; t = 0.089, p = 0.93). 저어새의 행동권 분석 결과 번식지 및 월동지에서 수계 환경 의존도가 높은 경향을 보였으며, 이는 수계 환경변화 및 방해 요인이 저어새 서식 환경에 직・간접적 영향을 끼칠 수 있다. 따라서 향후 행동권 내 서식지의 특성, 환경요인 등을 분석하여 저어새의 번식지 및 월동지의 특성을 파악하고 보호 및 보전을 위한 기초 생태적인 연구가 필요하다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시판되고 있는 51종(단제 21종과 합제 30종)의 살충제를 이용한 꽃노랑총채벌레와 대만총채벌레 성충에 대한 약제 감수성을 검토한 결과 90% 이상의 살충률을 보인 약제 15종을 선발하였으며, 시판되고 있는 합제에서 많은 유효성분들이 오남용되고 있다고 보여진다. 2종의 총채벌레에 대한 살충제 감수성을 비교한 결과 모든 약제에 대하여 대만총채벌레가 꽃노랑총채벌레에 비해 높은 감수성을 보이기 때문에 꽃노랑총채벌 레에 효과 있는 약제로 동시방제가 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 꽃노랑총채벌레를 대상으로 선발된 15종의 약제를 이용하여 약효발현속도(LT50과 LT95), 침투이행성, 잔효성을 비교하였다. 약효 발현속도를 LT95 (hour)값으로 비교했을 때, chlorpyrifos WP, chlorpyrifos + diflubenzuron WP가 2시간 이내로 가장 빨랐고, spinetoram WG은 62.3시간으로 가장 느렸다. Chlorfenapyr SC에서 뿌리와 엽면을 통한 침투이행 효과가 나타났고, spinetoram WG에서 엽면을 통한 침투이행 효과만이 나타났다. 약제 잔효성 실험에서 chlorfenapyr SC는 14일, benfuracarb WG 와 chlorpyrifos WP는 3일까지 효과가 지속되었다. 꽃노랑총채벌레 야외집단(화훼재배지와 과채류재배지)간의 감수성 비교에서는 화훼재배지에서 채집된 집단이 더 낮은 약제 감수성을 보였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to evaluate the genotoxicity of Litsea japonica fruit-hexane extract (LJF-HE). In order to examine the genotoxicity, we carried out bacterial reverse mutation assay, chromosome aberration assay, and a micronucleus induction (MN) test according to the OECD and the Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) toxicity test guidelines. In the bacterial reverse mutation assay, no significant increase in revertant colonies, nor bacterial toxicity, was observed in the LJF-HE treatment group, regardless of the absence or presence of metabolic activation by the S9 mixture. However, in the positive control group, revertant colony counts were shown to be more than twice that of the negative control group. The chromosome aberration test showed that the repetition rate of abnormal chromosome aberration was less than 5%, regardless of the treatment time, and with or without the S9 mixture. No significant change was observed when (p < 0.05) compared with the negative control group. The micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) repetition rate of the polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) showed no significant changes when compared with the negative control group (p < 0.05). The PCE portion of total erythrocytes also showed no significant changes (p < 0.05). These results showed that LJF-HE had no significant genotoxic effects.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Power plants consume a major fraction of water to generate electricity, typically in the range between 30 - 50% of all fresh water sources. Most of the water from plants are lost with heat through stack and cooling towers. It has been reported that if 20% of these water can be recycled, power plants can be self-sustainable, allowing them to be located with higher flexibility. Membrane contactor can be an effective solution to harness this source of water, but most of the work have been focused on dense vapor separation membranes with limited success. In this work, we investigated potential application of membrane condenser technology to harness fresh water from power plants.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Membrane separation processes have been widely used in water purification or gas separation applications because of their process simplicity, low cost operation and small footprint. Nowadays, applications of ceramic membranes with high thermal, chemical and mechanical resistance has rapidly grown in new separation applications where the polymeric membranes cannot be used (e.g., high temperature, strong acidic/basic or solvent-contained corrosive feed solution). In this study, robust ceramic hollow fiber membranes were prepared by extrusion-phase inversion followed by sintering. The effects of preparation conditions on membrane characteristics were studied to improve the separation performance of ceramic membranes. In addition, a variety of modification methods and applications based on ceramic hollow fiber membranes will be discussed.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the differences of holding power according to the shape and weight distribution of concrete weight used in shellfish shell fishery were investigated through the experiments. To investigate the differences in shape, five bar-shaped concrete weights with the same length and different cross-sectional shapes were produced. The sectional shape of each weight was square, triangle, circle, small cross, and large cross (SQ, TR, CI, CR-S, CR-L). Ten rectangular parallelepiped weights with different bottom area and cross-sectional area were produced. To investigate the differences by the weight distribution, the holding power on the square model (SQ) with six 50 g weights at different positions was investigated. All the holding power was obtained by measuring the tensile force generated when the concrete weight was pulled at a constant speed on the sand. As a result, there were no differences in holding power between the ten rectangular weights. However, the experiment on weights with different cross-sectional shapes showed differences in holding power. The holding power was higher in the order of CR-L > CR-S > CI > TR > SQ. In the weight distribution test, the holding power was higher as the front side of the weight was heavier. Generally, the frictional force is the same even if the shape is different, when two objects have the same value in the weight and the roughness. On the other hand, it seems to have a large impact when the shape of the bottom is deformed in the course of pulling the object. Particularly, the larger the degree of protrusion like cruciform weights, the more the holding power increased while deeply digging the bottom. It is also likely that the holding power increases as the front weight increases.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 유통 농산물 잔류농약 부적합 현황 분석을 위하여 네트워크 분석 기법을 적용하였다. 분석용 데이터는 『2017년도 식품안전관리지침』내 “유통농산물별 잔류농약 부적합 현황”을 참고하였으며, 주요 분석 기법 으로는 중심성 분석(연결정도 중심성, 근접 중심성, 매개 중심성)을 적용하였다. 연결정도 중심성 분석결과 chlorpyrifos와 diazinon에서 “연결된 노드”가 가장 많은 것으로 확인되었다. 근접 중심성에서는 19종을 제외한 농약성분들 사이에서 유사한 정도를 보여주고 있었다. 매개 중심 성 분석 결과에서는 fluioxonil과 chlorpyrifos가 가장 높은 경향을 보여주어 이들이 농약성분 네트워크에서 “가교” 역 할을 수행 하는 것으로 파악되었다. 네트워크 분석 결과, 기존의 통계분석을 통해서는 분석 할 수 없었던 농약성분 들 사이의 “관계” 데이터를 확인 할 수 있었다. 향후 이러한 분석기법은 최적화/정교화 과정을 통해서 보다 정밀하게 농약성분 부적합 현황 분석을 위한 도구로서 적용되리라 기대한다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 sol-gel법을 이용하여 균일하고 결함을 최소화한 세라믹 한외여과막을 제조하였다. 알루미나 중공 사 정밀여과막 지지체의 기공 크기를 줄이기 위해, 합성된 boehmite sol과 sol-ethanol 혼합 용액을 사용하여 dip coating법으 로 지지체 표면 위에 γ-알루미나 활성층을 형성시켰다. pristine sol을 이용하여 4회 이상 코팅했을 경우 박막층의 두께가 상당히 증가하여 균열 및 박리현상을 야기시키고, 3회 코팅을 진행하였을 경우 표면 결함이 최소화된 최적의 시료를 얻을 수 있었다. 또한, 소결 온도가 γ-알루미나 활성층의 기공 크기에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 소결 온도가 1000°C일 때 가장 높 은 순수 투과도 값을 보였으며, 10 nm 크기의 dextran 분획분자량(molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) : 51 kDa)이 관찰되었다. 600, 800°C에서 소결한 막의 경우, 12 kDa MWCO (dextran 5 nm)를 갖는 것으로 확인되었다. 결과적으로, 코팅 용액의 조성은 박막층의 두께에 큰 영향을 주었고, 소결 온도에 따라 분획분자량이 크게 영향을 받는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, applications of high voltage impulse (hereafter HVI) technique to desalting, sludge solubilization and disinfection have gained great attention. However, information on how the operating condition of HVI changes the water qualities, particularly production of hydroxyl radical (·OH) is not sufficient yet. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of operating conditions of the HVI on the generation of hydroxyl radical. Indirect quantification of hydroxyl radical using RNO which react with hydroxyl radical was used. The higher HVI voltage applied up to 15 kV, the more RNO decreased. However, 5 kV was not enough to produce hydroxyl radical, indicating there might be an critical voltage triggering hydroxyl radical generation. The concentration of RNO under the condition of high conductivity decreased more than those of the low conductivities. Moreover, the higher the air supplies to the HVI reactor, the greater RNO decreased. The conditions with high conductivity and/or air supply might encourage the corona discharge on the electrode surfaces, which can produce the hydroxyl radical more easily. The pH and conductivity of the sample water changed little during the course of HVI induction.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물(LJF-HE)이 흰쥐모델 에서 스트레스로 유발되어지는 위염에 대한 억제효과를 확인하고자 하였다. 이때 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물(LJF-HE) 소재는 지표성분인 hamabiwalactone B의 함량이 15.23 ± 0.057 mg/g 로 규격에 적합한 것을 사용하였다, 동물실험에 있어 군분리는 정상군(normal), 양성 대조군(control, 수침 구속 스트레스 위염 유발), 약물 대조군(ranitidine, 50 mg/ kg), 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물 저농도 투여군(LJF-HE-L, 30 mg/kg), 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물 중농도 투여군(LJF-HEM, 60 mg/kg), 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물 고농도 투여군(LJFHE- H, 120 mg/kg)의 총 6군으로 구성하여 실험을 진행하였다. 그 결과 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물의 투여그룹(LJFHE- L, LJF-HE-M, LJF-HE-H)에서 염증의 길이가 control 그룹에 비하여 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하였으며, 육안 병변 관찰에서도 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물(LJF-HE) 투여그룹에서의 위염증과 점막출혈 부위가 control 그룹에 비하여 감소하였음을 관찰할 수 있었다. 또한 까마귀쪽나무열 매추출물(LJF-HE) 투여그룹에서의 펩신 활성도도 control 대비 유의성 있게 감소하는 것으로 나타나 까마귀쪽나무 열매추출물은 펩신 활성도를 낮춰 위염 발생을 억제하는 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물의 투여 그룹(LJF-HE-M, LJF-HE-H)에서 gastrin에 의해 활성화 되는 CCK-2r 유전자 발현이 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 억제되는 것으로 나타났으며, 염증성 cytokine중에 하나인 IL-1β의 혈장 내 함량이 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 감소 하였고, 세포보호물질로 점액 및 혈류량을 증가시켜 위점 막을 보호하는 역할을 하는 PGE2의 혈장 내 함량이 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 증가한 결과를 얻었다. 이와 같은 결과는 까마귀쪽나무열매추출물(LJF-HE)이 스트레스로 유발되어지는 위염에 대한 억제효과가 있음을 확인하였다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out in Suwon-central plain, and Cheorwon, mid-northern plain of Korea to evaluate agricultural characteristics including heading date and yield component for North Korean rice germplasm. The difference between two regions of the heading dates of germplasm was recognized the significance and early matured group growing in Cheorwon tended to flower earlier than that of Suwon while mid-early matured group showed an opposite result. The other agricultural characteristics such as culm length, panicle length, number of panicles per hill, number of grains per panicle, and ripened grain ratio, of the two regions of all traits were highly significant, especially culm length and panicle length in Suwon were longer than those were growing in Cheorwon. Number of panicles per hill and number of grains per panicle in Suwon were more than that were growing in Cheorwon, and ripened grain ratio in Suwon was higher than that of Cheorwon. The another difference between both the regions, of 1000-grain weight was not significant while the effect of interaction between the regions and variety was highly significant. Whereas brown/rough rice ratio and milled rice yield were highly significant; higher in Cheorwon for brown/rough rice ratio and in Suwon of milled rice yield. Additionally, the results concluded that, the North Korean rice germplasm showed susceptible response to bacterial leaf blight(BLB) races such as K2. K3, and K3a but more than mid-range resistant response to rice blast.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of cultivated cereals by Phellinus linteus mycelium. Also, we investigated the content of free sugar, organic acid, free amino acid, mineral and fatty acid of cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium. The major free sugars were determined the glucose, maltose, and fucose by HPLC. The content of total free sugars was the highest in cultivated red rice by P. linteus mycelium at 36oC. The content of fucose was the highest in cultivated red rice by P. linteus mycelium at all cultivation temperatures. The organic acids were identified oxalic acid, malic acid, citric acid, and succinic acid, as in the case of free sugar, higher contents of organic acids were observed in the cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium than control. There was no significant difference in the mineral content between the control and cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium. Sixteen kind of free amino acid were detected in cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium. And the content of total free amino acids were higher in the cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium than the control. And essential amino acids showed significantly differences between control and cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium. Fatty acids were detected with seven kinds of fatty acids, and the major fatty acid was determined the linoleic acid by GC-MS. The content of linoleic acid was higher in the cultivated cereals by P. linteus mycelium than the control.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the proximate composition, free sugars, amino acids, and minerals in five Lentinula edodes cultivars collected in Korea. No significant differences in the content of crude fat and crude fiber were found between the samples; however, there was significant variation in the contents of nitrogen free extract, ash, and crude protein. Three kinds of free sugars (fucose, arabinose, and glucose) were identified by HPLC, with the glucose content ranging from 5.94% to 12.08%. Sixteen kinds of free amino acids were identified: the highest content of amino acids was found in ‘Sanlim5ho’ (13,768.33 mg%), while the highest content of free amino acids was found in ‘Sanlim4ho’ (6,790.57 mg%). The minerals detected in the L. edodes cultivars were potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium, the contents of which ranged from 567.16–2,356.09 mg%, 3.85–7.42 mg%, 9.79–20.88 mg%, and 19.60–22.62 mg%, respectively.
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