
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 254

        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effect of quinolinedione derivative (OQ-21) on phenylephrine induced vasoconstriction was investigated using aortic rings in organ bath isolated from rats. Treatment with OQ-21 resulted in moderate increase in vasoconstriction in a dose-dependent manner. In addition we studied acute intraperitoneal toxicity of OQ-21 in male and female ICR mice. The changes of body weight and clinical signs were observed for 7 days after single dose of OQ-21 from 50 mg/kg to 500 mg/kg. There were no significant changes in body weight and clinical signs. Any mouse didn't die even at maximal dose. Autopsy of OQ-21 treated mice revealed no abnormal difference from contol mice, These results suggest that OQ-21 be moderately safe and could be developed as effective drug.
        1999.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The majority of fishing vessels(under 20 tonnages) in Korea have a high casualty accident of the flood and capsizing occurred by lack of stability. Actually, it is so difficult to make out the data of inclining and stability tests of small fishing vessels after building, because most of them were built on experiences of manufacturer. According to above reasons, the aim of this study is an attempt to propose a stability criteria of small fishing vessels as follows: Firstly, it is examined that the stability is driven from a transverse metacenter height of actual ships, which is able to obtain a basic drawing and stability data. Secondly, it is examined the heeling at high-speed turning, and the period of rolling according to B/D(breadth/depth). Finally, it is suggested the stability criteria by using a dynamic state which is applied in passenger boat and fishing vessels over 24 meters.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        HBr을 이용한 트렌치 식각시 식각 방지막의 형성과 이들이 결함 생성 및 분포에 미치는 영향을 고분해능 투과전자현미경을 이용하여 연구하였다. O2 및 다른 첨가 가스로 SiOxFy, SiOxBry 등의 식각 방지막을 표면에 형성시켜 벽면 undercut을 방지하고 표면의 거칠기를 감소할 수 있었으며, 이후의 트렌치 채움 공정에서 void 가 없는 잘 채원진 구조를 얻을 수 있었다. 형성된 식각 방지막은 격자 결함의 생성 및 이들의 분포에 영향을 미쳤다. 대부분의 식각 유도 결함들은 트렌치 바닥의 가장자리에서 10Å 이내의 깊이로 분포하였으며, 잔류막의 두께에 의존하였다. 두꺼운 잔류막층 아래로는 결함들이 거의 사라졌으며, 결함층의 깊이와 잔류막 두께는 대체로 반비례하는 것을 나타났다. 기판 내에 존재하는 결정학적인 결함들은 식각종의 입사각이나 에너지에 의존하는 반면에,식각된 표면에서 관찰되는 결함들은 트렌치 식각동안 형성되는 이러한 잔류막의 두께에 크게 의존하는 것으로 나타났다.
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fluorescent anionic oligo surfactants were synthesized by the condensing products of long chain alkylvinylether-maleic anhydride cooligomers and resorcinol including dye structures. Their various surface activities and dispersing action were studied on the aqueous solution. These oligo surfactants exhibited a remarkable surface tension lowering property, lower foaming and a large dispersing action for the particles of α-copper phthalocyanine blue. Further it was ascertained that the binding of oligo surfactant onto the pigment surface caused the deviation towards lower wavelengths at the maximum fluorescent intensity as compared with aqueous oligo surfactant solutions, These surface active properties of the oligo surfactants may be attributed to rigid and hydrophobic structure of dye groups, besides surface-active groups of alkylether groups and carboxylic group of the anionic oligo surfactants.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The quality of silages, made from whole crop barley, rye, spring oat, Italian ryeglass, orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures, were evaluated under two different conservation techniques in baled silage making (BS) and conventional silage
        1994.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산시민의 외식실태를 조사하기 위하여 부산직할시에 거주하거나 직장을 가진 국민학교 4학년 이상의 남녀 464명을 대상으로 외식성향(때, 동기, 자주 가는 음식점의 종류, 비용, 선호도 등)을 설문지를 통하여 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 외식은 점심 때보다 저녁에 더 많이 하며, 외식을 하는 동기는 가족끼리 외출을 하였을 때가 가장 많고 다음으로 모임이 있을 때와 친구를 만났을 때 순이었다. 점심 때 자주 가는 음식점으는 분식집이 가장 많고 다음으로 중국집과 한식집 순이였으며, 저녁 때는 한식집이 가장 많고 다음으로 갈비집과 중국집 순으로 점심 때와는 차이가 있었다. 외식비로 지출하는 1인당 비용은 점심 때는 전체의 71.88%의 사람들이 4, 000원 이하의 음식을 먹는데 비해 저녁에는 54%이상이 5천윈 이상을 지출하여 점심 때보다 저녁 때의 외식비가 많은 것을 볼 수 있다. 한번 갔던 음식점에 다시 가는 이유로는 음식맛이 좋기 때문이 가장 많았으며 다음으로 위생적이기 때문과 음식가격이 싸기 때문 순이였으며, 다시 가지 않는 이유로는 역시 음식 맛이 없기 때문이 가장 높고 다음으로 비위생적과 가격이 비싸기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 이상과 같은 결과는 연령과 성별 뿐만 아니라 직업에 따라 차이가 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the effect of vegetation mat on plant growth and salt reduction in the soil treated with high concentration deicing salt. In order to measure soil chemical characteristics and plant growth, three native groundcover plants (Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum, Dendranthema boreale, and Kalimeris yomena) were grown in each of the three plastic containers (50.0 cm width × 35.0 cm length × 8.5 cm deep) with a high concentration treatment of calcium chloride deicing salt. There were two treatments: control, and BVM that combines B (blanket) and VM (vegetation mat). 1,600 g of soil was placed on the top of the drainage layer with 290 g of perlite, 100 seeds each of the three native plants with three repetitions were sowed, and 10 g/L of calcium chloride deicing salt was added in the treatment. As a result of the chemical properties of soil, soil in control treatment was acidic and soil electrical conductivity in BVM was the lowest. Also, exchangeable cations (K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+) in soil and all the three plants were significantly decreased in the BVM treatment. Meanwhile, the germination rate of Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum was the highest under high concentration deicing salt in compared to the two plants. Overall, three native groundcover plant growth was higher in the BVM than control treatment significantly. These results suggest that the treatment of blanket vegetation mat has a positive effect on soil and plant growth in soil damaged by deicing salt.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to provide the demand information about services (S/W) and infrastructure (H/W) for rural welfare and culture. The survey was conducted on the overall satisfaction level, the condition change, the importance-satisfaction level of each field and the top priority items for administrative agencies and rural residents. In the overall satisfaction level, administrative agencies responded more than 'normal' to all fields, but the overall satisfaction level was lower than 'normal' in the fields excluding the healthcare field in the case of rural residents. In terms of condition changes compared to the past five years, both administrative institutions and local residents evaluated the improvement. IPA analysis was conducted to identify the priority ranking of each field and it was found that emergency medical facilities in the healthcare field, infant day care facilities in the social welfare field, movie theaters in the culture field, lifelong education institutions and academy facilities in the education field and private sports facilities in the leisure and sports field were most needed, respectively. The results of this study are expected to be helpful in increasing the efficiency and presenting the improvement direction about the development policy of the rural culture and welfare.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of surface characteristic of GFRP rebar on concrete-reinforcement bond behavior. For sample preparation, 10 GFRP rebar with two types of surface conditions were used to fabricate 15×15×15cm sized GFRP reinforced concrete. Then, pull-out test was carried out on each concrete samples until the maximum bond strength was achieved. From the test result, it was found that the maximum bond strength at the lattice type is 1.38 times higher than that for unidirectional surface.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 그라비올라(Annona muricata) 잎으로부터 50% 에탄올 추출물, 에틸아세테이트 분획 및 아글리콘 분획을 제조하였고 이들 추출물/분획에 대하여 항산화 활성을 평가하였다. 1,1-Phenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 라디칼 시험법을 이용한 자유라디칼 소거 활성, 루미놀 발광법을 이용한 총 항산화능 및 1O2 소광 효과를 평가하였다. 50% 에탄올 추출물, 에틸아세테이트 분획 및 아글리콘 분획의 라디칼 소거 활성 (FSC50)은 각각 45.6, 29.8 및 18.0 μ g/mL이었고, 총 항산화능(OSC50)은 4.4, 1.1 및 2.8 μ g/mL이었다. 에틸 아세테이트 분획의 총 항산화능은 수용성 항산화제로 잘 알려진 L-ascorbic acid (1.5 μ g/mL)보다 높은 항산 화능을 나타내었다. 1O2 소광 상수 실험 결과, 에틸아세테이트 및 아글리콘 분획은 비교물질로 사용된 L-ascorbic acid와 유사한 활성을 보여주었다. 1O2으로 유도된 적혈구 세포 손상에 있어서, 그라비올라 잎 50% 에탄 올 추출물은 농도 의존적(5-50 μ g/mL)으로 세포보호 활성을 나타내었다. 실험에 사용된 그라비올라 잎 추출 물의 에틸아세테이트 분획과 아글리콘 분획에 대하여 TLC 및 HPLC를 이용한 성분 분석을 수행하였다. 에틸아 세테이트 분획에서는 rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside), kaempferol-3-O-neohesperidoside, nicotiflorin (kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside), p-coumaric acid을 확인하였다. 아글리콘 분획에서는 kaempferol이 존재함을 확인하였다. 이상의 결과들은 그라비올라 잎 추출물이 항산화 화장품 원료로서 응용 가능성이 있음을 시사한다.
        2017.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Surgery for thyroid disease is becoming much more common, but in some specialized institutions, ENT surgeons have difficulty obtaining experience of parathyroid surgery. Parathyroid disease can be divided into parathyroid adenoma with hyperparathyroidism and secondary hyperparathyroidism due to chronic kidney disease. Parathyroid adenoma with hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause of hypercalcemia and usually presents as nonspecific symptoms, such as, general weakness, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal disorder, kidney stones, and/or neurological symptoms, and thus, diagnosis is often delayed. Patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism due to chronic kidney disease require parathyroidectomy 10 years after the onset of dialysis in 6-10% of cases even when continuously treated in a nephrology department. Here, the authors share their experiences of parathyroid surgery.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 풍선덩굴 잎 추출물 및 그 분획물에 대하여 항산화 활성 평가와 성분 분석을 수행하였다. 본 실험에는 풍선덩굴 건조 잎의 50% 에탄올 추출물, 에틸아세테이트 분획 및 아글리콘 분획을 사용하였으며, 각각의 수율은 16.4, 0.9 및 0.3%로 나타났다. 자유라디칼 소거활성(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH, FSC50)은 에틸아세테이트 분획(92.5 μ g/mL)이 가장 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 이때 대조군인 (+)-α -tocopherol의 FSC5은 8.9 μ g/mL이었다. Fe3+-EDTA/H2O2계를 이용한 활성산소 소거활성(총항산화능, OSC50)은 아글리콘 분획(4.2 μ g/mL)에서 가장 크게 나타났으며, 대조군인 L-ascorbic acid (1.5 μ g/mL)와 유사한 효과를 나타내었다. 1O2로 유도된 사람 세포 손상에 대한 보호효과 측정에서 풍선덩굴 잎 추출물 및 분획 은 모두 농도 의존적(5.0-25.0 μ g/mL)으로 세포보호효과를 나타냈다. 추출물/분획물 중에서 아글리콘 분획 (τ50, 76.4 min)이 가장 큰 세포보호효과를 나타내었다. TLC, HPLC, LC/ESI-MS를 이용하여 풍선덩굴 잎 추출물 중 에틸아세테이트 분획물에 대하여 성분 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, apigenin-7-O-glucuronide, apigenin-7-glucosdie 및 quercitrin hydrate 등의 플라보노이드가 함유되어 있음을 확인하였다. 이상의 결과 들은 풍선덩굴 잎 추출물 또는 분획이 항산화 기능성 화장품 원료로서 응용 가능성이 있음을 시사한다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Jungmo2501’ (Avena sativa L.), a winter oat for forage use, was developed by the breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2010. The following is the characteristics of ‘Jungmo2501’ that is characterized as light green leaf, yellow brown culm and whitish yellow grain. The heading date of ‘Jungmo2501’ was about 3 days earlier than that of check cultivar ‘Samhan’(May 7 and May 10, respectively). Its plant height was 11 cm longer than 103 cm of the check, and the leaf blade ratio of aerial parts was 26 % higher than the check (11.8% and 9.4%, respectively). The cold tolerance, resistance to lodging and wet injury of ‘Jungmo2501’ were similar to those of the check. The average forage dry matter yield of ‘Jungmo2501’ harvested at milk-ripe stage was 5% higher than the check (15.5 ton ha -1 and 14.7 ton ha -1 , respectively). ‘Jungmo2501’ was higher than the check in terms of protein content (6.6% and 5.9%, respectively), neutral detergent fiber (58.5% and 57.6%, respectively), and acid detergent fiber (34.5% and 32.1%, respectively), while total digestible nutrients was lower than the check (61.6% and 63.6%, respectively), and TDN yield was 0.37 ton ha -1 more than that of the check (9.71 ton ha -1 and 9.34 ton ha -1 , respectively). The silage grade of ‘Jungmo2501’ estimated by Flig score showed level Ⅱ, meaning good quality. Fall sowing cropping of ‘Jun
        2017.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the shake table test of the damaged reinforced concrete frame was carried out and the damage and dynamic response characteristics were evaluated. The static lateral-cyclic test for the specimen was followed by the dynamic test. As a result of the shake table test, damage was concentrated on existing cracks and the maximum inter-story drift ratio was calculated as 1.94% at the final excitation step.