
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 53

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A생협의 경영실태에 대해 경영분석의 지표로서 세 가지 즉, 경영안정성(stability ratio)과 경영활동성(activity ratio), 수익성 (profitability ratio)을 기준으로 하여 실증 분석하였다. 분석한 결과, A생협은 경영안정성은 매우 양호하였고 경영활동성은 양호한 편이었으나, 수익성은 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그래서 분석기간 2003~2011년 9년 동안 평균 순매출이익률은 0.1%, 자기자본 순이익률은 −0.3%이었다. 전략적 이익모형(SPM)에 의해 A생협 경영의 개선방향을 살 펴보면, 총매출액의 증가, 합리적인 인력관리를 통한 인건비의 절감, 물류효율성의 향상 등을 통한 매출마진율의 상승 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 생협은 친환경농산물을 직거래하는 일종의 협동조합으로서, 그 취지와 설립목적을 유지하면서 순매출이익을 증가시키는 데에는 뚜렷한 한계를 가지고 있다. 그래서 순매출이익률을 상승시키기 위해서는 주로 총매출액의 증가와 영업비용의 절감에 경영개선의 초점을 두며, 현실적 여건을 고려한 마진율의 재조정이 추진되어야 할 것이다.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research is focused on the actual condition of student athletes' school life in high and middle school. It will study and analyze the school life condition of soccer players in middle and high school, after the "Weekend-only League" system was implem
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this study was to provide basic data for the future development of dietary life education in elementary schools by understanding the current conditions of the program after the execution of the Dietary Life Education Support Act. We conducted a survey to understand dietary teachers` recognition of dietary life education in elementary schools. We found that teachers` recognition was low and that dietary life education in elementary schools is still carried out indirectly by focusing on nutrition knowledge. Dietary life education is carried out during lunch time and dietary life-related class hours. However teachers of lower class levels did not have any practical subject related to dietary life and responded that a lack of time devoted to dietary life education was the biggest problem with the program. Most teachers responded that dietary life education in elementary schools is necessary for the formation of students` sound dietary habits, and that the development of a system of teachers directly responsible for dietary life education is necessary. In the past, dietary life education has typically been carried out at home, but now schools are required to play a role because of family nuclearization and the increase in working couples. Therefore, to revitalize dietary life education programs in elementary schools according to the Dietary Life Education Support Act, we suggest more systematic and segmentalized studies.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate health-related behaviors and dietary attitudes among workers, using questionnaires with 338 workers in October 2005 who were employed by 5 industrial companies at the Gumi industrial complex. The result is summarized as follows. The subjects' interest in health was shown to be slightly higher than usual. An increase in their interest was observed with advancing age (p<0.05) and the level of interest was higher in females than males(p<0.05). Regarding a understanding of their health status, 57.4% of the total subjects considered their health status to be poor although there was no any known disease, while only 29.6% considered to be good. The subjects' dietary attitudes showed that the average of the each items was 2.88±0.82, and the average of the total items was 58.7±0.00. The average of their diet satisfaction was shown to be 2.88±0.82, and There was a significant difference in their diet satisfaction between residential building types(p<0.01) and work types(p<0.01). 66.8% of the total subjects answered that the main purpose of their meals was to fill an empty stomach. Their health-related behaviors, dietary attitudes and diet satisfaction showed that daily exercise, suitable diet and intake of health supplements were closely correlated with their dietary attitudes. It was also shown that there were the close correlations between the suitable diet and their dietary attitudes and diet satisfaction, between their refraining from drinking coffee and sufficient rest, between their refraining from drinking alcohol and sufficient rest, and between their feeling comfortable and drinking water as much as possible, respectively.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Changes in social, economical, and cultural environments affect the meal practices of children. The transmission of traditional Korean food culture is very important because it presents not only a well-balanced diet but also contributes to shaping identity. The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school students' present meal practices and views, as well as demands on traditional food culture education to reflect future educational plans. Half of the students ate breakfast everyday and 72% ate a traditional Korean style breakfast. About 38% of the students participated 2-4 times per week in meal preparation and 34% participated in clean-up after the meal once a day. Although 6th graders had greater skills in basic cooking, they tended to be more passive upon applying their skills in daily meal practice. For traditional food culture education, 89% of the experienced and 86.2% of the inexperienced groups agreed on the necessity of traditional food culture education. Students attained traditional food culture knowledge through Silgwa, practical coursework within the curriculum, and by teachers leading classes. They were also educated by parents, mass media, and books outside of school. The preferred methods of class teaching were lecture and experiential learning. The preferred subjects to learn were 'cooking classes based on taste development', 'learning food ingredients through vegetable growing', 'traditional Korean food manners', and 'traditional Korean food culture and seasonal foods' as well as nutritional education. Fifth graders had more positive attitudes towards meal practices and traditional food culture education. Traditional Korean food culture and nutrition education should be integrated and developed into regular subject curricula to improve children's meal practice and inheritance of traditional food culture.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        효율성과 생산성을 중시하는 최근의 사회구조적 특성으로 인해 여성장애인들은 ‘장애’와 ‘여성’이라는 이중적 소외와 차별을 경험하고 있다. 즉 여성장애인은 성차별 의식 속에서 여성이라는 문제와 경쟁적인 구조 속에서 장애라는 문제를 함께 안고 살아가고 있는 것이다. 이들은 복지서비스에 대한 높은 욕구를 가졌음에도 불구하고 상대적으로 불평등한 위치에 처해 있다. 따라서 여성장애인들의 인간다운 삶과 존재의 가치를 높이기 위해서는 여성장애인의 문제를 이해하고, 그러려면 이들이 처한 구체적인 현실과 경험을 토대로 한 접근이 우선적으로 필요하다. 이에 본 연구는 여성장애인의 전 생애 중 전반적으로 삶의 질 자체에 영향을 주는 요인을 크게 경제적, 교육적, 가정적, 성적 문제 중심으로 분류하여 여성장애인의 생활실태를 중점적으로 분석해 보았다. 여성장애인은 이 네 가지 영역에서 전반적으로 생활상의 차별을 경험하는 문제를 안고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 무엇보다 심각한 현상은 낮은 교육수혜로 인해 직업훈련과 취업기회를 가질 수 없으며, 이로 인해 경제적인 어려움을 겪고 있으므로 독립적인 생활을 유지하기 힘들다는 점이다. 그래서 여성장애인을 위한 지원정책도 살펴보고, 이에 대한복지증진적인 과제를 제시해 보았다.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Purpose of the study is to investigate the behaviors and leisure activities of elementary students during the Saturday-offs. In specific, the 24 hours of 6th graders Saturday-off livings were analyzed for the study purpose. Total 442 elementary school
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is performed to examine the meal management attitudes of housewives who had elementary schoolchildren in the remote rural areas(RA: n = 318, 37.2±0.3 years of age) in comparison to those in their vicinity urban area(UA: n = 349, 36.9±0.2 years of age) in the Chungnam province in Korea. The subjects were asked to fill out the questionnaire on their attitudes of meal management for their families. The results obtained in this study were as followings: (1) Most husbands of the subjects had a farming job in the RA while they had salaried workers in the UA(p〈0.001). Education levels of both subjects and their husbands were lower in the RA than in the UA. Nuclear families were dominated by both groups, however single parent-family and step parent-family were more prevalent in the RA than in the UA. (2) in terms of ways of getting foods such as grains, meats, eggs, vegetables and fruits, the RA housewives relied more often on self-production than did the UA housewives(p〈0.001). (3) The frequency of purchasing unprocessed foods was lower in the RA than in the UA(p〈0.001). The RA housewives purchased the convenient foods such as instant noodles(p〈0.05), ready to eatsoups(p〈0.001), retort pouch foods(p〈0.05) and instant teas(p〈0.05) more frequently than did the UA housewives, while tuna, canned in oil(p〈0.01), milk and their products(p〈0.001), soybean products(p〈0.001) and snacks(p〈0.01) were purchased less often by the RA housewives. (4) Family members except housewives engaged more often in meal preparation in the RA than did those in the UA(p〈0.001), which was more strongly observed for dinner. The time spent in preparing the dinner was shorter in the RA than in the UA(p〈0.001). (5) The degrees of endeavor to provide the subjects' offspring with balanced meal(p〈0.001) and nutrition education(p〈0.01) were lower in the RA than in the UA. The RA housewives had more difficulty for performing meal management because of 'over work-related fatigue', 'insufficient money to purchase foods' and 'far distance from grocery' than the UA housewives(p〈0.001). The RA housewives had lower score on nutritional knowledge(p〈0.001) and wanted more strongly nutritional knowledge to improve the quality of family's meal than did the UA housewives(p〈0.01). Therefore, the RA housewives had various problems regarding meal management such as 'over work related to fatigue', 'food-purchasing inconvenience', 'low economic status of family' and 'lack of nutritional knowledge'. As a consequence the RA housewives relied on cheap convenient foods more often in order to prepare the meal easily than did the UA housewives. These findings emphasize the need in the RA for nutrition education for housewives and a range of nutrition policies that focus upon the social and economic determinants of food choice within families to improve the nutritional status of the RA residents.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary and the living habits of 606 university students located in the Chonnam area. The subjects included 290 freshmen (47.9%) and 316 undergraduate students (52.1%). This survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Most students (73.9%) skipped breakfast because of lack of time (65.8%) of the cases. Self-reported eating habits problems were eating irregular meal (52.8%), overeating (21.1%), unbalance diet (13.0%) and skipping meal (7.3%). The type of favorite snack was biscuit (31.8%) and cup Ramyon(31.8%). The weight control was higher in freshmen compared to undergraduate. The rates of smoking in freshmen and undergraduate were 21.0% and 26.6% respectively. The coffee intake and alcohol drinking frequency was higher in undergraduate compared to freshmen. The living habits of undergraduate students were undesirable. Therefore they should have a nutritional program to improve their food habits and the dietary behaviors for students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically.
        2004.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims on providing necessary data to quality development of Internet sports association by studying participating motive, level, supervisor, and life satisfaction of Internet sports association with functions as a new place of sports that cou
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate attitude and behavior of eating and purchasing seafood in relation to eating pattern at the household level among Korean housewives. Analysis data from 676 housewives in Korea were collected with self-administered questionnaires. The results were as follows: Seventy-three % of the respondents answered that they liked seafood dishes for their taste, good nutrition and health benefit in order, but 3.2% disliked seafoods because of their bad smell, cooking difficulties and high prices. In comparison with the meat dishes, seafoods were considered superior to meat in nutritional value(49.9%), health aspect(46.4%) and taste(42.4%) but seafood stuffs were evaluated inferior to meat in the aspects of preparation process(43.9%), sanitational problems(40.4%) and higher price(35.2%). The favorite fish cooking methods of housewives turned out to be grilling, stewing, eating as raw fish, braising and frying in order. The 74.7% of respondents evaluated that their family preferred seafood dishes, but 37.2% of the subjects prepared seafood dishes 1-2 times a week followed by 3-4 times a week(24.0%), 2-3 times a month(19.6%), once a month(7.4%) and more than once a day(5.3%). The frequency rate of seafood preparation showed significant differences according to the monthly income of the household(p<0.05), the higher the income, the higher the frequency rate. As for the difficulties in preparing seafood dishes, cumbersome processes before cooking(45.4%), high price(10.4%) and sanitational problems of distribution(9.9%) were indicated showing significant differences among the age groups of the subjects(p<0.01). These findings revealed that younger generation housewife group is the major target in promoting seafood consumption at household level. We suggest to develop convenient sale packages and continuing education programs with information about easy handling and preparation of seafoods for the promotion of home cooking.
        2001.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to know the conscious of eating habit of housewife. The data were collected from 250 housewives who were the age group of 20-60's in Sang-Ju. The survey was taken place from May to June in 2000. The result showed that there were significant differences in eating habit's consciousness according to housewife's age group: 1. As the age goes up, the housewife had less consideration herself when they purchased food and decided cooking method. 2. As the age goes down, the order in having meal was depended on conditions. But as the age goes up, they considered the order as important thing like followings; eating together, eating separately according to the sex, male first, senior first, housewives lastly. 3. The survey showed that there was distinction depending on sex in meal as age goes up. And The subject was conscious that the delicious and valuable meal served to male, senior and child before. 4. Regardless of senior, the consciousness for the skipping meal was high as the age goes down. 5. As the age goes up, female and seniors showed that leftover was not so good. 6. The consciousness that housewives were responsible for preparing the meal was high as the age goes up, but they had further difficulty in preparing meal as the age goes down. 7. In considering that male and senior should be participated in the kitchen work, they had high consciousness as the age goes down. 8. About role of cooking, the consciousness was hish in case of male as the age goes down, in case of female and housewife were high as the age goes up. 9. As the age goes up, The consciousness was high that Female must buy the food. 10. As the age goes up, they had high consciousness in considering that the meaning of meal was related to survival, that noodle and bread were not meal. And the consciousness about that eating out was not good for health was high as the age goes up.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to assess dietary intake obtained by easy method and to compare dietary behavior of house wife and female college students in Yanbian. The subjects consisted of 276 house wives and 228 female college students. Mean daily energy intake of house wives was 1926.0kcal and that of female college students was 1949.0kcal. Calcium intake as NAR(Nutrient adequacy ratio) was lowest in house wife and female college student. Iron intake was also low in subjects and lower in female college student than in house wife. Meal frequency per day was regular in subjects. Skipping meal time in subjects was breakfast and snaking time was late evening generally. Frequency of eating out was rare in most subjects and 60.6% of subjects preferred chinese food in eating out, while house wives preferred Korean food than female college student in eating out. The vegetables were preferred than meat or fish and used by fried in sauces. Hot and sour tastes were more like than greasy taste in subjects. Nutrient intake levels and dietary behaviors of house wife were to be like as those of female college students in general. BMI(Body mass index) was lower in female collage students than house wives, similarly in Korean. According to these results, house wives and female college students in Yanbian had similar dietary patterns. Calcium intake was tend to be low and dietary pattern was regular, dietary qualifies of subjects were adequate. Nutrient intake and dietary pattern in Yanbian were to be like as in Korean, and the Korean-Chinese in Yanbian maintained traditional dietary pattern.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the availability of home care rehabilitation services have been greatly increased since community-based rehabilitation was introduced to Korea, there is still a dearth of studies investigating the performance level of ADL (activities of daily living) for the physically disabled in the rural areas. The purposes of this study were to investigate the ADL performance level of disabled persons living at home in the rural areas of Wonju city, Korea, using FIM (functional independence measure) and to identify the specific areas of the ADL to be trained or evaluated by physical therapists or occupational therapists. 298 disabled people were interviewed by 10 physical therapy students. Analysis of the interviews indicated: 1) Forty seven point seven percent of the respondents were elderly-disabled persons whose ages were 61 years old or above, and 69.5% of respondents has the history of chronic disability period of 5 years or more. 2) FIM score of bathing, and stairs climbing showed severe dependent trend 3) FIM scores of self-feeding, urination, defecation, and comprehension ability were mildly dependent. These results revealed that functional evaluation/treatment for discharging from hospitals to the rural areas should be emphasized on the specific ADL performance areas such as bathing, and stairs climbing.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This nutritional survey was conducted in February 25, 1999, in order to investigate the nutritional knowledge, dietary attitudes and nutrient intakes of dietitians living in Kangwon area. Subjects consisted of 250 dietitians, with 184 in school food service, 14 in hospital food service and 52 in institution food service. Data were analyzed for frequencies, means, t-test, 2-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation using SPSS PC Package. The results obtained are summarized as follows: The average nutritional knowledge score was 10.15 out of possible 15 points, and dietary attitude score was 67.93 out of 100 points. The correlation between nutritional knowledge score and dietary attitude score was lowly(γ=-0.25). Nutrients consumed below the Korean RDA were energy (78.77%), Ca(90.5%), Fe(83.70%) and nutrients consumed above the Korean RDA were protein(110.83%), P(140.21%), vit.A(163.94%), vit.B2(126.37%), niacin(121.12%) and vit C(231.86%). Carbohydrate, protein and fat ratio on energy composition was 63%:17%:20%. The nutrient density among 3 groups of dietitian was not significantly different.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The issue of health and nutritional wellbeing becomes one of the utmost concerns for the welfare of the elderly in a society of increased aging populations. This study was conducted to assess nutritional state and to identify possible dietary factors that might influence health and nutritional state of the free living elderly women. Two hundred sixty two elderly women, aged 60-90 who are actively participating in a continuing education program for the elderly in Seoul area, were interviewed using a dietary habit questionnaire and a 24-hour recall. Anthropometric measurements such as heights, weights, body mass index, and tricep skinfolds and dental status were significantly different between the two age groups, 〈75 and ≥ 75 years of age. Sixty eight percent of the subjects were using nutritional supplements regularly, in the descending order of vitamin-mineral supplements(40%), botanicals(27.6%), tonic drinks(16%), and health foods(13.2%). For hot beverages, our study subjects drank coffee (33.6%) and green tea (17.9%) frequently, followed by doongulae, job's tears, citron and kyulmyung tea. With regard to micronutrients, vitamin C intake was found to be lower in the group aged over 75 compared to that below 75 (p〈0.05). Calcium intake was significantly higher among the elderly with good dental status followed by the groups with gingivitis, denture, and missed teeth with poor chewing abilities (p〈0.05). The amount of personal spending money was found to be a significant contributing factor (p〈0.05) to the energy and nutrient intake in an individual. The results of the present study can be applied to the identification of the possible factors that might intervene the aging process, to the planning of the nutrition education program, and to the development of health food products for the promotion of health and nutrition of the elderly women.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to economical status, under-nutrition and over-nutrition coexist in preschool children in Korea. Subjects consumed more than RDA in most nutrients, and children in of the upper income class tended to have more nutrients than those of the low income class. Especially in case of energy, protein, fat, vitamin B2, and P there were significant differences among the different classes. The mean calorie compositions of carbohydrates, protein and fat were 57~59: 16~17: 26~27 and fat calorie percentage was higher than quantity recommended for Korean adults. Energy, protein, Fe, vitamin A, B1 and C intakes were taken mostly from plant food sources. In the upper income class group, intakes of protein and vitamin B2 from animal food sources were higher than in any other income classes. Intakes of iron, vitamin A, B1 and C were largely provided by plant food group. Especially 44-45% of vitamin A were taken from vegetable and fruits group, which indicated that about 50% of vitamin A intake was the form of β-carotene. Also compared with other groups, in the upper income class group, the intakes of energy, protein, Ca, p, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 from cereal and potatoes were significantly lower, and those of Ca and P from milks and meats, fishes & eggs were significantly higher(p〈0.05). The mean fat intake in all subjects was 38~43g/day. Regardless of income class, oleic acid(6.6~8.4g) and linoleic acid(6.7~8.1g) were the most abundant fatty acids contained in the diet. The upper class group consumed significantly more total saturated fatty acids and total monounsaturated fatty acids(p〈0.05). In polyunsaturated fatty acids, there were no differences between 3 different income classes, but intakes of total Ω6 fatty acids in the upper class tended to be higher and those of total o3 fatty acids in low class tended to be higher. Therefore, Ω6/Ω3 tended to be higher in the upper class group. Regardless of income classes, P/M/S and Ω6/Ω3 ratios in all subjects were 0.9~l.3/1.0~1.1/1.0 and 5.2~7.4/1.0, respectively and were in a desirable range. Cholesterol intake of subject was 184-218 mg/day, which was comparable to the value of Korean adult intake.
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