
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 142

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 다문화가정 어머니의 문화적응 스트레스정도와 자녀의 감각처리능력, 사회성숙도에 미치는 영향에 대 해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 경상북도 B군, 전라남도 N시에 거주하는 다문화가정 외국인 어머니 60명과 자녀 60명을 대상으로 다문화가정 어머니에게 문화적응 스트레스 검사, 자녀에게는 단축감각프로파일과 사회성숙도를 검사하였다. 결과 : 첫째, 다문화가정 어머니는 한국문화적응에 어려움을 가지고 있었다. 둘째, 다문화가정 자녀의 감각처리능력과 사 회성숙도에 지연을 보였다. 셋째, 어머니의 문화적응 스트레스가 자녀의 감각처리능력과 사회지수의 관련성과 변인분 석에 대한 연구 결과, 어머니의 문화적응 스트레스의 지각된 차별감, 향수병, 두려움, 죄책감, 문화적응 스트레스 총점 항목은 자녀의 감각처리능력과 사회지수에 유의한 관련성을 보였다. 어머니의 문화적응 스트레스 하부항목 변인 중에 지각된 차별감과 기타 항목이 사회지수 변동에 영향을 미쳤고, 지각된 차별감, 문화충격, 죄책감 항목이 감각처리능력 변동에 영향을 미쳤다. 결론 : 이 연구결과를 통하여 다문화가정 외국인어머니의 한국문화적응에 어려움이 자녀들의 감각처리능력과 사회성숙 에 영향을 미치는 것을 알아볼 수 있었다. 그러므로 앞으로 다문화가정 이주여성과 자녀들에 대한 작업치료 중재 시 기 초자료로 제공하고자 한다.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aiming to examine the understanding of the foreign social service and religio-culture of the Korean religious organizations, the article analyzes the foreign social services of the American religious organizations and those of the Korean religious organizations comparatively, which have been practiced in Cambodia. Further the article compares how the Korean faith-based organizations understand the religio-culture among the cross-cultural social services in Cambodia with how the American faith-based organizations understand that in Cambodia. The research on the understandings is achieved through 3 methodological tools: critical method of literatures, visiting and surveying offices and field sites, and interviews with the persons in charge of the organizations. First, the article starts with discussing the religio-cultural context in Cambodia of which Theravada Buddhism has dominated lives of the people historically. Also Cambodian authority for the NGO/CSOs including Christian organizations and the NGO Forum on Cambodia are analyzed to impose requirements on the international NGOs. Second, the research discusses the theological policies to understand the religio-culture among the cross-cultural social services of the 7 Christian NGOs in the U. S. such as AFSC, CRS, CRWRC, CWS, MCC, MKLM, WVI which have maintained different traditions. Third, the article deals with the religious policies for understanding the religio-cultural social services of the 7 Korean religious organizations such as Catholic OBOS, Dail Community, Korea Food for the Hungry International, World Vision Korea, Buddhist JTS, Buddhist Goodhands, Won-buddhist NGO. Most of the Korean organizations show that they do not keep the policies to the cross-cultural issues. Fourth and Conclusively, the article compares the characteristics of the policies of the American FBOs with those of the Korean FBOs. Briefly speaking, the former focuses on the humanitarian and development issues as the NGO do, however the latter keep no policies, which are oriented to mission works to expand their religious identity. Therefore the Korean FBOs are asked to arrange theological or religious policies to be open to other religions and cultures. Inclusive of other religio-cultures the FBOs may do their mission-oriented development works. CRWRC can be a good model for Korean FBOs to contribute to exercising the holistic perspective development mission.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市之间的交流方式在搞活经济和旅游观光方面 来看,基本上着重于通过人为的行政交流进行,这样的交流方式不具备永久性, 并且难可持续发展。中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间社会文化的交流接触成为重要的 中间媒介。但是到目前为止,对于釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间社会文化交 流还仅停留在能罗列出的一些暂时性的接触水平。因此,为了增进两地间更活跃 的交流,有必要更深层次地摸索道路,进而提出解决问题的实质性方案。 韩中两国城市间的社会文化交流比起硬要单方面的同化,更需要充分地实现 交流城市间双方的文化理解和认识。所以,通过可以增进相互理解的机制,努力 促进釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间的社会文化交流走向更成熟的新篇章。
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        South Korea is a regional Protestant superpower with a successful mission history. It has the largest Christian congregation in the world: Yoido Full Gospel Church built by Paul Yonggi Cho. As of 2009, it dispatched more than 20,000 missionaries abroad. However since the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the breakdown of the Cold War in 1991, evangelical Protestantism in the country has been steadily declining. Moreover, its social credence is continuously lowering as a result of controversy such as hereditary transmission of pastors, clergy’s sex scandals, financial dishonesty, and privatization of the church. Because of this, Protestant Christianity in South Korea is in some real sense viewed as controversial. The purpose of this paper is to examine the sociocultural change in South Korea in the midst of neoliberal globalization in order to build the socalled ‘missional church,’ a collection of missional believers acting in concert together in fulfillment of the missio dei. The‘missional church’ is faith communities willing and ready to be Christ’s people in their own situation and place. The paper consists of the following sections. The introduction focuses on the emergence of the ‘missional church’ along side with the recent crisis of Korean Protestant Christianity. The first section describes some new cultural trends propelled by globalization. The second section explores sociocultural changes within present South Korea from the sociological perspective of mission: (1) from collectivism to individualism, (2) from ‘regulation society’ via ‘task society’ to ‘fatigue society.’ The third section investigates the outer situation of the ‘missional church’: (1) class disparity, (2) change in demography and family, (3) emergence of ‘N (net) generation.’ The conclusion provides some suggestions including ‘progressive Pentecostalism’ (in Donald Miller’s words) for building the ‘missional church’ within contemporary Korean society under the turbulence and division in terms of ideology, region, class and generation.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북한 이탈주민의 가파른 증가에 따라 우리 사회는 정치, 경제, 사회적으로 다양한 관심을 갖게 되었다. 이들이 갖고 있는 문제를 풀기 위해서는 원인에 따른 각기 다른 대처방법이 있겠지만 현재 남한에서 살아가야 하는 현재의 당면한 문제에 기반하여야 할 것이다. 그동안에 이루어진 접근방법은 주로 경제, 생활정착에만 초점을 두었으며, 북한이탈주민에 대한 관점이 일방적으로 한국사회에 동화해야만 하는 수동적인 대상으로만 보았지만 이제는 다문화적 관점에서 북한이탈주민이 갖고 있는 독특한 경험구조와 상황에 맞게 문화적 다양성에 민감하고, 이에 맞는 전문지식과 기술을 갖춘 사회복지 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 문화적 역량을 갖춘 실천활동이 필요한 때이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 북한에 대한 이해, 탈북과정에 대한 이해, 남한사회에서 겪은 적응의 어려움에 대한 고려, 가족해체 현상에 대한 고려의 4가지 요소를 기본으로 문화적 역량의 이론적 틀에 따라 인식, 지식, 기술의 각각의 영역에서 필요한 사회복지실천적 방법을 제시해 보았다. 본 연구는 북한이탈주민이 한국사회에서 생활해 나가는데 필요한 사회복지적 접근에 있어서 문화적 역량에 기반한 개입의 필요성과 이론적 근거를 제시하고, 그 실천방안에 대한 논의를 시작하였다는 점에서 향후 연구의 기본 토대가 될 것이다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is to focus on the approach and application in practical strategy for Rwanda's culture and society. The understanding of Rwanda has so rapidly changed from their history. The missionaries did not understand about Rwanda situation. Also Korean church is not interested in Africa culture and mission. This situation has some important mission fields as the Rwanda church and Christian are being considered. The practical alternatives for Rwanda mission are very significant sphere of Africa mission. This paper is analyzed understand and practices for Rwanda mission through field experience and reference books. The Korea church should be realized the missional direction toward the Africa culture. This article explains social, political, economic, and religious understanding as well as their musics, worldview, and language. For this Rwanda mission practice and method, I want to recommend several suggestions to Korea church. Firstly, we can be recognized mission of passion of Gospel. We should be understood that the church must practice important vocation for Africa mission. Secondly, We should be changed paradigm shift about Rwanda mission. We can use materially, financially, culturally practical resources in the Korea church toward Rwanda mission. We can develop contact point for Rwanda strategy and plan in various missional direction.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계화 및 아시아의 경제발전으로 인해 과거부터 북미와 유럽국가에 서 나타난 인구의 다양화 및 다문화사회는 오늘 아시아의 한국 및 대만 신흥국가로도 확장되어가고 있다. 유럽국가와 달리 캐나다는 UN에서 권장한 다문화 사회통합정책에 있어 성공한 모범사례이다. 1971년 캐 나다 트루도(Trudea) 정부는 다문화주의 법안(Multiculturism Act)을 통과시켜 캐나다를 세계에서 유일하게 다문화주의를 헌법에 명기한 국 가가 되었다. 이로 인하여 다문화주의는 캐나다정부로부터 사회 전반까 지 관철 되었다. 이는 여러 소수민족 문화를 미국주류문화에 융합시키 는 미국의 멜팅팟 (Melting pot)방식과 달리 캐나다 다문화주의의 특색 은 각 소수민족의 문화를 보존하고 다양성을 인정 및 존중하여 각 민족 들이 자기만의 색깔을 낼 수 있도록 하여 같이 모여 한 폭의 모자이크 (Mosaic)그림을 형성하는 제도이다. 다양한 인종이 살고 있는 토론토의 화인 및 한인 커뮤니티 서비스도 이런 캐나다식의 다문화 통합정책이 실현되고 있다. 그 중 새 이민자 사회정착서비스(Social Settlement Services) 부문에서 자민족(自民族), 자언어(自言語), 자운영(自運營) 시 스템으로 진행되고 있으며, 이는 중국어,한국어를 포함한 160개국 언 어로 자민족이 운영하는 커뮤니티 비영리 단체로부터 세계 각 국에서 온 이민자가 캐나다 사회통합(Integration) 정착서비스를 제공받을 수 있게 하여 사회에 잘 적응하는 시스템이다. 본 연구는 이런 옥토(沃土) 을 제공하는 캐나다 다문화 사회통합시스템을 한국에 적용가능한지를 연구하고자 한다.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper aims to do a comparative research on foreign social services and cultural understanding of the religious organizations of Korea and of the United States which have been active in Cambodia. The results of the research will be helpful to contribute to develop the support policies of the government authority to religious NGOs and to achieve more effective results in the field of international development by the religious NGOs in Korea. The first part of the paper defines some concepts on community development, international cooperation NGOs, understanding of culture, and foreign social services of the religious organizations. Further the paper makes clear the practical structures of goals and processes of the social service (community development) of religious NGOs which transform the religiocultures of the native population. The second and third parts analyze the religious NGOs of Korea and of the United States. The activities in Cambodia and staff education on the culture of the 12 religious NGOs of Korea are examined to influence the community development or social service which is closely related to cultural change. The third part discusses the activities and staff education of the 7 religious (Christian) NGOs of the U.S. which have practiced the social services in Cambodia. The fourth part compares with the merit points of the religious NGOs of the two countries and discusses the issues of NGO activities in the fields. Finally the paper suggests three points to the NGO authorities in Korea such as financial support of the government authority to the religious NGOs, enforcement of religiocultural education for the staffs of the religious NGOs, and establishment of new department such as world relief service by the denomination basis in the Korean churches.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to demonstrate the sociocultural significance of architectural journals produced in the 1970s during which a fundamental reconsideration of architectural discipline has been made. To this end, we established a method of analysis adapted to the characteristics of architectural journals of that period. In this formulation, the relative autonomy of architectural journal with regard to various actors and institutions involved in its production emerged as a major criterion for the analysis of a journal. From this methodological reflection, we analyzed two French architectural journals, AMC published between 1973 and 1981 and l’Architecture d'Aujourd'hui between 1974 and 1977, which were produced both in close relation with parisian architectural schools (UPA) in the context of reestablishment of architectural education and beginning of architectural research in France after the events of May 1968. If these journals reflected and strengthened the architectural reality and especially the social network of their protagonists, it is equally important to note that they have transformed it into cultural network, and this by the mechanism proper to their preparation and their textual organization.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this paper is to determine refusal differences of people from different cultural backgrounds while using English. The data were collected from three groups of subjects - Americans, Koreans, and Japanese - to compare the ways they perform refusals in terms of three dimensional approaches in semantic formulas: order, semantic contents, and frequency. DCT (Discourse Completion Test) was given in conditions where the subjects had a different status such that the refuser is lower, equal, or higher to the refugee in social status. The research proved that differences in recognizing speech acts of refusals in different cultures could posit problems to L2 learners when producing speech acts in English. The result of the research shows that the refusals depending on the subjects from different cultures had a different order of semantic formula, semantic context, and frequency of apologies, excuses and thanks in refusal contexts. In conclusion, the research suggests that L2 teachers need to teach students to enhance their knowledge of the proper use of speech acts in English. Having enhanced speech acts in the target language in terms of sociolinguistic competence is necessary for avoiding communication errors as well as for establishing a productive ground for various interactions between native and non-native interlocutors of English.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The numerous Korean church today embraces the technical goal of the invention building the paradigm of the new mission about the Chinese student studying abroads flowed in into the righteousness, to pay attention to the interior of a country China student studying abroads to the oversea missionary work resource voluntarily, the interior of a country. While the mission environment of Korean Chinese student studying abroads is unable to be good, the result which can be obtained through the missionary activity of the missionaries in China field church is very low. If for the missionary judgment of the Korean churches, the focus is adjusted to the Chinese student studying abroads, the long-term mission strategy which creates the social support system and so that the it has been growing in the mutually different cultural area Chinese student studying abroads can adapt well the Chinese student studying abroads to the Korean culture and college life and can minimize the culture shock because of the gospel will be established. The stress removal factor in which the student studying abroads can take the emotional psychological relaxation is grasped and the Christian culture and the faith settlement, that is the gospel, should be made. the various pattern of adjustments show as to Chinese student studying abroads’ right-foot shoot. However, that it is attached when it has to pay attention. Whether it is familiar with the various factorses including the member of the cultural area, living this success popular culture, language, and etc. or not. However, while the existing values according to the socialist identity which they have in the process of doing Korean college life and world view underwent a lot of difficulties in strange Korean cultural adaptation, the stress was experienced. In this condition, when the church community sets the mission direction and strategy, the many-sided effort for the stress relaxation according to the cultural adaptation of the Chinese student studying abroads is required. the strategic access about how approaching from the position in which the Social Support for canceling the stress required for the cultural adaptation for Korean Chinese college life is needed is required. It has the values, of the church the world view and existing paradigm so far, it is not easy to propagate the Chinese student studying abroads. The strategic access to the new paradigm which can be managed with the form of ‘the come mission’ in ‘it visits mission’ paradigm which the church and missionary group had been providing is desperately required. Therefore the mission resource in which many churches can distinguish the various obstacle according toes the Chinese student studying abroad mission and which can overcome this has to be communally created.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Collaboration among various fields appear according to rising of snack culture, polarizing phenomenon by a point to value, consumer behavior change giving importance to direct experience, and arrival of high touch age satisfied various needs and desires of consumer. Collaboration progressed limited edition form utilizes famous artist and designer’s fame to promote products and upgrade their brand image through a short period agreement. This research aims at analysis about collaboration phenomenon in collaboration manners and characteristics, and understands changed socio-cultural meaning through collaboration expressed in almost all industry for high speedy changing fashion environment. This research utilizes between theoretical study and empirical analysis. For concentrated study, research period limits from 2007 to the present time 2009. This paper's purpose is studying on the socio-cultural meaning through analysis about characteristics of the trend of collaboration expressed in contemporary fashion. This research's results are as follow as; First, common life toward aesthetic surrounding, Second, introduction of high concept, Third, the power of Homo Consmus, Forth, focusing on the intangible elements and the value. This study intends to predict change of fashion design and fashion market for complicated consumer, and present fundamental materials about fashion industry and design development of the future through consideration on concrete aspect and meaning of collaboration expressed in contemporary fashion.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조직문화와 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동과 같은 조직유효성 간의 관계에 사회적 자본의 매개효과가 있는지를 검증하는 것이다. 병원조직 구성원을 대상으로 조사한 바에 의하면, 전체중심 조직문화가 강할수록 조직동일시 수준과 대인간 신뢰에 대한 지각이 높게 나타났다. 전체중심 조직문화는 직무만족, 조직몰입, 그리고 조직시민행동에 모두 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 조직동일시와 대인간 신뢰는 각각 직무만족, 조직몰입 그리고 조직시민행동
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