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        검색결과 53

        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        더덕은 뿌리를 약용 또는 식용으로 이용하고 있으며 최근 더덕 추출물의 약리효능이 각인되면서 기능성 식품의 원료로서 흥미를 끌고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 더덕의 주요한 사포닌인 lancemasides의 추출방법을 확립하고, UV (A, B, C) 처리와 발효(5종의 유산균 및 효모) 처리를 통해 더덕의 사포닌 함량을 증대시키고자 수행하였다. 추출방법은 autoclave를 이용한 열수 추출방법이 기존의 초음파 추출방법보다 추출 효율이 더 우수하였다. 더덕의 사포닌 함량을 증대시키기 위해 수확한 더덕 뿌리에 UV 처리와 발효 처리를 한 결과 UV 및 발효 처리는 각각 무처리에 비해 사포닌 함량이 약 20%, 22% 증가한 UV-C와 Bacillus subtilis 처리가 가장 효과적이었다. 또한 UV-C 처리의 경우 수확한 더덕 뿌리에서보다는 생육 중인 더덕 잎에 처리하는 것이 효과적이었다. 그러므로 더덕의 사포닌 함량은 생육 중인 더덕 잎에 UV-C 처리 후, 수확한 뿌리에 B. subtilis 발효 처리를 통해 87%까지 증대시킬 수 있었다. 이것은 UV-C 처리는 스트레스 초기에 반응하는 사포닌류 생성에 관여하고 발효 처리는 사포닌의 상 전환에 관여하여 사포닌 함량을 증대시키는 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Panax quinquefolius (PQ)은 미국 지역에서 주로 재배하는 삼이며, 피로 회복과 면역 증진, 혈압 및 콜레스테롤 조절에 효능이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 효과들을 나타내는 것은 인삼의 특유한 사포닌(saponin) 성분인 진세노사이드(ginsenoside)에 기인하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 식품의 가공방법 중의 하나인 팽화는 압력과 온도를 가하여 식품 중에 존재하는 녹말의 호화, 단백질의 변성 및 조직화, 저장 중 지질의 산화에 의한 변패 등을 유발시키는 효소의 불활성화, 수분이 제거 및 다공성 구조를 야기한다. 따라서 본 실험의 목적은 팽화 압력에 따른 PQ의 추출수율, 조사포닌 함량 및 항산화능의 변화를 분석하여 한국인삼(Panax ginseng, PG)과의 차이점을 구명하는 것이다. 시료는 건조된 미국산과 캐나다산 PQ를 쌀과 배합하여 사용하였다. PQ를 686, 784, 882, 980kPa로 팽화한 후 70% 발효 주정으로 추출하였다. 추출액을 농축하여 증류수에 녹인 후, 이들의 추출수율, 조사포닌 함량 및 항산화능의 변화를 분석하였다. 팽화압력과 상관없이 팽화 캐나다삼이 팽화 미국삼보다 부피와 크기가 컸다. 두 인삼 모두 압력 조건이 높아질수록 갈변화가 더 진행되었으며, 784kPa부터 표면이 바스러지고 882kPa부터 내부와 분리되는 현상이 발생하였다. 팽화 전 캐나다삼의 추출수율과 조사포닌, DPPH 라디칼 소거능 모두 미국삼보다 높은 값을 나타내었다. 팽화 후 두 인삼 모두 control에 비하여 추출수율, 조사포닌, DPPH 라디칼 소거능이 증가하였다. 추출수율과 조사포닌의 함량의 경우, 캐나다삼은 압력에 따라 증가하였고, 미국삼은 감소하다 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 추출수율은 팽화 전후 압력에 상관없이 미국삼보다 캐나다삼이 높았으며, 조사포닌 및 DPPH 라디칼 소거능의 경우 특정한 경향을 나타내지 않았다. 본 실험에 사용한 팽화 미국삼 및 캐나다삼은 팽화 한국삼보다 추출수율과 항산화능은 낮지만, 조사포닌의 함량이 높았다. 따라서 팽화로 인한 미국삼 및 캐나다삼 조사포닌 함량 증가가 팽화 한국삼보다 더 크게 유의적으로 증가하여 이들을 활용한 다양한 제품들의 개발이 가능하고 국제시장에서 이들이 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the changes in saponin content and antioxidant activity of crude ginseng and extruded ginseng by using different solvent extraction methods. Each of the fractions was first extracted by 80% ethanol followed by ether treatment to remove the lipid components. Water soluble components were separated by ethylacetate and water saturated butanol. Four fraction, including 80% ethanol, ethylacetate, butanol and water were obtained from crude and extruded ginsengs to analyze saponin content and antioxidant activity. Saponin content and antioxidant capacity of each of the four fractions were measured by LC/MS analysis and ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) assay, respectively. It was found that a major portion of saponin was present in ethyl acetate and water saturated butanol fractions. When extracted by 80% ethanol, ginsenoside Rb1 and Rg1 were mostly found in crude ginseng, while ginsenoside Re and Rb1 were detected in extruded ginseng. Even though Rh1 and Rg3 were found in a very small quantity in crude ginseng, there was a significant quantity of both in extruded ginseng when extracted by 80% ethanol. Similar tendency was also observed in extruded ginseng fraction when extracted with ethyl acetate and butanol. In crude ginseng, the level of Rg1 was the highest among other ginsenosides upon extraction by ethyl acetate, while Rh1 and Rg3 were predominantly found by employing similar solvent extraction in the extruded ginseng. Also, Rg1, Re and Rb1 were also found in the extruded ginseng with small quantity. Rg1, Re and Rb1 were found in crude ginseng by butanol extraction, while Rb1 and Re were extracted from the extruded ginseng. Overall, there was no difference in the saponin content between crude ginseng and extruded ginseng when extracted by butanol and water, but twice as much of saponin was obtained by 80% ethanol extraction and 6 times more saponin were obtained in ethyl acetate fraction in the extruded ginseng. Antioxidant capacity of crude ginseng as determined by ORAC assay was higher in 80% ethanol(high in many different kinds of biological compounds) and water saturated butanol(high in polar saponin) fractions than the ethyl acetate and water fractions. No difference in antioxidant capacity was observed between crude and extruded ginseng. However, antioxidant capacity of ethyl acetate and water fractions in extruded ginseng was significantly higher than crude ginseng(P>0.05). All the fractions in both, crude and extruded ginseng possessed antioxidant capacity and even water fractions that contained almost no saponin had some antioxidant capacity. While determining correlation coefficient between fractions in extruded ginseng by Pearson correlation, it was observed that 80% ethanol fraction was in correlation with ethyl acetate(P>0.01) and ethanol(P>0.001) and in the case of ethylacetate, correlation was observed only with butanol fraction(P>0.05).
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        건강 기능성과 기호성, 간편성을 갖는 건강차를 개발하기 위하여 4년생 인삼엽을 7월과 8월에 각각 채엽하고 이를 재료로 하여 건조법 (DRT), 숙성법(AGT), 열처리법 (HPT)등의 3가지 방법으로 인삼엽차를 제조하고 인삼제품의 품질 지표인 조사포닌 함량과 조성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 인삼엽차의 조사포닌 함량은 제조 방법 중 HPT 가 18.72 ~ 18.82%로 가장 높았으며 AGT는 18.24 ~ 18.29%, DRT는 17.02 ~ 17.17%순이었고 채엽시기별 함량 차이는 거의 나타나지 않았다. 2. 인삼엽차의 protopanaxadiol(PD), protopanaxatriol (PT)계 사포닌의 함량비 (PD/PT)는 제조 방법 중 DRT가 1.11 ~ 1.13, HPT 1.09 ~ 1.12 이었고, AGT는 0.92 ~ 1.02ft 다소 낮은 결과를 나타내었다. 또한 채엽시기별 함량비는 유사하였다. 4. 인삼엽차의 5분간 열탕침출액의 조사포닌 함량은 7월엽 제품, HPT가 각각 15.88%, 16.88%로 가장 높았고 ginsenoside 함량은 -Re, -Rd, -Rg_1, -Rb_2, -Rc순이었다. 알콜로 8시간 환류 추출한 총 사포닌과 5분간 열탕 침출액 중 조사포닌 함량을 비교한 조사포닌 침출율은 81.74 ~ 84.38%로서 7월엽 제품, HPT가 84.38%로 가장 높았고 ginsenoside 침출율은 다소 낮은 78.00 ~ 88.13%를 나타내었다. 또한 30분간 침출액의 침출율은 88.01 ~ 92.31%로 5분간 침출율보다 7월엽 제품은 10 ~ 135, 8월엽 제품은 약 20% 증가하였고, ginsenoside 침출율은 유사한 경향을 나타내었다.
        1998.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인삼엽차 제조를 위한 연구의 일환으로 인삼엽의 성숙시기인 7, 8, 9월 중에 인삼엽을 각각 채엽하여 사포닌 함량 및 조성을 비교, 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 인삼엽의 사포닌함량은 7월엽이 17.17%, 8월엽이 16.67%, 9월엽 15.58%로서 채엽시기가 늦어질수록 감소하였으나 ginsenoside pattern은 유사하였다. 2. 인삼엽의 ginsenoside 함량 및 조성은 채엽시기와 관계없이 ginsenosides-Re, -Rd, -Rg_1 등이 총사포닌 성분의 70% 이상을 차지하였고 그 다음으로 -Rb_1, -Rb_2, -Rc 순이었으며 protopanaxadio계 사포닌은 8월엽, protopanaxtriol계 사포닌은 9월엽에서 가장 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 3. 인삼엽의 채엽시기별 protopanaxadiol(PD) / protopanaxatriol(PT)계 사포닌의 함유비율은 7월엽의 1.13에서 9월엽은 0.85로 점차 낮아지는 경향을 나타내었다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of fertilization with the application of mixed organic matter after cultivating green manure crops on the growth and saponin content of Codonopsis lanceolata Trautv. Methods and Results: Five type of cultivation of green manure crops were done: hairy vetch as a single seedling crop (HV), hairy vetch and rye as a mixture of seedling (HV/R), additional fertilization with mixed organic matter after cultivation of a seedling mixture (HV/R/MO), chemical fertilizer (CF), and a non-treated control (NT). The total nitrogen content was the highest in the HV/R/ MO treatment, followed by the HV, CF, HV/R and NT treatments, respectively. Nitrogen fixation was higher in the single seedling treatment with hairy vetch (HV) than in the treatment with a mixture of hairy vetch and rye seedling (HV/R). Moreover, the growth of C. lanceolata was greatly increased by the application of additional fertilizer after treatment with the mixture of hairy vetch and rye seedlings. The HV/R/MO treatment produced the highest total lancemaside content among the treatments, followed by HV, HV/ R, CF, and NT, respectively. Conclusions: It was verified that C. lanceolata experienced superior growth with the application of mixed organic matter as additional fertilizer after the cultivation of green manure crops, and the content of its major saponins, lancemasides were also increased by this treatment.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: To obtain useful cosmetic resources, this study aimed to determine the non-saponin fatty acid and inhibitory activities of collagenase and elastase by treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in supercritical fluid extracted oil of the adventitious root culture of wild mountain ginseng. Methods and Results: We performed supercritical fluid extraction at various conditions such as pressure, temperature, time, and use of co-solvents, unlike the n-hexane extraction for the adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng. The non-saponin-fatty acid obtained from the oil of the adventitious roots culture was incresed by treatment with S. cerevisiae. The supercritical fluid extraction was conducted using gas chromatography. Non-saponin-fatty acid content, in the oil of adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng treated with S. cerevisiae for 2 days were three times higher than that in the control. In addition, the oil of the adventitious roots culture treated with S. cerevisiae was investigated for the anti-wrinkle effect by using collagenase and elastase. The oil of adventitious roots culture treated with S. cerevisiae exhibited higher collagenase and elastase inhibitory activities than those in the control. Conclusions: Supercritical fluid extracted oil of the adventitious roots culture of wild mountain ginseng treated with S. cerevisiae was found to have decreased ratio of saturated fatty acids and incresed ratio and content of unsaturated fatty acids increased. Furthermore, it showed anti-wrinkle effects in vitro.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Codonopsis lanceolata is currently used as vegetable, as well as materials for traditional medicines. However, consumers have nagative views on using pesticides and chemical fertilizer in C. lanceolata cultivation. Therefore, this research was conducted to select the appropriate organic fertilizer to improve the growth and saponin components of C. lanceolata by some organic fertilizers application. Methods and Results : Organic fertilizers were applied as 4 types: mixed organic matter, fermentation cake, bacterial culture and rice husks, excluding conventional chemical fertilizer and non-treatment used as control. The result analyzed in soil after fertilizer application showed that soil pH was acidified in fermentation cake and chemical fertilizer treatment, especially, chemical fertilizer treatment showed very high phosphoric-acid content than other treatments, and total N content was higher in fermentation cake, mixed organic matter and chemical fertilizer. Growth of C. lanceolata showed superior tendency in the treatment of mixed organic matter and fermentation cake. Lancemacides could be identified as foetidissimoside A, lancemaside A, lancemaside B, and lancemaside D. However, among them, quantitative analysis could not be conducted on foetidissimoside A due to its very low content, and lancemaside A was the most abundant saponin in the root from all the treatments. The content of lancemaisde A according to organic fertilizer application showed the highest value in the treatment of mixed organic matter, followed by the fermentation cake, bacterial culture, non-treatment, rice husks and chemical fertilizer, in that order. The content of lancemaside B and D was very low compared to lancemaside A, and there was no difference among treatments. Conclusion : The growth of C. lanceolata was superior in application of mixed organic matter and fermentation cake, and the major saponin, lancemaside A, was also increased.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to serve as a basis for the production of high quality organic cultivation Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix roots by analyzing the content of saponins according to organic fertilizer for organic farming. Methods and Results : Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix was treated by with biodegradable film, rice husks, and sawdust, non-mulching (hand weeding). A root of Platycodon grandiflorum were analyzed saponins using HPLC harvested on October. Content of Plantycodin D3 was an average of 68.5 ㎎/100g, which appeared as 111.2 ㎎/100g highest content in the sawdust treated. Deapioplatycodin D showed the highest 48.1 ㎎/100g in the sawdust treated. The content of Platycodin D was shown to 246.2∼373.8 ㎎/100g, the highest values were observed in non-mulching, it showed the lowest value in the rice husks treated. The content of Polygalacin D showed up to 156.0 ㎎/100g in the non-mulching as the biggest difference, the lowest value were 30.1 and 32.2 ㎎/100g in sawdust and rice husks treated. Large differences between fertilizers was not showed, but the overall saponin content of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix were low in value compared to the control than organic fertilizers. Conclusion : Large differences between mulching materials was showed, thus the overall saponin content of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix was highest in value compared to non-mulching than sawdust treatment. Mulching Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix with sawdust was an effective method for improving saponin contents.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : For increasing saponin content of ginseng cultivated in shaded plastic house, this research was performed to investigate growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng according to foliar spray of chitosan and water-soluble silicates processing. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivars to be used this research were Cheonpung, Yeonpung and 1-year-old seedlings of Cheonpung, Yeonpung was transplanted on March 24, 2015. Planting density was 72 plant/3.3㎡and Shading material of plastic house used blue-white shading vinyl. The processing method of organic matter is as follows, we were applied chitosan (40 kg / 10a), silicate (3kg / 10a) to soil scheduled for ginseng cultivation with basal application. Then, we were diluted with chitosan and silicates to 1000-fold and investigated growth characteristics, saponin content of ginseng after foliar spray twice a month from May to September. Conclusion : Photosynthetic rate of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was higher in the chitosan experimental group compared to the control group and photosynthetic rate of ginseng cultivars was the highest in Cheonpung’s silicate group(3.70 μmole CO2/㎡/s). The growth characteristics in above-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic matter treatments compared to the control group. Above-ground part’s growth characteristics of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter showed a good trend in plant height, stem length, stem diameter of chitosan experimental group. The growth characteristics in under-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic experimental groups. In Yeonpung of the chitosan experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 9.2 g/plant that increased by 46 % compared to the control group. In Cheonpung of the silicate experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 8.3 g/plant that increased by 56 % compared to the control group. In the chitosan experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(10.38 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(12.29 ㎎/g), control(11.53 ㎎/g), respectively. In the silicate experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(11.73 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(14.21 ㎎/g), respectively. Crude saponin content of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was. generally higher in Yeonpung than Cheonpung.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to serve as a basis for the production of high quality organic cultivation Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix roots by analyzing the content of saponins according to organic fertilizer for organic farming. Methods and Results : As basal fertilizer were treated before transplanting Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix with chemical fertilizer(Super21, 21-17-17, Namhae Chemical), mixed organic fertilizer, livestock manure, bacterial cultures and fermented oil cake in each trial of nitrogen based on 3 ㎏/10a criteria. A root of Platycodon grandiflorum were analyzed saponins using HPLC harvested on October. Content of Plantycodin D3 was an average of 40.6 ㎎ /100g, which appeared as 48.1 ㎎/100g highest content in the bacteria cultures treated. Deapioplatycodin D showed the highest 70.9 ㎎/100g in the control, the rest was investigated 28.1∼54 ㎎/100g. The content of Platycodin D was shown to 327.4∼373.8 ㎎/100g, the highest values were observed in mixed organic fertilizer, it showed the lowest value in the control. The content of Polygalacin D showed up to 336.7 ㎎/100g in the manure as the biggest difference, the lowest value were 54.5 and 74.2 ㎎/100g in bacterial cultures and control. Large differences between fertilizers was not showed, but the overall saponin content of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix were low in value compared to the control than organic fertilizers. Conclusion : For the increasing the yield that Pharmacological effect, organic fertilizer is effective to increase the number of fine-root high which high contented with saponins.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : For increasing saponin content of ginseng cultivated in shaded plastic house, this study was performed to investigate growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer) according to foliar spray of germanium and water-soluble silicates processing. Methods and Results : Used a native species in this study is violet-stem variant that most commonly cultivated in ginseng’s farms. 1-year-old violet-stem variant was transplanted on March 24, 2015 and planting distance was 11 × 20 cm. Shading material of plastic house was used blue-white shading vinyl. The processing method of inorganic dissolved matter is as follows, we were diluted with germanium and water-soluble silicates to 500-fold, 1000-fold and investigated after foliar spray twice a month from May to September. The growth characteristics in above-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the inorganic matters treatment compared to the control treatment, the difference of above-ground growth characteristics between the inorganic dissolved matters treatments was not significant. The growth characteristics in under-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the inorganic matter treatments and root weight per plant in the 500-fold dilution of germanium was 12.4 g that increased by 29 % compared to the control (9.6 g). Crude saponin content of under-ground part was higher generally in inorganic matter treatments compared to the control (11.53 ㎎/g). In the 1000-fold dilution of water-soluble silicate and germanium (50:50), crude saponin content was the highest in 12.91 ㎎/g. Crude saponin content of above-ground part was higher generally in inorganic matter treatments compared to the control (61.76 ㎎/g). In the 1000-fold dilution of water-soluble silicate and germanium (50:50), crude saponin content was the highest in 65.69 ㎎/g. Conclusion : From the above results, we concluded that germanium and water-soluble silicates could be useful matters in promoting growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mayer).
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soyasaponin I, II, III and V contents were investigated in seed, cotyledons and sprouts of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) subjected to germination over five days. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometric (HPLC-MS/MS) method was used to evaluate the content of soyasaponins. Soyasaponins contents were different according to the varieties. Germination of soybeans dramatically increased soyasaponin contents in soybean sprouts in a time-dependent manner. Cotyledons had a higher contents of soyasaponins compared to dried seed (p<0.05). After five days of germination, Soyasaponin I and II increased 10 times higher after germination. Soyasaponin I and II are major metabolites in cotyledons and hypocotyls. Soyasaponin III and V were also detected in seed and increased depended on the germination stage. Soyasaponin V was at its highest levels in the hypocotyl, almost 7 times higher than the initial content in soybean seeds. Therefore, the germination of soybean sprouts significantly increased soyasaponin content.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Platycodon grandiflorum radix used as a therapeutic agent for lung and respiratory diseases in traditional Korean medicine. The saponin and sugar content in P. grandiflorum root is dependent on the drying temperature and method. In this study, we investigated saponins and antioxidant contents in dried P. grandiflorum roots either not cut or cut to different lengths. Methods and Results : P. grandiflorum roots were either cut to 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 ㎝ in length or left uncut. They were dried at 45℃ and the effect of antioxidant substances, antioxidant ability, and saponin content were investigated. P. grandiflorum roots rapidly dried out when cut to short lengths. The saponin contents (platycodin D, polygalacin D, and deapioplatycodin D) was highest in the uncut P. grandiflorum roots. When the cut lengths were long, the levels of polyphenolic compound increased. However, 2,2'-azinobis- 3-ethylbenzo-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activities were higher in the samples cut to shorter lengths. Conclusions : These results suggested that the saponin and antioxidant content of P. grandiflorum roots could be maximized by controlling the drying rate of the roots via adjustments to the root cutting length.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out in order to survey the soil physico-chemical, morphology and content of saponins of 5 year-old Platycodon grandiflorum radix from different areas in Gyeongnam. Soil physical properties was showed 1.01-1.29 of bulk density of soil and soil hardness was increased with increasing soil depth, especially below the 30 cm, however it was maintained or small increased below the 40 cm. T-N and OM contents of top soil were highest at Geochang as 0.27% and 56.9 g/kg, respectively, compared to other areas. The root length was longer at Kimhea and Geochang as 33.8 and 33.7 cm, respectively, and fresh weight was heavy at Geochang as 208.5 g. The contents of saponin of P. grandiflorum radix was higher in fine root compare to main root. By region, content of saponins of P. grandiflorum radix were higher at Hapcheon than other area. Mg content was highly negatively correlated at p < 0.01 with platycodin D3, deapioplatycodin D, platycodin D, and deapioplatycodin D (-0.499**, -0.433**, -0.421**, -0.511** respectively). These results suggest that no-fertilized Mg effected on the improvement of saponin contents in P. grandiflorum.
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