음식물류폐기물 직매립, 해양투기 등이 금지됨에 따라 음식물류폐기물은 대부분 자원화를 통해 처리되며 퇴비화하여 생산한 음식물류혼합퇴비(이 하, 음폐퇴비)는 작물 생산성을 향상 등을 위하여 농경지에 퇴비로 사용한다. 하지만, 염분 집적에 의한 작물 생육이 우려되며 이에 따른 피해를 줄이기 위하여 음폐퇴비와 블랙카본, 유용 미생물을 함께 사용하면 염분에 의한 피해를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 이에 본 연구는 음폐퇴비와 바이오차의 한 종류인 블랙카본, 유용 미생물을 처리 시 상추의 수량과 토양 특성 변화를 알아보고자 하였다. 처리구는 무비구(NF), 무기질 비료 (NPK), 무기질 비료 + 음폐퇴비 (NPKF, 대조구), 무기질 비료 + 음폐퇴비 + 블랙 카본 (NPKFC), 무기질 비료 + 음폐퇴비 + 미생물 (NPKFB), 무기질 비료 + 음폐퇴비 + 블랙카본 + 미생물 (NPKFCB)이다. 상추 생육 조사 결과, 생육 후기인 21일째에 NPKFCB 처리구에서 엽장 20.7 cm, 엽폭 20.2 cm, SPAD-502 32.0으로 가장 생육이 좋았으며, 수량 조사 결과 또한 NPKFCB 처리구에서 주당 총 엽수가 28.8개로 가장 많았다. 수량지수는 무처리가 84.1로 가장 낮았고 NPKFCB 처리구에서 128.7로 가장 높았다. 이는 블랙카본에서 공급되는 K, P, Ca 등의 양분과 미생물 활성화가 작물 생산성 향상에 도움을 준 것으로 판단된다. 토양 화학성 분석 결과 pH는 NPKFB 처리구에서 6.9로 가장 높았으며, EC는 NPKF에서 1.7 dS m-1로 가장 높았다.
A laboratory-scale experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing commonly used effective microorganisms on the chemical properties of swine liquid manure. Effective microorganisms used in this study were Bacillus subtilis (1.3×109 colony-forming unit (CFU)/ml), Enterococcus faecium (1.9×1010 CFU/ml), Aspergillus oryzae (2.0×109 CFU/ml), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6.4×109 CFU/ml), Rhodobacter sphaeroides (1.2×108 CFU/ml), and Streptomyces griseus (6.2×108 CFU/ml). Swine liquid manure collected and decanted from a swine farm was used in this study. Treatments included control (distilled water supplementation), Treatment 1 (T1) (mixed microbes, 109 CFU/ml), and Treatment 2 (T2) (mixed microbes, 107 CFU/ml). Microbial mix was supplemented every 3.5 days and aerated six times (15 min each) a day to facilitate compositing. Ten ml of sample was collected at 2-, 4-, 6-, and 7-week intervals for the measurement of pH, ammonia-N, volatile fatty acid (VFA), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total potassium. At seven weeks, samples were further collected to analyze biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Ammonia-N was significantly (p<0.05) decreased in T1 and T2 by 36% and 30%, respectively, compared with control (23%). VFAs including butyrate, iso-butyrate, valerate, iso-valerate, and caproate were not detected in T1 from the four-week aerated sample. The BOD and COD were significantly (p<0.05) decreased in T1 by 96% and 58%, respectively. In conclusion, ammonia-N, VFA, BOD, and COD, known as odor indicators, were decreased in T1 and T2 compared with control, suggesting that effective microorganisms are useful for compositing swine liquid manure
본 연구에서는 농업 분야 유용미생물 자원의 국가적 확보 현황을 파악하기 위해 이들의 생물분류학적 정보를 수집하였으며 이들에 대해 생물 종 다양성 지수를 도입하여 평가하였다. 대표적인 생물다양성 평가방법인 Margalef’s richness 및 Mehinick’s index를 각각 적용한 경우 세균은 각각 8.537, 3.546, 진균은 각각 3.349, 2.167의 값을 나타내었다. 높은 수준의 다양성을 가지고 연구·개발되고 있는 이들 농업 분야 유용미생물 및 농산물의 수확 후 선도저하를 유발한다고 보고된 주요 미생물들의 분류학적 위치를 비교하였을 때 일부 미생물이 유사한 분류학적 위치를 보이는 것이 확인되었다. 따라서 친환경 농업 분야 유용미생물의 연구개발 및 작물 내생 미생물에 관한 연구 등 농업 분야 미생물에 대한 전반 적인 연구현황을 고찰하여 농산물의 수확 후 선도관리를 위한 보완책을 제시하고자 하였다.
In this study, using soil brick with combined effective microorganisms and emergent plants was identified which it can increase the effect of conservation and improvement of water. Lab-test was consist of four kind of reactors and each of reactors were A(rawwater), B(soil brick), C(emergent plant) and D(soil brick+emergent plant). Iris pseudoacorus, Phargmites australis, Typha angustifolia and Zizania latifolia were used for emergent plant. Evaluation of application on various environment were performed on agricultural waterway and pond. The pH measurement test of soil brick was performed due to evaluate whether a strong alkaline water flows out of the soil brick. Result of lab-test, removal efficiency of D was better than removal efficiency of A presenting 20.9%, 27.9% 21.5%, 33.8% and 58.4% for CODCr, BOD5, TN, TP and TSS respectively. Removal efficiency of soil brick on agricultural waterway was revealed to be 49.5%, 45.0%, 43.7%, 37.3% and 28.6% for CODCr, BOD5, TN, TP and TSS respectively. And removal efficiency of soil brick on the pond was revealed to be 12.7%, 10.5%, 9.32%, 10.4% and 36.3% for CODCr, BOD5, TN, TP and TSS respectively. Result of pH measurement test of soil brick was neutral which was about 6 to 8.
In this study, we investigated culturable bacterial abundance in various crops. Total culturable aerobic bacteria in tomato plants were enumerated on NA and it showed that the amounts of viable bacterial cells were changed among the different parts of the plants (roots, stems, and fruits), ranging between log 1 and 4 per g sample. To investigate the bacterial abundance dynamics in different crops, culturable aerobic bacterial cell numbers were enumerated on NA and compared between the samples (tomato fruit, sesame leaf, and green onion) harvested freshly from one field trial (Yangsan, Korea). In this trial, the number of total culturable aerobic bacteria of the samples were 8 times higher in sesame leaves and green onions compared to the tomato fruits in the field. Interestingly, culturable aerobic bacteria on MRS were only found in sesame leaves, whereas lactic acid bacteria were not detected in tomato fruit and green onion samples in this field. We also found that the field location (Yangsan, Gangneung, or Busan) influenced the number of culturable aerobic bacteria on the surface of the crops. Tomato samples freshly harvested from the different field locations were tested and showed that the amounts of culturable aerobic bacteria on NA and MRS agar were significantly different based on the field locations of the samples. Finally, lactic acid bacteria were isolated from all the tomato and sesame leaf samples used in this study, showing 20 and 28 morphological diversity. With these isolates, we will be able to conduct further biological and functional investigation to develop a new probiotic strain originated from the crops in Korea.
As a method to improve the water purification performance of porous concrete through existing studies, it has been analyzed how to substitute effective microorganisms at a certain rate for use or immersing porous concrete in a culture solution. In this study, we tried to compare and analyze the viability of microbial cells after mixing spherical microbial cells with useful microbes and natural materials in order to more easily apply high - concentration microbes.
This study was carried out to determine the effect of Kluyvera sp. CL-2 (KACC 91283P) on the growth of watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris L.). The study consisted of three treatments, no treatment (NT), twice application of Kluyvera sp. CL-2 before transplanting (KC1), and five times application around transplanting (KC2). We determined the chemical properties of soil before and after the treatments, and compared the growth characteristics of watermelon among treatments. The treatment of Kluyvera sp. CL-2 at 1.0×106 cfu mL-1 significantly increased available P2O5. The organic matter showed to increase for all treatments, while soil pH, exchangeable Ca and Mg tended to decrease for all treatments. The leaf width was increased by 11.6% for KC1 and 26.2% for KC2 compared to NT. But there were no significant differences in yield, leaf length, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, and pericarp thickness among treatments. The contents of free sugars such as fructose and glucose were increased by microbial treatments but sucrose was not different from NT. The content of glucose in watermelon was increased by 13.8% in KC1 and 12.8% in KC2 compared to NT. The content of fructose increased by 14.6% in KC1 and by 39.8% in KC2 compared to NT. The results from the study imply that Kluyvera sp. CL-2 can be used to increase sugar content in watermelon.
Background : Cirsium setidens is a perennial wild herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It grows in the mountainous region of Gangwon-do in Korea and is also called gondre. The bioconversion technology applied in this study has the same meaning as biosynthesis, biocatalyst, etc., and refers to a technique for producing desired products from precursors using enzymatic functions of microorganisms. Therefore, useful microorganisms having immunological activity were selected and Cirsium setidens fermentation products were prepared by applying bioconversion technology. And fermented product extracts were prepared to consider as a good sources of natural immune enhancement and functional food ingredients.
Methods and Results : Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus plantarum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Weissella cibaria, and Lactobacillus plantarum were used as isolates from traditional foods. The fermentation product was set to a condition that the inherent physical properties did not change and did not generate a unique odor during fermentation. Cirsium setidens was fermented at 37℃ for 24 hours. And the fermented material was sterilized at 9 0℃ for 1 hour and then dried at 70℃ and pulverized. The contents of pectolinarin and pectolinarigenin, which are non - glycosides, were analyzed before and after fermentation using HPLC. Also NO production was measured in RAW264.7 cells after extract treatment at various concentrations using Griess reagent kit . The content of pectolinarin was increased in fermented Crisium setidens before fermentation, but the content of pectolinarigenin was increased after fermentation. In addition, the water extract of the fermented material accelerated the NO production compared to the pre - fermented material.
Conclusion : As a result, relatively high immunostimulating effect were observed in dried Crisium setidens after fermentation, and it was confirmed that it could be a ingredient material for health functional food.
Background : barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), is a member of the grass family Poaceae (Gramineae) consider the fourth most important cereal crop and primarily used to feed the animals. The second most common use of barely is for malt, which is used mostly in beer, but also in hard liquor, malted milk and flavoring in a variety of foods. As immense economic importance a fast and high germination is required in order to achieve its desired production. In regard to this the present study was performed to evaluate the effect of beneficial microbes (BM), on barely seed germination when mixed with in the synthetic germination medium. Methods and Results : Barely seeds were surface sterilized using 0.01% HgCl2 solution and transfer for germination in the medium supplemented with 200 and 500 X diluted BM separately. Effectiveness of the BM were determined by calculating the germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), mean germination time (MGT), germination time 50% (T50) and compared with control seeds germinating in absence of BM. Results obtained from the study suggest that BM at 200 X dilution is much efficient to speed up the germination process (66.7 ± 2.3 %) in contrast to 500X diluted BM (61.4 ± 3.6 %). Results of the other germination parameters (GI, MGT and T50) supported the 200X BM effective for seed germination as compare to 500X and control. Conclusion : Our results signify that BM has potential to enhance the germination efficacy of barley seeds and thus could be used to improve the germination.
The composting characteristics of BM sludge and the control sludge were compared. Feasibility of using coffee groundsas a bulking agent was examined, along with sawdust. It was observed that composting of BM sludge had a faster rateof reaction than with the control sludge, and higher temperatures were reached. When using coffee grounds as a bulkingagent, the caffeine in the coffee seemed to absorb the odors, allowing a composting with almost no odors. Moreover,when coffee grounds used as the bulking agent, total organic matter content increased by approximately 17% over sawdust,while total nitrogen increased by 49%, and available phosphorus by approximately 3%.
This study was aimed to determine the effect of basal application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on the grow and yield of cucumber. For treatments, the EM was applied to soil with fertilizer composed with N-P2O5-K2O-manure (24.0-16.4-23.8-2,000kg) in the 1.0 strength (defined as EM+1S), 2/3 strength (defined as EM+2/3S), 1/2 strength (defined as EM+1/2S), without fertilizer (defined as EM), or only fertilizer in the 1.0 strength (defined as 1S). In result, there was no significant differences of organic substance content and pH with the EM treatment. While the EC (Electric conductivity) concentration was decreased, plant-available P (phosphorus) was markedly increased. Chlorophyll content was highest in the treatment of EM+standard application rate for both semi-forcing and retarding culture. In contrast, no significant difference was found in plant height and internode length under the fertilizer treatment. Weekly harvested number of cucumber was highest at the treatment of EM+standard application for the semi-forcing culture, while it was 3.6 at the EM+1/2 application for the retarding culture. Weekly yield was greatest at the EM+standard application treatment and decreased with the decrease of fertilizer application rate. In addition, weekly yield was significantly reduced in the treatment of EM . There was no significant difference in yields by production time with the fertilizer applications?. Yield was increased with temperature for the semi-forcing culture, while consistent pattern was maintained for the retarding culture.
Recycling of food wastes was tried based on fermenting and composting food wastes using a microbial consortium. Manufactured compost (using 11.3% food waste) turned out to be effective in increasing soil fertility and crop growth (radish; Raphanus sativus). More specifically, the treatment of the composted food wastes enabled a stimulated growth of radish leaves by 80% and an increased uptake of δ15NAIR by 250% compared with a commercial organic compost. Moreover, the compost derived from the wastes appeared to allow a sustainable management of nitrogen fertilizer compared with the chemical fertilizer, minimizing nitrogen pollution. The microbial community analysis showed significant difference in the microbial community pattern in soil treated with the composted food wastes relative to soil treated with a commercial organic fertilizer or a chemical fertilizer. The results may indicate that the wastes processed by the consortium could result in an efficient recycling of the nuisance materials such as food wastes and other organic solid wastes.
폐-광석으로부터 금속구리분말을 회수하기 위하여 더미 미생물용출, Fe 제거와 전기분해실험을 수행하였다. Cu가 0.034% 함유된 폐-광석시료에 대하여 더미 용출실험을 수행한 결과, Cu 용출률은 박테리아 용출-용액에서 61%, 황산 용출-용액에서 62%로 나타났다. Fe를 효과적으로 제거하기 위하여 더미 용출-용액에 NaOH, H2O2 및 Ca(OH)2를 각각 적용한 결과 H2O2가 가장 효과적인 Fe 제거제로 선정되었다. 전해질 용액을 준비하기 위하여 H2O2를 더미 용출-용액에 처리한 결과 박테리아 용출-용액에서 Fe가 99%, 황산 용출-용액에서 60%로 제거된 반면에 Cu 제거율은 각각 5%와 7%로 나타났다. 이 용액에 대하여 전기분해 실험을 수행한 결과 Cu 회수율이 박테리아 용출-용액에서 98%, 황산 용출-용액에서 76%로 나타났다. 모수석 형태의 금속구리분말이 양쪽 용출-용액에서 회수되었다.
본 연구에서는 생물학적 정화기술의 효율향상을 목적으로 유류분해 유용미생물에 의한 TPH 농도 저감효과를 알아보았다. 하절기와 동절기 각 13주간 실제 정화현장의 각 섹터별 유류오염토양에 유용미생물들을 수분, 영양염류 등과 함께 투입하여 주 2회 정기적으로 뒤집기를 실시하였다. 하절기의 경우 유용미생물을 투입한 조건의 경우 평균 60%의 TPH 제거율을 보인 반면에 유용미생물을 투입하지 않은 대조군의 경우 평균 41%의 TPH 제거율을 나타내었다. 동절기의 경우에 유용미생물을 투입한 조건의 경우 평균 41%의 TPH 제거율을 보인 반면에 유용미생물을 투입하지 않은 대조군의 경우 평균 13%의 낮은 TPH 제거율을 나타내었다.결론적으로 하절기와 동절기 모두 유용미생물을 투입하여 TPH의 제거효율의 향상 효과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 하절기에 비하여 동절기의 TPH 제거효과가 낮은 이유는 초기 높은 오염농도와 상대적으로 낮은 기온의 영향인 것으로 판단된다.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of effective microorganisms (EM) on growth, yield and fruit nutrient contents of two cultivars (‘Muhanjilju’ and ‘Daetong’) of hot pepper. The number of injection of EM cultivated are 6 times from the pepper plant seedlings until harvested in both cultivars. Stem girth was highest in the treatment of Lactobacillus plantarum whereas lowest in no EM control. In ‘Muhanjilju’, the number of branches was highest (79.3) in the treatment of Bacillus subtilis whereas in ‘Daetong’ was highest (119.0) as treated with Lactobacillus plantarum. Yield of the red hot pepper fruits that sum of two varieties was highest in the treatment of Rhodopseudomonas capsulatas (53.1kg FW per 10a). Regardless of EM treatments, average yield was 8% higher in ‘Daetong’ than is ‘Muhanjilju’ (33.8kg vs 31.2kg per 10a). The incidence of antracnose was lowest by the Rhodopseudomonas capsulatas treatment, which led to the highest yield. As for the effect on fruit mineral nutrients, total N and phosphorus concentrations were highest in the treatment of Lactobacillus plantarum and Bacillus subtilis in both varieties, respectively. The highest content of total carotenoids was obtained from the treatment of Lactobacillus plantarum in both varieties.
This study was carried out in order to observe how the bay sediment would be changed with microbial treatments and a chemical oxidant like CaO2. The sediment during the treatments was analyzed in terms of pH, ORP, volatile organics content, COD, AVS, T-N, and T-P. With CaO2 treatment, pH was kept over 9.66 and ORP ranged from +4.70~+46.0, which meant an aerobic state meanwhile with the microbial treatment those were worse. In addition the chemical treatment showed better environmental index values than the microbial one: volatile organics content and COD values in the former were 12.9% and 37.9% while those in the latter were 4.5% and 18.7%, respectively. AVS and T-P were 71.1% and 100% versus 56.5% and 85.8%, respectively. However, the microbial treatment was better for T-N(66% higher). On the other hand, both treatment at a time enhanced all the environmental indices but COD meantime pH and ORP values were lower than with the chemical treatment only. Thus additional input of an oxygen generator like CaO2 could improve the environmental state of a bay sediment where the biological treatment is going on.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of KEM and SAF appication on contents change of fatty acids and organic acid of perilla(Perilla Frutescens Britton). Contenst of squalene in perilla leaves on control and KEM/SAF treated were 3.39 mg and 4.22 mg, respectively. Therefore the squalene quantity of KEM/SAF treated leaves was 24.2% more than that of control. A total 6 fatty acids in perilla leaves were analyzed in this study. Percentage of the saturated and unsaturated fatty acid in perilla leaves were 20 and 80%, respectively. Contents of phytosterols in perilla leaf such as campesterol and sitosterol were 2.0 and 20.0 mg, respectively. Therefore sitosterol content was 10 fold more than that of campesterol. The KEM/SAF application on perilla leaf was effective on the change of squalene or phytosterol contents. However effect of that was negligible on the change of fatty acid content.
This study was carried out to compare and analyze the effect of Korean effective microorganism(KEM) and seafood amino acid fertilizer(SAF) application on apple on functional substances of fruit. Vitamin C in fruit of control and KEM/SAF treated were 29.3 and, 39.8 ㎎, respectively. Also active oxygen scavenging ability of those treatments measured with DPPH method were 40.6 and 54.1%, respectively. Vitamin E contents of those treatments were 2.51 and 2.50 ㎎, respectively. Sitosterol, a phytosterol, contents of those treatments were 4.79 and 5.41 ㎎, respectively. Proportion of sugars, fructose, glucose, and sucrose in the fruit of control were 36.1, 15.3 and 17.8%, respectively. Those of the fruit of KEM/SAF treated were 45.9, 13.2 and 18.8%, respectively. Malic acid contents of control and KEM/SAF treated fruits were 53.7 and 43.8%, respectively.
We have studied bioremediation of effective microorganisms on crude oil spill in Taean, west-coast of Korea. Oil contaminated soil samples were collected on December 14, 2007, seven days after the Hebei Spirit oil-spilled accident. Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) was measured to evaluate the effectiveness of effective microorganisms (EM) which were composed with yeast, photosynthetic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria on oil degradation. TPH concentration before EM treatment was 323.8 mg/kg, whereas TPH concentrations on 2 days after EM treatment and that of control (without EM) was 102.1 mg/kg and 170.6 mg/kg, respectively. On six days after EM treatment TPH was 91.3 mg/kg and that of control was 127.7 mg/kg. Percentages of degraded crude oil were 47.3% without EM and 68.5% with EM, 60.6% without EM and 71.8% with EM on 2 and 6 days after EM treatment, respectively. These results clearly showed that the application of effective microorganisms toward oil-contaminated soil was quite useful to degrade crude oil spill. These results were derived from the effects of biostimulation of microbial media nutrients and bioaugmentation of effective microorganisms. If we carefully apply these effective microorganisms, it can be a useful bioremediation method to recover oil-contaminated marine ecosystems.