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        검색결과 25

        2024.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High-frequency soft magnetic Ni, Fe, and Co-based thin films have been developed, typically as nanocrystals and amorphous alloys. These Ni, Fe, and Co-based thin films exhibit remarkably good frequency dependence up to high frequencies of several tens of MHz. These properties arise from the moderate magnetic anisotropy and fairly high electrical resistivity that result from the microstructural characteristics of the nanocrystalline and amorphous states. In this paper, Al-Co/AlN-Co and Al-N/AlN-Co multilayer films were deposited using two-facing-target type sputtering (TFTS). Their microstructures, magnetic and electrical properties were studied with the expectation that inserting Al-Co or Al-N as an interlayer could effectively reduce the coercive force and produce films with relatively high resistivity. A new approach is presented for the fabrication of Al-Co (Al-N)/AlN-Co multilayer films, prepared with the TFTS system. The deposited films were isothermally annealed at different temperatures and investigated for microstructure, magnetic properties and resistivity. The TFTS method used in this experiment is suitable for fabricating Al-Co(Al-N)/AlN-Co multilayer films with different layer thickness ratio (LTR). The annealing conditions, thickness of the multilayer film, and LTR can control the physical properties as well as the microstructure of the manufactured film. Magnetization and resistance increased and coercivity decreased as LTR decreased. The thin film with LTR = 0.175 exhibited high resistivity values of 2,500 μΩ-cm, magnetization of 360 emu/cm3, and coercivity of 5 Oe. Results suggests that thin films with such good resistivity and magnetization would be useful as high-density recording materials.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the images of models in womenswear advertisements targeting women in their fifties. The goals of this study are: 1) to investigate beauty ideals for middle-aged women by analyzing models’ look age, chronological age, wrinkles, gray hair, hair length, body type, and race; and 2) to explore how ageing is dealt with in advertisements by analyzing the range of bodies shown in advertisements, the color mode of photographs, and the clarity of models’ figures in relation to models’ look ages. A total of 155 printed advertisements from January 2012 to January 2017 from the brands Daks Ladies, Lebeige, Luciano Choi, PAT, and Zishen were selected for analysis. Womenswear brands targeting middle-aged women reinforce cultural ideals of female beauty that emphasize youth and slenderness. They do this by using thin and slender models, who most often appear to be in their twenties and thirties, and have hair longer than their shoulders. Brands with higher price ranges show a preference for Caucasian models, which reveals that a Caucasian identity is associated with sophistication. In addition, the bodies of models who appear to be in their forties and fifties were concealed by framing photographs mostly above the knees. Older models’ features were also obscured via the use of black and white photography, strong lighting and contrast, and digital editing that blurred the boundaries between figures and their backgrounds. These decisions for how to represent models could result in negative self-esteem and a denial of the symptoms of ageing among middle-aged women.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tin oxides have been studied for various applications such as gas detecting materials, transparent electrodes, transparent devices, and solar cells. p-type SnO is a promising transparent oxide semiconductor because of its high optical transparency and excellent electrical properties. In this study, we fabricated p-type SnO thin film using rf magnetron sputtering with an SnO/Sn composite target; we examined the effects of various oxygen flow rates on the SnO thin films. We fundamentally investigated the structural, optical, and electrical properties of the p-type SnO thin films utilizing X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV/Vis spectrometry, and Hall Effect measurement. A p-type SnO thin film of PO2 = 3 % was obtained with > 80 % transmittance, carrier concentration of 1.12 × 1018 cm−3, and mobility of 1.18 cm2V− 1s−1. With increasing of the oxygen partial pressure, electrical conductivity transition from p-type to n-type was observed in the SnO crystal structure.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The microstructural properties and electrical characteristics of sputtering films deposited with a Cu-Ga target are analyzed. The Cu-Ga target is prepared using the cold spray process and shows generally uniform composition distributions, as suggested by secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) data. Characteristics of the sputtered Cu-Ga films are investigated at three positions (top, center and bottom) of the Cu-Ga target by X-ray diffraction (XRD), SIMS, 4-point probe and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis methods. The results show that the Cu-Ga films are composed of hexagonal and unknown phases, and they have similar distributions of composition and resistivity at the top, center, and bottom regions of the Cu-Ga target. It demonstrates that these films have uniform properties regardless of the position on the Cu-Ga target. In conclusion, the cold spray process is expected to be a useful method for preparing sputter targets.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cu-Mn compacts are fabricated by the pulsed current activated sintering method (PCAS) for sputtering target application. For fabricating the compacts, optimized sintering conditions such as the temperature, pulse ratio, pressure, and heating rate are controlled during the sintering process. The final sintering temperature and heating rate required to fabricate the target materials having high density are 700oC and 80oC/min, respectively. The heating directly progresses up to 700oC with a 3 min holding time. The sputtering target materials having high relative density of 100% are fabricated by employing a uniaxial pressure of 60 MPa and a sintering temperature of 700oC without any significant change in the grain size. Also, the shrinkage displacement of the Cu-Mn target materials considerably increases with an increase in the pressure at sintering temperatures up to 700oC.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 3D games, the deferred rendering is an effective way in processing realistic visual effects using multiple render targets regardless of the scene complexity. In this paper, based on deferred rendering using multiple render targets, the 3D game visual effect techniques such as dynamic lights, specular, shadow, motion blur, and water shading are compared and analysed. The 3D game supporting deferred rendering is developed to evaluate various 3D rendering effects with variation of the size of the render target memory in terms of the rendering speed. The performance results show that the rendering speed of the 3D visual effect techniques with 4bytes render target memory is average 1.4 and 1.9 times better than those of 8bytes and 16bytes memories, respectively. Also, the shadow mapping with 2-pass plays the biggest role on the performance. Other techniques with 1-pass cause a negligible speed degradation.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intended to identify the relationship between textile print designs for local apparel, and fashion trends. This was achieved by extracting trend key words and analyzing apparel textiles. The fashion trends and print trends from the 2010S/S season to the 2013F/W season as projected by two trend forecasters, the Samsung Fashion Institute and First View Korea, were extracted for a comparative analysis. In terms of clothing patterns, a total of 1,582 print designs purchased by local apparel brands targeting women in their 20s and 30s from print design companies including Italy's NEWAGE, MyDesign and England's Pattern, were analyzed. After classifying the designs according to the trend key words which had been extracted, the demands by season, trend dependency, and design preferences were analyzed to produce the following results. The major key words for textile print designs from the 2010S/S season to the 2013F/W season were Check & Stripe, Flower, Geometric, Natural, Ethnic, and Graphical. Patterns corresponding to those design key words were more prominent in recent designs. Considering the trends by season, the designs presented in the F/W season were found to be more likely to correspond to the trend key words than those in the S/S season. A general preference for nature-inspired designs was also found in the local print market.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we report the sintering behavior and properties of a Ge2Sb2Te5 alloy powders for use as asputtering target by spark plasma sintering. The effect of various sintering parameters, such as pressure, temperature andtime, on the density and hardness of the target has been investigated in detail. Structural characterization was performedby scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Hardness and thermal properties were measured by differentialscanning calorimetry and micro-vickers hardness tester. The density and hardness of the sintered Ge2Sb2Te5 materialswere 5.8976~6.3687 g/cm3 and 32~75 Hv, respectively.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we mainly focus on the study of densification of gas-atomized Cu-50 wt.%In-13 wt.%Ga alloy powder without occurrence of crack during the forming process. Cu-50 wt.%In-13 wt.%Ga alloy powder was consolidated by sintering and rolling processes in order to obtain high density. The phase and microstructure of formed materials were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM), respectively. Warm rolling using copper can result in the improvement of density. The specimen obtained with 80% of rolling reduction ratio at using cooper can have the highest density of .
        2012.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we demonstrated a simple and eco-friendly method, including mechanical polishing and attrition milling processes, to recycle sputtered indium tin oxide targets to indium tin oxide nanopowders and targets for sputtered transparent conductive films. The utilized indium tin oxide target was first pulverized to a powder of sub- to a few- micrometer size by polishing using a diamond particle coated polishing wheel. The calcination of the crushed indium tin oxide powder was carried out at 1000˚C for 1 h, based on the thermal behavior of the indium tin oxide powder; then, the powders were downsized to nanometer size by attrition milling. The average particle size of the indium tin oxide nanopowder was decreased by increasing attrition milling time and was approximately 30 nm after attrition milling for 15 h. The morphology, chemical composition, and microstructure of the recycled indium tin oxide nanopowder were investigated by FE-SEM, EDX, and TEM. A fully dense indium tin oxide sintered specimen with 97.4% of relative density was fabricated using the recycled indium tin oxide nanopowders under atmospheric pressure at 1500˚C for 4 h. The microstructure, phase, and purity of the indium tin oxide target were examined by FE-SEM, XRD, and ICP-MS.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to manufacture a Cu-15 at.%Ga coating layer via the cold spray process and investigated the effect of heat treatment environment on the properties of cold sprayed coating material. Three kinds of heat treatment environments, +argon, pure argon, and vacuum were used in this study. Annealing treatments were conducted at /1 hr. With the cold sprayed coating layer, pure -Cu and small amounts of were detected in the XRD, EDS, EPMA analyses. Porosity significantly decreased and hardness also decreased with increasing annealing temperature. The inhomogeneous dendritic microstructure of cold sprayed coating material changed to the homogeneous and dense one (microstructural evolution) with annealing heat treatment. Oxides near the interface of particles could be reduced by heat treatment especially in vacuum and argon environments. Vacuum environment during heat treatment was suggested to be most effective one to improve the densification and purification properties of cold sprayed Cu-15 at.%Ga coating material.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, optical emission spectroscopy was used to monitor the plasma produced during the RF magnetron sputtering of a BaTiO3 target. The intensities of chemical species were measured by real time monitoring with various discharge parameters such as RF power, pressure, and discharge gas. The emission lines of elemental and ionized species from BaTiO3 and Ti targets were analyzed to evaluate the film composition and the optimized growth conditions for BaTiO3 films. The emissions from Ar(I, II), Ba(I, II) and Ti(I) were found during sputtering of the BaTiO3 target in Ar atmosphere. With increasing RF power, all the line intensities increased because the electron density increased with increasing RF power. When the Ar pressure increased, the Ba(II) and Ti(I) line intensity increased, but the Ar+ line intensity decreased with increasing pressure. This result shows that high pressure is of greater benefit for the ionization of Ba than for that of Ar. Oxygen depressed the intensity of the plasma more than Ar did. When the Ar/O2 ratio decreased, the intensity of Ba decreased more sharply than that of Ti. This result indicates that the plasma composition strongly depends on the discharge gas atmosphere. When the oxygen increased, the Ba/Ti ratio and the thickness of the films decreased. The emission spectra showed consistent variation with applied power to the Ti target during co-sputtering of the BaTiO3 and Ti targets. The co-sputtered films showed a Ba/Ti ratio of 1.05 to 0.73 with applied power to the Ti target. The films with different Ba/Ti ratios showed changes in grain size. Ti excess films annealed at 600˚C did not show the second phase such as BaTi2O5 and TiO2.
        2010.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Various thicknesses of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films were deposited on glass substrate using pulsed dcmagnetron sputtering with a cylindrical target designed for large-area high-speed deposition. The structural,electrical, and optical properties of the films of various thicknesses were characterized. All deposited AZO filmshave (0002) preferred orientation with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate. Crystal quality and surfacemorphology of the films changed according to the film thickness. The samples with higher surface roughnessexhibited lower Hall mobility. Analysis of the measured data of the optical band gap and the carrierconcentration revealed that there were no changes for all the film thicknesses. The optical transmittances weremore than 85% regardless of film thickness within the visible wavelength region. The lowest resistivity,4.13×10-4Ω·cm-1, was found in 750nm films with an electron mobility (µ) of 10.6cm2V-1s-1 and a carrierconcentration (n) of 1.42×1021cm-3.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, tantalum (Ta) compacts were fabricated in a spark plasma sintering (SPS) process and their microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. Ta compacts with a density of 99% were successfully fabricated by controlling the sintering conditions of the current and the temperature. The density and hardness were increased as the sintering temperature increased. The Ta2C compound was observed at the surface of the compacts due to the contact between the Ta powder and graphite mold during the sintering process. The main fracture mode showed a mixed type with intergranular and transgranular modes having some roughness.
        2001.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ti과 Si의 비가 서로 다른 종류의 타 을 Ar/N2의 혼합기체를 사용하여 rf magnetron sputtering방법으로 증착된 Ti-Si-N박막의 증착특성에 대해 연구하였다. Ti-Si-N박막의 조성과 증착률은 각 타 Ti/Si의 비율과 증착시의 질소기체의 유량에 따라 크게 변하였다. 이것은 Ti과 Si의 nitriding 정도의 차이로 인한 서로 다른 sputter yield에 의한 것으로 나타났다. Si이 비교적 적게 포함된 Ti-Si-N박막은 증착시부터 박막내 TiN의 결정화가 일어났으며, 낮은 비저항을 나타내었다. N의 함량의 증가는 박막의 밀도와 압축응력을 증가시켜 Ti-Si-N박막의 확산방지 능력에 큰 영향을 미치는 인자로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 N2의 유략과 타 의 Ti/Si비율을 조절함으로써 효율적인 확산방지막인 Ti-Si-N 박막의 공정조건을 확립할 수 있었다. 박막의 공정조건을 확립할 수 있었다.
        2001.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The microstructure of the 1020 mild steel target in the region ahead of craters, made by colliding against Cu and W-Cu shaped-charge jets. has been investigated in the present work. The region ahead of the crater impacted by the Cu shaped-charge jet reveals grain refinement implying the formation of sub-grains, while that of W-Cu one leads to martensitic transformation indicating that the region was heated up to an austenitic region which was followed by rapid cooling. The pressure of W-Cu shaped-charge jet impacting against the target when calculated is higher than that of Cu one. The microhardness of the region ahead of the crater impacted by the W-Cu shaped-charge jet is also higher than that of the Cu one. The microstructure of W-Cu slug that remains inside of the crater depicts the occurrence of the remarkable elongation of W particles during the liner collapse. The microstructural evolution of the region ahead of the crater is discussed on the basis of the pressure dependency of the ferrite/austenite transformation in the steel.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        rf-마그네트론 스퍼터링 방법을 이용하여 높은 광투과성을 지니며 c-축 배향된 KLN 박막을 제작하였다. 하소 및 소결 과정을 거쳐서 균일하고 안정한 상태의 KLN 타겟을 제조하였다. KLN 타겟은 화학량론적인 조성 및 K가 30%, 60%, 그리고 Li가 각각 15%, 30% 과량된 조성을 사용하였으며 K와 Li의 휘발을 방지하기 위하여 낮은 온도에서 소결시켰다. 제조된 타겟을 사용하여 rf-magnetron sputtering 방법으로 박막을 제조하였으며, 이때 K가 60% Li가 30% 과량된 타겟으로 제조할 때 단일상의 KLN 박막을 얻을 수 있었다. KLN 박막은 코닝 1737 기판 위에서 우수한 결정성과 높은 c-축 배향성을 나타내었으며, 이때 박막의 성장조건은 고주파 전력 100 W, 공정 압력 150 mTorr, 기판 온도 580˚C였다. 가시광 영역에서 박막의 투과율은 약 90% 이고, 흡수는 333 nm에서 발생하였으며 632.8 nm에서 박막의 굴절율은 1.93이었다.
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