Background : Senna tora L. is an herbaceous annual foetid herb. There were many components s uch as emodine, chrysophanol, aloe-emodine, physcion, rhein, chrysophanic acid, obtusin, aurantio-obtusin, anthraquinone compounds. The seeds and leaves are used to treat skin disease and its see ds can be utilized as a laxative, as well as to good for the eyes. This experiment was focused on the storage characteristics for searching better condition. That's why it is very useful for making oriental medicine. It is needed for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification. It is one of ce rtification condition. Many medicinal plants have almost no their storage condition for GAP.
Methods and Results : There are two kinds of treatment for storage test. One is temperature. The other is time period. The temperature treatments are room temperature and 4℃. Time of storage periods are four parts. The first time period for storage is zero month. The Second is until three month. and the third is until six month. The fourth is until nine month. We used polyethylene for packing materials. We investigated moisture, ash, bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, mold and chromaticity by them. The value of moisture and ash are under standard of permission as 7.8 and 5.1 respectively. There were almost no significance about test microorganism in the storage temperature condition. There were statistical significance on the bacteria and mold without Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus according to storage period. In terms of stroage temperature and period interaction, there was statistical significance on the Escherichia coli. In addition, the mycotoxin (aflatoxin) was analyzed for nine month storage Senna tora L. The total aflatoxin value were 3.307 ppb and 3.334 ppb in storage temperature and period respectively
Conclusion : About the characteristics of Senna tora L. in accordance with the storage treatments, there were differences along with time period of storage about the bacteria and mold. There was no aflatoxin until nine month storage.
Background: The demand of recycling renewable agricultural by-products is increasing. Radiation breeding is a method used to improve saccharification efficiency. Thus, we investigated the effect of gamma ray irradiation on the pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of the stalks of Senna tora, an important medicinal plants.
Methods and Results: S. tora seeds were irradiated with gamma ray at doses of 100, 200, 300, and 400 Gy. In the pretreated biomass, glucan and lignin content were higher in the M1 (1st generations of irradiation) S. tora stalks than in the M2 (2nd generations of irradiation) stalks, this can be explained by the higher degradation rate in M1. After oxalic acid pretreatment, the concentration of total phenolic compounds (TPCs) in the hydrolysate increased in the gamma ray treated seeds. The highest relative increase rate in crystallinity in the pretreated biomass was observed in M1-400 Gy and M2-100 Gy. The cellulose conversion rate was higher in M1 than in M2, except for 200 Gy.
Conclusions: Gamma ray irradiation at an appropriate dose can be used to improve the efficiency of pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, thereby increasing biomass availability.
Background: Senna tora is a flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae. Its seeds are roasted and consumed as tea in Asia, to reduce inflammation in the liver and improve eyesight. Thus, it has been considered as an important medicinal crops in Asia. However, breeding trials to improve its genetic properties are rare. Mutation breeding by gamma ray is known to be an effective and highly successful approach for the generation of agronomically useful cultivars. Here we analyzed the effects of several dosages of gamma ray on the biological conditions of Senna tora seeds. Methods and Results: The germination rate and growth patterns of Senna tora were examined following irradiation with gamma ray at 100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy. The total phenolic compound contents and antioxidant activities of Senna tora were analyzed. Germination increased at 100 and 200 Gy in the M1 and M2 generations compared with that of the control (M0). The total phenolic compound contents and antioxidant activity of the seeds significantly decreased as the radiation dosage increased above 100 Gy in the M1 generation. Conclusions: Senna tora, irradiated with gamma ray at dosages 100, 200, 300, and 400 Gy, showed maximum germination rate at 200 Gy in the M2 generation. Plant height and leaf size gradually decreased with increasing gamma ray intensity in the M2 generation. The total phenolic compound contents decreased significantly at 400 Gy, and the related antioxidant activity was also decreased as the radiation dosage increased.
Background : Senna tora L. is a herbaceous plant affiliated to legumes. It has many components good for health with emodin, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, physicion, rhein, obtusin. It is believed to have many medicine effects, as well as to good for the eyes. This study carried to find ou t the difference of characteristics on the growth according to the planting date used plugs. Plu g plants are very useful for transplanting. It gives well-management effects to the farmer such a s time, plant health, and maximum potential state during the raised time. Methods and Results : Plug plants had 30 days in raising seeding. The planting date was five time. Fist planting date was late April. The last planting date was early July. In their raising seeding period they were taken care of in the green house. And after 30 days, they were planted on the ground in planting density of 50*40cm sized area with three repeat treatments. When the raising seeding period, the length of plant and the length of leaf were the highest at the middle May, respectively. The number of leaf per plant was highest in late May as 11. In the planting period, the length of plant was highest at early July. The lowest was the length of plant at late May. Except the stem diameter in early April, they were no differences among other treatments and the stem diameter was the highest in early April. The number of node per plant could be found the most in middle May and late April. The number of node per plant was the lowest in early July. In the respect of yield, middle May had the highest yield than that of other treatments. It was 849.0kg/10a. The lowest was 740.6kg/10a in the early May. Conclusion : About the characteristics on the growth of Senna tora L. according to the planting date, the yield of middle May was highest than that of other date in this study. The planting date of late May had also shown strong tendency of optimum planting date. Therefore middle May and late May of planting date would be optimum planting date.
Senna tora (L.) Roxb. belongs to Leguminosae and its seeds are usually roasted and boiled in water to produce tea in Korea. Also the plants are well known for the treatment of Hypertension, Hepatitis, Constipation and Conjunctivitis. This study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics and pollen germination rates of Senna tora with the aim of genetic mapping of this species. First, we investigated morphological characteristics of domestic and international genotypes containing 51 lines in Korea and 2 lines in China. No significant differences in growth characteristics were observed among 53 genotypes. However, ST-9 line which was collected in Pyung-chang showed high growth rate at the early stage. The flower of Senna tora consists of 5 petals, 10 surgeries (7 main surgeries, 3 small surgeries), 1 pistil, and 5 sepals. After bud emergence, each petal was white in 1-2 days, turn into ivory in a week, then yellow in 8-9 days and finally bloomed in 9-10 days. Although the average flowering times of the plants were July 24, ST9 flowered in July 12. In addition, the flowers of ST9 differed from the flowers of the other genotypes. Flower of ST9 joined together with one another. Therefore, ST9 showing high growth rate at the early stage and unique flowering characteristics was selected to as the paternal line for genetic mapping study. Second, we investigated pollen germination rates for each stage of flower development. Pollen started to germinate at the yellow bud stage and pollen germination rate was highest in the bloomed flower stage. This results show that self-fertilization hardly occurs when the flower is ivory bud stage, and there is no need to use young bud flowers for artificial crossing. This work is intended to serve as the basis for the breeding of new varieties in Senna tora.
새로운 항산화 기능성 새싹채소를 개발하고, 항산화효과가 우수한 재배 조건을 구명하기 위하여 황기, 석결명, 술패랭이꽃, 질경이 새싹채소의 재배 중 녹화기간에 따른 항산화효과 변화를 분석하였다. 연구의 결과, 종에 따라 광합성이 항산화능에 미치는 영향이 각기 다르게 나타났다. 황기 새싹채소는 총 폴리페놀 함량은 녹화 0일, 총 플라보노이드 함량은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였으며, DPPH radical 소거능은 녹화 0일, ABTS radical 소거능은 녹화 1일, Fe2+ chelating효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였다. 석결명 새싹채소는 2일 녹화했을 때 항산화물질 함량이 높고 radical 소거능이 우수하였으며, Fe2+ chelating효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 1일째에 가장 우수하였다. 술패랭이 새싹채소는 녹화 3일 째에 항산화물질 함량이 높고, Fe2+ chelating 효과가 우수하였으며, radical 소거능과 지질과산화 억제 활성은 녹화시키지 않았을 때 가장 우수하였다. 질경이 새싹채소의 항산화물질 함량 및 radical 소거능은 녹화 2일째에 가장 우수하였으며, Fe2+ chelating 효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였다. 연구의 결과, 식물 종에 목표로 하는 항산화 효과에 따라 광합성이 미치는 영향이 다르므로, 식물 종과 원하는 항산화 효과에 따라 재배 방법을 달리해야 할 것으로 생각되었다.
남부지방의 재배 체계 확립을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 vinyl 피복과 무피복재배하에서 재식밀도 차이에 따른 생육과 수량을 조사했던바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 1. 경장, 경직경, 분지수, m2 당 내수, 내당립수 등의 모든 형질이 vinyl 피복구에서 우수하였으며 m2 당 내수는 vinyl 피복구에서나 무피복구에서나 60 15cm 재식에서 가장 우수하였다. 2. 천립중과 종실수량 역시 vinyl 피복구에서 높았으며 종실수량은 vinyl 피복과 무피복 모두 60 15cm 재식에서 가장 우수하였다. 3. vinyl 피복과 무피복 상태에서 재식밀도 차이에 따른 농업형질들의 분산분석에서도 유의성이 인정되었다.