The consumption of ready-to-eat side dishes is rapidly growing in South Korea. These foods are particularly vulnerable to microbiological contamination as they are often cooked without any treatment, such as heating or stored at room temperature after cooking. Hence, in 2022, we analyzed the ready-to-eat side dishes sold in Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea for microbiological contamination. We collected 100 samples from supermarkets in 7 cities, and then examined them for presence of food-borne pathogens and sanitary indicator bacteria. In the analysis of the food-borne pathogens, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens were isolated from 51 samples (51.0%) and 3 samples (3.0%), respectively. However, both quantitatively met the Korean Food Standards Codex. Genes of five different enterotoxins and one emetic toxin were analyzed from the 51 isolated B. cereus strains. We detected enterotoxin entFM (100.0%), nheA (94.1%), hblC (58.8%), cytK (56.9%), and bceT (41.2%) in 51 isolates, and emetic toxin gene, CER, in only one (2.0%) isolate. We did not detect C. perfringens toxin gene (cpe) that causes food poisoning in any one of the three C. perfringens isolates. In the case of sanitary indicator bacteria, Kimchi had the highest levels of total aerobic bacteria and coliforms, followed by Saengchae, Jeotgal, Jeolim, Namul, and Jorim, respectively. We counted total aerobic bacteria at two different storage temperatures (4oC and 20oC) to determine the effect of storage temperature. When stored at 20oC, total aerobic bacteria count increased in most of the ready-to-eat side dishes, except for Jeotgal. This result conclusively shows the need for refrigerating the ready-to-eat side dishes after purchase. Further research is needed to assess the risk and safety of the ready-to-eat side dishes available in the market and determine appropriate safety management practices.
2019년 경기도내 전통시장, 대형마트, 반찬전문점에서 수거한 반찬류의 미생물 품질을 조사하였다. 반찬류 108 건의 식중독 원인균을 검사하였고, 그 중 75건에 대해서는 구매 장소별, 조리 방법별 위생세균 검사를 진행하였 다. 14건(12.9%)에서 Bacillus cereus가 검출되었으며, 나머지 94건에서는 식중독 원인균이 검출되지 않았다. 위생 세균 검사에서 일반세균의 평균 검출량(범위)은 전통시장이 5.8 log CFU/g (3.0-8.2 log CFU/g), 대형마트는 4.3 log CFU/g(2.3-7.8 log CFU/g), 반찬전문점에서는 3.8 log CFU/g (0.0- 6.9 log CFU/g)로 나타났으며, 구입 장소에 따른 유의적인 차이가 있었다(Ρ <0.05). 전통시장의 일반세균수와 대장균 군은 대형마트, 반찬점과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었고, 생채류, 나물류, 볶음류, 젓갈류, 조림류 순으로 일반 세균수와 대장균군이 높게 검출되었다. 콩나물 무침의 보 관온도별 일반세균수의 변화는 냉장보관(4oC)에서는 72시간 경과에서도 큰 변화가 없었으나, 상온보관(20oC) 및 고 온보관(35oC) 시 구입 후 각각 9시간, 6시간 경과 시 부패의 가능성이 제기되어 구입 즉시 냉장보관 할 것을 권장하며, 제품을 판매하는 시설에서도 냉장보관을 하여야 할 것이다.
To determine the contents of sodium and potassium in side dishes, 92 samples from 22 different kinds of side dishes that can be classified into 3 groups were collected in Seoul area and analysed using ICP-OES. The highest sodium content was detected in pepper doenjang muchim, while potassium content was the highest in kong jorim. When comparing the content of sodium and potassium in 3 groups, namely namul, muchim, and jorim, the sodium content of namul group was significantly different from those of jorim and muchim (p-value < 0.05). Sodium intake per serving size was the highest in parae muchim among the samples as estimated to 20.2% of WHO recommendation that is 2,000 mg/day. The amount of sodium by simultaneously intake of soybean sprouts namul, anchovy jorim and parae muchim per one serving size was estimated to 1,000 mg. The potassim/sodium ratios of spinach namul and kong jorim were 1.70 and 0.81, respectively, while that of bracken namul was very low as about 0.1. Foodborne pathogens were not detected out of 92 side dishes.
The objective of this study was to investigate the total sugar content of cooked rice (e.g. Bokkeumbap, Deopbap,Bibimbap, Gimbap, Chobap) and side dishes (Jjigae, Kimchi, Jangajji) by using HPLC analysis. Samples were col-lected from six regions in Korea (Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Gangwon-do, Jeonla-do, Gyeongsangdo).In cooked rice, the total sugar content in Bibimbap (8.537g/100g), Jangeo-deopbap (3.207g/100g), and Saladgim-bap (2.394g/100g) was higher than that of other cooked rice. Also the analysis results showed that the total sugarcontent of cooked rice with spice and sauce added was a little higher than that of other kinds of cooked rice. Fromthe analysis of Jjigae, it was shown that Doenjang-jjigae (1.805g/100g) from the Jeonla-do region had the highesttotal sugar content while there was no difference in total sugar content from the other regions. In case of Kimchi,that from Jeonla-do and Gyeongsang-do was very sweet, salty, and spicy, and the total sugar content was higherthan that from the other regions. The highest total sugar content among the analyzed Kimchi was in Godeulppaegi-kimchi with a value of 8.188g/100g. In addition, the total sugar content in Jangajjie, as a pickle among side dishes,was shown to be higher than that of the other side dishes with the highest range among Jangajjie of 32.865g/100gto 41.846g/100g being found in Maesil-jangajji.
This study was investigated to determine the contamination levels of total aerobic bacteria, coliform group, E. coli and food-borne pathogens of side dishes from 2 traditional markets (100 samples) and 2 super markets (100 samples) located on Ulsan. The levels (range) of total aerobic bacteria was 4.75 log CFU/g (1.60~6.92 log CFU/g) in traditional market and 4.62 log CFU/g (2.00~6.46 log CFU/g) in super market, respectively. Coliform was detected in 64 and 66 samples sold at traditional markets and super markets, respectively. E, coli was detected in 4 and 6 samples sold at traditional markets and super markets, respectively. The food-borne pathogens, namely Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes were detected in 1 sample sold at traditional markets, respectively, and Bacillus cereus was detected in 4 samples sold at super markets. However, other pathogens such as Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens, Camphylobacter jejuni and Pathogenic E. coli were not detected. The Saengchae and Seasoned Jeotgal were relatively vulnerable compared to the others in the food-borne pathogens.
This study aim to identify preference of main and side dishes of 681 children who lived in Seoul and Gyoung-gi (Incheon) in 2007. To accomplish this, we divided the children into three age groups, an infancy group (below 6 years of age), a middle years group (between 7 and 12 years of age) and a juvenile group (above 12 years of age). Specifically, 145 children were in the infancy group (boys 68, girls 77), 300 children were in middle years group (boys 138, girls 162) and 236 children were in juveniles group (boys 131, girls 105). The average body mass index (BMI) of the parents of the respondents appeared to be normal, and the majority of the parents had bachelor degrees. Across all age groups, most fathers were office workers and most mothers were housewives. The preference for staple foods showed that the infancy group and the middle years group preferred rice the most, while the juvenile group preferred stir-fried rice the most out of 5 grain items. Evaluation of the preference for different types of noodles showed that both boys and girls from the infancy group preferred jajangmyun, while those in the middle years group and the juvenile group preferred spaghetti. For breads, both boys and girls from the infancy group had the highest preference for cake, while boys and girls in the middle years group and boys in the juvenile group preferred pizza the most, and girls from juvenile group preferred cake the most. Evaluation of the preference for soups and pot stew revealed that both boys and girls in the infancy group preferred seaweed soup, while boys from middle years group preferred seol-long-tang and girls from middle years group preferred seaweed soup. Boys and girls from the juvenile group preferred seol-long-tang the most. For hard-boiled foods and stir-fried foods, members of all age groups preferred beef boiled in soy sauce the most and hard-boiled peppers the least. Finally, comparison of the preference for roasted foods, seasoned vegetables and kimchi revealed that the infancy group preferred roasted seaweed the most and that both the middle years and juvenile group had the greatest preference for roasted galbi.
This study examined the changes of side dishes in "Eumsikdimibang", "Gyuhapchongseo", "Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub" over time. As food ingredients, seaweed, red pepper, salted fish, Korean hot pepper paste have been used in "Gyuhapchongseo". The use of cattle by parts, saltwater fish, Chinese cabbage, powdered red pepper, garlic have increased in"Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub". Cooking techniques, such as the use of wheat flour, a double boiler by the use of steam, and boiling and then roasting cuisine were mostly used in"Eumsikdimibang", but reduced in"Gyuhapchongseo". In "Gyuhapchongseo", the cooking methods are primarily aimed at a positive visual effect, and slices of dried meat seasoned with spices have increased. In"Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub", various Tang (Guk), the taste of food changed by controlling the gravy content (Gigimi, Chigye, Chorim), meat mixing oil, vegetable and mushroom together to cook and boiling down the main food ingredients to soak the seasoning were increased. Dog-meat steamed dish using the intestine of dog in "Eumsikdimibang" was changed to small intestine of cattle steamed dish in "Gyuhapchongseo". And seasoned dog meat with choncho in "Eumsikdimibang" influenced on beef tail soup with Korean hot pepper paste in "Gyuhapchongseo", and Yookgyejang soup using Korean hot pepper paste in"Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub". In steamed young chicken, the stuffing such as soybean paste, choncho, welsh onion, leek and flour in "Eumsikdimibang" was changed to minced beef, welsh onion, dropwort and Shiitake mushroom in"Gyuhapchongseo". The steamed young chicken in "Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub" with stuffing was added to chicken soup using glutinous rice, and ginseng powder. Now, the chicken soup was changed to Samgyetang with glutinous rice, and ginseng. In "Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub", various vegetable dishes were cooked with beef.
"Gyuhapchongseo" was published in 1809, and introduced the cooking method of the noble class in the late Joseon dynasty. The characteristics of the side dishes in "Gyuhapchongseo" are as follows. Firstly, red pepper was used as whole red pepper, shredded red pepper, powdered red pepper, or Korean hot pepper paste. Secondly, salt-fermented fish was used in some forms of Kimchi, including Sukbakgi, Dong A Sukbakgi, and Gyochimhae. Thirdly, to retain the juiciness of meat during roasting, meat was spread cold water on the surface, dipped into the washing water of rice or wrapped with wet paper. Fourth, to improve the visual effect of a dish, cooked foods were displayed with various color schemes, panfried foods with two tones (egg white and yellow) of color on each side and the use of radish pigmented with deep red color. On examination of the characteristics of food in "Gyuhapchongseo", I would suggest applicable practices for the present cuisine. The use of gravy produced from the boiling down of fish flesh could raise the nutritive value of Kimchi. In "Gyuhapchongseo", Yak po (semi-dried minced beef) is noted as being good for elderly people with bad teeth. A steamed dish with dog meat in Dong A in "Gyuhapchongseo" is made by hollowing out Dong A and putting a dog in it to cook the dog meat to well done in a fire made with the hulls of rice. This technique could be used to present cuisine for steamed and roasted dishes using food ingredients such as pumpkin, sweet pumpkin, and overripe cucumber.
This study examined the ingredients and cooking methods of side dishes in "Chosunmusangsinsikyorijebub" during the year of 1924, approximately. In the recipe for Tang (Guk), there was much use of various parts of beef, fish, shellfish, vegetables, and mushrooms, and soybean paste, hot pepper paste, and soy sauce were used as seasonings. For Chootang and Byulchootang, cinnamon powder was added at the end of cooking. In foods such as Tang (Guk), Gigimi, Chigye, Chim, and steamed dishes, which were made of beef, pork, chicken, various fish, Chinese cabbage, and over ripened cucumbers, and thickened by adding buckwheat powder or wheat powder, the taste of the food was changed by controlling the gravy content. In the recipe for Gorim-Cho, ingredients such as beef, pork, chicken, and various fish were used, which were cooked in boiling water and soy sauce. Boiling or steaming were employed as the cooking methods for Baeksuk, where beef rib Baeksuk was seasoned with salt and fermented shrimp and then boiled. For porgy and herring Baeksuk, the internal organs of the fish were first removed, and then they were steamed with pine needles. Hoei incorporated the flesh of various meats, various beef organs, pork skin, and fish as ingredients, and different dipping sauces and pine nut powder were also used.
The purpose of this study is to investigate children's satisfaction with side dishes served in elementary school food service program in Seoul area. Two hundreds and thirty two children participated in this study through a questionnaire developed by the researchers. Conclusion drawn from the results of this study is that there seems no significant problems in school food service program since children are generally satisfied with food provided by school. However, minor problems such as hot and salty food, inappropriate temperature of warm dishes, and excessive amount of food, need to be improved through a newly developed menu, cooking method, and food distribution method.
This study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge and the use of Korean traditional basic side dishes, dried side dishes and Jabans, by housewives. Among the 59 kinds dried side dishes and Jabans, the most well-known food (above 90% of subjects) turned out to be squid Po (dried strip), kong Jaban (seasoned bean), pollack Po, dried yellow croacker, build -dried anchovy Jaban and laver Boogag in the order. In cooking experience of dried side dish and Jaban, over 40% of subjects for build-dried anchovy Jaban, squid Po, dried yellow croacker and kong Jaban have cooked frequently. The proportion of subjects who has bought the marketed dried side dishes and Jaban products was 61.5%. Major problem of that products was pointed out for a sanitary condition and high price. If marketed dried basic side dishes and Jabans were improved over the aspects, the proportion of subjects who would buy the products was 70.0%. Preparation ability of these basic side dishes was influenced by age and educational level. The working housewives had higher frequency in use than the non-job housewives. The interesting degree for basic side dishes was not significantly different from age, resident area and educational level.
This study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge and the use of Korea traditional basic side dishes, Jangachies, by housewives. Among the 58 kinds Jangachies, the most well-known Jangachies (above 80% of subjects) turned out to be Perilla leaf, Red pepper leaf, Garlic, Young stem of garlic, Green red leaf, Cucumber and dried Radish Jangachi in the order. In cooking experience of Jangachi, 40% of subjects in Perilla leaf, 28.0% in Green red pepper, 24.8% in Garlic and 24.1% in Red pepper leaf Jangachi have cooked frequently. The proportion of subjests who has bought the marketed Jangachi products were 51.6%. Major problem of that products was pointed out for a sanitary condition, high price and poor taste. If marketed Jangachies were improved over the aspects, the proportion of subjects who would buy the products was 76.2%. The frequency of Jangachi intake was very low on a average due to too salty taste and the difficulty in preparation. The older in age, the more in interest level for Jangachi (p<0.05). 39.6% of subject have had preparation ability of Jangachies. With increasing age (p<0.01), decreasing education level (p<0.01) and those who live in rural area (p<0.05), preparation ability of Jangachi tended to be higher.
This study was designed to establish Korean food culture by analizing 17 sets of Jinyounuigue(진연의궤) Jinchanuigue(진찬의궤), and Jinjarkuigue(진작의궤) which were the records of royal party procedures in Yi dynasty. Side dishes were classified into 20 groups in this study ; Tang (場) 19, Jungol (전골) 3, J'im 18, Jun (전) 20, Jock 14, Pyunuk (片肉) 14, Cho 12, Hyae 17, Po 8, Chae 3, Bung 1, Nanri 1, Sooran 1, Sookran 1, Jaban 1, Kimchi 2, etc. all of 140 different kinds of side dishes. There was no tendency in omission or addition of food materials. Food materials were beef, pork, lamb, chicken, duck, peasant meat, dock's egg, fish, shellfishes, mollusca, curstacea, seaweeds, vegetables, fruits, beancurds, muk (a starch jelly), d'ock, muchrooms, etc. Seasonings were soysauce, pepper, sesame oil, ginger, green-onion, garlic, bean paste, ginger powder, red pepper powder, red pepper paste, salts, vinegar, honey, sesame power, etc.
우리나라의 전통 밑반찬류에 대한 재료 및 가공에 대하여 보존적 burdle의 특성을 파악한 결과 첫째는 밑반찬에 사용되는 재료들에서 1차적인 hurdle이 적용되고, 2차로 양념류에서 burdle이 적용되어 저장성과 안전성을 부여하고 있다. 둘째는 조리과정에서 삶고, 데치고, 끊이고, 볶고, 튀기는 공정을 거침으로써 수분활성도 및 pH를 조절하여 보존성을 향상 시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 밑반찬들의 염 농도는 범위를 가지고 있으며,